Natural pork schnitzel (TTK2681). Chopped meat schnitzel (TTK2285) Pork schnitzel preparation technology

For the first time I tried capital-style schnitzel in one of the restaurants in a city that was far from the capital. I really liked the schnitzel; the juicy inside of the chicken fillet was topped with crispy, browned fried pieces of bread. I prepare this dish very often for holiday tables, because it is quite quick to prepare, very presentable on the holiday table, and incredibly tasty, which is also important.

To prepare schnitzel in the capital, you should take chicken fillet. If previously one fillet made one schnitzel, recently chicken breasts have become so large that sometimes I can make two schnitzels from one breast. Initially, the meat calculation is as follows - 1 chicken breast per serving.

Let's prepare all the ingredients and prepare the schnitzel in the capital's style. Nowadays there is already sliced ​​bread for toast on sale, which, in my opinion, is very suitable for this dish. Firstly, it absorbs liquid well and will stick well to the surface of the schnitzel during frying, and secondly, it can be cut very evenly and it will not crumble like regular bread.

First of all, let's prepare the meat, for this we cut the fillet from the thick edge and open it like a book.

Using a kitchen hammer, beat the chicken fillet. To prevent the fillet from tearing during the process, it is advisable to cover it with a plastic bag and then beat it.

Now let's prepare the egg batter. Beat the egg into a bowl, add salt, pepper and chicken spices. Pour in 1 tbsp. water and whisk the mixture until smooth.

Cut the crusts off the bread for toast and cut the bread into small strips.

Place the chicken fillet into the egg mixture first.

Then transfer the fillet to a bowl with bread strips. It is advisable to place the breadsticks in one layer. Press down the chicken fillet a little with a spatula to secure the bread to the fillet.

Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and place the schnitzel, bread side down, in the pan, cook the schnitzel for 4-6 minutes on each side over moderate heat.

Meanwhile, brush the top of the schnitzel with the egg mixture using a silicone brush and carefully lay out the pieces of bread. Press the bread strips well onto the fillet using a spatula. The schnitzel turns over well and the bread doesn't fall off. Turn the schnitzel over and cook for another 5 minutes. Since we beat the meat, the schnitzel will be of small thickness, and this time will be enough for the meat to fry and the bread to toast.

Serve the finished schnitzel in the capital's style with pickled vegetables, mashed potatoes, salad or rice.

Bon appetit!

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Technological process for preparing “Natural Chopped Schnitzel” and sponge roll “Fairy Tale”






















The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that meat dishes for men, but also girls, are an integral part of their diet.

Probably not a single person will refuse a delicious piece of meat.

What is the “Schnitzel” worth?

But, unfortunately, not everyone knows that the name “Schnitzel” originally referred to a Viennese dish made from veal that spread in the second half of the 19th century.

In German, "Schnitzel" means "shavings"

The purpose of my work is to describe the technological process of preparing “Natural Chopped Schnitzel”



Meat is an important source of proteins and fats. It contains a lot of complete proteins - 14.5...23%, fat - from 2 to 37%, minerals - 0.5...1.3% (of which the most valuable are phosphorus, calcium, sodium, magnesium and iron salts). Meat contains vitamins A, D, PP and group B.

The main tissues of meat are: muscle, connective, fat and bone.

When accepting meat, first of all, the presence of a fatness mark and veterinary and sanitary control are checked, and the good quality of the meat is determined organoleptically. According to fatness, pork can be divided into meat, trim and fat. Good-quality chilled meat has a dry crust on the surface of the carcass, the color is from pale pink to red, the consistency is dense, elastic (when pressed, the dimple quickly evens out). Frozen meat on the surface and cuts has a pink-red color with a grayish tint due to ice crystals, the consistency is solid (it makes a sound when tapped); It has no smell, but when it thaws, the smell of meat and dampness appears. You can check the quality of frozen meat using a heated knife blade or by test cooking. Meat received at the enterprise is subjected to preliminary culinary processing.

1. 2

The main raw material for the production of minced semi-finished products is cutlet meat.

The range of chopped semi-finished products includes natural chopped - chopped steak, natural chopped cutlets, natural chopped schnitzel, poselyanski meatballs, kupaty, lula-kebab, as well as semi-finished products from cutlet mass (filled with bread) - cutlets, meatballs, schnitzels, zrazy, meatballs , rolls, meatballs, quenelles

Chopped semi-finished products are prepared breaded (cutlets, meatballs, zrazy, schnitzels, meatballs) or without breading (steak, lula kebab, natural chopped cutlets). Mainly breadcrumbs and less often wheat flour are used as breading.

The general technological scheme for the production of chopped semi-finished products includes the following operations: preparation of raw materials and auxiliary materials; cooking minced meat; portioning and shaping of semi-finished products; refrigeration or freezing; packaging, labeling, storage and transportation.

Preparation of raw materials and auxiliary materials. For natural chopped semi-finished products, cutlet meat and raw fat, if it is included in the recipe of the semi-finished product (natural lamb cutlets, natural chopped lamb and beef schnitzel, Moscow and homemade cutlets), are ground in a meat grinder with a grid hole diameter of 3 mm. Pork lard (for steaks) is cut into cubes (5x5 mm).


I. Preparation of semi-finished product.

To prepare the semi-finished product, chopped cutlet meat of beef, lamb or pork is combined with raw fat, ground in a meat grinder, water (or milk), salt, pepper are added, mixed, after which semi-finished products are formed into oval shapes 1-1.5 cm thick.

In the process of preparing chopped semi-finished products, it is necessary to take measures to reduce the bacterial contamination of raw materials and finished semi-finished products (cutlet meat is washed with cold running water; chopped meat and cutlet mass are cooled by adding cold water or food ice).

The formed semi-finished products are immediately sent for heat treatment or placed in a refrigerator to cool to + 6°C.

II. Preparing the side dish.

For side dishes, use crumbly porridge, boiled pasta, fried potatoes (boiled), fried potatoes (raw), boiled vegetables with fat, vegetables poached with fat, pumpkin, zucchini, fried eggplant, as well as complex side dishes.

Garnish Nos. 744, 750, 753, 757, 760,761, 765, 766, 784, 785,798, 805 (According to the Collection).

III.Preparing the sauce.

When leaving, the schnitzel is garnished and poured with the juice released during frying.

IV. Frying the semi-finished product.

Semi-finished products are moistened in lezone, rolled in breadcrumbs, then placed in a frying pan or baking sheet with fat heated to a temperature of 150-160 C, and fried for 3-5 minutes on both sides until a crispy crust forms, and then brought to readiness in an oven at a temperature of 250 - 280°C (5-7 min).

V.Dispensing the finished dish.

A side dish is placed on a plate, a schnitzel is placed next to it, and the fat from frying is poured over it.

VI. Quality requirements or organoleptic evaluation of finished food.

Ready-made schnitzels must be completely fried: the temperature in the center of the finished products must be no lower than 85°C, for products made from cutlet mass - no lower than 90°C. Organoleptic signs of product readiness are the release of colorless juice at the puncture site and a gray color on the cut.


Meat shops are organized at large procurement enterprises and medium-sized enterprises that process raw materials for their production.

At large procurement enterprises, meat shops are more mechanized; conveyors, overhead and production lines, etc. are used.

Semi-finished meat products are produced in the following assortment: large-piece semi-finished beef products (thick, thin edge, upper and internal pieces of the posterior pelvic part); from pork and lamb (loin, ham, shoulder, brisket); bones; portioned semi-finished products from beef, pork, lamb (entrecote, steak, escalope); small-sized semi-finished products from beef (beef stroganoff, frying, azu, goulash); from lamb and pork (kebab, stew); from minced meat (steak, cutlets, schnitzels); peppers, zucchini stuffed with meat and rice.

The technological process of meat processing consists of the following operations: defrosting frozen meat, cleaning the surface and cutting off veterinary marks, washing, drying, dividing into cuts, boning cuts and separating large pieces, trimming meat and preparing semi-finished natural and minced products.



Defroster, washing department of carcasses, rooms for drying, rooms for deboning, trimming, preparation of semi-finished products, baths for soaking bread, meat grinders with a capacity of 600-800 kg/h, minced meat mixers, cutlet-forming machines MFK-2240 or AK 2M-40, refrigeration cabinet.


Cutting boards, cutting chair, production tables with drawers for tools, scales.


Slasher knife, butcher's axe, chain mail mesh, boning knives (large and small).


The surface of pieces of semi-finished products should not be weathered, the color and smell should be characteristic of good-quality meat. There should be no rough tendons, cartilage, pieces of flesh with bruises, or bones.

Portioned semi-finished products should be cut across the muscle fibers. Semi-finished products from chopped mass must have the correct shape (Depending on the type of semi-finished product). The surface is evenly covered with breading; torn and broken edges are not allowed. The mass when cut is homogeneous, with a smell characteristic of benign meat with spices. Signs of deterioration and tanning are not allowed.

In order to ensure the safety of maintaining the nutritional value of products, sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations have been established (SanPiN 2. 3. 2. 1324 - 03).

Prepared semi-finished products are stored at a temperature of 2...4 0 C. Large-piece semi-finished products are placed in one row on an edge at an angle of 30 0 and stored for no more than 48 hours, breaded - no more than 36 hours.

Small-piece semi-finished products are placed on baking sheets in a layer of 5 cm and stored for no more than 36 hours, marinated, with sauces - no more than 24 hours.

Minced meat produced by meat processing enterprises - no more than 24 hours, by public catering enterprises - no more than 12 hours.

Semi-finished cutlet and minced meat products are placed in one row on a baking sheet sprinkled with breading and stored for no more than 24 hours.


The work of the meat shop of a procurement enterprise is organized in one or two shifts, depending on capacity. In large workshops, separate teams of deboners, trimmers, and manufacturers of semi-finished products can be organized. Boners of III, IV and V categories are engaged in meat deboning. Meat trimming is carried out by trimmers of the I, II and III categories. Slicing of semi-finished products is carried out by workers of the III and IV categories. Cooks of the III and IV categories work in the meat shops of restaurants and canteens.

In large meat shops, workers are engaged in homogeneous work during the working day, and an operational division of labor is used. In small meat shops, the cook performs several operations in turn.

When working in workshops, the following rules must be observed:

It is prohibited to operate a meat grinder without a safety ring; You can only push meat into the machine with a wooden pestle;

It is forbidden to operate a cutter with a faulty micro switch;

Removing or connecting replacement machines to the universal drive is only possible when it is completely turned off;

Before work, the universal drive trolley should be secured with screws;



The main types of raw materials in confectionery production are flour, sugar, eggs, butter. In addition, dairy products, berries, nuts, essences, and baking powder are widely used. The quality of finished products largely depends on the raw materials supplied to production; they must meet the requirements established by state standards and technical specifications.

High-grade flour is very soft, finely ground, white in color with a slight creamy tint, and has a sweetish taste.

Granulated sugar is a white crystalline powder that is produced from sugar beets and sugar cane. In confectionery products, sugar changes the structure of the dough, gives it taste and increases calorie content. Sugar reduces the water absorption capacity of flour and the elasticity of dough.

Vanillin, a synthetic product, is a white crystalline powder with a strong aroma that imparts aroma to products.

Eggs are a high-calorie product, containing proteins, fats, minerals and other substances. Due to their properties, eggs improve the taste of products and give them porosity.

Butter is produced from cream; it contains up to 82.5% fat, vitamins A, D, E. Butter should be free of foreign odors and tastes, evenly colored (from white to cream). Butter increases the calorie content of products and improves taste.


Before use, flour is sifted in special sifters or manually, removing lumps and foreign impurities; At the same time, the flour is enriched with oxygen, which makes kneading the dough easier, improves its quality and promotes better rise.

Sugar is sifted through a sieve with a mesh size of 2...3 mm, or pre-dissolved in water and filtered.

Before use, vanillin is sifted through a sieve with a mesh size of 1...2 mm, or pre-dissolved in water and filtered.

Before use, eggs are processed in accordance with the current Sanitary Rules for public catering establishments. technological workshop schnitzel biscuit

The butter introduced in melted form is filtered through a sieve, and the butter used in the solid state is cut and softened.


Beat the prepared eggs into a cup and beat with a mixer, when the mass becomes slightly fluffy, while continuing to beat, gradually add prepared sugar, mixed with prepared vanilla, beat until fluffy. Then add the prepared flour at the slowest speed.

We line the pastry sheet with baking paper, pour the finished dough onto it and level it out. Place in a baking cabinet preheated to 1800 C for 10 - 15 minutes.

Take out the finished cake, turn it over onto a towel and carefully remove the paper. After removing the paper, quickly roll the cake together with a towel, and leave it in this state until it cools completely.

After it has cooled completely, unwrap it and grease it with pre-prepared cream, and roll it again.

Pour sugar into a small saucepan, pour in half a glass of milk and heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Beat the egg with a mixer until fluffy and add milk syrup in a thin stream. Allow to cool to 15-200C. Place the prepared butter in a cup and beat it until slightly fluffy, while continuing to beat, add milk syrup in portions. Beat the mass well.


The technological process in the confectionery shop is carried out according to the following scheme: preparation of products => preparation and baking of dough and products from it => cooling => finishing => laying => cooling and storage => transportation.

Raw materials are unloaded into daily supply storerooms. After sifting the flour and preparing the products, dough of all types is prepared and products from shortbread, puff pastry, choux and biscuit dough are cut and baked. The cooled products are finished with creams, jam or other finishing semi-finished products, placed in containers, cooled and stored in refrigerated and uncooled chambers of the finished products until sent on an expedition.

To prepare biscuit dough, set up a separate workplace near the universal drive, since the dough is beaten in a mechanical beater included in the kit of this drive. In addition, it is necessary to have a separate table or tables for preparing eggs, sugar, pouring dough onto pastry sheets or molds.

Products made from liquid dough - choux, biscuit, boucher, almond, puffed - are “pipeted” using a pastry bag with a nozzle. The operation is labor-intensive, so in some confectionery shops, depositing is mechanized. Confectionery sheets pass through a chain conveyor belt under the depositor. A certain dose of dough is automatically squeezed out of four cone-shaped tips. The weight of deposited dough can be adjusted.

Creams are prepared in a separate room, in which whipping machines of various capacities and different capacities of bowls and boilers are installed. Creams are cooked in special tilting boilers with a steam jacket or on stove boilers. They provide a special table with drawers for storing tools.


A whipping machine is installed at the workplace for preparing biscuit dough. There are different types of beaters used, for example? MV-6M, MV-35M (kneading and whipping). In a machine, beat sugar with egg mass or melange and combine with flour; A production table is installed next to the machine. The prepared mass is poured into baking sheets lined with parchment or molds that are sent for baking.

Pastry sheet, baking paper, towel, spoon.


At food establishments, when producing cream confectionery products, a number of sanitary rules must be followed:

Protect cream products from microbial contamination - allocate separate rooms equipped with refrigerated cabinets for their preparation and finishing;

Remember that finishing products with cream is the final operation in the technological process of preparing pastries and cakes, therefore it is necessary to ensure that kitchen utensils, finishing equipment (pastry bags, tips) are kept clean and that personal hygiene rules are strictly observed;

The raw materials used to prepare creams (eggs, milk, butter) must meet the quality standards. Raw materials must be subjected to careful mechanical processing;

Carry out the process of preparing creams and finishing cakes and pastries at a temperature not exceeding 17*C; store finished cakes and pastries at a temperature of 2 to 6°C; products with custard and whipped cream intended for consumption in catering establishments - 6 hours, with curd cream - 24 hours, with butter cream - 36 hours, with protein cream - 72 hours; confectionery products without finishing - at a temperature of 18 “C.

Biscuit products with various creams are stored for 36 hours after production.


Occupational safety includes a whole range of measures on safety precautions, industrial sanitation and hygiene, as well as fire-fighting equipment.

Safety engineering studies technological processes and equipment used in production, analyzes the causes that give rise to accidents and occupational diseases, and develops specific measures to prevent and eliminate them.

Fire-fighting equipment prevents and eliminates fires.

Industrial sanitation studies the influence of the external environment and working conditions on the human body and its performance.

The layout of a public catering establishment and the dimensions of the premises of all production shops, including the confectionery shop, are determined in accordance with current standards that ensure safe and optimal working conditions for confectioners.

Correct and sufficient lighting plays an important role. Natural light is the most favorable for vision. The ratio of window area to floor area should be 1:6, and the greatest distance from windows can be up to 8 m. Artificial lighting is used in rooms that do not require constant monitoring of the process (warehouses, engine room, expedition). The workshop requires emergency lighting to provide minimal illumination in the event of an emergency.

At large public catering enterprises, management of occupational safety is assigned to the deputy director (if there is a position of chief engineer, then to him), at other enterprises - to the director. In confectionery shops, management of occupational safety is also assigned to the head of the shop.


Having described this topic, I came to the conclusion that biscuit rolls are in great demand among a large number of people. That's why I chose this topic. And also another factor why I chose this topic: eggs, which are the basis for this product, are very healthy; they are high in calories, contain proteins, fats and minerals, which improves the taste of the products and gives them porosity.

All tasks were completed and described. Target revealed.


1. A. F. Shepelev, A. S. Turov Technology of food products production. Publishing house "Phoenix" Rostov-on-Don 2010.

2. Primary vocational education by N. A. Anfimova “Cooking” Moscow publishing house “Academy” 2012.

Internet resources of the site “Collective abstract. RU"

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1.1 Technical and technological preparation card
Schnitzel “metropolitan style”
Recipe No. 1
Application area
This technical and technological map was developed in accordance with GOST R 53105-2008 and applies to the specialty dish Schnitzel in the capital
Requirements for raw materials
Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used to prepare the Schnitzel dish in the capital must comply with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, sanitary-epidemiological conclusion, safety and quality certificate, etc. .)
All products used must be processed in strict accordance with established sanitary standards and rules.
During primary processing, meat is defrosted at a temperature from 0 to +6°C in a refrigerator during the day. It is allowed to defrost meat in microwave ovens according to the modes specified in their passports. Defrosting meat in water or near the stove is not allowed. Re-freezing defrosted meat is prohibited! After defrosting, the meat is washed, dried, films and tendons are removed.

Recipe for schnitzel “in the capital” with a side dish”

Name of raw materials products Norm of products per 1 serving Number of servings
Gross Net 10 50 100
Chicken breast fillet/(s/m) 113 98 980 4900 9800
Wheat bread 37 33 330 1650 3300
Chicken egg 20 20 200 1000 2000
Butter 10 10 100 500 1000
Weight p/f 148 1480 7400 14800
Side dish (complicated) 150 1500 7500 15000
Potatoes (fries) 266 200 2000 10000 20000
Tomatoes (fresh) 20 20 200 1000 2000
Cucumbers (fresh) 20 20 200 1000 2000
Peas (green) 10 10 100 500 1000
Yield with side dish 280/10
Cooking technology:
Schnitzel in the capital.
The shoulder bone of a large fillet is cut off, the fillet is cleaned and opened. Then lightly beat it, cut the tendons in 2-3 places, place a small fillet on it and cover it with the edges of a large fillet, giving it an oval shape. Soaked in lezone, breaded in a breading of stale wheat bread without crusts, cut into strips. The prepared p/f is fried immediately before serving. To do this, place it in a frying pan heated with oil, fry until a crispy crust forms, then finish frying for 3-5 minutes in the oven. When leaving, a complex side dish of 3-4 types of vegetables is placed on a portioned dish or plate: potatoes, deep-fried in strips, green peas, next to it is a crouton, and on top of it is schnitzel. Canned fruits heated in syrup are placed on the schnitzel and, at the time of serving, chilled butter in the shape of a flower.
Requirements for registration, sale and storage
The fillet is prepared as needed and sold in portioned containers. Immediately after cooking, butter is placed on the fillet.
The permissible shelf life of the dish Schnitzel in the capital before sale, according to SanPiN, is 2-3 hours at a storage temperature of at least 65°C.
The shelf life of the dish Schnitzel in the capital according to SanPiN is 48 hours at a storage temperature of +2°C to +6°C.
Quality and safety indicators
The organoleptic characteristics of the Schnitzel dish in the capital must meet the following requirements:
Appearance Color Consistency Taste and smell

The meat is evenly fried, the color is even golden. An indicator of meat readiness is the release of colorless juice on the cut. The crusts are golden, the color of the meat when cut is white or grayish.
The crust is soft, the flesh is juicy, the meat does not fall apart and retains its shape. Baked, fried meat with the aroma of spices. Moderately spicy and salty. No discrediting signs.

The microbiological parameters of the Metropolitan Schnitzel dish must comply with the requirements of SanPiN, index
The nutritional value
The nutritional value of the dish Schnitzel in the capital style per 100 g of product and the yield is 130 g:
Product weight Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Calories, kcal
100 g 12.44 6.79 9.51 148.91
130 g 16.17 8.83 12.37 193.61

From minced meat obtained by grinding beef, pork, lamb or veal in a meat grinder, natural minced products are prepared without the addition of bread (steaks, schnitzel cutlets, etc.). For the production of minced products, both with and without the addition of bread, the following pieces of pulp are used: beef - neck pulp, flank and trimmings resulting from cutting the carcass, as well as trimmings from category II carcasses: lamb, goat meat, veal - neck pulp parts and trimmings; pork - trimmings. All pieces of pulp must be cleared of tendons and coarse connective tissue. This kind of meat is called cutlet. To improve the taste and juiciness of finished products, raw fat (5-10%) is included in the composition of lean cutlet meat. Pork cutlet meat is allowed to contain no more than 30% fatty tissue and no more than 5% connective tissue. In cutlet meat made from beef, lamb and veal, the content of both fat and connective tissue should not exceed 10%. To prepare natural minced products, cutlet meat cut into pieces is combined with raw fat, ground in a meat grinder, water (or milk), salt, pepper are added, mixed, and then semi-finished products are formed. In the process of preparing chopped semi-finished products, it is necessary to take measures to reduce the bacterial contamination of raw materials and finished semi-finished products (cutlet meat is washed with cold running water; chopped meat and cutlet mass are cooled by adding cold water or food ice). The formed semi-finished products are immediately sent for heat treatment or placed in a refrigerator for cooling to +6°C. It is recommended to fry minced meat products immediately before serving. Semi-finished products are placed in a frying pan or baking sheet with fat heated to a temperature of 150-160°C and fried for 3-5 minutes on both sides until a crispy crust forms, and then brought to readiness in an oven at a temperature of 250-280°C (5-7 min). Finished chopped products must be completely fried: the temperature in the center for natural chopped products must be at least 85°C, for products made from cutlet mass - not lower than 90°C. Organoleptic signs of the readiness of minced meat products are the release of colorless juice at the puncture site and a gray color on the cut. To prepare natural chopped beef schnitzel, the prepared minced beef is cut into flat oval-shaped products, dipped in lezone, breaded in breadcrumbs and fried. Options are possible in which, when on holiday, the schnitzel is garnished and doused with fat. Side dishes - crumbly porridge, boiled beans, boiled pasta, boiled potatoes, fried potatoes (boiled), fried potatoes (raw), boiled vegetables with fat, vegetables stewed with fat, fried tomatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, fried eggplant, complex side dishes

One of the popular dishes all over the world is chop. This delicious dish is prepared from pork, chicken or turkey sirloin. Before frying in a frying pan, a piece of meat must be beaten with a special hammer and dipped in breadcrumbs. Schnitzel is considered similar to a chop in its method of preparation. But still, these two dishes have a number of distinctive features. In our article we will tell you what schnitzel is, what its history of origin is and what the secrets of preparation are. We will also be sure to present his best recipes.

What is schnitzel?

This word translated from German means “piece of meat.” So what is schnitzel? The origin of the dish is directly related to Austrian cuisine, which at one time came under the direct influence of German cuisine. The world's most popular Wiener Schnitzel is a large, thin piece of veal, breaded in flour, egg, breadcrumbs and deep-fried until golden brown and crispy. It is in the special breading that the whole secret of preparing the dish lies. The main difference between a chop and a schnitzel is that the latter is not beaten with a special hammer. Today, when preparing the dish, not only veal is used, but also other types of meat and even poultry.

The origin of the schnitzel is associated with the Milanese chop and the name of the Austrian Emperor Ferdinand I. One day he heard a report from his field marshal about the military situation in Lombardy and noticed that his story mentioned the famous Italian “cutlets”. The emperor demanded that his cook prepare a similar dish, which later became known as “Viennese schnitzel.” If you follow a certain technology, it will not be difficult to prepare it at home.

Classic Wiener veal schnitzel

This dish is one of the most popular in Austrian cuisine. You can understand what schnitzels are only by trying to master the classic recipe. During the cooking process, it is necessary to take into account several secrets at once, allowing you to get that very crispy crust that has become the calling card of the dish.

You can learn how to prepare schnitzel from the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. If you follow the classic recipe for this dish, you need to prepare a piece of veal 4 mm thick. It is not recommended to beat it with a hammer, but you should definitely cut the edges.
  2. Salt and pepper a piece of meat.
  3. Beat eggs (2 pieces) well with a fork and salt. Place breadcrumbs (80 g) on ​​one plate and flour (60 g) on ​​the other.
  4. First dip the prepared veal in flour, roll on all sides, and then dip in beaten egg. Finish the breading by coating the schnitzel in breadcrumbs. Place the prepared pieces of meat on a plate and refrigerate for 5 minutes. This will allow the breading to set well.
  5. Heat a sufficient amount of vegetable oil in a frying pan. Place schnitzels in it. Fry on each side for 5 minutes until a copper-colored crust forms. During the cooking process, make sure that the oil gets onto the top of the schnitzel. Otherwise it will turn out dry.

Perfect marbled beef schnitzel

In the traditional recipe for this dish, the meat is not beaten with a special hammer. Indeed, if the schnitzel is made from real marbled beef, this step can be easily skipped. If you use tougher meat and the thickness of the piece exceeds 1 cm, it is still recommended to lightly beat it. Otherwise, the beef will not have time to cook in the pan and will turn out tough.

The schnitzel recipe is as follows:

  1. Prepare marbled beef (3 pieces), salt and pepper.
  2. In a deep bowl, beat 2 eggs with a fork. Add a little salt and pepper to this mixture. Place a glass of flour and breadcrumbs into separate plates.
  3. Pour 1.5 cm thick vegetable oil into a frying pan. A real schnitzel should be deep-fried.
  4. Bread the pieces of meat first in flour, then in egg, and then in breadcrumbs.
  5. Heat the oil over medium heat and drop the breaded schnitzels into it.
  6. Fry the meat for about 1.5 minutes on each side. You should be guided by the golden brown crust.

Chicken fillet schnitzel

The peculiarity of this dish is the thin crispy crust on the outside and tender meat on the inside. Chicken schnitzel is prepared very quickly, but it turns out no less tasty than veal or beef. And the most important thing is that it is always well baked inside, but remains juicy. The schnitzel recipe with photos is presented below.

Step by step the dish is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. The skin is separated from the chicken breast and the bones are removed. The fillet is cut into steaks 1 cm thick.
  2. In a separate plate, mix a clove of garlic pressed through a press, salt, ground black pepper and nutmeg. Pieces of meat are rubbed with the dry mixture and left on the table for 5 minutes.
  3. In the meantime, three types of breading are prepared: an egg beaten with salt, crackers and flour.
  4. Vegetable oil is heated in a frying pan over medium heat.
  5. Chicken steaks are dipped first in flour, then in egg and breadcrumbs. Beat the crumbs in with your fingers to make the breading more dense.
  6. Fry the chicken schnitzels in oil one at a time. Place them on a paper towel to remove excess fat.

Delicious turkey schnitzel

This dish will appeal to both fried meat lovers and dieters. To prepare this schnitzel according to the recipe with the photo, you will need four halves of turkey breast. During the cooking process, it is recommended to beat the meat to obtain large and thin pieces. From this amount of food you can fry four delicious schnitzels.

Step-by-step preparation of the dish is as follows:

  1. The turkey fillet is covered with film and beaten with a special hammer on both sides.
  2. Next you need to salt and pepper it.
  3. Dip the prepared fillet in beaten egg, then in breadcrumbs. The breading should be thick so that the meat inside is juicy.
  4. Fry the schnitzels in plenty of oil. Serve with green or potato salad.

How to cook pork schnitzel in a frying pan?

As you know, different types of meat are used to prepare this dish today. Pork is no exception. The only caveat is that it is recommended that the finished schnitzel, after cooking in a frying pan, be placed in the oven for 5 minutes. This will allow you to be 100% sure that the dish is completely prepared.

In step-by-step instructions we will tell you how to cook pork schnitzel in a frying pan:

  1. Cut pork neck (500 g) into portioned steaks 1.5 cm thick.
  2. Salt and pepper the meat and pound it under film. The thickness of the finished piece should be 5 mm.
  3. Marinate the pork in chopped onion and garlic (1 piece each) for 10 minutes.
  4. For the breading, beat 2 eggs in a bowl, salt them and pour in a little ice water (3 tablespoons). Prepare flour and breadcrumbs on separate plates.
  5. Heat oil in a frying pan.
  6. Dip the meat into flour, then into the egg and lastly into the breadcrumbs.
  7. Fry the schnitzels alternately for 1.5 minutes on each side.
  8. Transfer them to a baking dish and place in an oven preheated to 250°C for 5 minutes.

Minced schnitzel in a frying pan

This dish cannot be called a cutlet, despite the fact that it is prepared from meat minced in a meat grinder. In a frying pan, minced pork schnitzel is prepared in a breaded manner, as in the traditional recipe. However, it tastes more tender and soft.

Minced schnitzel in a frying pan is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. Add salt and pepper to the chopped pork (300 g).
  2. Gather the meat into a ball and beat it well, throwing it from your height onto the table up to 15 times. Thanks to this, the minced meat will become more elastic and it will be easy to form a schnitzel from it.
  3. Divide the minced meat into 2 parts. Place each of them on cling film and form a flat cake with your hands.
  4. Transfer the schnitzel preparation to your palm. Then dip it first in the beaten egg and then in the breadcrumbs.
  5. Fry the schnitzel in hot oil. After frying, transfer the finished product to a paper towel.

Pork schnitzel in the oven

There is no doubt that the meat prepared according to this recipe will be completely cooked. All that remains is to figure out how to cook schnitzel in the oven so that it turns out tender and juicy inside.

First, pork (400 g) is cut into steaks 2 cm thick. Then the meat is lightly beaten and smeared with mayonnaise on all sides. While the steaks are marinating, you need to prepare the breading: an egg beaten with a fork and flour with salt and pepper.

The oven is heated to 200 °C. The meat is dipped first in the egg and then in flour. The breading should be repeated up to three times to make the crust more dense. Place the schnitzels on a greased baking sheet. Bake the meat for 40 minutes.

Now you know what schnitzel is. All that remains is to cook it for dinner today.

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