How to preserve birch sap with lemon. Preparing birch sap for the winter with lemon

Birch sap contains the vital energy of a slender tree. It is rich in microelements, vitamins, refreshes and has a healing effect. How to properly roll up birch sap at home? The answer to this question lies in different preservation recipes using lemon, orange and citric acid.

Fragrant, clear juice is not just a tasty drink with an original taste, but a whole natural first aid kit in one glass. “Birch tears” contain phytoncides, organic acids, enzymes and almost all microelements necessary for the human body.

Attention! To get rid of various diseases and strengthen the body, it is recommended to drink from 8 to 10 liters. birch sap per year.

The peculiarity of the juice is that it is structured and has so many unique properties that it is quite difficult to list everything. Suffice it to say that birch sap has a pronounced antitumor effect and antioxidant properties. In addition, it dissolves stones in the bladder and kidneys, and is used in the treatment of ulcers, bronchitis, and tuberculosis. It has an anthelmintic and diuretic effect, strengthens the immune system and protects against vitamin deficiency. And it is even used to get rid of wrinkles. In fact, this is a unique medicine.

When and where is birch sap collected?

“Tears of birch” are collected during the spring melting of snow, until the tree is decorated with young sticky leaves. In April, birch trees begin to actively flow sap and they literally “cry”, secreting a clear liquid.

Birch sap is collected in the spring

The collection period is short, only 15-20 days, and during this time experienced collectors extract enough juice for drinking and for storing for future use.

By the way, purchased birch sap in a classic three-liter jar is only a semblance of fresh healing liquid. If you are lucky and you find yourself in Belarus or central Russia at the right time, then you can use this chance.

The process of extracting the “universal medicine”

Extraction of any value requires knowledge, skills and tools. Only mature birch trees with a trunk diameter of 20 cm or more are suitable for collecting liquid. In trunks 20-25 cm, one hole is drilled, 25 - 35 cm - two.

An adult birch tree can give up to 6 liters per day. juice, but it is better to collect 2 liters. from every tree.

Attention! It has been scientifically proven that correct collection of sap does not harm birch groves and forests. On the contrary, over several years of intensive production, sap flow becomes more abundant.

Step-by-step guide to collecting healing liquid:

  1. First you need to remove a section of bark at a height of 40 cm from the ground.
  2. Drill a hole up to 5 cm with a drill.
  3. Insert a gutter, any tube, a transparent medical dropper or gauze through which the drops will flow.
  4. Place a collection container on the ground and lower the end of the tube or gutter into it. The best conditions for a bountiful “harvest” are sunny weather and time from 12 to 18 pm.
  5. As practitioners say, there is no need to spend 24 hours in front of the device. It is enough to check it 1-2 times. in a day.
  6. After receiving 2 liters of the “universal medicine”, the hole is filled with moss or a stick treated with a natural pest repellent.

Preparing birch sap for the winter with citric acid

Typically, lovers of woody drinks consume some of the juice immediately after extraction, and leave some for canning. A larger percentage of the unique beneficial substances contained in “birch tears” can be preserved with proper processing.

Advice. The main thing is to prevent the drink from boiling, otherwise some of the healing properties will be lost.

To start work, you need to prepare glass jars, 5 liters. clear juice, 25 gr. citric acid, 630 gr. Sahara. When these ingredients are added, the juice with a weak taste acquires a bright sweetness and slight sourness.

Canning steps:

  1. Pour all the juice into a saucepan and place on low heat. As soon as foam appears, it must be removed. If bubbles appear, indicating the beginning of boiling, quickly turn off the heat.
  2. Add citric acid and sugar to the drink.
  3. Before pouring birch sap into sterile jars, filter it through a fine sieve or cheesecloth.
  4. Cover the jars or bottles with lids and, after cooling, take them to a cool place. Some people advise keeping the twists in hot water for about 15 minutes. for additional sterilization.

Birch drink with lemon or orange

Birch sap with a subtle citrus aroma will appeal even to those who do not like clear drinks. Calculating the ingredients for this recipe is very simple:

  • the total volume of 3 liter cans should be equal to the number of liters of juice;
  • Each jar will take 2 tbsp. l. sugar and 1 slice of lemon or orange. What exactly to use depends on your taste. To begin with, you can close several blanks with lemon and some with orange.

Advice. An interesting variation of the recipe was proposed by residents of a village bordering a birch forest. Instead of fruit, they put sucking candies in jars: barberries or duchess.

Cooking steps:

  1. Bring the juice to a hint of a boil.
  2. Turn off quickly and pour into prepared containers.
  3. Place the specified amount of sugar and fruit into each jar.

Preservation of birch sap with mint, tangerines and dried fruits

Transparent birch sap for a cook is like a blank sheet of Whatman paper for an artist. You can approach canning creatively and enhance the taste of the drink with various additives:

  1. The collected and strained juice is brought to a boil and turned off.
  2. Add a sprig of mint, a slice of peeled tangerine, and a few slices of lemon to the aromatic liquid. It is better without zest, it will give a bitter aftertaste.
  3. Then add pre-washed dried fruits. For example, raisins or rose hips.
  4. Add citric acid to the pan in a proportion of ½ tsp. for 10 l. juice Bring to a boil again and pour into prepared containers.

Exquisite drink. Juice plus currant cuttings

Fans of colorless juice with a smooth, slightly sweet taste and pronounced aroma will enjoy the infusion with currant cuttings. The principles of its preparation are the same as in previous versions. You just need to wash the branches in advance and cut them so that they fit well into the jars. Then place them in sterile containers and pour hot, strained birch sap. An exquisite drink for the winter is ready!

Kvass infused with wood drink

One of the original recipes for preserving “birch tears” is making kvass.

To obtain a fermented drink, you need to heat the birch sap to 30 °C. Add 15-20 g to the pan with liquid. yeast and a few raisins. If you like citrus flavors, you can add lemon zest to your drink. The last stage of preparation is fermentation for 2 weeks.

Advice. The lid of birch kvass must be periodically removed during fermentation, releasing the resulting gases.

As a result, the juice turns into a delicious carbonated drink with a distinct taste. You can store it all summer.

Recently, healing “birch tears” have practically disappeared from store shelves, but they have unique properties that cannot be replaced by anything else. Preparing a wonderful drink for future use can save you from spring vitamin deficiency and help in the fight against ailments. And simply please with an unforgettable soft taste.

Preparation and preservation of birch sap - video

How to seal birch sap with lemon and preserve it until winter? This question interests many housewives who love to collect life-giving moisture in early spring and enjoy it in the summer, autumn and winter seasons. However, not all fans of birch sap know how to properly prepare it for future use. In this regard, we decided to present several preservation methods that will help preserve such a drink until the onset of the cold period and even longer.

Almost every housewife knows recipes with lemon and orange. However, for those who decided to prepare such a drink for the winter for the first time, we will repeat the methods in more detail.

Option 1: with orange

Preserving birch sap using the aromatic orange fruit is the most popular method among fans of this drink. To create it you will need:

  • fresh birch sap - 3 l;
  • sweet orange - 1 medium-sized fruit;
  • citric acid - ½ dessert spoon;
  • dry mint leaves - dessert spoon.

Procurement process

In order for the orange to be as aromatic and tasty as possible, during its preparation you should strictly follow all the described rules. First you need to pour the fresh drink into a clean enamel pan and slowly bring it to a boil. After this, you need to sterilize a three-liter glass jar, put granulated sugar, 4-5 orange slices (with the peel) and dry mint leaves in it. Next, place multi-layer gauze or a strainer on the neck of the jar, and then carefully pour hot birch sap into it. This treatment will strip your drink of all unnecessary particles and allow it to be preserved for a long time.

After all the described actions, you need to roll up the jar with a sterilized lid, turn it upside down, cover it with a blanket and leave it in this position until the next day or until it cools completely. It is advisable to store the prepared drink in a cool room: a cellar or refrigerator.

As you can see, preserving birch sap using fruit is a fairly simple and quick way to create a tasty and healthy drink that can be enjoyed until late winter. However, the option with orange slices is far from the only method of adding life-giving liquid. Let's consider other methods in more detail.

Option 2: with lemon

How to seal birch sap with lemon? For this we need:

  • fresh birch sap - 3 l;
  • granulated sugar - 3 heaped spoons;
  • lemon - 1 large fruit;
  • lollipop with any flavor (apple, duchess, mint, etc.) - 1-2 pcs.

Cooking process

Don't know how to seal birch sap with lemon? First, you should carefully process the fresh drink. To do this, you need to strain it through thick gauze or a fine strainer, and then pour it into an enamel pan. Next, add 5-6 slices of lemon with peel and a couple of flavored candies into the same bowl. After this, the pan should be placed on low heat. It is not recommended to boil the drink. It just needs to be slightly heated so that all the added components are completely dissolved.

After the first bubbles begin to rise from the bottom of the hot dish, birch sap can be safely poured into jars. To do this, you need to take a three-liter glass container and sterilize it over hot steam. Next, you need to place a sieve on the neck of the jar and pour in the hot drink. Finally, the filled container should be rolled up with a lid. The finished canned product needs to be turned upside down, wrapped well in a blanket or blanket and left to cool for about a day. After the specified time, the birch sap should be placed in the refrigerator or any other place where the air temperature does not exceed 5 degrees.

Now you know how to seal birch sap with lemon for the winter. However, it should be noted that such a drink can be preserved not only using fresh citrus fruits and mint. After all, some lovers of this juice prefer to consume it in effervescent form. To do this, it is recommended to add yeast to a fresh drink and keep it warm for some time. Although, instead of such an additional ingredient, some cooks also use dried fruits. Let's consider this method in more detail.

How to prepare birch sap with raisins for the winter?

The taste of this drink is very similar to kvass. And this is not without reason, because it is in the mentioned drink that a handful of raisins are added, which allows the liquid to ferment and transform it into vigorous juice.

So, to create such an effervescent blank we will need:

  • fresh birch sap - 3 l;
  • granulated sugar - 4 heaped spoons;
  • dried - a small pinch;
  • black or brown raisins (can be with or without seeds) - 10-12 pcs.

Procurement process

Unlike previous recipes, this version of the drink does not involve boiling or any heating of the life-giving liquid. This allows you to preserve maximum nutrients in birch sap. Moreover, this drink is more refreshing in hot summer weather.

In order to make such a preparation, you need to strain fresh birch sap, pour it into a glass container, and then add granulated sugar, dried lemon zest and a handful of brown or black raisins. All ingredients should be thoroughly mixed with a large spoon, closed loosely and left at room temperature for 25-30 hours. During this time, the juice should ferment a little. Next, it must be bottled and placed in the refrigerator for storage. You can consume the finished drink only after 2-3 weeks. During this time, it will fully cook, become slightly sour, aromatic and very tasty.

It should be especially noted that birch sap can be used to make not only refreshing drinks, but also a table product such as vinegar. To create it, the collected liquid in the amount of 2 liters must be mixed with 30 g of honey and 100 g of vodka, and then left in a warm place for 2-3 months.

So, we kick our family out of the kitchen. Now it will become unsafe there, and we are starting the harvesting season again. What a blessing that the idle winter is over!

  • sugar - 1 whole 250-gram glass per 3-liter jar;
  • citric acid - 1 level teaspoon per 3-liter jar;
  • oranges - 1 small round per 3-liter jar.

Based on how much juice you want to make, take the right amount of sugar, lemons and oranges. It took me about 1.5 kg of sugar, 2 oranges and about 70-75 g of citric acid for 8 3-liter jars of birch grass.

How to seal birch sap with orange in jars

1. First, sterilize the container. This can be done either steamed or in the oven. I was in no particular hurry, so I kept them in the oven for almost an hour at 150 degrees. It is more convenient, of course, to do this in advance, so as not to be distracted by washing, drying and preparing the containers later. If you plan to roll up birch sap in the evening, and during the day someone from your family is at home, put the jars in the oven in the morning and ask them to turn on and then turn off the oven. Just when you get home, the bottles will be sterilized and even have time to cool down.

2. Pour fresh birch sap into large pans and place on the stove over high heat. Let it boil. This is not a quick job, so I'm working on the lids. We rinse them and throw them into boiling water; as you understand, a small saucepan of water needs to be put on the fire in advance. Sterilize the lids for 5-7 minutes while actively bubbling.

3. Then put them on a dry, clean cloth or towel and let them dry.
When bubbles just begin to appear in the pan with juice, bring it to a strong boil and immediately turn it off. Don't overcook!

4. Pour sugar into the jars.

5. Follow it with citric acid.

6. Throw in a circle of orange and carefully begin pouring the juice.

7. To prevent the jar from accidentally bursting, this can also happen, insert it into a plastic bowl, at the bottom of which you must place a dry cloth (and change it when it gets wet). When you work with boiling water, extra precautions never hurt anyone.
Fill a glass jar with birch sap up to the neck and roll it up.

8. When turning the jar onto its neck, hold the middle of the lid with your finger. It will bounce off, but there is nothing to worry about, the main thing is that the lid does not burst under the pressure of hot birch sap.

9. Cover the jars with a jacket or sweatshirt and leave overnight. In the morning, pasteurized birch sap with orange can be put into the cellar for the winter. They stand well in a cold room, so if you don’t drink the juice earlier, it may well last until next winter. Bon appetit!

The author of this wonderful recipe with photo Ksysha0810

A wonderful time has come - collecting birch sap. We can talk endlessly about its benefits. That is why I recommend that you do not miss the opportunity and drink it as much as possible, especially fresh. But what to do if there is a lot of it? And there are actually many options, I think that each of you will be able to choose a recipe to suit your taste.
Kvass from birch sap
The given recipe is designed for 5 liters of birch sap. We dilute 25 grams of yeast in a small amount of juice and add it to the main volume of juice. Squeeze juice from 1 lemon, 20-30 g. honey and a little sugar. Combine all ingredients with juice and mix. Pour the juice into bottles, in each of which you need to put a couple of raisins. We close the containers tightly and send them to a cool, dark place.
You can drink kvass from birch sap already on the 4th day, and it can be stored for 3-4 months.
Preservation of birch sap
Birch sap with lemon and orange.
The simplest recipe for canned juice that I have been using for several years. The idea is very simple: we sterilize the required number of jars and lids. Place the birch sap on medium gas, bring to a boil, skim off the foam and add sugar. I add sugar by eye, as some people like it sweeter and others don’t. But for 5 liters you need an average of 1 glass of sugar. Cut the lemon and orange into slices, do not remove the skin, pour boiling water over them and put them in jars. In a 3 liter jar I put 2 lemon slices and 3 orange slices. Pour the juice into jars, screw on the lids and turn them over, put the jars in a warm place, wrapped in a blanket. The next day, you can send the canned juice to the cellar or to another place, but always dark and cool.

Birch sap with dried fruits or rose hips:
This recipe can be slightly modified depending on your personal wishes. Personally, I make birch sap with rose hips for myself, but for my daughter I follow the same recipe with dried fruits.
Calculation of ingredients for 3 liters: half a glass of sugar, a handful of rose hips or dried fruits.
Boil the juice, add sugar and washed rose hips, boil for 10 minutes, then pour into jars that have been sterilized in advance. Roll up the lids, turn the jars over and wrap them up.

Birch sap with candy

The recipe is for 3 liters of juice
Boil birch sap, add half a glass of sugar, a teaspoon of citric acid and 2 pieces of candy. Pour into jars, sterilize them, roll them up and insulate them.

Birch sap wine

The recipe is based on 5 liters. Boil the birch sap until it boils, add sugar, 300 grams. In the container in which the sap will be stored, put a couple of slices of lemon and pour in 1 liter of table white grape wine, then pour in the hot birch sap. When the liquid has cooled, add half a teaspoon of yeast (dry) and stir. The wine should stand for 3 days, after which you can cork it and put it in a cold place for 2 weeks. After this time, the birch sap wine will be ready.
I also want to deviate a little from the topic and tell you a few recipes for what can be made from birch leaves.

Birch leaf recipes
Seasoning with birch leaves

We will need birch leaves and nettles. We wash everything and dry it. When the leaves are dry, chop them together with one clove bud.
Proportion: 1 tsp. birch, 1 clove bud, 1 tsp. nettles
It is better to store the seasoning in a dark place in a glass container.
The seasoning is suitable for fish and meat dishes.
Birch leaf tea
Crushed dry birch leaves are poured with boiling water and infused for 3 hours.
For 250 ml. boiling water you need 2 tsp. leaf
Next, the drink is filtered, after which it is ready for consumption.
It is recommended to drink no more than one glass per day, warm it up a little and add honey.

Berezovitsa (birch sap) is collected in the spring. This drink is very beneficial for the human body. It contains a huge amount of vitamins and tannins that have a positive effect on health. Since ancient times, people have treated almost all their diseases with this liquid, from vitamin deficiency to lung problems. Birch nectar also perfectly cleanses and heals the skin, and can compete with the best cosmetics. But do not assume that this is a panacea for all ills. The sap provided by the birch tree can be used as a stimulant.

This drink is very beneficial for the human body.

You just need to know how to collect birch “tears” correctly so as not to kill the tree. You can collect the drink when the trees begin to bud. This is the period from approximately mid-March to the end of April.

To stock up on juice you need:

  1. Find a birch tree on which the buds have already begun to swell. The girth of the tree must be at least 20 cm. The older the tree, the sweeter its nectar.
  2. Drill a hole in the wood with a drill 1.5 cm in diameter. You need to drill shallowly. The sap is found between the bark and the wood.
  3. Attention! Never use an axe. It is much easier for a tree to heal a hole than a cut. Don't kill the tree.
  4. Insert a conductor into the hole for flowing juice from last year's grass. This is the best way to collect everything without the liquid spreading down the tree post.
  5. Place the bottle to catch the liquid. A bottle will be an ideal collection container. Insects and debris will not get into it.
  6. After you have collected the required amount of sap, or if the tree begins to produce very little, seal the hole with wax or make a wooden plug from a branch or wood chip.
  7. Come for filled containers 2-3 times a day.

The tree will gradually heal the hole. Do not torture the birch tree or drill a new hole. It’s better to drain the sap from another birch tree.

Do not pick birch trees that are located near highways. Trees absorb very well all exhaust gases and harmful substances produced by cars.

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