Delicious fluffy bread in a bread machine. Simple bread in a bread machine: recipes and cooking secrets

We started baking bread in a bread machine about 5 years ago. During this time, we tried a lot of different recipes, but this one is the simplest... My mother-in-law suggested this recipe to me. But the most interesting thing is that in different bread makers, using the same recipe, different breads are obtained with different tastes...

Let's prepare our form and be sure to check the presence of blades in the bread maker - I often forget to put them there...

Ingredients for a 1 kg loaf. (1000g), although I can fit more (1350g), but then the bread rises strongly, reaches the lid and falls.

I pour water first. Although I heard that if you add the dry ingredients first, and then the liquid ones, the bread turns out better. I checked - it's the same!

I pour 2 tbsp. spoons of sunflower oil

Add flour...
The quality of bread depends largely on the quality of flour; the better the flour, the better the bread rises and bakes. This has already been verified! If the flour has high humidity, the bread turns out not tasty and sometimes does not fit well or rises and falls (it turns out with a hole in the middle)...

Sweetness depends on sugar - there is sweet sugar, and there is not sweet sugar. You throw in the same amount, but the sweetness comes out different.

Salt 1.5 teaspoons. I use extra salt (fine and pure). Rock salt is usually very dirty. You can add sea salt, or even iodized salt.

1.5 teaspoons or 0.5 tbsp. spoons of dry yeast. I use Lviv fresh ones. If the yeast is fresh, the bread will work better. If the yeast is not fresh (or wet) the bread is not suitable.

We put our form in the bread machine

And we include it for a weight of 1000g, medium baking crust and for regular bread. My bread takes 3 hours and 18 minutes to bake.

The result is a beautiful loaf of bread that, while baking, smells throughout the entire entrance...

Bread recipes

Are you looking for a successful and simple recipe for bread in a bread machine? We suggest preparing French, onion or rye - choose your own recipe with step-by-step photos and videos!

5 hours

222 kcal

4.75/5 (4)

What could be tastier than bread - fragrant, fresh, with a thin crust and airy pulp? Only homemade bread! After all, we know that we prepared it only from natural ingredients, we can choose the filling ourselves and influence the taste. In addition, modern technology greatly simplifies preparation. Making bread in a bread maker is very easy and a real pleasure! But you still need to follow important rules to get the desired baked goods. It is especially important to adhere to the list of ingredients and their proportions. We offer several simple and delicious recipes for making bread in a bread machine, which we bake for our family. Read on and find out how much to take, how to make the dough correctly, and you can make delicious bread yourself in a bread machine at home.

By the way, a bread machine will help you bake not only bread at home - fragrant muffins with poppy seeds, lemon zest and raisins can also be made in a bread machine. Now you don’t have to spend extra time on cooking and baking - you are busy with your own affairs, and dinner is prepared in the slow cooker and the baked goods are baked in the bread maker itself. Paradise, and that's all!

French bread in a bread machine

Kitchen appliances and utensils: bread machine, teaspoon or measuring spoon, sieve, bowl.


How to choose ingredients

What flour to choose for making bread? This question is asked by many housewives, because flour is the basis of baking, and the taste and structure of the finished bread depends on its quality and type. Most often used for baking bread in a bread machine. wheat flour or add rye flour to it. Other types of flour - buckwheat, corn, oatmeal, barley - can serve as an additional ingredient. An excellent option for homemade bread is second-grade wheat flour.. This is wholemeal flour that contains bran. Such bread will not only be tasty, but also healthy, because it contains vitamins, healthy fats, minerals, and fiber.

If you want a fluffier and softer bread, use first grade or “extra” flour.
Rye flour is darker than wheat flour and has inclusions of grain shells. It contains very little gluten, so rye flour must be mixed with wheat flour.

Cooking process

  1. Pour warm water into the removable bread maker bowl.

  2. Add all dry ingredients: flour, salt, sugar and yeast.

  3. We activate the bread maker in the “French bread” mode. Select the degree of baking of the crust. If you are cooking for the first time, choose the best option - medium crust. Close the lid and press "Start". At the kneading stage, monitor the consistency of the dough; if it is thick, add water, and if it is sticky and sticks to the walls of the bread machine, add a little flour.

  4. Your oven will automatically set the bread cooking time. Depending on the model, type of baked goods, degree of browning of the crust, and size of the bread, the cooking time for French bread will be from 3 to 6 hours.

Video recipe for French bread in a bread machine

Also watch the video for a detailed step-by-step recipe for making French bread in a bread machine to be completely confident in the correctness of your baking actions.

Recipe for onion bread in a bread machine

Another recipe for white bread for the bread machine is delicious and aromatic onion bread.

Cooking time: 3 hours.
Number of servings: 1.
Kitchen appliances and utensils: bread machine, measuring spoon, grater, plate.


  • butter – 35 g;
  • milk – 200 ml;
  • purified water – 100 ml;
  • flour – 500 g;
  • olive or sunflower oil – 1 tbsp;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • salt – 1 tsp;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp;
  • dry yeast – 1.5 tsp.

Cooking process

  1. Place the ingredients into the bowl of the bread machine one by one: butter, milk, water, vegetable oil.

  2. Pre-grate the onion and add to the ingredients in the bread machine.

  3. Now add the dry ingredients: add flour, salt, sugar and, at the very end, dry yeast.

  4. When all the ingredients are poured into the bowl of the bread machine, set the “Classic Bread” program, select the weight up to 1 kg and the crust - medium or toasted, at your discretion. We press the start button - and after 3 hours the fresh, soft, fragrant bread is ready!

Video recipe for onion bread in a bread machine

Watch this video to see how to bake delicious onion bread.

If you prefer black bread and find it healthier, we will share recipes for making it in a bread machine.

Rye bread in a bread machine

This recipe for rye bread in a bread machine is universal., because there are a lot of options for how to diversify such bread. Various seasonings are added to it, such as coriander, cumin, cardamom, as well as seeds, flax, sesame and other useful additives.

It is better to bake bread for the first time by combining rye and wheat flour. Give more wheat flour (proportions: 40% to 60% rye and wheat flour). In the future, adjust to taste and gradually increase the portion of rye flour.

Cooking time: 3.5 hours.
Number of servings: 1.
Kitchen appliances and utensils: bread maker, bowl, spoon, measuring spoon or glass.


  • water – 300 ml;
  • vegetable or olive oil – 30 ml;
  • rye flour – 160 g;
  • wheat flour – 300 g;
  • honey – 1 tbsp;
  • dry yeast – 1.5 tsp;
  • salt – 1.5 tsp.

Cooking process

  1. Pour water into the bread machine bowl. Add vegetable or olive oil and a spoonful of honey to it.

  2. The flour must be sifted and mixed before putting it into the bread machine.

  3. Add all other ingredients.

  4. Set the bread machine mode. Depending on the bread machine model, select the main baking program. You can bake in the whole grain or French bread program if there is no special program for rye bread.

  5. Set the crust color, select the size of the loaf of bread (750 g) and start the bread maker. Monitor the dough kneading process. You may need to add flour or vice versa - add water, depending on the state of the dough ball during kneading.

  6. The timer will indicate when the bread is ready. Carefully remove the bread, wrap it in a towel, and let cool.

Video recipe for rye bread in a bread machine

We offer you a recipe for rye bread in a Kenwood bread machine.

What to serve with homemade bread from a bread machine

Bread, of course, is the head of everything! Without bread it is impossible to imagine a complete lunch or a quick snack. We eat bread for breakfast, lunch or dinner. A sandwich or sandwich made from fresh homemade bread and any filling of your choice, be it cheese, fish, vegetables or jam, will fill you up and improve your mood. Even a simple slice of bread, cheese, fruit, complemented with wine, will be an excellent light and pleasant dinner. Bake delicious bread in a bread machine using our recipes.

Of course, for those who don't have a bread machine, there are several other ways to bake delicious homemade bread. Take advantage of the traditional

Bread is the head of any Russian feast. The respectful attitude towards bread in Rus' was expressed in the fact that in the absence of an icon they prayed for it. We serve it with first and second courses, and sometimes it can replace breakfast and afternoon snack. Make easy, crispy bread in a bread machine - simple and delicious recipes are presented in this article.

We will need:

  • 80-100 g of fresh pasteurized milk;
  • 300 g wheat flour;
  • add less rye flour – 250 g;
  • 1 tsp yeast;
  • 1 glass of drinking water;
  • salt and sugar to taste.

When preparing rye bread, you can also use coriander, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, caraway seeds, small nuts, etc. if desired. What makes rye bread very aromatic and tasty is malt.

Next, load the ingredients in the order recommended for your oven model. You need to load the dry ingredients first (flour, salt, sugar, malt, yeast, spices), then the liquid ones (milk, water), or vice versa.

After all the components are sent to the container, you need to install it in the bread maker body and select the “French bread” mode. Cooking time – 4 hours. Instead of this mode, you can choose another one, but it should also be long in time.

While the dough is kneading, it is necessary to control the process. At the first kneading, the dough should be plastic and absorb all the flour. If there is any flour left, pour a little water into the container. When, on the contrary, the dough spreads, add a little flour.

At the end of the kneading mode, be sure to close the lid.

Yeast-free cooking recipe


  • 600 g of rye flour (or 400 – wheat, 200 – rye);
  • a handful of bran;
  • 300 ml of sour milk (warm slightly, but so that it does not curdle; if desired, milk can be replaced with water);
  • a third of a glass of unrefined oil;
  • soda on the tip of a knife;
  • add salt and sugar to taste;
  • 2 tbsp. sesame, which can be replaced with cumin, pepper.

Fry sesame seeds and bran in a dry frying pan (without oil), remove from heat after they acquire a golden color. These ingredients will make yeast-free bread especially healthy.

In the order indicated for baking for your model, load the dry and liquid ingredients.

Kneading and baking, depending on the type of bread machine, can take from one and a half to four hours.

Corn bread

Such culinary products are not so popular, but it is absolutely certain that they are very beautiful, sunny and tasty.

Cornbread is great for breakfast or afternoon snack.


  • salt and sugar to taste;
  • 1.5 tsp. yeast;
  • 2 glasses of milk;
  • 500 g wheat flour;
  • 100 g corn flour;
  • 2.5 tablespoons of fresh butter;
  • a little turmeric (optional, to give a beautiful color to the baked goods).

After sifting the flour (corn and wheat), add it to the milk.

Add all the dry ingredients to the contents and place the container in the bread machine body.

Select the “French bread” mode (usually baked for about 4 hours).

During the first 5 minutes, be sure to monitor the dough formation process and adjust its consistency (details are described in recipe 1).

At the end of baking, we take out the bread and invite the household members to enjoy this unusual pastry.

Butter bread

The dough is different in that eggs are added to it, making it especially tasty and can be served as an addition to hot drinks. We will bake bread with dried apricots and nuts, which will turn it into a real dessert.

  • 0.5 glasses of milk;
  • 2-3 chicken eggs (depending on size);
  • 50 g butter (can be spread, margarine);
  • 1 tbsp. vegetable oil;
  • 400 g wheat flour;
  • 1 tsp dry yeast;
  • 150 g granulated sugar;
  • about 50 g of nuts (walnuts and almonds are best);
  • 100 g dried apricots.
  • If desired, you can use candied fruits and raisins instead of nuts and dried apricots.

Place the components in the order specified in the instructions.

The butter should also be soft; for this you can warm it slightly in the microwave.

Select the “main” mode on the indicator.

We monitor the process of mixing the dough and, as indicated in previous recipes, adjust it if necessary.

A little secret: to easily remove the bread from the bowl, wrap the container with a wet cloth, such as a kitchen towel, for about 2-3 minutes.

Before drinking tea, be sure to cool the bread, which is always best done on a wire rack.

White bread in a bread machine

Those whose childhood at least slightly fell during the period of perestroika certainly spread butter and jam on this bread and drank tea with such delicacies.

You can still pleasantly surprise your family with white bread if you bake it yourself.

To do this, let's take:

  • tsp instant yeast;
  • 400-500 g wheat flour;
  • 1-2 tbsp. granulated sugar;
  • a little salt (depend on your taste);
  • 2 tbsp. unrefined oil;
  • 1 tbsp. milk or water.

We pass the wheat flour through a sieve and place it in a container along with all the dry ingredients and, without stirring anything, select the “classic bread” mode on the indicator.

At the end of the regime, we take out the product and, having cooled it, invite the family to drink aromatic tea in the best post-Soviet traditions!

Onion bread

This pastry has an absolutely amazing aroma. The bread will make even those who hated onions love them!


  • 500 g wheat flour;
  • medium-sized onion (if you like onions, feel free to take a large one);
  • one and a half glasses of water (it is better to warm it slightly rather than use ice water);
  • 1.5 tsp. yeast;
  • 1 tbsp. l. salt and sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. vegetable oil.

Chop the onion, fry until golden brown, cool. You can add it along with all the “solids”, or if you want a stronger flavor, add it right after the beep.

The aroma of this amazing bread will make household members put everything aside and gather together at the table.

Choux bread made from rye and wheat flour

We invariably imagine such bread as a rich black color with a unique intoxicating aroma.


  • 3-4 tbsp. malt brewed in boiling water;
  • 350 g rye flour;
  • 200 g wheat flour;
  • one and a half glasses of water;
  • salt and sugar to taste;
  • 2 tbsp. honey (you don’t have to add it, but use more sugar);
  • cumin, ground coriander - add to taste and desire;
  • 20 g refined oil.

We put everything in the required sequence (see the instructions for your bread maker). Cool the malt completely and place it in the container last. For baking, select the “basic” program.

If desired, add nuts, which will make the baked goods even more festive.

According to the French recipe


  • a glass of slightly warmed water;
  • 400 g wheat flour;
  • add salt and sugar to taste (sugar is usually added twice as much as salt);
  • 1 tsp yeast;
  • 1.5 tsp. sunflower oil.

We send the components into the container, observing the required sequence, set the “main mode”, and wait.

Have you ever tried home-baked bread? If not, you have lost a lot. Those who do this all the time, who, as they say, have “get their hands on it,” bake such bread that no cakes are needed.

When bread machines appeared in our lives, many abandoned store-bought baked goods. After all, the entire rather lengthy and labor-intensive process of kneading the dough, proofing, and then monitoring the baking loaf is performed by a machine, and our task is to add the required amount of certain ingredients, and after a few hours, the fragrant, intoxicating aroma of homemade bread is ready, and without any outside intervention. I want to offer four simple and delicious recipes for baking bread in a bread machine, which, once used, will make you never want to go to the bakery again.

White bread recipe for bread machine

Finished loaf weight: 750 g
Kitchen appliances: bread machine


We bake regular white bread

Video recipe for making white bread in a bread machine

The video shows the algorithm for preparing white bread in a bread machine. It will help you not miss any step of the recipe and bake the perfect bread.

Recipe for onion bread in a bread machine

Cooking time: 3 hours.
Finished loaf weight: 700 g
Kitchen appliances: bread machine


You need a large onion.

Baking onion bread in a bread machine

  1. Mix 490 g flour and 12 g salt.

  2. Add 6 g of yeast.

  3. Place into the bread machine container.

  4. Add 10 g of sugar. Pour in 55 g of vegetable oil.

  5. Add 320 ml of water. Turn on the bread maker in the “wheat bread” mode.

  6. Cut the onion into small cubes.

  7. While the dough is kneading, fry the onion with 30 g of sunflower oil until golden, adding onion seasoning as desired.

  8. After the dough has proofed, the bread machine mixes it. It is at this moment that we add fried onions to the dough. You can help the machine stir the onions into the mixture with a spatula.

  9. Close the bread maker and let it complete the process.

Video recipe for making onion bread in a bread machine

A video tutorial on baking original white bread with fried onions in a bread machine will help you complete each step of the recipe correctly.

Recipe for French classic bread in a bread machine

Cooking time: 3 hours 45 minutes.
Finished loaf weight: 681 g
Kitchen appliances: bread machine


The water should be warm.

Baking French bread in a bread machine

Video recipe for making French bread in a bread machine

A master class on baking regular French bread can also be viewed in this video. Take a look and see how simple it really is!

A simple recipe for black rye bread in a bread machine

Cooking time: 3 hours 18 minutes.
Finished loaf weight: 750 g
Kitchen appliances: bread machine


  • To get high-quality, beautiful and tasty bread in a bread machine, you need to follow simple rules. It is imperative to strictly follow the recipe and the order of loading products into the bread machine bowl. This will save you from all sorts of problems when the dough doesn't rise, or rises too much, or the crust burns, and so on.
  • In addition, it should be remembered that the electrical appliance must be at room temperature, and not in a draft (temperature changes will ruin the dough).
  • You cannot open the lid without reason to check the baking process - the machine will do everything itself, otherwise you risk getting a flat bun. And it is very important that you use a good, proven recipe.

I think it’s worth experimenting with your bread maker to decide which homemade bread you like best. In the absence of a smart baking machine, you can try, there are other options. I would recommend excellent. And for lovers of exotic things, I can recommend an original solution -.

The current topic of baking bread requires discussion, because there are many pitfalls in gaining experience in such a delicate matter as baking bread. What recipes do you use? Did you like the proposed options? I'm waiting for your opinions.

O this age of technological progress! No, not the 21st century. I'm talking about the last century. How many wonderful discoveries and amazing inventions he brought us! How many new household appliances have appeared in our home, from the bathroom to the kitchen. Devices without which a modern woman cannot imagine life. The electric bread maker has confidently entered our lives as one of these helpers.

It's not that it's impossible to do without her, but in some situations she really showed herself to be a good friend. For example, in a country house or other remote villages, when the nearest store is an hour’s walk, or even more. And if there is no oven or for some reason it does not work, bread in a bread machine- this is salvation.

At the moment, modern bread machines have reached the height of perfection. Most of them have a huge number of baking programs and are able to do this even in delayed mode. This is another advantage - you wake up in the morning to the aroma of fresh bread, it has already been baked and beckons you to the table. All that remains is to brew coffee and have a delicious breakfast.

I think it is useless to argue with the fact that bread is the head of everything. This is confirmed by statistics. By looking at the table below you will see for yourself. You know that potatoes are called “second bread”, and if, mmmm.., you’ll lick your fingers. Potato consumption indicators are also present in the table.

Despite the fact that since the beginning of the last century, bread consumption has decreased by almost half, it continues to hold the lead, second only to dairy products.

Consumption of basic food products in Russia (average per person, kg/year)

Product name




Meat and meat products
Milk and dairy products
Eggs pcs.

48 (≈2.5 kg)

210 (≈11 kg)

269 ​​(≈ 14 kg)

Fish and fish products
Bread and bread products

But we must not forget that bread and bakery products, not to mention confectionery, are high-carbohydrate and high-calorie foods. Therefore, you shouldn’t get too carried away, so as not to struggle with extra pounds later. The daily norm for an adult is 300-350 g. of bread. If you tend to be overweight, it is better to reduce it to 100-150 grams.

There are many bread recipes for bread machines. And, accordingly, bread can be different: rye, wheat, with bran, large grain, with the addition of various cereals, herbs, nuts and dried fruits. However, the main flour for baking bread is wheat flour. It is best suited for.

But today I want to look at one, the most common one, bread machine recipe. The simplest and most familiar for everyone classic white bread. And we will bake it exactly, with a golden crispy crust. So, let's get to work!


We will need:

300-320 ml. milk (water);

1 teaspoon of salt (without a slide);

1 teaspoon of sugar (without a slide);

2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;

1 teaspoon dry yeast;

280-300 gr. wheat flour.

Bread recipe

Step 1. Heat the required amount of milk or water (you can use milk and water 1:1). Pour some liquid into a glass, about ¼ glass, and pour the yeast into this amount and let it dissolve.

Pour the remaining milk into the baking pan. I use the round one. It mixes betterI dough and there are no corners clogged with flour like in a square pan.

Step 2. Pour a teaspoon of salt and the same spoon of sugar into the milk.

Then 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Step 3. Using a measuring cup, measure the flour and sift it through a fine sieve. This is necessary in order to weed out lumps and saturate the flour with oxygen, making it more airy.

We also send the flour into the baking dish. But don’t mix anything, but carefully pour the flour on top of the milk. Make a hole in the flour and pour the dissolved yeast into it, stirring it first.

Step 4. Place the form with its contents in the bread machine and select the required mode. In my case, for the BORK bread machine, it will be mode 1 (2 hours 55 minutes), weight 750 g, dark crust color.

After bread in a bread machine baked. I prefer to take it out right away and place it on an inverted sieve (through which I sift the flour) or on one of the crosshairs of the gas stove grate. I do this so that during the cooling process the lower part of the loaf is ventilated and does not become wet. In this case, the whole crust turns out crispy.

Bon appetit!!!

Now you have such a simple recipe in your arsenal of home recipes:bread recipe for a bread machine.

By the way, an interesting fact: in ancient times the Slavs baked bread not only from wheat, rye and barley, but also from acorns. Real acorns. They ground them into flour and baked them into flat cakes.


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