Useful properties and calorie content of green beans. Harmful properties of beans

Green beans for weight loss is a very complex term with vague concepts. This is the name for a valuable vegetable crop, and specific means for normalizing weight of Chinese origin, and a special type of weed, which is called the fashionable “coffee” term. Let's look at green beans from different perspectives.

Green beans are a well-known vegetable.

Green beans are often used in modern cooking recipes. It is a valuable crop, used as feed and even as a component for fertilizers. The fruits are beans in shells with a sweet, delicate taste. Unripe leaves are also used in various recipes.

This vegetable is popular in many countries around the world. In Japan they cook adzuki beans, and in the Turks a popular dish is white beans (in our country the crop is called chili beans). Dried rose beans are also valuable for cooking.

Nutritional value and chemical composition

Green soybeans and other varieties are unique in that they are made up of nearly 40% highly digestible plant protein. It also contains starch, carbohydrates, fiber, and vegetable fats, which are also easily digestible.

They are rich in valuable minerals and trace elements:

Another notable feature is that green beans are low in calories. Based on the above qualities, this is a valuable component of the menu for those people who are actively eliminating excess weight.

It is the optimal ratio of a large amount of protein and minimal calorie content that makes this product a truly valuable component for beginning athletes and professionals.

Important Warning

Legumes are quite a complex product. It has a very specific feature. Green beans need to be very carefully processed by heat.

Dried vegetables in their raw form contain a dangerous chemical. It can cause serious poisoning, so only carefully processed foods should be eaten.

The undeniable benefits of vegetables

Green beans are used for weight loss and are often mentioned in reviews. However, this product is valuable for many other reasons. The following undeniable advantages are worth noting:

Nutritionists favor beans. They recommend introducing 100–170 grams of culture into the menu every day. Low calorie content will not allow you to gain weight, and a large amount of protein is very valuable during systematic physical activity (when exercising in the gym).

The main rule to get the most benefit from beans is to cook them the day they are picked. It is recommended to store vegetables only in a cool place and for no more than two days.

Green beans are added to salads and soups, prepared as side dishes, and also served as a complete meal on their own. To ensure that green vegetables are boiled, before cooking they should be scalded with boiling water and the membrane should be removed. It is quickly removed after treatment.

This ingredient is popular in Oriental and Asian cuisine. The Dutch, English, Bulgarians and Danes treat it with special love. Boiled and baked green beans go well with other vegetables, as well as meat and fish.

About possible undesirable consequences

Green beans, or rather dishes based on them, are undesirable for people with the following diseases:

  1. Colitis;
  2. Hepatitis;
  3. Pancreatitis;
  4. Constipation;
  5. Anomalies of the pancreas.

Too many beans in the diet can lead to flatulence. It is advisable to add dill to prepared dishes.

Green beans: a phenomenon in the world of chemistry

The term “green beans” often refers to unroasted coffee beans. Recently, this new product has become incredibly popular, which is why there are a lot of synonyms. Roasted coffee beans lose some substances from their composition.

Green coffee beans stimulate metabolic processes, help activate the brain, and make a person more alert and energetic. Some experts believe that such a product is a good preventive measure in the fight against cancer.

Coffee is a source of antioxidants, vitamins, and amino acids. It is possible to obtain more valuable substances from unroasted grains. An extract is often extracted from green coffee beans and added to many weight loss products.

However, there are also experts who are very skeptical about such weight loss ingredients. Not only the controversial effectiveness of green coffee is called into question, but also the frequency of side effects. By the way, they are the same as those from overusing regular coffee: headache, irritability, emotional instability, stomach upset, insomnia.

Chinese coffee beans: the whole truth about a popular product

The term green beans or Chinese green beans is also associated with one of the popular weight loss products. Despite the enticing name, this product does not contain anything “coffee” or “bean” in its composition. If you study the instructions in detail, the essence of the process and the mechanism for getting rid of extra pounds becomes clear.

In fact, Chinese beans are nothing more than the seeds of Cassia Tora. CASSIA TORA is one of the types of herbs belonging to the genus Senna. Senna itself is considered a weed, and a rather malicious one at that. It is quite often called Coffeeweed or “coffee weed”.

Thus, the ordinary Senna of Alexandria is presented as an exotic “coffee bean” from Asia. The manufacturer repeatedly emphasizes that the exotic “weed” has a pronounced laxative effect. In fact, on the basis of it, detoxification, cleansing of the body and the fight against extra pounds occurs.

Green beans are sensitive to certain conditions, but in general, they are a moderately easy crop to grow in the summer and fall. Both bush and climbing varieties can be grown under the same basic conditions. No matter which one you choose, here you will find what you need to do.



  1. Choose a sunny location for sowing. Green beans need plenty of sunlight to grow properly, so try to choose a spot in your garden that gets plenty of sun.

    • Since green beans do not grow well in heavy, wet soil, you should avoid shady areas as the soil retains moisture for a long time in the shade.
  2. Improve the soil if necessary. Green beans grow well in loamy soil, so if you have heavy clay or sandy soil in your garden, you should enrich it with organic matter before planting the beans.

    • Loamy soil is dark and crumbly. Test the soil by squeezing it in your hands. Clay soil rolls into a ball, while sandy soil completely crumbles. Clay soil will hold its shape at first but will fall apart when touched.
    • If you are working with clay soil, spread 2 inches of manure or compost and work it into the top 30 inches of soil using a shovel or fork. You can also mix sawdust or sand into the soil if it is very clayey.
    • When working with sandy soil, spread the same amount of manure or compost into the soil in the same manner, but without the sawdust.
    • No matter what type of soil you have, you should also make sure that the planting area is free of weeds, debris, rocks and other debris.
  3. Add fertilizer to the soil before planting the seeds. Green beans do not require huge amounts of nutrients, but adding a small amount of fairly balanced fertilizer will help the plants produce a better harvest.

    • Apply a little 10-20-10 fertilizer. This type of fertilizer is slightly richer in phosphorus than in nitrogen or potassium, so it promotes higher yields.


  1. Sow seeds outdoors after the last spring frost. The minimum soil temperature for bean seeds is 9 °C. If the soil temperature drops below this at night, the seeds may not germinate.

    • However, the best soil temperature during planting is 13°C. Ideally, as soon as the plants begin to emerge, the temperature should be up to 25 °C.
  2. Install supports for climbing plants if necessary. Netting or other support is not required if you are planting bush beans, but if you are planting a climbing variety, growing the beans without climbing support will seriously hinder the plant's growth and yield.

    • The simplest support you can provide for climbing beans is livestock fencing. This is a small section of wire measuring 5m x 2m. Simply install a fence behind the growing area before planting the seeds.
    • You can also use a traditional pyramid - a lattice or a metal or plastic stake. Place one just behind the planting site and make sure the bottom is 10cm into the ground.
  3. Plant each seed 3-5 cm deep. The seeds should be planted 2-4 cm apart and covered with slightly loose soil.

    • If the soil is a little sandy, plant the seeds a little deeper.
  4. Apply mulch. Standard wood chip mulch is suitable for green beans. Mulch can prevent the soil from getting too cold or too hot, and also helps the soil retain enough moisture.

    • Other good mulches include rotted straw and untreated grass clippings.
    • Mulch will also help prevent weeds from spreading.
    • Apply approximately 5-8 cm of mulch after the soil has warmed up.
  5. Resow seeds every two weeks. You can continue to sow green bean seeds every two weeks if you want a consistent harvest that lasts throughout the summer and fall.

    • Skip planting unless you need a consistent harvest.
    • However, excessively hot weather can cause the plant's flowers and pods to drop prematurely. If you live in an area that has very hot summers, you will have to stop growing green beans during the hottest months.
  6. Stop sowing seeds 10 to 12 weeks before the first expected fall frost. For your last fall harvest of green beans, you should sow the seeds about 3 months before the first frost. The onset of the first frost will vary depending on the region in which you live.

    • If the first frost occurs before you have harvested your last crop of green beans, the shoots or pods will drop prematurely. This happens even if the frost is only at night and daytime temperatures are still in the ideal range.

Daily and long-term care

  1. Water regularly. Water your plants in the morning and skip watering on cloudy or rainy days. Water on sunny days so that moisture does not get on the foliage.

    • Do not soak seeds before planting or water immediately after planting. With high humidity, green bean seeds tend to crack and break.
    • Later in the growing cycle, too much or too little water will cause the flowers and pods to drop prematurely.
    • Soak the soil weekly by 2.5 cm.
  2. Apply balanced fertilizer sparingly. Green beans can actually grow well with minimal nutrients, and applying too much fertilizer can actually result in a lot of leaf growth and a small yield.

    • As a general rule, you should apply fertilizer if soil nutrient levels are particularly low in a given area.
    • If the soil is deprived of nutrients, you can fertilize the plants once a week using a light, balanced, quickly absorbed fertilizer.
    • Green beans prefer soil with a pH of 6.0 – 6.5. If the soil is particularly acidic or alkaline, it may be necessary to apply fertilizers formulated to balance the soil pH.
    • If the soil is somewhat sandy, it may be necessary to apply a nitrogen-rich fertilizer as soon as the early seedlings form, and again when the plants reach the budding stage.

According to some reports, beans, mostly roasted, are held in high esteem among Americans. Many of the residents of the overseas power can easily eat a jar or two of Beans in one sitting. In our area, this culture is not so popular and therefore practically not studied by culinary specialists.

To be fair, most professional chefs know what beans are and how to cook them deliciously. However, not all of our readers can boast of their own diplomas received from culinary academies. This means that it makes sense to “go through” the beans up and down, touching on their beneficial and harmful properties, chemical composition and, of course, culinary features. So let's get started.

Chemical composition of beans

Benefits of beans

Beans contain an incredible amount of “everything at once,” from folic acid and calcium to a solid list of amino acids. True, dried beans have one peculiarity: all microelements and vitamins work for the benefit of the human body only after heat treatment. It is believed that dried beans in their raw form are dangerous because they contain toxins that can cause serious food poisoning. Although who in their right mind would dare to bite dry beans...

Researchers see many advantages in cooked beans that will appeal not only to you, but also to your loved ones.

In addition to the general beneficial effect on the body, microelements, vitamins and amino acids contained in beans can significantly lower cholesterol levels in human blood - by 10-15% in the first week of daily consumption (250-300 grams of beans). This is due to the choleretic properties of beans.

In addition, due to the way beans are digested in the stomach, people who regularly consume beans lose weight quite well. Because, being inside the gastrointestinal tract, beans give a very long-lasting feeling of satiety. Which in turn allows you to avoid unnecessary snacking and gluttony.

In addition, beans work wonders to lower blood sugar levels. Why wonderful? Yes, because scientists still have not figured out where beans get such abilities. Nevertheless, such “confusion” in no way detracts from the merits of this magnificent culture.

They also say that beans can fight cancer cells, but this data has not been confirmed by clinical studies. Therefore, you shouldn’t hope too much, but you shouldn’t lose sight either...

Harmful properties of beans

Beans also have harmful properties, the most obvious of which is increased gas formation, which has already become the talk of the town. True, these unpleasant consequences of eating beans can be somewhat mitigated by adding dill, fennel or mint to the dish.

Doctors also do not recommend eating beans, although only to certain groups of people. Or rather, those who have a diseased liver, pancreas or gastrointestinal tract. Yes, despite all the benefits, beans should not be eaten by people suffering from constipation, colitis, gout and nephritis.

It turns out to be a rather sad picture... beans are very healthy, but only healthy people can use them without any special restrictions. Such is the paradox...

Use in cooking

If you are not bothered by the ailments listed above, as well as all sorts of paradoxes, then select a portion of beans and fill them with water. What are we preparing? So it does not matter. All dry beans require many hours of soaking. Moreover, it is advisable to change the water every 2 hours, otherwise there is a chance that the beans will spoil. Green beans do not need pre-treatment.

Soaking removes most of the enzyme inhibitors found in the beans and also speeds up the subsequent cooking process. By the way, we recommend allowing only smooth, clean and bright beans into your kitchen. Everything else is most likely overdried or completely spoiled. Green beans go perfectly with vegetables, which is why they can often be found in salads abroad.

Dry boiled beans are excellent thickeners for soups, and also “get along” quite well in the same plate with stewed vegetables and meat. Beans are also used in baking, albeit in a ground form, but still. Bean flour greatly improves the taste characteristics of sweet pastries and bread.

There are about 17,000 species. Many of them are well-known food plants that have been cultivated for many centuries. These are vegetables that are well known in the middle zone: peas, beans, beans, peanuts, lentils, soybeans, as well as a number of less known species that grow in warm climates and form an important part of the diet of the population living there.

For example, mung beans (Vigna radiata) from the genus Vigna, a widespread crop in the countries of Southeast and Central Asia, and China. The name “mung” has Indian roots; the vegetable is also called mung beans or golden beans. This is a climbing plant about 110 cm high with a pubescent aerial part, small green beans 3-6 mm long. The grains are small, light green or golden, and have a mild, herbal taste with a nutty aroma. The beans are consumed whole, shelled, and the sprouts are also sprouted and used for food.

Another type of bean that is little known to residents of the middle zone is chickpeas (Cicer arietinum), other names are lamb peas, chickpeas, hummus. An annual plant 20-70 cm high, with an erect stem covered with glandular hairs and short beans with 1-3 seeds of different colors. Species with white grains are most often grown. Chickpea is a heat-loving crop that grows well in tropical and subtropical climates; it has been grown since ancient times in Pakistan, India, Ethiopia, and grows in more than 30 countries. Chickpeas are a common food item in the Asian region.

Among the beans there are such exotic crops for us as, for example, snake beans, another name is Chinese green beans, asparagus, yard or green beans. This is a vegetable similar to green beans, but with pods up to half a meter long, sweet and tender in taste. Prepared like regular green beans, they are very popular in Chinese, Indian, and other Asian cuisines.

In Russia and Europe, the common bean is grown as a vegetable and fodder plant.

Common beans are vegetables: description of the plant

The common bean is an annual cross-pollinating herbaceous plant 20 - 180 cm high. It has a highly branched tap root up to 1.2 m long, with nodules - colonies of nitrogen-fixing bacteria. The hollow, tetrahedral, erect stem branches weakly from below, the leaves are bluish-green, fleshy, and large.

The flowers are white with a black spot, sometimes pure white, pink, cream, with a moth shape characteristic of the subfamily. Inflorescences are clusters of 4-12 flowers located in the axils of the leaves.

The fruit is a bean with two valves, 1-2, less often 3-4 in a cluster. The valves are at first juicy, soft, green, and as they ripen they become hard, brownish-brown, smooth in varieties with a parchment layer, and wrinkled in the absence of a parchment layer. The length of the pod is from 7 to 21 cm, it contains 3-4, in some cases up to 7 seeds. 1000 seeds weigh from 180 g to 2.5 kg, their color is green, white, brown, dark purple, black, their shape is round, flat, oval.

The common bean is not found in the wild; it has been known in culture since ancient times. The inhabitants of Palestine used it for food 1000 years BC, the plant was grown in ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. In Russia, before the advent of potatoes, it was an important part of the diet of the poor; now it is used mainly as a fodder crop. In many countries it is a popular vegetable, present in the cuisines of the British, French, Belgians, Danes, and is widely used as food in Mexico, India, China, and Asian countries.

Types and common varieties of common bean

There are two types: broad beans and edible or garden beans. The total number of varieties is about 100.

Forage varieties, with small seeds and a highly developed aerial part, contain a lot of protein, carbohydrates and vitamins in grains, green parts of plants and silage. Due to the large amount of green mass and the presence of nitrogen in it, they are used as green manure. On the territory of Russia, 14 zoned varieties are grown, the most popular: Brown, Pikulovicheskie, Aushra, Uladovskie violet.

Edible beans have large seeds and fruits with thick, fleshy leaves. There are long-pod varieties, with fruits up to 30 cm and up to 9 seeds, and wide-pod varieties, with 3-4 seeds. Dry grains, young green beans in pods and without pods are used for food; soups, salads, side dishes are prepared from them, canned and frozen.

In Russia, vegetable beans of different ripening periods are grown. Among the early varieties, Russian blacks are popular, with a ripening period of 60-65 days. They have blade valves without a parchment layer, tender, fleshy, ripe fruits, 3-4 per pod, dark purple, almost black in color. Seeds of milky ripeness are suitable for canning and preparing various dishes.

The mid-early variety Velena is more productive, with sugar beans without a parchment layer, 10-12 cm long, grains of light fawn color.

The well-known mid-season variety Belorusskie has a growing season of 90-110 days, long (up to 11 cm) fruits with 3-4 grains of light brown color.

Mid-ripening varieties Windsor white, with fruits 9-12 cm long, pink-yellow seeds, and Windsor green, earlier, with green grains, are very productive, ripen in July or August, the seeds turn brown during storage.

Varieties with white beans: early Leader, popular in Europe - “Thrice White”, mid-late, with fruits 15-17 mm long, white grains. Larger, more tender compared to black ones, light green at the stage of milky ripeness, almost white when ripe, do not change color during cooking, suitable for freezing and canning.

The benefits and harms of beans

The main value of the plant is its high protein content, reaching 32-37% in mature seeds. Dry beans are vegetables comparable in nutritional value to grains; their calorie content is 309 kcal per 100 g of product. Such beneficial properties of beans make them an indispensable food product in those regions where the population’s diet does not contain enough meat products.

The grains and pods contain vitamins C, PP, A, especially a lot of B vitamins, potassium and iron, which help prevent cardiovascular diseases and reduce cholesterol levels. Moreover, their calorie content at the stage of milk ripeness, unlike dry seeds, is low and amounts to only 34 kcal for raw and 27 kcal for boiled seeds, which allows them to be used in dietary nutrition.

The composition of grains includes not only proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral salts, but also pectins, purines, phytates, so dishes made from them can be both beneficial and harmful. Beans at the stage of full maturity must be cooked in water, since without this, the pectins contained in raw grains are not broken down in the stomach and damage it. Purines are harmful for gout, phytates remove toxic substances, but interfere with the absorption of calcium and iron.

Beans are a food that has been renowned for its medicinal properties since ancient times. It is known from history that several centuries ago in European countries theft of this product was even punishable by death.

Residents of England, regardless of the fact that beans were considered a remedy for smallpox, avoided spending the night in the field. In their opinion, a person who spent the night in beans became mentally unstable. So what does this mysterious product promise to the body? For centuries, the question has been raised: what do beans bring to humans? The benefits and harms have been studied quite seriously.

Green fresh beans are popular today. Dried seeds are used with pleasure - spotted and pink.

Composition and calorie content

This unique product contains a large amount of protein. Beans are one of its most valuable sources. The product contains almost 40% protein. In addition, beans contain valuable fiber, starch, healthy carbohydrates and vegetable fats. The seeds have many useful microelements, such as calcium, iron, sulfur, phosphorus, magnesium. And this is not a complete list. This culture contains a lot of vitamins (A, B, C, PP) and pectins. Despite the high nutritional value, the product has a fairly low calorie content. Only 57 kcal.

There is quite a variety of beans. The types (photo shows the range) are successfully used by chefs all over the world. For example, adzuki beans are used in Japanese dishes. The white ones are considered Turkish chali beans.

Benefits of beans

Introducing the product into the diet has many benefits. However, we should not forget that no matter how good beans are, the benefits and harms of them must be taken into account. Only in this case can we hope for a positive impact of culture.

The benefits of beans have long been proven by medical research. However, there is one peculiarity here. All the healing properties of the product come into effect only after careful heat treatment. Dried raw beans pose a danger to the body. After all, they contain a dangerous toxin. This is one of the main factors due to which the benefits of consuming a product such as raw beans will be rather questionable. And the harm in such cases manifests itself noticeably, often causing serious poisoning.

What are the benefits of the product for the body?

Oncological diseases

After research, scientists were able to discover healing anti-carcinogenic substances in beans that can slow down the growth of tumors.
Consumption of the product allows cells to resist cancer formations.

Fiber prevents the development of cancer in the body. Research shows that people who eat large amounts of beans are less likely to get pancreatic cancer. Women manage to avoid breast cancer.

Benefits for the gastrointestinal tract

Beans contain a large amount of fiber. Therefore, introducing them into the daily diet can reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. The culture, being a source of essential amino acids, is perfectly absorbed by the body. And thanks to the fibers it contains, it improves the functioning of the digestive tract.

Benefits for the blood and heart

This culture contains large amounts of folic acid and potassium. These components determine the value and usefulness of the product for humans. If you regularly serve it to the table, the body's defenses as a whole increase.

Consumption of these seeds has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. B vitamins strengthen the heart and prevent heart disease.

Beans are rich in molybdenum. This element stabilizes blood sugar levels and neutralizes the effects of harmful preservatives.

Dietary product

Beans help suppress the feeling of hunger for a long time. Therefore, they are an excellent product that is indicated in any type of diet. People whose main goal is to get rid of extra pounds introduce beans into their daily diet.

Harm to the body

Having understood the value and usefulness of the product, it is worth touching on its negative side. Remember, if you decide to eat beans: the benefits and harms largely depend on their preparation.

As noted above, a product prepared incorrectly can cause poisoning of the body. The effect of toxins contained in beans is neutralized only after they have undergone heat treatment.

However, like almost any other food, seeds have their contraindications. It is prohibited to use the product:

  • elderly people;
  • persons with pancreatic diseases;
  • for colitis and constipation;
  • if you have gout;
  • persons suffering from nephritis, since beans contain a lot of purine substances;
  • people diagnosed with pancreatitis and hepatitis.

Another disadvantage of beans is the large accumulation of gases in the intestines. It is important to take into account that consuming them leads to bloating and flatulence. This is due to the oligosaccharides included in these substances that put a large burden on the gastrointestinal tract. In order to reduce the harmful effects of oligosaccharides, it is recommended to add dill, fennel, and mint to the beans.

Product consumption

People have come up with a large number of ways to consume beans. Recipes for many soups and salads imply the presence of an amazing product. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the cooking recommendations.

In cooking, green beans in pods, dried and young peeled, are most often used. The first and second must be subjected to heat treatment. And the latter (young grains) are allowed to be consumed even raw. They taste a little like sugar snap peas.

And young grains can even be added to sweet dishes. For example, beans add amazing flavor to fruit salad. Cooks are happy to make fillings for pies from this product.

Simple recipe

If you want to taste the beans, you can make a fairly light salad. In a short time you will create an excellent dish.

Take canned beans, add grated hard cheese to them. Chop the bell pepper into the salad. It makes a great addition to beans. You can season the dish with yogurt or its mixture with mayonnaise. Salad ready!


The amazing effect of beans on the body and their unique composition cannot be ignored. Any nutritionist will confirm how healthy the product is. The main thing is not to forget about contraindications.

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