Rapeseed oil: health benefits and harms. Let's talk about the beneficial qualities of rapeseed oil - the “northern olive”

Rapeseed oil is a natural product made from the medicinal rapeseed plant. It is recommended to take into account the beneficial properties and contraindications of rapeseed oil for its proper use.

Rapeseed oil is a high-calorie product: 900 kcal per 100 grams of oil. At the same time, almost 100% are fats containing saturated and unsaturated acids. The presence of such acids leads to the fact that this unique nourishing oil is used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology.

This natural product contains vitamins, macro- and microelements. This nutritional composition guarantees the benefits of rapeseed oil.

Natural oil prepared from rapeseed has the following beneficial properties:

  1. The presence of nutritious fatty acids guarantees the prevention of circulatory disorders. Conducted studies confirm that such components improve the condition of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, normalize blood pressure, and strengthen the immune system. This positive effect on the body prevents the development of inflammatory processes and the occurrence of serious diseases.
  2. The intake of the optimal amount of vitamin E guarantees a complex effect on the body. For example, the functioning of the endocrine system improves, muscle tone increases, and the good condition of the nervous system is maintained. To obtain the daily requirement of vitamin E, you will need to consume 3 teaspoons of rapeseed oil per day.
  3. Rapeseed oil is recommended for consumption to prevent high blood cholesterol. Nutrients break down fat deposits, promote cell regeneration and activate metabolic processes. Thus, rapeseed oil contributes. Oxygen enters the cells of the body, as a result of which cholesterol is at an optimal level.

It is extremely important to take into account the beneficial properties and contraindications of rapeseed oil in order to be able to note the beneficial effects on the body.

Harm and contraindications of rapeseed oil

The greatest risk is associated with consuming a low-quality product, which can negatively affect your overall health. Rapeseed oil is not recommended for children, as they are sensitive to such products.

It is not advisable to use natural rapeseed oil for frying foods. High temperatures lead to the appearance of toxic and carcinogenic substances that have a negative impact on health. In most cases, benefits to human health are noted.

Contraindications are few, but it is advisable to take them into account:

  • acute form of diarrhea;
  • hepatitis;
  • chronic cholecystitis;
  • individual intolerance to the product.

Moreover, the high calorie content of the product in question leads to the fact that it is undesirable to actively include oil in the diet of people suffering from excess weight.

Experts note that you need to carefully study the composition of the product before purchasing it. The content of erucic acid should not exceed 0.6%. This largely determines how the beneficial properties and contraindications of rapeseed oil will manifest themselves.

Possible uses of rapeseed oil

Rapeseed oil has been successfully used for various purposes. Useful properties contribute to the active use of the product in question.

  1. Cooking. Rapeseed oil is a worthy alternative to regular sunflower oil. The pleasant taste and beneficial properties ensure that the product is used for preparing salad dressings, marinades and sauces. Comparing rapeseed oil with vegetable oil, you can understand that the product can be included in small quantities in the diet menu. It is recommended to consume no more than 15 - 30 milliliters per day.
  2. Folk remedy for immunity. To boost immunity, it is recommended to consume a tablespoon of rapeseed oil per day. One tablespoon of the product contains the optimal amount of nutrients.
  3. Rapeseed oil can be used to lubricate burned areas of the body and small wounds. The natural product has a healing effect and promotes skin regeneration, thereby guaranteeing the maximum possible benefits.
  4. Rapeseed can be used for masks that strengthen hair. To prepare a mask, add 7 milliliters of oil to 100 milliliters of base. As a result, an improvement in the structure and prevention of split ends is guaranteed.

The versatile use of rapeseed oil is due to its nutritional components.

Rules for selecting and storing rapeseed oil

To avoid negative consequences from consuming a low-quality product, you need to know how to choose the right rapeseed oil.

It is not advisable to choose a hydrogenated product, as such oil will not be beneficial. Thus, a careful study of the composition of the product will ensure the benefits of the finished product. Hydrogenation of the product and the presence of sediment, increased content of erucic acid, lead to potential harm to the consumed product.

A quality product should have a light yellow color and a pleasant smell. Moreover, there should be no sediment, as it may indicate rancidity of the product.

Natural oil is stored in glass containers in a dark, cool place. The unrefined product is stored in the refrigerator.

Rapeseed oil is produced in Russia, but not on the same scale as sunflower or corn oil. In the USA or Europe it is considered dietary and is readily consumed with salads and other foods. Among all, 15% account for this.

Many people find the product tasty, very similar to olive oil. It costs significantly less. Several decades ago it was used only as a technical product, but now it is considered very useful and is readily eaten.

Oils contain fatty acids (monounsaturated). They have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart.


Olive contains the most of them, followed by rapeseed, and in 3rd place is sunflower.
The walls of blood vessels are strengthened, and bad cholesterol is removed from the blood. There is less risk for a person to develop blood clots. Per 100 g it has 899 kcal. 1 tbsp is enough. l per day - get the daily norm of nutrients. The composition contains linolenic acid, if there is little of it, the blood vessels will begin to narrow, blood circulation will be severely impaired, and a stroke or heart attack may occur.


Rapeseed oil cannot be heated above 41-160ºC, as it will lose important properties. Some compounds, when heated, will become highly toxic.


  • diarrhea;.
  • exacerbations of hepatitis in chronic form;
  • exacerbation of long-standing cholelithiasis;
  • personal intolerance.

What are the benefits of rapeseed oil?

Contains many polyunsaturated fatty acids. The human body does not produce them, but acids are involved in many vital processes. Let's consider vitamin F. This includes: omega-3, omega-6, omega-9 and acids. In rapeseed, omega-6 and omega-3 are 1 to 2 - this is the best balance. They are easily absorbed by the body. Lipid metabolism is normalized, the blood is cleared of bad cholesterol.

If you eat it regularly, you are less likely to have atherosclerosis, heart disease, and related complications. Vital processes are normalized: liver, kidneys, pancreas, brain, other organs, immunity and the nervous system are strengthened.

The plant contains a lot of vitamin E. Thanks to this, the condition of hair, skin, reproductive system, and nails improves. Vitamin E is an antioxidant; it gradually accumulates in the body (useful free radicals). A person feels better, becomes more energetic, and looks young longer.

  1. Group B.


  1. Phosphorus.
  2. Calcium.
  3. Zinc.
  4. Magnesium.
  5. Copper and others.

In alternative medicine, the oil is used externally. For example, compresses are applied to the knees or baths are given to the feet. This is how joints are treated. The effect is analgesic with anti-inflammatory. If you get a burn or have a shallow cut with something, lubricate that area. Will help.

Rapeseed oil in baby food

It contains many useful substances and is becoming increasingly popular and is included in baby food. Children grow quickly, their cells need building material. Rapeseed oil contains all the necessary fatty acids, microelements and vitamins for the harmonious development of the child.

Rapeseed oil - properties

If the oil is of high quality, the color will be light yellow or brown. Looks transparent. There should be no sediment. If you see it, don't take this bottle - it's spoiled. Store in a cool, dark place. If the bottle is opened, it is advisable to use it within 6 months.

Density of rapeseed oil

Composition: 100% fat. If the storage temperature is up to 20 °C, then its density is from 908 to 915 kg/m3. These are excellent density indicators.

Rapeseed oil - composition

In unrefined form, it contains 64% erucic acid and 8% eicosenoic acid. If there is too much erucic acid, it will negatively affect: kidneys and liver, heart, lipid metabolism.


To prepare a product suitable for consumption, rapeseed, bred by Canadian breeders, is used. He is considered a mutant. There is only 5% erucic acid.


  • Linoleic fatty acid.
  • Alpha linoleic.
  • Oleic.
  • Tocopherols or vitamins E.
  • Vitamin A.
  • Vitamin D
  • Omega-3.
  • Omega-6.
  • Omega-9.
  • Phosphorus and other trace elements.
  • Carotenoids.

We mentioned the high calorie content (899 Kcal). 92% of the oil is absorbed perfectly, this is the influence of oleic acid. Erucic acid has a bad effect on both internal organs and bones. But in the 20th century, a rapeseed variety was already developed in which its content is minimal, as we mentioned. When choosing butter in the supermarket, make sure there is no sediment at the bottom - this is a sign that it has gone bad.


If you want to become healthier and introduce this product into your diet for a long time, be sure to consult your family doctor. Do you need to find out if there is any personal intolerance to the composition? Your doctor will help you determine the daily dose that will benefit your body. Everything is individual. Do not neglect consultation with a specialist.

Rapeseed was obtained by crossing rapeseed (wild cabbage) with cabbage. For a long time it was considered a weed. Rapeseed seeds contain 50% oil, and it is squeezed out of them. Of course, whole seeds contain more nutrients. The finished product also contains enough of them to provide the body of an adult and child with a large dose of fatty acids, microelements and vitamins.

It is very popular because it is inexpensive. When squeezed, the cake remains. It is fed to cattle: pigs, chickens and other animals. And fuel based on it is not only cheap, but also does not harm the environment, which is valuable in our age of advanced technology.

Obtaining rapeseed oil

Due to erucic acid, which is contained in rapeseed, its oil was previously used for the production of soap, technical liquids, and biological fuel. In the 60s. In the 20th century, Canadian scientists developed the Canola variety. It contains only 5% erucic acid. Edible oil has been made ever since. It tastes like olive oil, with a pleasant aroma of nuts. It can be yellow or darker brown.

If you have an upset stomach or chronic abdominal pain, introduce it into your diet. Stomach acidity will decrease, inflammation will subside, and tissues will regenerate faster. You will feel a slight laxative effect.


Very useful for women. With the participation of the substances it contains, certain hormones are produced in women’s bodies. The risk of cancer and infertility is reduced. It is also useful for pregnant women.

Drink 1 or 2 tbsp. l. during a meal or in a salad and get most of the necessary substances for excellent functioning of the body.

Which ones are best to drink? - the most complete list of all choleretic herbs.

Rapeseed oil application

In recent years, the production of oil liquid has increased. Scientists use it as a raw material for the production of diesel fuel. The Russians conducted tests. A real diesel locomotive has already run on similar fuel. Other industries where it is regularly used:

  1. Metallurgical.
  2. Tannery.
  3. Soap factory.
  4. In textile production.
  5. Pharmacology.
  6. Food industry.
  7. Cosmetology.

If you want to add an oily liquid to a salad, use only raw liquid. It turns out delicious. If you take 0.5 kg of carrots, 100 g of prunes with dried apricots. Grind everything, add 50 ml of rapeseed oil, lemon juice, dill seeds with cumin, and salt. Mix everything and the delicious salad is ready.

Rapeseed oil in cosmetology

If the skin on your hands or face has become dry or has begun to fade or become rough, you can make a mask with it at home, or buy a ready-made cream. Get a rejuvenating effect, nourish and deeply moisturize your skin.

To create products for the pharmaceutical or cosmetic industries, the edible rapeseed variety is used. The oily liquid is used as the basis for preparations with which you can care for your hair or skin. This is the basis for ointments or oil injections.

If you prepare it and then take a bath with it, your skin will become softer and much more tender. To do this, take:

  • 1 glass of fresh milk.
  • 1 tbsp. l. soda
  • Dried lavender flowers (a handful).
  • Sea salt.
  • 1 tsp. corn starch.
  • 2 or 3 drops of lavender essence. If you don’t like this smell, you can do something else, but then the dry flowers are different, for example, chamomile, calendula.
  • 1/2 tsp. linden extract (CO2). It acts as an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial, and relieves skin irritation throughout the body.
Mix all ingredients and add to warm bath water. The procedure lasts from 15 to 20 minutes.
If you prepare the mixture yourself, it is best to mix it with: almond, apricot or peach. The best ratio is 2 to 1 or close to it. For cosmetics, its concentration does not exceed 10%. And it is contraindicated only for those who cannot tolerate some of its components - an allergy to the composition.

Rapeseed oil for hair

To give vitality to thinning or damaged hair, use rapeseed oil. Taking it as a basis, they make hair masks at home. It is included in factory-produced balms and shampoos.

Recipe No. 1

A mask that is made to strengthen damaged or thin hair:

  1. Mix rapeseed with avocado.
  2. Add 5 drops of essential bay.
  3. Enter vitamin A - 10 drops.

Apply the mixture to the roots, lightly massaging the head. Keep for 40 to 60 minutes. Carefully comfortable conditions - at home. It is used in various industries, for example: pharmacology, rinse off the composition with warm water. If you have dry hair, use rosemary instead of Bay.

Recipe No. 2

To remove the dye and make your hair several shades lighter, take:

  1. 1 liter of high fat kefir.
  2. 1 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt
  3. 2 tbsp. l. oily liquid.
  4. Put on a disposable polyethylene cap and wrap yourself with a towel on top. After 1 hour, wash off.

This hair mask can be done 1 or 2 times every 7 days, not more often.

Rapeseed oil is a very healthy product. It is recommended as a food additive by nutritionists. It comes with delicious salads. You can make a mask for the face, hair, joints and everything in the soap industry, cosmetology, etc.

Rapeseed oil is a valuable product. It is used in the food industry, alternative medicine, cosmetology, pharmacology, soap, leather, food, and other industries. Even environmentally friendly fuel was invented based on it. It is popular in Russia.

Rapeseed oil is produced in many countries in quite large volumes, but, nevertheless, they are not inferior to the scale of production of corn and sunflower oil. In European countries and the United States of America, this product is considered dietary; it is consumed not only with salads, but also with other dishes.

Rapeseed oil accounts for approximately 15% of the production of all vegetable oils.

Many ordinary people note that this product tastes very pleasant and its qualities resemble olive oil, but it has a significant advantage - rapeseed oil is much cheaper than olive oil.

If you delve a little deeper into history, you will find the following fact: a few decades ago, rapeseed oil was used only for technical needs. Now they eat it with pleasure.

Rapeseed belongs to the cruciferous family and has been cultivated for 5 thousand years. The plant tolerates cold climates well, despite the fact that the Mediterranean is considered its homeland.

Some farms prefer to grow this crop as a spring crop, and some as a winter crop. Farmers love to plant rapeseed for one simple reason: it significantly improves the composition of the soil in which it grows, enriches it with nitrogen and increases its fertility.

Rapeseed oil is used in food in its natural form; it is used in the production of margarine and mayonnaise. This oil is transparent in color, does not lose its qualities in the air for a long time and does not become bitter.

Rapeseed oil is also used as a raw material for the production of a number of technical products.

Non-food applications for which this product is used include rubber production, biodiesel production, lubricants, steel production and polyethylene film production.

When producing oil, the production waste is cake, which is used as cattle feed.

The green part of the plant contains a lot of protein of plant origin, so it is also given as complementary food for livestock.

Useful properties of oil

The human body does not contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are so necessary for normal life. These amino acids are found in large quantities in rapeseed oil, and they are not synthesized in the human body.

Available in oil natural antioxidants – vitamins A and E. They serve as protection for our cells from damage by oxygen radicals. It also contains B vitamins.

The tangible benefits of rapeseed oil can be said based on the high content of microelements in its composition, such as: calcium, copper, manganese and zinc. Their digestibility from this product is much higher than from soybean oil.

By consuming rapeseed oil, you can significantly improve the body's metabolism, minimize bad cholesterol in the blood, prevent the formation of blood clots and prevent malignant neoplasms in the breast in women.

Makeup artists, stylists and doctors use rapeseed oil in medicinal baths and masks to improve the appearance of the skin.

If you regularly use this oil, the likelihood of diseases such as atherosclerosis and various heart ailments is reduced several times.

With its constant use, the vital processes of the following organs can be normalized: liver, kidneys, brain, pancreas and others. The immune system and nervous system are also strengthened.

Thanks to high vitamin E content The condition of the hair improves, it becomes softer, shiny and stronger. Vitamin E has a beneficial effect on nails and the human reproductive system. With the accumulation of this vitamin in our body, we will feel much better and continue to look young and healthy.

Recently, rapeseed oil has increasingly been included in baby food. Since babies grow very quickly, it is natural that their body constantly needs new “building material”.

Consuming rapeseed oil increases the chances of women who dream of becoming a mother. Rapeseed oil contains the female sex hormone – estradiol. It plays a significant role in preparing the female body for conception.

Nutritional value and calorie content

The calorie content of rapeseed oil is quite high, but this does not prevent it from being used in dietary nutrition, cooking and cosmetology.

Nutritional value and calorie content per 100 grams of product:

  • 99.9 grams – fats;
  • 0.1 grams – water;
  • fatty acids (saturated) – 10 grams;
  • fatty acids (unsaturated) – 33 grams;
  • 18.9 mg - vitamin E;
  • 2 mg – phosphorus;
  • 0 – proteins;
  • 0 – carbohydrates;
  • Calorie content – ​​899 kcal.

Harm and contraindications

Consuming rapeseed oil can bring not only benefits to the body, but also some harm.

You should know that some varieties of this crop may contain erucic acid (up to 50%). It has an unpleasant characteristic feature - it cannot be broken down by the enzymes of our body and accumulates in tissues, thereby slowing down growth and delaying the onset of puberty.

Erucic acid can disrupt the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, provoke cirrhosis of the liver and cause pathological changes in skeletal muscles.

The safe content of this acid in oil should vary between 0.2 – 0.5%. Such indicators are safe for human health.

Damage from consuming rapeseed oil may be due to another factor: content of toxic substances that have a negative effect on the thyroid gland and other organs.

Modern plant scientists have managed to obtain rapeseed varieties in which the presence of erucic acid is minimized.


  • chronic hepatitis;
  • cholelithiasis (in the presence of long-standing exacerbations);
  • intolerance to some components that make up the oil.

Methods of use in folk medicine

  • Gastroenterologists recommend rapeseed oil for the treatment of intestinal ailments. To eliminate stomach problems, it should be taken only fresh, one teaspoon 3 to 4 times a day before meals, a few minutes.
  • To make the skin of your face and hands soft and tender you can use the following recipe: take 2 tablespoons of high-quality oil and mix it with yogurt and liquid honey. Apply the product to the skin for 20 – 25 minutes. After this, rinse off with warm water using a cotton swab. Thus, we can protect delicate skin during the winter, remove peeling and moisturize the epidermis.
  • Relaxing bath for rejuvenation body, tired after a hard day at work. To prepare the font, take two glasses of warm milk, pour it into a container, place 2 - 3 tablespoons of sea salt, starch, soda, 3 tablespoons of rapeseed oil and a few drops of lavender oil there. Mix all the ingredients and pour into the warm water that you have already filled in the bath, soak in it for 15 - 20 minutes, then take a contrast shower. After this procedure you will feel vigorous and healthy.
  • This oil is successfully used in folk medicine for the treatment of minor cuts, wounds and burns.
  • For treatment joints Warm baths are made from the oil and applied to sore spots. In this case, rapeseed acts as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Remember, in order to correctly compare the benefits and harms of using rapeseed oil, you need to clearly understand that any product can be counterfeit and this is no exception. Therefore, try to buy high-quality rapeseed oil and avoid cheap imitations.

Do not forget that the benefits and harms of oil depend on how the product is stored. To ensure that the oil does not lose its beneficial qualities for a long time, store it only in a dark glass bottle and away from direct sunlight.

If you choose rapeseed oil correctly and use it correctly, it will do more good than harm.

When some products, such as baby food, contain rapeseed oil, the harm and benefits of which are unknown, you should understand its beneficial properties and disadvantages. The effect of rapeseed oil on the human body depends both on individual characteristics of perception and the presence of contraindications, and on the quality of the composition.

According to some data, the production of rapeseed oil began on the coast of India and the Mediterranean Sea as early as the 4th century BC. Rapeseed oil was also popular in China, as well as in nearby eastern countries. Oil was brought to Europe only in the 15th century. Its production and cultivation began in Holland and Belgium. After mastering the skill of creating this product, the oil began to rapidly spread throughout the European perimeter and ended up in Russia. The production of rapeseed oil is a fairly profitable investment, because up to 50% of the final product of the original weight can be obtained from the initial raw materials.

Production of safe rapeseed oil

When purchasing rapeseed oil, you should be aware that it contains components that are harmful and dangerous to humans - thioglucosoids and erucic acid. Due to the presence of such substances, oil has long been used only for technical purposes. It was used in the textile industry, tanning, as a technical lubricant and in the manufacture of drying oil.

The breakthrough came in the 60s of the last century. At this time, scientists managed to develop a variety in which the content of harmful elements was reduced to a minimum. Rapeseed oil was finally recognized as harmless in 1985 and since then it has become very popular. The leading producers today are China and Canada. The type of oil suitable for internal consumption is called “Canola”. Also, when purchasing, you can find products made in France, Poland, the Czech Republic, England, Denmark, and Finland.

Rapeseed oil is produced by pressing. The extraction method is also relevant. A refined product with a natural smell is popular on sale. You can also find an unrefined product. When purchasing a product, pay attention to the composition, which should not contain more than 5% erucic acid and 3% thioglucosoids.

Rapeseed oil has many similarities in taste and smell to olive oil. Unlike soybean and sunflower oil, rapeseed oil does not lose its taste and aroma for a long time during long-term storage.

In addition to the country of origin and the content of safe substances, when purchasing rapeseed oil, pay attention to the following points:

  • Label. The information on it must be readable and must contain information about the amount of erucic acid and thioglucosoids. If the label says it's hydrogenated, don't buy it!
  • Color. Good oil is characterized by a light yellow color and the absence of sediment.
  • Smell. Pleasant and natural.

How to properly store rapeseed oil to preserve its benefits?

To preserve the beneficial properties of rapeseed oil, you should store it in a cool, dark place at home. This will prevent it from clouding and oxidation. An even better solution would be to use glassware.

Rapeseed is an amazing plant. It is widespread throughout the world, but wild rapeseed is a rare phenomenon.

According to scientists, rapeseed occurred due to the crossing of rapeseed and cabbage about 6,000 years ago. Rapeseed is a grass with beautiful yellow flowers. The exact place of origin of the plant is not known, but as we said earlier, the Mediterranean can be considered the birthplace of rapeseed oil.

  • The beneficial properties of rapeseed oil are similar to those of olive oil. Rapeseed oil contains polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-6 and omega-3. This allows us to conclude that rapeseed oil is healthier than sunflower oil.
  • Linoleic, oleic and alpha-linolenic acids are found in the same quantities as in olive oil. There are more essential acids in rapeseed than in olive oil. Vitamins A, E, D are present in considerable quantities, which means you don’t have to worry about the condition of your hair, nails and the body as a whole. The oil also contains carotenoids.
  • The benefits of oil do not need much introduction. So it is clear that when consumed, the functioning of the organs of vision and the gastrointestinal tract increases. Due to essential fatty acids, the synthesis of prostaglandins is stimulated. This acid also has antioxidant properties.
  • Rapeseed oil can be used to lose weight in the body, as it can remove cholesterol and accelerate the process of cell renewal.
  • In the presence of atherosclerosis, any vegetable oil should be replaced with rapeseed oil. This is the recommendation given by French doctors.
  • Rapeseed oil also has benefits for cosmetic purposes. It can be used in all masks and compositions, as a replacement for olive oil. The rapeseed composition perfectly moisturizes the skin, restores cells, and softens. It should be noted that scientists especially recommend rapeseed oil for women, because it contains a rich presence of estradiol, which is a female sex hormone that allows you to maintain beauty and youth, as well as prevent the occurrence of breast cancer.
  • Rapeseed oil can act as a preventative against the development of cardiovascular diseases. Oleic acid can strengthen the walls of blood vessels and prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques. The oil can also be a preventive composition against cancer.

To improve the appearance of your face and skin condition, add ¼ teaspoon of sea salt and baking soda, 1 teaspoon of starch, 2 tablespoons of rapeseed oil to a glass of milk. These components make an excellent face mask, which should be left on for 20 minutes and then washed off with warm water. The mask helps fight acne and affected skin areas. You can also take a bath with the same composition.

Rapeseed oil - contraindications

Of course, the benefits of rapeseed oil are obvious, but its use also has some contraindications. It should not be used when:

  • Diarrhea
  • Exacerbation of chronic hepatitis
  • Gallstone disease
  • Individual intolerance.

Rapeseed oil - harm

Despite many years of using the oil, its harms and benefits have not been fully studied. The content of erucic acid in the oil does not allow it to be fully used for food purposes, because it can cause harm to children’s bodies, as well as slow down the process of sexual development. Erucic acid also interferes with the full functioning of the adult body, namely, it interferes with the full functioning and synthesis of sex hormones, and provokes cirrhosis of the liver.

The presence of thioglycosides in the composition is controversial. On the one hand, they provoke appetite and claim to be a bactericidal composition, but on the other hand, they are a source of headaches and allergic reactions.

However, the above applies to unrefined oil and poor quality rapeseed oil, which should not be purchased in principle. However, even refined oil should not be used for frying, since at temperatures above 180 degrees the oil will harm the body. Carcinogens are released that cause lung cancer. However, oil can be used in salads, marinades, and mayonnaises.


So, let's summarize. Refined rapeseed oil is good for health, but it should not be used if there are contraindications, or for frying. You should avoid purchasing rapeseed oil of poor quality to avoid causing harm. Also, the oil can be used not only for nutrition, but also for cosmetic purposes.

Half a century ago, rapeseed oil was used exclusively for technical purposes, having proven itself as a raw material for the chemical, leather and soap industries. This was explained by the high content of erucic acid in the product, which is not excreted from the human body and is not broken down. Its accumulation leads to the development of many diseases, the most common of which is oncology. However, at the end of the last century, Canadian farmers were able to develop rapeseed varieties whose oil contained no more than 2% erucic acid. Nowadays, this figure fluctuates at the level of 0.4-0.6%, which allows the use of rapeseed oil for culinary purposes.

Rapeseed was cultivated in ancient times. In India and the Mediterranean it was cultivated as early as the 4th century BC. e. Raw rapeseed oil was too bitter and unsuitable for food, but it produced a smokeless flame and was suitable for lighting homes.

In Europe, the plant began to be sown in the 18th century for use in leather and textile production, and soap making. With the creation of steam engines, rapeseed oil began to be used as a lubricant.

Attempts to sell rapeseed oil as a food product were unsuccessful for a long time: the bitterness, pungent odor and greenish color repelled potential consumers. And medical tests indicated the content of dangerous substances. Claims against rapeseed oil were based on the high content of erucic acid and glucosinolates, which can be harmful to the body.

And only in 1978, through the efforts of Canadian breeders, it was possible to develop a variety of canola rape, the oil of which was distinguished by a reduced level of erucic acid, glucosinolates and chlorophyll (responsible for its green color).

Growing rapeseed does not require special conditions. It feels good in any climate zone and at the same time increases soil fertility. This is a wonderful honey plant. The process of producing rapeseed oil is cheap and leaves no waste, since the oil cake is used as animal feed. All this made it possible to increase the popularity of the product and put it on a par with the leaders of world trade: palm, soybean and sunflower oil.

Production of safe rapeseed oil

When purchasing rapeseed oil, you should be aware that it contains components that are harmful and dangerous to humans - thioglucosoids and erucic acid. Due to the presence of such substances, oil has long been used only for technical purposes. It was used in the textile industry, tanning, as a technical lubricant and in the manufacture of drying oil.

The breakthrough came in the 60s of the last century. At this time, scientists managed to develop a variety in which the content of harmful elements was reduced to a minimum. Rapeseed oil was finally recognized as harmless in 1985 and since then it has become very popular. The leading producers today are China and Canada. The type of oil suitable for internal consumption is called “Canola”. Also, when purchasing, you can find products made in France, Poland, the Czech Republic, England, Denmark, and Finland.

Rapeseed oil is produced by pressing. The extraction method is also relevant. A refined product with a natural smell is popular on sale. You can also find an unrefined product. When purchasing a product, pay attention to the composition, which should not contain more than 5% erucic acid and 3% thioglucosoids.

Rapeseed oil has many similarities in taste and smell to olive oil. Unlike soybean and sunflower oil, rapeseed oil does not lose its taste and aroma for a long time during long-term storage.

Composition of rapeseed oil

Rapeseed does not grow wild in nature. But it has been cultivated for more than 5 thousand years. For a long time, the scope of application of the plant was limited to the technical field. Rapeseed oil has been used to produce biofuel, soap; in the textile and leather industry.

Unrefined rapeseed oil contains thioglucosides and erucic acid (more than 60%). These are substances hazardous to health: the human enzyme system is not able to utilize them. They accumulate in body tissues and cause harm.

Only mutant varieties of rapeseed, in whose oil the content of erucic acid is minimal, is suitable for food purposes. According to GOST 8988-2002, only unrefined first grade rapeseed oil or refined, non-deodorized rapeseed oil, in which the concentration of erucic acid is less than 5% and thioglucosides - less than 3%, is allowed for food. If these conditions are met, the product will not cause harm.

Rapeseed oil, like any vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, corn), is high in calories. The product is 99% fat. Let's highlight the most useful of them:

  • saturated fatty acids (10%);
  • unsaturated fatty acids (33%);
  • monounsaturated (oleic acid);
  • polyunsaturated (linolenic, linoleic acids);
  • phospholipids, etc.

The benefits of the product also depend on the vitamin and mineral composition:

  • vitamin E (tocopherols);
  • carotenoids;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin D;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • magnesium, etc.

Sometimes rapeseed extract is called “Russian olive oil.” The composition of these products is similar, the benefits are enormous.

Beneficial properties of rapeseed oil

First of all, it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and circulatory system. Omega acids strengthen blood vessels and reduce the likelihood of blood clots. They also contribute to the full functioning of organs such as the kidneys, liver, pancreas and brain. Besides:

  • The oil helps reduce cholesterol levels, which provoke atherosclerosis.
  • Vitamin B strengthens the nervous system, vitamin A has a beneficial effect on vision, vitamin F promotes fat metabolism.
  • Vitamin E - an antioxidant, immunomodulator - performs protective functions, helps preserve beauty and youth, and also improves the condition of the skin, nails and hair.
  • Rapeseed oil is also good for the digestive system. It has anti-inflammatory properties, reduces gastric acidity and produces a slight laxative effect.
  • Rapeseed oil has a particularly beneficial effect on the female body due to the fact that it contains the hormone estradiol, which helps in the treatment of gynecological diseases and the fight against infertility.
  • It is good for pregnant women to take this product for normal fetal development. The oil is also valuable for children, so it is increasingly used in baby food for the production of various products.

In folk medicine, it is also used externally in the form of compresses and baths for joint diseases, and to lubricate wounds and burns. In cosmetology, masks and creams based on rapeseed oil are used for hands and face, which have nourishing, moisturizing and regenerating properties. It also reduces hangover and intoxication due to poisoning.

Benefits for women

It is especially useful for women to include rapeseed oil in their diet; it is a preventive measure for breast cancer.

Medical studies have shown that the product contains estradiol, a plant analogue of the female sex hormone. This is the most important hormone for any woman, since it is responsible for the body’s readiness to conceive children.

Oil in cosmetology

The properties of rapeseed oil have allowed it to become an effective remedy in dermatology and cosmetology. The product perfectly moisturizes, nourishes, restores and softens the skin. Helps get rid of wrinkles.

  1. To improve the condition of your facial skin, add a quarter teaspoon each of baking soda and sea salt, a teaspoon of starch and a couple of tablespoons of rapeseed oil to a glass of milk. Add two to three drops of lavender oil. Stir and make a mask for 20 minutes. The procedure is great for sensitive and acne-prone skin.
  2. For problem skin, you can take a bath with this composition; it has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, making the skin soft.
  3. For eyelashes. Daily lubrication of eyelashes will allow them to quickly become thick and strong. They fall out less because the product strengthens the bulb.

Mask for dry skin

Mix oils: rapeseed – 1 tbsp. l.; sandalwood – 1 drop; orange – 1 drop; rosewood - 1 drop. Using a cotton pad, spread the mixture over your face and rest for 15 minutes. Remove excess with warm water and apply cream. The mask will saturate the dermis with vitamins and microelements and retain moisture.

Whitening composition

You will need: rapeseed oil - 1 tsp; lemon juice – 1 tsp; rolled oats - ½ cup; egg white – 1 pc. Grind the oatmeal with a blender, add the remaining ingredients and carefully distribute the mixture over your face. It is better to do this lying down so that the mask does not leak. Regular use will whiten freckles, age spots, and make the skin tone even.

Acne remedy

You need to take oil: rapeseed – 2 tbsp. l.; cloves – 2 drops; cedar – 1 drop; lavender – 1 drop. Apply the composition at night to problem areas. It will dry the skin, relieve inflammation, and draw out pus. Promotes healing of post-acne scars.

Homemade lip balm

You will need oils: rapeseed – 1 tsp; shea – 2 tbsp. l... Combine the components in a convenient jar with a lid, vigorously stirring until completely dissolved in each other. The composition is rich in regenerating and moisturizing vitamins. Apply to lips in frosty, windy weather to protect them from the negative effects of the environment. Use for healing cracks and peeling. Store in a cool place.

Luxurious bath for velvet body skin

Fill the bathtub with hot water and add: rapeseed oil - 2 tbsp. l.; cream – 1 glass; soda – 1 tbsp. l.; iodized sea salt – ¼ cup; essential tincture of lavender – 3 drops. Take a bath for 20 minutes. Then rinse off in a warm shower. The skin after the procedure is soft and delicate, pleasant to the touch.

Hair repair product

Take: rapeseed oil – 5 g; hair conditioner – 50 ml. Mix the ingredients and apply to damp, washed hair. Massage and rinse with warm water. With regular use, the curls will become thicker and the ends will stop splitting.

Composition for adding shine to curls

You need to take liquid vitamin A and mix it with oils: rapeseed – 1 tbsp. l.; avocado – 1 tbsp. l.; rosemary – 5 drops. Distribute the mixture throughout your hair, rub into the roots of the bulbs, and comb. Put on a warming cap and leave it on your hair for 2 hours, then wash your hair with shampoo. The mask improves the condition of the hair, heals it, saturates it with nutrients and gives shine.

How to choose?

Therefore, if you decide to try using rapeseed oil, you need to learn how to choose it. First of all, look at the label: it should indicate the content of erucic acid - 0.3-0.6% is considered normal. The label may also indicate that the oil is hydrogenated - if so, it is not worth buying.

The smell of the oil should be pleasant, the color should be light yellow, or just with a yellow tint, and there should be no sediment in the bottle - this means that the oil has oxidized and gone rancid. At home, rapeseed oil is stored in a cool, dark place, otherwise it will become cloudy and oxidize - the presence of sediment in the bottle often indicates improper storage.

Although it is said that rapeseed oil can be used for frying, it is better not to do this: when heated, dangerous compounds are formed in it, and toxins appear at a temperature of 160-170°C. Inhaling smoke from a frying pan may increase your risk of developing lung cancer.

Rapeseed oil in baby food

Nowadays, on store shelves you can increasingly find baby food products containing rapeseed oil. Many people believe that this product should not be used in baby food because some substances are not completely digested. But, despite this, nutritionists are convinced that a minimal amount of rapeseed does not cause any harm to children. On the contrary, it contains many vitamins and fatty acids. Without these substances, neither a child's nor an adult's body is able to function normally. Oil is necessary, it will provide the body with valuable substances, such oil is especially useful for children in the first year of life who are bottle-fed.

Another question is that you need to carefully study the information indicated on baby food packages; if the percentage of oil does not exceed 31 units, then it cannot harm the little person, but on the contrary, according to scientists from Germany, it will be absolutely safe.

Harm of rapeseed oil

There is still an opinion that rapeseed oil is an oil used for technical purposes, and that is why many avoid it and do not use this valuable product in their diet. Indeed, several decades ago, rapeseed oil was not used in nutrition due to its high content of erucic acid. The human body does not have enzymes capable of breaking down this substance, so erucic acid accumulates in tissues, which leads to disruptions in the functioning of many organs. In addition, this vegetable oil contains toxic sulfur compounds.

However, back in the 70s of the last century, breeders developed rapeseed varieties from which they obtain oil containing no more than 0.2% erucic acid (the permissible value for edible rapeseed oil is 0.3–0.6%), and the content of sulfur compounds and completely reduced to zero. Therefore, today rapeseed oil is recognized as completely safe; it can be safely used in the diet of both adults and children.

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