What cheeses are eaten with jam? Incompatible (cheese with jam)

Sometimes some combinations of products seem very strange and unacceptable to us. Vegetables with fruits, fish with meat, cheese with jam... And some, on the contrary, really love unusual flavor combinations. Moreover, in the cuisine of different countries there are dishes that include similar strange food “harmonies”.


I often saw people eating watermelon and melon with salt. Another interesting combination is watermelon with cheese. And in some countries it is customary to sprinkle salt and lemon.

Among dairy products, cheese with jam or preserves is the leader. Sometimes it is placed on a piece of black bread. Some people prefer, on the contrary, to pour mustard over the cheese. And in Bulgaria, where feta cheese is the main national delicacy, salted feta cheese with honey or jam is very popular. Some people like kefir with... pickles. It is believed that the combination is a bit harsh for the stomach, but some people would care!

During the difficult times of Soviet history, children were made this kind of cake: black bread was poured with vegetable oil and sprinkled with granulated sugar. But, as I learned from the Internet, this cake is still popular with some people. Bread with ice cream is also popular.

Cookies are also universal and can replace bread for some. Sausage, meat and butter are placed on it. By the way, about the sausage. One of my friends smeared it with... jam.

Not everyone drinks coffee with sugar, some drink it with salt. We also know about coffee with lemon. And it’s hard to even imagine traditional Kalmyk tea: not only milk is added there, but also... butter.


In Russian cuisine, it was quite possible to combine meat and fish. And even the royal fish soup was prepared in chicken, or rather, rooster broth... In Soviet restaurants, the menu featured assorted fish and meat or fish and meat solyanka.

However, the Karelians still have such recipes - some of them were adopted in Finland.

Roast fish and meat

Boil fresh, soaked salted or dried fish in a small amount of salted water, then drain the water. Cut the fatty meat into pieces and fry until cooked, then place it along with the fat on the cooked fish. Cover the pan with a lid and place on low heat.

Kanunik in Karelian

Place the meat cut into pieces into boiling water - 200 grams of lamb and the same amount of beef and pork. After removing the foam, add 2 turnips, rutabagas, 5 potatoes and a couple of onions, washed and cut into pieces, into the broth. After 40 minutes, add 350 grams of fresh, salted or dried fish to the soup and simmer in a pot until cooked.

The fish and meat theme also takes place in the cuisine of other countries: for example, in Mallorca they cook rabbit with shrimp in bread sauce.

Fish stuffed with meat

Fish, 300 g minced beef, 100 g champignons, 2 bell peppers, 4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, salt, pepper.

Fry the minced meat in a frying pan with constant stirring. Boil the champignons, finely chop them and bell peppers and add to the minced meat. After 2 minutes, remove from heat. Chop 3 cloves of garlic and a bunch of herbs and mix them with the minced meat. The minced meat is ready. Fill pre-cleaned fish with it, coat it with vegetable oil, salt and pepper to taste, wrap in foil and bake in the oven for 40 minutes.

Cucumbers with honey

Cut 300 g of cucumbers into thin slices. Add salt and place in a colander for 20 minutes to let out the juice. Finely chop the dill, mix it in a jar with a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of water. Cover with a lid and leave for 20 minutes. Remove moisture from cucumber slices with a napkin, place them in layers on a dish and pour honey and dill dressing over each layer.

Wonderful dessert! Serve immediately!

Pies with stewed sorrel with sugar, honey and strawberries

Knead the dough: 2.5 tbsp. spoons of flour, a packet of baking powder, 250 grams of chopped chilled butter, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 3 yolks. Wrap it in cling film and place it in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Grind 700 g of sorrel, mix it with 1/2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, lightly crush. Sprinkle the table with flour, roll out the dough and place on the pan. Place sorrel and 15 strawberries on the dough. Bake the pie in the oven at 200 degrees for 40 minutes. While the cake is baking, beat 3 egg whites with sugar. Then pour this mixture over the pie. When the pie is slightly browned, it can be removed from the oven.

Such pies are baked in Siberia, and in the Baltics they bake pies with smoked meats and piparkukas cookies with black pepper, ginger and cinnamon. But the most unusual recipe is herring with cottage cheese.

Herring with cottage cheese

Grind the fillets of 3 herrings, add 1/2 kg of cottage cheese, 300 g of thick sour cream and 3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil. Mix everything thoroughly, then grate 200 g of hard cheese on a coarse grater and finely chop a bunch of parsley. Mix all the ingredients, form balls, sprinkle them with the remaining cheese and pour over mayonnaise.


Jewish cuisine is famous for its combinations of salty and sweet, as well as sour and sweet. For example, a popular Jewish dish is beef stew in a sweet and sour sauce that includes, among other things, honey, honey cake, sugar, and raisins.

Stewed potatoes with dried fruits

Cut 1/2 kg of potatoes, add 125 g of vegetable oil, 70 g of raisins, 50 g of prunes, cinnamon and 20 g of sugar. Pour hot water to cover the food and simmer over low heat. At the end of the process, season the dish with a decoction of dried fruits, in which 7 g of passivated flour is diluted, add salt and simmer until tender.

Salad of tangerines, garlic and cheese

Peel 5 tangerines and separate them into slices. Chop 2 cloves of garlic and 100 g of hard cheese, mix everything and season with 2 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise.

Banana and tomato soup

Coarsely chop 1 kg of tomatoes. Simmer in 1/2 liter of broth with 1/2 teaspoon of salt over low heat under a lid until the tomatoes reach a puree state. Cut 2 onions into cubes and 4 bananas into slices. In another pan, heat 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil and, with continuous stirring, fry the onion until transparent, then add bananas to it, mashing them during the frying process. Strain the broth with tomatoes and rub through a sieve into a pan with bananas, mix everything. Dilute 2 teaspoons of corn flour with 4 tbsp. tablespoons of cream and season the soup with this mixture. Add white pepper on the tip of a knife and sprinkle with 2 tbsp. spoons of grated coconut.

Strawberry-tomato soup

Chop 250 g of peeled tomatoes and 250 g of strawberries and beat with a blender until pureed, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of balsamic vinegar and the same amount of olive oil, a few basil leaves, half a chili pepper, a little lemon zest, salt and sugar to taste. The soup is ready! Before serving, decorate it with strawberries and lemon balm.

Fried cucumbers with cheese

Peel a kilogram of cucumbers, sprinkle them with 1 tbsp. spoon of salt and leave for 15 minutes until the cucumbers give juice. Drain the juice. Heat 3 tbsp in a frying pan. spoons of vegetable and butter, add cucumbers and fry them until golden brown.

Prepare the dressing: chop 2 bunches of herbs and 2 cloves of garlic, mix with 3 teaspoons of soy sauce. Mix the cucumbers with the dressing and refrigerate for 8 hours to soak. Sprinkle the finished cucumbers with grated cheese.

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Making homemade cheese is very quick and easy, the main thing is that the starting products are natural. This delicious cheese will differ from store-bought cheese not only in that it will be without preservatives, dyes and melting agents, but also in its low salt content. That is, its salinity will depend only on you.
Why am I focusing on this? It is generally accepted that the benefits of hard cheese are its high calcium content, which is necessary for the growth of children's bones and teeth. In adults, calcium is necessary to prevent osteoporosis (brittle bones). But excess salt content is not so beneficial for the body due to the fact that it will retain water and cause swelling.
Another reason to make cheese yourself at home is its fat content, which you can adjust based on your preferences.

Homemade cheese

The recipe for homemade cheese can be constantly improved by adding various additives to it: fresh or dried herbs, oregano, Provençal herbs, mushrooms, sun-dried tomatoes, pieces of ham or raw smoked sausage, or even make a sweet cheese by adding sugar and cocoa during cooking.

This issue featured a recipe for making cheese from our reader.
There were several comments and feedback that it was not possible to make cheese at home.
So I decided to try this recipe myself and I assure you that there is nothing easier than making cheese at home. My step-by-step photos in the recipe itself are an example for you.

for a recipe for homemade cheese from cottage cheese and milk we will need


  • Cottage cheese – 2 kg
  • Cow's milk (you can make homemade cheese from goat's milk) – 2 liters
  • Butter – 200 g
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Tea soda – 1 tablespoon
  • Salt - to taste

(it’s better to buy homemade cottage cheese from a familiar milkman at the market)

Cooking process:

A very interesting recipe for making cheese at home from Valentina Gorbacheva, light, quick and easy to prepare:

When I had a household, I often made delicious homemade cheese from milk and cottage cheese for myself. Making cheese at home is very simple, the main thing is that the products are of high quality. The recipe for making homemade cheese can be changed; when cooking the cheese, add cumin seeds, dried aromatic herbs (for example, Provençal or Italian), sun-dried tomatoes, dried bell peppers (paprika) or simply chopped dill, parsley and cilantro.

To get a harder cheese with a low fat content, you can reduce the amount of butter, add 100 -150 g of it. But you can’t spoil the porridge with butter, so my homemade cheese also turned out delicious, here it is in the photo.

Of course, it may not be the same as store-bought cheese, but it is environmentally friendly and you know that everything in your homemade cheese is natural, from cows, fresh and there is no palm oil, no dyes or preservatives. Initially, in preparing my homemade cheese, I used 3 liters of milk per 1 kg of cottage cheese, then I tried to reduce the amount of milk. I didn’t notice any difference in the quality of homemade cheese, so I started adding enough milk so that it just covered the cottage cheese.


I put 2 kg of cottage cheese in a saucepan and poured in 2 liters of milk. I put it on fire. Stirring lightly (mostly only along the bottom, the cottage cheese may stick) so that the mass is evenly heated, bring the milk and cottage cheese to a hot state. Once you see whey forming, it's all done. The cottage cheese becomes like soft plasticine. There is no need to break this curd ball too much. In time it takes 7-10 minutes, no more.

Then you need to separate the whey from the resulting cheese mass, I usually put it on cheesecloth, you need to try so that, if possible, all the liquid runs away and the curd mass is almost dry, without whey. Then put the resulting mass into the casserole where you will cook homemade cheese, 200 g of softened butter, 2 eggs, 1 tbsp. l. soda and salt. Salt, of course, is to your taste; some people like salty cheese, others lightly salted.

Mix all the ingredients for homemade cheese in a casserole or other dish with a thick bottom (not enameled) and put on fire.

Making cheese at home requires constant monitoring, so you should not deviate from it, as the cheese may burn during cooking. Stirring constantly, cook over medium heat, the curd mass will begin to melt and stretch, you need to boil the homemade cheese for about 5-7 minutes. I have a wooden spoon with which I constantly stir the cheese mass. You will be able to tell when the cheese is ready. It will be sticky and viscous. You can determine the readiness of the cheese by testing it by testing it, if it sticks to your teeth, then that’s it, it’s ready! Another sign that the cheese is ready is that it begins to pull away from the walls of the container in which it is cooked.

Then pour the hot homemade cheese into any container (cup or container) to give it its shape. The cauldron must be handled with care, as the cheese mass is very capricious. Cover the top of the warm homemade cheese with cling film so that the crust does not dry out.

I made homemade cream cheese, it’s not entirely hard because it’s high in fat, but it holds its shape and can be cut with a knife.

Tips from the Notebook:

  • The remaining whey from making homemade cheese from milk and cottage cheese can be used for baking or used to make yeast dough for bread, or in the summer to make okroshka using whey.
  • I would like to highlight separately: the store often sells not cottage cheese, but a COOK PRODUCT, which in its composition is not cottage cheese at all, such fake cottage cheese will not make cheese, it is better to buy real farm cottage cheese with milk and get a good result and the taste of homemade cheese! It is better not to use ultra-pasteurized and sterilized milk from boxes.

We also have a recipe for more dietary kefir cheese on our website, try that too:

The Recipe Notebook wishes you bon appetit and delicious cheese!

I managed to attend an event that simply could not be missed - a tasting of cheeses from the Queseria La Antigua de Fuentesauсo cheese factory. You can't... because I'm a big cheese fan. And different ones. Young and mature, soft and hard, curd and creamy, from cow, goat and sheep milk.

For me, there is nothing more beautiful than a slice of baguette with olive oil, a piece of aromatic cheese and a glass of wine - this is the formula for my good mood. And it's not even chocolate. Even though I have a sweet tooth and hardly a day goes by without a small chocolate bar, bread, cheese and good wine are better. Well, it would be nice to serve some unusual jam with cheese.

I somehow managed to lose the photos from the tasting itself (I don’t even know how this could happen), but zveruska there was an excellent report, so if you are curious, you can take a look. We not only tasted different types of cheese and learned to distinguish good from bad, we tried several interesting dishes made from it.

So, God sent a piece of cheese to the crow... at this tasting I met a wonderful girl, the creator of the Foodybox project. And I received a gift for the New Year - a gourmet box - a foodbox! And with it the same rich, aromatic and tart mature cheese from La Antigua.

I opened the box and gasped - all my favorite things! Candied orange peels in chocolate, grapefruit and strawberry jam, aromatic tea with spices...

But it’s a great idea to collect in boxes all the best, interesting and new things in the world of gastronomy. Often we go to the store shelf, study new products, but do not decide to take everything. This is especially true for expensive products. You never know if the price will be worth it? Is the quality that good? Foodbox is designed to introduce us to something new. Tea completely captivated me, but that’s not what I’m talking about today;)

Jam goes great with cheeses. Especially soft. Interesting combination, now I want to try making it myself.

I must say, there was a period when I was indifferent to preserves, jellies and marmalades. Because everything that was happening around was monotonous and boring: the same thing from year to year. But when I started experimenting with flavors and combinations, adding unusual ingredients, my attitude towards this type of product changed.

And now I want to offer you lime and ginger jam. The combination is a classic. But I got it in this form by accident. I was going to make confiture with lime peels, but it turned out that the limes were already sitting and their skins were starting to dry out in places. When I started cooking a mixture of limes and sugar, there were a lot of crusts and they seemed too hard to me, I wasn’t sure that they would soften and would be good in confiture in such quantities. Therefore, I decided to pass the hot jam through a sieve and continue to cook it until it thickens. This turned out to be a wonderful jam for cheese!


  • 8 limes (half zested)

  • 500 g sugar

  • 600 g water

  • 2 cm ginger, grated (about 1 tsp)

Cut the limes into slices, cover with sugar and leave to stand overnight. The next day, add water and place on the stove. Bring to a boil, cook a little, then cool and rub through a sieve, pour back into the pan or ladle and continue cooking for 10 minutes. Turn off again and cool. And so on a couple more times. The mixture needs to thicken. Add finely grated ginger to the last cooking time. Pour into jars and enjoy.

And about knives... you've probably already noticed them) They are unusually photogenic. I have long dreamed of a suitable stand for my knives. While we live with a temporary kitchen, there is an eternal problem: all the cutlery and knives are in a pile, and it’s hard to find what you need. And then I saw this set. Now it keeps the kitchen tidy and you don’t have to look for anything! You know, I was afraid that, like many beautiful things, it would turn out to be not very good in terms of quality. And it will be more convenient as a guest option. When guests come and we cook together, the first question they ask is: what knife to use and where to get it. Everything is visible here, and it’s also labeled what it’s used for. Fortunately, the quality of the knives turned out to be quite good, so I actively use them myself. Of course, the most popular ones are chef's and cheese. It's a pity that this set doesn't include a bread knife. Homemade bread with a thick, crispy crust is the only way to cut it properly. Another undoubted advantage of the set is the cutting board, which is attached behind the knives.

PS Since we're talking about delicious jams... Do you remember when I talked about jam, which I first met in Finland, having bought in a store? This year I tried lemon and lime jam with zest from the same brand, based on your recommendations. How delicious it is! Ideal with natural yoghurt or crackers. But I bought the cream for a lemon tart to quickly prepare for my birthday, and after homemade it seemed too sweet and with a less pronounced citrus taste. True, that time it was lime, this time it was lemon. In any case, homemade always tastes better!

Participating in the photography:
- Rondell knives
- gourmet box "Foodibox"
- sheep cheese La Antigua de Fuentesauсo
- jam from Mackays
and... my hands)

I don’t know about anyone, but I haven’t loaded the New Year’s table with serious hot dishes for a very long time. For example, baked duck, which in my childhood was an integral attribute of the family holiday program. Now the nightly menu in my house consists mainly of light cold snacks. Including cheeses. This time I decided to spice up the holiday cheese plate with fig jam and Madeira. Of course, I conducted a preliminary tasting.

In fact, true gourmets recommend combining this jam with hard cheeses, for example, with English Cheddar and Lancashire. But in my refrigerator there was only solid " Dutch master", onto a thin piece of which I spread a jelly-like substance. Like fresh figs, the jam turned out to be quite sweet, with a slightly noticeable spicy-resinous taste of Madeira. Small seeds crunched merrily on my teeth. Indeed, the experts are right: a slightly sour shade of piquant “ Dutch master"perfectly complemented the bright flavor bouquet of the jam.

I hid the jar in the farthest corner of the kitchen cabinet - so that my family would not accidentally eat the jam ahead of time, and not with cheese, but with tea. As happened to me many years ago when I tried cheese jam for the first time.

It was in the early 90s, at a reception at the British Embassy. We, a group of young journalists from various Moscow publications, were invited to a festive charity event. The cultural program was rich, and the luxurious buffet amazed our imagination, which was still completely inexperienced in those years. Waiters moved silently around the hall with exquisite miniature snacks on trays. But for cheese, located on a separate table, you had to go on your own. My eyes widened - there were a lot of cheeses, and very different ones, which I had never seen before. In addition to the cheeses, there were tiny vases and jars of jam on the snow-white tablecloth. “Strange guys,” I thought. “The tea hasn’t been served yet, but the sweets have already been put out.”

At that moment, a colleague from a friendly publication, the famous funny man Pasha, approached me.
“Damn, there’s not even anything to profit from,” he said with a smile. - Well, if I don’t drag a piece of cheese home in my bag, the whole thing will fall apart! Come on, Marinka, let’s at least drink some jam?
- What are you, what are you! - I got worried. - What if they catch you on the way out? There could be an international conflict! Well, in general, it’s somehow unattractive...
“Come on,” and, winking at me, Pasha, with a deft movement of his hand, threw a jar of jam into our bags.
My heart sank into my heels - I no longer wanted tea, coffee, or dessert... Just to get out safely. Fortunately, nothing terrible happened.

For several days I savored delicious fruit jam with tea at home. And when I was about to wash the empty jar, I found an inscription on the label that said that the jam was intended for cheese. It’s a small thing, of course, but the residue remains.

Fig jam with Madeira, UK, 120 g, 420 rub.

Marina Pankova:
“My parents really wanted them to have a boy - Anton. Anton Pavlovich. And I turned out, that is, a girl. There was no name prepared for me. Therefore, they named me at random - Marina, which, as it turned out later, means “sea”. Maybe that's why I love swimming so much. Just not in the sea, but on the blue path, in the pool. Definitely open. If I don’t swim a couple of kilometers a day, I dry out like an old closet. One day in late autumn, in the “Walruses of the USSR” team, I even swam across Lake Issyk-Kul, 42 km long. The “walruses” themselves floundered in water at a temperature of 7 degrees, and I swam after them on a steamboat, where I wrote a report about hardening lovers for Nezavisimaya Gazeta.

In general, I always liked watching how people are able to create a beautiful world around themselves. For a long time I talked about this in my author’s columns in a magazine about design and interiors with the funny name “Stool”. I also really love to eat delicious food, especially food that someone else has prepared, not me. But my favorite dish doesn’t need to be cooked. Oysters are good on their own. I could easily eat a couple dozen.

But I still had a connection with the “world of Anton Pavlovich.” Friends often call me MaPa. This is how Chekhov addressed his beloved younger sister Maria Pavlovna.”

First try:

Amaretti cookies

For readers who take care of their figures, Marina Pankova found a special dessert - small airy Amaretti cookies, light and elegant.

Pasta with spinach, tomatoes, beets, carrots, turmeric

Marina Pankova went shopping and found a product reminiscent of the outgoing season - “Autumn Leaves” paste...

A cheese plate is an integral part of the holiday table.

The most popular sauce for a cheese plate is cranberry.

Recipes for cranberry sauce for cheese

Classic sauce:

  • 350 g (12 oz) cranberries
  • 1 cup* sugar
  • 1 cup water

* 1 cup = 240 ml

Cranberry sauce with orange juice:

  • 350 g (12 oz) cranberries
  • ½ cup sugar
  • 1 cup orange juice
  • 1 tsp grated ginger (optional)

Additionally add:

  • ¼ tsp. ground cinnamon
  • 1/8 tsp ground cloves
  • 1/8 tsp hot pepper flakes
  • pinch of allspice

Cranberry sauce with orange zest:

  • 350 g (12 oz) cranberries (lingonberries)
  • ½ cup sugar
  • juice and zest of one orange
  • 1-2 tbsp. cognac, brandy or vodka (optional)
  • pinch of cayenne pepper

Cranberry sauce with apple:

  • 350 g (12 oz) cranberries
  • 1 apple, cut into cubes
  • ½ cup sugar
  • 1 cup orange juice

Preparing cranberry sauce for cheese:

1. Mix cranberries, sugar and water in a saucepan.

2. Cook over medium heat, stirring slightly, for about 10-15 minutes, until the cranberries burst.

As the sauce cools, it will thicken.

To obtain a smooth sauce, you can use a blender (stand-on or immersion) or a food processor.

For a “silky” homogeneous consistency, after grinding the sauce in a blender, you can rub it through a sieve.

Onion marmalade for cheese

Onion marmalade, or caramelized onions, is a wonderful addition to pate, cheese plate, or steak.

Red onion marmalade:

Cut 2 kg of red onion not very finely, fry in heated olive oil (about 100 ml) for 5 minutes over medium heat, then simmer for 15 minutes under the lid over low heat.

If you like, first add a sprig of thyme and a teaspoon of coriander seeds into hot oil.

When the onion becomes transparent and soft, pour 1 glass of dry red wine, 100 g of liquid honey, 120 ml of wine vinegar into the frying pan, add 150 g of sugar.

White onion marmalade recipe:

  • 0.5 kg sweet juicy white onions
  • 0.5 cups sugar (125 g)
  • 1 glass of white Muscat wine (250 ml)
  • bouquet garni (rosemary, thyme, bay leaf, leek)
  • 1.5 tsp. coarse sea salt
  • 4 tbsp. olive oil
  • ground black pepper - to taste

Bouquet garni (bouquet garni) is very common in the south of France and is a bouquet of fragrant herbs tied with a thread.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the onion lengthwise into half rings.

2. Prepare a bouquet garni. The basic ingredients are thyme and bay leaf, the rest are added according to taste and desire, it can be parsley, celery, rosemary, chervil, etc. Place a sprig of thyme, rosemary, bay leaf in a leek strip, wrap it and tie it with a thread.

3. Pour olive oil into a container, heat it, add chopped onion and simmer until soft and transparent, never frying or allowing it to burn.

4. Add salt, sugar, pepper, pour in nutmeg, add bouquet garni and simmer for 2-3 hours over low heat with the lid open until the onion is “marmalade”.

It will become so transparent and a beautiful honey color, the wine should evaporate. Do not allow it to burn under any circumstances during the cooking process.

Onion marmalade can be stored in glass jars with tight lids in the refrigerator.

How to eat cheese platter with sauce

It is important to arrange the varieties in order of increasing intensity of their taste - soft and brine cheeses come first, and at the end the most mature, hard or aromatic ones.

The most suitable varieties include:

  • spreadable goat or cow cheeses
  • blue cheeses
  • soft cheeses with white rind
  • smoked and aged varieties
  • hard cheeses
  • varieties of semi-soft cow cheese

They should be laid clockwise so that the lightest and brightest varieties meet.

Alternatively, the cheeses can be arranged in ascending order of taste from the center to the edges of the round plateau, and on a narrow long board - from left to right in the form of a wave or zigzag.

This assortment is eaten like this: they start with the lightest cheese, and the first small piece is eaten solo, then a fragment of the same type is dipped in the sauce.

This manipulation makes it possible to understand how it is more pleasant for your receptors to consume this cheese, on its own or with accompaniment.

Serving jam with cheese is possible in several ways.

The easiest solution is to have small portions of jam next to diced or sliced ​​cheese, so your guests can create new delicious combinations on their own.

If you are ready to surprise with the new formula you have found, create your own signature snack: place a small amount of jam next to a portion of the chosen cheese, decorate the plate with herbs and a slice of country bread.

Your truly exquisite gastronomic masterpiece will definitely not go unnoticed. Bon appetit!

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