Dough for dumplings made with kefir.

Dumpling recipes


2 hours 30 minutes

230 kcal

5/5 (1)

Lush steamed dumplings are a cult dish of Ukrainian cuisine. They are not just inimitably tasty, the main advantage of these wonderful products is that they are much healthier and easier for digestion than dumplings prepared in the generally accepted way. Even the need to steam the products should not stop you from preparing such dumplings, since you can do without a steamer or multicooker to implement the recipe.

How to cook dumplings with steamed potatoes


  • a spacious bowl for convenient kneading of dough;
  • several containers of various sizes for distributing products;
  • you will also need plastic film;
  • a frying pan is needed for frying some ingredients;
  • a special press for chopping potatoes; you can also get by with a grater or masher;
  • we can’t do without a rolling pin;
  • It is advisable to have a glass on hand for cutting out circles from the dough;
  • You will definitely need a large, voluminous pan for steaming products;
  • you also need to get gauze;
  • a knife and cutting board are needed to chop onions.

General list of ingredients

Products Quantity
To prepare the dough
Wheat flour 450-500 g
kefir 200 ml
hot boiled water 100 ml
granulated sugar 5-7 g
salt 5 g
baking soda 5 g
To prepare the filling
potato 800-900 g
onion 200 g
dried garlic 5 g
spices and salt taste
Additional Ingredients
vegetable oil 10-15 ml
butter 70-80 g
water 2-3 l
onion 80-100 g

Cooking in stages

How to prepare the dough

How to prepare the filling

How to make dumplings

How and how long to steam dumplings

Video recipe for steamed potato dumplings

Below is a video with a detailed description of steaming potato dumplings according to the recipe described above.

How to cook dumplings with strawberries in a double boiler

  • Cooking time: about 1-1.5 hours (with your intervention - 15-25 minutes).
  • Number of dumplings: 4-5 pieces.


  • deep dishes for preparing dough and a small bowl for filling;
  • whisk for thorough beating;
  • You also need a glass or cup for cutting out circles from the dough;
  • a sharp knife is useful for chopping berries;
  • It would be nice to have a plastic bag or cling film;
  • a rolling pin is important for high-quality rolling of dough;
  • gauze will be needed to cook the product.

General list of ingredients

Cooking in stages

Preparing the dough

Preparing the filling

Making dumplings

Cooking dumplings

The final stage

Video recipe for steamed dumplings with strawberries and kefir

After watching the video below, you will learn how to properly prepare the dough for dumplings with strawberries and how to steam them. Kefir dough prepared according to the same recipe is perfect for dumplings with steamed cherries.

Other filling and preparation methods

Dumplings with strawberries, cherries or any other berry can be steamed in a slow cooker. For this you will need: a multicooker, a steaming basket, 500 ml of water and 500 g of dumplings.

If you suddenly have guests over, don’t worry, they will be an excellent solution for treating guests. They are very easy to prepare, and the necessary ingredients are usually always on hand.

How to persuade a child to eat the fermented milk products he needs so much? Prepare! Usually kids absorb them with great pleasure and actively participate in modeling. Don’t forget to also please your family with classic ones, famous for their delicate structure and very appetizing appearance.

That's all, this is where we'll end our conversation. If you have any questions or need clarification on how to prepare steamed dumplings, write in the comments. I would also like to hear if you and your loved ones liked my dumplings recipe? Also, be sure to share your own dumpling recipes with me. Eat for your health!

To prepare steamed dumplings, you need to go to the store for the necessary products (however, it is likely that kefir is quietly sitting in your refrigerator), take a steamer out of the pantry (too lazy? A large saucepan with a metal colander or a multicooker with a steaming mode will do) and sign up for an unscheduled workout at the gym (or better yet, five workouts - because you are absolutely guaranteed to eat steamed dumplings until they run out, but believe me, this luxury is worth any effort).

The first and, perhaps, the most important rule for successful steamed dumplings is complete disregard for mechanized means that make life easier for the housewife in the kitchen. Strange as it may sound, the proposed recipe for lush dumplings with berries does not tolerate the use of any modern gadgets. However, you have the right to dismiss the advice to put the mixer away and forget about the food processor for a couple of hours and see from your own experience that it is better to knead the dough for steamed dumplings by hand (well, or convincingly prove to us that the recommendation is wrong). It’s up to you to decide, we’ll just try to guess why in this situation manual labor is preferable to modern innovations.

The dough for steamed dumplings is prepared with kefir and soda - it is the combination of these two ingredients that ensures the fluffiness and softness that were announced in the preface to the recipe. When you knead the dough by hand, the gluten develops more slowly but more thoroughly - and therefore less flour is needed. If you knead the dough with a mixer, the liquid will almost immediately combine with the dry component, and the need for kneading will practically disappear, however, if you continue to work with whisks in the hope of eventually developing gluten, you will ensure that the soda reacts with sour kefir. Valuable air bubbles will appear, which provide the texture of the dough, however, the speed of the mixer will simply “drive” them out, turning the dough into a hard “rubbery” mass.

However, let’s finish with the lengthy explanations and get down to business.


for test:

  • 5 full glasses of flour (750 g);
  • 1 teaspoon with a small “hill” of soda;
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt;
  • 2 tablespoons sugar;
  • 500 ml kefir.

For filling:

  • approximately 0.5 kg of prepared berries;
  • sugar to taste.


Big photos Small photos

    Pour the required amount of flour into a large bowl.

    Add salt, soda, sugar and mix all the bulk ingredients well and thoroughly with each other - this is important!

    We make a depression (“hole”) in the flour mixture and pour kefir into it.

    Using a spoon, mix the liquid component with the dry component quite quickly and intensively. The task is to moisten all the flour; we are not talking about homogeneity yet.

    The next stage is direct manual kneading. First - in a bowl, until relatively homogeneous. The dough will stick to your hands, this is normal.

    Then - on a floured work surface.

    Try not to add additional flour - this will make the dough softer and more pleasant. Knead quickly, without prolonging the pleasure, however, do not neglect the quality - you should get a practically non-stick dough, soft, delicate.

    For convenience, we divide it into two parts, each wrapped in cling film or a plastic bag. Leave it to “rest” for 10-20 minutes.

    In the meantime, let's make the filling. Depending on what berry you decide to hide inside the dumplings, you will either have to tinker a little, or make yourself some tea and relax with an interesting book. The easiest way to prepare dumplings is with blueberries - you just need to wash them and dry them slightly.

    Cherry will require immersion in the essence of the matter - you need to extract the seeds into a white light.

    By the way, in many villages and hamlets, dumplings with cherries are made with old grandmother’s hands without this preliminary stage (there is simply no time for it in areas where people grow their own food completely and independently) - and yes, the seeds are then spit out merrily, the grandchildren compete in distance and accuracy of “throwing”, everyone jokes and eats treats with no less appetite than in the case when the cherry is first pitted.
    Large strawberries should be cut into several parts, red currants should be cleared of branches. Black currants, blackberries, and mulberries can be left untouched.

    Gently stretch half of the dough into a layer with your hands and place it on a floured surface.

    Roll out into a thin layer, the thickness of the dough is approximately 3 mm. We make sure that everything goes according to plan - air bubbles should be clearly visible on the flat surface of the dough.

    Use a glass with sharp edges to cut into round pieces.

    Place a small amount of sugar in the center of each circle.

    Lay out the berries.

    Lifting it up, we pinch two opposite edges of the round piece.

    Carefully (this is important if you want all the aromatic juice to remain inside the dumpling) fasten the edges of the dough on one side.

    And then on the other. We process all the remaining dough in the same way.

    If desired, kefir dumplings can be “sealed” with a curly “comb”.

    Steam the dumplings using kefir - place them on a tray greased with a thin layer of oil and set the steamer timer for 7 minutes.

    After the specified time, the dumplings can be taken out.

    Transfer to a bowl and be sure to generously grease with butter.

Nice! Steamed dumplings are excellent both warm and cold. And yes, there would be dumplings, but there would be sour cream, right?


If you do not have a special separate steamer, you can cook dumplings in a slow cooker using a steaming tray. Another option is a flat metal colander inserted into a suitable pan of water. Well, and the old grandmother’s method - gauze or thin cloth stretched over a pan.

an original Slavic dish that is very popular in Ukrainian and Belarusian cuisines. They are often steamed and turn out incredibly fluffy and deliciously tender. You can use berries, cottage cheese, potatoes and even meat as a filler. Let's find out with you how to properly steam steamed dumplings.

for a couple


  • flour – 500 g;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • kefir – 300 ml;
  • baking soda – 1 teaspoon;
  • vinegar;
  • salt - a pinch.

For filling:

  • cottage cheese – 500 g;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • egg – 1 pc.


To prepare the dough for steamed dumplings, take a deep bowl, sow flour into it, throw in soda slaked with vinegar and break an egg. Then pour in kefir and quickly knead into a homogeneous dough. After that, transfer it to a table dusted with flour and knead the dough until it stops sticking to your hands. Next, cover it with a towel and leave to rise for half an hour. Meanwhile, make the filling for the dumplings. To do this, grind the cottage cheese with sugar, add the egg and mix until smooth or beat with a blender. Now roll out the dough into a thin layer, cut out circles with a glass and put a spoonful of curd mass in the middle of each. We seal the edges and form even dumplings. Then we take the deepest and widest pan, fill it halfway with water, place a colander with frequent holes on it, and place dumplings in it at a distance and cover the top with a lid. Light the fire and cook the dish for a couple of minutes, 10, and then serve the dumplings with cottage cheese on the table with sour cream.

Steamed dumplings with berries


  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • flour – 2 tbsp;
  • soda - a pinch;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • water – 150 ml;
  • strawberries, raspberries - to taste.


The dough recipe for steamed dumplings is quite simple. To do this, sift the flour with salt, baking soda and sugar. Then add water and knead into a soft dough. Cover it with a towel and leave to rest for 20 minutes. After this, cut off a piece of dough, roll it into a sausage and cut into small pieces. Next, roll out each piece, put in a few berries, sprinkle with sugar and carefully form a dumpling. Now take a wide saucepan, pour warm water into it, tie gauze around the top, cover with a lid and boil the water. Then place the dumplings on cheesecloth, cover with a large lid and cook for a couple of 10 minutes.

Recipe for steamed dumplings with cherries


  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • water – 1 tbsp.;
  • flour – 3 tbsp;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • sugar - to taste.

For filling:

  • powdered sugar - to taste;
  • starch - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • cherry – 700 g.


To prepare steamed dumplings in a slow cooker, first knead the dough: pour sifted flour into a deep bowl, add salt and mix. Now we form a slide from the mixture, make a recess in it and break the egg into it. Add water and mix thoroughly. Let the finished dough rise for half an hour while we move on to the filling. We wash the cherries, remove the pits and sprinkle the berries a little with starch and powdered sugar. Next, take the dough, cut off a small piece from it, roll it into a long rope and cut it into equal parts. Dip each piece in flour, roll it into a circle, lay out a few berries and wrap the dough, connecting the edges. We coat the steamer container with butter and lay out our preparations. Pour water into the multicooker bowl, turn on the “Steam” program, install a special container and steam the dumplings with cherries for 20 minutes. Serve the dish with sour cream or melted butter.

Lush Ukrainian steamed dumplings always turn out tender, voluminous and very, very tasty. As fillings for such a dish, currants, cherries, strawberries, plums are most often used, but you can also cook with meat, potatoes, cottage cheese, liver and cabbage. The main feature of these dumplings is that they do not boil over under the influence of steam and arrive on the table whole and juicy.

The main component for obtaining fluffy steamed dumplings is light and airy dough, which, unlike dumplings, is kneaded exclusively with fermented milk products. Kefir, sour milk, yogurt and even whey, although homemade products are still considered ideal. Less commonly, a mixture of products is used - half a glass of whey and half of kefir.

When preparing the dough, there is another little trick - you do not need to extinguish the soda used in advance, since while mixing the ingredients, the fermented milk medium will extinguish the soda on its own. At the same time, the dough will turn out airy and loose.

To prepare the dough we take:

  1. *500÷600 grams of wheat flour (preferably premium grade);
  2. *one egg;
  3. *one teaspoon of soda;
  4. *half a teaspoon of salt;
  5. *300 ml sour milk or kefir;
  6. *1÷ 2 tablespoons of refined vegetable oil.

This number of ingredients is designed to prepare approximately ten dumplings of substantial size. If it is necessary to increase their number, it will be necessary to correspondingly increase the volumes of products used in the preparation process.

In a large bowl, sift the flour, add one or two tablespoons of vegetable oil, egg and salt. Mix the composition.

Make a small hole in it and pour in kefir (milk). Mix everything together using a spoon or fork.

After this, place the resulting dough on a table previously sprinkled with flour and begin kneading with your hands. The process continues until the dough stops sticking to your hands. Leave the prepared dough for half an hour to settle. If not all of the dough will be used to make dumplings, divide it.

While all this is happening, you need to prepare the filling. Depending on the berries chosen for dumplings, we sort them out, peel them from stalks, leaves, twigs, wash them and dry them. After this, you can start preparing dumplings. Doing this at home is a pleasure.

First, roll out the dough to a thickness of about 0.5 cm. You should not make it any thinner, as it will begin to tear with further work. Using a glass or mug, squeeze out circles from the resulting dough cake. Don’t forget that, unlike regular dumplings that are boiled, fluffy steamed dumplings need to be made somewhat larger.

Pour a pinch of sugar into the middle of the cut out circles and place the berries. If the berries are sweet, you can omit the sugar. Small berries are placed whole, while large ones are better cut.

Connecting the edges of the cut out circle with the berry in the middle, we form a dumpling. The edges must be pressed as tightly as possible so that the dumplings do not open during steaming.

The process of preparing dumplings can be carried out in several ways.

1.Taking a wide saucepan, pour water into it (0.5 volume) and let it boil. Then, place a colander on top so that it does not touch the boiling surface, into which we place the dumplings separately from each other. Cover this entire structure with a lid and leave for 5-7 minutes. After this, put the finished product on a plate and after it has cooled, you can begin the “feast”.

2. A more advanced method would be to steam fluffy dumplings in a double boiler. After placing the dumplings in a steamer and waiting 5-7 minutes, you can take them out onto plates.

3. Cook on a homemade “steamer”. To do this, take a pan and an enamel bowl, which should match the edges of the pan. Fill a saucepan halfway with water and let it boil. Place a layer of gauze on top and place the dumplings on top. Cover the dumplings with a bowl. We stand for the same 5÷7 minutes and the product is ready.

Dumplings laid out on a plate can be sprinkled with sugar, honey or sweet sauce.

Bon appetit!

Place peeled onion, cut into small cubes, in the frying pan in which the greaves were cooked. Stirring, fry the onion over medium heat until golden (5-7 minutes). Add half the onion to the cracklings.

Peel the potatoes, place them in a saucepan, cover completely with cold water (the water should be at least 1 cm above the level of the potatoes) and put on fire. After boiling, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook until the potatoes are fully cooked, without covering. The readiness of the potatoes can be checked with a knife, which should easily enter the finished potatoes. When the potatoes are cooked, drain the water and grind the potatoes into a homogeneous puree.

Add salt to the prepared puree to taste and add the fried onions that remained in the pan, mix thoroughly.

The photo shows the finished potato filling for dumplings.

To prepare the dough, pour milk (or low-fat kefir) at room temperature into a deep bowl. Add salt, soda and egg.

Add sifted flour into the resulting mixture in parts. During sifting, flour is enriched with oxygen and has a beneficial effect on flour products.

After each addition of flour, it must be thoroughly mixed with a silicone spatula or spoon so that there are no lumps. It is better not to rush at this stage, but to do it slowly and gently.

The dough should be soft, flexible, and not sticky to your hands. Cover it with a napkin and leave to “rest” for 10 minutes.

In order to make it more convenient to work, cut off a small part from the total piece of dough and roll it out on the table into a layer approximately 4 mm thick. Use a mold to cut out circles (you can use a glass). The diameter of the circle does not matter - the larger it is, the larger the dumpling will be.

Pinch the edges of each circle to form dumplings. The dough is so soft and flexible that it is very easy to mold and does not require additional flour.

Grease the steamer tray with vegetable oil and place dumplings with potatoes. There is no need to pack them tightly.

Place delicious steamed dumplings with potatoes on a dish and serve hot.

The dough of these dumplings is soft and tender, and the filling is juicy, aromatic and satisfying. These dumplings go perfectly with homemade sour cream.

Bon appetit! Cook with love!

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