How to learn everything in Thaumcraft 4.2 3.5. About the aspects and nuances of working with a research table

We start from the research table - here new magical discoveries and achievements will be made that will make your life in the virtual world of magic and witchcraft much easier.

Having opened the research table interface, select the Ignis aspect and left-click on it. It falls into the central area - below you can see a green button - you should click on it to start the study. You should get something like this:

Thaumcraft 4 studies – Nitor and table interface explanations

You can see a luminous dot - it is this that indicates where the connection should begin.

To connect two points, runes are used - these are the squiggles that you can see on the sheet, except for the dots. This begs the question: “How do we find the right rune?” - this is the right question and to determine and identify the necessary rune, you should once again click on the Ignis aspect and again press the green button to start research. It should look like this:

Thaumcraft 4 studies – Finding the right rune

You see that the rune we need now glows red and has become, as they say, “active” - that’s exactly what we need! There is one “but” - in the active state we will not be able to move the rune, therefore, we remember its location and how it looks, select Ignis again and click on the green button - the rune has stopped glowing and can be moved. To move a rune, just click on it and it will show you possible options for movement.

Important! Remember that when studying in Thaumcraft 4, sometimes other runes may block the road - in this case, you can move them too to clear the way to the points that need to be connected.

A point will connect with a rune only if the latter is located at a distance of no more than one rune (vertically, horizontally and diagonally), and do not forget that we need to connect exactly two points, i.e. as a result of your movements you should get the following:

thaumcraft 4 studies – put the rune in place to connect the dots

However, the connection when studying in thaumcraft 4 can only be obtained with the active rune. This means that now we click on Ignis and the green button for the last time - as a result we hear the bell and see how our scroll has been transformed, i.e. everything should look like this:

It's time to pick up the finished Nitor study

In total, 4 units of the Ignis aspect were spent on studying.

This is how Thaumcraft 4 studies are conducted. Some explorations will contain many more contact points, but there will also be more runes.

Important! If the points are very far from each other, then it is better to create a new discovery and simply throw it away, otherwise you will not complete it and will simply waste the aspects.

Studying in Thaumcraft 4.1 (new version)

Let's figure out how to study in Thaumcraft 4.1 (all recipes for studying and discovering this version can be found on this page). Here, too, we will have to build on the Taonomicon, and it is in this part that it will be simply necessary (whereas in the previous one you could study without this book). Now you can know exactly what you will study, since you yourself will choose the discovery in the Taonomicon. I think that in this case it is easiest to explain the process with an example.

Let’s take the discovery in the new Thaumcraft 4.1 “Straw Golems” - first you need to have paper, an inkwell with a pen (also known as writer’s tools) in your inventory, then open the tanomicon in the “Golemology” section, find an entry about straw golems, hover the cursor (in The entry “click to study” should appear in the pop-up window, click the left button and see that the scroll that we have to study has appeared in the inventory - open the table interface and move the scroll to the position cell. 3.

Now let’s take a closer look at how it will look in the research table and look at all the main cells and buttons that will be useful to us in our work:

You should see this in the interface of the research table with the scroll being studied installed

  1. Cell for inkwell with pen;
  2. When you make any discovery (it will look like a rolled up scroll) and you have perfect research on duplicating research, a star will appear here, when you click on it you will get another one of the same ready-made discovery, i.e. a copy (this will cost you a certain number of aspects);
  3. Place for studied and ready research;
  4. Here you can see all the aspects available to you and their quantity;
  5. Scroll arrows fields with available aspects;
  6. Places of aspects for their further connection;
  7. Button to start connecting aspects;
  8. Enlarged Research Scroll;
  9. Aspects that you will need to connect.

In this case, we have to combine 4 aspects into a chain, using those aspects that are available to us on the table.

The fact is that in order to create a connection between aspects, we need to place next to the aspect from which the previous one is either made or is a part. Those. we start with the Messis aspect - we know that it is made by a combination of the Granum and Humanus aspects

Messis = Granum + Humanus

Also, the Messis and Humanus aspects, when combined, give the Meto aspect, however, it will not be convenient for us in this case, because we need to contact the aspect in the lower right corner - Motus, and it is an aspect of low levels. Therefore, Granum is more suitable for us. Left-click on it and install Messis below. You should get the following when doing research in thaumcraft 4.1:

Granum contacted Messis

We continue to build on our success.

We get Granum by combining Victus and Terra:

Granum = Terra + Victus

Let's make our life easier when creating a study of thaumcraft 4.1 and use Terra for communication, so you should get the following:

Terra contacted Granum

Now all that remains is to finally complete the chain. This is exactly what Iter is great for:

Iter is obtained by adding the aspects Terra and Motus

This is exactly what we need - we install Iter between Motus and Terra and create a final connection between Motus and Messis. You should get the following:

Here is the first connection

Similarly, we continue to connect and create a chain between aspects when studying Thaumcraft 4.1. Everything is quite simple, you just need to go for simplification, connecting everything into a single whole.

I wish you good luck on the difficult but very interesting path of sorcery in the virtual world of Minecraft.

All people who have ever played Minecraft can confidently say that this is one of the best computer games in history. It provides incredible freedom of action: you simply find yourself in the middle of a huge world, you have no specific task other than to study this world and survive in it. Each time it is generated completely randomly, so each playthrough will be completely unique. But even despite the huge number of different ingredients, items and options for combining them to obtain more powerful things, the abundance of different locations and dangerous monsters, you can study this game inside and out. Of course, there is the possibility of playing over the Internet - on a dedicated server with friends or strangers, but modifications are also created that diversify the gameplay - adding a game goal to it, creating different conditions, and so on. "Taumcraft" is one of the most famous, successful, and also extensive mods for Minecraft. This article will describe the specific version that became available in this version so that you can quickly navigate all this. If you are not at all familiar with this modification, then first you should find out what it is. So what is the Thaumcraft 4 mod? The recipes for the research you can do are saved for later.

The essence of the modification

While most modifications simply add items, locations, creatures, set boundaries, set goals, and so on, in this case the whole world changes completely with the installation and activation of Thaumcraft 4. Research recipes completely change your idea of ​​the game, since in it there is much more depth. The fact is that every object in the world receives its own energy of a specific aspect. You have to study all the aspects that exist in the world, and then collect the energy of specific ones in order to use recipes, which will be discussed in more detail below. Thus, we can say that Minecraft has its own magical world, which makes the project twice as exciting and diverse. Such a resonance in the world of fans of this masterpiece of the computer gaming industry was created only by a modification that made it possible not to limit development to a sword and a shovel, but to continue it until the space age. But now we are not talking about technological modification, but about the Thaumcraft 4 fashion. Research recipes will play a key role in this article.

Basic information

It is in this first and main section that contains all the information on Thaumcraft 4 - research recipes, aspects that you have already discovered, and so on. You can make it more effective with the help of several recipes that will allow you to save energy when preparing (“Thrifty Magician”), always have an Aura Knot with you “Aura Knot in a Jar”) and much more, without which knowledge of the world of “Taumcraft” will be extremely difficult and not nearly as enjoyable. But once you have learned the necessary recipes for this section, you can move on to the next, much more specialized one. Please note that you need to select each recipe yourself, and if you successfully combine aspects, it will be written down in your book, that is, from now on you can use it at any time if you have the required number of aspects. In Thaumcraft 4.2, research recipes are truly numerous and varied, so this function will become your real friend - without it, you would have to write down every successful recipe on a piece of paper and memorize it yourself.


The scrolls, instruments, mixtures and so on are divided into classes so that you do not get confused. As you already understood, the first class was basic, that is, much more general. As for Thaumaturgy, in this section you will find all the recipes that will allow you to create and improve magic wands, staves and wands by adding various tips and knobs to them - there are recipes for “Golden Tips”, “Silver Wood Rods” and even "Magic staves." Having studied the necessary recipe, you will be able to create the items you need so that your magical power constantly grows. And if you already have the recipes for all research in Thaumcraft 4.1 and higher, then you will be able to most effectively use the power of the aspects for your benefit.


In Minecraft: Thaumcraft 4, research recipes can allow you to do a lot - even to the point where you can transform one material into another without much trouble. This is exactly what this section is responsible for. Naturally, this is not all - with the help of the recipes from this section, you can more effectively extract aspects from various objects in the world around you, as well as extract special essences from them, which can then be used in alchemical experiments.


As for this section, here you will find recipes for a wide variety of magical structures and mechanisms, special machines for magical crafting, and much more. Here you can learn the creation of Revelation Glasses, Magic Ear, various Runic decorations and so on. Here you can create a special Hellish Furnace, in which you can turn any item from ordinary into magical.

Golem Science

This section contains recipes that allow you to create and improve golems that will be your faithful assistants, regardless of whether you need to mine any materials or go out to kill monsters. You can create Straw, Greasy, and many other golems, equip them with a heart that will determine their purpose in this world, and produce equipment that maximizes the benefit of a particular golem.


This section is the last one - and it was not present in the game until its latest version, in which it was added. It does not have any specific specific direction, like all the previous ones, but we can safely say that this is where the most frightening and forbidden spells in the world of Thaumcraft are contained. Using such recipes, you can create, for example, Void Metal. This is a completely new material that you can use to create armor, weapons and tools. Please note that this section does not open automatically - you need to reach a certain Insanity indicator, which is also often called “warp” by gamers. Moreover, this must be a full-fledged permanent madness, and not temporary or basic, so if you want to gain access to this section, you will have to try hard. But it's really worth it as you'll gain access to the Improved Essence Vault recipes, Insanity Check, as well as a wide variety of different Void Metal and Singularity Items.

To get all the recipes for ThaumCraft 4, you need to craft a special book - a guide to the ThaumCraft mod. In order to create it, you will need to acquire a magic wand, which will be useful to you in the future, but first things first.

Crafting a magic wand

1. Cut down a tree and create sticks.

2. We collect iron and make a tip for the future magic wand.

3. Form a magic wand.

Creating Thaumonomicon - a recipe book and guide to ThaumCraft 4

To create this book, you will need: a magic wand, 3 pieces of leather, 6 wooden boards, 9 pieces of reed.

1. We make paper from reed, from paper and leather we create books, and from books we form a bookshelf.

2. Place a bookshelf anywhere and right-click on it with a magic wand in your hand.

Creating a research table

Using the research table, you can discover crafting recipes for new, powerful things. To craft it you will need: 6 wooden slabs, 4 boards, a glass vial, ink and a pen.

1. Make a table and install it.

2. Create an inkwell and place it on the table.

After everything has been done, you can enter the table interface by clicking the right mouse button.

There you will see the following:

  1. Aspect table. All aspects you discover will appear here.
  2. Cell for inkwell.
  3. Paper compartment.
  4. Cell for a scroll.
  5. Cell for aspects.
  6. Cell for learning new aspects.
  7. Scroll Study Cell.
  8. The cell in which the scroll will appear.

About the aspects and nuances of working with a research table


Create a mystical workbench

In order to create a mystical workbench, just install the single table that we crafted earlier and right-click on it using a magic wand.

Now it’s time for a more in-depth analysis of the Thaumcraft mod. You have studied almost all aspects (or not all yet, but you already want something new), therefore this article is for you - research recipes for Thaumcraft 4, which will help to significantly reduce the waste of aspects, and also not waste time searching for what you need.

If you play Thaumcraft 3, then the information you need is on this page, and if you play the old version of Thaumcraft 4.0, then you will find research recipes on this page.

Minecraft - Thaumcraft research is divided into sections, which are located in the Taonomicon under bookmarks.

Research screens will show how and what aspects are used to create connections.

On this page you will see a list of aspects and which items they are components of (as well as in what quantities).

Thaumcraft research recipes 4.1 and 4.2 (new versions)

The new version of Thaumcraft 4.1 and 4.2 also introduced innovations in the research process ( You can find out more about the research process). Some things remain, but the technology itself has changed. Now we don’t need to collect fragments of knowledge, since even without them, these discoveries will soon be available, but if you collect 9 pieces in a workbench, then with varying degrees of probability it will give you one of the yet unexplored knowledge of any section, and here it’s actually from you nothing depends and they will not be lost - you will be able to study them at the appropriate time.

Now you will know exactly what kind of research you are starting to study, since you will choose them yourself. To get the initial discovery scroll, you need to have paper and a quill with an inkwell in your inventory, then open the taunomicon and click on the selected discovery, after which this scroll (not yet studied) also goes into your inventory in order to then begin a thorough study and build a connection .

In Minecraft - Thaumcraft, research versions 4.1 and 4.2 (new) discoveries are actually divided into two categories:

  1. You must study them at the research table by building a connection of starting aspects with others;
  2. The learning process will not be difficult - it is enough to have the required number of aspects, after which we click on the opening in the Taonomicon and we will receive a ready-made scroll, tied with a ribbon.

Below you can find all the minecraft recipes - thaumcraft 4.1 and 4.2, which will certainly help you on the path of sorcery and witchcraft.

Section “Basic Information”

As before, here you will find everything related to the aura node, as well as conducting research, and expertise and skill do not actually affect the carrying out of research (this was probably not taken into account when they remade the initial version, at least I never saw where it is at least somehow reflected), therefore these discoveries can be called stupid, with the exception of the examination, since it was after this discovery that the splitting table will appear, but now about everything in more detail.

Here we can see immediately what is known, namely:

  1. Aspects of Magic - you know a set of basic level aspects;
  2. Thaumonomicon - a magical collection of your knowledge and discoveries;
  3. Auras and Nodes - you have the ability to see magic nodes where magical flows are concentrated, and also use them to recharge, albeit ineptly;
  4. Plants and Trees - you have an initial set of knowledge about magical plants and trees, although even about them there is a lot to learn;
  5. Ores (Ores) - you know that in the magical world even stones can accumulate energy that a knowledgeable sorcerer can use;
  6. Knowledge Fragments are fragments that are quite difficult to obtain, however, by combining them and doing the study, you definitely will not be disappointed;
  7. Research - you know how to conduct research, although it is far from ideal - runes move reluctantly and over a short distance, and very few of them appear for communication;
  8. Dwarves (The Pech) are small and greedy people, although they are fair - it is worth being friends with them, since they know how to reward and take revenge too!
  9. Enchantments - well, actually, you can enchant objects on a special table, however, the result is more than unpredictable.

What you need to study:

First direction:

Study title
1. Improved Aura Node Handling or Everything is mine! (Advanced Node Tapping)
2. Thrifty Magician(Node Preserver)
3. Aura node in a jar(Node in a Jar)

4. Mastery of the Aura Node(Master Node Tapping)

Second direction:

Study title Screenshot of the finished discovery (click on the image to enlarge) and what aspects are necessary to gain knowledge
Old version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Ordo Updated version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Aqua
1. Thaumcraft 4.1 Expertise - Research Expertise(Research Expertise)

2. Cleavage table(Deconstruction Table)
3. Mastery or Research Master(Research Mastery)

4. Copying research(Research duplication) – now you can make a copy of the finished research

Section "Thaumaturgy"

Minecraft - thaumcraft 4.1 and 4.2 research recipes that will allow you to become a sorcerer of impressive power, since it is here that we will study the devices and tools of sorcerers, namely wands and everything that directly concerns them!

The only thing known here is the basics of creating wands (Basic Wandcraft), and this is your first and simplest wand.

What we have to study:

First direction:

Study title Screenshot of the finished discovery (click on the image to enlarge) and what aspects are necessary to gain knowledge
Old version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Ordo Updated version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Aqua
1. Gold tips(Gold Wand Caps)
2. Thaum tips(Thaumium Wand Caps) – becomes available for study after opening “Filling objects with magic”
3. Copper tips

Second direction:

Study title Screenshot of the finished discovery (click on the image to enlarge) and what aspects are necessary to gain knowledge
Old version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Ordo Updated version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Aqua
1. Greatwood Rod(Greatwood Wand Core)

2. Silver wood rod(Silverwood Wand Core) – becomes available for study after opening “Filling objects with magic”

3. Magic staves(Magic staves) – opens after poses. 2

4. Silver wood staff shaft(Silverwood Staff Core) opens after pos. 3 To open you need to have 15 Praecantatio, 12 Instrumentum, 12 Arbor
5. Bone rod(Bone Wand Core) – becomes available for study after opening “Filling objects with magic” To open you need to have 8 Perditio, 5 Instrumentum, 5 Exanimis, 5 Praecantatio
6. Bone Staff Rod(Bone Staff Core) – opens after pose. 5 To open you need to have 12 Perditio, 8 Instrumentum, 8 Exanimis, 8 Praecantatio
7. Fire rod(Blaze Rod Wand Core) – becomes available for study after opening “Filling Items with Magic” To open you need to have 8 Ignis, 5 Instrumentum, 5 Potentia, 5 Praecantatio
8. Fire Staff Rod(Blaze Rod Staff Core) – opens after pos. 7 To open you need to have 12 Ignis, 8 Instrumentum, 8 Potentia, 8 Praecantatio
9. Reed rod(Reed Wand Core) – becomes available for study after opening “Filling objects with magic” To open you need to have 8 Aer, 5 Instrumentum, 5 Herba, 5 Praecantatio
10. Reed Staff Shaft(Reed Staff Core) – opens after pos. 9 To open you need to have 12 Aer, 8 Instrumentum, 8 Herba, 8 Praecantatio
11. Obsidian rod(Obsidian Wand Core) – becomes available for study after opening “Filling objects with magic” To open you need to have 8 Terra, 5 Instrumentum, 5 Saxum, 5 Praecantatio
12. Obsidian Staff Shaft(Obsidian Staff Core) – opens after pose. eleven To open you need to have 12 Terra, 8 Instrumentum, 8 Saxum, 8 Praecantatio
13. Ice rod(Icy Wand Core) – becomes available for study after opening “Filling objects with magic” To open you need to have 8 Gelum, 5 Instrumentum, 5 Aqua, 5 Praecantatio
14. Ice Staff Rod(Icy Staff Core) – opens after pos. 13 To open you need to have 12 Gelum, 8 Instrumentum, 8 Aqua, 8 Praecantatio
15. Quartz rod(Quartz Wand Core) – becomes available for study after opening “Filling objects with magic” To open you need to have 8 Ordo, 5 Instrumentum, 5 Viterus, 5 Praecantatio
16. Fire Staff Rod(Blaze Rod Staff Core) – opens after pos. 15 To open you need to have 12 Ordo, 8 Instrumentum, 8 Viterus, 8 Praecantatio
17. Singular Staff Core– opens after all available research in the Thaumaturgy section has been studied

Third direction:

Study title Screenshot of the finished discovery (click on the image to enlarge) and what aspects are necessary to gain knowledge
Old version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Ordo Updated version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Aqua
1. Knobs for wands(Wand Foci) - now it will be possible to explore new knobs!
2. Wand Head: Digging(Wand Focus: Excavation)

3. Wand Head: Freeze(Wand Focus: Frost) To open you need to have 8 Gelum, 5 Aqua, 5 Praecantatio
4. Wand Head: Shock(Wand Focus: Shock) To open you need to have 8 Potentia, 5 Aer, 5 Praecantatio
5. Wand Head: Equal Exchange(Wand Focus: Equal Trade)

6. Bag for knobs(Focus Pouch) To open you need to have 8 Vacuos, 5 Praecantatio, 3 Instrumentum
7. Wand Head: Reflect or Fortify(Wand focus: Warding) – becomes available for study after poses. 2

8. Wand Head: Wormhole(Wand Focus: Portable Hole) – becomes available for study after poses. 5 There is no such opening in this version

9. Wand Head: Singularity(Wand Focus: Primal) – becomes available for study when assembling 9 fragments of lost knowledge in a workbench There is no such opening in this version

10. Wand knob: 9 circles of hell(Wand Focus: Nine Hells) – becomes available for study when assembling 9 fragments of lost knowledge in a workbench There is no such opening in this version

Fourth direction:

Study title Screenshot of the finished discovery (click on the image to enlarge) and what aspects are necessary to gain knowledge
Old version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Ordo Updated version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Aqua
1. Reload Pedestal(Wand Recharge Pedestal)

2. Aspect Splitter(Compound Recharge Focus) To open you need to have 8 Auram, 8 Praecantatio, 8 Permutatio, 5 Potentia, 5 Instrumentum

Section “Alchemy”

This section contains everything related to alchemical research in Minecraft Thaumcraft Research 4.1 and 4.2 (new versions), which somewhat repeats what was in the previous version, however, there are changes, so I bring to your attention all the discoveries in this section and their recipes, which will certainly help you.

What we know:

  1. Crucible - it is in this device that we will carry out most of the alchemical transformations, since this will require a special cauldron, and not an ordinary one, but a magical one. You will use the crucible more than once - you can believe it!
  2. Glass Phial - There's not much to say here, bubbles are always a necessary thing, especially when they can hold something magical!

What you need to study:

First direction:

Second direction:

Study title Screenshot of the finished discovery (click on the image to enlarge) and what aspects are necessary to gain knowledge
Old version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Ordo Updated version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Aqua
1. Thaum metal(Thaumium)
2. Iron transmutation(Iron Transmutation)
3. Transmutation of gold(Gold Transmutation)
4. Copper transmutation To open you need to have 5 Metallum, 3 Permutatio
5. Tin transmutation To open you need to have 5 Metallum, 2 Permutatio, 1 Viterus
6. Metal cleaning(Metal Purification)
7. Gold refining(Gold Purification)
8. Copper cleaning Required to open: 5 Metallum, 3 Ordo
9. Tin cleaning To open you need to have 5 Metallum, 2 Ordo, 1 Viterus

Third direction:

Fourth direction:

Fifth direction:

Study title Screenshot of the finished discovery (click on the image to enlarge) and what aspects are necessary to gain knowledge
Old version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Ordo Updated version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Aqua
1. Essence Purification(Essentia Distillation) - unlocks only when alumentum and nitor are studied
2. Jars and tags(Warded Jars and Labels) Opens on its own after cleaning the essence
3. Void jars(Void Jar) To open you need to have 8 Vacuos, 5 Aqua, 5 Perditio
4. Essence Tubes(Essentia Tubes) To open you need to have 5 Aqua, 3 Praecantatio, 3 Permutatio
5. Alchemical centrifuge(Alchemical Centrifuge)

6. Automated alchemy(Automated Alchemy)

7. Filter pipes for essences(Filtered Essentia Tube) To open you need to have 5 Aqua, 3 Praecantatio, 3 Permutatio, 3 Ordo

Sixth direction:

Study title Screenshot of the finished discovery (click on the image to enlarge) and what aspects are necessary to gain knowledge
Old version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Ordo Updated version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Aqua
1. essential flower(Ethereal Bloom) - becomes available for study after opening “Filling objects with magic”. In the new version, it can be obtained either from 9 fragments of knowledge or by studying items containing the Vitium aspect

Section “Inventions”

It is here that you will find all the Thaumcraft 4.1 and 4.2 recipes, which relate to the creation of various magical devices and tools, because if there is such an opportunity, then it should definitely be used to the fullest! This knowledge will certainly help you on your way to achieving significant heights in magical and witchcraft activities, and will also help facilitate ordinary work in the virtual world.

Let's figure out what we already know here:

  1. A table is always a necessary and useful thing, especially considering that it is from them that the research table will be assembled;
  2. Arcane Worktable - a magical device in which a little later 80 percent of your crafting will be carried out in Thaumcraft 4;
  3. Thaumometer is a magician’s tool that will not allow you to determine the aspects that an object, block, etc. contains;
  4. Iron grate (Item Grate) is a fairly “decent” hatch, which is oh so difficult to break through;
  5. Arcane Stone - a stone that is filled with magical energy with the help of crystals and your witchcraft - a necessary block;
  6. Research Table - a table “at which” you will spend a lot of time, especially at the beginning of the game, because this is where all discoveries will be made and new knowledge will be obtained;
  7. Basic knowledge of artifacts (Basic Artifacing) - yes, it is thanks to this that you know what artifacts are and how they can be used, however, this knowledge is exclusively at the initial level.

What we will study:

First direction:

Study title Screenshot of the finished discovery (click on the image to enlarge) and what aspects are necessary to gain knowledge
Old version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Ordo Updated version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Aqua
1. Revelation Points(Goggles of Revealing)

2. Magic ear(Arcane Ear)

Second direction:

Study title Screenshot of the finished discovery (click on the image to enlarge) and what aspects are necessary to gain knowledge
Old version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Ordo Updated version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Aqua
1. Enchanted Cloth(Enchanted Fabric) To open you need to have 5 Pannus, 3 Praecantatio
2. Runic armor(Runic Armor) – becomes available for study after opening “Filling objects with magic”
3. Runic Revelation Glasses(Runic Goggles of Revealing) To open you need to have 8 Sensus, 5 Praecantatio, 5 Tutamen, 3 Auram
4. Upgrading Runic Armor(Runic Armor Upgrades) To open you need to have 8 Praecantatio, 5 Tutamen, 5 Ordo, 5 Cognitio
5. Runed Traveler's Boots(Runic Boots of Traveler) – becomes available for study after poses. 2 and the opening of “Boots of the Traveler” To open you need to have 8 Iter, 5 Aqua, 5 Tutamen, 5 Volatus

Third direction:

Study title Screenshot of the finished discovery (click on the image to enlarge) and what aspects are necessary to gain knowledge
Old version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Ordo Updated version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Aqua
1. Hell's oven(Infernal Furnace)

2. Magic furs(Arcane Bellows) To open you need to have 8 Aer, 5 Machina, 5 Motus

Fourth direction:

Fifth direction:

Study title Screenshot of the finished discovery (click on the image to enlarge) and what aspects are necessary to gain knowledge
Old version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Ordo Updated version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Aqua
1. Filling objects with magic(Infusion)
2. Traveler's Boots(Boots of the Traveler)

3. Thaumostatic Pack(Thaumostatic Harness) – becomes available after pose. 2

4. Pickaxe of Fire(Pickaxe of the Core)

5. Flow Ax(Axe of the Stream)

6. Storm Sword(Sword of the Zephyr)

7. Digger's Shovel(Shovel of the Earthmover)
8. Hoe Growth(Hoe of Growth)

9. Brain in a jar(Brain in a Jar)

10. Infusion Enchantment(Infusion Enchantment) – opens after pose. 9

11. Magic drill(Arcane Bore)

12. Mirror magic(Mirror Magic)

13. Magic hand mirror(Magical Hand Mirror) To open you need to have 8 Instrumentum, 5 Alienis, 5 Viterus, 5 Iter
14. Essence Mirrors(Essentia Mirrors) To open you need to have 8 Iter, 5 Alienis, 5 Aqua, 5 Praecantatio
15. Bone Bow(Bone Bow) - in order for you to have the opportunity to study it, you need to find a hint. Find the clue by examining objects with a thaumometer that contain the Mortuus aspect

15. Elemental Arrows(Primal Arrow) – become available for study after poses. 15 There is no such opening in this version

Sixth direction:

Study title Screenshot of the finished discovery (click on the image to enlarge) and what aspects are necessary to gain knowledge
Old version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Ordo Updated version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Aqua
1. Magic lamp(Arcane Lamp) To open you need to have 5 Lux, 3 Sensus, 3 Tenebrae
2. Growth Lamp(Lamp of Growth) – becomes available for study after opening “Filling objects with magic”

3. Fertility lamp(Lamp of Fertility) – becomes available for study after opening “Filling objects with magic”

Seventh direction:

Study title Screenshot of the finished discovery (click on the image to enlarge) and what aspects are necessary to gain knowledge
Old version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Ordo Updated version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Aqua
1. Magic lift(Arcane Levitator)

Eighth direction:

Study title Screenshot of the finished discovery (click on the image to enlarge) and what aspects are necessary to gain knowledge
Old version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Ordo Updated version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Aqua
1. Magic doors and pressure plates(Arcane Doors and Pressure Plates)

Section “Golem Science”

It's time to create assistants for yourself, because professional wizards of Thaumcraft 4.1 need to spend time on more significant tasks, while all the simple work can be entrusted to golems.

What we know:

So far we don’t know anything in this section, so it’s time to start making discoveries in Minecraft Thaumcraft 4.1 using the recipes attached below

What you need to learn:

Direction one:

Second direction:

Study title Screenshot of the finished discovery (click on the image to enlarge) and what aspects are necessary to gain knowledge
Old version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Ordo Updated version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Aqua
1. Straw Golems(Straw Golems) - open after a hungry chest

2. Wooden golems(Wood Golems) To open you need to have 5 Arbor, 4 Spiritus, 4 Motus, 3 Permutatio
3. Clay golems(Clay Golems) To open you need to have 6 Spiritus, 6 Motus, 5 Terra, 3 Permutatio
4. Flesh Golems(Flash Golems)

5. Stone golems(Stone Golems) To open you need to have 8 Spiritus, 8 Motus, 5 Saxum, 3 Permutatio
6. Iron golems(Iron Golems) To open you need to have 9 Spiritus, 9 Motus, 5 Metallum, 3 Permutatio
7. Greasy golems(Tallow Golems)

8. Traveler's Chest (Walking Chest)(Traveling Trunk) – becomes available for study after opening “Filling objects with magic”

9. Thaum Golems(Thaumium Golems) – becomes available for study after opening “Filling objects with magic”

Third direction:

Study title Screenshot of the finished discovery (click on the image to enlarge) and what aspects are necessary to gain knowledge
Old version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Ordo Updated version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Aqua
1. Golem Heart: The Gathering(Golem Core: Gather) Opens itself after the straw golem
2. Golem Heart: Harvest(Golem Core: Harvest)

3. Golem Heart: Guard(Golem Core: Guard)
4. Golem Heart: Butcher(Golem Core: Butcher) To open you need to have 5 Telum, 3 Bestia, 3 Sensus
5. Golem Heart: Infusion(Golem Core: Fill) To open you need to have 5 Fames, 3 Permutatio, 3 Vacuos
6. Golem Heart: Fill(Golem Core: Decanting)
7. Golem Heart: Alchemy(Golem Core: Alchemy) (Golem Core: Empty) – opens after pose. 6 To open you need to have 5 Aqua, 3 Iter, 3 Praecantatio, 3 Potentia
8. Golem Heart: Devastation(Golem Core: Empty) To open you need to have 5 Vacuos, 3 Permutatio, 3 Lucrum
9. Golem Heart: Use(Golem Core: Use)

10. Golem Core: Chop To open you need to have 8 Arbor, 5 Meto, 3 Instrumentum, 3 Potentia

Fourth direction:

Study title Screenshot of the finished discovery (click on the image to enlarge) and what aspects are necessary to gain knowledge
Old version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Ordo Updated version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Aqua
1. Golemancer's Bell(Golemancer's Bell) Opens itself after the straw golem
2. Golem Upgrade: Fire(Golem Upgrade: Fire) Required to open: 8 Ignis, 5 Potentia
3. Golem Upgrade: Water(Golem Upgrade: Water) Required to open: 8 Aqua, 5 Sensus
4. Golem Upgrade: Air(Golem Upgrade: Air) You need to have 8 Aer, 5 Motus to open
5. Golem Upgrade: Chaos(Golem Upgrade: Entropy) Required to open: 8 Perditio, 5 Cognitio
6. Golem Upgrade: Earth(Golem Upgrade: Earth) Required to open: 8 Terra, 5 Victus
7. Golem Upgrade: Order(Golem Upgrade: Order) Required to open: 8 Ordo, 5 Cognitio
8. Improved Golem(Advanced Golem) – becomes available for study after opening “Filling objects with magic”

Fifth direction(what in the early version of Thaumcraft was studied using shards of knowledge, but is now available simply like this):

Study title Screenshot of the finished discovery (click on the image to enlarge) and what aspects are necessary to gain knowledge
Old version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Ordo Updated version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Aqua
1. Tiny Spectacles - you need to find a clue, which is obtained as a result of studying objects containing the Pannus aspect with a thaumometer To open you need to have 2 Pannus, 1 Sensus, 1 Lucrum
2. Tiny Hats - you need to find a clue that is obtained as a result of studying objects containing the Pannus aspect with a thaumometer To open you need to have 2 Pannus, 1 Victus, 1 Lucrum
3. Tiny Bowties - you need to find a clue, which is obtained as a result of studying objects containing the Pannus aspect with a thaumometer To open you need to have 2 Pannus, 1 Iter, 1 Lucrum
4. Tiny Fezzes - you need to find a clue, which is obtained as a result of studying objects containing the Pannus aspect with a thaumometer To open you need to have 2 Pannus, 1 Potentia, 1 Lucrum
5. Golem Dart Launcher – you need to find a hint, which is obtained as a result of studying objects containing the Telum aspect with a thaumometer To open you need to have 2 Telum, 1 Volatus, 1 Lucrum
6. Golem Visor - you need to find a hint, which is obtained as a result of studying objects containing the Tutamen aspect with a thaumometer To open you need to have 2 Tutamen, 1 Sensus, 1 Lucrum
7. Golem Armor – you need to find a clue, which is obtained as a result of studying objects containing the Tutamen aspect with a thaumometer To open you need to have 2 Tutamen, 1 Metallum, 1 Lucrum
8. Golem Mace – you need to find a clue, which is obtained as a result of studying objects containing the Telum aspect with a thaumometer To open you need to have 2 Telum, 1 Metallum, 1 Lucrum

Section “Thaum Engineering”

And what do we know in the list of Thaumcraft 4.1 studies from the very beginning (this section is missing in the updated version of Thaumcraft 4.1):

  1. Volume of research records - this book allows you to duplicate all your knowledge and research that you have done to another person, however, in fact, it is created only in creativity!
  2. Smoky quartz - now you know how to smoke quartz, as well as what can be made from it.

What to learn:

First direction:

Study title Screenshot of the finished discovery (click on the image to enlarge) and what aspects are necessary to gain knowledge
Old version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Ordo Updated version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Aqua
1. glowing gas
2. Hyperenergetic Nitor To open you need to have 2 Lux, 1 Ignis, 1 Potentia, 1 Aer
3. Essence funnel– becomes available after studying the poses. 2 To open you need to have 2 Iter, 1 Instrumentum
4. Thaum Restorer
5. Gas of darkness To open you need to have 4 Motus, 2 Tenebrae, 1 Aer
6. Gas diffuser It opens on its own immediately after learning the poses. 5

Second direction:

Study title Screenshot of the finished discovery (click on the image to enlarge) and what aspects are necessary to gain knowledge
Old version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Ordo Updated version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Aqua
1. Transvector

2. Transvector dislocator– becomes available after opening the position. 1 To open you need to have 2 Iter, 1 Machina, 1 Alienis
3. Kinetic Possessor
4. Dynamic board– becomes available after opening the position. 3

5. Levitator It opens itself immediately after learning the poses. 3
6. Talisman of purification To open you need to have 2 Sano, 1 Ordo, 1 Venenum
7. Ethereum platform– becomes available after studying the poses. 6 To open you need to have 2 Sensus, 1 Arbor, 1 Motus

Third direction:

Fourth direction:

Study title Screenshot of the finished discovery (click on the image to enlarge) and what aspects are necessary to gain knowledge
Old version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Ordo Updated version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Aqua
1. Spell Absorption Cloth
2. Talisman of Retention– becomes available after opening the position. 1 To open you need to have 1 Lucrum, 1 Praecantatio, 1 Humanus
3. Osmotic enchantment table– becomes available after studying the poses. 1
4. Enchantment: Bouncy– becomes available after opening the position. 3
5. Enchantment: Slow Fall– becomes available after opening the position. 3 To open you need to have 2 Praecantatio, 1 Aer, 1 Motus
6. Enchantment: Fire Touch– becomes available after opening the position. 3 To open you need to have 2 Praecantatio, 1 Ignis, 1 Perditio
7. Enchantment: Destruction– becomes available after opening the position. 3 To open you need to have 2 Praecantatio, 1 Perditio, 1 Vacuos
8. Enchantment: Rapid Fire– becomes available after opening the position. 3 To open you need to have 2 Praecantatio, 1 Sensus, 1 Telum
9. Enchantment: Vampirism– becomes available after opening the position. 3 To open you need to have 2 Praecantatio, 1 Fames, 1 Telum

Fifth direction:

Study title Screenshot of the finished discovery (click on the image to enlarge) and what aspects are necessary to gain knowledge
Old version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Ordo Updated version of Thaumcraft 4.1Motus=Aer+Aqua
1. Knob: Flame of Ifrit
2. Knob: Distortion– becomes available after opening the position. 1 To open you need to have 2 Motus, 1 Aer, 1 Ordo, 1 Mortuus
3. Knob: Treatment– becomes available after studying the poses. 2 To open you need to have 2 Sano, 1 Spiritus, 1 Praecantatio
4. Knob: Ender's Intervention– becomes available after opening the position. 2
5. Knob: Rise– becomes available after opening the position. 1
6. Knob: Move To open you need to have 2 Alienis, 1 Praecantatio, 1 Permutatio
7. Knob: Telekinesis– becomes available after opening the position. 5 To open you need to have 2 Alienis, 1 Praecantatio, 1 Motus

Sixth direction:

Section added by the Thaumic Tinkerer addon (located in the Thaumic Engineering section)

The difficulty with this section or add-on is that it becomes available for research only after you have made all the discoveries that are above (i.e. have completed all research on standard Thaumcraft)

As promised, we are posting an addition to the study. Take advantage and accelerate your development.

It should be noted that to study the entire Thaumonomicon you will need a lot of aspects, so try to gain as many of them as possible and not waste them, and also do exactly the necessary research without being distracted by mediocre ones.

That's all - now you have studied all Thaumcraft versions 4.1 and 4.2. All that remains is to wish you good luck and resourcefulness in applying your new knowledge about witchcraft and sorcery!

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