Rum baba - a quick recipe. Rum baba recipe Baba in the oven

The rum baba recipe is associated with pastries that were popular during Soviet times. He is of French origin. Many people are concerned about the question of how to prepare rum baba so that it is soft, moist and well soaked. Because a dry product is not as attractive. Let's look at the recipe in detail

Rum baba recipe. Ingredients

The number of products is designed for twelve fairly large products. The recipe will consist of two parts. For the first part, preparing the dough, you need to take three hundred grams of flour, a pinch of salt, a tablespoon of sugar, half a glass of milk, yeast, two hundred and twenty-five grams of eggs, seventy grams of melted butter and twenty grams of honey. Baking products is just the first step. Then they need to be soaked in syrup, and to top it off, prepare the glaze for the rum baba - this is what will give it a unique taste, which residents of the USSR still remember with nostalgia. For syrup from one liter of water you need to take four hundred grams of sugar, one lemon and one orange, two pods of natural vanilla and rum to taste. You can add fifty or one hundred grams of alcohol, its quantity is not limited and depends only on your preferences. It is advisable to take light rum. Vanilla is replaced with vanilla sugar or a chemical analogue.

Rum baba recipe. Syrup

Remove the zest from the citrus fruits and set aside temporarily. Cut the fruits themselves quite large and immerse them in warm water with sugar and vanilla. Do not let the syrup boil - just warm it well. Then cool and pour rum into the cooled liquid. If desired, in addition to vanilla, you can flavor the syrup with almond or citrus essence.

Rum baba recipe. Dough and impregnation

Pour salt, sugar, zest into the flour and stir in honey. If the yeast is fresh, you need to dilute it in milk, prepare dry yeast according to the instructions on the package. Add butter, eggs (one at a time, based on the fact that one egg weighs about fifty-five grams) and melted butter to the flour.

Stir for about five minutes, and then gradually add milk and yeast to the mixture. Continue kneading the dough until it is almost no longer sticky and becomes viscous. Place it in large muffin tins. In order to get uniform products, you can use a pastry syringe with a large nozzle. You need to fill out the forms approximately forty percent. Then the dough should rise until it rises approximately to the edge of the pan. The rum women should spend about forty minutes in an oven preheated to two hundred degrees Celsius. Naturally, it is better to control the state of the test. You can turn it over during baking: it is desirable that the products are evenly browned on all sides. When cut, they should have a spongy structure. Immerse in very warm (but not hot) syrup for 20 minutes. During the soaking process, the women will swell a little. They need to be placed on a wire rack to allow excess syrup to drain. For the glaze, use fudge sugar or apricot jam, heated with vanilla and rum.

To the question: “ What do you like about baba?"Ten out of ten lovers of this pastry will definitely answer: " It is juicy and therefore very tasty" We will not delve deeply into the historical facts of the appearance of this pastry, but will dwell on the aromatic impregnation of the dough and the secrets of its serving.

How and what to soak

In order to saturate the finished pastry, prepared, as an option, from brioche dough, you must first dry it. It is optimal to soak for 6-7 hours (or better yet, 12 hours or more), and then soak. Otherwise, the baking will become soggy from the syrup, become flabby and may fall apart. Before doing this, the syrup must be brought to room temperature.

The classic ratio for sugar syrup is 4 tbsp. sugar for 6 tbsp. water. For flavoring, you can use fresh and canned juices, essences, fruit syrups, cognacs, liqueurs, liqueurs and, of course, rum. Wherein You cannot flavor hot syrup that has not cooled down - the aromatic substances from it will quickly evaporate.

Women are good for impregnation apricot, orange, grape, lemon, apple syrups. If you use citrus juices or extracts, then you can safely add fragrant zest to the impregnation. It won't make the woman any worse.

Can also be used vanilla syrup. To the hot sugar syrup you need to add at least a quarter of a vanilla pod, and when the syrup has cooled, a little vanilla liqueur. For cooking coffee syrup you will need 200 ml in addition to the above. add about 2 tbsp of base impregnation. strong double espresso coffee.

There are also more unusual options. Flavor the syrup with seeds cardamom, bay leaf, grated orange and lemon zest and rum. After the syrup has infused, be sure to strain it. Or dissolve cocoa powder in syrup and add a little brandy. Prepare a flavored syrup with cinnamon, orange and lemon zest, cloves, vanilla and mint. The simplest innovation - use in impregnation instead of rum Kirsch.

How to submit

It is interesting that serving such a conservative dish can be given new forms. Usually, after soaking the baba, all that remains is to glaze and decorate the top with berries or chopped fruit.

Classic rum baba serving

Rum baba cut in half

If you change the recipe a little, then instead of portioned rum baba, you can bake savarin. To bake it, you will not need molds, but one large ring-shaped mold. Then comes impregnation and glazing. You can use heated fruit marmalade or jam for it. In the middle of the butter ring, fresh fruits and berries are laid out, and to add a special French chic, Chantilly cream made from whipped cream.


By the way, a long time ago, original pancakes were prepared from pieces of rum baba, soaked in Madeira and dipped into deep-frying dough. They are said to have been popular among the bachelors of France, especially for breakfast.

If you believe that a woman is “ cake of Polish origin" And " France was introduced to him by King Stanislav Leszczynski, father-in-law of Louis 15", then initially such a pastry was served accompanied by a gravy boat filled with a mixture of sweet wine from Malaga and distilled water. There are also references to the fact that real baba was made from rye flour and Hungarian wine. Most likely we are talking about Tokaj wine. One way or another, the baba was always drunk.

The Italians will argue with the version of Polish and French origin. After all, in Naples they consider such baked goods to be homemade and prepare them to be truly boozy, aromatic and delicious.

There are absolutely no difficulties in preparing baba. The dough is extremely easy and quick to prepare in a food processor, in one and a half minutes. You can prepare lipstick in a food processor in a couple of minutes. The only thing is that to prepare lipstick and syrup for impregnation you need a thermometer for syrups or the ability to determine the readiness of the syrup “by touch” (I can’t do that, I check with a thermometer).

In this article I will show you step by step how I prepare rum baba and recipes for French rum baba, both our ancestors and their today’s second cousins.

Recipe for rum baba according to GOST for 1 kg of products

  • 260 g of sourdough or low-acid sourdough (130 g of water, 130 g of white flour, 30 C, 2 hours of fermentation)
  • 282 grams of whole grain flour
  • 1/4 tsp. salt (1.24 g)
  • 10-21 g compressed yeast
  • 103 g sugar
  • 103 g unsalted butter
  • 82 g eggs
  • 52 grams of raisins in the dough
  • a couple of spoons of natural vanilla extract

Knead the dough until the gluten is well developed (1 min 30 sec in a food processor with a special dough blade), fold in the raisins by hand. The dough at the end of kneading should be very warm, approximately 35 C. Let the dough ferment in a very warm place (35-40 C), doing two kneadings: each time the dough increases in volume by 1.5-2 times, kneading it successively.

Cut the dough into pieces of such size that they fill the molds 1/3 or 1/4 and pull the pieces of dough into balls. Place them in greased or non-stick pans with the knot (tuck) facing up. Large babas can be baked in conical brioche, kugelhopf or savarin tins, with smooth or corrugated sides, preferably in tins with a tube in the centre. If the baba is baked in the form of a pie, then roll out the dough into a layer, place it in a greased baking sheet and prick it. Cover the molds or baking sheet with the dough with film.

Let it rise in a very warm place for 40-60 minutes (the pieces will grow 2-3 times in volume), brush with egg and bake at 180 degrees for 25 minutes, for small and medium-sized babas (from pieces of dough weighing 25-50 grams ) or bab-pies or longer for large babkas weighing up to 1 kg. Large babas weighing 0.5 - 1 kg will have to be covered with foil in the second half of baking to prevent them from getting burnt.

While the dough is fermenting, prepare the syrup for soaking and sugar fondant. After the babas have cooled in the molds, remove them and place them with the narrow end up. Let them dry thoroughly and ripen for a few hours. They will become dry and hard to the touch. Pour cognac, rum or cognac essence into the syrup, which has cooled to 20 C, and stir. Heat the lipstick to 55 C, until it flows, or store it warm, liquid. Prick the narrow end of each baba several times with a thin stick, piercing the crumb approximately to the middle of the cupcake. If the baba was baked in the form of a pie, then often prick the pie itself.

First, soak the babas in syrup by lowering the product into the syrup with the narrow end and lightly squeezing the babas so that it absorbs the syrup. The smaller the baba, the more syrup it is soaked in. Very large women are only lightly soaked in syrup, otherwise they will later sag under the weight of the very heavy syrup-drenched top. Place the soaked babas with the narrow end up so that the syrup can penetrate into the thickness of the crumb, under the weight of its own gravity. The pie in the pan is simply poured with syrup and allowed to penetrate into the crumb of the product before thickly pouring fondant over the top of the pie.

To glaze a baba with lipstick, take the wide end of the baba and lower the narrow end into a cup or saucepan with warm, pouring lipstick. You can glaze just the very top of the baba, or glaze the whole thing - both the top and the sides. Remove, swirl to spread the fondant evenly over the top or top and sides, and place the cake on a wire rack or baking sheet, narrow end up. The surface of the glazed rum baba is decorated with raisins, candied fruits and fresh or canned fruits, a mesh of colored lipstick, etc. After some time, the lipstick will cool and become dry to the touch and creamy like candy inside. Such a woman can already be served. She's ready.

Syrup for soaking rum baba

  • 510 g sugar
  • 560 g water
  • a few drops of rum essence
  • 50 g cognac or rum

Sugar and water are boiled, stirring constantly, to 103.1-103.5 C (medium syrup, density 1.22-1.25), that is, until it boils down from a weight of 1070 g to a weight of 950 g. Cool the syrup to 20 C and add rum essence, cognac or rum.

Lipstick for glazing rum baba

We already sell sugar lipstick in finished form, in the form of dry powder. Just add water and knead into a lump of plastic white mass. But you can make lipstick at home yourself by boiling sugar and water into syrup and then stirring the cooled syrup into a white creamy mass.

Sugar is boiled with water with the addition of:

  • citric acid (instead of citric acid crystals, you can take lemon juice or vinegar)
  • invert syrup
  • glucose
  • starch syrup
  • corn syrup

Boil the syrup until it is tested on a soft ball (to a temperature of 114 -115 C). Any of these substances will not allow the syrup to then crystallize during cooling into a rough, matte-colored sugar mass; part of the syrup will remain syrup when cold, and the lipstick will be soft, creamy, with a shiny surface.

Pour the finished syrup into the bowl of the food processor and leave completely alone until the temperature of the syrup drops from 114-115 C to 60 C (about half an hour). Cover the food processor with a lid and turn on for 2-3 minutes. The clear syrup is mixed into a white creamy liquid - ultramicrocrystalline lipstick. The lipstick is ready. You can immediately glaze confectionery products with it - rum baba, cakes, buns, cookies and the like.

Pour the lipstick into a container, seal it tightly and store for up to a day at room temperature, then in the refrigerator for up to a month. If the lipstick turns out to be too thick for glazing even when heated, then after churning, dilute it with warm syrup for impregnation to the desired thickness (thickness of heavy cream or a little thicker).

If there is liquid glucose, then the syrup for lipstick is boiled like this

  • 1 kg sugar
  • 300 g water
  • 250 g glucose

If you have invert syrup or starch syrup, then the recipe for lipstick syrup is like this

  • 1 kg sugar
  • 100 g invert syrup or starch syrup

If you have corn syrup on hand, boil the syrup in these proportions

  • 1 kg sugar
  • 170 g corn syrup
  • 240 g water

If you have citric acid, lemon juice or plain white vinegar, then the recipe for lipstick syrup is like this

  • 1 kg sugar
  • 4 g citric acid or 1 g acetic acid
  • 330 g water

Pour water over sugar and boil over high heat to 108 C. Pour in citric acid solution, lemon juice or vinegar. Continue cooking the syrup until you reach a temperature of 115-117 C (test for a weak ball).

Note: lemon juice contains 5% citric acid, so if you want to cook the syrup not with citric acid, but with lemon juice, instead of 4 g of citric acid powder, you will need to take 80 g of strained lemon juice per 1 kg of sugar in the syrup. In Europe, vinegars come in a wide range of acidity levels; regular white vinegar contains 5% acetic acid. So for syrup, instead of 4 g of citric acid, you will need to take 20 g of white vinegar

  1. Place the kneaded dough on the table or in a bowl and fold in the raisins with your hands. If you are kneading the raisins on the table, do not dust the table or dough with flour. Knead as best you can and then use a scraper to collect the dough stuck to the table into a ball. The dough will not be soft or liquid, and this is how our rum baba differs from the French rum baba, whose brioche dough has such a weak creamy consistency that it is poured into molds using a pastry bag. Our rum baba dough is a very springy dough that sits on the counter in a tall ball.
  2. During fermentation, there is no need to allow the dough to increase by more than 1.5-2 p in volume. My fermentation with two kneadings took 40 minutes!
  3. The fermented dough is laid out in molds or on a baking sheet, filling them no more than 1/4-1/3. I took pieces of dough weighing 25 g for small babas (finished products weighing 50-60 g) and 55 g for medium-sized molds (finished babas weighing approximately 100 g). Remember that the dough is placed with the knot facing up, because... Ready-made women are turned upside down after baking and therefore the bottom of the dough in their forms should be smooth. You can take molds or baking sheets from silicone, steel or aluminum, even glass. Doesn't matter. Just don’t bake in black metal pans - they’ll burn terribly. Small forms are placed on a large baking sheet.
  4. Proofing took me about 35-40 minutes. Before baking, brush the tops of the baked goods with egg.
  5. I bake it all in 25 minutes. The first 15 minutes at 180 with convection, then I lower the oven temperature to 165 and finish baking so that they don’t get burned, but are baked through.
  6. Let the products cool completely in the molds and then place them upside down on a baking sheet or wire rack.
  7. Let it dry thoroughly for several hours. Large babas (0.5-1 kg) will be ready for soaking and glazing a day after baking. Small and medium - after 2-8 hours
  8. The syrup for soaking women is the simplest and most unsophisticated: sugar and water in equal proportions, thoroughly boiled. If you cook it according to science, then it is boiled at a temperature of 103.1 C, maximum 103.5 C. It is flavored and mixed with rum or cognac only when cold, after the syrup has cooled to 20 C.
  9. Before soaking in syrup at room temperature (20-40 C), the narrow end of each woman is pierced in several places with a stick. Pierce approximately to the middle of the product so that the syrup penetrates freely inside.
  10. Place the soaked women end up. While they are waiting their turn to be glazed with fondant, the syrup will penetrate inside, soaking the crumb properly.
  11. Then the woman’s narrow end is dipped into lipstick that has been heated and diluted with syrup (if necessary). They lower it only with the tip or “I don’t want it all the way.” Whoever likes it. When cooled, the surface of the lipstick will be dry and non-sticky, so don’t be afraid and glaze completely. The main thing is that your fingers are not bitten off while eating.)

It seems that just recently a dessert under the sonorous name “Rum Baba” was extremely popular, but today this pastry is quickly forgotten. A rich cupcake, soaked in fragrant syrup and doused with sweet fondant, simply does not deserve such a sad fate.

Try to prepare a rum delicacy according to a traditional Soviet recipe, and you will certainly see that this dish should not be written off from culinary accounts.

Rum baba recipe

Ingredients for the dough:

  • Dry yeast (5 grams)
  • Filtered water (150 ml)
  • Sifted flour (210 grams)

For the test:

  • Butter (100 g)
  • Chicken eggs (3 pcs.)
  • Sifted flour (1 cup)
  • Vanilla sugar (10 g)
  • Raisins (quarter cup)
  • Granulated sugar (half a cup)
  • Salt (quarter teaspoon)

For impregnation:

  • Water (240 ml)
  • Granulated sugar (240 g)
  • Rum essence (to the chef's taste)

For fondant:

  • Lemon juice (1 tsp)
  • Granulated sugar (half a kilogram)
  • Water (160 ml)

How to make rum baba

1. Let's start with the dough. Combine wheat flour with yeast, then gradually add warm (never hot) water. The dough should be homogeneous, sticky and soft.

2. Cover the cup with the dough with a towel to prevent it from airing. She will have to spend the next three to four hours in comfortable warmth.

3. Having discovered that the dough has grown significantly in volume and has even begun to fall, we move on to the next stage: kneading.

4. Soften the cooled butter at room temperature. We wash the raisins several times, then pour a glass of boiling water - this will quickly soften them.

5. Break the eggs into a bowl and stir lightly. According to the standard, you need to add 1.5 eggs to the dough, that is, exactly half. They will be followed by salt and sugar, vanilla sugar, and flour. Stir everything until completely homogeneous.

6. Add soft butter - it should completely merge with the dough.

7. Roll out the dough onto the countertop and knead vigorously - eventually it will become fluffy and pliable.

8. Lightly dry the strained raisins on a napkin and place them in the baking base. Next, the dough must be returned to the bowl, covered with a towel and placed in the refrigerator for an hour.

9. After this period, knead again and cool for another couple of hours.

10. Treat the molds with vegetable oil. Place on a baking sheet and fill equally with dough (it should occupy approximately half the volume of the molds).

11. Cover the pieces with a towel and leave on the baking sheet for 1.5 hours. Later, when the dough has risen, brush the tops of the products with egg and preheat the oven at 210 degrees.

12. Finally, place the baking sheet in the hot oven. Rum baba bake for about 45 minutes, test readiness with a toothpick.

13. The finished baked goods are cooled slightly in the molds, and then finally cooled outside.

14. For impregnation, heat water with sugar in a saucepan. Bring to a boil and keep on the stove for another two minutes. After cooling, add aromatic rum essence.

15. Dip each cupcake into syrup from the bottom side. Hold for a few seconds; If desired, you can use a toothpick to make holes to allow more syrup to be absorbed. Finally, place the rum baba tops down.

16. Make the fudge: boil the water with sugar again, be sure to skim off the foam. The sweet grains should completely disappear; the mixture is boiled for a few more minutes.

17. Pour lemon juice. Stir thoroughly and continue cooking over low heat until the syrup is ready. Next, it needs to be cooled to 50-60 degrees - in room conditions this will take about fifteen minutes.

18. Beat the syrup with a mixer until white and thick. The fondant should not be runny or sticky!

19. Cover the bottoms of the cupcakes with the resulting glaze. The treat is ready!

You can experiment with fudge and impregnation for rum baba as you please.

  • Vanilla impregnation. For vanilla impregnation, hot sugar syrup is combined with a quarter of a spicy vanilla pod, and after cooling, a small amount of vanilla liqueur is added.
  • Coffee impregnation. Coffee impregnation is also prepared on the basis of sugar syrup (60 grams of granulated sugar + 6 tablespoons of water). In this case, add a couple of tablespoons of strongly brewed espresso coffee to 1 glass.
  • Cognac impregnation. The combination of cognac and cherry syrup will not leave anyone indifferent! Mix a couple of tablespoons of alcohol with a glass of water and 60 milliliters of syrup. Heat on the stove, add 2 tablespoons of sugar and continue to cook for three minutes after boiling.
  • Honey impregnation. There is also a honey impregnation for baking: 150 grams of honey must be combined with two tablespoons of lemon juice, then the mixture is brought to a boil and simmered over low heat for about five minutes until thickened. Before soaking the cupcakes, the mixture is cooled to a warm state - by the way, this rule applies to all types of syrups. Alcohol (or the corresponding essence) is added to taste.
  • Chocolate impregnation. For chocolate impregnation, you need to make traditional sugar syrup (sugar + water in equal parts - one tablespoon each), and then add 4 beaten chicken yolks. After the next beating, the composition is replenished with liquid chocolate (melt a couple of bars in a water bath), as well as fresh whipped cream in the amount of 300 milliliters. The finished impregnation should cool.
  • Chocolate fudge. The fudge for the baba can also be chocolate. Combine 10 tablespoons of regular or cane sugar with 6 tablespoons of cocoa powder. Mash thoroughly, then stir in milk (3/4 cup) and melted butter (100 grams). After boiling, the heat should be reduced and the mixture should be stirred periodically. It is recommended to cool the thickened fudge to 40 degrees.
  • The easiest way to diversify the taste of rum babka is to use any fruit or citrus syrup (apple, apricot, lemon, orange).

Juicy, melting rum baba can be decorated with colored confectionery powder or grated citrus zest. Bon appetit!

Today, if I become a very good person, I will start paying off my debts.
Moreover, not giving her (the woman) would be a crime. Remember the rum baba from childhood with such a white, crispy, slightly plasticine glaze that cruelly stuck to your teeth? I remember very much. How many kopecks did they cost? And they were wrapped, at least in our bakery shop, in cash register tape due to excess moisture. As a child, for some reason they seemed like a very grown-up dessert to me, probably because of the implied alcohol, and I loved them for that very reason. (All children are little idiots and want to grow up quickly.) Unfortunately, they are rarely made correctly - sometimes the dough is too rubbery, sometimes there is a lot of syrup and it is very sticky, sometimes they are completely dry... in short, it is not easy to catch a real “baba”. Therefore - here is the most beautiful one I have ever met - Jonathan's. Do it yourself! Just when distributing, lock the children in the bathroom or wherever you have a good lock - otherwise everything will be swept away at once. Why do you need drunk children?
There will be a lot of photos - I think she deserves it, yes, and, to be honest, during the local visual “quarantine” I missed posts with a lot of photos. So, the master class will be redundant - bear with me.
Oh, and at the same time, I’ll give you a wonderful glaze for baking, you often ask how to give all kinds of cakes and tarts a “glossy” look.

So here's the recipe.

I’ll give you professional proportions - here it’s 12 women.

- 300 g flour
- 6 g salt
- 20 g sugar
- 130 g milk
- 17 g of fresh yeast (you need about 3 times less dry yeast!)
- 225 g eggs (reminder - one egg weighs approximately 60 grams)
- 70 g melted butter
- 20 g honey

- 1 liter of water
- 400 g sugar
- 1 orange
- 1 lemon
- 2 vanilla pods
- 50-100 ml of rum (or even more, depending on your loyalty to the taste of alcohol)

First you need to make the syrup.
* First remove the zest from citrus fruits - it will be useful to us.

Cut the lemon and orange into large slices, add sugar, vanilla and heat to about 70 degrees, do not let it boil. Pour into a large container. When it cools down, pour in the rum (the amount is up to you).

Now we make the dough.
Mix flour with salt and sugar, add the zest of half a lemon and an orange (you have some left over) and honey.

We had lavender honey, but this is not important.

Melt the butter in the microwave or on the stove over low heat.

Grind the yeast in milk at room temperature (with dry yeast follow the instructions on the package).
Put flour, salt, eggs into the mixer bowl (pour in one at a time, first breaking them into a separate container), at the very end - butter, and mix at medium speed for 5-6 minutes, gradually pouring in milk and yeast.
When the dough stretches and stops sticking to the spatula, it’s ready.

This is what your perfect dough looks like.

Place the dough (rather pour it) into molds; it is better to squeeze it out of a pastry bag with a cone attachment. It is convenient to cut the dough with scissors, filling the molds to about 40% of the height (in our case it was about 2 cm to the edges).
*If you don't have a piping bag, use a heavy-duty plastic bag and cut off one corner.

Let the dough rise until it rises halfway.

Bake for 35-40 minutes at 200 degrees. Look, the ovens are all different!

We take it out, turn it over and finish baking so that the butts are also confidently browned.

This is the ideal result.

And this is what they look like in cross-section - this is our sponge for syrup.

Next, put the women in the syrup for 15-20 minutes.
The syrup should be approximately 50 degrees. If it gets too cold, reheat it.
Attention (!) - they must inflate! If the syrup is too cold, they won’t inflate, and if it’s too hot, they will burst. Be careful there.)
And press them down on top with something, for example, a grate, so that they do not float up.

Remove and place on a wire rack to drain.

Top them with more rum for greed.

And now a very useful option is glaze. I'll give you a separate recipe - it will definitely come in handy.


Take apricot confiture (200 g) + scrape out the seeds from the vanilla pod + rum (this is the case with rum baba, not necessary for other desserts), add water (50 ml) and mix well.

Place over low heat and let melt completely.

Strain and rub through a sieve to ensure uniformity.

Place baking paper under the grates and pour glaze over the baba. Here we have a special dispenser - it’s convenient.

These are such luxurious shiny girls!

For decoration (optional), beat 33% cream (200 ml), seeds from a vanilla pod and powdered sugar (20 g).
You can put it in a ring of syrup, sprinkle with pistachios or other nuts, put it on a “jabot” of strawberry slices, and top with whipped cream (the curl is obtained by squeezing it out of the bag), or you can add thin slices of apples.
Now fantasize as much as you like.
This is how convenient it is to store syrup in tubes, and then “stick” slices of fruit or berries on it.

Let's decorate.

And unearthly beauty!
The recipe looks a little cumbersome, but if you aim for it, it’s no big deal. And it's really worth it.
Don't eat too much!
You'll be fat and drunk, just the way we like it.)

Questions? I’ll add what is not clear.

Update about the “glaze” for baba “from childhood”:
Thank you very much Ole for it mad_crab
I quote her:
“It was not glaze, as I understand it, but sugar fudge. According to GOST, fudge for rum baba should contain - Sugar 414 grams, molasses 42 grams, or invert syrup 50, I think glucose syrup will be just right. Water 124 g Boil sugar and water in a stainless steel pan until it becomes a soft ball (drop into cold water or on ice), rinsing off the crystals from the edges with a silicone brush moistened with water, then add molasses (syrup) and cool to forty degrees, placing in cold water. with a wooden spoon or spatula until crystallization and a white plastic mass. You can probably also use a mixer with a spatula. You don’t have to wait until it cools down, but stir immediately, it will just take longer. And with the resulting fudge, warming it up to forty-five degrees, glaze it. But it can immediately It won’t work out, you have to adapt.”

If you're not scared, try it.

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