Choux pastry for cake. Choux pastry cake, the best recipes Choux cakes

  • Boil water with salt and butter. Add flour, stir until smooth. Allow to cool to 25 - 30 degrees. Shake the raw eggs with a fork, pour them into the dough in portions, and knead continuously.
  • Line a baking tray with baking paper and pipe thin long strips of choux pastry onto it using a pastry bag. Bake at 220 degrees for 10 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and bake for about another half hour. Cool and cut into equal “log” strips.
  • For the cream, boil the milk. Beat the yolks with sugar and cornstarch. Continue whisking and carefully pour in the hot milk. Bring to a boil, add butter and vanillin from the bag, stir until smooth. Cool the cream.
  • Lay out the first cake layer from the logs, brush with cream, cover with a second layer, placing them crosswise, repeat several times, decorate the choux pastry cake with milk cream to your taste. Let it soak and stand for several hours.

When you mention choux pastry, the first thing that comes to mind is profiteroles and eclairs. However, you can use it to make more than just cakes. Choux pastry cake is a great alternative to the usual products. It can be made from traditional cake layers layered with cream, or consist of small cakes.

Choux pastry cake: recipe with photo

Let's start with a more traditional delicacy in configuration. A cake consisting of short layers, as you might guess, differs from cakes only at the time of baking. The dough is laid out on a baking sheet as a continuous “sheet”, and not in separate portions. To prepare, you will need a simple set of products: eggs (4 pcs.), vegetable and butter (50 g each), water (200 ml), flour (130 g) and a pinch of salt.

Water and both types of oil are placed in a saucepan. This is where the salt goes. Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce the heat to the lowest setting. Add flour to the liquid and mix thoroughly. It is ideal to use a wooden spatula for this.

It is better to stir constantly. It doesn't take much time to prepare. The dough will first become homogeneous and then begin to easily separate from the walls of the pan. Now it's ready. The mixture is cooled for about 5-10 minutes, and then the eggs begin to be introduced. You should add one at a time and mix thoroughly each time. The dough will become lumpy at first, but then become smooth and homogeneous. When ready, it shines slightly and reaches out to a spoon or spatula.


The above quantity of products is enough for two cakes measuring 30 x 40 cm. A suitable baking tray is covered with paper. The dough is distributed over it in a thin, more or less even layer. The oven is heated to 200 degrees. One cake bakes for about 10 minutes. The finished hot layer must be removed from the paper immediately. When both cakes are ready and cooled, each is divided into three equal parts.

Choux pastry cake with custard

The cake turns out to be very tender if you layer the cake layers. In the classic version of the recipe, it is prepared without adding flour or starch; often butter is beaten into it at the end. Let's consider a simplified version. To better guarantee the result, it uses flour as an additional thickener.

Beat eggs (4 pieces) in a saucepan, then add a glass of sugar to them and combine everything using a mixer or whisk. The sugar may not be completely dissolved - that's okay. Add 2 tbsp to the pan. l. flour and mix, then pour in half a liter of milk and mix again. Place the container on low heat and heat with constant stirring. When the cream boils, remove it from the stove and add a packet of vanillin to the mixture. The finished mass is cooled. The pan should be covered with a towel to prevent a crust from forming on the surface. The cooled cream is used to layer the cake.

Sour cream version

A cake made from choux pastry with sour cream is no less tender and tasty. In the simplest version, the cakes are coated with sour cream whipped with sugar. You can complicate the task by preparing custard, but use sour cream instead of milk. To do this, mix an egg, sugar (120 g), flour (2 tbsp), vanillin and sour cream (300 g, fat content - 25-30%) in a saucepan. Bring the cream to a boil over medium heat with continuous stirring. The mass should thicken. Remove the saucepan from the heat and cover with cling film so that it touches the surface of the cream. Add softened butter (200 g) piece by piece to the cooled mixture, whisking each time. The cream is ready!


A custard cake can also consist of individual cakes. This option is interesting because it doesn’t even have to be cut when serving. Guests can break off individual cream-soaked cakes.

For the dough, put butter (150 g) in a pan and pour 375 ml of water. The mixture is brought to a boil and, as in the previous recipe, reduce the heat and add pre-prepared flour (240 g). Using a spatula, knead the dough until smooth. It will be ready when it pulls away from the walls and forms a ball. Remove the pan from the heat and leave to cool for 10 minutes. Then beat 6 eggs into the dough one at a time. It should become smooth and uniform. Place the dough in a pastry bag and place sticks of equal length on a baking sheet covered with paper. For this, it is best to use a round nozzle with a diameter of 1 cm. The size of mini-eclairs depends on the plate or dish on which you plan to assemble the cake. As a rule, they are made about 20 cm in length.

The cakes are baked in an oven heated to 200 ºС until golden brown (about 30 minutes). The finished custard sticks are cooled and then dipped one by one in the cream and placed on a woodpile-shaped dish.

This is how you get a choux pastry cake. The recipe with photo above allows you to improvise and create new delicacies. By changing the cream and adding fruit, you can create something new and interesting. Custard cake, especially the version with short layers, is quite easy to make; even a housewife just starting to try her hand at baking can handle it. Bon appetit!

Once in a cafe I tried a choux pastry with custard. Or rather, not even a cake, but a part of a cake (they also sell it as a whole cake). And of course I decided to try to do something similar myself. As a result of searching, I found a wonderful recipe for a choux pastry cake with sour cream custard. Here we found a “reason” for baking it - my little son turned six months old. The cake turned out incredibly tender, just melting in your mouth. I liked it so much that I made it for my husband’s birthday at work.

The composition of the Custard Tenderness cake includes:

For the cakes:

  • 200g water;
  • 50g refined vegetable oil (odorless);
  • 50g butter;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • 130g flour;
  • 4 chicken eggs.

For the custard sour cream:

  • 1 egg (large);
  • 120 g sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. heaped flour;
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • 300 g sour cream 25%;
  • 200 grams of butter.

For decoration:

A comment:

  1. According to these proportions, the cake is not very tall and large, so if you need to prepare a large cake, make it for two servings.
  2. From this amount of dough you get two rectangular cakes 30x40cm, or 5 round cakes with a diameter of 26cm. If you have molds of other sizes, then calculate the number of cakes yourself in proportion to the total area of ​​​​all cakes, approximately 2400-2500 sq. cm.))) The first time I made 4 cakes, they turned out to be thick.
  3. You can use any cream you like - not necessary.
  4. You can decorate the cake according to your taste and desire. You can completely cover it with chocolate glaze, sprinkle with grated chocolate, coconut flakes, decorate with candied fruits, etc.

Method for preparing the Custard Tenderness cake:

If you are making a cake with custard sour cream, then first you need to make the base of the cream - it must cool.

Break the egg into a small saucepan, add sour cream, sugar, flour and vanillin...

... stir everything thoroughly with a whisk until smooth.

Place the cream mixture on the stove and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil over medium heat. Cook until the cream thickens (5-7 minutes). The flour should not be felt!!! If desired, if you are not afraid, the mixture can be heated over high heat, and then cooked on medium. It will just be a little faster. You just need to stir the cream very quickly so that it brews evenly and does not have time to burn to the bottom of the pan.

Cover the surface of the cream with cling film (you can take a lunch bag) and let cool to room temperature. To make this happen faster, you can place the saucepan in another larger container with cold water. While the cream is cooling, remove the butter from the refrigerator and leave it at room temperature to soften.

Now we make the dough for the cakes.

To do this, bring salted water with butter and vegetable oil to a boil in a small saucepan.

Pour out all the flour at once...

...mix quickly. You should get a homogeneous lump - as soon as it starts to move away from the walls of the saucepan, stir for a couple more minutes, remove from the stove and leave to cool.

While the dough is cooling, finish the cream.

By this time, the custard mixture should be just warm (not hot). Using a mixer, gradually beat the softened butter into it, resulting in a very fluffy, delicate, airy cream.

Finish the cream and bake the cakes.

As soon as the dough has become slightly warm (it is not necessary to cool completely), beat in and mix in the chicken eggs one at a time. At first it will seem that they are stubbornly not stirring, but are simply hanging around the dough on their own, but gradually the dough will become homogeneous, smooth and shiny.

Spread the finished dough onto baking paper in a very, very thin layer. You can spread it with a spoon, or you can spread it with your hands soaked in cold water. If you have good baking paper, then there is no need to grease it additionally; the cake will come off well. If you doubt the quality of baking paper, it is better to grease it with vegetable oil just in case.

Bake the cakes in an oven preheated to 200ºC for 10-12 minutes until cooked.

We immediately transfer the finished cakes from the mold to a wire rack, cool, after which they can be stacked.

Assembling the cake:

Each cake is coated with cream from the heart. If desired, you can not cover the top cake with cream, but pour it with homemade chocolate or sprinkle it with powdered sugar. I coated all the cakes with cream. It is advisable that the cake sit for at least a couple of hours before serving to soak.

As a decoration I made...

... and my niece happily drew on the cake with a culinary pencil.

This is how the cake turned out:

This is in the context:

We present a choux pastry cake recipe with photos.

Small cakes filled with chocolate ganache and covered with curd-caramel cream. An original, tasty and no less spectacular dessert than delicious.


Choux pastry:
Water – 0.5 liters;

Salt – 0.5 teaspoon;
Flour – 300 grams;
Eggs – 6-8 eggs.

Butter – 200 grams;
Sour cream – 250 grams;
Cottage cheese – 250 grams;
Varenka – 200-350 grams.

Sour cream - half a glass;
Butter – 100 grams;
Granulated sugar - half a glass;
Cocoa – 2 tablespoons.

Cooking custard cake recipe with photos

1. Pour water into a saucepan, add oil and salt. Place on the fire until it boils.
2. As soon as the water boils, reduce the heating temperature. Pour flour into boiling water, whisking with a mixer or quickly mixing with a fork.
3. Brew the mixture for a few more minutes (about 2), without removing from the heat. Gradually it should go from a liquid state to a thicker one, and then completely form a lump, lagging behind the walls of the dish.
4. Transfer the choux pastry into a deep container and begin adding one egg at a time, mixing thoroughly. The number of eggs needed depends on their size and the quality of flour in the mixture. There is no need to add too much, otherwise the dough will become runny and the cake pieces will not rise well during baking.
5. The mass should be thick and shiny. The correct choux pastry flows from the spoon in long ribbons.
6. First, let's bake the base for our cake. To do this, place a few tablespoons in a frying pan greased with vegetable oil and bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for half an hour.
7. If the choux pastry was made correctly, the cake layer will be baked within the specified time. To find out for sure, pierce it with a splinter, which should come out of the dough dry and clean. Otherwise, you will have to bake the cake for additional time.
8. Place the remaining dough in small portions on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. It is best to spoon out an amount approximately the size of a walnut using a teaspoon.
9. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for about 30-40 minutes (a little more than it took to bake the base of the custard cake). During this time, the “nuts” will increase in volume and turn brown.
10. Remove from the baking sheet and allow the custard pieces to cool. In the meantime, let's make the cream and chocolate filling.
11. Beat butter, sour cream, cottage cheese and dumplings with a mixer into a homogeneous fluffy cream. We determine the amount of boiled condensed milk in accordance with our own taste preferences.
12. Grease the custard base with cream.
13. Place a bowl over medium heat in which we put sour cream, butter, sugar and cocoa. Warming up and stirring, wait until the ganache thickens.
14. The resulting choux filling should be uniform and smooth. Cool the finished ganache. If desired, you can add another 100 grams of whipped butter into it, giving it a more airy texture - it will work out. Or leave it as it is, then the ganache in the cake will feel like dense pieces of chocolate. However, the filling can be anything, use your imagination and you will create your own culinary masterpiece!
15. We fill the custards with ganache, piercing them from the bottom with a pastry syringe or cone.
16. Place the resulting “cakes” with chocolate on the base cake.
17. Cover with a generous layer of cream.
18. We repeat the procedure, laying out a kind of tower from cakes and cream, its disheveled appearance will resemble

Choux pastry cake is considered a rather difficult dessert to prepare, as you need to know and follow certain rules strictly. But if the cook has performed all the steps correctly, then the result is a delicious dessert that can be complemented with all kinds of cream.

Famous baking masters have a belief that if a student has mastered such a task as baking choux pastry, he becomes a master of confectionery art.

There is no point in trying to make a cake at home from choux pastry using a recipe with step-by-step photos; it is not a labor-intensive process; on average, it will take 30-40 minutes, excluding baking time.

"Double" custard cake


For the test:

  • egg - 4 pieces;
  • water – 200 grams;
  • sunflower oil – 60 grams;
  • butter – 60 grams;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • flour – 130 grams.

For the custard:

  • sour cream – 300 grams;
  • flour – 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar – 120 grams;
  • vanillin – 1 gram;
  • butter – 210 grams.


First of all, you should start not preparing the dough, but making the cream, since it must cool well. Pour all the ingredients prepared for the cream into a saucepan. You just need to leave the butter aside and not touch it for now. Mix well with a mixer and place on the stove, heat should be medium.

Stirring constantly until the cream thickens. Next, turn off the burner and cover the cream with cling film. It must be in complete contact with the mass. Leave the cream to cool to a temperature of approximately 24-26 degrees, you can lower the cup into cool water.

After the cream base is ready and cooled, you should proceed to preparing the dough. Put water on the fire and pour in the sunflower oil, then add the butter and salt.

Reduce heat and pour all the flour into the boiling mass after sifting it. Mix everything thoroughly with a wooden spatula. The mass should be homogeneous. Next, keep the dough on the fire for 2 minutes until it begins to move away from the walls and the smell becomes of raw flour. Then let the dough cool for 5 minutes.

Break one egg into the dough and stir in each one. The dough can be stirred with your hands or using a mixer, but the attachment must be special, wavy. The finished dough should be smooth in texture, shiny and stretchy.

The next stage is baking the cakes. Divide the dough into two equal parts and spread it with wet hands onto a baking sheet, which is covered with parchment paper and measures approximately 30*40 centimeters. Cover the surface with baking paper. The layer should be thin.

Bake the cakes in the oven at 200 degrees. This will take approximately 15 minutes. Next, leave the resulting cakes to cool and begin working with the cream.

Beat the mixture when it has cooled down and gradually add the butter in small portions. It should be slightly softened. The cream after the work done should be white and thick.

Now the cakes should be cut into 3 equal parts. After each, grease with custard and fold one on top. Use the remaining cream and coat the sides and top. It is advisable to cool the cake; to do this, you should put it in the refrigerator to completely soak it overnight, but it will do for a few hours.

This choux pastry cake according to the recipe with the photo turns out to be very rich in taste, but not cloyingly sweet.

Cake "Lady fingers"


  • butter – 170 grams;
  • sour cream 20% – 420 grams;
  • boiled condensed milk – 520 grams;
  • nuts – 150 grams;
  • chocolate – 50 grams;
  • cream – 1 teaspoon;
  • flour – 1.5 cups;
  • milk – 1.5 cups;
  • egg - 5 pieces.


Pour milk into a saucepan and add butter. Bring the mixture to a boil until the oil is completely dissolved. Then add flour and stir the dough well.

Readiness can be determined as follows. If the dough sticks well from the walls of the dish, then the consistency is what you need. Next, mix 1 egg into the dough.

Transfer the dough into a pastry bag and onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, squeeze out identical sausages similar to eclairs. They should be the size of your little finger.

Place the baking sheet in the oven; it must first be preheated to 190 degrees and the door can only be opened after the eclairs have browned.

In a bowl, beat the boiled condensed milk and sour cream and mix the finished “fingers” well in this mixture so that they are evenly soaked.

To prepare the glaze that will decorate the cake, melt the chocolate in a bathhouse, pour butter and cream into it.
Place the “fingers” in a heap on the dish and pour chocolate glaze over the top along the entire perimeter of the heap.

Cake made from choux pastry “Lady fingers” is a success among many housewives; it is very simple to prepare, since very little time and effort is spent on the cream.

There is also a version of a cake made from choux pastry, but with sour cream. The dough is prepared in the same way as in the previous recipes described above, and for the cream you need 500 grams of sour cream with 20% fat content and 1 cup of powdered sugar. These two ingredients must be beaten well with a mixer. You should try the cream, and if you think it needs to be sweetened further.


  1. Sift the flour thoroughly. This is one of the main tips; if there are lumps, the dough may not turn out.
  2. Eggs should be at room temperature. That is, it is advisable to take them out 3 hours before cooking and refrigerate. They should be mixed into the dough one at a time, mixing the mass thoroughly.
  3. The butter should not be melted before adding to the mixture; leave it on the counter for a while and it will naturally melt.
  4. The dough should be of such a consistency that when placed on a baking sheet it does not spread over the sheet.
  5. Do not open the door while baking! You can tell that the dough is ready and baked just by looking at it. If there are no bubbles on the surface and the cakes are browned, then you can remove them.

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