What can you make from dried zucchini? Dried zucchini for the winter and their restoration and preparation

The zucchini drying process lasted 31 hours in an Isidri Ultra dryer on 19 trays at a temperature of + 55˚C.

The air temperature in the room was + 28 ˚С. The Ezidri dryer consumed 18 kW of electricity.

Out of 18 kg of zucchini, the skins amounted to 3.4 kg. Young zucchini does not need to be peeled.

The result was 760 grams of dried zucchini.


Zucchini is well known to people all over the world. Even the ancient Indians in Mexico grew this vegetable and ate it many years BC. And today, zucchini does not lose its popularity and in almost every vegetable garden, garden plot you can see numerous yellow, white, green fruits. The zucchini harvest is most often very large and many people, not knowing where to use this vegetable, sometimes simply feed it to livestock or poultry. However, zucchini can be used in many dishes, not only fresh, but also in processed form. And it is well suited for heat treatment, as it allows you to preserve the product with high quality and for a long time.

There are two beautiful legends about the appearance of zucchini. According to one, Indian women, while waiting for their fishermen husbands, asked the gods to give them a vegetable that would grow on the ground, but would have the magical taste of seafood. According to another legend, this vegetable appeared in the Old World thanks to the Spanish conquistadors along with tobacco, potatoes and chocolate. There is an opinion that Italians were the first to dry zucchini, but nothing is known for certain about this fact.

Useful properties of zucchini


Boil dried zucchini in salted water for about 15 minutes. During this time, you can peel the garlic, grate the lemon zest and squeeze the juice out of it. Place the zucchini in a colander to drain excess liquid. Garlic is fried in olive oil and zucchini, lemon zest and juice, and herbs are added to it. For spicy lovers, you can add chili pepper. Everything is mixed and left covered for 3 minutes on the lowest heat. The warm salad is ready. The result is delicious zucchini with a distinctive mushroom aroma. For 100 grams of zucchini you will need half a lemon, a couple of tablespoons of olive oil, 2 cloves of garlic and herbs to taste.

If you grind dried zucchini into flour, it can be used to make excellent pancakes, replacing wheat flour. This is very useful, since such pancakes will not cause you to gain excess weight.

Dried zucchini can be used in those dishes where these vegetables are traditionally used fresh, just remember that the flavor concentration in them is greater and the aroma is sharper.

If in the summer, when there is an abundance of vegetables, fruits, and herbs, many people neglect such a vegetable as zucchini and prepare few different dishes from it, then in winter the attitude towards it changes. How nice it will be in winter to open a jar of this dried vegetable, prepare first and second courses from it, crunch on flavored chips and remember summer. During the cold season, even those who are indifferent to zucchini should try cooking them in various forms. And the Ezidri vegetable dryer will help preserve this healthy vegetable with virtually no loss of all
its beneficial properties.


Our experience of drying vegetables in the Ezidri dryer.

Eggplants, zucchini, cucumbers were washed, peeled, cut and placed on trays. Vegetables were dried for 8 hours
at + 50°C on 6 trays in the Ezidri Snackmaker dryer.


Dried zucchini for the winter is one of the possible ways to preserve a healthy and valuable product. This method of preparation does not take much time from the housewife, and if you have a dryer for vegetables, fruits and herbs, it is made easier to a minimum. You can also dry zucchini in the oven, convection oven, or naturally in the fresh air, by stringing it on a thread or hanging it on a rod, first removing the core and protecting it from flies.
All the beneficial properties of the vegetable are preserved in dried form. You can dry any type of zucchini, including zucchini. The resulting product from the fruits of this variety will have a slightly dense edge, but this will not spoil the appearance and taste.
Zucchini contains a large amount of various minerals, most of it consists of water, which is of great importance for people who adhere to the basics of proper nutrition, since by eating a sufficient amount of food prepared from zucchini, you can easily satisfy your hunger without consume extra calories.
Preparing the dish offered today, namely preparing dried zucchini for the winter, is a simple and exciting activity that does not require a lot of experience, and indeed, time, which is important in conditions of total busyness of housewives. All it takes is a little patience to slice the zucchini itself as thinly as possible, which will ensure quick and even drying.
The product we receive can be used throughout the entire period when it is not possible to buy fresh vegetables. Dried zucchini can be stored for several months, subject to storage conditions in a dry and ventilated area in a tightly closed container, preferably glass, or tightly packed in paper bags.

Our step-by-step recipe with photos will help you easily and quickly prepare dried zucchini for the winter at home. Well, let's get started.


Dried zucchini for the winter - recipe

Take dense, ripe fruits of any of the varieties you desire. The quantity can be any, but please note that after drying from a kilogram of raw vegetables the yield will be approximately 15%, which will be about 150 grams of dried. Before cutting into rings (slices of your choice), the zucchini must be washed under running water and dried with a cloth or paper towel.

We cut the zucchini into rings, approximately 5 mm thick, because thicker rings will take a long time to dry, and those that are thinner will dry out too much and may stick to the dryer tray during the drying process.

We lay out the zucchini in one layer on the tray of the electric dryer; the space between the laying at this stage of drying will be very small. As they dry, we transfer the dried zucchini to other tiers of the dryer in order to save energy consumed by the unit. Let's set the temperature for drying at the vegetables mark, or if the scale of your dryer does not have this mark, then at a temperature of 50 degrees Celsius, and leave to dry for about 12 hours until the zucchini looks like in our photo.

Dried zucchini is a good alternative to fresh, canned or frozen vegetables. With proper drying, most valuable substances and vitamins remain intact. There are several ways to perform this procedure - each of them has its own characteristics.

Preparing vegetables

Vegetables should be undamaged, grown without nitrates, and ideally just picked from the garden.

The zucchini is washed and dried, and then cut together with the peel - in young fruits it is tender and thin. The grains are not removed - they are also soft and barely noticeable.

It is better to remove the hard skin from ripe ones, clearing it of seeds.

You can cut fruits in different ways: into rounds, cubes, long “ribbons”, etc. Sometimes the vegetables are blanched first, but this is optional.

It makes sense to boil store-bought fruits in order to partially get rid of nitrates, but it should be remembered that in this case the vegetables lose a significant part of their vitamins.

Drying methods

The cooking method depends on the availability of special equipment (or lack thereof).

It’s faster and more convenient to dry zucchini in an electric dryer, but a regular oven is also quite suitable for this. If there is neither one nor the other, you can put them in fresh air.

Algorithm for cooking in a dryer

  • We lay out the prepared pieces on special baking sheets that are included with the dryer;
  • We place the baking sheets in an electric dryer and set the required temperature;
  • We do other things for 4 hours, and then we open the electric dryer and take out the zucchini.

Using a dryer is the fastest and most convenient way. The advantages include saving time and effort, the disadvantages are the costs of the device itself and electricity.

Oven cooking algorithm

  • Preheat the oven to a temperature of 60°C;
  • Place vegetables on baking sheets lined with baking parchment (at a short distance from each other);
  • Place the baking sheets in the oven, leaving the door ajar;
  • Every half hour we look into the oven - if necessary, we change the baking sheets and turn the pieces over to the other side.

The oven drying process will take about 7 hours and will also require your attention - looking inside and turning the zucchini over.

Air cooking algorithm

  • Place the vegetables on the grill, leaving some space between the pieces;
  • Cover with insect net;
  • We place grates for future drying outside;
  • A couple of times a day we go over to turn the pieces over to the other side;
  • In the evening we bring the bars into the house or under a canopy.

You can also dry zucchini inside the house: we string the slices on a thread and hang them, regularly ventilating the room.

How to check readiness

While the zucchini is hot, it's hard to tell how done it is.

The cooled pieces are checked for the presence of moisture: if liquid is released from the vegetables and they look like dried ones, they need to be dried.

The finished product is quite elastic, but becomes wrinkled and darkened.

Dried fruits are very compact - they decrease in volume by almost 2 times.

An excellent storage option would be a glass jar with a screw-on lid or any other airtight glass container.

In such packaging, the fruits are not afraid of the main threat of dried products - insects. Additionally, the airtight container does not allow air to enter, causing the dryer to become soft and prone to spoilage.

Normal room temperature is suitable for storage, but good ventilation of the room is desirable. You need to place the container with the product in a dark place, away from sunlight.

Can also be placed in the freezer. In addition, it is perfect if the vegetables are not completely dried.

Advantages and disadvantages

In dried fruits, most of the valuable substances remain intact. If you use a technologically correct process, then a significant part of the vitamins will not be destroyed during dehydration.

The taste of dried fruits is amazingly preserved - better than frozen or canned ones. And since the taste of fresh zucchini deteriorates during long-term storage, drying wins in this comparison.

By including this product in the winter menu, we not only increase the choice of dishes, but also improve the health of the body, promote harmony and vigor, and create prevention for many diseases.

Dried zucchini will help improve digestion and metabolism, strengthen the nervous system, heart and blood vessels. They increase the body's protective properties and improve the condition of hair and skin.


Usually dried vegetables are eaten little by little as an addition to the main dish - overeating will not lead to anything good.

People with acute gastritis, ulcers and kidney diseases also need to be careful.

In addition, a spoiled product can pose a danger - under-dried vegetables sometimes harbor mold or pests.

We use it in cooking

Drying is often added to salads, after boiling or reconstituting in warm water. It is great for preparing vegetable stews, soups, and sauces.

Some housewives first boil it and then fry it in a frying pan along with onions - the result is a delicious dish reminiscent of mushrooms.

To make pancakes or pancakes, you can make zucchini flour by grinding the zucchini in a blender or coffee grinder. This flour is not only tasty, but also promotes weight loss.

Vegetables are often made into purees for feeding small children. It will add originality to the most ordinary scrambled eggs, gravy or cutlets.

Dried pieces in the form of long ribbons can be thawed and used to prepare holiday snacks - rolls with a variety of fillings.

Candied fruit

Zucchini perfectly takes on the taste of citrus fruits - lemons and oranges, and therefore they make excellent candied fruits.

Drying, prepared in the form of candied fruits, is useful for sweet pastries and all kinds of desserts. Making such a blank is not at all difficult.

The finished product contains many valuable substances, is stored for a long time, and has a pleasant taste and aroma.

A rich harvest of zucchini is an opportunity to provide the whole family with a tasty and healthy product for the whole year. This noble plant is very convenient to use in dried form. Dried zucchini is a real storehouse of vitamins and a universal ingredient for any dish.

History of the use of dried zucchini

For the first time, zucchini began to be dried in Italy, the country of the scorching sun. Local residents actively use the geographical features of their country in cooking. Drying zucchini is especially important in the south. Italian women peel vegetables, cut them and string them onto sticks, then they are dried under the Italian sun.

Dried zucchini is an integral ingredient in salads, stews, soups, casseroles and other popular dishes. This method of harvesting brought the Italians a flourishing rural economy. Sometimes locals complain about the abundance of zucchini and shake their fists at the sun, but they are happy to cook with dried zucchini in winter.

How to choose zucchini for drying?

Zucchini, despite its simplicity, is a very delicate product. 94% of their composition is water. Previously, improvised means were used for drying, but today housewives can use special equipment. For example, the Isidri vegetable and fruit dryer will perfectly cope with the tasks and save your time and effort.

Before you cut the zucchini and send it to dry, it is important to choose the right vegetable. The optimal weight of zucchini is 100-200 grams, and the length is 12-20 cm. Such parameters ensure maturity of the ingredient, and it will be convenient for the housewife to work with it.

The zucchini skin should be thin and smooth. Please note that there is no damage, scratches or dents. Their presence leads to rapid spoilage of the product. If the zucchini has a thick skin, then most likely it is already overripe, has fibrous pulp and a large number of seeds.

Before drying, you can store the zucchini in the refrigerator, first wrapping it in a plastic bag. The shelf life is no more than 1 week. It is recommended to wash vegetables before direct use.

When choosing zucchini for drying, ask the seller about the harvest month. It is noted that in the period from May to July the vegetable is most useful and accessible. Zucchini harvested in early summer have the best taste. They are perfect for frying, stuffing, marinating, and stewing. When dried, you can make a delicious zucchini stew, winter salad, or even flour.

Benefits of dried

Today, zucchini is a very popular and widespread vegetable. This ingredient is used in almost all countries, because they know how useful and necessary it is for the body. However, not everyone knows about drying. The Isidri dryer does not affect the chemical composition of the zucchini in any way. The benefits of the dried product will not decrease, since microelements and vitamins are preserved.

Zucchini contains many useful elements:

  • magnesium;
  • copper;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • protein;
  • starch;
  • cellulose;
  • carotene;
  • sugar;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamins of group B, C, PP.

Thanks to such an impressive set, zucchini has become one of the best helpers in the fight against serious diseases and their prevention:

  • prevents the appearance of cancer cells;
  • improves the functioning of the reproductive system and prostate gland;
  • has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • regulates blood sugar levels in diabetes;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • cleanses the blood of cholesterol;
  • reduces the risk of heart attacks and stroke;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • cleanses the intestines of waste and toxins;
  • relieves inflammation in asthma, rheumatism, atherosclerosis.

This wide range of action has given zucchini its rightful place on dinner tables all over the world. Due to its minimal calorie content, it is also recognized as one of the best dietary products. The vegetable helps in the fight against cellulite and promotes weight loss. Dried zucchini is considered a delicacy. Despite the fact that in this form the zucchini significantly decreases in size and becomes light, it retains all its properties.

The benefits of zucchini for children’s bodies are also obvious. They quickly cause a feeling of satiety and have a beneficial effect on teeth, hair, and vision. Due to imperfect diet, our blood vessels accumulate cholesterol, and heavy metal salts are deposited in the body. Zucchini also copes with this easily.

The general effect of zucchini is that it slows down the aging process, improves the functioning of all organs and systems, and prevents various kinds of diseases. It follows that vegetables should always be present among our food products. However, since the harvest season falls only in spring and summer, the best option is to dry the zucchini for the winter.

Dried zucchini is useful for absolutely everyone, regardless of gender and age. A non-standard set of substances allows the vegetable to influence all life processes.

For men, zucchini is good as a source of strength and to improve the functioning of the reproductive system. Women use the vegetable to combat excess weight and cleanse the body. Children in the process of growth and development need many components of zucchini. The product has a positive effect on the growth of teeth and hair, strengthens bones and increases immunity to possible diseases. Pensioners need to normalize blood pressure and heart function, which zucchini does an excellent job of. They reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks and improve brain function.

Zucchini must be eaten and the sooner you start watching your diet, the less likely it is that you will encounter any of the above problems.

How and in what dishes are they used?

Zucchini is a very relevant and healthy product at all times of the year. To ensure that the dinner table always tastes delicious, zucchini is dried for the winter. The Ezidri dryer will make this process easier for you, since Italian solar drying technology is not always convenient in urban environments.

There are a huge variety of dishes made from dried zucchini. Among them there are both first and second courses, as well as appetizers and salads. All recipes are very simple, so even a novice cook can prepare them.

Stewed dishes.

Dried zucchini in stews is a great alternative for lunch, breakfast and dinner. Vegetable stews are often prepared using this principle. The combination of dried zucchini with vegetables allows you to serve the maximum amount of healthy foods on one plate. You can bring out the flavor of the stew with fresh herbs, such as parsley and basil. In Italy, Parmesan cheese is often added to vegetable stews, which adds its own unique flavor.

Zucchini can also be stewed with potatoes or cabbage separately. This dish will serve as an excellent side dish for meat dishes. Dried zucchini stewed with minced meat is also popular. For drying to be easy and gentle, it must be saturated with water. If the zucchini remains a little dry, you can add water while cooking. For some dishes, zucchini is pre-soaked. This helps to avoid loss of the beneficial properties of the product. The amount of water absorbed depends on the extent to which the zucchini has been dried.

Fried foods.

Dried fried zucchini is the most common dish based on this product. Cooking does not require any special skills. You can fry zucchini either in a frying pan or on the grill. It is advisable to soak the zucchini in water first. This way, the vegetable will become tender and more pliable.

For zucchini fried in a frying pan, it is better to use breading. It can be very diverse. It all depends on your imagination. Flour is most often used, however, cooks have long been using grated cheese, breadcrumbs and herbs. Flour can also vary from wheat to corn.

Zucchini is fried in a frying pan with vegetables. It is best to use tomatoes. This juicy product will saturate the dried zucchini with the necessary moisture, and the dish will turn out juicy. Zucchini with garlic, paprika, lemon and other spices is no less tasty.

Grilled zucchini is common in Europe. This dietary dish is low in calories and is suitable for those who are watching their figure. It's quite simple to prepare. Just sprinkle the zucchini slices with lemon juice, add seasonings to taste and fry.

Fried zucchini dishes are a canvas for implementing creative culinary ideas. They are recognized as one of the best side dishes, as they go well with almost any meat and fish. Along with them, you can serve all kinds of dressings from standard sour cream and mayonnaise to exclusive signature sauces.

First meal.

Stewed zucchini is added to soups without pre-soaking. This vegetable is used in light and dietary dishes. In addition to dried zucchini, you can also use frozen zucchini. They are useful in any form, as they practically do not lose vitamins. 1 kg of zucchini is enough to prepare a 4-liter pot of soup.

As a rule, first courses with zucchini are prepared based on vegetables. You can add potatoes, onions, bell peppers, and carrots to the soup. Don't forget about seasonings. Even standard bay leaves, salt and pepper will help zucchini better reveal its taste and aroma. You can also always add meat, mushrooms, cheese or tomatoes to the soup. Zucchini is a versatile product, making it very easy to work with in any kitchen.

In winter, dried zucchini is an integral product of every housewife in both the European and Western worlds. From drying you can prepare soups, salads, side dishes, as well as flour and original jam. There are practically no dried zucchini on sale, so it’s worth stocking up during harvest, then you will delight your loved ones with delicious and healthy dishes all year round.

Zucchini is very popular for its low calorie content. Alas, this healthy vegetable can be stored fresh for no more than ten days. Therefore, housewives are forced to pickle, preserve and process zucchini into jam or preserves. But with these types of preparations, the vegetable finally loses its healing properties. To ensure that eating zucchini all year round brings only benefits, there is another option - drying, which will preserve all the vitamins and microelements.

Dried zucchini: composition and energy value

The composition of the zucchini includes:

  • Vitamins A, B1, B2, C, PP;
  • Micro- and macroelements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese, iron, sulfur, molybdenum, titanium, aluminum, phosphorus and sodium;
  • Alimentary fiber;
  • Cellulose;
  • Structured water.

How many calories are in zucchini?

The calorie content of zucchini is 24 kcal per 100 grams. Nutritional value of zucchini:

  • Proteins - 0.6 g;
  • Fats - 0.3 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 4.6 g.

Benefits and harms

This vegetable can be consumed by almost everyone, including young children and the elderly. What are the benefits of zucchini:

  • Thanks to its weak diuretic and choleretic effect, it removes excess salt from the body;
  • Has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • Normalizes blood glucose levels;
  • Relieves constipation;
  • Helps with colitis and other gastrointestinal diseases.

Despite all its healing properties, zucchini can also cause harm:

  • Raw consumption is prohibited;
  • Contraindicated for ulcers and gastritis;
  • Do not use if you have kidney failure.

Benefits and harms of zucchini for the body:

Selection and preparation

The best choice for drying would be young, medium-sized vegetables with unspoiled skin and a green tail. The pulp of such zucchini is more tender and contains more useful substances. You can also dry large zucchini by first removing the seeds. The procedure for preparing zucchini for various drying methods is almost identical:

  • Wash the zucchini well, cutting off the stem and tail;
  • Cut vegetables into strips, cubes, rings or half rings;
  • The chopped zucchini is either dried immediately or boiled for 1-2 minutes before drying, and then cooled in cold water.

After preparation, a drying method is chosen.

Popular drying methods

Drying vegetables is the easiest and most practical way to preserve all the vitamins and beneficial properties. It is completely inexpensive in terms of money. Since zucchini loses up to 4/5 of its liquid when dried, therefore, from 10 kg of fresh vegetables you will get 1 kg of dried ones.

Sun drying

This method is the longest and will take from two to three weeks:

  • Place the chopped vegetable on a wire rack or sieve in one layer, leaving small gaps between the pieces;
  • Place the containers in the sun and wait for the zucchini to dry completely. Don’t forget to turn the pieces over occasionally to ensure even drying.

IMPORTANT: Drying vegetables on baking sheets or trays is prohibited, as air will not be able to circulate and the zucchini will begin to rot. If there is no drying rack, pieces of zucchini, strung on fishing line or thick thread, are hung and dried in a room with sufficient ventilation.

In the oven

The advantage of this method is that drying time will be much less than with natural drying. Vegetables are prepared and cut, then placed on a baking sheet. The oven is preheated to no more than 50 degrees.

Place the baking sheet in the oven for 6-7 hours. Once the time is up, remove the zucchini and let cool for about an hour. If, after drying, there is moisture in the vegetable, and their appearance resembles a dried product, the drying process must be repeated by placing the zucchini in the oven for two hours.

Drying zucchini:

In an electric dryer

Wash ripe zucchini and place on a napkin to remove excess moisture. Cut vegetables into small cubes. Set the temperature of the electric dryer to 60 degrees. Place the zucchini cubes in an electric dehydrator dish. Dry for four to five hours until the vegetables are dry and elastic. Place the finished dried vegetables in an airtight container.

How to check readiness

Usually, the readiness of zucchini is determined by its appearance. Properly dried vegetables will be elastic and will not release moisture. They may darken a little and wrinkle. If dried zucchini looks like dried zucchini, they need to be dried. You need to check the readiness to taste after the zucchini has cooled.

How to restore and cook:


Dried zucchini must be stored in glass jars with a sealed metal or plastic lid, so moths, larvae and other pests cannot penetrate into them. Some people advise storing dried vegetables in cotton bags, pre-soaked in a salty solution. But even in such bags moths can appear. You can also store zucchini in the freezer. This storage method is suitable if the vegetables are slightly underdried.

How to make candied zucchini

You can make a wonderful and tasty dessert from zucchini - candied fruits. Ingredients:

  • 600 grams of zucchini;
  • 250 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 5 grams of ginger;
  • One lemon;
  • 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar.

ATTENTION: It is not recommended to store dried zucchini in iron, plastic containers, or plastic bags. These containers are not airtight, so the vegetables will become saturated with moisture and become soft, and pests will appear. If properly prepared, dried and stored, dried vegetables will last a long time.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the zucchini well and dry with a paper towel;
  • Peel them;
  • Cut in half and remove seeds;
  • Cut into small pieces;
  • Place in a saucepan and sprinkle granulated sugar on top. In order for the zucchini to release juice, leave them for half an hour, shaking from time to time;
  • Grate the lemon zest and squeeze the juice out of it. Add to pan with zucchini;
  • Grate the peeled ginger. Add to vegetables;
  • Place on fire and bring to a boil. Cook over low heat for about an hour, remembering to stir. After an hour of cooking, remove the pan from the stove and cool the zucchini;
  • Drain the syrup through a sieve and leave the vegetable cubes in it to drain off excess liquid. You can use a paper towel to dry;
  • Cover a baking sheet with parchment and place vegetable pieces on it;
  • Place in a hot oven and dry for about two hours at 130 degrees. Do not close the oven door tightly. Stir the candied fruits from time to time with a wooden spatula to avoid sticking to the parchment paper;
  • After the zucchini pieces stop sticking to your hands, they can be removed from the oven;
  • Sprinkle candied squash with powdered sugar.

Store in an airtight container in a cool, dry place.

Fried dried zucchini:

What can you cook?

Dried zucchini makes a great addition to a variety of soups and stews. To return the vegetables to their previous appearance, they need to be filled with water and allowed to brew for about 30 minutes. For a glass of dried vegetables you will need half a glass of warm water.

Korean zucchini recipe


  • Dried zucchini;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Korean carrot dressing;
  • Vinegar;
  • 2-3 heads of garlic.

Cooking method:

  • Pour dried vegetables with cool water and leave for 10-15 minutes;
  • Then boil in salted water for 15 minutes;
  • After cooking, place the zucchini in a colander to drain excess liquid;
  • When the zucchini has cooled, place it in a salad bowl;
  • Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and add to the salad bowl with the zucchini;
  • Add dressing, vinegar and 2-3 tablespoons of zucchini broth;
  • Peel and chop the garlic, season the zucchini with it;
  • Leave for 3-4 hours;
  • You can taste it.

Drying zucchini will not take much time and will not pose any problems. The tender pulp of this vegetable will bring great benefits to the body. By spending just a few hours preparing and drying zucchini in an electric dehydrator, oven, or just sitting in the sun, you can use it throughout the year to prepare a wide variety of dishes.

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