Chocolate cake with apricot jam. Cake with apricot jam Apricot sponge cake

The most accurate and complete description: cake with apricot jam recipe - from the best chefs in a large but informative article, collected from all corners of the Internet and books.

  • The name of the cake “Royal” has nothing to do with any monarchs who have ever reigned. It was given to him because of its taste: tender, perfectly baked dough, a combination of the sweetness of the cakes, the slight acidity of apricot jam, a nutty note in the cream, a slight hint of lemon. The cake instantly melts in your mouth, making you want to try another piece! This is the case when everyone will like the dessert: it is not cloying, soft, perfectly soaked. And it fully lives up to its name “King Cake”. Cooking time will take about two hours. Refers to shortbread baked goods.


    Ingredients for shortbread:

    1. 3 yolks.
    2. 300 grams of butter margarine (butter is optimal).
    3. 150 grams sugar (use brown if possible).
    4. A pinch of salt.
    5. A teaspoon of vanilla extract (or one package of vanilla).
    6. 450 grams of flour.

    For the cream, take the following products:

    1. One large lemon.
    2. 200 grams of roasted walnuts.
    3. 3 squirrels.
    4. A quarter glass of sugar.
    5. 300 grams of apricot jam.

    Cooking process

    Kneading dough and baking cakes:

    1. Pre-chill the eggs for at least two to three hours.
    2. On the contrary, remove the butter from the refrigerator, cut into cubes, transfer to a deep container and leave to soften.
    3. Beat butter and sugar until the mixture becomes airy and fluffy. Without ceasing to beat, add the yolks, one at a time, previously separated from the whites. Each subsequent yolk is added to the dough only when the previous one is completely combined with the base.
    4. Form the dry part of the dough: sift the flour, add vanilla, salt, mix everything with a spoon.
    5. Combine both parts: dry and liquid. Add the flour into the butter gradually, literally a few spoons at a time. The end result should be a dough that looks more like coarse crumbs.
    6. Pour them onto a floured board, gather them into a ball with your hands, and knead the dough.
    7. Place it in a deep bowl, greased with oil, and refrigerate for 20 minutes.
    8. While the dough is chilling, prepare three envelopes. Their diameter is 20 by 25 centimeters. Also cut out the “lids”: three sheets measuring 20 by 25 centimeters each. You need to cut out the blanks from parchment paper.
    9. Take out the dough, divide it into 4 equal parts: the last one should be slightly smaller than the first 3. If you have a kitchen scale, you can divide the dough by weight: the first three parts should weigh 270 grams, and the last should be the remainder.
    10. Make the cakes: place a ball of dough in an envelope, cover with a “lid”, distribute the mixture with your hands over the envelope so that it spreads evenly throughout the entire space, especially in the corners.
    11. Thus, make two more cake layers, simply roll out the rest between two sheets of parchment of any shape - the workpiece will be used for topping.
    12. Refrigerate the prepared cakes for 2-3 hours.
    13. Then take them out, make three or four vertical cuts on two large cake layers (for soaking), leave one cake whole - this will be the base for the cake.
    14. Bake at 190–200 degrees until the dough is golden and rosy. You also need to take the cakes out of the oven very carefully, since they are fragile and delicate: place a board under the cake and carefully, using a wide spatula, drag the envelopes onto it.
    15. Before assembling the cake, you need to cool the cakes, then remove the parchment.

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    Sacher cake with apricot jam

    190 g butter + for greasing
    375 g chocolate (break into pieces)
    190 g sugar
    5 eggs (separate yolks from whites)
    75 g ground almonds
    40 g flour
    1/4 tsp. baking powder
    5 tbsp apricot jam or jam

    Cooking method:
    1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Grease and line a 22 cm diameter mold with paper. Melt 225 g of chocolate (I used 47% cocoa) in a water bath.
    Add 100 g butter. Remove from heat, mix thoroughly, add sugar and yolks.
    2. Separately, beat the whites into a stable foam and add to the chocolate mass. Stir in ground almonds, sift flour and baking powder over top. Mix carefully and pour the dough into the mold. Bake for 45-60 minutes. The cake should spring back under your fingers. Cool by inverting the cake onto a wire rack.
    3. Cut the cooled sponge cake crosswise into 2 layers and spread the bottom one with apricot jam. Cover with the second cake layer. melt remaining chocolate and butter. Pour the resulting glaze over the cake, using a spatula to spread it over the surface and sides of the cake. After 20 minutes, transfer it to a serving plate.

    Sponge roll with apricot jam

    Sponge roll with jam is a dish from childhood, so it always remains a favorite dessert. And the fact that it is prepared easily and quickly and in just an hour makes it a favorite among all recipes for housewives. This dessert is very light, tender and aromatic. The biscuit dough is thin and soft. He is easy to work with. The sweet and sour taste of the jam dilutes the sweetness of the biscuit very well and makes the dessert perfect.


    • Wheat flour – 110 g
    • Sugar – 80 g
    • Eggs – 4 pcs.
    • Baking powder – 1 tsp.
    • Apricot jam – 100 g
    • Milk chocolate – 50 g


    Sweet pastries
    Servings – 6
    Cooking time – 30 minutes

    Sponge roll with jam. how to cook

    We prepare the products. Be sure to sift the flour twice, so it will be saturated with air and make the dough airy and fluffy. No one wants a sponge cake to become clogged with flour and lose its delicate texture. We check the eggs for freshness; to do this, we lower them raw into a container of water, and if the egg rises to the top, then it cannot be used. By the way, the eggs must be cold, so it is better not to take them out of the refrigerator before using them. The splendor of the biscuit dough also depends on this. Beat the eggs in a deep bowl with a mixer or whisk, gradually increasing the speed; to speed up the process, you can add a little salt to them. You only need to beat in one direction. Continuing to beat, add sugar to the eggs in a thin stream and try to dissolve it completely; you can replace it with powdered sugar. The mixture is ready for further preparation when it increases in volume.

    Add flour to the egg-sugar mixture and beat the dough for another 3-5 minutes. It should have the consistency of thick sour cream.

    Place parchment paper on a baking sheet and grease it with a thin layer of vegetable oil. It must be soaked. Carefully pour the dough into an even layer.

    Preheat the oven at 200 degrees for 20 minutes. It is prohibited to place the biscuit in a cold oven. When the oven has warmed up, place a baking sheet and bake the biscuit for 15-30 minutes. We do not open the oven for the first 10 minutes to allow the dough to rise. We check readiness with a match.

    Beat apricot jam in a blender. If you don't have a blender, you can mash it with a fork. The main thing is that the consistency is as uniform as possible.

    While it is still hot, quickly place the biscuit on a flat surface and roll it into a roll. Let's turn it back. If you don't have time to do this, the roll won't wrap. Now coat the entire surface of the sponge cake with a thin layer of apricot jam and roll it up again.

    Heat the milk chocolate in a water bath and melt it. When the dessert has cooled, brush it with chocolate. The sponge roll with apricot jam is ready.

    This is one of the most delicious chocolate cakes. Tender, slightly crumbly, melting, not too sweet and very, very tasty - although there is no chocolate in it, only cocoa powder. As it turns out, achieving the ideal is not difficult - use more butter, less flour, and an excellent result is guaranteed.

    Remember that Nesquik and the like are not cocoa, but mixtures that include milk powder, sugar and much more. For baking, choose cocoa powder. It gives a rich chocolate taste, color and aroma.

    If you use apricot jam instead of jam, the taste will be very rich and apricot.

    Cake ingredients:

    150g butter,
    150g sugar,
    6 eggs
    75g almonds,
    50g flour,
    40g cocoa,

    300g apricot jam,
    1 tbsp. lemon juice,

    100g chocolate,
    70g butter

    20cm mold, preheat oven to 180°C

    For the dough, beat soft butter and sugar until pale. This is the start of the beating.

    Add two yolks at a time, beating well each time.

    Add flour, cocoa and mix well with a mixer at low speed.
    Add nuts. Almonds must first be peeled, toasted and ground, and cooled.

    Mix well.

    Beat the whites into a strong foam. First add a third of the whites to the dough and stir well until the dough softens. Add the remaining whites and stir thoroughly but gently.

    Place the dough into a greased and floured pan.

    Bake for 40 minutes at 180°C. Remove and cool.

    Cut in half.

    Now put the jam on a sieve to drain the syrup. Add lemon juice to the syrup and simmer slightly.

    Layer the cake with apricot jam and glaze with apricot syrup. When the syrup has hardened, cover with chocolate glaze. For this, melt the chocolate and butter together and pour over the cake. Refrigerate.

    The name of the cake “Royal” has nothing to do with any monarchs who have ever reigned. It was given to him because of its taste: tender, perfectly baked dough, a combination of the sweetness of the cakes, the slight acidity of apricot jam, a nutty note in the cream, a slight hint of lemon. The cake instantly melts in your mouth, making you want to try another piece! This is the case when everyone will like the dessert: it is not cloying, soft, perfectly soaked. And it fully lives up to its name “King Cake”. Cooking time will take about two hours. Refers to shortbread baked goods.

    Ingredients for shortbread:

    1. 3 yolks.
    2. 300 grams of butter margarine (butter is optimal).
    3. 150 grams sugar (use brown if possible).
    4. A pinch of salt.
    5. A teaspoon of vanilla extract (or one package of vanilla).
    6. 450 grams of flour.

    For the cream, take the following products:

    1. One large lemon.
    2. 200 grams of roasted walnuts.
    3. 3 squirrels.
    4. A quarter glass of sugar.
    5. 300 grams of apricot jam.

    Cooking process

    Kneading dough and baking cakes:

    1. Pre-chill the eggs for at least two to three hours.
    2. On the contrary, remove the butter from the refrigerator, cut into cubes, transfer to a deep container and leave to soften.
    3. Beat butter and sugar until the mixture becomes airy and fluffy. Without ceasing to beat, add the yolks, one at a time, previously separated from the whites. Each subsequent yolk is added to the dough only when the previous one is completely combined with the base.
    4. Form the dry part of the dough: sift the flour, add vanilla, salt, mix everything with a spoon.
    5. Combine both parts: dry and liquid. Add the flour into the butter gradually, literally a few spoons at a time. The end result should be a dough that looks more like coarse crumbs.
    6. Pour them onto a floured board, gather them into a ball with your hands, and knead the dough.
    7. Place it in a deep bowl, greased with oil, and refrigerate for 20 minutes.
    8. While the dough is chilling, prepare three envelopes. Their diameter is 20 by 25 centimeters. Also cut out the “lids”: three sheets measuring 20 by 25 centimeters each. You need to cut out the blanks from parchment paper.
    9. Take out the dough, divide it into 4 equal parts: the last one should be slightly smaller than the first 3. If you have a kitchen scale, you can divide the dough by weight: the first three parts should weigh 270 grams, and the last should be the remainder.
    10. Make the cakes: place a ball of dough in an envelope, cover with a “lid”, distribute the mixture with your hands over the envelope so that it spreads evenly throughout the entire space, especially in the corners.
    11. Thus, make two more cake layers, simply roll out the rest between two sheets of parchment of any shape - the workpiece will be used for topping.
    12. Refrigerate the prepared cakes for 2-3 hours.
    13. Then take them out, make three or four vertical cuts on two large cake layers (for soaking), leave one cake whole - this will be the base for the cake.
    14. Bake at 190–200 degrees until the dough is golden and rosy. You also need to take the cakes out of the oven very carefully, since they are fragile and delicate: place a board under the cake and carefully, using a wide spatula, drag the envelopes onto it.
    15. Before assembling the cake, you need to cool the cakes, then remove the parchment.

    Handle the cream:

    1. Dry the nuts, remove as much of the husk as possible and chop with a knife or rolling pin.
    2. Wash the lemon, cut it, remove the seeds. Use a blender to chop it together with the peel, turning it into a puree. If possible, separate the films and the white part under the peel - it is slightly bitter.
    3. Beat the chilled whites into a foam with sugar for about 10–12 minutes at high mixer speed.
    4. Add jam, lemon puree, and 3/4 of the nuts. Knead the cream by hand without making sudden movements.

    Assembling the cake:

    1. Place the whole cake on a plate. Spread a third of the cream on it.
    2. From the next cake, which was cut into four parts, carefully remove the paper and place it on the greased first base cake.
    3. If the cuts stick together during baking, carefully score them with a sharp knife.
    4. Place another third of the cream on top and repeat the procedure with the last cake layer.
    5. From a small uneven piece of dough, use a rolling pin to form large crumbs for sprinkling the product.
    6. Mix with crushed nuts and sprinkle on the surface and sides of our product. Press the crumbs a little with your hands. Place the product in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours for final impregnation and hardening.

    Royal cake can be stored in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf for a very long time - up to 30 days. Served cold.


    An apricot jam cake prepared according to our recipe will pleasantly surprise you with both its ease of preparation and amazingly tasty result. The recipe for this cake itself is so simple that it is impossible not to pay attention to it. And the products used for it are the most affordable, which many housewives will appreciate. And the result is so tasty and aromatic that it is impossible to tear yourself away. Lush sponge cakes on sour cream dough with the addition of jam are ideally combined with milk-based custard and the cake turns out to be especially tender, juicy and tasty.

    List of ingredients

    • eggs - 5 pcs
    • sugar - 3 cups
    • sour cream - 1 glass
    • apricot jam- 1 glass
    • flour - 2 cups
    • soda - 1 tbsp. spoon
    • milk - 500 ml
    • butter - 200 g
    • butter - for greasing

    Cooking method

    Break 4 eggs into a bowl and beat with a mixer with 2 cups of sugar until foam appears. Add sour cream and jam. To stir thoroughly. Add sifted flour and baking soda. Mix again and divide the prepared dough into 3 parts.

    Grease the pan thoroughly with butter and bake all the cakes one by one. The baking time for each cake is 40 minutes, and the baking temperature is 180 degrees.

    To prepare the cream, beat the remaining egg and remaining sugar. Pour in milk and mix thoroughly. Heat the cream over low heat until thickened. Add 200 g of butter and beat thoroughly until fluffy.

    Layer the baked and cooled cakes with prepared custard, placing them on top of each other. Grease the top and sides of the cake with cream. Decorate the cake as you like and let it soak thoroughly.

    Apricot jam cake is ready! Try it!

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