Grilled tongue at home. Beef tongue with grilled vegetables

You can cook meat, vegetables, and fish on the grill. Today we are preparing languages...

It has been repeatedly noted that the “barbecue tradition” in the jeep community has become quite boring and is based solely on habit, culinary conservatism and basic laziness to try something new and unfamiliar.

Even pre-marinated meat sometimes turns out to be tough and tasteless, and often remains uncooked due to the presence of a huge variety of other snacks at forest gatherings. Meanwhile, cooking over coals is a very promising, I would even say, inexhaustible topic, and unusual versions of meat on skewers turn out to be simpler than the already boring kebabs. Grilled tongues, for example, are just that type of off-road dish that can be easily and quickly prepared in any climatic conditions, and the resulting product is the most delicate product, leaving no chance of being called tough or undercooked even by the most vicious gourmets.


The main difference between “tongue” kebabs and regular ones is the need to pre-cook them and then remove the skin. The procedure is additional, but thanks to it the dish becomes perfectly soft without marinating and almost ready. It only requires a quick “fine-tuning” on coals to form a crust. The coals, in fact, are lit for the sake of it and the wilting of accompanying vegetables.

It is best, of course, to cook tongues in winter. The fact is that after cooking they must be quickly cooled in water (that is, a clean reservoir is required) or in the snow. In addition, when it’s cold, more calories are needed inside, and a fire and barbecue become especially desirable. In summer, you can focus on vegetables and fruits that are easy to cook on small burners or consumed raw.

Which tongues are better - large beef tongues or small pork tongues? In the process of creating this material, we tried both of them, but neither I nor the respectable public found any fundamental difference in taste or preparation. The only differences are in the additional options for “organizing” the skewers and serving: beef tongues are large and therefore can be cut thinner or strung in some other way for better crust formation.

Tools: gloves, pressure cooker, cutting boards, skewers,
barbecue and coal for it (if there is not enough fire pit), gravy boat

In fact, the drink is the same as for the usual kebab. Vodka, of course! But if you consider that tongues on coals is a delicate, even sophisticated dish, then you can try Starka or cheap whiskey. Dear - foppishness, it is better left for a long night of philosophical conversation by the fire.

Strange as it may sound, it is better to carry coals for barbecue even in the dense forest with you, and birch ones at that. Pine and spruce, characteristic of our latitudes, produce very “fast” and easily burning coals, and are also oversaturated with resin, which can ruin everything. If you don’t have ready-made coal, any dry hardwood firewood will do.

First of all, the tongues must be boiled. In a regular saucepan it will take about 1.5 hours, but in my constantly recommended pressure cooker it will take only half an hour. You need to throw the onion and allspice into the water. Upon completion of cooking, place the tongues directly on the snow. By the way, the rich broth can be brewed with vermicelli or potatoes with bay leaves and parsley - you get an excellent soup.

As soon as the tongues have cooled, remove the skin from them. It is convenient to do this with rough gloves for peeling young potatoes, but it can also be done with ordinary workers, just without spraying. With some skill, the skin can be easily removed with bare hands.

We cut into portions suitable for the given grill and the size of the skewers. It is important to maintain a balance here - too thin or small ones can dry out on the fire, and large ones are not very convenient to eat.

It tastes better with sauce.
But it’s better to prepare it at home in advance.

We string a piece of tongue, a thin circle of eggplant, a slice of lemon and a tomato onto skewers one by one. Small cherry tomatoes are more picturesque and tastier, as they retain their juice during frying, but large tomatoes can also be cut. Lightly water the equipped skewer with balsamic vinegar and let it marinate a little (after all!) - 10 minutes is enough. This will add sparkling flavor notes.

Before grilling, generously pour olive oil onto the skewer (not Extra Virgin) - it will more evenly distribute the heat from the coals, speed up the formation of a crust and prevent the juicy, but not fatty meat from drying out too much.

It is better to serve these kebabs with pickles and tomatoes. It turns out very well - at the same time both an appetizer with a strong drink and a side dish for meat!

The weight of one unit of product is 800-2500 grams (the larger it is, the longer it takes to cook). It is sold without connective tissue, fat, or lymph nodes. Grilled beef tongue is prepared in two ways - with or without preliminary boiling. In both cases, just before placing over the coals or on a grooved frying pan, the meat is marinated in dozens of different ways.

As always, cooking begins with the right choice of product:

  • by color - light pink, uniform color indicates freshness (non-uniform, greenish or blue - deterioration);
  • in terms of density - very elastic, there are no pits left from the finger (if the meat is flabby, it means it has been defrosted several times);
  • The smell is pleasantly sweetish.

Next, the selected product must be properly processed. Cooking beef tongue has one peculiarity - the recipe must contain a step aimed at eliminating the toughness of the meat. Most recipes include pre-cooking in water with spices, which takes from 1 to 3 hours depending on the size of the piece. After cooking, it is immersed in cold water for 2 minutes and is easy to clean. If you do not plan to cook the meat, you will need a good marinade to prepare it for frying.

Beef tongue recipe

Gyutan grill, which we want to introduce you to, appeared in Japan on the Maushima Islands. It goes well with pickles and soy sauce (the latter is also included in the marinade). This recipe for grilled tongue does not involve pre-boiling - we take the raw product, peel it and remove the skin. If you have a very sharp, thin and narrow knife, the process will not take much time. The skin will be removed from 4 sides of the piece one by one, like a fillet from a fish.

The cooking recipe is designed for a small piece weighing 400 grams. We will need:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce;
  • 2 tbsp. sake spoons;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of sesame oil;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of Yuzu kosho sauce.

The latter is prepared from 1 Japanese chili, 2 green yuzu lemons (the zest of a regular lemon or lime will also work), a teaspoon of coarse salt, mashed and pureed.

Mix all the marinade ingredients, cut the meat into thin pieces about 1.5 cm, put it in the marinade and wait for half an hour or more. The pieces are fried on coals or in a frying pan for 2-4 minutes on each side. The result is tender and juicy.

To make sure your grill recipes are successful the first time, follow a few simple guidelines:

  • to better clean the surface, soak your tongue in warm water for half an hour, and then clean it with an iron brush and knife to remove dirt and mucus;
  • If you soak the product in milk before cooking, it will be more tender;
  • do not overcook the meat before frying, otherwise it will be soft and fragile (undercooked meat, in turn, will be hard and dry);
  • check doneness with a fork;
  • when cooking, add water 5-6 centimeters above the meat and monitor its level;
  • after cooking, place the meat in cold water for 2 minutes - the skin will be removed with a stocking in a few seconds;
  • After removing the skin, it is recommended to keep it in the broth until it cools, this step will make the product more juicy;
  • salt makes the meat tough, so we recommend adding salt at the very end.

The finished dish should be eaten immediately, before it cools down and dries out, then you will get the most expressive and dense taste. Grilled tongue is used as an appetizer, a component of salads, in jellied dishes, and in juliennes. It goes well with pickled mushrooms, asparagus, artichokes, and green peas. Apple, berry and nut sauces perfectly complement boiled and fried tongue - take care of them in advance.

Beef tongue with grilled vegetables has many recipes and cooking methods. It can be prepared mild, spicy or very spicy! Language is not the easiest product and requires preliminary preparation. Today we will tell you how to properly cook it on the grill or grill.

Get ready beef tongue with vegetables in advance. You will need to rinse it thoroughly and boil it. As you understand, doing this in field conditions will not be easy. To boil the offal, put a pan of water on the fire and add peppercorns, bay leaf, unpeeled onion and garlic. The tongue needs to be simmered over low heat for a couple of hours.

Then the offal is dipped into cold water and the rough skin is carefully removed. The cleaned tongue is placed back into the broth and left for another 20 minutes. You can skip this point if you are limited in time. But it is believed that a few minutes of rest in a hot, aromatic broth will make the tongue more juicy.

Do I need to add salt to the broth? No. Salt will make the tongue hard, so we will salt it at the very end.

The boiled peeled offal should be cut into slices and fried for 2 minutes over well-heated coals. At the very end, the dish is salted and peppered. By the way, beef tongue with vegetables should be served hot. Therefore, prepare grilled vegetables in advance. Tomatoes and zucchini go well with beef by-products. Vegetables should be cut into large pieces, salted and sprinkled with olive oil. For more flavor, you can squeeze a few cloves of garlic into the oil and let the oil sit for at least 10 minutes. Believe me, grilled vegetables will become more flavorful!

Vegetables need to be fried for 3-4 minutes on each side and sprinkled with lemon juice.

We have shared with you the simplest recipe that uses a minimum of ingredients. The finished grilled delicacy will be juicy and tender.

If you want to make it more aromatic and spicy, then the boiled tongue needs to be marinated. One hour will be enough to marinate the almost finished product. How to prepare the marinade? Try marinating sliced ​​tongue in the same broth in which it was boiled. Add salt, black pepper, crushed garlic, hot red pepper and a little liquid smoke (or smoked paprika). Pickled pieces of tongue should be fried on a preheated grill and served immediately.

Interesting fact:

In Japanese cuisine, a popular dish called gyutan is fried. It is boiled and cleaned, and then the marinade is prepared. To do this, mix the zest and pulp of a special variety of yuzu lemon, add soy sauce, sesame oil, sake, coarse salt and hot pepper. Slices of tongue are grilled and served with pickles and soy sauce.

Well, now 10 delicious grill recipes for cooking meat, chicken and fish!

Pork in cranberry marinade

Ingredients: pork, frozen or fresh cranberries: 1.5 kg, salt, pepper.

Cooking method:

Cut the meat into pieces, defrost the berries and grind them in a blender, add salt and pepper. Pour the resulting mixture over the meat, mix thoroughly and leave to marinate for 2 hours. Cook the meat on a grill or skewers.

Beef in foil with spruce branches

Ingredients: piece of beef (flesh), thyme, rosemary, fresh cilantro, onions, bell pepper, spruce branches.

Cooking method:

Rub the meat with rosemary and thyme. Place several small spruce branches on foil folded in several layers, place meat, chopped cilantro, onion and bell pepper on them. Wrap the foil tightly and place the meat directly on the coals. Cook for about 20 minutes. Serve after removing the branches.

Grilled beef tongue

Ingredients: beef tongue, a mixture of peppers (peas), salt, onions, vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

Wash your tongue well and put it in cold water. Be sure to boil it whole. Cook for about 2.5 hours, adding the onion and salt 30 minutes before readiness. Cool the finished tongue and remove the skin. Cut into slices. Grease these slices with vegetable oil and grill for 2 minutes on each side. Crush a handful of peppercorns with the flat side of a wide knife and sprinkle them on the finished tongue.

Pork ribs in a spicy-sweet glaze

Ingredients: pork ribs: about 3 kg, coarse salt, brown sugar: 3 tablespoons, garlic (minced): 2 heads, fresh thyme: 2 teaspoons, chili powder (powder): 3 tablespoons, freshly ground black pepper, cayenne pepper: 1 /4 teaspoons, apple cider: 3 cups, ketchup: 3 teaspoons, Dijon mustard: 2 tablespoons, Worcestershire sauce: 2 teaspoons.

Cooking method:

Do not separate the ribs, but only cut the membranes between them with a sharp knife.

Combine 1 tablespoon salt, brown sugar, garlic, thyme, chili powder, 1/4 teaspoon black pepper, and 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Rub the ribs with this mixture, place them on the grill, cover with something and put them in the refrigerator for 4 hours, or preferably overnight.

Combine the cider, ketchup, mustard and Worcestershire sauce in a saucepan and place over medium heat until it simmers gently for about 30 minutes.

Grill the ribs until they are tender, then cook for another 40 minutes, pouring the sauce over them and turning them over. Divide the ribs and serve.

Beef liver shashlik with apples

Ingredients: fresh beef liver: 1 kg, large sweet and sour apples: 2 pcs, onions: 2 heads, soy sauce: 4 tablespoons, apple cider vinegar: 1 tablespoon, water: 1/2 cup, chopped parsley: 1 tablespoon .

Cooking method:

Clean the liver from ducts and films and cut into pieces. Cut the onion into rings, cut one apple into fairly large pieces, and grate the second. Mix applesauce with soy sauce, vinegar, water, water and parsley. Place the liver, onions and apples in a dish, pour over the marinade, stir, and put in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Fry on skewers, onions and large pieces of apples can also be strung on skewers. The liver cooks very quickly, no more than 15 minutes. Otherwise, it will be overdried.

Chicken breasts in Greek marinade

Ingredients: breast fillet: 4 pieces, olive oil: 1/2 cup, juice of one lemon, paprika: 1/2 teaspoon, chopped garlic: 2 cloves, freshly ground black pepper, salt: 1 teaspoon.

Cooking method:

Prepare the marinade by whisking olive oil with garlic, pepper, paprika, salt and lemon juice. Pour the marinade over the breasts, move them carefully with your hands and leave in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours. Small cuts can be made on the breasts. This way the marinade will better saturate the meat.

Fry the chicken on the grill, but not too long so that it remains juicy.

Grilled chicken with cardamom, ginger and cloves

Ingredients: cloves: 1 tablespoon, cardamom: 10 pods, cinnamon: 5 sticks, rapeseed oil: 2 tablespoons, fresh ginger (chopped): root, 10 cm long, garlic: 1 head, mustard seeds: 1 teaspoon, coarse salt, freshly ground black pepper, zest and juice of one lime, chicken, weighing approximately 1.5 kg.

Cooking method:

Mix cloves, cardamom and cinnamon in a bowl, cover with cold water and leave for 1-4 hours. Heat oil over medium heat, add ginger and garlic, cook for about two minutes until soft. Add mustard seeds and cook for another 30 seconds. Add 1/2 cup water, lime zest and juice, salt and pepper, bring mixture to a boil and cook for 1 minute. Blend in a blender to a smooth paste, adding water if necessary. Cool.

Divide the chicken in the breast area so that you can “spread” it on the grill grate. Rub it on all sides with the paste and marinate in the refrigerator for 1-4 hours. Remove 30 minutes before the chicken goes on the grill.

Prepare the coals. Chicken needs to be smoked, so it needs to be cooked in a tightly closed grill using charcoal made from different types of wood. Add soaked spices to hot coals. Close the grill for 5 minutes to fill it with aromatic smoke. Smoke the chicken for about 1 hour.

King prawns in Greek marinade

Ingredients: fresh frozen peeled shrimp: 1 kg, olive oil: 100 g, juice of one lemon, chopped garlic: 3-4 cloves, freshly ground black pepper, chopped parsley: 1 tablespoon, salt.

Cooking method:

Thaw the shrimp by placing them in a colander and leaving them on one of the coldest shelves of the refrigerator. Defrosting time is 6-8 hours. Rinse the thawed shrimp with cold water and dry on a paper towel.

Whisk olive oil with lemon juice, garlic, pepper, salt and parsley. Pour the marinade over the shrimp, move carefully, and refrigerate for an hour.

Grill on a grill or skewers until the shrimp turn pink.

Sea bass with rosemary

Ingredients: fish - sea bass, rosemary, garlic, coarse sea salt, olive oil.

Cooking method:

Clean and gut the fish, finely chop the rosemary, crush the garlic with the flat side of a knife. Salt the fish inside and on top, put a mixture of rosemary and garlic in the belly. Grease the grill grate and the fish itself with oil. Fry for about 10-12 minutes on each side, brushing occasionally with oil.

Squid with oregano

Ingredients: fresh or frozen squid, vegetable oil, lemon juice, salt, ground white pepper, ground dried oregano.

Cooking method:

Wash the squid, peel and cut lengthwise. Pre-defrost freshly frozen food by placing it in a colander and placing it on the warmest shelf of the refrigerator.

Thread the squid onto wooden skewers and pour over the marinade of lemon juice and spices. Marinate in a cool place for about 2 hours.

Grill over coals for 2-3 minutes on each side, sprinkling with the remaining marinade. The main thing is not to overcook the squid, otherwise it will be as hard as rubber.

We hope you enjoyed the recipes and will find them useful the next time you go outdoors! Bon appetit!


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