Marinating tomatoes with carrot tops. Canned tomatoes with carrot tops for the winter - step-by-step recipe with photos

For several years now, canned tomatoes with carrot tops have become very popular in winter preparations. The recipe became a mega hit! Every now and then they ask: “How to prepare such a preparation? It's complicated? Is it true that it is very tasty? Can you give me the recipe!..."

I will answer all questions at once: “Yes, it’s very tasty! I can’t even find words for how delicious it is! And preparing such a preparation for the winter is a couple of trifles; it couldn’t be simpler...”

And at least one fact speaks about the taste: an open liter jar lasts for a maximum of 10 minutes. If you put tomatoes on the table in a salad bowl for lunch or dinner, then while you are setting the table, cutting bread, preparing cutlery, the salad bowl is emptying right before your eyes. But they haven’t even sat down at the table yet.

Another important fact: when the fruits in the jar run out, start brining. And it gets drunk as quickly as the tomatoes run out. It tastes no worse.

Therefore, if you are engaged in preparations, then you should definitely cook in this version! Moreover, the recipe is actually as simple as two and two. No spices are needed, jars do not need to be sterilized. They just made the brine, poured it in, drained it and poured it in again. That's the whole recipe!

But let's take a closer look at the recipe. So that everything works out for you for sure. So that the banks don't fly up. And so that summer tomatoes will delight us during the long winter!

Tomatoes with carrot tops for the winter, step-by-step recipe

We will need:

  • tomatoes - 15-20 medium-sized specimens per liter jar
  • carrot tops - 4-5 sprigs per liter jar
  • aspirin - 1 tablet per liter jar (optional)

Brine (per 1 liter of water):

  • salt - 1 tbsp. heaped spoon
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp. spoon


1. Prepare the jars. It is very convenient to prepare tomatoes in liter jars. We opened it once and ate it right away. But I also prepare two-liter ones. It's good to have a jar like this when guests come over. This appetizer is always a hit, so guests always eat it with great pleasure.

2. Wash jars using soda or any cleaning agent. Then we sterilize them using one of the known methods. They can be scalded with boiling water by pouring 1/3 of it into the jar. Let the boiling water stand for 10 minutes, then shake it from side to side so that it gets on all the walls and drain. Immediately cover with a boiled lid.

You can fill a pan with water and place a colander on it. And place the jar in it with the neck down. After the water boils, hold the jar over steam for 10 minutes. Then remove and cover with a lid.

If you have a convection oven, you can sterilize jars in them. Below is a video on how to do this.

Or the jars can be sterilized by placing them in the oven.

3. It is better to take small tomatoes for this recipe. They are less capricious. In addition, they are better soaked in brine and taste better.

I use my own homegrown tomatoes. Of course, they do not ripen in my garden; we pick them when they are green. But when they begin to ripen, I select small specimens and slowly begin to make them. Today I collected them for one two-liter and three liter jars. Usually I try to prepare 15 liters of them this way per season.

It is not necessary to use completely ripe fruits for this recipe. You can also take slightly pink ones. They will also be very tasty.

4. Wash the tomatoes, place them on a towel and let the water drain.

To prevent them from cracking, prick them with a needle or toothpick in the area of ​​the stalk. This will help them remain safe and sound.

5. Wash the carrot tops, sort them, remove damaged branches. It is advisable to take tops from large carrots. Such tops have already gained strength, and they will make a tasty brine. This means the finished product will also be delicious.

6. Place three or four branches of tops on the bottom of sterilized liter jars, and the coarse stems can be cut off and placed at the very bottom. And the branches are beautifully distributed along the walls of the jar. If you use larger jars, then put more branches in them.

7. Fill the jars with tomatoes to the very top.

8. Place a couple more small sprigs of tops on top.

9. Now let's start preparing the brine. For a liter jar we will need approximately 0.5 liters of water. Since I got 5 liters of tomatoes, I will need 2.5 liters of water. I will prepare a brine using 3 liters of water. It's better to have some left than not enough. Then I’ll use the leftovers to make lightly salted cucumbers.

10. Pour the required volume of water into a large saucepan. Add the required amount of salt and sugar. Since I have 3 liters of water, I add 3 tablespoons of salt and 12 tablespoons of sugar into the water.

This amount varies in different recipes. Somewhere more salt is added, somewhere less sugar. I tried experimenting with different amounts of them, and this recipe turned out to be the most delicious of all.

The preparations are slightly salty, more sweet. And that’s why the brine is very tasty.

11. Bring the brine to a boil, stir until the salt and sugar dissolve, and let simmer for 3-4 minutes. Then pour the tomatoes right up to the neck. Cover with lids. And leave it to warm up for 10-15 minutes. Pour the remaining brine into another pan. We will still need it to top it up when we refill them.

12. Using a lid - a sieve with holes, pour the brine back into the pan.

13. Put the brine back on the fire and let it boil. Along with it we also put the brine that we have left unclaimed. To add it to jars of tomatoes if necessary.

14. At this time, jars with contents should be covered with lids.

15. As soon as the brine boils, let it simmer for 5 minutes. And pour it into the jars again. Let stand for 7-10 minutes. And pour it back into the pan, which we put on the fire to boil.

16. Now aspirin comes into play. I will say right away that you will not find it in any recipe. This is our secret family ingredient. And for me this is a kind of “safety cushion”. I add aspirin to all recipes for canning cucumbers and tomatoes. Aspirin does not affect the taste in any way, but it does not affect storage. With aspirin, jars do not “explode” and are stored for a long time.

But this is at your discretion. You don't have to add it. Tomatoes with carrot tops can be preserved without aspirin.

If you still decide to add, then add 1 tablet per liter jar. It needs to be crushed and put directly into the jar before pouring the brine.

17. When the brine has boiled for the third time, pour it into the jars again, but not to the very edge. Then add a spoonful of 9% vinegar to each liter jar, not to be confused with essence. Now add brine to the very edges so that when closing the jar, a little brine spills out. If there is not enough brine, add it from the reserve pan, in which it must also boil. Cover with a lid and do not open it again.

If you accidentally open the lid, add hot brine again to the very edges. Cover with a lid and wait until the air bubbles come out.

18. Let the tomatoes sit for a while, while rotating the jar from side to side to release any air bubbles.

19. Then tighten the lids using a seaming machine. Turn over and cover with a blanket.

20. Leave until completely cooled for a day.

21. Check after a day to see if the jar is leaking. If everything is fine, then turn it over and leave it for two to three weeks for observation.

Tomatoes with carrot tops should be thoroughly infused. Try not to open them ahead of time. Let it sit for at least two months, preferably three. Then they will be just right.

Video on how to cook tomatoes with carrot tops at home

This recipe is very popular, many people look at it and cook it. And that’s why we made a video so that no one would have problems preparing such a preparation.

In fact, the recipe is simplest. When you make tomatoes using it for the first time, you will immediately understand this.

Friends, if after watching you still have questions, ask them in the comments. I will be happy to answer them.

What to do if the jar is leaking or the lid has lifted

If the next day you see that the jar is leaking, it means you did not close the lid tightly. In this case, open it and you have two options

  • You can re-preserve such a jar. To do this, you need to drain the brine through a lid - a sieve into a pan, and boil it for 5-7 minutes. Then pour it back into the jar, cover with a lid, and let stand for 5 minutes to release any air bubbles. And screw the lids back on.
  • Leave the tomatoes in the jar and put them in the refrigerator. Eat after two days, like lightly salted ones. It is not advisable to use brine in this case.

If you decide to remake the preparations, their taste will no longer be quite the same as in normal jars. The view may also be lost. Tomatoes may burst and go limp. But you will be able to eat them.

If the lid of the jar lifts after a week, or two, or later, then the fermentation process has begun in the jar. It can occur for several reasons

  • jars or lids are poorly washed and sterilized
  • poorly washed tomatoes or tops
  • if the brine did not boil, and you poured it into a jar
  • if there is air left in the jar
  • if the lid is not closed properly

Such canned products should absolutely not be eaten. It should be thrown out without any regret!

If you follow all the stages of conservation, then none of this will happen. And tomatoes with carrot tops, just like tomatoes, will delight you with their taste and bright appearance all winter. What I sincerely wish for you.

Bon appetit!

It happens that you are going to pickle tomatoes, but there is neither horseradish nor dill. In this case, I suggest marinating tomatoes with carrot tops for the winter. My recipe with photo for a 1 liter jar makes delicious, sweet and sour pickled tomatoes.

Carrot tops give the marinade a pleasant taste; they successfully replace the so-called “broom” or “bouquet” for the marinade that grandmothers sell at the market.

It will take 30 minutes to prepare. From the ingredients indicated in the recipe you will get 1 jar with a capacity of 1 liter.


  • tomatoes - as many as will fit in the jar;
  • green tops from 2 carrots;
  • garlic – 4-5 cloves;
  • dill umbrella – 2 pcs.;
  • cumin, coriander, black pepper.

For filling:

  • table salt – 1 tbsp;
  • granulated sugar – 2 tbsp;
  • 9% vinegar – 1 tbsp;
  • spring or filtered water.

How to pickle tomatoes with carrot tops in a 1 liter jar

Place small ripe and firm tomatoes in a bowl of cold water. Wash the vegetables thoroughly and place them on a clean towel.

We cut the tops off the carrots, wash them thoroughly, shake them off, and place them on a clean towel.

Peel the garlic cloves and lightly press them with a knife. We cut the dill umbrellas from the stems.

Wash a liter jar with warm water and soda, rinse with hot water and boiling water. There is no need to sterilize the dishes, just wash and rinse.

Place the tomatoes in the prepared jar, alternating vegetables with sprigs of tops and garlic.

Pour boiling water into a jar of vegetables, leave for a few minutes, then pour into a saucepan.

Pour table salt without additives, sugar and a teaspoon each of cumin and coriander into a saucepan, throw in dill umbrellas.

Bring the filling to a boil, boil for 3-4 minutes.

Pour 9% vinegar into the jar directly onto the vegetables, followed by boiling pouring. Fill the jar with marinade up to the lid.

We close the jar with a boiled lid, then place it in a large saucepan filled with hot water. Pasteurize for 10 minutes at a temperature of 85 degrees Celsius.

Close the finished tomatoes tightly and turn the jar upside down, cover with a towel.

After cooling, put the workpieces in a cool pantry or cellar. Storage temperature from 0 to +12 degrees Celsius.

Canned tomatoes with carrot tops. Recipe with step-by-step photos

Canned tomatoes with carrot tops. Recipe with photo

, 8th grade student
MBOU "Basic comprehensive boarding school No. 3 named after Hero of Russia Vladimir Elizarov", 14 years old
Supervisor: Tsybanova Galina Anatolevna ,
teacher MBOU "Basic comprehensive boarding school No. 3 named after Hero of Russia Vladimir Elizarov"
Purpose: autumn preparations.
Preserving means preserving the beneficial properties and nutritional value of foods for a long time. Canned vegetables are characterized by pleasant taste and beneficial properties.
To implement my project, I looked for information on the Internet (about canning tomatoes with various spices and herbs). On one of the sites I came across a recipe for “Canned tomatoes with carrot tops.” I liked it because no additional spices or herbs are required for rolling tomatoes.

Description: The master class is designed for schoolchildren of 6th grade and older, and their parents. Technology teachers can easily use this material when studying the “Cooking” section.
Target: Preserve tomatoes in a small jar.
- expand your understanding of preparing vegetables for future use
- prepare for independent living
- develop independence and self-control
- cultivate a cognitive interest in cooking

To prepare the workpiece you will need:


Elastic medium-sized tomatoes
- tops from one carrot
- salt
- sugar
- food vinegar 9%
Iodized salt is not recommended for canning vegetables.
but in our class there was only one like this


Glass jar with tin lid
Drain cover

Two enamel pans of different sizes
Tablespoon and teaspoon
Wooden toothpicks
Seaming machine (key)
Can gripper


1. Before starting work, put on overalls and wash your hands with soap.
Choose medium-sized, medium-ripe tomatoes that will not burst in the future. Rinse the fruits and carrot tops thoroughly in warm water. First you need to clean them from dirt and dust, and then rinse them again and put them on a plate to dry.

2. Wash the jar and lid with baking soda and rinse under running water.
3. Place the jar in a preheated oven to sterilize for 15 minutes.
Boil the lid for at least 5 minutes.

4. Calculate how much sugar, salt and vinegar you need.
While the jar was sterilized and the tomatoes were drying, I once again looked through the recipes saved on the computer and chose the last post (5 liters of water, 20 tablespoons of sugar, 5 tablespoons of salt, 350 grams of 9% vinegar), because this recipe has been tested and is convenient for calculation .
For 1 liter of water you will need 4 tablespoons of sugar 1 table. a spoonful of salt and 70 grams of 9% vinegar
1 tbsp. spoon of salt – 30 g
1 tbsp. spoon of sugar – 25 g
To fill a 0.6 liter jar, 0.3 liters of water is enough for me, so I weighed the ingredients:
Salt – 30 g x 0.3 = 10 g
Sugar – 25 g x 4 x 0.3 = 30 g
Vinegar - 350 g / 5 x 0.3 = 21 g

5. Place part of the carrot tops on the bottom of a prepared and cooled sterile jar.

Then pack the tomatoes tightly (as many as you can fit).
Pre-prick each fruit at the location of the stalk with a wooden needle (toothpick) so that it does not burst during canning.

Place additional sprigs of tops between the tomatoes.

6. In order for each tomato to retain its bright color and elasticity, it is necessary to carry out heat treatment. To do this, you need to boil water and carefully pour boiling water into the jar.

7. Then immediately pour the water back into the pan and begin preparing the marinade.

To do this, add salt and sugar to the drained water. Place the pan over medium heat and bring the mixture to a boil. Boil until the salt and sugar are completely dissolved (about a couple of minutes). Pour in the vinegar and let the marinade sit for a few minutes.
8. Pour the hot marinade over the tomatoes in the jar, leaving about 1 cm to the edge of the neck.

9. Cover the jar with a sterile tin lid and place in a pan of hot water to pasteurize. The water in the pan should reach the shoulders of the jar.

Pasteurization is a controlled heat treatment of foods designed to kill bacteria and other microorganisms.
To prevent the jar from bursting, place a napkin folded in several layers at the bottom.
Pasteurization time is counted from the moment the liquid boils
and for my jar it is 10 minutes.
10. After this time, remove the jar from the pan using a grabber.

11. And roll up

12. Check the jar for leaks (carefully tilt it and make sure the marinade does not leak out).
Shake the jar, place the lid down and leave until completely cool.
An interesting ingredient in the form of carrot tops gives an unusual taste to pickled tomatoes. The marinade turns out to be special, and the tops also give an unusual appearance to the finished dish.
The peculiarity of such a seaming is that it must be allowed to stand for at least three months, otherwise the tops will not yet have time to impart to the fruit the very taste that makes this seaming so unique and unusual.

The simplicity of the recipe always causes some caution. Will tomatoes really be as savory as they promise? Roll up a few jars for the winter and try it. You'll be surprised how excited your pickles will be.

Rules for canning tomatoes

Canning tomatoes is not a difficult task. Most often, it is the preparatory stage that requires a lot of time. It is necessary to thoroughly wash the jars and sterilize them. Prepare the tomatoes. Then comes the turn of herbs. They should be washed no less thoroughly. After all, even a minor mistake will lead to the penetration of bacteria into the jar. By canning tomatoes with carrot tops for the winter, you reduce the preparation stage by almost half. After all, it is necessary to take care of the cleanliness of only a few branches of the tops and the tomatoes themselves.

6 secrets to make it tasty and beautiful

Before you start canning, be sure to check out these six tips that will make your homemade preparations even more appetizing.

  1. Appearance of tomatoes. For homemade preparations for the winter, it is best to choose elongated fruits. Such tomatoes have a characteristic “spout”. These are plum-shaped or cube-shaped fruits. It is the oblong tomatoes that are more fleshy, have a thick skin and have a sweetish taste.
  2. Tomato size. Small fruits are best. They are easily preserved, fit well in a jar, are soaked in high-quality marinade, and always look impressive on the plate.
  3. Carrot tops. Only fresh herbs are suitable for preservation. If you have your own garden, then cut it immediately before conservation. For those who purchase tops on the market, you can use the following trick. Dip the greens in cool water and leave it for 15 minutes. You will immediately notice how the “bouquet” has freshened. Rinse the tops under water and immediately use them for preservation.
  4. Bright color. Canned tomatoes often lose their bright, beautiful color. If you don't want your workpieces to become dull, remember one more trick. Add vinegar to the marinade after turning off the heat under the pan. If the vinegar boils over in the brine, it will not be able to preserve its rich colors.
  5. Crack protection. Very often you can see a picture when, while pouring boiling water, the peel of tomatoes cannot stand it and bursts. Such fruits look unaesthetic. To protect tomatoes from a similar fate, you need to make several punctures in the stalk area using a regular toothpick.
  6. Filling cans. When canning vegetables, always fill containers up to the top. Try to pour the marinade so that it slightly overflows. Following this rule will allow your preserves to successfully withstand the entire winter.

You can taste the tomatoes three months after preservation. If you open them earlier, you will be able to see for yourself: the tomatoes have not “arrived” yet. They will be lightly salted and will not have time to absorb the spicy and aromatic taste.

Recipes for tomatoes with carrot tops for the winter

If you want to seal a few jars for the winter using a new recipe, use the options below. Depending on your preferences, you can slightly change the flavor range. Fans of “sparkly” tomatoes can add a pod of hot pepper. And those who are used to enjoying spicy aromas will like preparations with cloves.

With vinegar

Peculiarities. If this is your first time rolling up pickled tomatoes with carrot tops, use this recipe. The tomatoes turn out sweetish, with a slight sourness. And when there is not a single tomato left in the jar, the marinade will begin to rapidly “destroy.”


  • tomatoes – 3 kg;
  • water – 2 l;
  • sugar – 150 g;
  • salt – 90 g;
  • vinegar – 200 ml;
  • carrot tops - eight branches.

How to cook

  1. Place the washed tops in three-liter jars, four branches in each.
  2. Wash the tomatoes and chop them.
  3. Place the fruits on the tops, trying to lay them as tightly as possible, but without pressing.
  4. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes.
  5. Leave them for 15 minutes.
  6. Then pour the liquid into a saucepan.
  7. Based on it, cook the marinade, adding salt and sugar.
  8. Lastly, add the vinegar.
  9. Pour the prepared marinade over the tomatoes and roll up.

With garlic and horseradish

Peculiarities. Do you want to reproduce the spicy-harsh taste of salted tomatoes that you remember from childhood? Then use the following recipe. Unlike the classic version, pickling tomatoes with carrot tops is done immediately in a glass container. And such preservation is stored in an apartment no worse than in a cellar. The amount of ingredients given in the recipe is calculated for one three-liter jar.


  • tomatoes – 1.5 kg;
  • salt – 120 g;
  • sugar – 50 g;
  • garlic - two cloves;
  • carrot tops - three branches;
  • horseradish leaf and root;
  • mustard plaster (medical) - one.

How to cook

  1. Place the peeled root and some of the herbs on the bottom of the jar.
  2. Fill with tomatoes, not reaching the top a little.
  3. Place garlic in container.
  4. Scatter the remaining herbs on top.
  5. Fill the tomatoes with regular cold water to the very top so you can understand how much brine you will need.
  6. Drain the liquid into a separate pan.
  7. Pour sugar and salt into it.
  8. Place the pan on the fire and boil the filling.
  9. Fill the jar with hot brine.
  10. Cut a small piece the size of a matchbox from the mustard plaster, put it under the lid and close it for the winter.

This preservation is best preserved in the cellar. But if you decide to salt tomatoes with carrot tops in an ordinary apartment, then sterilize the jar for 20-25 minutes before rolling.

With aspirin

Peculiarities. This recipe for pickling tomatoes with carrot tops contains aspirin. It does not affect the taste or smell at all, but ensures the elimination of microbes and allows the preservation to “stick.”


  • tomatoes – 1.5 kg;
  • carrot tops - four to five branches;
  • water – 1 l;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • salt – 30 g;
  • aspirin (for each liter jar) - one tablet;
  • vinegar – 30 ml;
  • greenery.

How to cook

  1. Rinse the carrot tops well and put them in jars.
  2. Place tomatoes on top.
  3. Place one small sprig of herbs on top of the tomatoes.
  4. Now you need to prepare the brine. If you seal tomatoes in liter jars, then each will need approximately 0.5 liters of liquid.
  5. Calculate the required amount of water, add another half liter to make sure there is enough.
  6. Add salt and sugar to the water.
  7. When the brine boils, pour it over the tomatoes.
  8. Infuse the tomatoes for 15 minutes.
  9. Do not rush to pour out the remaining brine; it will come in handy when you refill it.
  10. Drain the jars.
  11. Boil the brine again and let it simmer for five to seven minutes.
  12. Pour over the tomatoes, let stand for ten minutes and drain.
  13. While the brine is preparing to boil for the third and final time, take some aspirin.
  14. Crush the tablets and pour them directly into the jars.
  15. Pour boiling brine on top, not adding a little to the top.
  16. Add a spoonful of vinegar to each jar.
  17. Now add brine to the very top.
  18. If there is not enough filling, then use the reserve (it is better to put it on the fire in advance so that it is always ready).
  19. Roll up the tomato preparations.

With citric acid

Peculiarities. Tomatoes preserved with citric acid instead of vinegar have an original taste. However, keep in mind that thanks to this component, the tomatoes acquire a more pronounced sourness. This recipe for tomatoes with carrot tops is for one liter jar.


  • tomatoes – 600-800 g;
  • sugar – 50 g;
  • carrot tops - two or three branches;
  • salt – 15 g;
  • citric acid - half a teaspoon.

How to cook

  1. Place the thoroughly washed tops in a jar.
  2. Next, lower the tomatoes, filling the container tightly.
  3. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes.
  4. Wait 20-30 minutes, drain the liquid into a saucepan.
  5. Pour salt and sugar into it.
  6. Boil the marinade.
  7. Lastly, add citric acid to the brine.
  8. Fill the jar with marinade, then roll it up.

Add citric acid immediately before rolling the jar. If you leave it earlier, it will quickly lose its characteristic, slightly sour taste. Such preservation will lose its exquisite spiciness.

With hot pepper

Peculiarities. This recipe for canned tomatoes with carrot tops will appeal to lovers of savory snacks.


  • tomatoes – 3 kg;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • salt – 90 g;
  • garlic - four to five cloves;
  • chili pepper - one pod;
  • carrot tops - eight to ten branches;
  • acetic acid (per liter jar) – 15 ml.

How to cook

  1. Place carrot tops in jars.
  2. Cut the garlic cloves lengthwise and chop the hot pepper into rings.
  3. Fill the jars with tomatoes, topping them with chili pepper rings and pieces of garlic.
  4. Pour boiling water over the preparations.
  5. Wait 15 minutes, drain the liquid.
  6. Add salt, sugar, bring the brine to a boil.
  7. Fill the jars with marinade.
  8. Add acetic acid to each.
  9. Roll up the tomatoes.

With green fruits

Peculiarities. If you have a lot of green tomatoes left in your garden that don’t “want” to turn red, you can prepare a delicious preserve from unripe fruits.


  • tomatoes – 2.5-3 kg;
  • onion - two heads;
  • bay leaf - four to five pieces;
  • carrot tops - eight branches;
  • water – 1.8 l;
  • sugar – 120 g;
  • salt – 100 g;
  • vinegar – 100 ml;
  • ground red pepper – 10 g;
  • allspice, ground pepper.

How to cook

  1. Divide the tomatoes into halves.
  2. Chop the onion into thick rings.
  3. Place the tomatoes in an enamel pan, topping with onions.
  4. Prepare the brine by adding salt, sugar and red pepper to the water and boil it.
  5. Pour the marinade over the tomato and onion mixture and leave it to marinate for seven hours.
  6. Drain the brine.
  7. Place carrot tops in jars, and aromatic tomatoes and onions on top.
  8. Boil the marinade, add allspice and peas, throw in a bay leaf.
  9. Add vinegar to the brine last.
  10. Fill the jars.
  11. Such tomatoes need to be sterilized for 15-20 minutes. After this, the preservation can be rolled up.

When rolling canned tomatoes with carrot tops, don’t be afraid to experiment. The combination of tomatoes with cucumbers or bell peppers is delicious. An appetizer of tomatoes and cauliflower is no less appetizing and piquant.

Carrot tops are widely used in the modern culinary industry. Surprised? This is not strange at all, most likely you are just used to the fact that the carrot itself is used in food, and its leaves are thrown away. In fact, the kitchen is a place for experimentation, which is why new tastes of everyday dishes are born, for the creation of which traditional spices are not always used. Traditionally, tomatoes are canned with the usual herbs, garlic, sweet peppers, onions and other additives that give them aroma and special taste. Who would have thought that you could prepare tomatoes canned with carrot tops and get a completely new taste for the preparation. The recipe for such tomatoes is simple, in most cases it does not require the addition of the usual spices; carrot leaves can fully compensate for their absence.

Marinate tomatoes with carrot tops: classic recipe


  • tomatoes;
  • carrot stems;
  • garlic;
  • laurel;
  • 6 liters of water;
  • 210 gr. table salt;
  • 450 gr. Sahara;
  • 400 ml acetic acid 9%.

Harvesting method:

  1. Wash tight ripe tomatoes thoroughly.
  2. In 3 l. Place 4 sprigs of carrot leaves, 1 clove of garlic, 1 bay leaf on the bottom of the container.
  3. Fill the vessel with tomatoes.
  4. Pour boiling water without spices over the tomatoes, cover, and let sit for a quarter of an hour.
  5. Pour water into a saucepan, cook the brine, adding all the listed ingredients.
  6. Pour the prepared solution over the tomatoes and preserve.
  7. Turn it upside down and wrap it warmly until it cools completely.
  8. We put it away for storage.

Canned tomatoes with carrot leaves: a recipe for the winter


  • tomatoes;
  • 6 liters of water;
  • a bunch of carrot tops;
  • 600 ml apple cider vinegar;
  • 250 gr. granulated sugar;
  • 250 gr. salt;
  • 12 pcs. allspice;
  • 3-4 laurel leaves.

Harvesting method:

  1. Wash the tomatoes and leaves and dry them.
  2. Place greens at the bottom of the jar and fill to the top with tomatoes.
  3. Fill with hot water and let sit for 15 minutes.
  4. Drain the water into a saucepan, add salt, sugar, bay leaves, pepper, let it boil, and finally vinegar.
  5. Pour the prepared brine over the tomatoes.
  6. Roll up the lids.

Tomatoes canned for the winter in a spicy marinade: recipe with carrot stems


  • ripe tomatoes;
  • bunch of tops;
  • head of garlic;
  • laurel;
  • allspice;
  • carnation inflorescences;
  • dill (umbrellas);

For 4 liters of brine:

  • 150 grams of salt;
  • 13th century l. Sahara;
  • 25 ml 70% vinegar.

Harvesting method:

  1. Wash and dry the vegetables well.
  2. We wash the jars in advance and sterilize them together with the lids.
  3. Prepare the brine by boiling water and adding all the listed ingredients to it, except vinegar.
  4. Place allspice, cloves, garlic, bay, dill, and several stems of tops into jars.
  5. Place tomatoes on top and pour back into the pan.
  6. Boil again, add vinegar.
  7. Fill the tomatoes a second time and close the lid.

You can include your favorite spices in the preparation.

Recipe for assorted vegetables of green and red tomatoes with carrot tops


  • 10 young cucumbers;
  • 10-15 small multi-colored tomatoes, including green ones;
  • ¼ head of cabbage;
  • 5 young squash or 2 milk squash;
  • 1-2 pcs. large bulbs;
  • head of garlic;
  • a bunch of carrot stems;
  • 3 sweet peppers;
  • 30 gr. salt;
  • 240 gr. Sahara;
  • 400 ml 6% vinegar;
  • peppercorns.

Harvesting method:

  1. Peel the onion and garlic.
  2. We peel the cabbage head from the top leaves and cut it into pieces.
  3. Peel the zucchini or squash. It is recommended to cut zucchini into slices.
  4. We remove the seeds from the pepper, cut off the stalk, and cut it into 5 parts.
  5. Cut the onion into rings.
  6. Trim the ends of the cucumbers.
  7. Place in boiling water for 6 minutes. immerse cabbage and squash or zucchini.
  8. Place herbs and peppercorns on the bottom of the prepared jar.
  9. Place vegetables on top in any order.
  10. Prepare the brine. Boil water, add salt and granulated sugar, after turning off the heat, pour in vinegar.
  11. Pour in the marinade, not adding up to 1.5 cm of the rim.
  12. Place the jars in a large saucepan, fill with water, 3 centimeters away from the top, and sterilize them together with the lids from the moment the water boils for 14 minutes.
  13. Let's roll up.

After complete cooling, put it away for storage.

Pickled tomatoes with carrot tops for the winter


  • ripe, firm tomatoes;
  • carrot leaves;
  • head of garlic;
  • horseradish, roots and tops;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • mustard plasters.

Harvesting method:

  1. Place some of the herbs and roots on the bottom of the prepared jar.
  2. Place tomatoes tightly on top.
  3. Add the remaining herbs on top.
  4. Fill the tomatoes to the top with cold water. Next, pour everything into the pan.
  5. Regardless of the resulting amount of water, add 50 grams of water. granulated sugar and 120 gr. salt, based on one large jar.
  6. Boil the brine and let it cool.
  7. Pour cold brine over the tomatoes. Place a mustard plaster the size of a box of matches under the lid and close it. Mustard plaster will prevent mold from appearing.

Green tomatoes marinated with carrot leaves: a very tasty recipe


  • green tomatoes;
  • 100 ml vinegar;
  • 12 tsp. Sahara;
  • a pair of onions;
  • 100 gr. salt;
  • laurel;
  • carrot stems;
  • black and allspice;
  • 10 gr. dry red pepper.

Harvesting method:

  1. Wash the tomatoes, dry them, cut them in half.
  2. Wash, peel and cut the onion into rings.
  3. Place the onions and tomatoes in an enamel pan, pour in cold brine, and leave for 7 hours in a cool place.
  4. After a while, drain the brine, put the tomatoes and onions in jars.
  5. Boil the brine and pour it over the tomatoes.
  6. Place the prepared workpiece in a pan with water for sterilization.
  7. Let's roll up. Let's study. We send it for storage.

Marinated tomatoes with carrot leaves: recipe with citric acid


  • ripe tomatoes;
  • carrot leaves;
  • garlic;
  • lemon acid;

For the marinade:

  • 8 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 6 liters of water;
  • 6 tbsp. Sahara.

Harvesting method:

  1. Place the washed tomatoes in pre-washed and sterilized containers and sprinkle well with chopped carrot tops.
  2. Each 3 liters. put 4 cloves of garlic in the container.
  3. Prepare the brine. Bring water to a boil, add salt and sugar.
  4. Pour the solution over the tomatoes, after 10 minutes pour them into a saucepan and boil. We do this twice.
  5. For the 3rd time, put lemon, 8 tsp into the drained brine, boil, pour in the tomatoes.
  6. Let's close. We wait until it cools down and put it away for storage.

Cherry tomatoes with carrot tops: a recipe for spicy food lovers


  • 3 kg. cherry;
  • 9 tsp. salt;
  • 10 tsp. Sahara;
  • tops;
  • 3 pcs. chili pepper;
  • garlic;
  • 15 ml of acetic acid per 1 liter. capacity.

Harvesting method:

  1. Wash the cherry tomatoes, tops, peppers, garlic, clean them, and dry them on a towel.
  2. Chop the hot pepper into thin rings.
  3. Cut the garlic cloves in half lengthwise.
  4. We put cherry tomatoes in liter jars, and in the process add tops, garlic and pepper.
  5. Pour hot water over the tomatoes and set aside for 10 minutes.
  6. Drain the water into a saucepan, add the bulk, and boil.
  7. Pour the prepared brine into the cherry tomatoes, add acetic acid to each jar and close.

Canned tomatoes with cauliflower and carrot tops


  • dense ripe tomatoes;
  • thick-walled sweet pepper;
  • cauliflower;
  • garlic;
  • carrot tops;
  • 8 tsp. sugar per 1 liter. marinade;
  • 3 tsp. acetic acid;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt.

Harvesting method:

  1. Wash the cabbage, dry it, separate it into inflorescences.
  2. We wash the tomatoes and tops and dry them on a towel.
  3. We prepare containers for preservation and lids in advance.
  4. We place vegetables in jars in layers, topping them with tops.
  5. Pour boiling water, wait 15 minutes, pour into a saucepan.
  6. Cook the brine. Put salt and sugar in the water, and after turning it off, add vinegar.
  7. Pour in the assorted mixture and cover with lids.

Canned tomatoes with fried carrot tops

Preservation with the addition of carrot tops will not surprise anyone. What happens if the tops are not steamed, but pre-fried? The result will certainly please lovers of unusual piquant taste, because it is really noticeably different from similar preparations, and for the better!


  • 1 l 500 ml water;
  • 75-78 g each of granulated sugar and salt;
  • 40 ml of vinegar essence;
  • 2 clove inflorescences;
  • 5 g allspice;
  • 240 g carrots;
  • 50-90 g carrot tops;
  • 5 garlic cloves;
  • tomatoes (up to 2 kg).


  1. Rinse the carrot tops with cool water, blot with a napkin and place in oil heated in a frying pan. Fry briefly, stirring occasionally. Remove to a napkin and carefully remove the fat.
  2. Place carrots (pre-cut into beautiful identical circles), garlic cloves (can be whole, can be cut in half), tops, cloves and allspice peas into a 3-liter container.
  3. Place the tomatoes without tamping.
  4. Pour boiling water over the contents of the container, wait a couple of minutes (no more than 5!), and drain the liquid into a small saucepan. Add granulated sugar and salt.
  5. Boil the marinade, immediately after boiling pour in the essence. Immediately pour the liquid into the jar of tomatoes and seal.

Cooling - upside down, under a warm towel or blanket.

Miracle recipe for preparing tomatoes with carrot tops (video)

Tomatoes are a universal product that is ideal for both fried potatoes and a holiday table. Regular consumption of this vegetable guarantees the supply of all necessary vitamins and minerals to the body, and it does not matter at all whether you eat them fresh or cook the tomato. There are many ways to use tomatoes in cooking: from all kinds of salads and fruit drinks to sealed salads, assorted salads, or just tomatoes in a marinade. Even after minor heat treatment during the preservation process, these vegetables retain the lion's share of useful and nutritious substances, which is very important.

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