Classic lemon curd - recipe with photos. What is lemon curd and how to prepare it

Lemon curd is a wonderful sweet cream that can be used both as an independent dessert and as a filling for pies and tartlets.
You can make ice cream based on it.

Lemon curd. Recipe

The method of preparing Kurd is similar to the technology for preparing custard, which is traditionally prepared with milk, but here lemon juice plays its role. Particular attention should be paid to carefully heating the egg mixture, because it can curdle, and then the taste and attractive appearance that lemon curd has will be spoiled. If you use a water bath, then you don’t have to worry about this - this method will ensure the desired degree of heating uniformity. It will take no more than 10 minutes to prepare all the ingredients, and no more than 20 minutes to boil.

Lemon curd can be prepared using varying ratios of eggs, sugar and butter. To make the cream low-fat, tender and have a rich taste, it is recommended to take the number of eggs equal to the number of lemons; 2 tbsp. l. white sugar, 15 g butter. Prepare lemon curd first according to the basic recipe, and later you can experiment with taste. For example, dilute with tangerine, orange or lime juice.

Preparing the basis for the Kurd

Rub the zest from the lemons with a grater or a special device (try not to touch the white part of the peel, it can cause bitterness). Mix it with sugar. Mix the eggs with a fork (do not beat!) and add to the juice squeezed from the lemons. Add zest to the same mixture. In order for the remaining ingredients to become saturated with the lemon aroma, they must stand for half an hour. Be sure to strain the mixture through a fine sieve or several layers of folded medical gauze - this will help separate the zest, which has already given off its flavor, and also filter out pieces of egg white that can turn into unsightly flakes when heated.

We continue to cook the curd in a water bath

Heat the strained lemon-egg mixture over low heat. It is convenient to do this in a water bath by placing a smaller pan in a larger container. It is necessary to constantly stir with a whisk and make sure that the mass does not burn. After some time, the lemon curd will thicken. It should be poured into glass jars and cooled. Keep refrigerated.

Using Kurd in baking. Lemon ice cream

The consistency of the resulting cream will resemble jelly. It can be served on toast for breakfast, and can also be used to soak cakes (especially good in combination with buttercream) or as a filling for pies and tartlets. In the latter case, you can not boil it in a water bath, but pour it into a pre-baked piece of chopped dough and place it in the oven. You can also make very tasty ice cream with a silky texture from Kurd, which is a bit like. To do this, mix a portion of lemon cream made from four eggs, ml of maximum fat cream, add 4 yolks and a third cup of sugar. Boil the resulting preparation for 15 minutes in a water bath, and then freeze it in a container, stirring with a whisk every half hour.

Hi all. Today we will deal with such a concept as Kurd. I myself heard this foreign word relatively recently, and was terribly interested. In fact, everything turned out to be much simpler than I thought. Both in terms of composition and in terms of preparation. So what is this Kurd and what is it eaten with?!

Kurd is a custard made with fruit juice; it can be anything, but the most famous is perhaps lemon. This is where we will begin our acquaintance.

Lemon cream is incredibly easy to prepare, and how delicious it is! Its area of ​​application is simply vast. Perhaps you won’t find another such versatile product. Kurd is good as a layer in cakes, as a filling for cupcakes, tarts and tartlets, macaroons, and pastries. Yes, even just as a snack with pancakes or toast, it’s very tasty!

But most of all, my husband and I love the combination of this custard with Pavlova cake. Sweet meringue combined with sour lemon curd and my favorite - it's a flavor explosion!

How to make lemon curd at home, recipe step by step with photos.


  1. 4 yolks
  2. 100 g sugar
  3. 70 ml. lemon juice
  4. 70 gr. butter
  5. zest of 1 lemon
  6. 2 tablespoons starch (optional)


First, we need to remove the zest from 1 lemon and squeeze out lemon juice. You don’t have to grind the zest too much, then we’ll just pass our cream through a sieve. Try not to touch the white rind of the lemon, otherwise bitterness will appear in the cream.

In order to get more juice from a lemon, there are a couple of tricks: firstly, you can heat the lemon in the microwave for literally ten to fifteen seconds, and secondly, cut it lengthwise rather than across.

In a saucepan, combine our yolks with sugar, lemon juice and zest. Place over medium heat and cook, stirring all the time until thickened. It literally takes 5 minutes.

Then, add our butter at room temperature, mix and remove from the stove. If you want to get rid of the zest, strain through a sieve.

If you need a straight dense consistency, then there are two options, either add a couple of tablespoons of starch at the very beginning, stirring it in lemon juice, or add gelatin at the very end, I think 3 grams will be enough (I once added 5 and I got jelly ). Gelatin must be prepared according to instructions.

Pour the finished cream into a jar and put it in the refrigerator to cool for at least a couple of hours, and preferably overnight.

That's it, our lemon curd is ready.

Isn’t there really nothing scary or difficult to prepare? Using the same principle, you can prepare curd from any citrus fruits - lime, orange, tangerine.

By the way, curd can also be made from berries - cherry, raspberry, blueberry, blackberry... Whatever you like! Experiment.

Bon appetit.

This fruit dessert captivates with its tenderness and pronounced lemon taste. There are many ways to make lemon curd, but our recipe offers the easiest and fastest.

The curd is prepared according to the principle of custard with the addition of lemon juice, which is squeezed out right there. Usually kurd is made in a water bath, but with our cooking method you can do without it. Eggs, with the specified amount of granulated sugar and citric acid, will not curdle. So the mixture can be heated simply on the stove in a container convenient for this.

Kurd can be eaten on its own for dessert. For example, with tea. And it can be used as a regular cream: with pancakes, for coating cakes, in buns, in custard pies, etc.

The Kurd also has a feature that it is advisable to know about. The more oil it contains, the more delicate its taste. Therefore, if you want a calmer taste, add twice as much oil as is given in the recipe. If you want a less calorie product, but a stronger lemon flavor, do not add oil at all. True, in the latter case it will no longer be Kurd, but some completely new cream.


  • 1 lemon
  • 1 egg
  • 15 grams butter
  • 50 grams of granulated sugar


1. Wash the lemon and wipe with a towel. Using the finest grater, remove the zest from it. Squeeze the juice out of the lemon.

2. Mix lemon zest and juice in a bowl. Add sugar. Rub everything together with a spatula or directly with your fingers. You need to grind so that the sugar is saturated with the aroma of the zest.

3. Add 1 egg and beat.

4. We do this with a regular fork and not too actively, without the formation of foam.

5. Now filter the resulting mixture through a fine strainer.

6. Turn on medium heat on the stove and place a saucepan on it in which we will cook the dessert. Place a piece of butter in a pan and pour in the resulting mixture.

7. Cook with constant stirring until the mixture thickens.

8. Remove the finished cream from the stove, transfer it to a bowl, cool and serve for tea. Or put it in a jar or food storage container with a lid and put it in the refrigerator. Kurd retains its taste and condition for quite a long time, literally up to several weeks. True, you won’t be able to preserve it for that long; the curd is eaten very quickly!

If the resulting curd seems too sour to you (and it should be sour), try partially replacing the lemon juice with something else, but also citrus.

Note to the hostess

1. It is difficult to detect that the lemon was treated with something to protect it from spoilage, since its skin itself seems to be artificial. However, most often there is a protective layer on the peel of citrus fruits, and it must be completely removed. Contrary to popular belief, boiling water does not cope well with the task. A hard dish sponge is the device you need to use to treat the fruit after scalding. Then you should still hold it under running water.

2. Ghee is not suitable for making custard desserts. It leaves a specific taste in them. For any cream, it is recommended to purchase an expensive, high-quality product, but never a spread.

3. All thick culinary mixtures with sugar that sit on low heat for a long time tend to bake into the pan. Burning to enamel cookware occurs the fastest. Metal-ceramic, on the contrary, is the safest in this regard.

4. Lemon curd can cause allergies. Gourmets predisposed to negative reactions to citrus fruits should not eat it with spoons, like jam. And 5-6 crackers, thinly spread with a pleasant sweet and sour mixture, will not harm anyone, and in terms of calorie content, such a dose of tasty vitamin food is optimal.

Classic lemon curd is a delicate egg-lemon cream that was invented at the end of the 19th century. On our website you will find how to prepare classic lemon curd; a recipe with photos will help you not make mistakes when preparing it.

Lemon curd - what is it?

This is a viscous lemon cream, with a delicate lemon taste, with a jelly-like consistency, which any housewife can prepare, since the recipe is simple, there are photos, and there are few ingredients. The cream can be used as an independent dessert, or it can be served in shortbread bowls to form a cake. Lemon curd is also good with pancakes and as a layer in cakes.

Lemon curd recipe - or lemon curd - is a classic English recipe. Previously, this cream was an alternative to berry jam for oatmeal or tea buns; later, lemon curd began to be used as a layer in cakes and a filling in buns. Nowadays, lemon cream can be found in any dessert, it can even be added to ice cream.

Lemon curd flavor

Unusual lemon cream has many advantages: it has a delicate structure and excellent taste. The sweet curd has a distinct lemon note. The bright yellow color of the dessert pleases the eye. Kurd is one of those rare types of custards that can be served independently by filling beautiful transparent bowls with a thick mixture.

Kurd is also used to coat sponge cakes to get a real English cake. Lemon curd is placed in shortcrust pastry baskets and served with pancakes and toast.

Lemon curd recipe with photo

Ingredients: lemons - 3 pieces, sugar - 1 glass, butter - 120 grams, eggs - 3 pieces.

Cooking sequence:

1. To prepare high-quality curd, you need to take large lemons and homemade eggs.

2. Lemons are washed for a long time and thoroughly; you can use a special brush for washing vegetables. The glossy peel of lemons appears clean, but it sometimes contains harmful substances that citrus fruits are impregnated with during transportation for better preservation.

3. The lemons are wiped with a napkin, then they begin to “undress”. Cut off a thin yellow layer, being careful not to touch the white areas.

For this purpose, you can use different devices: a fine grater or a vegetable peeler. Even the sharpest knife cannot cope with such a job, since the lemon peel should turn into the smallest “shavings”.

4. Place the eggs in a deep bowl and beat with a blender. Homemade eggs produce a richer foam and provide brighter colors.

5. Add sugar and beat until the crystals dissolve. By setting the maximum speed, this process can be completed in 2 minutes.

6. Squeeze the lemon juice, strain it, then pour it into the pan. Add yellow peel.

7. Combine beaten eggs with lemon juice. The pan is placed in a water bath. The curd needs to be stirred periodically. Boiling time is 3-5 minutes. The longer the lemon curd simmers, the thicker the consistency will be.

8. Remove the pan from the heat and allow the Kurd to cool slightly. Add diced butter. The curd is stirred until the oil dissolves.

9. The cooled lemon curd is transferred to jars. Lemon curd can be stored in the refrigerator for two weeks.

So, now you know how to make lemon curd. The recipe with photos is right in front of your eyes on our website.

Watch the video recipe for making lemon curd:


Culinary Etude 12/31/2017

In coffee shops you can often find tartlets, meringues with lemon filling, and some supermarkets sell glass jars with a citrus delicacy. But in fact, this dessert can be prepared at home. This does not require expensive ingredients, and the end result always tastes good. Today, regular blog reader Yulia Khoroshilova will share with us a proven recipe for lemon curd.

Good afternoon Today I would like to continue the topic of ideas for delicious New Year gifts for family and friends, which I started in the article.

In the cold winter, it is impossible to resist the temptation to please yourself and your family with a fragrant and delicious dessert. On the eve of the New Year holidays, I offer you a simple and proven recipe for aromatic lemon curd. Many may think that the delicacy is too high in calories, but let's forget about carbohydrates for a while. After all, food is primarily positive emotions and energy, especially if it is prepared with love.

What kind of dessert is this

Lemon curd is very popular in Great Britain and America; it is often served for breakfast in bowls with pancakes and crispy honey toast. Many confectioners add citrus curd to pies, meringues, and tartlets. Due to its consistency, this dish is often called lemon cream, and its bright and rich taste will appeal to true gourmets. Many compare this delicacy with the classic version of fruit custard, but there is one significant difference - no flour or starch is added to the curd.

Lemon curd is quite easy to make and comes in a variety of variations. For example, popular culinary blogger Irina Chadeeva (Chadeyka) makes a cake with lemon curd and meringue. She confirms that even novice cooks can master this recipe, since it is simple both in terms of ingredients and preparation. Another famous chef Andy Chef adds lemon curd to cupcakes and macaroons. Believe me, dessert will add variety, even if you eat it with regular pancakes.

Lemon cream recipe

When I first looked for how to make lemon curd, I was amazed at how many recipes there were for this delicacy. In this case, the cream can be prepared with the addition of lime, strawberries, orange, but lemon remains the base ingredient. Even if you are not a fan of this citrus fruit, you will definitely appreciate the taste of Kurd for its harmonious combination of sourness and sweetness.

Most of the recipes are slightly different. For example, according to Jamie Oliver's recipe, lemon curd is made from 5 yolks and 2 whole eggs. This ratio is considered classic, but this recipe didn’t suit me because I didn’t have time to think about where to put the remaining whites (although I later remembered that you can make airy meringues from them). Therefore, I offer a version of a step-by-step recipe with a photo of lemon curd, which uses whole eggs, which further simplifies the preparation process.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • zest of 2 lemons;
  • freshly squeezed juice from 4 lemons;
  • 220 g sugar;
  • 120 g butter.

First you need to grate the lemon on a fine grater, trying not to touch the white crust of the fruit, so that there is no bitterness in the taste. The best and easiest way to do this is to keep the lemon in the freezer for a while.

You need to add lemon juice to the grated zest. There are a few tricks to extract more juice. To do this, you need to heat the lemon in the microwave for 15 seconds, and then cut it crosswise rather than lengthwise.

You need to add eggs, sugar to the mixture and stir everything thoroughly, and then place the container in a water bath.

Cook the curd over medium heat, stirring constantly, for 5-7 minutes. Add the diced butter to the citrus cream and continue stirring until thickened for another 2 minutes.

If you do not like the taste of the zest, then the resulting curd can be strained through a sieve or cheesecloth. I like the thick consistency of lemon cream, so I add 5 g of gelatin at the end. If you add more, you will get a fragrant citrus jelly. From the specified amount of ingredients I got 600 ml of curd.

As you can see, the recipe is quite simple and takes 10-15 minutes including preparation. This time I poured the cooled lemon curd into jars and put it in the refrigerator to steep. I prepared such a delicious gift for my loved ones!

Popular dessert recipes

If you are not afraid of difficulties, then you should be interested in recipes for making citrus cream from famous chefs and food bloggers. For example, Andrey Rudkovsky, better known as Andy the Chef, shares a recipe for lemon curd on his blog, which is closer to the classic version. The result is a bright yellow cream with a thick consistency.

Lemon curd. Recipe from Andy Chef

It uses the following proportions of its constituent components:

  • zest of one lemon;
  • lemon juice – 115 g;
  • egg yolk – 4;
  • sugar – 75 g;
  • butter – 60 g.

The ingredients in this recipe are almost identical to many others, the only difference is that only egg yolks are used. So, first you need to grate the zest from one lemon. At the same time, Chef Andy believes that it is not necessary to use a fine grater, since he always strains the citrus mixture afterwards.

In a saucepan, whisk the sugar, yolks, squeezed juice and zest and place over medium heat. As soon as the sugar dissolves, you need to add butter and stir constantly. Gradually the cream will begin to thicken. Andrey advises using 3 tablespoons of starch if you want to achieve a dense consistency. After 5-7 minutes, remove the saucepan from the heat, strain through a sieve or cheesecloth and pour into glass containers.

Lemon curd from Jamie Oliver

I am a devoted fan of the English chef Jamie Oliver, a popular restaurateur and popularizer of home cooking and healthy eating principles. Many people love his recipe for making lemon curd, although at first glance it may seem a little more complicated than others.

I suggest watching a video in which the author prepares citrus cream according to Jamie Oliver's recipe.

Experienced chefs and pastry chefs who often prepare this dessert share their tricks on how to make lemon curd even more tasty and aromatic. First of all, they remind you that lemons without zest cannot be stored. If you were unable to immediately use them to prepare a dish, then you need to immediately squeeze out the juice and place it in the freezer to preserve the taste and beneficial properties.

As I wrote above, it is easiest to grate the zest from a chilled lemon, and some chefs say that you can even freeze it a little. According to the classic recipe, you must add zest to lemon curd. If you don’t like its taste, you can strain the cream, but without this component the cream will not be fragrant.

If you are using small eggs, increase the quantity. It's better to have more of them than less. Otherwise, the curd will not thicken and will remain liquid. In this form, you can certainly enjoy its unique taste, but you won’t be able to make a cake with lemon curd with this consistency.

Remember that before adding eggs to lemon juice, you need to beat them well with sugar so that there are no lumps left, which can then curl in a water bath. Ready lemon curd can be stored in the refrigerator for 1 month, but I am sure that you will eat it much sooner.

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