Cinnamon rolls name. Secrets of making cinnamon rolls

Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance (2-3 hours before kneading the dough) so that it becomes completely soft, like cream, or soften it immediately before cooking in the microwave. Turn on the oven and heat it to number 3 (170 °C) (so that you can put the dough on it if there is no other warm place, for example, a radiator, for it).

Measure into different containers the amount of wheat flour (with salt) and granulated sugar (with vanilla sugar or the pulp of ½ vanilla pod) required for the dough according to the recipe. Remove the egg from the refrigerator.

Make a dough. Heat the milk in a saucepan or aluminum bowl over low heat until warm (40-45 °C). Add 1 tsp there. sugar (from the total amount for the dough) and stir. Crumble fresh or dry yeast into the milk, shake the bowl slightly to wet the yeast (if using dry) and leave for about 10-15 minutes. in a warm place until they start to foam.

Start kneading the dough. When the yeast has swollen, in a large bowl with a volume of about 3.5 liters, beat the egg with the remaining sugar and vanilla with a mixer with regular whisks until a fluffy foam forms, then pour in the yeast and mix at low speed.

Add 250 g of the total amount of wheat flour into the mixture, sifting it through a sieve and mixing thoroughly until smooth. Then add soft butter into the dough and mix.

Replace the whisks on the mixer with whisks for yeast dough and add the rest of the flour in 2-3 additions. At the end, knead the dough with your hands until it begins to lag behind them and the walls of the dish (it is acceptable if it only sticks to them a little). At the end of the kneading process, you can stretch the dough by the ends, and then immediately fold it back - as a result of such manipulations, it will be better saturated with oxygen.

Form the finished dough into a ball and place it back into the bowl. Cover it with plastic wrap and place in a warm place for 60-90 minutes until the volume of the dough increases by about 2-3 times.

Line a large aluminum baking sheet (size 21x32 cm, height 5 cm) or another one you have with a similar or slightly larger area with non-stick baking parchment (making sides).

When the dough has risen, turn on the oven (if you haven’t already turned it on) and heat it to number 3 (170 ° C) or according to the recommendations in the instructions for your oven for baking yeast dough. Melt the butter for the filling in a saucepan or aluminum bowl (for example, placing the container with it in an already heated oven or on a low heat on the stove, in this case stirring it with a spoon or knife). Measure out the amount of granulated sugar required for the filling and mix it with ground cinnamon.

Knead the risen dough with your hands in a bowl and then place it on the table, lightly dusted with flour. Dust it with flour on top and roll it into a rectangle measuring approximately 35x40 cm, stretching it at the corners with your hands from time to time and trimming it with a rolling pin, and also (while the rectangle is still small) turning it periodically on one side or the other, and if necessary additionally dusting with flour.

Using a spoon, pour about ⅔ melted butter over the surface of the dough layer, not reaching the edge of one long side of about 1 cm. Then sprinkle it with the previously prepared mixture of granulated sugar and cinnamon and rub it with your hand for a more even distribution over the surface, pour in the remaining butter and roll into a tight roll along the long side (starting with the one that is completely coated with oil). Pinch the seam of the roll, then turn the roll over so that the seam is on the bottom, and gently press from the center to the edges, additionally distributing the filling inside along its entire length. Then squeeze the roll slightly at the ends to give it a more compact shape.

Using a serrated knife (for cutting bread), using a sawing motion, carefully cut the roll into 12 equal pieces (to help them fit more evenly during baking).

Place the buns on a previously prepared baking sheet (lay the edges of the roll cut side up), lightly press them with your palm on top so that the rolls are the same in height. Cover the baking sheet with a paper towel (so that the dough does not dry out) and let the pieces rise in a warm place for about 30 minutes until they noticeably increase in size.

When the preparations have separated, in a separate bowl, beat a small egg with a whisk until foamy. Then take a silicone brush and lightly brush the surface and sides of the future buns with the resulting mixture.

Place the baking sheet in the oven and bake the pieces at number 3 (170 °C) for about 35-40 m until the top is golden brown. About 20 minutes after the start of baking, you can turn the baking sheet in the oven to the other side so that they brown evenly. You can check the readiness of the buns by piercing them with a wooden stick or toothpick (there should be no traces of dough left on it).

Just before the buns are ready, make the filling. To do this, melt the butter in a saucepan or aluminum bowl, then remove it from the heat and add the amount of granulated sugar required according to the recipe for pouring, mix and add curd cheese. Quickly stir all ingredients again until smooth and leave in a warm place (such as on the stove) until ready to use.

Remove the finished buns from the oven, let them cool in the mold for about 5 minutes. After that, evenly brush them on top with the resulting filling using a spoon and let them cool completely without covering them with anything, and then serve them with a cup of tea, cocoa or coffee, after Divide into portions with a sharp knife and arrange on plates using a serving spatula. And immediately put the remaining buns (so as not to spoil the filling) in the refrigerator at + 5-6 ° C in the same pan in which they were baked, tightly covering them on top with plastic wrap (if necessary, first trimming the strongly protruding edges of the baking parchment with scissors ) and placing it in a clean, large plastic bag. Store them in this form for no more than 2-3 days. I like it best when the buns are not served immediately, but are left in the refrigerator for 1.5 hours - the dough becomes denser and they look more like the original “cinnabons”.

Sinabon (or rather Cinnabon) is a world-famous chain of fast food cafes and bakeries, where the main dish is cinnamon rolls with cream cheese. The secret of these buns is no longer kept in the strictest confidence by the company, but on the contrary, it is revealed with pleasure at master classes held by the cafe.
First, it is a high-gluten wheat dough. Secondly, Makara cinnamon, grown in Indonesia at an altitude of five thousand meters above sea level. Thirdly, strict production standards: the roll that the master rolls and then cuts into buns must have no more than five turns. I’m afraid we won’t find Makara cinnamon, but nothing will stop us from replacing it with ordinary cinnamon (the difference, to be honest, is not very noticeable), but we will strictly follow the rest of the recipe’s features. Pamper yourself, surprise your family and friends, prepare homemade Sinabon buns :)

Ingredients for 12 large buns

  • dough,
  • filling,
  • fondant

For the test:
250 ml warm milk (45 C),
2 eggs,
75 g butter or margarine,
4.5 cups flour (+ another handful for rolling out dough),
1 tsp salt,
100 g sugar,
2.5 tsp (7-11 g packet) dry active yeast.
The milk for the dough must be warm, but in no case hot. The remaining ingredients are at room temperature.
1 cup brown sugar
2.5 tbsp. ground cinnamon,
75 g butter.
100 g cream cheese (Philadelphia, Mascarpone, Almette),
50 g butter,
200 g (1.5 cups) powdered sugar,
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract or vanilla sugar,
1/8 tsp salt (very small pinch).

Recipe for making buns

Serve the buns warm. Bon appetit!

PS: The dough for Sinabon buns can also be kneaded in a bread machine. Add the dough ingredients to the bread maker and start the Dough mode.

Sinabon buns are a famous French pastry from the bakery of the same name, which is now popular all over the world. Delicious rolls are baked from dough with cream cheese and cinnamon. They add a variety of fillings, then coat them with glaze and eat them warm. We will tell you how to prepare Sinabon buns at home; recipes with photos and detailed descriptions will help you.

Cooking secrets

You won’t be able to prepare flavored cinnamon rolls identical to French ones at home, because their proprietary recipe is kept secret, as it is officially patented. But at home you can make Cinnabon rolls that will taste no worse than the classic ones. Some housewives manage to bake rolls in the oven from the most delicate dough, fragrant chocolate glaze and cream that melts in your mouth so successfully that, in the opinion of others, they taste superior to real Cinnabon baked goods.

One of the signature secrets of French cinnamon rolls is the use of flour with a very high gluten content.

To make your own rolls similar to the original baked goods, add wheat gluten to the dough or prepare your own gluten. Add it along with flour to other products to add fluffiness to baked goods.

Classic recipe for Sinabon cinnamon rolls

Let's figure out how to make Sinabon buns (a step-by-step recipe with photos is attached). For Cinnabon French bakeries, the cinnamon comes from Indonesia, but at home, any ground cinnamon will do. It is mixed with liquid butter and sugar, and then the finished dough is greased with it. Afterwards, everything is rolled into a tight roll with 5 turns, then cuts must be made using thread so that the rolls do not deform. The mold is lined with parchment, greased with butter, then the cakes are laid out at a distance from each other to make them airy. Baking time varies from 20 to 25 minutes at oven temperature 180 C.

Preparing the dough

Sinabon is a cinnamon bun with buttercream frosting. But to make it appetizing, aromatic and delightful, you need to prepare the dough correctly and select the ingredients.

  • 570 g wheat flour;
  • two eggs;
  • 700 g sugar;
  • 10 g dry yeast;
  • vanillin, salt - a pinch;
  • 60 g butter;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • half a glass of boiled water.
  1. The dough is prepared as follows: melt sugar, milk, butter, vanillin and salt in a metal bowl or saucepan. Cool.
  2. Mix warm water with yeast and sugar, leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Add eggs to the melted mixture, stir until smooth, then add the yeast mixture, stir again.
  4. Sift the flour and gradually add it to the bowl with the ingredients, kneading the dough.
  5. When the dough becomes stiff, place it on the table surface, sprinkle with flour, knead for another 10 minutes, then roll, cover with cling film and leave to rise for 40 minutes. As a result, the dough will double in size.
  6. Afterwards, all that remains is to roll out the dough into a rectangle, about 5 cm thick, and continue preparing the fragrant cakes.

A story about how to make Sinabon buns at home would not be complete without talking about the filling. The unique taste of French pastries is determined by the filling. The classic Cinnamon Sinabon uses only three ingredients.

  • a glass of brown sugar;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 20 g dry cinnamon.
  1. Melt butter on the stove.
  2. Mix the rest of the ingredients.
  3. The filling is ready, now grease the dough and bake fragrant rolls.

It’s easy to diversify classic Sinabon with cream cheese and cinnamon at home by adding cream additives: apple, nut, chocolate, caramel. But first you need to learn the basics. To make buttercream you will need:

  • 50 g soft cheese;
  • 100 g powdered sugar;
  • 40 g soft butter;
  • a packet of vanillin.
  1. Mix soft foods until smooth.
  2. Add vanillin and powder to the mixture.

Bun forming technology

We already know how to prepare classic Sinabon; all that remains is to consider the technology for forming the rolls. After the dough is completely ready, the process for creating rolls is as follows:

  1. Roll out a thin layer measuring 30x40 cm.
  2. Distribute the filling evenly, leaving an empty edge so that the roll sticks together well.
  3. Roll the dough into a tight roll. The tighter it is, the more your baked goods will look like classic rolls.
  4. Cut the resulting roll into 12 equal parts. If you don't have a thin knife, use thread.
  5. Place the cakes on the pan and continue cooking in the oven. When ready, glaze for Sinabons, prepared in advance, is applied on top.

Sinabon buns with chocolate

We have already reviewed the simplest recipes for Sinabon buns. Find out below how to prepare fragrant Sinabon buns with chocolate filling at home. The cooking technology remains the same as in the original version, and chocolate fudge is applied on top.

Preparing the chocolate filling

The filling is applied directly to the rolled out dough. If it is not greasy enough, then grease the rolled surface with oil first. To prepare you will need:

  1. 50 g butter;
  2. 2 tbsp. cocoa;
  3. 4 tbsp. Sahara.
  1. Mix sugar and cocoa.
  2. Add mixture to melted butter.

Chocolate frosting recipe

Hot buns that are removed from the oven should be coated with glaze immediately so that it melts a little. To make chocolate fudge you will need:

  • 100 ml low-fat cream;
  • 50 g plums. oils;
  • 100 g dark chocolate.
  1. Melt solid ingredients over heat.
  2. Stir until smooth.
  3. Remove from heat, wait until the mixture has cooled, then pour in the cream and stir. The glaze is ready!

Caramel Pekanbon Recipe

In this recipe we will look at how to make Sinabon buns with nuts and caramel. At their core, these are classic delicious buns, only pumped up with caramel sauce. To make it easier, mix the buttercream frosting with store-bought caramel topping.

The aromatic dough is already ready, but for the cream you will need:

  • 100 g of overseas pecans (or exchange for walnuts);
  • 50 ml of ready-made caramel topping;
  • 50 g soft cream cheese;
  • 100 g powdered sugar;
  • 40 g soft plums. oils;
  • a packet of vanillin.

Cream recipe:

  1. First, learn how to make buttercream by mixing soft ingredients until smooth. Divide the mass into two parts.
  2. Spread the first part on the buns.
  3. Add caramel to the second mass. Leave in a warm place for a while to make the glaze and caramel mixture more pliable.
  4. Then spread the caramel mixture on top and sprinkle with roasted, chopped nuts.

As you have already noticed, perishable products are used for glaze, so baked goods cannot be stored for a long time. If you want to extend the shelf life of the buns, apply the glaze immediately before eating. Butter cream is stored longer than others - about 36 hours on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, where the temperature is kept from 4 to 8 C.

If you are not yet confident in your skill, do not undertake to prepare complex recipes, start with the classics, and then move on to more complex culinary masterpieces with caramel topping or apple-nut cream. When you learn how to cook French buns to perfection, adding imagination and creativity to your efforts, your friends will come to every evening tea party to enjoy the wonderful taste and aroma of fresh baked goods.

Sinabon brand cinnamon rolls are known for their incredible taste. Their story begins in 1985 in Seattle, when father and son decided to create the most delicious buns in the world.

With the help of a team of technologists and confectioners and long experiments, they achieved their goal and made a dessert that is even included in the list of the fifty main pleasures in life. The recipe is kept secret, but the main list of ingredients is known.

In this article, we will tell you how to bake this divine treat at home for guests and loved ones. The main ingredients in the classic Sinabon cinnamon rolls recipe are: cinnamon, cream cheese, cane sugar and coffee. You need to be very careful when choosing them, because the success of the dish will largely depend on their quality.

Makara cinnamon is used to bake Sinabon buns; thanks to careful processing, it retains maximum aroma. Finding it in stores may be difficult. It is permissible to replace it with another type of cinnamon, the main thing is to choose fresh one.

Cane sugar
It cannot be substituted because regular white refined sugar will not impart a caramel flavor to baked goods.

Cream cheese
You can easily find this kind of cheese in stores; take thicker cheese and without additives.

Take the best one available, ideally freshly ground.

Step-by-step recipe for Sinabon buns


  • yeast from a bag - 13 g;
  • wheat flour - 700 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • cow's milk - 200 ml;
  • cane sugar - 280 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 10 g (optional);
  • oil drain - 220 g;
  • powdered sugar - 80 g;
  • cream cheese - 140 g;
  • salt - teaspoon spoon;
  • cinnamon - 25 g;
  • ground coffee - to taste.

First, prepare the yeast, combine warm milk and yeast, add a pinch of sugar and set aside for now to rise. Remove the eggs from the refrigerator in advance; they should be at room temperature. Beat them in a clean, dry bowl until foamy. The butter also needs to be softened in advance; about 75 grams needs to be mixed into the egg mixture. Add 100 g of sugar there (you can use white sugar here, it will not affect the taste).

In a deep bowl, where you will later knead the dough, mix milk with yeast and eggs with butter and sugar. Take flour, about 700 g, add salt and stir thoroughly. Add some of this flour to the yeast and start kneading the dough.

Dough and glaze

Let's prepare gluten for cinnamon rolls: take 1 teaspoon. spoon of flour and the same amount of water, form a ball from this mass and rinse under running water. Add our ball to the dough along with the remaining salted flour. The dough should be covered with a napkin or towel and left in a warm place for 60 minutes.

Now let's start preparing the filling. Rub the remaining oil with a fork. Mix cinnamon and cane sugar in a separate bowl.

Check the dough when it has doubled in size, using a rolling pin, roll it into a large and thin rectangle (about 40-50 cm). Spread the butter evenly over the entire layer and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar. Roll the dough tightly into a roll and cut into pieces - synabons. Place the buns on the prepared baking sheet and leave to stand for 15 minutes under a towel. Then bake the buns for about half an hour at 165 degrees, focusing on the appearance of a golden crust or wait until the sugar has melted.

Now let's make the glaze, there will be just enough time while they are baking. Take cream cheese and some butter, everything should be at room temperature. There is no need to take expensive cheese or cheese with additives, the most ordinary one will do. Mix and add sweet powder. When the buns are browned, use a brush to coat the buns with glaze. If the mixture turns out liquid, then simply pour the buns on top. Don't forget to sprinkle them with selected freshly ground coffee at the very end.

And everything is ready, this divine taste cannot be compared with anything. The synabons according to the classic recipe are ready. Bon appetit!

Varieties of synabons

If you want to add a twist to the classic cinnamon rolls, try one of the recipes below.



  • cocoa powder - 3 tables. spoons;
  • granulated sugar - 6 table. spoon;
  • oil drain - 6 table. spoons


  • cow's milk - 100 ml;
  • oil drain - 50 g;
  • cocoa - 35 g;
  • sugar - 80 g.

Here we use the dough and technology from the classic recipe, changing only the composition of the filling and glaze.

For the filling, combine all ingredients and stir until there are no lumps. Glaze time: pour sugar and cocoa into a saucepan, add butter, stir. Pour in the milk and cook over low heat, stirring all the time, for 15-25 minutes until the mixture thickens. Done, now add the chocolate filling and glaze to the dough and enjoy the new taste.

With mascarpone cheese cream


  • mascarpone cheese - 70 g;
  • oil drain - 4 table. spoons;
  • - taste;
  • sugar powder with coconut - 90 g.

Mash the butter and cheese until smooth, then add the remaining dry ingredients. It is better not to put this cream in the refrigerator, because once it hardens it will be difficult to spread. Leave it near the stove, this consistency will be convenient.

With apple filling


  • apples (variety of your choice) - 2 large fruits;
  • oil drain - 40 g;
  • cane sugar - 180 g;
  • — 25 g.

Melt the butter, meanwhile, peel and core the apples and chop finely. Mix all ingredients and spread on dough.

Few people can remain indifferent to this dessert after trying it once. These buns have taken the whole world by storm, so don’t deprive yourself and your loved ones of the pleasure and be sure to prepare them as soon as possible.

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