How to clear the broth. How to make broth clear: secrets of making the perfect soup

Chicken broth has medicinal properties. Thanks to the content of fats and meat broth, the broth helps to restore strength during illness. Unlike meat, it does not overload the digestive tract and is perfectly absorbed. Quite often the yushka turns out cloudy; in this article we will tell you how to cook clear chicken broth.

There are several ways to prepare clear broth - cold and warm. When cooking a dish using the hot method, the meat ingredients are poured with raw hot water. The liquid is brought to a boil and then drained. The chicken should be washed and raw water added to the pan again. This way we get a “second” broth, devoid of foam and harmful impurities. This diet is recommended for allergy sufferers and people with diseases of the digestive tract. True, there is very little fat in such yushka, so when serving, you can add butter to the plate. You can complement the dish with boiled eggs and crackers. You can also prepare yushka in a cold way. To do this, pour raw cold water over the meat ingredients and place on low heat. After boiling, skim off the foam and add a glass of cold water. All foam and cloudy inclusions will float to the surface of the liquid. You just need to remove the foam with a slotted spoon. After boiling the meat again, let it simmer for 1-2 hours. 20 minutes before readiness, add chopped onions and carrots. You can add salt to the broth at the beginning or at the end of cooking. If you add salt immediately after boiling, you will get a tasty and aromatic broth. Adding salt at the end of cooking produces tasty and juicy meat. Add vegetables and seasonings 20 minutes before the soup is ready. If you want the broth to acquire a golden color, add an unpeeled, washed onion to the pan at the beginning of cooking. The onion peel will give the liquid a golden color. The broth will turn yellow if you add carrots fried with onions. Try not to overcook the vegetables. If you are preparing a dish with store-bought chicken, remove the skin. Poultry should not be peeled, as its skin contains a minimum of fat and a lot of useful substances. If you see that the dish is opaque, then you can resort to emergency measures to clarify the liquid. Separate the whites from the yolks and beat them until foam appears. Pour the whites into the boiling soup and stir all the time. Keep the protein in the soup until the end of cooking, and then remove it. After cooking, you can strain the broth through several layers of mari. Cloudy fish is due to the high fat content, so be sure to remove the skin from the bird and cut off the tail. The rear portion of the bird contains the most fat.

Try to use whole rather than ground spices. Ground black pepper and coriander make the taste of chicken not so bright, so it is better to replace these spices with allspice and bay leaf. If you want to add cereal or noodles to the broth, cook them in a separate bowl and pour over the broth before serving. It is impossible to cook clear broth with noodles or cereals (except rice). Cereals contain gluten, which makes the liquid cloudy.

or jellied dishes, an absolutely clean, light broth is required.

In his large theoretical article about I described in detail the technology for their preparation and what you should pay attention to when cooking so that the broth turns out clean and transparent.

But what to do if your broth, due to mistakes made, still turns out cloudy? Is it possible to make it look amber-transparent? Of course you can!

In this article, I will tell you in detail and clearly show you my favorite, proven and 100% reliable method of purifying broth.

For this experiment, I intentionally made the cloudiest veal stock I could make. Oh, and it wasn’t easy for me to do this due to my reverent attitude towards the original quality of the broths!

And this is how it turned out: rich, thick, aromatic, but completely cloudy, absolutely unsuitable for use as a base for clear soups.

We will fix it!

To clear the broth, I always use a drawdown made from egg whites and shells. Protein and shell are an excellent absorbent, which, like a sponge, absorbs the smallest particles of meat turbidity.

I recommend the following proportion: for 3 liters of cloudy broth, take the whites and shells of 2 large eggs. Accuracy is not important here; the amount of shells and proteins taken depends on the degree of contamination and the total volume of the broth that you are going to clean. If you need to clear a smaller amount of broth, then use the proportions as a guide, taking the white and shell of 1 egg for 1 liter of cloudy broth.

The shells should be thoroughly washed to remove any possible dirt, finely crushed, and the whites should be beaten into a fluffy foam. You can add a little lemon juice to the whites when whipping - this will make the protein foam fluffier and more stable (if you suddenly forgot or don’t have any juice on hand, that’s okay).

Strain the broth into a saucepan through a fine sieve lined with several layers of cheesecloth. For greater clarity of the experiment, I skipped the straining stage.

Bring your strained but still cloudy broth to a temperature of 60-65 0 C on the stove.

Add crushed eggshells to the broth and pour in the whipped whites. They will decorate your broth with such a beautiful snow-white cap.

Continuing to heat the broth, stir the contents of the pan with a spoon. At this stage, you can already notice cloudy flakes that are pulled away by the foam from the whipped egg whites.

Continuing stirring, bring the broth to a boil. Let it boil for about 5 minutes.

The boil should not be intense, otherwise your protein foam will run away from the pan; but still, bubbling must be present - this ensures that the cloudy foam is absorbed by the egg white.

Brrr, look how many cloudy meat flakes the egg foam has collected!

Turn off the heat on the stove and let the broth “rest” for 15-20 minutes. During this time, a cloudy sediment of heavy meat flakes and eggshells will fall to the bottom of the pan.

You can already see that “the patient is more alive than dead.”

Carefully and neatlyUse a spoon to remove any protein foam from the surface of the broth. This is very easy to do because the egg white has curdled.I became dense.

What do you think of the resulting color of the broth?

Now, carefully, trying not to disturb the heavy cloudy sediment at the bottom of the pan, strain your broth through a fine sieve lined with several layers of gauze.

All sediment should remain at the bottom, which is what we needed. We throw it away without regret!

If everything is done carefully, then one stage of cleaning the broth is enough. In case of errors or if necessary, you can repeat the cleaning procedure 2-3 times.

And here he is, the handsome broth! Absolutely clean, transparent, amber, pleasant color! It remained just as strong and rich, and did not lose any of its taste.

The result has been achieved! Hooray!

I hope you found this article helpful and may all your broths be excellent from now on!

so as not to miss all the delicious things!

I will also be glad to receive feedback on your cooking experience based on the materials in my article.

In cooking, there are several recipes for dishes, especially soups and aspics, where a clean, literally clear broth is needed.

What to do if the broth becomes cloudy during cooking? Is it possible to return it to its golden, amber color so that it looks appetizing? There are many ways to help achieve the desired result. Some must be used during cooking, others - when the soup has cooled.

How to make broth clear

Let's try to give detailed instructions with step-by-step recommendations. So how do you make the broth clear?

  1. First of all, you need to remove it from the heat at the very moment you notice that the broth has begun to become cloudy. Let the soup cool down.
  2. While the broth is cooling, prepare the raw chicken protein. To do this, you will need to carefully break the egg into two parts, transfer the yolk to another bowl, and place the white in a small bowl.
  3. Using a fork, beat the whites as if you were making an omelette. Whip until foam forms.
  4. Now pour the protein into the cloudy, slightly cooled broth, and begin to stir it lightly.
  5. Next, put the pan on the fire again and wait until the broth boils, but do not stop stirring.
  6. As soon as the consommé boils, remove it from the heat and leave again for five minutes, no more. Once it has cooled down, put it back on the stove. And we do this two or three times.
  7. When the broth has cooled for the last time, fish out large pieces of protein from the pan. A slotted spoon or large spoon will help with this.
  8. After these steps, pour all the contents into a clean pan, you can strain through a small sieve. It is advisable to line it with gauze folded four to five times.

How to make chicken broth clear

How to make chicken broth clear? In order to achieve excellent results in preparing chicken broth, you will need to rinse the meat under running water in advance, and then boil it over low heat. It turns out that the first broth will simply have to be poured out. It will help collect poultry ichor and other unnecessary garbage. Afterwards, rinse the carcass thoroughly again.

While the broth is on the fire, try not to disturb it, but remove the foam that forms on the surface regularly.

For beauty, you need to add grated carrots, small noodles, and onions to the finished product; they will help make the consomme richer, tasty and aromatic.

Golden Chicken Broth Recipe

How to make chicken broth clear and golden? In order to prepare a tasty broth from chicken fillet, you need to rinse it thoroughly, pre-boil it and wash it again.

Fry finely chopped onions and carrots in a frying pan to form a golden brown crust. It will help give the soup a wonderful color.

And to make the broth even lighter, strain it through cheesecloth, folded at least twice.

This is a simple recipe. It is the chicken fillet that will give the broth tenderness and unique taste.

Make the broth clear, especially if it has become cloudy

Let's share a couple of secrets that need to be adopted by those who are thinking about the question of how to make the broth clear if it has become cloudy?

  • The meat must be thrown in as a whole piece so that it releases its juice gradually and not all at once. Be sure to remove the skin from the chicken, otherwise the soup will be too greasy. Never pour too cold water on meat, but you shouldn’t throw it into boiling water either. The surface of the water will become covered with a film and the broth will not look attractive.
  • If the broth is cloudy, you will have to use a thick cloth through which to strain the soup.
  • Immediately remove any foam that forms, otherwise it will spoil the appearance of the broth.
  • Cook food only over low heat, do not let the broth boil too much.
  • Avoid frozen meat.
  • You can throw a raw onion or potatoes cut into several pieces into the cloudy broth.
  • Pork and beef require cooking from one to two hours, but chicken takes up to an hour.
  • As already mentioned, simple protein will help make a cloudy broth transparent.
  • Strain the broth through a fine strainer, then the consommé will become more transparent and tasty.

Secrets of proper lightening

So, how do you make the broth clear and golden? There are some tips:

  1. The water temperature should not exceed 70 degrees.
  2. We prepare broth from protein and eggshells.
  3. The draw should be cold and introduced into the broth in parts, and not poured out immediately.
  4. It is advisable to put the shells in gauze, and it is also advisable to place raw minced meat there.
  5. The time it takes for the pull to lighten the broth is 10 minutes.
  6. We prepare additional dressing for the soup (carrots, onions, herbs), it will help hide its cloudiness and opacity.

Broth for delicious jellied meat

For such a delicate dish, the housewife will only need a clear meat broth.

Jellied meat is a dish traditionally prepared in Ancient Rus'. This is an excellent snack for strong drinks, as well as an incredibly tasty and healthy product. The dish contains gelatin, which is formed due to natural ingredients and helps strengthen bones and make tendons elastic.

If the broth becomes dark during cooking, do not worry, it can still be lightened. To do this, pour the broth into another pan to rid it of any sediment that has formed, then strain and bring to a boil again.

In a bowl, you can beat the onion with ice and add it to the consomme in cheesecloth, and then let it cool. If necessary, drain off the sediment.

How to make chicken broth golden

How to make the broth clear and golden? In order to give the rich broth the color of amber, you will have to try, but it is not at all as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

It is advisable to fry carrots and onions in olive oil; turmeric will not hurt, it will help make the broth golden.

By the way, you can throw large carrots whole into the soup; they will give a nice orange color.

Remember that domesticated chicken consommé is always lighter, richer, tastier and more transparent, and the color will be soft yellow and appetizing.

Now you know several ways to make the broth clear. And finally: don’t forget to decorate it with finely chopped herbs. Bon appetit!

Properly cooked broth is the highest aerobatics in cooking. The quality of the finished soup, sauce or aspic prepared with it depends on it. And the fish or meat broth itself is already an independent dish. It can be served with croutons, pies or adding a boiled egg. Unfortunately, sometimes the broth becomes cloudy and loses its appetizing appearance. What to do in this case? How to make the broth clear again?

What determines the transparency of the broth?

In many ways, it depends on the products from which it is prepared.

  1. The fattier the meat, the more likely it is that the broth will turn out cloudy. When cooked, fats turn into liquid and form an emulsion with it. The longer the broth is cooked, the more likely it is that the fats will break down into fatty acids and glycerol and the broth will become cloudy.
  2. Broth from defrosted meat is more likely to be cloudy than from fresh meat. When defrosting, the meat loses its juices, which turn into water during cooking. The broth becomes more nutritious and rich, but some of the proteins coagulate, forming foam, which causes a loss of transparency.
  3. If the water boils strongly during cooking, the broth even from chicken breast is guaranteed to turn out cloudy. When boiling, small drops of fat and protein flakes are mixed, which form an emulsion and make the broth cloudy.
  4. It is important to remove all floating foam when boiling until it stops forming. Otherwise the broth will become cloudy.

The fat content of the meat used for cooking affects the clarity of the broth

The quality of meat or fish does not always depend on us, but proper preparation to achieve maximum transparency is in our hands. For this it is useful to know some rules:

  1. Before cooking, the products must be thoroughly washed with cold water; there should be no blood left on them.
  2. Products should be placed in cold water if the goal is to cook broth rather than meat. This way, everything valuable will gradually pass from meat into liquid and the broth will turn out tastier and richer. If meat is placed in hot water, the proteins on the surface will coagulate, the pores will close, and everything valuable will remain in the meat. Which is good for the meat, but bad for the broth.
  3. Bring the water to a boil at high heat, reduce to low, and after removing the foam, cook on low. The water should not boil, but only sway.
  4. Just cover the pan with a lid, but not tightly, otherwise the broth will begin to boil and lose transparency.
  5. After boiling, remove all foam. We do this until it forms. Most sources advise doing this with a slotted spoon, but it’s better to use a spoon, it turns out cleaner. It is also advisable to remove excess fat.

How to Make Clear Broth for Poultry, Meat or Fish Soup

To cook clear broth you need to know some rules and strictly follow the instructions.

  1. Let's prepare the products: cut the meat into small pieces, clean the bones, chop them, get rid of the gills and eyes from the fish heads, chop the big heads too. You can put the chicken whole.

    You don’t have to cut up the chicken for the broth, but cook it whole

  2. Wash the products thoroughly, but do not squeeze them so that they do not lose their juices.

    To prepare the broth, pour cold water over the ingredients.

  3. Bring to a boil over high heat with the lid tightly closed.

    To prevent the broth from being cloudy, you need to remove all the foam.

  4. Pour in a spoonful of cold water, and after boiling, remove the floating foam. We repeat three times.
  5. Reduce the heat to minimum, open the lid slightly or remove it completely. Remove foam and fat from time to time.
  6. Add roots and vegetables and, if necessary, add salt: chicken broth - 15–20 minutes, meat broth - 30 minutes before the end of cooking, add salt to fish broth immediately after boiling.

    Vegetables and roots will make the broth more tasty and aromatic

  7. Add seasonings and herbs. For broths they make a “bouquet garni”.
  8. Cook until done. You can tell by the readiness of the meat. To do this, pierce the thickest edge with a chef's needle or just a fork. If they go in easily, the meat is ready.
  9. We take out the meat, throw away the vegetables, strain the broth through a fine sieve or cheesecloth in 2-3 layers.

    Broth with chicken and egg - a tasty and healthy dish

“Bouquet garni” is a mixture of herbs tied with thread. It is dropped into the broth when cooked, then removed and discarded. The classic bouquet includes bay leaf, parsley and thyme. Depending on the recipe, the herbs vary.

For small seasonings, such as peppercorns, you can make a knot out of gauze or a wide bandage and place it in the pan. If you strain the broth, the seasonings can be placed directly into the pan, then they will remain on the sieve.

To make the broth even more transparent, after boiling, you can cook the dish for 15 minutes, drain the water, wash the meat and dishes again, add cold water again and cook as described above. There is an opinion that in this way you will get rid of all the harmful substances and antibiotics contained in the products. A controversial statement, since in the first 20 minutes most of the nutrients pass into the broth.

How to make chicken or breast broth

Cooking time depends on the age of the bird and the size of the piece, from 40 minutes to 2 hours. If preparing dietary broth, it is recommended to remove the skin, it contains a lot of fat. If you cook broth with giblets, do not add liver, it will give a peculiar taste and may cause the broth to become cloudy.

They say that in order for the broth to turn out golden, you need to use a certain type of chicken: skinny and preferably one that walked on its own 🙂 I’m serious. I was enlightened by my father-in-law, who lives in Perm and who always buys a certain type of chicken for broth; its bones are not yet chewable at all. 🙂 The broth turns out excellent.

Beef or pork soup base

It is advisable to take the meat with a bone. Broth without a pit is like a song without accompaniment. Okay, but something is missing. You can also make bone broth without meat. The bones are first chopped into pieces, and the tubular bones are boiled whole. Wash the prepared foods and clean the bones. Beef broth is cooked for 3 hours, pork broth - 2 hours, bone broth - 4-5 hours. Salt is added 30 minutes before the end of cooking, then add roots and herbs.

How to make a delicious fish broth

Fish broth should be cooked for no longer than 40 minutes; it is recommended to add salt at the beginning of cooking.

Carrots, onions, celery and parsley root are put into meat and chicken broths, and onions and parsley into fish broths.

To give your chicken broth a nice golden hue, add onion skins while it simmers. You can boil the husks in a separate bowl, and then add the broth to the dish. This will improve its color and enrich it with vitamins. Another option is to caramelize the sugar until dark and then pour it into the broth. But this is a matter of taste.

Basis for jellied meat and aspic

To cook jellied meat, it is very important to properly prepare the ingredients. Since the parts used for jellied meat are those that are not used in other dishes - legs, tails, heads, they must be processed before cooking. The aspic kit must be pre-soaked in cold water for 3-12 hours to remove excess blood and soften the skin. After this, scrape the meat ingredients with a knife and wash them again.

Next, as usual, put the food in a pan, add cold water, bring to a boil, skim off the foam and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. But in this case, it is appropriate to drain the first broth. This will not only allow for greater transparency, but will also reduce the calorie content of the jellied meat, because we are cooking a very rich broth.

The washed meat is poured with cold water, brought to a boil and, as described above, cooked for 5–6 hours over low heat. A multicooker helps a lot in this process, but if you don’t have one, you can easily get by with a stove. Vegetables and roots are added 1 hour before the end of cooking, salt and spices are added 30 minutes.

As you can see, preparing a clear broth requires attention and reverent attitude. But if for some reason it still becomes cloudy, you need to lighten it.

The broth for jellied meat must be cooked over very low heat, otherwise it will become cloudy.

How to clarify cloudy fish, chicken or meat broth

A pull will help restore transparency to the broth. From the name it is clear that the pull exists to pull out turbidity, fat and foam flakes from the broth.

The easiest way to tighten is with egg white. Beat the egg white a little with a fork and add it in a thin stream while stirring into the broth, which has cooled to 70 degrees. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook for 2-3 minutes, stirring. The protein will capture all the turbidity from the broth and sink to the bottom. All that remains is to strain it.

I don’t use an egg, but only a protein, and sometimes several proteins... (one for 1.5 liters of broth) it coagulates along with grains of meat and foam, which create turbidity, in this form it is easier to filter... but often I filter through a paper filter that is used in coffee maker, previously just through a waffle towel

Another way is to add minced meat diluted with water to the broth. For meat broth, use minced meat, for chicken broth, minced chicken. Mixed with egg white, diluted with a small amount of cold broth or water. The minced meat is added to the broth, stirred, the dish is allowed to boil and cooked for several minutes. The minced meat will cook and sink to the bottom. After this, strain the broth through a fine sieve or cheesecloth.

Instead of minced meat, you can use grated carrots, then there is no need to dilute with water. The main principle: there must be protein in the guy that will bind the dregs.

For fish broth in the old days, they used a guy made from pressed caviar. Now you can get by with egg whites.

Video: how to cook clear broth - master class from chef Ilya Lazerson

Now you know how to prepare clear broth and how you can restore its transparency. The main thing is to follow the rules and not forget about some tricks that even professionals use, because no one is immune from mistakes.

Broth is not just food. This is the main dish that gives strength during illness. You can also use it to prepare various soups, sauces, porridges, jellied meats and jellied meats. And many housewives often wonder how to make the broth clear. After all, if it is served as an independent dish, it should look appetizing.

The most important ingredient in broth is meat. And the taste of the future dish depends on the right choice.

Beef meat broth will be the most flavorful of steers under 3 years old. Their meat is juicy and tender. It cooks faster than old beef. But, unlike veal, it contains many useful substances.

It is better to choose bacon breeds of pork. They have lean meat with a small layer of fat. It cooks quickly, and the broth is aromatic and tender.

Chicken broth is richer from poultry. Broilers are absolutely not suitable. It is advisable that the bird is chilled and not frozen.


For preparation you will need three main ingredients:

The dish turns out to be richer and more flavorful not from the pulp. The meat must have bones. During prolonged cooking, large amounts of extractive substances are released from bones and connective tissue.

Parts of the carcass also play an important role. Pork has the best meat for cooking - on the shoulder. Beef has brisket, neck and ham.

Chicken broth will be equally tasty from any part of the bird. You can use either lean breast or wings, or a whole carcass. Both chicken and meat broth must be cooked in clean water. If you don’t have well or bottled water, you can use filtered water.

Depending on the required concentration, approximately 2 or 3 liters of water will be needed per kilogram of meat. The meat should be completely covered with water. It is worth considering that when boiling, the water will evaporate, so it is advisable to immediately pour a little more water. If you add cold water as it boils, the taste will not be rich.

Vegetables and herbs are essential to enrich the aroma and taste. Carrots, onions and celery are traditionally added to meat and chicken broth. If desired, you can add leeks, bay leaves, turnips and other roots to your taste.


To prevent the meat broth from becoming cloudy, it must be cooked properly. To do this you need to follow six simple steps:

  1. The first step is to prepare the food: wash the meat and vegetables. There is no need to cut the meat. It should be cooked in large pieces so that the juices release gradually. It is advisable to remove the skin from the chicken. Otherwise the dish will turn out very greasy.
  2. The meat must be filled with cold water. To obtain a tasty brew, it is strictly not recommended to put it in boiling water. In this case, the surface of the meat is covered with a protein film and extractive substances are poorly released from it. But the meat remains tasty and juicy.
  3. When the water boils, you need to remove the foam. It is convenient to do this with a slotted spoon. The foam should not be allowed to settle to the bottom. This will ruin not only the appearance, but also the taste of the dish.
  4. Half an hour before the end of cooking, add prepared vegetables and spices. In order for the broth to have a pleasant golden color, you can add a little onion peel or an unpeeled onion. In order for the aroma of vegetables to be more intense, you can first fry them in a dry frying pan and then cook them in meat.
  5. You need to cook over low heat, avoiding boiling. If it is difficult to create the necessary fire on the stove, then you can put the pan in the oven at a temperature of 100 - 120 degrees. Cooking time depends on the required concentration and quality of the meat. Pork and veal need to be cooked for 1 – 2 hours. Older beef is cooked for up to 3 hours. It is enough to cook the chicken for 1 – 1.5 hours.
  6. At the end of cooking, remove the meat and vegetables and strain the broth. To do this, you can use a fine sieve, a wet linen napkin or gauze folded in several layers.

If you follow these simple rules, the dish will turn out transparent and have a pleasant golden color.


Sometimes the broth may become cloudy. But this is not a reason to be upset. You need to know how to make the broth transparent using a pull. At the same time, different guys are used for different types of meat.

The first step is to remove excess fat from the broth. To do this, you can run a very cold ladle over the surface of the broth. After this, strain it through several layers of gauze.

Afterwards you can prepare the guy. Egg white is a universal brace for all types of broth. For two liters of liquid you need to take one protein, 2 - 3 tablespoons of water and 100 grams of minced meat. Pour the mixture into the boiling broth and cook, stirring, for 5 minutes. After this, cool it and strain.

For another type of protein pull, you don’t need minced meat. To prepare it, you need to grease a plate with lemon juice and break the protein into it. Salt it a little and beat it. Add the protein to the cold broth and bring to a boil. Turn off, let cool and strain.

To lighten the meat broth, you need to add minced meat to the protein. If the chicken is cloudy, add minced chicken.

In order to lighten the fish broth, the protein is mixed with water and grated carrots and finely chopped onions are added. Cook until the guy settles to the bottom.


The draw must be cold. The broth can be used warm, but its temperature should not exceed 70 degrees. First, half of the guy is inserted. After boiling, pour in the rest and bring to a boil.

If minced meat is used in the guy, it should be simmered over low heat for about an hour. With a pull on the whites alone, lightening takes no more than 10 minutes.

After this, the dish should be allowed to cool. Remove the guy from the surface with a slotted spoon and strain. When lightened with proteins and minced meat, the dish is saturated with meat aroma. Its taste becomes richer and brighter.

When cooking broth, you need to remove the foam in time and avoid boiling too much. In this case, the dish will turn out transparent. If it still turns out cloudy, then it can be lightened. You can also make a soup based on it. In this case, it will not be noticeable that the broth is cloudy.

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