Tomatoes and cabbage for the winter: golden recipes with photos. Delicious tomatoes with cabbage for the winter cooking recipes Whole tomatoes with cabbage for the winter

Steam the canning jars, let them cool a little, then put spices on the bottom: dill, bay leaf and peeled garlic cloves. If you wish, you can add a few pieces of carrots or bell peppers.

Shred the cabbage into thin strips; in this form it will better fill a jar of tomatoes. You can cut the cabbage into larger cubes, but they will not fit so tightly into the spaces between the tomatoes.

Place tomatoes mixed with cabbage in a jar. It is convenient to fold a little tomato and place the cabbage in the empty spaces, lightly compacting it.

Cook the marinade: boil water with salt and sugar, stir vigorously so that the bulk melts faster, pour in vinegar and immediately turn off the heat. The marinade is ready.

Pour the hot marinade over the tomatoes and cabbage and set to sterilize for 10 minutes. Be sure to place a piece of clean cloth under the jar so that the glass does not burst when heated.

After sterilization, take out the jars and roll up the lids. Usually jars with iron lids are turned upside down, but I used twist lids (screw lids), with such lids we do not turn jars over. Cover the tomato and cabbage appetizer with a blanket until it cools completely.

Not a single family feast is complete without pickled, salted tomatoes and cabbage. How tasty the housewife makes this dish is the main criterion of her skill.

Although in the summer you will have to work a little hard in the kitchen, your efforts will pay off in full when the whole family will feast on delicious and healthy dishes all winter long.

After all, fermented foods contain beneficial bacteria that have a beneficial effect on the immune system and digestive organs. In addition, both tomatoes and cabbage perfectly retain their natural vitamin qualities. Here are some useful recipes for enjoying this product in autumn and winter.

Recipe 1. Salted tomatoes with cabbage

Place on the bottom of a large saucepan:

Dill (umbrellas are a must, if not, you can replace them with dry seeds),
. horseradish root,
. peeled garlic cloves,
. black peppercorns,
. allspice,
. bay leaf (optional).

You can also add a few leaves of cherries or currants; horseradish root can be replaced with leaves.

Washed tomatoes and
. cabbage, cut into large pieces (a small head is cut into 4-5 pieces and the head is removed).

How to cook:

Then prepare the brine, 2 heaped tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of water. Pour hot brine over cabbage and tomatoes.
We cover the top with gauze, it will need to be changed periodically, and we cover the top with a lid, but not tightly, for the fermentation process to take place, air must enter the pan, otherwise the tomatoes may suffocate.

Then we take the pan to the balcony or basement. You can enjoy vegetables in just a month and a half.

But this recipe is good for use until the end of autumn; tomatoes cannot be stored in a pan longer.

Recipe 2. Pickled tomatoes with cabbage in jars

Here is an example of a good recipe for pickling for the winter. To prepare pickled tomatoes and cabbage for the winter you also need:

Cut the cabbage into large pieces, but so that they fit into the jar,
. carrot slices,
. horseradish and
. garlic.

How to cook:

Place the washed tomatoes and cabbage in three-liter jars and begin preparing the brine.

For 10 liters of water, 250 g of salt and 250 g of sugar, bring to a boil and pour hot jars of tomatoes and cabbage, cover with gauze on top, leave in a warm place to ferment for about a month.

Then we remove the gauze, close it with nylon lids and send it to the basement until winter.

Recipe 3. Marinated tomatoes with cabbage for the winter

Another good recipe. We will need:

1 kg cabbage;
. 2 pcs. Sweet pepper;
. 1 kg of tomatoes;
. 2 pcs. onion.

For the marinade:

100g sugar,
. 250ml vinegar,
. black pepper and
. fragrant polka dots,
. 50 g salt.

How to cook:

We choose good tomato varieties, elastic with thin skin and fleshy. We thoroughly wash the tomatoes and cut them into slices, shred the cabbage, remove the heads of cabbage, remove the seeds from the bell pepper and cut into strips.

Cut the onion into rings or half rings if very large. Place all peeled and washed vegetables in an enamel pan or bowl and place under pressure for 10-12 hours.

You can cover with a lid and put a brick on top. While the vegetables are releasing their juice, wash and sterilize the jars well. Then drain the juice, add sugar, vinegar and pepper, mix.

Place the pan on low heat and cook for 10 minutes. We scatter them into jars and seal them with metal lids for the winter. We wrap the finished canned food in a blanket and keep it there until completely cooled, and then send it to the basement.

This is how easy it is to prepare salted tomatoes and cabbage for the winter for the whole family. Bon appetit!

Marinated tomatoes with cabbage!

Tomatoes can be canned for the winter along with other vegetables. This makes tomatoes and cabbage very tasty. Cabbage can be made into layers, cut into medium pieces or finely chopped. It’s a choice for every housewife, but in the end the cabbage and tomatoes turn out delicious.

For pickled tomatoes and cabbage we will need:

· 2 kg tomatoes,

· 1 kg cabbage,

· 1 piece of carrots,

· 3 cloves of garlic,

· 1 piece of sweet pepper,

· 3 pcs bay leaves,

· 5 black peppercorns,

· 2 dill umbrellas.

· 2 tbsp. l. salt,

· 3 tbsp. l. Sahara,

· 1 tsp. 9% vinegar.


Wash all vegetables and herbs thoroughly in water.

Cabbage mode at your discretion, I like cabbage cut into square pieces 3*3 cm. Garlic mode in slices, peppers and carrots in large strips.

Place seasoning and dill at the bottom of a prepared jar. Place tomatoes and cabbage, adding peppers, carrots and garlic.

Now let's prepare the marinade. To do this, pour water into the pan, add sugar and salt. Boil for about 5 minutes. After this, pour in the tomatoes and roll up the lids.

Recipe for canned tomatoes and cabbage

A medium head of cabbage should be washed well and carefully cut into two parts. Shred the cabbage as thinly as possible. If you have a food processor, you can use that, but you can also get by with a regular grater.

Place the cabbage in a convenient container - it can be a large saucepan or an enamel basin.

Ripe tomatoes - try to choose whole, undamaged fruits, wash and cut as desired.

Wash the sweet pepper, separate the stalk with seeds and cut into strips or cubes.

Peel and chop the onions and carrots as finely as possible. You can grate the carrots and cut the onions into rings or cubes.

Transfer all the prepared vegetables to the cabbage and mix.

Marinated tomatoes and cabbage will taste better if you let the vegetables sit for a while before canning and soak in each other’s flavors.

To make the vegetables release their juice, add salt, sugar, vinegar and oil.

After about 60 minutes you can start cooking.

Place the pan over medium heat. After the salad boils, reduce the heat and simmer for 20 minutes.

Salted tomatoes and cabbage may not be sterilized, so it is very important to prepare clean jars so that the salad can be stored well.

Before storing food, the jars must be heated over steam or in the oven to prevent the glass from cracking.

We transfer hot vegetables into jars up to the neck and immediately roll them up.

Tomatoes and cabbage for the winter will be ready as soon as they cool down. Turn the jars upside down and wrap them well. After about 6 hours, the jars can be stored, and if you are impatient, then try what you got. Bon appetit!

It is impossible to imagine a winter table without pickles and marinades. However, not many people risk making assorted vegetables for the winter. The combination of cabbage and tomatoes produces aromatic and tasty dishes. We will share the best recipes that are clear and easy to prepare.

Canning vegetables for the winter has its own peculiarities.

  1. Choose late varieties so that the head is firm and the leaves are juicy and crisp. Otherwise, you risk getting a limp porridge of cabbage leaves.
  2. When salting, always use coarse table salt. Do not experiment with iodized sea salt.
  3. To make cabbage leaves crispy, add two or three pieces of horseradish. Carrots can replace it; it will add a sweetish taste to the preparation.
  4. To enhance the aroma and richness, add dill, garlic, spices, and onions.
  5. The appetizer will acquire a unique taste with the help of sweet peppers, apples, and carrots.

Salad with tomatoes and cabbage in jars

To preserve salad for the winter, you will need the following vegetables:

Prepare the spices separately:

Sequential preparations:

Place the cooked vegetables in a saucepan and mix well. Set the pressure on top for 10-12 hours. After the time has passed, drain the vegetable juice into another container. Add sugar, vinegar, salt, allspice to the juice, stir. Pour the juice back into the pan and let it simmer with the vegetables for 10-15 minutes over low heat. Distribute the vegetable stock for the winter into jars and roll up.

Pickled cabbage with tomatoes in a jar

Pickling vegetables is very easy. A novice housewife can make this snack herself. The product retains its quality at room temperature and does not require much effort or time to prepare. Don't forget to sterilize your jars and lids beforehand.

First prepare a medium-sized head of cabbage, a couple of kilograms of tomatoes.

According to the recipe, you will need spices: bay leaf, three allspice peas and five black peppers, sugar (60 g), salt (25-30 g), half a glass of vinegar.

Before you begin, prepare your vegetables:

  • cabbage needs to be chopped;
  • Wash the tomatoes in running water.

Place the first layer of cabbage on the bottom of the jar along with a bay leaf and a few black peppercorns. On top is a layer of tomatoes. Then we place cabbage and tomatoes alternately up to the very neck of the jar. It is desirable that the top layer be cabbage.

Fill the filled jars with boiling water and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then pour the water into a separate pan, add sugar and salt. The resulting brine must be brought to a boil.
We refill the jars with hot marinade. Pour vinegar on top and immediately roll up. Turn the jars over and cover with a blanket. After complete cooling, transfer to a permanent storage location.

Marinated cabbage with green tomatoes and beets

You can surprise your guests in winter with an unusual, beautiful treat. A marinated appetizer made from beets, green tomatoes and cabbage for the winter looks very original and colorful on the holiday table.

Main components:

The cooking technology is as follows:

  1. Divide the head of cabbage into four parts, remove the stalk from each quarter and divide into several more parts.
  2. Pour the cabbage into a container and add salt (20 g). Place pressure on top for 30 minutes.
  3. After the time has passed, the cabbage must be kneaded well with your hands and left under pressure for another half hour.
  4. While the preparation is infused, grate the beets on a coarse grater. The carrots also need to be peeled and grated. If you want to decorate the preparation with herbs, wash and chop a small bunch of dill or parsley.
  5. When the cabbage is steeped, add beets and carrots to it. Reinstall the pressure and let it sit for an hour.
  6. Wash the green tomatoes and cut them into pieces. Place vegetables, garlic and tomatoes with spices in layers in jars. Alternate, lay tightly without voids.
  7. Salt the remaining vegetable juice (50 grams of salt per liter), pour into jars. Pour 40 ml of vinegar under the lid into each jar.
  8. Seal the jars, transfer to a shaded place (out of direct sunlight), and leave for two days at room temperature.

Pickled tomatoes with cabbage

To pickle tomatoes and cabbage for the winter, you will need dill umbrellas. Small pieces of horseradish root will add a unique aroma to the preparation.

For salting you will need:

Add spices to taste, you can add more, or you can skip them altogether. Prepare black and allspice peas, currant leaves, horseradish, cherry, laurel leaves. You will also need one liter of clean water, 50 grams of salt.

The cooking sequence is as follows:

  1. Bring water to a boil, dissolve salt in it.
  2. Cut the head of cabbage into large pieces without the stalk.
  3. Place the tomatoes in jars (or a saucepan), alternating with cabbage.
  4. Pour in hot brine.

Cover the jars with lids or gauze (several layers) so that air reaches the vegetables. If you decide to use cloth or gauze, do not forget to change it.

Pickled vegetables must be stored in a cool place. The preparation will be ready for use in a month.

Canned tomatoes with cabbage and sweet peppers

To add flavor to canned tomatoes and cabbage, the preparation for the winter is supplemented with bell pepper. In this case you will need:


Banks must be sterilized. Place dill, pepper, and bay leaf in each jar. Then fill the jar with tomatoes, alternating with cabbage, peppers, garlic, and carrots.

Prepare a brine from the following ingredients:

  • water – 1 liter;
  • salt – 50-60 g;
  • sugar – 80-90 g;
  • table vinegar 9% - 5 gr.

To do this, pour all the ingredients one by one into boiling water and mix. Pour the brine into the jars and cover with tin lids. Leave to pasteurize for about 15-20 minutes. After rolling it up, cover it with a warm cloth and let it cool overnight.

You can significantly expand the variety of recipes for canning cabbage and tomatoes for the winter if you replace the usual white cabbage with Savoy, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, red cabbage or kohlrabi. The main thing is not to be lazy! And in winter, your loved ones will thank you for delicious, aromatic dishes.

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