Homemade lightly salted salmon. Homemade lightly salted salmon

Salmon fish (such as pink salmon, salmon, sockeye salmon, coho salmon, chinook salmon, whitefish, omul, char, trout, taimen, lenok and some other species) are a valuable product of production and breeding. One of the most popular ways of preparing salmon is salting (or salting). Salted and lightly salted salmon is an excellent gourmet snack to go with vodka.

We’ll tell you in more detail how to salt salmon at home; the recipes, in general, are quite simple.

There are two main methods of salting: “dry” and in brine (a solution of salt in water). It is more convenient to dry salt whole salmon (gutted) weighing from 300 g to 1.5 kg.

Salted salmon recipe


You can get creative with salting mixtures.

Mixture for salmon salting


  • coarse salt - 3 cups;
  • granulated sugar – 1 cup.
Mix for spicy salted salmon


  • coarse salt - 3 cups;
  • granulated sugar – 1 cup.
  • dry spices (coriander, cumin, anise, cloves, fennel and dill seeds, hot red pepper) - to taste.

Large individual pieces of fish (with or without bones) can be salted either dry or in brine. If you salt it dry, you can sprinkle the piece with the salt mixture and put it under a press.

The principle of preparing brine is ingeniously simple: pour water (cold) into a container and place a raw potato or egg in it. Stir in salt (or salt-based mixture) until the egg or potato floats. Fill the pieces of fish with brine in a tight container so that the brine covers them completely. We salt it for at least 1 day, if the fish is whole, with heads and ridges, then it is better for at least 2 days.

Swedish Salted Salmon (aka Gravlax)



Mix all ingredients and salt as described above. Dill will add a special taste. However, if you practice a little, study the question and use your imagination, you will definitely come up with or choose your own option.

In the same simple way you can, it will turn out original and tasty.

Red fish is a valuable product and delicacy, without which it is difficult to imagine a holiday table. The simplest cooking method is salting, for which salmon is best suited. We will tell you how to salt salmon fish at home in delicious ways in different ways, so that you can choose the option that suits you.

Today you can buy anything in the store, including salted salmon. But the prices for this delicacy are quite high, and it also contains substances that are of little use to the body: preservatives, flavorings, etc. Therefore, it is best to prepare salted fish at home. Firstly, this is a great way to save money, and secondly, it’s a great opportunity to cook a really healthy dish.

Salting whole salmon at home

For whole fish, which can be of any weight, it is best to use the dry salting method.


  • salmon;
  • salt;
  • a sheet of parchment paper or cling film.


  1. Rub the prepared fish carcass thoroughly with salt inside and out. Rub generously, don’t be afraid to over-salt. Red salmon meat is unique in that it will absorb as much salt as it needs.
  2. Sprinkle a sheet of paper with plenty of salt and wrap the fish in it.
  3. Keep the salmon in the refrigerator for exactly one day.
  4. The finished fish is usually washed to remove any remaining salt in cold water and immediately dried with a paper towel.

Juicy salmon fillet in marinade

It is more convenient and easier to salt salmon fillet in a marinade, or, in other words, using the “wet” salting method.


  • 1 kg salmon;
  • 4 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 7 black peppercorns;
  • 3 pcs. bay leaf;
  • 2 tsp. Sahara;
  • 1 liter of water.


  1. Prepare the marinade: add all ingredients (except fish) to water and bring to a boil.
  2. Boil for 3 minutes, then cool the marinade and add salmon pieces to it. Be sure to remove the bay leaf from the liquid: when it comes into contact with the meat, it turns it an unsightly dark color.
  3. Refrigerate the marinade with fish and leave for 1 day.

How to salt fish in a tasty and unusual way?

The meat of this red fish goes well with herbs and certain spices. Thanks to them, it acquires an aroma and taste that surprises many.


  • 500 g salmon;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 6 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tbsp. l. black peppercorns;
  • 1 tbsp. l. coriander;
  • 1 lime (can be replaced with half a lemon);
  • 4 tbsp. l. coarse salt;
  • 3 pcs. shallots (can be replaced with white, red or purple salad onions);
  • odorless vegetable oil.


  1. Rub the fish cut into small pieces well with a mixture of salt and sugar, place in a tray and refrigerate for 12 to 24 hours. It depends on how salty the delicacy you want.
  2. After the required time has passed, remove the fish pieces from the refrigerator and rinse under running water, dry and place in a glass jar.
  3. Finely chop the onion, garlic and lime, mix with pepper and coriander and add to the fish.
  4. Pour oil over all ingredients until it completely covers the fish.
  5. Close the jar with a lid and store in the refrigerator. The salmon will be ready within a day.
  6. In the future, you can store the fish in foil or in a plastic container, and use the oil to dress vegetable salads. It turns out very fragrant.

Salmon with herbs: recipe with photos

Ready-made salmon steaks are very good if you marinate them in a weak salt solution and add herbs.

    Very tasty salmon is obtained using the following recipe. For 1 kg of fish we take 3 tbsp. salt, 1.5 tbsp. sugar (less possible), pepper on the tip of a knife, 2-3 bay leaves, mix everything, crumble the bay leaves into powder and mix too.

    Pour a little mixture into the bottom of the mold, place the prepared fillet, thinly sliced ​​lemon on top, then the second layer, etc. The fish will be ready in about a couple of days.

    I tried different pickling options and to be honest, I don’t add any spices after that, you can hardly feel them. And I take salt and sugar 2:1. For a kilo of headless salmon, meaning fillet, you need about 2 tablespoons of salt. I salt it in a saucepan, leave it at room temperature, but in a cool place, in the winter on the windowsill, put it in the refrigerator in the morning, eat it after 24 hours, freeze the excess.

    There are traditional methods of salting (at least 24 hours) and express methods - when you need to quickly salt it, usually in small pieces.

    Salmon is a tender and tasty fish in itself; it doesn’t require a lot of spices.

    If you have scales, it is very advisable to weigh a piece of fish. The optimal proportion is 20 grams of salt per 500 grams of fish.

    Usually, first make a mixture of salt, plus sugar - for 1 tablespoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of sugar, black (sometimes white) pepper, dill.

    It is better to remove small bones from the fillet using tweezers.

    Useful video tips:

    I'll write my recipe. For 300 grams of salmon, I take 2 teaspoons of salt and one teaspoon of sugar and grate the salmon. Then I take half a lemon and sprinkle the juice over the salmon. I wrap the salmon in cheesecloth and put it in the freezer for a day. Then I put the salmon in the refrigerator and you can eat it for two weeks.

    Salmon is a fish from the delicacy family. Very tasty, fatty and with a very beautiful rich coral shade. There are many recipes for preparing this noble fish. You can bake it, you can grill it, you can even pickle it.

    Personally, I try everything. I fried and baked it, but the most delicious fish, in my opinion, is the one that can be placed on top of fresh white bread, pre-greased with butter.

    I offer a very simple, quick to prepare and most importantly delicious recipe for salting salmon.

    To prepare you will need:

    Salmon fillets

    Ground pepper


    Lemon juice

    Bay leaf

    Glass container with lid or enamel container

    Wash the salmon fillet and place on a paper towel. Take boiled cooled water and add salt and sugar in a ratio of 2:1. The larger the fish fillet, the more brine you make, but only so that the fish does not swim there, but is slightly soaked.

    Take the fillet, sprinkle lemon juice on both sides, sprinkle with pepper, put in a couple of bay leaves and a few peppercorns. Then fill with brine, cover with a lid and put in the refrigerator for a day. After a day, turn the fillet over and do the above procedures and again put it in the refrigerator for a day. Purchase... The fish is ready!

  • I salt Salmon according to the following recipe

    Defrost the salmon (if you bought it frozen, of course).

    • cut, cut off the head and tail, gut.
    • cut along the ridge into two halves, remove the ridge, the remaining bones (leave the bark)
    • mixes salt, sugar, black pepper (ground), white pepper (ground), rosemary, dill, coriander in the following proportion for 1 kg of fish -
    • For 1 kg of salmon fillet - 50-60 g of salt, 20-30 g of sugar, black pepper (ground), white pepper (ground), rosemary, dill, coriander, add to taste.
    • We rub our fish with this mixture.

    Wrap the fish either in foil or cling film (very tightly) and put it in the refrigerator for a day or two. After which you can eat.

  • I salt salmon (preferably salmon) 24 hours in advance... as the Norwegians once taught... Cut the fish into 2 fillets with skin... rub with salt and sugar... sprinkle with finely chopped dill and cover with peeled... sliced ​​oranges... put 2 fillets together and wrap it in cling film.. Leave it at room temperature. After 12 hours, turn it over and for another 12 hours.. Cut it crosswise into thin, almost transparent slices. Serve the sauce with the fish. For 1 kg of fillet - 100 g of sea salt.. 50 g of sugar.. 2-3 oranges.. a bunch of dill.. Sauce - a teaspoon of French mustard (with grains).. honey.. balsamic vinegar (I made it with rice) +2 tbsp olive oil..Very tasty..

    Salting salmon is very easy and can be done at home. Within a day or even earlier, fish lovers can enjoy a delicate snack. For salting, take fresh fish or frozen.

    Here is a recipe for lightly salted fish in oil. It is necessary to remove the skin from the salmon or trout, cut out the backbone, clean out the small bones, then cut the pieces crosswise into 0.5 cm slices. To salt a kilogram of salmon, you need to take three teaspoons of salt, a teaspoon of sugar, sprinkle the smog cut into layers in a saucepan, mix. Then pour in half a glass of sunflower oil and mix gently. Transfer the fish to a jar and place in the refrigerator. After just 12 hours it will be ready for use.

    Salting fish at home will not only be cheaper, but the fish will also be healthier: after all, if you cook the fish yourself, you can be sure that it does not contain dyes or preservatives, which is especially important for red fish. Salting fish at home is simple, and a tasty result is guaranteed if the timing and technology are followed at least approximately.

    As for red fish, salting it at home allows you to save quite a lot of money. Salmon and trout, as well as sockeye salmon, when salted, turn out to be especially tender, beautiful and tasty, and due to their high fat content, they absorb little salt and are rarely, almost never, over-salted. Salting fish at home is quite simple: prepared pieces of fish need to be rubbed with a mixture of sugar and coarse salt, sprinkled with spices as desired, and the very next day you can start tasting your own salted fish, but if patience and time allow, it is better to wait out the recommended rules for two days. The thicker the pieces of fish you salt, the longer they need to be salted. Fish with a mixture of salt and sugar can be kept for about a week, and then you need to put it in the refrigerator. The pickling mixture should be prepared as follows: take approximately equal amounts of salt and sugar, add spices to taste, but you can do without them. Pour a little pickling mixture into the bowl where you will salt the fish, also add a few peas of black and allspice, and add a bay leaf. Then fillet pieces are placed in a bowl, sprinkled with the mixture and covered with the next layer of fish. There is no need to use pressure, the fish will be salted just like that. Brine allows you to salt fish at home a little faster, and the taste of the finished fish is more intense. To prepare the brine, add three tablespoons of salt to one liter of water, optional sugar, a few peas of allspice and black pepper, a couple of bay leaves, and if desired, add a little mustard to add flavor and aroma to the finished fish. Mustard can be added ready-made or in powder. At the same time, the time for salting fish will be reduced by one and a half times. The brine can be used either way, or it can be boiled, depending on how quickly you want the finished fish. If you decide to boil the brine, it is better to add mustard after it has cooled to 40-50 degrees. Pieces of fish are placed in the brine when it reaches room temperature. In this state, if the pieces of fish are large or there are bones, it is left for two to three days and after that it is completely ready for consumption. If you needed to salt fish in the form of fillets at home, then in this brine it will be ready, depending on the size of the pieces, in 5-8 hours.

How to pickle salmon at home, recipe with photo

The first step is to thaw frozen fish. This is done very slowly, in the refrigerator or at room temperature. It will take 5-7 hours. No microwaves or water allowed.

For salting, the central part of the fish is cut out. The head, tail and part of the fish's giblets (liver, milt) can be used to prepare fish soup.

Cut the fish in half along the spine. We remove the buds from under the spinal bone (black and red stripe). We try not to cut through the skin.

The cut side of the fish is sprinkled with salt at the rate of 2 teaspoons per piece of fish weighing 500 grams. You can add a pinch of sugar and ground black pepper to taste. Any advice about adding large amounts of sugar should be swept aside. We salt according to GOST. Sugar is the source of fermentation.

We fold the piece of salmon, returning it to its original form. You can add a little salt to the skin of the fish and rub it evenly.

Cover the piece of fish with a flat plate and apply slight pressure. Under it, the fish is salted for exactly 1 day at room temperature. Then all the brine is drained and discarded. A piece of fish can be dried with napkins, cut into halves and placed in a clean sealed bag. The fish is stored in the freezer. Allow a large piece of fish to thaw a little before serving. After this, it is easily cut with a large knife into plastics or pieces.

Home-cured salmon is ready. After cutting, remove the skin from the pieces and place them on plates. It’s good to add some mussels to the dish and pour olive oil over the fish. Lemon slices and sprigs of fresh herbs will add sophistication to this cold appetizer.

It is possible to serve salmon on the table as part of sandwiches with the addition of butter. With hot, strong tea, this food will be an excellent energy breakfast.

How to salt salmon at home

It turns out that salting salmon is very simple and can be done at home. In just a day, fish lovers can enjoy its delicate taste. So, how do you pickle salmon?

Salmon is considered one of the most delicious types of fish. In lightly salted form, this is an expensive product and not everyone can afford it. To save money, it is better to buy fresh or frozen fish and salt it yourself. After a single freeze, the taste of salmon does not become worse.

When buying salmon in a store, pay attention to its freshness. Fresh fish does not have a specific fishy smell; it has a pleasant cucumber-like aroma. The flesh of a fresh product is dense and quickly regains its shape when pressed with a finger, the bones fit tightly to the pulp, the skin is smooth and elastic, and the eyes are transparent.

Frozen salmon is defrosted on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Never use water for this, especially hot water. After you wash the fish, take a sharp knife and cut it into two halves from the inside, carefully separating the backbone and ribs from the flesh. For ease of cutting, do not defrost the fish completely.

If you bought a salmon carcass, you don’t have to salt it all. Some of the fish can be grilled, cooked in the oven, or made into soup. For the broth, it is better to take the head, tail, abdomen, fins and ridge of the fish. For salting, take the fillet, dried from excess moisture with a towel or napkin.

Let's look at the easiest way to salt salmon at home:

0.5-1 kg salmon fillet
3 tbsp. salt
2 tbsp. Sahara
dill, pepper to taste


Rub the fillet with a mixture of salt and sugar, add pepper to taste. Then grate with finely chopped dill, wrap the fish pieces in foil and refrigerate for at least 24 hours.

And a few more ways:

1. Dry salting

On a cutting board, carefully place the fish fillets, skin side down. Prepare a mixture of 2 tablespoons of coarse salt, one spoon of sugar and a teaspoon of ground black pepper. Rub the salmon on both sides with this mixture, then fold the fish in half and wrap it tightly in clean gauze or cotton cloth and put it in the refrigerator for two days. Salted salmon can be stored for a week. When serving, cut it into thin slices, sprinkle with lemon juice, and add herbs.

2. Salmon in oil

Remove the skin from the fish, cut out the backbone and remove small bones, cut the fillet crosswise into 0.5 cm slices. To salt 1 kg of salmon, take 3 teaspoons of salt and salt the salmon cut into slices in a bowl, mix. Then add half a glass of sunflower oil and mix. Place the fish in a jar and refrigerate. After 10 hours, delicious lightly salted salmon in oil will be ready to eat. You can add a little vinegar, sugar and pepper.

3. Lightly salted salmon with lemon

For salting, you need to take a whole fish fillet from two halves, equal amounts of salt and sugar, a little ground allspice or other spices. To salt 1 kg of fish you need to mix 3-4 tablespoons of sugar and the same amount of salt. A mixture of salt, sugar and spices is poured onto the bottom of the dish, half of the fish is placed skin side down, sprinkled with the mixture and sprinkled with lemon juice, a bay leaf and any herbs are placed (optional). The pulp of the second half is also sprinkled with the pickling mixture, sprinkled with lemon juice and placed on the first half, skin side up, and sprinkled with the mixture again. After this, the container with fish is sent to the refrigerator. To salt salmon, 1-2 days are enough, depending on its size. Fans of lightly salted products can eat fish already on the second day. The salted salmon is removed from the brine, which is released during the salting process, the remaining salting and marinade mixture is removed, and the fish is blotted with a napkin without rinsing.

4. Quick salting

To quickly salt salmon, after which it can be eaten immediately, you will need fine salt and ground black pepper. The fish (fillet) is cut into thin strips, placed in a bag or bowl, sprinkled with salt and pepper, mixed and kept at room temperature for 40-60 minutes. After this, the fish is ready, you can make sandwiches from it or add it to salads.

5. Salmon in brine

For 0.5 kg of salmon fillet you will need 250-400 grams of cucumber or tomato brine, salt and fish seasoning. The fillet is cut into slices 5 mm thick, a layer is placed on the bottom of the dish, sprinkled with salt and fish seasoning, the next layer is placed, again sprinkled with salt and seasoning, etc. Then fill it with brine and put it in the refrigerator for a day.

Due to the content of antioxidant vitamins A and E, fatty acids, macro and microelements, this type of fish has a beneficial effect on the course of pregnancy, is a good prevention of rickets in children, heart and vascular diseases in adults, and helps preserve youth.

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