Ok google how to cook chicken in the oven. How to cook a whole chicken in the oven

A whole chicken carcass cooked in the oven will decorate even a holiday table. The beauty of this dish is its richness and quantity. After all, one chicken can feed a whole company. And if you add vegetables to it, you get an excellent solution for a side dish. But in order for both the taste and appearance of the carcass to be ideal, it is important to know the secrets of choosing and preparing poultry. How to cook chicken in the oven? We'll tell you!

5 secrets of delicious chicken with photos

The delicate taste of the dish is guaranteed if you carefully choose the carcass. Only fresh meat will be soft, juicy and expressively aromatic. When purchasing, pay attention to medium-sized birds, weighing up to 1.5 kg. They do not have a thick layer of fat, and the meat itself has a higher nutritional value. The calorie content of stewed and baked chicken in the oven, in this case, will be minimal (about 190 Kcal per 100 grams of weight). And the benefits and pleasure are enormous.

You will be pleased with the rich taste of the dish prepared taking into account our recommendations.

  1. Choose a fresh carcass with an even skin color. It should be pale yellow or slightly pinkish in color. The protruding fat should be white, the tissues should be elastic (when pressed, they quickly return to shape). The smell is slightly sweet, without an unpleasant amber.
  2. Baking chicken in the oven should take place in a special container. If you have an old cast iron skillet left over, this will work perfectly. The ceramic container also heats up evenly and retains heat well. Forms made of glass and thin metal will be less successful. In the latter, the meat often burns. You can also purchase a special stand in which the baking process occurs vertically. This allows the fat to drip down, allowing the crust to dry out well.
  3. How long to bake chicken in the oven depends on its weight. Cooking may take some time. On average, it is enough to provide 40 minutes for each kilogram of weight. The temperature of frying chicken in the oven should be 180-200°. That is, a bird weighing 1.5 kg will cook in 1 hour. Parts of the same size carcass, for example, only drumsticks or only thighs, are cooked much faster. You can cook half a chicken in the oven in 30-35 minutes. Half the chicken is cooked in the oven, it also turns out very aromatic and tasty.
  4. To get a rich, crispy crust, the temperature of the chicken in the oven will need to be varied. First, set the maximum for 30 minutes so that the crust “sets.” And the remaining time is baked at 200°. How long to cook the chicken in the oven in this case, you need to determine using a kitchen thermometer or visually. The thermometer is inserted into the thickness of the breast and thigh. These parts are considered ready if their temperature is 70 and 80 degrees, respectively. If you don't have a thermometer, a toothpick will help. Pierce the meatiest part of the carcass with it. Light juice will indicate that the dish can be removed from the oven.
  5. Chicken baked in the oven will be evenly juicy if you place pieces of butter under the skin on the breast. This part of the carcass does not have a fat layer, so it usually turns out dry when roasting the whole bird.

To ensure that the chicken cooks evenly, you need to turn it regularly. Place it in the oven on its side. After 15 minutes, turn it over to the other side, and after another 15, place it breast side up. Baking on a wire rack will provide a similar result. In this case, there is no need to turn the carcass over, but you should place a form under the grill to collect the fat.

Turkish step-by-step recipe with sour apple

You can fry the chicken with sour apples for the second course. This recipe for chicken in the oven is good because the bird is cooked at the same time as the side dish. It is, of course, made from vegetables, so it turns out tasty, satisfying and healthy. The dish will turn out no less tasty if you fry it in an electric oven on a sheet pan. Chicken baked on a tray quickly.

You will need:

  • whole trigger - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 5 heads;
  • potatoes - 5 tubers;
  • carrots - 3 pcs.;
  • apple - 1 pc.;
  • mustard - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • parsley and thyme - 20 g each;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • sugar - teaspoon.


  1. Rinse and dry the carcass, rub with pepper and salt inside and out.
  2. Place the whole apple inside.
  3. Mix mustard with lemon juice, add garlic and sugar. Grease the bird with the sauce and place in the pan.
  4. Cut the vegetables into medium-sized pieces, chop the greens, mix.
  5. Place the side dish around the carcass and cover with a lid or foil. It will fry and smoke quickly in foil.
  6. Bake at 200° for 30 minutes with the lid on, then remove it and bake until the meat is done.

If you plan to stuff the bird with a side dish, it is better to put the already prepared filling inside, otherwise it will remain raw. The cooking time for chicken in the oven does not change.

New flavors for your dish

Every housewife has her own recipe for baked and stewed chicken in the oven. Popular techniques for preparing it in a jar, into which water, broth or beer are poured. And on salt, which always provides a golden color to the chicken crust.

By baking chicken with salt, you really get a beautiful carcass. But the skin will taste “rubbery”, since it “tanns” during the cooking process. A truly crispy crust will be ensured by proper breading or brushing the skin with melted honey.

We offer you new solutions on how to bake chicken in the oven. And introduce your loved ones to the original tastes of a familiar bird.

With lemon and garlic. Step by step recipe

The addition of lemon gives the meat a touch of freshness, and garlic gives it a refined aroma and that very bitterness that we especially appreciate in grilled chicken.

You will need:

  • chicken carcass - 1 pc.;
  • lemon - 1 large;
  • garlic - 6 cloves;
  • pepper, salt;
  • thyme - 2 sprigs.


  1. Cut the garlic into “petals” and the lemon into thin slices.
  2. Rub the meat with pepper and salt, place part of the lemon and thyme inside.
  3. Cover the outside of the chicken with lemon and garlic, wrap with foil, shiny side inward.
  4. Bake at 180°.


Chicken can be breaded. This recipe uses breadcrumbs and garlic for breading, which makes the dish flavorful and the crust deliciously golden. The chicken should first be cut into portions.

You will need:

  • chicken - 1 pc.;
  • breadcrumbs - a glass;
  • garlic - 1 tbsp. spoon (dry or fresh);
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • pepper and salt;
  • butter - 200 g.


  1. Mix finely chopped garlic with finely ground breadcrumbs.
  2. Beat the eggs in a large bowl with a fork.
  3. Rub portions of chicken with pepper and salt, dip in egg mixture and breading.
  4. Fry the pieces in vegetable oil over high heat. The crust should become golden.
  5. Place them in a baking dish and top with butter.
  6. Bake at 200° for 40 minutes.

Now you know how to bake chicken in the oven. You can always serve it with fresh or baked vegetables, leafy greens, and homemade pickles.

Chicken is a nutritious, tasty and, at the same time, low-calorie product. The meat is easily digestible. In terms of protein content, it is superior to pork and beef. Contains vitamins B2, B1, A, nicotinic acid, minerals. In the national cuisines of different nations, dishes with chicken are actively used to restore and strengthen the immune system after a long illness. In this case it will do.

My family loves poultry in any form. Most often I bake it in the oven, sometimes or. The baked chicken turns out very juicy, but not greasy. And the benefits are much greater than from meat fried in a frying pan with a lot of oil.

I will share with you a few of my favorite recipes. They are all very simple, but the result will please even the most fussy person. The dishes are suitable not only for family dinners. They can also be used to decorate.

This recipe is suitable for those who have little free time. On one baking sheet you can cook both the side dish and the meat. The dish turns out to be very satisfying, but not greasy.


  • chicken carcass - 2 kg;
  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 200 g;
  • onion - 2 heads;
  • salt, spices;
  • vegetable oil.

How to cook:

The chicken is cut into large pieces. Place in a bowl. Add onion, cut into half rings, mayonnaise, and spices. Salt if necessary. Stir. Leave to marinate for an hour.

Peel the potatoes and cut them into medium-thick slices. Place in one layer on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil.

Place carrots cut into wide strips on top.

Place marinated chicken pieces with onions on top.

Source - https://youtu.be/BV-6R_-Z38k

Cover with foil and bake in the oven at 200°C for 60 minutes. A quarter of an hour before the end, I remove the foil and let the meat brown.

Advice! Try replacing mayonnaise with natural yogurt. Instead of salt - soy sauce. 2-3 teaspoons of honey will add piquancy to the dish.

Simple chicken with mushrooms and potatoes in the oven

Delicious, juicy bird. The side dish, which is cooked at the same time, is soaked in juices and aromas. The result is a fragrant dinner and the admiration of the household.


  • turmeric, hot pepper, paprika, salt - 1 tsp each;
  • dried garlic - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • chicken - 1 kg;
  • carrots - 2 medium;
  • onion - 2 heads;
  • champignons - 500 g;
  • potatoes - 8 medium-sized tubers;
  • greens, vegetable oil.

How to cook:

The chicken is cut into large pieces. Add dry ingredients and mix.

Fry in hot oil until golden brown.

Then transfer to a baking sheet.

The potatoes are peeled and cut into cubes. Salted.

Place in the pan where the meat was fried. Let it brown.

Served with chicken.

Mushrooms cut in half, fried onions and carrots are also added here. All ingredients are distributed evenly so that the layer is not too thick.

Source - https://youtu.be/gQCFMKJdx8E

Put it in the oven. Temperature - 200°C, time - 30 minutes. Bring to full readiness and serve, sprinkled with herbs.

You can use more than just champignons for this recipe. Dried wild mushrooms will add a special aroma to the dish. The main thing is to soak them in boiling water for about half an hour before placing them on a baking sheet.

Recipe for chicken with apples from the oven

We are used to the fact that the best meat for apples is duck. But I propose to break this stereotype. The dish will not lose at all because of this; it turns out just as tasty, aromatic, and satisfying.


  • chicken - 2 kg;
  • onion - 2 heads;
  • garlic - 6 cloves;
  • sweet and sour apples - 1 kg;
  • salt, seasonings, barbecue sauce, herbs - to taste.

How to cook:

Apples are cored. Cut into four parts.

The bulbs are divided into 8 large pieces.

Mix barbecue sauce with spices, herbs, and garlic pressed through a press.

Rub this mixture over the chicken. Apples and onions are placed inside the carcass.

Whatever doesn’t fit is laid out next to the bird.

Source - https://youtu.be/wLEK-IxbiwQ

Place in a preheated oven. Temperature - 180°C, time - 1.5 hours.

Advice! If you don't have barbecue sauce at home, take tomato paste, add salt and spices. If desired, stir in a few tablespoons of honey.

How long does it take to cook a whole chicken in a baking sleeve?

To ensure that the bird turns out juicy in the oven, but not raw, it is important to know the cooking time. It directly depends on weight. A carcass weighing a kilo and a quarter will be ready in 1.5 hours at a temperature of 200°C. Next, add 20 minutes for every half kilogram. The degree of readiness is determined by the color of the juice. If it contains blood, the meat is not ready. A completely clear liquid is evidence of complete readiness.


  • one chicken carcass;
  • spices - salt, mixture of peppers, curry;
  • one clove of hot garlic.

How to cook:

The chicken is pre-washed, excess fat is removed, and cut in half (although this is not necessary). Salted.

Place the chicken in a baking sleeve. Tie the bag tightly and put it in the oven.

Take out, let cool slightly and place on a plate.

This chicken is served with mashed potatoes or rice. Although you can choose any other side dish that your family prefers.

How to cook chicken with tomatoes and cheese

Many housewives do not buy chicken fillet and do not cook anything from it, considering this meat to be very dry. Indeed, it requires the right approach. If you cook according to this recipe, you will forever love this part of the carcass. Tomatoes saturate it with their juice, and cheese seals all the tastes and aromas inside.


  • chicken breast - 300 g;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • tomato - 1 medium;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt, spices.

How to cook:

Skin, if any, is removed from the breast. They make deep cuts, but not all the way. Salt and pepper. Lubricate with oil.

Place a slice of cheese, garlic and tomato in each cut. Place in a greased pan and bake for half an hour at 180°C.

You can use olive oil or another oil without an active scent for this recipe.

Source - https://youtu.be/PuqKY_D-AqI

Sometimes I top it with thin strips of smoked bacon. This way, the chicken will be even juicier and have a pleasant taste.

Whole salted chicken with crispy crust

I once saw this cooking option in a small family restaurant. The taste of the finished dish amazed me. The bird turned out very tasty, juicy and not at all over-salted. It’s easy to achieve the same result at home.


  • chicken carcass - 1.5 kg;
  • coarse salt - 1 pack.

How to cook:

The bird is cut in half along the breast. Remove the entrails. Wash and dry.

Pour salt onto a baking sheet. Place the chicken skin side up.

Bake in an oven preheated to 180°C. Time - 1.5 hours.

Source - https://youtu.be/j3fJ3IAp0P0

Important! If the temperature mode is chosen correctly, you will see gurgling juice under the skin. Therefore, before cutting the carcass, let it stand for about 15 minutes under foil. This way, all the moisture will be absorbed into the meat.

Baked chicken in foil pieces with vegetables

This recipe can be used to prepare either a whole carcass or its individual parts. As an example, let's take the most unloved by some - breast. But it won't turn out dry. On the contrary, very juicy and aromatic.


  • chicken fillet - 300 g;
  • cherry tomatoes - 200 g;
  • bell pepper - 1 medium;
  • zucchini - 1 small;
  • carrots - 1 small;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • vegetable oil, salt, pepper to taste.

How to cook:

The chicken is cut into small pieces. Salted, seasoned.

Zucchini and onions are cut into half rings, bell peppers are cut into strips, and carrots are grated in the same way. Stir. Add slices of tomatoes. Also seasoned.

A sheet of foil is greased with vegetable oil. Place vegetables on one half and meat on top.

Cover the second one and seal all joints tightly. Bake in the oven at 180°C for about half an hour.

The finished dish is sprinkled with finely chopped herbs.

Source - https://youtu.be/ixokWhOMTZg

This is the basic recipe. If there are other vegetables, be sure to add them. It could be cauliflower, broccoli. Mushrooms add flavor and aroma.

Delicious chicken with pineapples and cheese in the oven

Pizza with poultry, cheese and pineapple is a favorite in our family. But I’m not ready to cook it all the time. And the dish prepared according to this recipe has the same taste, but only without the dough. It is perfect for the holiday table due to its subtle aroma.


  • chicken fillet - 1000 g;
  • potatoes - 6 large tubers;
  • parmesan - 200 g;
  • mozzarella - 400 g;
  • pineapples - 400 g;
  • salt, pepper, Italian herbs.

How to cook:

Peeled potatoes are cut into thick strips. Add vegetable oil, salt and season. Stir.

Place in the form. Place chicken fillet on top. It is pre-cut with a knife and rolled in spices.

The next layer is pineapples. It should be cut into small pieces. The same cuts can be found in the store.

Place in the oven for half an hour at 180°C.

Take it out, sprinkle with grated Parmesan and put it back in the oven for 20 minutes.

Source - https://youtu.be/1cPZSXQck1M

The finished dish is served directly in the form where it was baked.

If you were unable to purchase the cheeses mentioned in the recipe, do not despair. Replace them with similar ones. Believe me, the taste will not suffer at all.

Stuffed chicken with vegetables in the oven

This dish can be called healthy. Subtle aroma, delicate taste. The golden brown and crispy crust, which many people like so much, is very light and not greasy. Vegetables complement meat perfectly.


  • chicken - 2 kg;
  • hard cheese - 300 g;
  • garlic - 4 medium cloves;
  • frozen vegetables of your choice - 400 g;
  • butter - 70 g;
  • salt pepper.

How to cook:

Vegetables are fried without defrosting. Season. Mix with grated cheese cubes.

Chop the butter finely. The resulting pieces are carefully distributed under the skin of the entire carcass. Rub salt and seasonings on top.

Cheese and vegetable mass is placed inside.

The hole is sewn up.

Put it in the oven. Temperature - 200°C. For the first half hour, the fire should be at maximum. It is then reduced and fried until fully cooked.

Source - https://youtu.be/JaMy4RBGCPA

Advice! You can add herbs and finely chopped garlic to the butter. This will complement the taste of the meat.

Whole chicken baked in pita bread

In this recipe I combined two of my favorite dishes - poultry and pita bread. The taste of the dish is very delicate. Due to the bread crust, the meat is juicy and aromatic. And it itself is very crispy, saturated with smells.


  • chicken carcass - 2 kg;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • tomato, carrot, lemon - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 2 large cloves;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • hard cheese - 150 g;
  • spices for chicken;
  • greenery;
  • pita.

How to cook:

The greens and garlic are chopped.

Mix with softened butter. Add spices. Stir. The resulting mass is placed under the skin.

Two sheets of pita bread are overlapped. The central part is lubricated with oil.

The cheese is grated on a coarse grater. Combine with lemon, cut into wide strips, and tomato cubes. Stir and stuff the bird. The chicken is rubbed with spices. The wings are placed under the skin to prevent them from burning. Then they put it on pita bread.

Wrap carefully but tightly.

Transfer to a pan lined with foil. Cover with another sheet of foil.

Place in an oven preheated to 200°C. Bake for an hour and a quarter. Then remove the foil and let the pita bread brown. This will take about 15 minutes.

Source - https://youtu.be/uhPjYmRK7es

I serve the finished dish by dividing it into parts and placing them on a plate. Nearby are pieces of lavash. I pour the resulting juice on top.

And finally, another very juicy chicken in the oven in this video.

Chicken is delicious meat. It's easy to prepare if you know a few little tricks. I shared with you my most favorite recipes. Some are suitable for a family dinner, others will perfectly complement the holiday table.

How to cook homemade chicken so that it is tender in the oven? Do I need to pre-boil it to get juicy meat? What ingredients go well with country bird? We answer the most common questions about their homemade chicken dishes. And we write down recipes for delicious poultry cooked in the oven.

2 hours 6 servings 195 kcal Medium difficulty

Domestic chicken has tough meat. In any case, many housewives think so. And they are mistaken, since not all birds raised in the countryside are not suitable for preparing gourmet dishes. There are different breeds, which are conventionally divided into layers and broilers. So, laying hens, and especially older ones, have really tough meat. But in broilers, and even those raised “on free bread”, it has an amazingly delicate and rich taste.

Subtleties of cooking poultry meat

Juicy chicken in the oven will come from a broiler carcass. It is distinguished by a rounded chest and large hips. It is ideal to choose fresh meat - its skin will be white with yellowish tint, and the protruding fat will be ideal white.

By the way, you shouldn’t expect high fat content from poultry. Due to the fact that she is raised in the wild, walking around the yard or in an enclosure, she does not have time to gain fat. Unlike broilers raised in poultry farms, where they sit around all their lives, without any physical activity. Therefore, poultry dishes can be considered dietary - they contain fewer calories than broilers from the supermarket.

To make homemade chicken in the oven perfectly tasty, follow these rules.

  • The bird must be no more than a year old. Older chickens have tough meat, regardless of breed. There is no need to clarify “how old the bird was” from the seller. Just weigh the carcass and refuse to buy if it weighs more than 1.5 kg.
  • Do not buy birds with bluish skin. It distinguishes a breed of laying hens that is not intended for cooking.
  • If, nevertheless, you come across a laying hen or an old bird, it should first be boiled for 2 hours, and only then baked. Then the dish will turn out juicy.
  • The right solution for how to bake chicken in the oven so that it is juicy is to use a cooking sleeve. In it, the meat is cooked, as in a pressure cooker, boiling in its own juice. The intensity of cooking in the sleeve is higher than in a glass form under a lid. You can also bake in foil, but make sure that there are no holes in it. Otherwise, the juice will leak out and the bird will remain dry.

Before baking the carcass, make cuts in the breast and place pieces of butter in them. Thanks to it, lean breast will become more juicy. Either insert the wings into the “pockets” on the breast, or wrap them in foil, shiny side out. During the baking process, these thin parts tend to burn while the thighs and breasts cook.

Cooking chicken in the sleeve

So, let's find out how to cook homemade chicken in the oven using a cooking sleeve. Along with the meat, you can add potatoes or other vegetables, such as tomatoes, onions, zucchini, zucchini, and cauliflower. A carcass cooked with vegetables will acquire a more interesting taste. And you will receive a complete dish for dinner, with a ready-made side dish.

You will need:

  • chicken - 1 carcass;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • ketchup - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt and spices;
  • potatoes or other vegetables - optional.


  1. Rinse, remove feathers, and dry the chicken carcass.
  2. Cut the onion into small pieces, pass the garlic through a press.
  3. Mix mayonnaise and ketchup (or tomato paste) with garlic and onion. Coat the carcass with this marinade and sprinkle with spices.
  4. Marinate for 1 hour under film.
  5. Prepare vegetables (potatoes, zucchini, tomatoes), cut into cubes and place in a sleeve.
  6. Place the chicken on a bed of vegetables and tie the sleeve.
  7. Place the bag on a baking sheet. Place in a preheated oven for 1.5 hours, bake at 200°.

Dishes for celebrations and for every day

Country chicken in the oven is suitable for everyday diet and for holidays. In the first case, you can cook it with a cereal side dish, for example, rice or buckwheat. In the second, we offer a more refined dish - baked chicken with original sauce.

You can make a sauce from the juice that is released when the bird is roasted. Boil 350 ml of white wine in a saucepan, add pepper and salt, leave for 5 minutes. Add the juice from the chicken stewed in the sleeve and boil again. Separately, boil 200 ml of water, add 2 tablespoons of sugar and lemon juice into it, stir until dissolved. Add 250 grams of gooseberries or other sour berries, boil, and grind through a sieve. Add the mixture to a mixture of white wine and meat juice, stir, serve with chicken.

With rice for the whole family

This recipe for juicy chicken in the oven is suitable even for old birds with tough meat. The dish turns out to be satisfying, with a crumbly side dish, and is also suitable for a children's table.

You will need:

  • rice - 100 g;
  • chicken - 1 carcass;
  • onions and carrots - 1 root vegetable each;
  • flour - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • butter - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • chicken broth - 200 ml;
  • mayonnaise - 100 g;
  • hard cheese - 100 g.


  1. Wash and boil the rice until half cooked.
  2. Chop the onion and carrots, fry, mix with rice.
  3. Boil the bird carcass, cut into pieces.
  4. Fry the flour, add butter, dilute with broth. When the mixture boils, add mayonnaise.
  5. Place rice with vegetables, chicken meat in the form, pour over the sauce.
  6. Sprinkle with cheese and place in the oven. Bake at 200° for 20 minutes.

With apples - for the holiday

A good recipe for baking homemade chicken in the oven and getting an original dish for a family celebration.

You will need:

  • chicken - 1 carcass;
  • apples - 2 large;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • broth - 200 ml;
  • salt and pepper;
  • spices - to your taste.


  1. Cut the carcass and “spread” it on the cutting table. This way it will bake faster.
  2. Rub with spices, salt, garlic inside and outside.
  3. Cut the apples into slices, place on a baking sheet, add broth.
  4. Place the carcass skin side up.
  5. Place in the oven for 1.5 hours. By pouring broth over the carcass, you will get a beautiful crust.

Now you know how to make chicken juicy in the oven, even if it is poultry. Try making it for your family!

Culinary community Li.Ru -

Oven chicken recipes

Learn how to cook chicken in a pot with sour cream, and this traditional dish of Russian cuisine will become a frequent guest on your everyday and holiday table! Tender, juicy, tasty - you won’t regret it!

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I suggest you get acquainted with a simple recipe for chicken with potatoes and tomatoes. This is a hearty, aromatic and incredibly tasty dish “for centuries”. Try it and it will become your family tradition too!

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If you want to prepare a hearty and at the same time incredibly tasty dish in one fell swoop, then this wonderful merchant chicken recipe is what you were looking for - aromatic chicken with vegetables and mushrooms is for you.

If you decide to surprise your family and cook them something incredibly tasty, then read how to make the most tender stuffed chicken breasts with aromatic beans. You'll like it!

You come home from work, and a hungry family demands dinner. Common situation? Well, chicken meatballs will save you. It will take so much effort and time to cook, but the result will be excellent!

Pilaf is a favorite dish since childhood, and every good housewife knows how to cook it. Have you ever tried making delicious pilaf in the oven? If not, then I will share my recipe with you.

This chicken is perfect for a big family holiday and will become a real decoration for your table. We will stuff it with mushrooms and onions and bake it in wine sauce - you have never eaten such delicious chicken.

I'm sure you will also like this traditional German recipe. The chicken turns out incredibly nourishing, tasty, juicy and aromatic; it will undoubtedly decorate the festive table and delight the guests.

It will take you several days to prepare this national dish of Estonia, but the time spent is definitely worth it, because in the end we will get amazing juicy and tender chicken.

In this aromatic and incredibly tasty dish of Polish cuisine you will find an amazing combination of products that will not leave you indifferent - you should definitely treat yourself to this delicacy.

Today I offer for your consideration a fairly simple recipe for Chuvash cuisine, which is easy to prepare and will not take much time, but thanks to it, we can make a complete hearty dinner.

Today I will introduce you to another incredibly useful recipe, because it can be used for any occasion. French chicken with potatoes is easy to prepare and very tasty.

An excellent Azerbaijani chicken recipe that will appeal to all gourmets. This chicken is very easy to prepare, but the taste is incredible - the sweetness of walnuts and light sourness.

Juicy and flavorful chicken that will not leave anyone indifferent. As soon as you start cooking, a stunning aroma will spread throughout the kitchen, which will gather all your family and friends.

Chicken baked with vegetables in the oven turns out a little spicy for me, as it is made with garlic and hot pepper. However, if you don’t eat spicy food, don’t add it. The recipe can be modified.

The excellent combination of taste, aroma and color that we will see in this dish will not leave you indifferent. Today for dinner we will have incredibly tender chicken fillet with juicy cauliflower.

Caesar salad with chicken and mayonnaise

Despite the fact that this salad is usually dressed with a special sauce, and meat is not present in the classic version, I suggest you try the recipe for Caesar salad with chicken and mayonnaise!

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Potatoes with chicken liver are not an acquired taste, but I personally really like it, and so do my family. I offer a version of potatoes with chicken liver in the form of a casserole. I love.

Caesar salad with smoked chicken

A savory variation on a universally loved dish. An exquisite but uncomplicated recipe for Caesar salad with smoked chicken is perfect for both a hearty afternoon snack at work and a romantic dinner for two!

Chicken roll prepared according to this recipe will decorate any holiday table. You can prepare it the day before or even two days before the holiday. We will prepare it with easy-melting cheese (Mozzarella).

Chicken wrapped in bacon is juicy, soft, and spicy. The bacon imparts its flavor and keeps the chicken from drying out. The dish is baked in the oven for about an hour. You can serve vegetables as a side dish for chicken in bacon.

Jamie Oliver's Caesar Salad

Once in one of his TV shows, the famous Jamie Oliver presented his own original version of the no less famous salad. I'm telling you how to make Caesar salad according to Jamie Oliver!

The garlic aroma and delicate taste of chicken will delight those who undertake to prepare this dish. I'm telling you how to cook garlic chicken - I hope you like the recipe!

Cordon Bleu is a breaded schnitzel (usually made from veal) filled with cheese and ham. We will prepare a chicken pocket - juicy, soft and incredibly tasty. Simple and fast!

Chicken fillet baked with marinade is an unusually tasty dish. It takes a relatively long time to prepare, but the result is excellent. I spied this recipe while visiting and spent a long time trying to figure out how to make it. Here is the prescription!

Meet - salad with chicken and pancakes. This salad is both simple and quick, and quite festive, for special occasions! Such salads always come in very handy.

The recipe for cooking chicken meatballs in the oven takes a little longer, but it’s worth it - they turn out soft and juicy, and are also dietary due to the low-calorie chicken and the addition of oatmeal.

If you can’t make crumbly pilaf, then this recipe will be a real godsend. Tender chicken, stewed vegetables and fluffy rice are the main secret of this dish.

Chicken rolls are a delicious yet easy-to-prepare dish that looks great on a holiday table. Rolls can be served both hot and cold. They can be prepared in an hour.

Orzo is a small Italian pasta in the form of rice grains. In this recipe, you can replace the orzo with any small pasta or even rice.

Chicken fillet and bell pepper make a delicious and very beautiful roll. It can be served as a hot dish, cut into a snack or used in making sandwiches.

Chicken legs with apples will amaze you with the combination of the taste of chicken and sour apples flavored with onions. I got this recipe from a friend, and she came up with this dish when she couldn’t buy duck.

I love casseroles! The rainbow of flavors becomes one ray of light in which a lot of flavors are intertwined. Casserole with potatoes and chicken turns out tender, creamy, juicy and satisfying. Both young and old!

Once every two to three weeks I bake chicken liver with apples. This is a quick to prepare and very tasty dish. Baked apples will be a side dish. In addition, chicken liver is quite inexpensive.

Chicken with apples is a classic, everyone's favorite dish. I cook this chicken for both everyday and holiday meals. The chicken comes out aromatic, tender, juicy, with a crispy crust.

Chicken stuffed with apples, baked in the oven, turns out golden brown with a crispy crust. Tender meat is saturated with the aroma of apples, and I, in turn, use them as a side dish.

Chicken meat is tender and dietary. It goes well with garlic and spices. Chicken with garlic in the oven is served both on the holiday table and on the occasion of a family dinner. Garnish - to taste.

I offer a stunning recipe for Italian cuisine - chicken with cheese. Chicken is quite easy to prepare. To prepare it you will need: hard cheese, flour, canned tomatoes, seasonings.

Fragrant juicy chicken in mayonnaise with garlic is prepared within an hour. You can bake it in the oven, or on the stove. However, to fry in a frying pan, you will have to cut the chicken. We won't marinate.

Chicken legs in honey is a wonderful and versatile recipe. This method of marinating allows you to cook chicken both at home and outdoors. Either way, the taste is great!

Chicken with mushrooms and tomatoes is a dish that cannot be prepared the same way twice. You can use different mushrooms and varieties of tomatoes, change additives and spices. But this hot dish always turns out great!

If you can hardly surprise a Russian with duck with apples, then chicken with peaches is an exotic dish for our latitudes. However, it turns out very tasty - I recommend trying it at least once!

Chicken breast with chanterelles is an excellent main dish for an everyday lunch or dinner, or for a holiday table. Soft juicy meat and creamy mushroom sauce perfectly complement onions and herbs. Garnish - optional.

Chicken chops with pineapple and cheese in the oven can be prepared from thighs or breasts. Breast goes more elegantly with pineapple, but I also like it with thighs - they don’t need to be beaten and are juicier.

Elena 12.12.2019 10 199

Whole baked chicken in the oven is a dish from which you can make a real masterpiece, and there are quite a few different recipes for this. Tasty, juicy, with a golden crispy crust - such a bird can be safely placed on a holiday table.

The beauty is that you don’t have to wait for the holiday. The product is affordable, easy to prepare, bake it at least every day. You will need very little - the bird itself, an oven and, depending on the chosen cooking method, foil or a baking sleeve, or you can do without them.

And you don’t have to worry about the side dish, since it’s difficult to find a product that wouldn’t go well with chicken meat. , potatoes or - literally for every taste. Or you can immediately “kill two birds with one stone” and bake the bird stuffed with rice or buckwheat. And in today’s article you will learn about different ways to prepare this dish.

Which bird is better to choose? There is no doubt that poultry is healthier and tastier, but not everyone is suitable for this dish. Laying chicken will take a long time to cook and spending a long time in the oven will not make it tender and juicy. If you are not sure that you will be able to choose the bird you need at the market, then it is better to make a purchase in a store. In our supermarkets, carcasses are ideal for whole roasting.

Whole chicken in the oven with a crispy crust, baked in foil

Almost every housewife has a roll of foil in her kitchen. It is very convenient to use it to prepare dishes, especially large pieces of meat or fish or whole poultry. The dish reaches readiness, while remaining juicy and not dry.


  • chicken - 1 pc. (1.5 kg.)
  • salt - 1 tsp.

for the marinade:

  • mayonnaise – 2 tbsp. l.
  • dried garlic – 1 tsp.
  • paprika – 1 tsp.
  • turmeric – 0.5 tsp.
  • hops-suneli – 0.5 tsp

How to cook:

To bake the whole product, you should not buy a frozen product. The best option would be a fresh, chilled carcass. Such a bird will definitely turn out juicy and tender.

The most delicious recipe for cooking chicken in the oven with salt

If you want to get a delicious, paper-thin, crispy crust, bake the bird according to this recipe. This is perhaps the simplest option, thanks to it you can quickly feed your family or when you have guests on the way. All you need is a chilled carcass, a pack of salt and about an hour of time.

What is the effect of salt and how does it work? The salt accumulates the heat of the oven and gradually releases it, creating the effect of a baking stone. Thanks to this effect, the skin of the bird quickly sets, as if sealing the meat. It ends up juicy, and the crust is thin and crispy.

You will need:

  • chicken - 1 carcass
  • coarse salt - 1 pack

Prepare according to the recipe:

All recipes recommend drying the carcass with paper towels after washing. Don't forget to do this if you want a nice crispy crust. In this recipe, this advice is especially relevant, since it is also necessary to ensure that the salt does not stick to the bird during baking.

It is better to cook the bird in a preheated oven, this makes it easier to track the baking time. The approximate time is 50 minutes for a kilogram carcass; if the weight is greater, then more time will be needed.

Juicy chicken with apples in a baking bag

The famous dish is duck with apples, but believe me, the chicken turns out just as good. The sourness of apples makes poultry meat juicy, tender and very tasty.


  • chicken - 1.8 kg
  • apples - 3−4 pcs.
  • mustard - 1 tbsp. l.
  • mayonnaise - 1 tbsp. l. mayonnaise
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • salt, pepper to taste

How to cook:

Do not chase the size of the bird, the optimal weight is up to 2 kg. It will be easier to place it in a baking sleeve if you decide to cook this way. In any case, no matter which method you choose, a medium-sized chicken will bake faster and you can make an appetizing crust without fear that it will dry out.

Delicious chicken baked whole in soy sauce with honey, garlic and cheese

And this recipe will appeal to cheese lovers; we will stuff the carcass with them in an unusual way. The result is very tender, tasty and aromatic chicken. Try it!


  • chicken - 1.8 kg.
  • liquid honey - 2 tsp.
  • soy sauce - 2 tsp.
  • ground black pepper

For filling:

  • hard cheese - 100 gr.
  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. l.

Step-by-step description of the recipe:

  1. Wash the carcass, cut the breast in half, but do not cut the spine. Open it as much as possible, add salt and pepper.
  2. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil and place the bird skin side up. From the side of the necks, use a knife to separate the skin from the meat, leaving around the edges. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the skin. Then you can remove the knife and use your hands to separate the skin over all surfaces of the carcass. There should be a pocket.
  3. In a separate bowl, mix finely grated cheese, mayonnaise, and chopped garlic. Place the filling in the pocket, spreading it over the entire surface.
  4. Mix honey with soy sauce and brush over chicken.
  5. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. After 30 minutes, place an inverted baking sheet just above the chicken. This must be done so that the crust does not brown prematurely due to the honey.
  6. In total, bake the bird for about 50-60 minutes.

Extra time spent in the oven does not add juiciness to the dish, so remove the bird as soon as it is ready. You can check readiness with a toothpick by piercing the carcass in the thigh or breast area. If light juice flows out without any blood, it means the chicken is ready.

Whole chicken in the oven with rice and mushrooms

By preparing a stuffed bird, we save ourselves from the trouble of making something separately for a side dish. The filling with rice and mushrooms turns out delicious and, together with the juicy chicken, makes an excellent combination.


  • chicken - 2 kg.
  • rice - 150 gr.
  • water - 1 glass
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • fresh mushrooms - 150 gr.
  • garlic 2-3 cloves
  • mayonnaise (sour cream)
  • salt, garlic, spices to taste

Recipe with photo:

  1. Wash the carcass, dry it, trim off excess fat from the belly, rub the top and inside with salt. Then grate with ground pepper or your favorite spices. Secure the skin from the necks with a toothpick, and wrap the tips of the wings in foil. Set aside and start filling.
  2. Wash the rice, put it in a small saucepan, add a glass of hot water, add salt, cover and cook over low heat until half cooked. Once the rice has absorbed all the water, remove from heat.
  3. Finely chop the fat that was trimmed from the chicken and put it in a frying pan. When it melts, add finely chopped onion until transparent. If there is not enough fat, add a little vegetable oil. Then add chopped champignons or any other mushrooms. As soon as the liquid that mushrooms usually secrete has evaporated, add rice and fry everything together a little. Add salt to taste, add 2-3 cloves of finely chopped garlic for flavor.
  4. Place rice with mushrooms inside the chicken. Secure with toothpicks and thread so that the filling does not fall out during baking.
  5. Mix mayonnaise with soy sauce and coat the carcass on all sides. Place in a baking sleeve, tie on both sides, make 2-3 small holes.
  6. Place in a preheated oven for 1 hour 20 minutes at 180 degrees. After this time, remove the baking sheet from the oven, cut the sleeve in the center, open it and put it back. The temperature can be increased to 200 0 and bake until golden brown. In about 20 minutes the stuffed chicken will be ready.
  7. Place it entirely on a plate and serve. But it will smell so delicious that you will want to quickly cut it into portions, and rice with mushrooms will be a delicious side dish.

Chicken baked on a jar with potatoes

A classic of the genre - poultry with potatoes, and there are quite a few options for this preparation. I propose to combine two recipes - bake the chicken in a jar along with potato pieces.


  • chicken - 1.5 kg
  • potatoes - 5-6 pcs.
  • oregano - 1 tsp.
  • ground black pepper - 1 tsp.
  • Dijon mustard - 2 tbsp. l.
  • garlic - 3 + 3 cloves
  • onions - 1 pc. small size
  • mixture of peppercorns - 5−6 pcs.
  • allspice peas - 3 pcs.

Recipe description:

  1. Wash the bird, dry it, rub the inside and outside with salt, ground black pepper and oregano. Finely chop three cloves of garlic or pass through a press and coat the inside of the bird.
  2. Place the carcass in a bowl, coat with Dijon mustard and leave for 1 hour at room temperature.
  3. Wash the potatoes, peel them, cut them into large pieces, add salt, sprinkle with paprika, and mix.
  4. In a half-liter jar (it’s better to take one with an elongated neck) put onions cut into pieces, 3 cloves of garlic, and peppercorns. Pour water into a little more than half the jar.
  5. Lightly grease the baking dish with vegetable oil. Place a jar in the center and place a chicken on it. To ensure that all the steam that is generated during baking remains inside the bird, you need to seal the hole in the carcass in the neck area. To do this, the skin from the neck needs to be secured with toothpicks. Place potato pieces around the jar. During cooking, the juice from the chicken will flow onto the potatoes and they will turn out very tasty.
  6. Lower the oven rack to the very bottom and carefully move the structure.
  7. The bird should be baked for about an hour, it should be cooked through and covered with a golden crust.

How to cook a whole chicken stuffed with buckwheat

Another recipe for stuffed poultry, and this time it will be buckwheat with vegetables. Soaked in juice from the meat, the side dish turns out incredibly tasty.

Required Products:

  • chicken carcass - 2 kg.
  • buckwheat - ¾ cup
  • onions - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • water - 1 glass
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • salt, spices to taste

How to do:

Grilled chicken in the oven on a spit (video recipe)

Grilled poultry is in particular demand. But you can cook it yourself if your oven has a device called a spit. Even if you don’t have such a device, still watch the video; the author offers a flavorful marinade for poultry and if you like it, it can be used for any recipe.

I think you are convinced that cooking a whole chicken in the oven is not at all difficult and what is good about the recipes is that you don’t have to stand over them. While the bird is browning, you can do other things.

Bon appetit!

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