Cranberry marshmallow. Cranberry marshmallows Ingredients for puree

Have you tried cooking? marshmallows at home? With the most affordable ingredients and a little attention, you can easily prepare this incredibly tasty dish. Homemade marshmallows are made from applesauce, cranberry juice, sugar syrup and whipped egg whites, and agar-agar serves as a thickener. To avoid the problem of dessert not frozen, be sure to follow step-by-step preparation of cranberry marshmallows with photos. If you don't beat the mixture completely or the berry puree is too runny, at best you'll get a tasty cream, so don't give up on the marshmallows. It is useful to have a kitchen thermometer to accurately measure the temperature of the syrup. If there is no such meter, heating the syrup to 110 degrees is determined as follows: dip a spoon into the boiling syrup, and then try to pour it back, if a thick and dense thread of syrup stretches behind the spoon, then its temperature is already 110 degrees. In this case, the moisture content in the syrup remains only 15%. This is the optimal temperature for whipping apple cranberry marshmallows.

Ingredients for making cranberry marshmallows

Step-by-step preparation of cranberry marshmallows with photos

Homemade marshmallows are stored in a plastic container in a dry place. Bon appetit!

So, we need:

  • 160 grams of cranberries - I used frozen
  • 1 protein
  • 70 grams of sugar

For sugar syrup:

  • - 8 g
  • sugar - 200 gr
  • water - 75 ml
  • You will also need it for rolling finished marshmallows.


Pour cranberries and sugar (70 grams) into a saucepan. Place on low heat and wait until the cranberries become soft. Don't forget to stir!

Once the cranberries have softened and released juice, it’s time to blend the berries with an immersion blender until smooth.

Increase the heat and simmer the puree until it becomes thick, almost like jam. Remove from heat and cool slightly.
In a separate bowl, beat 1 egg white until stiff peaks form. Please note that the dishes themselves and the whisk must be dry!

Now gently mix the whipped egg whites and cranberry puree. This is the mass you should get.

Now let's start preparing the sugar syrup. To do this, combine agar agar, sugar and water in a saucepan and put it on the fire, bring to a boil, reduce the heat so that the boil is not too active and cook for 5-7 minutes.

Remove from heat and!!!immediately!!! Let's take the mixer. While beating the cranberry mixture, pour in the hot sugar syrup in a thin stream and continue beating for 5 minutes. You will notice how quickly your mixture thickens. If at the end of beating, visible marks from the whisks remain on the surface and do not disappear for a long time, then you are doing everything right.

Well, that’s all, the cooking process is over, the most pleasant and exciting thing remains - you need to place the marshmallows on parchment and wait until it stabilizes. To plant the marshmallows, I chose and planted them on parchment.

That's all. Your task is to repeat these steps after me and leave the marshmallows to rest (stabilize) for 12-14 hours. After this time, sprinkle the finished cranberry marshmallows with non-melting powdered sugar and fasten the halves together.

That's it, the cranberry marshmallows are ready! Very simple and very tasty! Be sure to try cooking with me and share your results on Instagram -

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School will start soon. In America, in most cities, children go to school, which is located in the area where you live. The better the area, the better the school. Children go to first grade at the age of 7, but... you can start going to school even earlier, because... There are two more classes before the first one. The very first is Preschool and children go there at the age of 5, but... you can go even earlier and study in the Preschool class for 2 years. After Preschool comes Kindergarten class and only then first grade. This year Makar is going to second grade, and Rodion is going to Kindergarten. Last school year, Makar and Rodion went to different schools, because... Makar's school (Greenfield is the name of his school) does not have a Preschool class at all. At the end of the school year, I did not manage to enroll Rodion in Kindergarten at Greenfield School on time. Within a week from the start of registration, Kindergarten had 90 children (for 3 classes) and I was able to enroll Rodion, but only on the waiting list in case someone refused a place at school before the start of the school year. We were eighth on the waiting list. From time to time I went and asked the administration if there was any movement or hope that the children would go to the same school. But we were still eighth on the waiting list. They also said that they would call us if there was any news. And lo and behold, yesterday the principal of the Greenfield school, Mr. Lazar, called us and said that Rodion was enrolled in Kindergarten! Ahhh, it’s simply unrealistic, it’s super, mega wonderful that the children will go to the same school together. Ooooh, you should have seen Rodion’s happy eyes when he found out about this! This is such great news! Hooray!

The week without posts and stories is over. I'll tell you a little about how American medicine works. Even before leaving for America, I went for a standard examination with a gynecologist and had an ultrasound of my breasts. In Ukraine, this issue is simple. I went to the antenatal clinic at my place of residence or made an appointment at a private clinic, did whatever tests I wanted in the laboratory, and all this was most often resolved within a few days. How are things going in America? I decided to make an appointment with a mammologist. And what do you think? I wasn't signed up. They said that they could make an appointment only after seeing a gynecologist and only if there was a referral from him. And do you know why? Because I'm not 40 years old. Can you imagine? In America, mammography can be done without a referral at your own request only after 40 years of age. And one more thing... I called the hospital to make an appointment with a gynecologist, but they made an appointment for me only 2 weeks later. I went to the gynecologist, he gave me a referral to a mammologist. And what do you think? They were able to make an appointment with the mammologist only after 2 weeks... already in September. That's how "fast" everything is here. By the way, regarding the appointment with the gynecologist. Space! Unreal attention is paid to the issue of privacy. It was as if I was in some American film. There is no comparison with the offices in antenatal clinics or in some private offices in Ukraine. That's it. And girls: it is mandatory to go to a gynecologist and mammologist once a year, even if there are no complaints. Take care of yourself and your health!

This is the highlight of yesterday's trip to the beach. ❤ Last time, in June, when we went to the ocean, the water was very cold. So cold that I could only wade into the water up to my ankles. This time the ocean was much warmer, but these waves... So the masks and snorkels we took with us were of no use to us. 😄 Slavik went swimming several times, but said that the current was very strong. That’s why I didn’t dare to swim, we didn’t allow Makar, and Rodion himself didn’t want to. 😄 But in the waves, on the shore, the children splashed with all their hearts. Full melts of sand. 😄 Despite the noisy ocean, it’s definitely great to spend a day with the whole family away from the city, on the beach. ❤

Amazing cranberry. Cranberries themselves are sour and bitter, but they add a special sophistication to dishes, regardless of whether they are sweet, salty, meat, drinks or sauces. In addition to the original taste, cranberries contain many useful substances, like all sour berries.

Availability and low cost are the main components of the key ingredients of our recipes. Therefore, the recipe for homemade cranberry marshmallows must be in our dessert collection.

Ingredients for puree

  • Cranberry puree - 85 g
  • Applesauce - 45 g
  • Egg white - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 70 g

For syrup

  • Water - 80 ml
  • Sugar - 130 g
  • Agar-agar - 6 g (2.5 tsp with a slide)
  • Powdered sugar - for sprinkling

Preparing marshmallow puree

Cranberry marshmallows, like another unusual marshmallow flavor, contain applesauce. Apples are the main source of pectin, in addition, they soften the taste of bitter cranberries in this recipe. How to make applesauce at home, we have already published a post earlier.

To prepare 85 g of cranberry puree, you will need 230-250 g of fresh cranberries.

Grind the cranberries into a puree using a blender.

Place cranberry puree over medium heat and bring to a boil, stirring. After the puree boils, continue cooking for 10 minutes. It is necessary that as much moisture as possible evaporates from the puree, otherwise the marshmallow will also be wet inside, and the marshmallow mass will not hold its shape well.

This is what the marshmallow puree looks like at the beginning.

This is what boiled thick puree looks like. As you can see, if you run a spoon along the bottom, a trace remains, which means that the unnecessary part of the liquid has evaporated.

Boiled cranberry puree must be passed through a sieve, because it contains small seeds.

Combine applesauce and cranberry puree together.

Place the puree mixture in a saucepan, add 70 g of sugar and simmer on low heat.

Bring the puree to a boil and hold for a couple of minutes. At this stage we need the sugar to dissolve.

Pour the finished puree to cool into a clean, dry container where you plan to beat the marshmallow mass.

Cool the puree to room temperature and then cool slightly. Properly prepared puree after cooling will be thick, like marmalade.

Add the egg whites to the puree and start beating with a mixer, gradually increasing the speed.

Beat the puree for 5-7 minutes. The puree will lighten, increase in size, become fluffy and light.

The puree should not fall off the whisk.

When the puree is whipped, you can start cooking the syrup.

Making syrup for marshmallows

Pour the water into a saucepan, add sugar and agar-agar. Place the ingredients on the fire.

Bring the syrup to a boil and cook for 5-7 minutes.

Once the syrup has boiled, it will begin to foam and rise to the top, so prepare the appropriate container. After boiling, you need to actively stir the syrup with a wooden spoon so that the agar-agar is evenly distributed and does not settle at the bottom of the saucepan.

You can see the readiness of the syrup by its consistency. It will very slowly fall off the spoon in a thick thread.

Pour the finished hot syrup into the marshmallow mass in a thin stream, while whisking everything at high mixer speed.

Cut the apples in half and remove the core. Place in a fireproof form or on a baking sheet.

Place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and bake for about 15-20 minutes until the apples are soft. Remove and let cool slightly. Then scrape the pulp out of the skins and grind with a blender for homogeneity.

Punch the cranberries with a blender.

Place in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Remove and rub through a sieve.

The result should be 125 g each of apple and cranberry puree. Combine them and cool.

If the cranberry puree is not thick enough, boil it down a little. But remember that we need 125 g of ready-made cooled puree.

Mix 50 g of sugar with agar. Set aside. Mix the remaining sugar with water, put it on the stove and cook until it boils. Then, with constant stirring, pour a mixture of agar-agar and sugar into the boiling syrup in a thin stream. Cook the syrup to a temperature of 110 degrees.

At the same time, add the protein to the puree and beat with a mixer until a fluffy mass is obtained.

Without stopping whisking, gradually pour in the agar syrup in a thin stream. Beat until you get a meringue-like mass.

Transfer the mixture into a pastry bag with a nozzle and place the marshmallows on parchment paper or a silicone mat.

We leave the marshmallows at room temperature overnight or at least for 5 hours - during this time it should air and dry out.

Sprinkle the marshmallow halves with powdered sugar, then remove them from the parchment and put them together in pairs.

Enjoy your tea!

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