Semolina cream with gelatin. Semolina cream for cake - step-by-step recipes for making it at home with photos

Just recently I tried a delicious semolina cream for a cake. I was visiting a friend who treated me to a cake with cream that tasted like an ice cream. Since I love to cook, I immediately took the recipe from her and bought the necessary ingredients on the way home. I spent very little time, but managed to make an amazing cream from semolina.


  • milk - 750 milliliters;
  • sugar - 10 heaped tablespoons;
  • vanilla sugar (to taste);
  • semolina – 6 tablespoons;
  • butter – 350-400 grams;
  • powdered sugar (to taste).

Cream with semolina for cake. Step by step recipe

  1. Pour the milk into a clean saucepan and add 10 heaped tablespoons of sugar. I also add half a packet of vanilla sugar for taste. You can have more or less: it depends on your preferences.
  2. We put the milk on the fire and while it comes to a boil, we pour the required amount of semolina into the glass.

Advice: pour semolina without a slide so that the porridge from it is not thick. It is advisable to make the substance liquid.

  1. While the milk is boiling, with constant stirring, add semolina. The semolina porridge should boil for literally a minute and a half, after which we remove the pan from the heat.
  2. The finished semolina should be covered tightly with cling film so that it does not become crusty and does not pick up unnecessary odors. Take all this stuff out onto the balcony or put it in the refrigerator so that the cream cools down. And then leave it with the oil at room temperature for several hours.
  3. After hardening, the substance will become thick, as semolina absorbs milk. To make our cream more homogeneous, it should be rubbed through a sieve - regardless of whether there were lumps or not.

By the way: You won’t feel any grains of semolina in the cream if you eat it with a spoon. It tastes like ice cream and, if you don’t know that it contains semolina, you won’t even guess that this particular ingredient was used.

  1. The oil should be poured into a mixer cup. Please note that the oil should be at the same temperature as our semolina cream. It is also worth adding a few tablespoons of powdered sugar to it: after all, if you add regular sugar, it will not dissolve in the butter.
  2. Beat the butter with a mixer so that the structure of the product itself is broken and it becomes light, making it easier to “accept” the custard base of the semolina cream.
  3. Place the cream in small spoons into the mixer and beat at above-medium speed.
  4. After you have whipped all the cream, you need to mix it and beat it again. The cream should become thick.
  5. Now that everything is prepared, you can safely use the cream for filling and lining any cake.

Advice: If you plan to add cream to biscuits, then you first need to soak the biscuit cakes, because the cream itself is practically not absorbed into the cakes.

To prepare a delicious cake at home, it is not enough to know the recipe and make the dough correctly. The basis of such baking is cream. This component of sweets plays a big role in how exactly the cake, roll or pastry will taste. Therefore, every housewife should have recipes for good creams in her arsenal. We will talk about one of them in this article. After studying the information presented below, you will learn how to prepare a delicacy made according to the following descriptions, which turns out to be tasty, aromatic, and nutritious. It can be used not only to fill baked goods, but also as an independent dessert.

Semolina cream for cake (classic recipe)

To prepare this dish you need the following products:

  • 300 grams of milk;
  • 3 large spoons of semolina;
  • 100 grams of butter;
  • 4 large spoons of granulated sugar.

Cooking method

Pour semolina and sugar into cold milk and mix. We put this preparation on the fire. Cook the mixture until it becomes thick. Remove the saucepan with the cream from the heat and leave to cool. When the mixture reaches room temperature, gradually add softened butter and beat. This can be done with a mixer or blender. The cream of semolina and butter is ready. It can be immediately applied to baked goods. An interesting fact: this delicacy contains the same products that are used to prepare porridge, but the cream does not taste like it at all, that is, the semolina is not felt here.

Semolina cream with lemon and nuts

This blank, made according to the following recipe, is prepared. The consistency of the cream after hardening is elastic and dense. For work, prepare the ingredients indicated in the list:

  • two and a half glasses of milk;
  • 3 large spoons of semolina;
  • 300 grams of butter;
  • 1 cup (200 g) sugar;
  • half a lemon;
  • 6 pieces of nuts (more to taste).

How to prepare semolina cream for a cake, read in the description. We cook porridge from milk and cereals. Mix it very well so that no lumps form. Leave the workpiece to cool. Beat the butter, heated to room temperature, with granulated sugar. Pass the lemon through a grater or grind it in a blender. Finely chop the nuts. Add all these products to the porridge and mix thoroughly. If desired, you can add a few drops to the cream. Apply the delicacy to the baked goods. You can cool this sweet mass in the refrigerator and then eat it as a dessert.

with semolina (recipe)

This version of the sweet mass for decorating baked goods has an excellent taste and aroma. It is an excellent filling for tubes, puff pastries, and rolls. To prepare this dish, you will need the following food set:

  • 90 g of premium wheat flour;
  • 750 g milk;
  • 390-400 g sugar;
  • 5 pieces of chicken eggs;
  • 1 packet of vanilla sugar;
  • 25 g butter.

Instructions for making custard

In a saucepan, bring the milk to a boil. Separate the yolks and grind them with sugar. Add flour here and heat it in a frying pan until it starts to smell. We also combine this mixture with the yolks. Mix the ingredients, adding milk in small portions. Simmer the cream over low heat for 10 minutes. To prevent the workpiece from burning, we beat it all the time. Remove the sweet mass from the heat and add butter. Cool the finished custard with semolina in a cool place.

This delicacy cannot be stored for a long time, since the products included in its composition quickly deteriorate under the influence of heat. Therefore, we keep the cream itself and the baked goods decorated with it in the refrigerator until use.

This custard sweet mass can also be prepared in the microwave. When all the products are mixed, place the saucepan in the unit for 5 minutes. At the same time, every 60 seconds we take out the container and mix the cream.

Semolina plus condensed milk - you'll lick your fingers!

A very tasty delicacy is obtained using the following recipe. This cream is ideal for biscuits and honey cakes. Let's learn how to cook it from the following products:

  • 400 grams of whole milk;
  • 3 large spoons (heaped) of semolina;
  • 200 grams of butter;
  • 1 jar of condensed milk;
  • 2 small spoons of fruit or chocolate liqueur;
  • walnuts to taste.

We prepare this semolina cream for the cake according to the further description. Cook thick semolina porridge in milk. Cool it a little and add butter. Then pour in the condensed milk. Mix the mixture thoroughly. Chop the nuts into small pieces and pour them into the sweet mass, and pour in the liqueur. Whip the cream and use it for If it will be used as an independent dessert, then pour the delicacy into cream cups, decorate with a mint leaf and a berry (raspberry, strawberry, blackberry). Leave the dish in the refrigerator to harden for an hour.

Semolina cream soufflé

This dessert can be a good breakfast. It contains foods that are nutritious and beneficial to the body. How to prepare a soufflé, we will learn from the recipe.

From 50 g of semolina and 205 g of milk, cook porridge and cool it slightly. Grate the lemon zest and squeeze out the juice. We add these products to the semolina. Soak 2 sheets of gelatin in water. After swelling, combine it with the porridge. Beat 2 chicken egg yolks with 40 grams of sugar. We introduce this mixture into the semolina preparation. Mix the sweet mass thoroughly. Pour 200 grams of cream into a separate bowl and whisk it with a whisk. Combine this mixture with semolina and mix until it reaches a uniform consistency. Place the soufflé on ice cream bowls. Melt a chocolate bar (100 grams) in a water bath and pour it over the top of the dessert. Transfer the containers to a cold room and let cool for 2 hours.

When making this dish, the yolks can be replaced with egg liqueur. For this recipe, 50 grams will be enough. If you want to use this cream to decorate baked goods, then coat it as soon as you prepare it, without allowing it to harden.

Now you know how to make your own semolina cream for cakes and other types of sweet pastries. We hope that these recipes will become “on duty” in your notebook, and you will often use them to create confectionery treats.

Recipes for making cream and other confectionery decorations

25 minutes

300 kcal

5/5 (4)

Everyone loves sweets - both children and adults. After all, the sugar contained in sweets is a source of carbohydrates that supply the body with energy and, of course, a good mood. But is everyone ready to trust their health to confectionery manufacturers? If you are one of those who have definitely decided to eat only healthy sweets and prepare them yourself, then our article will help you learn how to make a delicious cream for a cake from semolina and butter. This recipe is suitable for many cakes, for example, for, or any pastries.

Recipe for cream with semolina for cake

This recipe is extremely easy to prepare, so even if you are new to cooking, you can still make it. The recipe contains simple ingredients that can be found in any store, and most importantly, they are very cheap. This way, without spending a lot of money on ingredients, you will prepare a lot of delicious cream for your favorite sweets. Under no circumstances should you be afraid that grains of semolina porridge will be felt in the cream, because if you follow our instructions, this will definitely not happen!

Kitchen appliances and utensils: saucepan, whisk, mixer.


Step by step guide

  1. Pour cool milk into a saucepan. Add semolina to it, stirring with a whisk, and send to medium heat.

    The most important point is to constantly stir so that lumps do not form.

  2. Next, slowly pour sugar into the already heated milk and mix.

  3. After the milk boils, the semolina porridge begins to thicken before our eyes, so we cook for another 3-4 minutes and turn off the stove. Don't forget: the longer you cook the cream after it boils, the thicker it will be.

  4. Set the pan aside so that the semolina porridge cools completely. At this time, take the butter and put it in a deep plate. Using a mixer, beat the butter - this will take us about five minutes.

  5. When, instead of a piece of butter, you have a white, homogeneous mass, and the porridge has completely cooled, we can start mixing these ingredients. To do this, take a couple of spoons of porridge, add to the butter and beat until smooth.

  6. We repeat this procedure with the rest of the porridge until the semolina base and butter become one mass.

  7. Place on a plate in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes. Ready!

Video recipe for semolina cream for cake

Watch also a short video about making this delicious cream. The author clearly shows and explains everything. As you can see, preparing semolina cream is very easy, quick and not at all troublesome.

Recipe for semolina cream with lemon for cake

  • Cooking time: 25-30 minutes.
  • Number of servings: cream for 1 cake.
  • Kitchen appliances and utensils: immersion blender, mixer.


Step by step guide

  1. First of all, put the lemon in a deep plate, pour boiling water over it and leave for a while.

  2. Next, pour the milk into a saucepan and put it on the fire. Add semolina to it and stir until it boils. After this, cook for another 3-5 minutes, no more, and remove from the stove.

  3. The porridge should be quite thick and homogeneous. Let the porridge cool, and at this time we begin to eat the lemon.

  4. Take the lemon out of the water and dry it. Next, we must grind the lemon, and it’s up to you to choose which method. You can simply grind the whole lemon in a meat grinder, or you can first remove the zest from it, then peel it, just like an orange, and disassemble it into slices. Ideally, remove all the films from each lemon slice so that the finished cream does not taste bitter.

  5. The pulp should be crushed using an immersion blender in a deep plate. Add sugar there and mix again with a blender.

  6. By this time, the semolina base has already cooled down. Pour crushed lemon into it and mix. The result is a rather thick cream, which has a consistency similar to custard, and tastes sweet and sour, with a wonderful, subtle lemon scent.

  7. Beat the butter with a mixer and add lemon cream into it in small portions, continuing to beat.

  8. We achieve a uniform consistency - and the cream is ready!

Video recipe for semolina cream with lemon for cake

I hope that this video recipe will help you finally understand all the principles of cooking.

Semolina cream is a quick and budget-friendly filling option for any dessert. This is a simple and economical filling for cakes and eclairs, rolls, baskets, and this recipe for custard with semolina is suitable for any sponge cake.

Its consistency is soft and puree-like, so it is unlikely to be suitable for decoration, but it will be good for spreading cakes. If you are planning to bake a cake, but there are no ingredients for your favorite cream in the refrigerator, then my recipe will help you out a lot!

Kitchenware: To pan or saucepan with a deep bottom, t Yorka, m iska for mixing and whipping, blander with submersible nozzle, m xer.


How to choose ingredients

  • You can take milk and butter of any fat content, but be sure to pay attention to the expiration date of dairy products and choose the freshest ones. Avoid products that expire and contain vegetable fats, especially butter.
  • Semolina must be free of foreign impurities and lumps, because this indicates violations in the storage technology of this cereal. Also, high-quality semolina porridge cannot contain dust or an earthy smell, and semolina grains should not stick together.
  • For confectionery, it is better to choose lemons with thick and rough peels.. These fruits contain less juice, but their zest contains more valuable citrus oils.


  1. Pour semolina into a saucepan or saucepan and add milk.
  2. Place on low heat. Stirring thoroughly, cook the cereal until it swells and thickens. You should get a thick semolina porridge.

  3. Grate the zest, squeeze out the juice of 1/2 lemon and add to the semolina.

  4. Using the immersion attachment of a blender, thoroughly blend the semolina porridge into a homogeneous, smooth mass.

  5. Beat butter and sugar until smooth.

  6. Add semolina puree and beat at high speed with a mixer until the mass increases in size and its consistency becomes like custard.

  7. Semolina cream with lemon for the cake is ready!

Video recipe for semolina cream for cake

In this wonderful detailed video tutorial you will learn how to make semolina cream for a cake quickly and easily. Watch the video and you will see how easy and inexpensive it is to prepare this cake topping.

Cooking and filling options

  • Cream with semolina for a cake can be made even tastier if you add aromatic spices to it to taste: vanillin, cinnamon, nutmeg. Culinary essences are also suitable for this purpose.
  • Coconut shavings can add unusual notes to this delicious cream. Add a few tablespoons of coconut flakes to the semolina mixture and use it for original desserts with a delicate taste.
  • Adding a few spoons of cocoa or melted chocolate will turn simple semolina cream into an incomparable dessert!
  • It's easier to zest a chilled lemon. Do this using the finest grater, because this way the zest will release the flavor better.
  • Be sure to grind the semolina for cream using an immersion attachment, also called a puree attachment. The knives of this attachment ideally crush small grains of semolina, turning it into a homogeneous mass.
  • To make the semolina porridge for the cream without lumps, pour it with cold milk and only then put it on the fire. A popular method of preparing this porridge, which involves pouring the cereal into boiling milk, leads to the formation of lumps.

If you are a fan of such delicate and light creams with a pleasant texture like semolina, you will probably like the recipe. This is a kind of classic in the world of cooking that every housewife should know. Just as good as semolina, it is suitable for spreading cakes. Agree, desserts with it are simply divine! Well, and of course, one cannot help but remember the amazingly tasty, although not so cheap, one. If you've never made it before, be sure to try it!

I hope you liked my recipe for a simple and budget-friendly semolina cream. Leave comments and share your own ways of preparing this amazing confectionery masterpiece. Bon appetit and delicious desserts everyone!

From semolina you can prepare not only milk porridges, but also a variety of puddings, casseroles and meatballs. Cooks also use semolina to make pastry cream, which is great for layering and decorating cakes and basket-shaped pastries. Cream made from semolina porridge with the addition of condensed milk has an irresistible taste, delicate consistency and retains its shape remarkably after cooling, which is important when decorating confectionery products. This delicacy can be made in literally 20 minutes, let’s see.


  • Milk - 2 glasses
  • Semolina - 150 gr
  • A jar of regular condensed milk
  • Pack of butter
  • Lemon (for zest)


Let's start the process of preparing cream for the cake from semolina and condensed milk by cooking the porridge. To do this, pour the milk into a saucepan (it’s better to take an aluminum or stainless steel one) and put it on gas. Immediately after this, you need to add semolina and reduce the heat.

Cook, stirring constantly with a whisk to prevent the appearance of lumps. You should get a thick and homogeneous mass. Let cool.

After the mixture has cooled, put condensed milk there and thoroughly beat our semolina and condensed milk cream with a blender or mixer.

Cut the zest from half a lemon and grate it. Place the zest in a saucepan along with the butter, which must first be softened. Mix again using a blender.

That's all! The cream for cakes with semolina and condensed milk is ready. It turned out fluffy and holds its shape well. The taste is moderately sweet, with light notes of citrus. Bon appetit!

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