Georgian cuisine vegetables. Georgian cuisine: national Georgian dishes

100 recipes for Georgian dishes

A simple Khachapuri recipe with step-by-step photographs. Very simple and tasty! In this version, you will learn how to cook khachapuri without baking, but simply frying it in a frying pan.

Shakarlama with almonds is a very tasty traditional oriental cookie with nuts. In many eastern countries, shakarlama is loved by everyone - from young to old. I recommend you try it too!

To make Georgian lobio even tastier, you should add meat! For dinner or lunch, this hot dish is just right. Let's look at this simple recipe for lobio made from beans with meat and make our loved ones happy.

Salad "Georgian"

Want to make a zesty, spicy and light salad? Then I bring to your attention our signature Georgian salad.

A very healthy and satisfying dish from Georgian cuisine - an excellent option for lunch or dinner. Here is a classic recipe for red lobio.

Fans of Georgian cuisine and not only will appreciate this simple recipe for ajapsandali in Georgian - an incredibly tasty, but low-calorie vegetable dish!

Fans of Caucasian cuisine and forays into nature will definitely love the recipe for Georgian chicken shish kebab. The kebab according to this recipe is simply amazingly juicy. I recommend!

A classic of Georgian cuisine is Adjarian-style khachapuri. It is not so easy to prepare this delicious dish at home, but my recipe will help you successfully complete this task.

Making Georgian kebab at home is very simple. Moreover, you don't even need a large amount of ingredients. Everything is very easy and understandable.

The most difficult thing in making khinkali is making the right dough. I received this recipe for khinkali dough from the owner of a khinkali restaurant in St. Petersburg, so you can rest assured that it will be delicious.

For your attention - a variety of lazy khachapuri. They are called lazy because they are fried in a frying pan, and therefore they are much faster to cook. However, the taste is amazing.

Lovers of Caucasian cuisine, this Georgian dolma recipe is especially for you. Actually, in Georgia this dish is called “tolma” and not “dolma”, but what difference does it make - the main thing is that it is delicious!

Georgian cucumbers are an unusual, original and very tasty appetizer. I don’t know if Georgians really cook cucumbers this way, but in my recipe book this recipe is called that way.

Georgian tomatoes are relevant on any table, be it a holiday or everyday life. Surprise your friends and family with this simple and incredibly delicious appetizer!

If you want to add variety to your usual dishes, cook Georgian cutlets. The recipe is very simple, but the cutlets will be unusual and original.

Georgia is a country rich in a wide range of fresh vegetables and herbs. And these are favorable conditions for preparing various salads. We prepare a Georgian salad with tomatoes - tasty and healthy.

Fans of spicy Caucasian cuisine will definitely enjoy the hearty Georgian dish - pork chashushuli. Don't be put off by the name: this dish is quite simple to prepare.

As you know, adjika comes not only red, but also green. It is made from green hot peppers, hence the color. Devilishly spicy and divinely delicious!

Today I will tell you and show you how to prepare a wonderful Georgian dish - lobio with lard. Easy to prepare, budget-friendly, but very filling and tasty.

The Georgian chicken liver recipe will help you prepare a budget-friendly but very tasty dish for a weekday lunch or dinner. The cooking process is very simple, anyone can figure it out.

My favorite adjika is adjika with nuts. If you don’t add nuts to this traditional Caucasian seasoning, it doesn’t even deserve the name adjika. Real adjika must have nuts.

Anyone who has been to the Caucasus has probably heard about such a wonderful thing as Svan salt. This seasoning with a unique smell and taste is actively used in Caucasian cuisine. We make Svan salt at home!

Satsivi is a traditional Georgian dish. A sauce that goes great with meat and fish dishes. I'll tell you the recipe for chicken satsivi.

Making adjika from tomatoes is very simple. This appetizer will delight lovers of spicy foods. According to the classic recipe, adjika is prepared without tomatoes, but we are breaking traditions and preparing our own version!

For those who don't know, badagi is pressed and condensed grape juice used in Georgian cuisine to make a number of sweets and desserts. I tell you how to make badagi.

A very tasty summer snack: eggplants with herbs. When we relax at the dacha, we always do this. The recipe is very simple and modest, but the appetizer turns out great.

The Georgians taught me how to cook this spicy tomato sauce. The sauce turns out fantastically delicious, words simply cannot describe it. You need to try this. So, I’m sharing the recipe with you!

Traditionally, the Georgian dish chakhokhbili is prepared from other poultry, but today the most popular recipes are chicken chakhokhbili. I show you how real Georgians prepare the dish.

Another delicious appetizer of Georgian origin is satsivi with cauliflower. The recipe is quite simple, but the appetizer turns out fantastically delicious.

One of the best Georgian dishes is spinach pkhali. Actually, pkhali (or fkhali, as some say) can be made not only from spinach, but today I will give a recipe for this particular version of the dish.

One of the most delicious Caucasian dishes is beef khashlama. It's basically a clever way to cook beef. Do everything strictly according to the recipe - and you will be delighted with the result.

A simple recipe for green tomato salad will help you answer the question of what to make from this delicious unusual vegetable. Georgian traditional cuisine recipe.

Eggplants are incredibly popular in Georgia, and therefore it is not surprising that they also make eggplant caviar. For your attention - a family recipe for Georgian eggplant caviar from my Georgian friend Teimuraz.

The recipe for a traditional Georgian dish, lobio with adjika, was kindly suggested to me by my good friend Teimuraz, a native of the glorious city of Kutaisi. The thing turns out incredibly tasty - I recommend it.

The secret to making khachapuri is good cheese and the right dough. Where to buy cheese - look for yourself, but I will tell you the correct recipe for dough for khachapuri.

Everyone has probably tried this delicious dessert. I will tell you and show you how to make nut kozinaki from walnuts at home using just three ingredients: nuts, honey and sugar.

Churchkhela is a traditional oriental sweet, originally from Georgia. It is made from grape juice and hazelnuts or walnuts. Starch and corn flour are added to thicken.

All lovers of Georgian cuisine should definitely try eggplant satsivi. This is a cold appetizer of eggplant with a spicy paste called satsivi. I recommend trying it.

Bean soup is very tasty and nutritious. Try the Georgian version of preparing this dish.

Do you love lavash as much as I love it? If yes, then you will certainly be happy to know that delicious pita bread can be prepared in a bread machine!

Chanakhi is a traditional Georgian dish of young lamb and vegetables baked in a pot. Like all Georgian cuisine, Chanakhi has an incredible aroma and a pleasant homemade taste.

If you are expecting guests in half an hour, but there is no time to prepare something delicious, then quick khachapuri will undoubtedly come to the rescue and will pleasantly surprise your guests.

The recipe for making pkhali from beans will appeal to all lovers of original, but affordable and quick to prepare dishes. In addition, natural ingredients will add beauty and health to you.

You can cook Georgian shish kebab traditionally with tomatoes, or you can make a more original version. I highly recommend you try Georgian kebab with eggplants. Here is the prescription!

Red beans cooked in a pot have an unsurpassed taste and aroma. I advise you to cook this dish, since the recipe is incredibly simple.

No matter how good the summer is, all the tomatoes still do not have time to grow and ripen. Therefore, they need to be saved, that is, preserved. Georgian green tomatoes - great recipe!

We bring to your attention an original but affordable dish of Georgian cuisine, which is perfect for any side dish, but tasty on its own. Budget-friendly, but very tasty.

The combination of ingredients in this Georgian dish may seem strange and unusual to you, but believe me, you have never tasted such amazing chicken, incredibly tender and aromatic.

Juicy, tasty and very tomato-based Georgian fried eggs will be an excellent breakfast. This dish can rather be called seasonal, since only fresh vegetables produce this aromatic delicacy.

Georgian beef kharcho is a hearty and flavorful meat soup. It's not difficult to prepare. When preparing kharcho, we will use a lot of greens, hot peppers, tomatoes and rice.

If you are partial to bright and spicy Caucasian cuisine, if you love the famous satsivi sauce, then you will definitely like this simple recipe for cooking fish in Georgian style!

This kharcho soup with tomatoes is slightly different from the classic version. There was no plum sauce in stores back then, so we made kharcho with tomatoes. I'm sharing the recipe!

I bring to your attention an incredibly tasty, and also dietary dish of Georgian cuisine - Adjarian meat. Try cooking it at home and enjoy the benefits and taste of this dish.

If you haven’t tried Georgian meat yet, then you definitely need to catch up. The sweetish-creamy taste of the most tender pork will amaze even sophisticated gourmets.

I offer you a recipe for real Georgian kharcho with walnuts. This is so delicious that you will definitely cook kharcho this way. You can't drag my sons away from this soup by the ears. Let's get ready!

A most interesting recipe for Georgian cuisine, in which spices play the main role - as in many other local dishes. Adjarian chicken is a great option for any holiday.

The recipe for an omelette in Georgian is simple, but the dish turns out very tasty. This is my husband’s favorite omelet; he often starts his work day with it.

Tkemali sauce or plum sauce for the winter is an excellent preparation. By the way, you can cook it not only in winter. This oriental sauce is suitable for meat and poultry dishes. Tkemali comes out sweetish-spicy.

Unfortunately, I haven’t been to Georgia, but I went to a restaurant and tried this Georgian bread for the first time. I don’t know how similar it is to the real thing, but overall it’s a very tasty thing!

This salad is not only very tasty, but also incredibly filling, so no one will leave the table hungry. Diversify your holiday with such an unusual Georgian salad!

Today we will prepare a salad from one of the most valuable vegetables that nature gave us - beets. The peculiarity of this recipe is that the beets are prepared in a way invented by the Georgian people.

A national Georgian bean dish that everyone should try at least once. In addition, it can be classified as lenten and vegetarian dishes, so it is suitable for absolutely everyone.

Tarragon lemonade is my childhood favorite lemonade. It's so great that you don't have to buy it in the store. You can very easily and simply prepare tarragon at home yourself!

Here is a very simple recipe for chakhokhbili in a slow cooker. As it turns out, preparing this delicious Georgian dish in a slow cooker is very easy, and it turns out surprisingly tasty.

Kharcho in a slow cooker is a flavorful and very nutritious soup. Lamb makes this soup exceptionally delicious. I bring to your attention a simple recipe for kharcho in a slow cooker - even a beginner can master it!

Georgian pork shashlik sounds very appetizing, doesn’t it? I’m sharing Georgian kebab cooking secrets that will help you prepare fantastically juicy pork kebab.

Our Russian cuisine is incredibly rich, there is no doubt about it. But we should not forget that we are not the only ones who know how to cook deliciously (this, of course, can be argued). For your attention - lamb kharcho soup.

Tkemali is a traditional Georgian sauce served with poultry, meat and fish dishes. The recipe for making tkemali sauce according to Georgian traditions is for your attention.

Satsebeli (Georgian: საწებელი) is a traditional Georgian sauce with a sweet and sour taste, which is made from fruits and nuts. I’ll tell you how to make satsebeli sauce at home.

Recipe for the popular Georgian soup Kharcho. Every self-respecting home cook should know how to cook Kharcho soup.

Georgian cuisine- this, of course, is diversity and abundance. An abundance of taste, products, spices, aromas. Khinkali, khachapuri, lobiani - you’ll want to try everything! And you don’t have to deny yourself this (you’ll regret it later)! Whatever route you choose, whatever souvenirs you plan to bring, you are guaranteed to gain at least a couple of extra pounds!


Dishes of Georgian cuisine very filling, with lots of spices. They are easy to prepare and extremely tasty. You can cook anything yourself, you just need a little practice for the best results. There are many dishes, they are varied, the cuisines of Eastern and Western Georgia are slightly different, but there are several dishes that are loved by everyone in every corner of Georgia.


Khachapuri- This is a flatbread with cheese. Each locality has its own signature recipes. Essentially, they differ only in the shape and location of the filling. Megrelian ones are considered classic - a round flatbread with filling inside, and special in taste - Adjarian ones in the shape of a boat with an egg beaten before serving. Khachapuri is prepared everywhere, in any restaurant, even the smallest one, you will definitely find it on the menu.


Snacks worth trying:
- lobio: these are boiled beans seasoned with spices;
- pkhali: spinach, beet leaves, etc., seasoned with spices, walnuts and sauce;
- ajabsandal: something like a vegetable stew (obligatory ingredient is eggplant);
- fried eggplants with garlic and nuts;
- kuchmachi: these are offal (chicken or pork - stomachs, liver, lungs), cooked in ketsi - a special clay frying pan;
Mushrooms on ketsi, suluguni on ketsi. Whatever you choose, it's definitely worth a try!
Don't forget about mzhaveuli - all kinds of pickles, and, of course, suluguni cheese.

First courses of Georgian cuisine

The most famous soups are kharcho, chikhirtma, matsvnis soup and khashi.
Kharcho is cooked from beef, with the addition of rice, tkemali (plum), garlic, and seasonings. The soup turns out very thick, rich and incredibly tasty.
Chikhirtma- is cooked mainly from chicken, then flour and eggs are added in a special way, and the result is a very unusual consistency, similar to cereal, and of course seasonings.
Matsvnis soup - made from matsoni. This is a very light soup; it is especially pleasant to eat in hot weather, both cold and warm. But, its taste is quite specific.
Hashi is practically liquid jellied meat. It is cooked from a certain part of the stomach and beef legs, served with garlic. The soup has a very unusual taste, especially good after a bath in combination with a glass of chacha.


Georgian cuisine involves the abundant use of sauces. And there is plenty to choose from!
Adjika- hot pepper sauce with black pepper and spices.
Tkemali - brewed from plums, seasoned with spices and herbs.
Satsebeli - made from sweet peppers, tomatoes and spices.
Bazhi sauce - considered more festive, is made from cilantro, garlic, seasonings and walnuts, which are passed through a meat grinder. Dilute to the consistency of thick sour cream. Usually served with chicken.

Main courses of Georgian cuisine

Khinkali - this dish is somewhat reminiscent of our dumplings, only larger in size and folded with the tail up. The filling is meat, most often different types of meat are mixed. They differ in that either greens are added to the minced meat or not. Ideal khinkali should have from 19 to 21 folds on top, the so-called “navel”. They eat khinkali with their hands, after taking a bite, they literally suck out the juice. No sauces are used, only black pepper. They don’t eat “navel” either. It is considered to be tasteless; besides, you can count the number of khinkali eaten by the number of tails. Beer is the best drink to drink.
Of course, after a detailed story about khinkali, everything that will be said below will no longer cause so much salivation, but still, there are still enough tasty dishes in Georgian cuisine.
For example, fried suckling pig or “gochi” in Georgian.
Mtsvadi - in our opinion, kebab, made from different types of meat.
Satsivi is a cold, thick and spicy dish made with chicken broth, with nuts and spices.
Chakhokhbili - stewed chicken pieces in tomato sauce, richly flavored with garlic, spices and herbs.
Chicken tabaka, which is placed in a certain way under pressure, as a result of which the bones are broken and the chicken takes on a characteristic pose, with spices and garlic.
Chakapuli - lamb stewed with tarragon and plums.
Particularly worth noting is a home-cooked dish with the beautiful name “odzhakhuri”. This is fried meat and potatoes on ketsi.

Flour dishes

Bread- called “shotis puri”, it looks like an elongated flattened flatbread, it is cheap and is sold at every turn. Especially delicious hot with cheese!
Mchadi are unleavened flatbreads, shaped like our cutlets, baked from corn flour. They are very tasty with cheese, sometimes cheese is baked inside as a filling.
It is also worth trying gomi - corn porridge. (Not to be confused with Gomi - Georgian vodka).
About khachapuri was mentioned above. It’s worth adding a few words here about khachapuri made from puff pastry (penovani) and achme - boiled dough with cheese. Achma is a very interesting dish that is definitely worth trying.

Georgian desserts

Of course, in any cafe or restaurant there is a sweet pastry for every taste. You can show off your knowledge and use the word “namtskhvari” - cake. Among the traditional sweet desserts, it is worth highlighting:
- gozinaki: finely chopped walnuts fried in honey;
- churchkhela: nuts strung on a thread, dipped several times in grape sauce, hung like laundry on a line, and left in this position until dry.

Georgian drinks

Locally produced drinks are very tasty - lemonade and beer. "Natakhtari" and "Zandukeli" are the main producers, and, most often, they will be offered to you in restaurants. You can also buy lemonade from these companies in any store. Of the flavors, it is especially worth trying creamy nagebi, tarragon and grape saperavi.
Mineral water large selection, pay attention to likani and nabeglavi.
Beer is presented in a large assortment and from different manufacturers.
Among alcoholic drinks, wine comes first. The choice of wine is huge, it’s difficult to give advice, only by tasting you can find the best one. It is worth trying homemade wine in a restaurant - it has a slightly different taste from bottled wine, and it is more intoxicating.
Assorted vodka and chacha.
And, the last thing, but not to taste, is water. From the tap flows delicious water from high mountain springs, so cold that it hurts your teeth.

Well, those who are just planning their trip to Georgia can be advised to practice preparing some national dishes. With all the variety of recipes that can be found on all kinds of culinary sites, I would like to recommend two books. The first is V.V. Pokhlebkin “National cuisines of our peoples”, where the features, differences and secrets are described in detail and very interestingly. The second is T.P. Sulakvelidze “Georgian Cuisine” with a large number of recipes for the most popular dishes. Try cooking and bon appetit!

Georgian cuisine recipes are quite varied. Among them you can find the preparation of several types of cheeses - feta cheese, suluguni, Imeretian cheese, various variations of the national soup kharcho and the popular tomato soup, khachapuri and barley with various fillings, famous Georgian sauces, delicious salads, khinkali, snacks and baked goods. To prepare main dishes, you can use almost any meat: pork, beef, chicken and lamb.

The main distinctive feature of Georgian cuisine is considered to be the presence in almost all dishes of a traditional contrasting combination of piquant hot and intriguingly spicy flavors. Not a single salad, meat dish or side dish is served without chopped greens. Vegetables are widely used - tomatoes, beans, eggplants, etc. Walnuts, garlic and pomegranate are often added.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

Interesting recipe:
1. Cool the boiled fillet and separate it into fibers 5-7 cm long.
2. Fry the peeled walnuts until lightly browned and cool.
3. Wash and tear the green salad leaves into pieces with your hands.
4. Finely chop the greens and cooled walnuts.
5. Mix matsoni with ground cumin and garlic powder. Add some salt.
6. Peel the films and peels of the tangerine.
7. Mix the ingredients.
8. Place the lettuce leaflets on a wide plate.
9. On top - a mixture of nuts, fillet, matsoni and tangerine.
10. Sprinkle with pomegranate seeds.

Helpful Tips:
. Matsoni can successfully replace unsweetened thick yogurt, sour cream and even mayonnaise.
. Spicy herbs such as basil, mint, cilantro, tarragon are considered traditional for Georgian cuisine. It is best to use them to give a national flavor to a dish.
. Chicken can be replaced with beef or turkey.

Dishes of Georgian cuisine are something that you need to try more than once. They combine Transcaucasian traditions, customs of the Black Sea region and Asia, have a bright taste and appetizing appearance.

Among the main features of Georgian cuisine are:

  • Delicious meat without restrictions. When cooking, they use both pork and lamb, as well as poultry and beef.
  • Soups without vegetables. Instead, a raw egg, spices and flour sauce are added to the broth during cooking.
  • Abundance of cheeses. Each region of Georgia produces a separate type of cheese.
  • Sauces for every taste. They are served with all dishes and are prepared only from fresh ingredients.

In order not to get lost among the huge number of dishes of the national cuisine of Georgia, find out what you must try during your holiday in this country.

Meat cuisine

Famous dish of Georgian cuisine. Nutritious and juicy Georgian dumplings are made from pork, beef or veal, and less often from lamb. There is also a vegetarian option - boiled potatoes, mushrooms and cheese are used for the filling. You must try khinkali in different regions of Georgia, because each region has its own recipe and cooking features.

Traditional list of ingredients for khinkali:

  • Wheat flour
  • Garlic
  • Salt and spices (cilantro, red pepper, ground cumin)

Meat and lard are passed through a meat grinder, finely chopped onions and garlic are added to the minced meat. Then it is poured with a small amount of water and mixed together with spices.

To prepare the dough, flour is mixed with water and salt. Then it is rolled out as much as possible, often using special equipment that every Georgian housewife has in the kitchen.

The finished dough is cut into squares and placed one on top of the other, each time sprinkling with flour (there should be at least 15 such layers). The minced meat is prepared in advance. It is placed in the center of the square, folding the edges of the dough like an accordion, as tightly as possible. This is the most difficult stage of preparing khinkali.

Georgian dumplings are cooked in small batches, 10-15 pieces for 7-10 minutes each. Then carefully remove and serve the dish on the table.

Georgians themselves usually sprinkle khinkali generously with ground black pepper, but spiciness is a feature of their cuisine. You don't have to do this.

The taste of juicy meat filling combined with tender dough justifies all the difficulties of preparing the dish.

A popular Georgian dish of meat and vegetables. Traditionally baked in clay pots. It is based on pork or lamb; vegetables include potatoes, eggplant, onions, tomatoes, beans or peppers. The recipe necessarily includes tomato juice and adjika, several cloves of garlic and various spices.

The dish is prepared in a certain sequence, creating each layer with a new ingredient. Meat and vegetables are cut into cubes, herbs and garlic are finely chopped. First, onions are poured into the pot, then potatoes, eggplant, herbs, tomatoes, peppers and garlic. Each layer is coated with adjika and sprinkled with spices.

To ensure that the meat is as tender and juicy as possible, it is placed in pots last.

Next, the dish is poured with tomato juice and sent to the oven. During cooking, the ingredients are mixed, creating a unique taste. The dish is hearty and slightly spicy, has a pleasant aftertaste and is suitable for any meal at a Georgian feast.

Satsivi with chicken

The dish gives you the opportunity to enjoy the unique taste of baked poultry with a spicy Georgian sauce made from walnuts. Usually the dish is served separately from the side dish, adding a little greenery, and eaten with pita bread or flatbread. The main feature is that satsivi is eaten cold.

How is it prepared?

First, the chicken is boiled. The broth is filtered and left for further dressing of the dish. Then bake the chicken until crispy. The bird is cut into pieces, separating the bones and meat.

To make the sauce, walnuts are crushed until crumbly. Then they are mixed with spices, stewed onions and chopped cloves. The resulting mixture is poured with chicken broth, blended in a blender, and pomegranate juice is added.

The consistency of the sauce is similar to sour cream.

At the end, the meat is placed in a pan with sauce and placed in the refrigerator.

Vegetarian dishes

Many national dishes of Georgian cuisine consist only of vegetables. The most popular vegetables in sunny Georgia are beans, eggplants, tomatoes, mushrooms and onions.

There are many options and features for preparing this dish, depending on the region of the country and the availability of the necessary products in the housewife’s kitchen. But traditionally, onions, garlic, cilantro and spices, such as cinnamon, adjika, and coriander, are added to beans (the main ingredient).

Before you start cooking, soak the beans in cold water for 8-12 hours. Then it is boiled by adding chopped onions. During cooking, the beans become soft and acquire a piquant taste.

Having made the fire a little quieter, the beans in the pan are partially kneaded so that one half of them is in the form of a mush, and the other remains intact. While stirring, sprinkle with seasonings and salt. After this, the dish is sprinkled with chopped cilantro and chopped garlic. After 15-20 minutes, the lobio is removed from the heat and allowed to brew a little.

This healthy and unusual dish is served with corn porridge; in Georgian it is called “gomi”.

Lobio is one of those dishes of Georgian cuisine that are definitely worth trying.

Georgian soups

The most popular soup among Georgian national dishes. The spicy taste and unique spicy aroma will awaken the appetite of even the most demanding gourmet. Perhaps you will decide that you have already tried kharcho before and it is not worth spending money on it on vacation. However, this soup is worth trying in Georgia, at least for comparison. Believe me, not everything is so simple.

You can taste real kharcho only in Georgia. After all, it is here that tklapi is added to it - plum puree dried in the warm sun. It adds an unusual sourness to the dish, enriching its taste.

Traditionally, kharcho is made from beef. But cooks, both in the country and abroad, sometimes use chicken and lamb.

How is the national Georgian soup prepared?

First, the beef brisket is cut and boiled for 1.5-2 hours, while soaking the tklapi. Then rice is cooked in the resulting broth along with the beef. At the same time, chop the onion and hot pepper, and pass the nuts through a meat grinder.

After this, pepper, nuts and garlic should be mixed and added to the broth. Add finely chopped greens there. All these ingredients are added to the pan with the meat, which is seasoned with the remaining spices and tklapi. After 15 minutes, remove the kharcho soup from the heat.

The soup is prepared with virtually no vegetables, this is its peculiarity. This is a fatty beef broth with herbs, spices and, of course, garlic. In many Georgian families, this national dish is eaten for breakfast; delicious khashi energizes you for the whole day. With such a lineup - of course!

To prepare the dish, use beef legs, cut lengthwise into two parts. They are kept in the kitchen in cold water for one day, after which they are placed in a large saucepan and boiled without salt, skimming off the foam as it appears. When the meat easily separates from the bones, proceed to the next stage.

The cooked beef is cut into several pieces, salted, the broth is filtered, and returned to low heat. At this time, the garlic needs to be crushed and the greens finely chopped. The ingredients are then mixed with pieces of pita bread and added to the soup. In a few minutes I can all enjoy the delicious national Georgian dish khash.

National desserts


National Georgian delicacy. To make this healthy and tasty sweet, different types of nuts and badaga, a special grape juice, are used.

Churchkhela comes in different colors and flavors, since each grape variety has its own characteristics. The delicacy is a little sticky, pleasantly sweet and very soft.

To prepare this dessert of Georgian cuisine they use:

  • Grape juice
  • Nuts (hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds)
  • Wheat and corn flour

The nuts are fried in a frying pan for a few minutes, then left to cool. After cleaning, they are strung on a thick thread and hung in a dry place where there is access to the sun.

To prepare grape jelly for this national delicacy, part of the juice is simmered over low heat. At this time, add flour little by little to the second (cooled) part, stirring thoroughly, avoiding the appearance of lumps. The resulting mixture is poured into the boiling juice and cooked until a paste forms.

Each string of nuts is dipped in jelly and hung. After two days, the delicious Georgian dessert is ready to eat.

Since the dish does not contain sugar or dyes, even small children can try churchkhela in Georgia.

Georgian pastries


Insanely delicious and very popular flatbreads with sticky cheese, which have spread far beyond the borders of Georgia. When preparing them, they use a special “young” cheese – Imeretian. It differs from all other varieties with its unusual sour, but at the same time delicate taste.

Georgian khachapuri consists of:

  • matsoni
  • sour cream
  • salt and sugar
  • butter and soda

Before cooking, the butter is left to melt and the cheese is left in water briefly to make it less salty. Add salt and sugar to the matsoni, mix and pour in the melted butter. Gradually add flour and knead the dough.

Shredded or grated cheese is placed in khachapuri. Also in the recipe you will find sour cream, a little butter and salt. All ingredients are mixed. The dough is formed into flat cakes, inside of which the cheese filling is placed. Then put it in a frying pan and fry until a crust forms.

Before serving, khachapuri is greased with butter. They are eaten with their hands, breaking off small pieces from the flatbread.

You can experience all the features of the amazing taste of khachapuri not only in cafes, but also simply on the streets of sunny Georgia.

And be prepared for the fact that the portions in Georgia are very large - it’s almost always enough to order one dish for two. So you can’t try too much in one meal.

Georgian appetizers

This snack is based on vegetables. The most popular are pkhali made from mushrooms, beets, spinach and zucchini, green beans and cabbage. The consistency of the appetizer resembles pate; it takes pride of place on the festive table.

Preparation of pkhali occurs in two stages:

  • Vegetables are peeled and stewed until cooked. Wait until they cool down.
  • Pass the vegetables through a meat grinder along with the rest of the ingredients: onions, cilantro, garlic, walnuts and spices. They form the balls and decorate.

Greens or pomegranate are often used to decorate pkhali. A soft and cooling appetizer goes well with lobio, hot flatbreads and national Georgian wines.


Georgians are masters in preparing sauces, which are an integral part of Georgian cuisine.

Bazhe is an incredibly soft, fragrant sauce that permeates meat and fish, significantly enriching their taste. It is made from nuts and served cold.

In Georgia, for preparing bazhe they use:

  • walnuts
  • cilantro
  • garlic
  • khmeli-suneli
  • vinegar
  • spices (saffron, pepper)

First, the nuts are crushed until flour is formed. Then cold boiled water, salt, vinegar and spices are added to them. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, passed through a blender and placed in the refrigerator.

Bazhe is a universal sauce that suits both vegetable and meat dishes; it gives them a spicy taste and aroma.

National dishes of Georgian cuisine are a true gourmet delight. Have a nice trip!

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  • Pasta with spicy sausages Spaghetti with hunting sausages recipe

    In my opinion, there is no more ingenious gastronomic invention than pasta dishes, invented on the Apennine Peninsula. It would seem that there is nothing particularly original in the principles of preparing Italian pasta, but this...

  • Canned tomatoes with carrot tops for the winter - step-by-step recipe with photos

    For several years now, canned tomatoes with carrot tops have become very popular in winter preparations. The recipe became a mega hit! Every now and then they ask: “How to prepare such a preparation? It's complicated? Is it true that this...

  • Saya 7 culinary recipes

    Anastasia Skripkina is not only a person who constantly pleases thousands of housewives with brilliant culinary recipes for every taste and color. But she is also a truly talented woman who has won the popularity and love of many people with her...

  • How to fry belyashi correctly so that they remain juicy

    Belyashi is a dish that is attributed to Tatar cuisine. They are lush with meat. Today, belyashi have taken pride of place in the menus of many snack bars and fast food restaurants. However, those who have at least once...