Oolong tea comes in green and black. True Chinese tea – choose the oolong variety! How to use it for weight loss

The key concept is fermentation. Oolongs are medium-fermented varieties. Average degree of fermentation: 20-50%, depending on the specific type. Conventionally speaking, they occupy an intermediate position between green and red (in European black) teas. While retaining the fresh floral aroma of green varieties, they acquire a deeper, richer flavor characteristic of darker varieties.

Infinite number of names

This tea is called by different names. The most popular name is oolong tea, oolong tea. In Chinese: 烏龍. . Another one is qing cha or turquoise tea. There is also a poetic one - “Black Dragon”, which personifies the ability of leaves to change color when brewed.

The name “oolong” migrated to us from England: due to its specific pronunciation, it sounds exactly like that in English. Sometimes there are erroneous names: oolong, oolong, which are the result of incorrect English pronunciation of the Chinese pinyin “wū long”.

How can we do without myths?

There is hardly any tea in China whose origin is not shrouded in a romantic legend. People in the Celestial Empire love it. There are at least a dozen legendary tales about the origin of oolong as a variety of Chinese varieties.

According to one of them, this tea was found by a traveler named Sulong in Anxi province. His name served as the prototype for the name of the varieties of this group.

Another legend begins its story from the distant 20th century, when one of the emperors of the Song Dynasty reigned. By order of the court, a huge garden of camellia shrubs, Dragon and Phoenix varieties, was planted in Fujian. The leaves they produced were used to produce pressed tea. In the future, during the Ming Dynasty, its popularity fell sharply, which served as a prerequisite for the cultivation of a new variety, “Black Dragon Tea” with rolled leaves. You probably already guessed that these were the first oolongs.

It is impossible not to mention the legend of a hunter nicknamed the Black Dragon. One day, while hunting, he collected leaves from the bushes, and while he was chasing a deer, they crumpled and turned into tea. Its aroma was delicious and unique.

Historical facts

Now a portion of the truth, confirmed by historical sources.

The first mention of oolongs dates back to the Ming Dynasty. The raw materials for them were the leaves of Wuyishan bushes that grew in the northwestern part of Fujian. From there, the technology migrated to Guangdong Province and Anxi County.

It is known that at the beginning of the 17th century, Chinese oolong tea was imported to Europe. It so quickly won the love of noble ladies that many still consider oolongs to be “women’s tea.” After King Charles II married a Portuguese princess, tea began to be imported into Britain. The Queen loved oolongs and could not live a day without drinking a hot cup.

It began to be produced on the island of Taiwan only in the 19th century. In just a few decades, the new tea brand “Dodd & Co” reached the peak of its popularity: its products began to be in great demand both in the Middle Kingdom and abroad: in the USA and England.

The uniqueness of turquoise tea

Before going into detail and describing the production features, organoleptic characteristics and properties of oolong tea, let us immediately note what makes this tea unique.

5 Key Features:

  1. Oolongs are the most aromatic variety of Chinese tea. Everyone will agree with this. It is not for nothing that varieties of this group are favorites of tea ceremonies, where a variety of shades and notes are valued.
  2. They are the only tea group participating in the Gong Fu Cha ceremony. Tea craftsmanship is not just tea drinking, but a whole ritual filled with special energy and love for Tea.
  3. Repeated brewing. Oolongs, especially light ones, can withstand 8-15 straits. This is an impressive figure.
  4. In China, it is customary to divide oolongs into mainland and island (Taiwan). Indeed, they differ significantly in taste and aroma, properties and effect on the body.
  5. Twist - mandatory stage of production. The degree of twisting is determined by the specific variety, but this stage is always present.

Oolong is not green tea!

Many people mistakenly classify oolongs as green varieties. The fact is that some representatives (for example, Tie Guan Yin, Alishan, Milk Oolong) give a green color to the infusion, and the effect resembles green varieties. In fact, green tea is a completely different group, represented by varieties of lesser fermentation, with different production technology and properties.

It is easy to distinguish oolong tea from green tea: pay attention to the shape of the leaf. In green varieties, the leaf is solid, in oolongs it is crumpled, often in the form of balls or twisted spirals.

Where does oolong tea grow?

Briefly, we figured out what oolong tea is and what makes it unique. Now about the places of growth.

The raw materials for tea are leaves from bushes that grow in 3 regions: Fujian (north and south of the province), Guangdong and Taiwan. In the southern part of Fujian and on the island, light varieties are produced, and in the north of Fujian and Guangdong, dark varieties are produced, with fermentation of 50%.

Collection and production technology

The leaves are collected by hand. Collection time is determined by the recipe. As a rule, spring varieties are more aromatic, but less deep in taste. Autumn is the opposite. To produce highly fermented (dark) oolongs, mature, fleshy leaves are used; for weakly fermented (light) - younger raw materials. But there are also exceptions.

The general production scheme is as follows:

  1. Drying in the open air. The harvest is laid out in the sun for 1-1.5 hours, then transferred to the shade.
  2. Simmering (fermentation). Stir the leaves periodically, but carefully so as not to damage them. The tea is simmered in air until the leaves begin to darken. In this case, fermentation occurs unevenly: the edges oxidize more than the middle part.
  3. Heating (drying). Goal: stop fermentation.
  4. Rolling in drums.
  5. Re-drying. Purpose: to remove residual moisture.
  6. Packing.

Classification with examples of the best varieties

The classification of oolongs is based on different criteria. The main one is the degree of fermentation (we touched on it earlier).

Light and dark

Light: slightly fermented (20-30%). Dark (more than 50%).

It is generally accepted that highly fermented varieties appeared earlier. The best of them grow in the highlands, in Wuishan and the Phoenix Mountains (Fujian and Guangdong oolongs). The best representatives of Fujianese: Da Hong Pao, Bai Ji Guan. Guangdong: Feng Huang Dan Cong and several dozen of its varieties.

Light ones have a more delicate, floral aroma, similar to green varieties. The best grow in the highlands of Taiwan (Dong Ding, Alishan) and southern Fujian (the legendary Tie Guan Yin).

According to leaf shape

The leaves of dark varieties have longitudinal curl. They are very long, look solid, but wrinkled (Da Huang Pao, Fhdts).

Light varieties have a spherical twist and look like balls (Tie Guan Yin, Gaba, Dong Ding).

By place of production and variety of tea bushes

  1. Wuishan (northern Fujian). The raw materials are leaves of shrubs from the plantations of the Ui Mountains. Types by variety of camellia:

Highland (Wu Yi Yang Cha): Zhou Gui, Shuixian, Da Hong Pao, Batz Ji Guan and others;
- Shuixian from northern Fujian.

  1. Southern Fujian. The most famous: Tie Guan Yin, Jin Gui.
  2. Guangdong. These are Feng Huang Da Cong and its varieties, which are produced in the Chaozhou region: Mi Lan Xiang, Yu Lan Xiang. They have pronounced notes of orchid.
  3. Taiwanese. The special taste and aroma is due to the foggy area where the bushes grow. Tea tree varieties:

Chin Shin. Top grade.

Jin Xuan. Oolongs from the leaves of these shrubs acquire a characteristic milky taste.

Jade. With pronounced notes of orchid.

Si Tzu. This shrub is a hybrid. Treated leaves acquire a bright floral aroma.

The best Taiwanese varieties: Alishan and Lishan, Dong Ding.


We cannot ignore the relatively new category of oolong varieties: flavored. Among them are the well-known milk tea, a drink with the aroma of ginseng, orchid, and osmanthus.

During the production process, the leaves are treated with aromatic extracts.

Most of these varieties are produced on the island. Taiwan. They are mainly sold: tea without additives is valued in China.

Tasting: infusion, taste, aroma

What do the twisted spirals and long flagella of tea with the mysterious name “oolong” hide behind? What notes are typical for them?

As has already been noted many times,

Oolong is the most aromatic tea in China.

This is due to the high content of essential oils in tea. When brewed, the tea leaves reveal a luxurious bouquet with hints of flowers and fruits. Each composition is unique and determined by the growing region and recipe.

Slightly fermented (green) varieties give an infusion from amber to light green in color. They express light floral, honey shades, and notes of fresh fruit. The taste is slightly herbaceous, but with a sweet aftertaste and a slight tartness.

Highly fermented varieties are more similar to red ones. They have more spicy, berry, chocolate, woody tones. The aroma is deep, fragrant: like expensive perfume.


Enjoying the wonderful aroma of the brightest Chinese tea calms, inspires and improves your mood. Drinking tea in silence makes perception subtle and reveals that state of consciousness in which there is no place for everyday bustle. The feeling that you are emerging from a deep sleep into a beautiful reality. Filled with magic and possibilities.

Well, enough lyrics. Let's talk about the chemical composition and effect of tea on human physiology.

The conditions for growing shrubs and the special technology for processing the crop contribute to the formation of a unique composition of tea. It includes antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, tannins (tannins and their derivatives), essential oils.

Oolongs are record holders for the content of essential oils.

Speaking of essential oils. These volatile compounds are classified as organic substances. Essential oils appear in the tea leaf during its processing. In fresh leaves their content is minimal.

In tea they are represented by phenols, complex acids, and aldehydes. Turquoise tea contains more aromatic oils than other varieties. For example, in green and yellow tea they are in a bound state and are not fully revealed in the infusion.

Thanks to these aromatic substances, we can enjoy a rich bouquet of citrus, fruity notes, shades of lilac, roses, vanilla, which are so rich in oolongs.

Beneficial and harmful properties of oolong tea

The beneficial properties of oolong are as vast as space. We invite you to familiarize yourself with part of their rich arsenal. Regular tea drinking helps normalize weight, blood pressure, and improve the condition of hair and skin.

This tea is sometimes called the elixir of youth and health. The high content of antioxidants prevents premature aging and the formation of malignant tumors.

Light varieties reduce cholesterol levels, improve the condition of blood vessels, and help with hypertension.

Studies have shown that regular consumption of tea increases the concentration of adiponectin in the blood. Don't be alarmed, it's just a protein, which also prevents the development of diabetes.

To avoid negative consequences, you should not drink oolong tea for children, pregnant women, at night or in large quantities (more than 3 cups per day).

Subtleties of brewing

The brewing process begins with preparing the dishes and tea. For one tea party, 7-10 g is enough. Utensils: clay or glass teapot, flask, gaiwan. Light varieties are best brewed in glass and porcelain, dark varieties in clay.

Water temperature: for light 80 degrees, for dark - 90.

Heat the dishes with boiling water, add tea, shake: this is necessary so that the aroma is revealed to the maximum. Essential oils begin to be actively released upon physical impact and give us the opportunity to fully enjoy the thick and fragrant bouquet.

We drain the first tea leaves. We hold the second one for 30 seconds. We hold each subsequent spill 10 seconds longer than the previous one. It is ideal to use a tea pair.

Drink the drink hot. No snacks or sugar needed.

This is how oolong tea is brewed:

Important: proper storage of oolongs

We learned how to brew oolong, now about storage.

Light varieties love cool weather. It is ideal to store them at a temperature of +5-+10 degrees, but you can also store them at room temperature. The main thing is sealed packaging.

Dark oolongs are less demanding in terms of storage conditions. A teapot or jar made of glass, porcelain, wood, or a closed tea bag are perfect for long-term storage of Da Hong Pao, Zhou Gui, and Fhdc varieties.

Tea drinking traditions are common in every family; they determine the cultural values ​​of the nation and country. There are more than a thousand brewing recipes, which include not only the principles of brewing, but also a variety of compositions. The benefits and harms of oolong milk tea are a subject of debate among many tea growers in all countries of the world.

What kind of tea is this and how is it produced?

This variety is an incompletely fermented tea leaf, which is an intermediate link between green and black teas. It is believed that oolong combines all the best properties and beneficial qualities of black.

The technology of fermentation of raw materials for tea has its own significance and characteristics. Fermentation is the process of processing enzymes contained in raw materials. Under their influence, as well as under the influence of microorganisms produced during fermentation, the fermentation reaction begins. Popular drinks such as fireweed tea are obtained this way.

The variety is native to the southern and part of the northern provinces of China. Chinese tea drinking culture began using this drink about 300 - 400 years ago. The best varieties are collected in the Chinese highlands, and they are especially useful, as they have valuable properties due to the clean mountain air.

The varieties in their natural form are the ancestors of the dairy variety. The first description of milk oolong tea dates back to 1980. The type of fermentation determined its continued existence, which brought popularity.

Connoisseurs claim that the tea tastes like milk, which gives it a special aroma. In European countries, the name of milk tea sounds like “oolong”: nutritionists and specialists around the world talk about the benefits of this variety.

The production of oolong has its own characteristics; the manufacturing technology gives it valuable properties that bring benefits from consumption:

  1. The collection is carried out from adult bushes: full mature leaves, young shoots or buds are removed.
  2. Drying the leaves in the sun takes about an hour.
  3. The dried raw materials are placed in baskets, laid in a thick layer and placed in the shade - this is the beginning of the fermentation process.
  4. Every hour the leaves are gently mixed, trying to maintain structure.
  5. The degree of readiness is determined by specially trained people who interrupt the process and dry the leaves at a temperature of 250 - 300 °C.

The peculiarity of the technology is that natural fermentation is interrupted artificially. Drying at high temperatures stops it completely. The degree of fermentation can fluctuate between 20 and 60%. Typically, milk oolongs have a fermentation degree of about 40 - 50% at the output.

The milky aroma is imparted to oolong in one of the following ways:

  1. Treating the bushes with a solution of cane sugar with a milky aroma.
  2. Adding to finished raw materials before packaging and storage.

The last method is traditional.

Vitamin and mineral composition of oolong tea

The preparation mechanism of incomplete fermentation gives this type of milk tea beneficial properties that completely depend on what substances are preserved in the composition.

Experts say that the number of useful chemical compounds in oolongs reaches 400. The most important ones are recognized as:

  • essential oils;
  • polyphenols;
  • caffeine;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamins C;
  • tocopherols;
  • calciferols;
  • microelements and macroelements.

Benefits of oolong milk tea

The benefits and harms of white or milk oolong tea depend on the properties of its components.

Essential oils, due to the properties of their chemical structure, are able to supply oxygen at the cellular level; they have the beneficial property of reducing blood viscosity and increasing the speed of blood flow in the human body.

Polyphenols are compounds that have the beneficial property of protecting cells from free radicals, and this is a sign of the antioxidant effects of milk tea.

The benefits of consuming caffeine include activating cardiac activity and stimulating the nervous system, but these same properties can cause possible harm if taken in excess.

B vitamins are necessary for the body, as they affect metabolic processes and are responsible for the condition of hair, nails, and skin. The lack of these elements leads to the development of anemia of various types.

Ascorbic acid is useful in the construction of connective and bone tissue in the human body.

Tocopherols and calciferols are participants in the hydrocarbon chain; without them, the metabolic process at the cellular level is impossible.

Trace element compounds also impart beneficial properties to oolong milk tea. It contains elements of calcium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, and magnesium.

The benefits of milky green oolong tea for the body are characterized by several properties:

  • restorative(tea increases the body's resistance, increases immune defense);
  • regenerating (promotes cell renewal);
  • normalizing digestion(good for the intestines, cleanses it of toxins);
  • reducing the risk of developing cancer(due to the ability to activate cell regeneration, it helps eliminate the beginnings of harmful cell division).

Can pregnant and lactating women drink oolong tea?

Pregnant women and new mothers often worry about whether a product or drink can harm their baby. In the case of oolong milk tea, this concern is justified because it contains some caffeine, which means it has a tonic effect. Lightly fermented oolongs contain less caffeine than highly fermented varieties.

Doctors recommend that pregnant and breastfeeding women be careful with everything they consume. The daily dose of milk tea for them is determined by 1 – 2 cups. If tea does not have a stimulating effect on the body, then you can slightly increase the amount of drink.

Is oolong tea good for children?

The introduction of adult drinks into a child's diet should be agreed with a pediatrician: they can be harmful to children's health.

If there are no special contraindications, then milk tea is offered to children starting from 2 years old in a weakly brewed form. It will not cause harm to the body, but it can affect the quality of sleep, so it is better for children to drink oolong in the first half of the day.

Milk oolong tea for weight loss

This variety is in demand among those who strive for slimness. According to reviews, drinking 4 cups a day helps to get rid of several extra pounds. The reason for this beneficial effect is hidden in the stimulation of metabolic processes in the body by milk tea.

Beneficial properties of oolong tea with ginseng

The product has its own beneficial properties. The production of this milk tea includes the stage of harvesting the second component - ginseng, the root extract of which is added to dried oolong leaves. The tea is rolled in dry powder of medicinal herbs, where the main beneficial component is ginseng root, then fermentation is stopped in the traditional way and the raw materials are sent for packaging and storage.

Ginseng benefits the body as it has unique healing properties. Tea with ginseng tones, strengthens the immune system, promotes blood flow and increases the elasticity of blood vessels.

Warning! Ginseng oolong is not recommended during pregnancy due to the possible harm of allergic reactions.

How to brew milk oolong

The drink has a brewing specificity that differs from the usual European one. must be cooled to 90 °C. The tea is washed, poured with hot water, and tightly closed with a lid in a suitable container.

Information! The peculiarity of oolongs of different varieties is their ability to brew up to 5 - 6 times. The benefits of use do not change.

How to drink milk oolong

They prefer to drink Oolong after meals, never washing it down with sweets or desserts. This method has more benefits from taking it. This tea can be a separate element of any meal, its healthy conclusion. By triggering metabolic processes, oolong tea benefits the body by helping to digest food.

To improve lactation

Nursing mothers are recommended to drink oolong drinks to improve lactation. More water is added to this tea, thereby minimizing the harm from caffeine entering the body. A warm, delicious drink with added cinnamon promotes milk flow.

The benefits for mother's milk from consuming oolong include additional nutritional benefits.

For gastritis

Diseases associated with digestion cause a lot of inconvenience. Foods and drinks that are included in the diet must be guaranteed to be beneficial and not cause harm. Oolongs are drunk for indigestion; they are also indicated for gastritis.

Teas are drunk on an empty stomach; you can drink them up to 4 times a day without causing harm to yourself.

For cholecystitis

Cholecystitis is characterized by the fact that there is a violation of the outflow of bile in the body. This is due to inflammatory processes in the gallbladder, which significantly affect health and harm all body systems.

Warning! The drink is strictly contraindicated in the presence of stones in the gall bladder; taking it can affect the movement of stones along the passage, which will harm your well-being.

For pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is one of the types of inflammation of the pancreas. In acute cases of the disease, milk oolong tea can cause pain, so it is better not to take it.

For diabetes

The use of oolong tea in home cosmetology

The beneficial properties of milk oolong are actively exploited in the preparation of care products in home cosmetology.

Face masks are made using brewed leaves and honey.

Rinse your hair with tea broth: this gives it shine. With regular use, you can stop the process of hair loss.

By rubbing your face with ice cubes made from tea every day, you can get rid of acne. The properties of tea prevent the spread of inflammation and remove the main focal formations.

Tea lotions eliminate redness of the eyes. The benefit lies in the prevention of dryness and burning around the eyes, this is due to the antioxidant content in the tea leaves.

Harm of milk oolong and contraindications

Moderate intake of the drink is not harmful.

Cautious use is indicated for cholelithiasis.

The tonic properties of the drink can cause sleepless nights, so your last drink should be a few hours before bedtime.

How to choose the right oolong tea

The choice of tea type depends on individual preferences: preference for weakly fermented tea is for those who like a less pronounced color of the drink. Heavily fermented varieties have a dark green tint. The smell of tea depends on whether it is flavored or not.

The main difference between a drink and a fake, which is visible upon external inspection, is its weight. Real oolong milk tea should be heavy. This is because its leaves are curled and have more weight than regular varieties.

Storing Milk Oolong Tea

A special property of oolongs is their economical consumption. To brew one portion, you can use several leaves, and brewing can be repeated.

They prefer to store this tea in glass jars with a tightly closed lid.


The benefits and harms of oolong milk tea depend on the method of collection, the conditions of its storage, and the amount of use. When brewed correctly, the drink will give pleasure and benefit the body's systems. This is one of the elite varieties of tea, which has become popular due to its taste and beneficial properties.

Oolong tea (or oolong) is grown and produced in China. It is loved for its subtle aroma and rich taste; for many, this drink is an integral part of a tea ceremony or ordinary gatherings with friends or loved ones. Oolong has many useful properties, has a special production technology and several varieties.

Translated from English, “oolongtea” means “red tea”. And indeed, the color of some of its varieties when brewed has exactly this shade. In fact, oolong tea in the Chinese classification occupies an intermediate position between green and red tea.

Oolong is a high mountain tea. The quality of the resulting tea is determined by many factors - from which side the mountain slope is oriented to, how much fog there was during the growth of the tea bush, to the professionalism of the people who collect and manually sort the tea leaves, and those who directly process the raw materials.

Production technology

The peculiarity of oolong is that it is not completely fermented (only 10-50%). It is also called turquoise tea due to the color of the rolled leaves and the brewing of most types. The edges of the leaves are most fermented, like red tea, and the middle is weakly fermented, like green tea. This processing gives that taste and aroma, combining tenderness and astringency, for which oolong is loved all over the world.
The technology for producing oolong is as follows:

  1. The youngest or mature leaves (depending on the variety) are dried in the sun for 1 to 6 hours.
  2. After this, the raw materials are tightly packed into large baskets and placed in the shade so that fermentation begins, which is not completed.
  3. The semi-fermented leaves are dried in an oven at 250°C in two stages. The first is short-term, designed to stop the fermentation process. The second one takes longer and is needed for final drying.

As a result of this treatment, the leaves turn out to be fermented only at the edges, while the middle retains their green color and even veins. This is why dry oolong has a turquoise hue. Also, the tea leaves do not contain dust, crumbs, or broken leaves.

Watch an interesting video about the production of oolong tea.

The first flavored oolongs were jasmine (tea leaves and jasmine flowers were dried simultaneously on different racks and then mixed) and ginseng (crushed root was added to the ready-made dry oolong).

Today, there are many more flavored varieties - peach, ginger, lemon, raspberry, herbal, milk, pineapple, mango, rose petals, chrysanthemum and others. Many of them contain artificial additives to add odor (usually in the middle and lower price segment). By the way, the Chinese prefer natural oolong tea, and flavored tea is mainly exported.

Today they are produced in a slightly different way than before. To do this, tea leaves of medium size and quality are selected, crushed and rolled in ginseng root powder. The taste of this oolong is distinctly sweet. Characteristically, it changes from bright ginseng to tea-like as it brews.

Oolong is often called red tea, but this is not entirely correct. Some highly fermented varieties do produce a rich reddish-brown color when brewed, but they are few in number. Most oolongs produce a golden color. In general, oolong is a very broad concept, since it includes everything that is between green and red tea.

Varieties and varieties

Based on the place of cultivation and production, there are two main types of oolungs - island (collected in Taiwan) and mainland (from China). There is also a classification according to which oolong is divided into Taiwanese, South Fuji, Guangdong and North Fuji.

But there are many varieties of this tea. Among the weakly fermented ones, the best are considered:

  • Dong Ding;
  • Shan Lin Xi;
  • Cui Yu;
  • Alishan.

The most popular highly fermented varieties of oolong:

  • Shui Jin Gui;
  • Di Hong Pao;
  • Bai Ji Guan;
  • Feng Huang Dan Cong.

There is a special, or white, tea called Nai Xiang. It is one of the most expensive; the very first leaves, which are still tender and have not had time to fully turn green, are collected for production. It has a subtle creamy sweet aroma and taste. This variety has nothing in common with the flavored varieties of oolong that are made from other, cheaper varieties.
And finally, the rarest, most mature and expensive varieties of oolong are Lao Cha Wan and Lao Tie Guan. Their fermentation lasts several months or years, and the collected leaves are processed without artificial heat.

This is one of the most famous varieties of oolong, otherwise called Ti Kua Yin. It is used in the Gongfu Cha tea ceremony. This oolong has a long history of origin, and it received its name in honor of the goddess of mercy Guan Yin.

This variety was first grown in the southeastern part of China - in Fujian province in Anxi county. The exact date of its appearance is unknown, but it is at least 7 centuries ago.

There is such a story. A long time ago, there lived a believing old man in Annecy. Every day he offered a cup of freshly brewed tea to the goddess Guan Yin. And one day he discovered a small tree in the mountains that shone in the sun so brightly, as if it was emitting light itself. The old man plucked several leaves from it and brewed tea, which had a rich taste but a subtle delicate aroma. Deciding that this was a gift from the goddess, he began to cultivate this plant, taking sprouts from that very bush.

The Tie Guanyin variety is harvested all year round. The autumn harvest is considered to be the best in terms of taste - in it the fullness of taste and aroma reaches its maximum. It is followed by spring, summer, and winter.

The autumn harvest is always the highest quality and most expensive, its cost reaches 15,000 rubles. for 100. They appear on the shelves in December. When brewed, Teh Kua Yin unfolds into large, even, whole leaves with reddish or brownish veins and a barely noticeable white fluff on the back side. The color of the brew is rich golden with a hint of green or yellow; darkening of the last brews is also typical.

Variety Golden Cinnamon

This is no less famous and high-quality variety of Chinese oolong tea than Ti Kua Yin. Growing area: southern Fujian. Called Huang Jiang Gui, the leaves are collected from the Huang Dan tea tree.

The origin of this variety also has its own history. In the 19th century, an ordinary peasant Wei Zhen from Anxi was crossing the Bei Xi Xian Bian Linn mountain range and came across a tree with yellow leaves. He liked it so much that he dug it up and planted it next to his house.

When the tree grew, Wei plucked a few leaves from it and brewed tea. The taste and aroma of the drink surprised the peasant, and he began to cultivate this variety and named it Huang Jin Gui, which translates as Golden Cinnamon.

This oolong has its own production feature. Just like other varieties, it is dried, not fully fermented and placed in an oven. But Golden Cinnamon is fried at a lower temperature, and its leaves are more tender and thinner. The tea has a fresh aroma and a delicate sweetish taste that can withstand many brews. The color changes from golden to brown as it pours.

Taiwanese oolongs

Popular and expensive is oolong, the bushes of which grow on the slopes of the Alishan Mountains. How does Taiwanese oolong differ from mainland oolong? It has a distinct fresh aroma of green leaves and a dense taste reminiscent of red tea.

The raw materials for the production of oolong are collected here in late autumn, and only the most tender buds with small leaves are used. The color of the brew is amber, the taste is rich honey, and the aftertaste is very pleasant. The edge of the oolong leaf from Taiwan is more fermented, and the transition from the green center to the periphery is clearer and more contrasting.

The most famous variety of Taiwanese oolong is Dong Ding. It grows in the mountains at an altitude of 750 meters above sea level. During collection, buds with one or two uppermost leaves are picked. Dong Ding oolong is fermented at low temperature (not higher than 40°C).

Special Guangdong Oolong

The Guangdong oolong production method is different in that the leaves are slightly dried in the sun, and then shaken and sent to the oven. During the frying process, they are gently crushed from time to time. The result is dry, long leaves curled longitudinally, like twisted strips. And other oolongs usually have the form of balls or short spirals.

In Guangdong province, tea bushes grow high at sea level - about 1.5 km. A famous oolong harvested and produced here is the Feng Huang Dan Cong variety. It began to be cultivated in the 13th century; this event is associated with the name of the Chinese emperor Zhuo Bin. The leaves of this variety are large and long (up to 10 cm), and the aroma is filled with milky, peppery and honey shades.

Chemical composition

Compounds responsible for the main beneficial properties of oolong:

  • caffeine;
  • alkaloid theine;
  • essential aromatic substances;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • antioxidants;
  • polyphenols;
  • tannins;
  • binders.
Oolong contains about four hundred different chemical substances, including trace elements (phosphorus, iron, zinc, iodine, magnesium, selenium, etc.) and vitamins (C, K, group B).

How to choose oolong tea

First you need to pay attention to the appearance. The color of dry tea should have a turquoise tint. This is especially visible in direct sunlight. Tea granules should be small, neat and approximately the same size. Oolong weighs a lot. Its granules are tightly compressed and twisted, so it cannot be light.

On a note! You can also identify a high-quality oolong by its smell - if you inhale its aroma deeply 3-4 times, it will be felt more and more acutely. Low-grade tea does not have this property.

See what infusion the purchased oolong gives. After 2 minutes of brewing it should not be cloudy or very pale. The color of real oolong is golden, honey or light yellow. The brewed leaves unfold and show their green center, and only the edges should be brown.

Green tea or oolong tea: which is better?

The difference between regular green tea and oolong is already clear - the first is not fermented, the second - at most half-fermented. It is impossible to say which tea is better. It depends on individual taste preferences. Green tea does not contain much, but less caffeine than oolong tea (on average, both varieties contain from 9 to 50 mg per 200-250 ml of tea).

The content of various biological compounds (flavonoids, antioxidants, etc.) is also high in both. Of course, there are some differences, for example, green teas have more catechins than oolong and red tea. The rest of the composition is more or less similar. Both oolong and green tea, when consumed in moderation but regularly, reduce the risk of developing not only cardiovascular diseases, but also some malignant tumors. This is a fact that has long been confirmed by scientific research.

Oolong tea: beneficial and harmful properties

Oolong is a tonic drink, so you should not abuse it, and it is also better to drink it in the first half of the day. Due to its high caffeine content, you should limit your intake of oolong tea to three cups per day. What are the benefits and harms of this tea?

Why is it useful?

Oolong tea, like green tea, helps remove waste and toxins from the body due to its diuretic effect. Other properties of oolong:

  • increases the body's defenses;
  • enhances brain activity;
  • helps lower blood sugar levels;
  • recommended for the prevention of hypertension;
  • It is also useful for men because it improves the production of sex hormones and enhances potency;
  • stimulates digestive function;
  • promotes cell renewal, slows down aging;
  • helps lower cholesterol levels;
  • White oolong is especially useful to drink in hot weather, as it cools the body well.

Oolong tea, like green tea, contains antioxidants. This is a whole group of chemical compounds that tend to destroy free radicals formed as a result of oxidative processes. Thanks to this, regular consumption of oolong helps to prolong the youth of the skin, slow down aging and destruction of cells throughout the body.

Is oolong good for weight loss? Japanese scientists conducted an interesting experiment. For 1.5 months, 75 people of different genders and ages drank two cups of oolong tea daily. At the same time, they did not exercise and did not go on any diets, that is, their calorie consumption was approximately the same. The result found that blood cholesterol levels and body weight decreased in 67 subjects. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, then consuming oolong in reasonable quantities will only benefit you.


This is a mild tea, but due to the caffeine content, it is best not to drink it before bed. It is also contraindicated if there is an individual intolerance to the drink, although this is very rare.

Oolong should be used with caution when:

  • gastritis, ulcerative colitis, ulcers during exacerbation;
  • kidney diseases with excretion problems, since tea has a diuretic effect;
  • high blood pressure.

During pregnancy, it is not necessary to completely give up oolong, especially if you have grown to love it. But limit yourself to one cup a day during this important period, because the drink is a tonic. But if you have problems with sleep or well-being, then oolong should be completely excluded.

How to brew oolong correctly

Since oolong tea is tightly rolled tea leaves, when brewing they unfold, increasing in volume and by the 2-3rd brew they fill the cup or teapot by 2/3 or even completely (if you fill 1/3 of the volume).

Oolong withstands hot water well. But this does not mean that you can pour boiling water over it. The optimal temperature is 90-95°C. If the variety is weakly fermented, almost close to green tea, then 85-90°C is sufficient. For a 250 ml teapot, take about 10 g of dry tea (2 tablespoons without a slide).

Brewing time: 2-3 minutes for the first time. With each subsequent filling, more and more of it is required. The most expensive and high-quality varieties are able to open up within 15-20 brewings, and each time give a new flavor and aroma. Options in the mid-price range last 5-8 times. The color of the tea changes with each new brew from rich dark to pale or yellowish-green from the very beginning.

The ideal water for oolong is spring or filtered tap water. The most suitable teapot is small (maximum 300 ml), round in shape. You can pour dry oolong water directly into the cup.

Helpful advice: oolong is drunk hot and without sugar, and if you have tea after a meal, do it no earlier than an hour later.

Oolong tea has gained immense popularity in Russia. What influenced this? Oolong is a special type of tea that has a very delicate and incredibly rich taste and aroma. He is growing and going in the mountains of Taiwan and China. It differs from other tea varieties: green, red and black. It belongs to the turquoise variety, which contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, having a beneficial and restorative effect on the human body.

Residents of Taiwan and China produce flavored tea only for sale. They themselves consider such tea “unclean” and cannot drink it.

What is included in oolong tea?

Immediately after the tea leaves are collected, they undergo fresh biochemical processing. Since the raw material is a type of semi-fermented tea, then undergoes fermentation not the whole tea leaf, but only its edge. During the drying process, the tea leaves curl into a tube, and when brewed, they straighten out completely.

Natural tea is an elite, expensive and rare variety.

It contains many vitamins: D, C, K, E, and B12, B6, B3, B1. There are also many useful minerals and trace elements: iodine, iron, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, manganese, magnesium, selenium. Oolong tea contains polyphenol, caffeine, and essential oils. Tea, which has such a rich chemical composition and antioxidant properties, is very beneficial for the body. Its second name is “Elixir of Youth”, he received this nickname from local residents in the place where tea grows.

Why is oolong so useful?

The main rule! If you buy a product in bags, it’s better to throw it away; besides wasting your money, it won’t be of any use. Only real and high-quality tea leaves.

Oolong tea, due to its beneficial properties, copes well with depression and promotes rapid weight loss. Its benefit is that it:

  • Serves as a natural antidepressant. It contains a lot of caffeine. Thanks to this, it has a stimulating effect on the body and fights well against signs of depression. Activates brain function, gives a surge of strength and energy, and improves mood.
  • Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. It has a positive effect on the walls of blood vessels, strengthens the heart muscles, prevents the development of atherosclerosis and reduces the possibility of heart attack and stroke.
  • Helps the functioning of the spleen, improves blood circulation.
  • Is an excellent antioxidant. Promotes renewal of the body, maintaining its youth, fights free radicals in cells. Removes harmful substances, waste, and toxins from the body.
  • Helps speed up metabolism due to the flavonoids that are in its composition, it improves metabolism.
  • Reduces blood sugar levels and serves to prevent cancer by inhibiting cell growth.
  • Improves digestion, regulates the functioning of the intestines and gastrointestinal tract.
  • Able to remove excess fluid accumulation from the body, breaks down fats. It is an excellent means of promoting weight loss.
  • It is an indispensable remedy for strengthening the immune system. It is recommended to use the drink prophylactically as an assistant in the fight against viral and colds.

Oolong for weight loss

Tea helps you lose weight, not only because of its physical properties, but also psychologically. Due to the effect of “taking something inside”, the feeling of hunger comes later.

Tea promotes weight loss. Its effectiveness in the fight against excess weight lies in the fact that it accelerates metabolic processes in the body and leads to active breakdown and burning of fats. Strengthens overall health, improves well-being, improves mood.

In order to get rid of extra pounds, you should drink oolong 4 cups per day. This helps you lose weight by 3-6 kilograms per month. (When playing sports and following a diet) For the most effective effect of Oolong tea, it is recommended to change your diet, eating high-quality and healthy food.

Who should not take tea?

The main problem with this drink is the presence of caffeine.

Like any product, tea can have both benefits and harm. Despite the good and beneficial effects on the human body and positive aspects, there are also things that can cause harm. Therefore, drinking oolong tea is not recommended:

  • People with kidney stones and kidney diseases, since the drink has a strong diuretic effect and can provoke the movement of stones.
  • Patients with arterial hypertension. Tea can increase blood pressure.
  • Oolong should not be consumed if you have diseases of the cardiovascular system. Due to the high caffeine content, the speed of blood flow increases, which can lead to unpredictable consequences.
  • Take with caution during pregnancy, as it can be extremely invigorating and therefore have a negative effect on the formation of the fetus.
  • Prohibited for women who are breastfeeding.

You should definitely consult a specialist about the possibility of drinking or adjusting the dose of tea during pregnancy and feeding. In this case, the dosage of the drink will be no more than one cup per day.

  • If a person suffers from insomnia, then milk tea should not be consumed, but only in the first half of the day.
  • Dangerous for those who have gastritis, stomach ulcers and duodenum, problems with the gastrointestinal tract are in the acute stage.
  • Prohibited for children under 12 years of age, as it leads to stimulation of the nervous system, which is highly not recommended.
  • Do not use if you have allergic reactions. Oolong should be drunk with caution, as there is a possibility of allergies to the components of the tea.

The danger for people with these diseases is that oolong tea contains caffeine. But often, due to counterfeits, it contains: flavorings, cream, milk, caramel.

You should purchase only high-quality Oolong tea. If you consume it in the recommended amount (no more than 3-4 cups per day), it will not cause harm, but only benefit. If you exceed the recommended dose of a drink containing caffeine, this can lead to an unfavorable result.

How to brew tea correctly?

20 grams of raw materials is enough to give tea to the whole family and a couple more guests.

To enjoy the excellent taste and quality of oolong tea, as well as to make it as healthy as possible, you should brew the leaves correctly. To do this you need:

  1. Use purified or filtered water.
  2. It is recommended to brew tea in a porcelain or ceramic teapot. Before brewing, you should rinse it with boiling water to kill any unpleasant odors and warm it up a little.
  3. Add dry tea leaves (2/3 tablespoon)
  4. Brewing water temperature should not be more than 80 degrees. Do not pour boiling water over milk tea.
  5. It is recommended to immediately drain the first water when pouring tea.
  6. Pour water again and leave the tea to steep for 4 minutes, then pour into a cup and drink.

Oolong tea can be brewed 7 times, and with each new time the taste will change, revealing new notes and shades.

How to store tea?

Storage of almost all types of tea is the same; the tips in this section can be used for all varieties.

The conditions for storing tea are simple. It should be placed in glass, porcelain or ceramic dishes and hermetically sealed. Store in a dark, cool and dry place. It is not recommended to store milk tea in metal containers, as this may spoil the effect and taste of the tea leaves. Keep it away from products with strong odors, as it easily absorbs them.

Tea serves as an excellent, tonic drink that improves mood. It also increases resistance to disease, helps strengthen the immune system, and promotes weight loss. Besides this he serves as an excellent base for making cocktails.

Oolong tea has also found its use in cosmetology. Professional cosmetics often include tea extract. You can prepare decoctions, masks and lotions using tea leaves at home. This is a wonderful antioxidant famous for its rejuvenating effect, which can improve the condition of the skin and give it a healthy, radiant appearance.

Many people know Chinese oolong tea, otherwise known as oolong tea. This type of tea is very different from green, red, and black teas. Oolong tea is an elite turquoise variety of tea, which is why the benefits of drinking it are special.
Oolong tea is especially beneficial in the fight against sadness and depression. Oolong significantly improves the figure of people who consume it, helps to lose weight, and also contains a huge amount of vitamins and microelements beneficial to the body. Oolong tea is said to have over 400 health-promoting minerals!
Unfortunately, there are conditions and diseases in which drinking oolong tea can be harmful to health. But, fortunately, there are few contraindications. So, for most tea lovers, oolong brings only benefits.

1. Oolong tea contains large amounts of caffeine. More than regular teas. Thanks to this, oolong tea is an excellent antidepressant. When consumed, brain activity is activated, a surge of vivacity is felt, and mood improves.
2. A beneficial effect of the oolong tea component on the walls of blood vessels has been noted. And the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels is the prevention of atherosclerosis.
3. Oolong tea has a positive effect on the condition of the spleen, and also activates hematopoietic processes in the body.
4. Oolong tea contains a very large amount of beneficial vitamins and minerals. Judge for yourself, oolong (oolong) tea contains a solid set of vitamins alone: ​​vitamins B1, B3, B6, B12, vitamins C, E, D, K.
And there are even more trace elements in oolong (oolong) tea: calcium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, manganese, iron, magnesium, iodine and others.
Thanks to this presence of beneficial substances, oolong tea is an excellent remedy for boosting immunity. It can also be used as a prophylactic during the cold season.
5. Oolong tea is a true natural antioxidant. By drinking this tea as a drink, we help the body fight free radicals inside cells. Cells begin to renew themselves more actively, helping the body maintain youth longer.
6. Oolong tea contains flavonoids that stimulate metabolic processes. Those. By drinking oolong tea, we speed up our metabolism.
7. There is evidence that oolong tea helps reduce blood sugar levels and is also protective against the development of cancer cells within the body.
Of course, oolong tea cannot be called a cure for either diabetes or cancer. But the fact that it helps the body in the prevention of such serious diseases is the basis for its regular use as a drink.
8. Oolong tea helps improve digestion. And besides, oolong (oolong), strange as it may seem, helps remove excess fluid from the body, rather than accumulate it. This is also one of the reasons why oolong tea has proven itself very well as a means of losing weight.

Oolong tea for weight loss

Oolong tea promotes weight loss processes . First of all, the effectiveness of weight loss when drinking oolong tea is achieved by its ability to activate the release of fatty acids from fat depots.
Once in the bloodstream, fatty acids (with a lack of energy from the diet) are effectively used by the body for energy needs. Simply put, they burn out.
Unfortunately, without adjusting the caloric content of the diet, the effect of drinking oolong tea for weight loss will be low.

Harm of oolong tea

1. Because Oolong tea slightly increases blood pressure, it Should not be used by people with hypertension.
2. Also due to the high caffeine content, oolong tea It is not recommended for use by people with diseases of the cardiovascular system. Increasing the rate of blood flow can lead to unwanted health effects.
3. You should not consume oolong before bed. Most likely, insomnia is guaranteed.
4. People suffering from urolithiasis are advised to avoid drinking oolong tea. because it can cause the stones to move. On the other hand, no effect of such tea on the formation of kidney stones has been noticed.
5. During pregnancy, you should limit your consumption of oolong tea due to its high caffeine content. This can negatively affect the formation of the fetus. In any case, it is advisable to consult a doctor before drinking oolong tea while pregnant.

What is oolong tea (oolong)

According to the processing method, oolong tea is neither green nor red tea.
Green tea is considered an unfermented variety of tea. When preparing green tea, the tea leaves are specially preheated, which prevents fermentation. Thanks to this action, green tea retains all the original beneficial substances of the tea leaf.
Red tea, unlike green tea, is fermented before heating. Due to this processing, red tea loses many beneficial substances (for example, potassium, phosphorus, partially vitamin C), but also gains the ability to stimulate the flow of oxygen to the brain due to the action of the invigorating substance theine.
Oolong tea (oolong) is neither a green nor a red tea in terms of its processing method. When processing oolong (oolong) tea, only the edges and a small part of the surface are fermented, the rest of the tea leaf remains untouched. That is why oolong tea (oolong) is classified as semi-fermented tea. This specific processing allows oolong tea to retain the taste of green tea and the aroma of red tea.

How to brew oolong tea (oolong)

In order to benefit from all the wonderful properties of oolong tea, you need to brew it correctly.
1. Use purified water.
2. Clay or porcelain teapots are usually used for brewing. These kettles are small in size. Before adding tea, the kettle is rinsed with boiling water. This is achieved by eliminating foreign odors and slightly heating the kettle.
3. Fill the kettle a third or half full with tea, then add hot water. Its temperature can range from 60 to 90 degrees, depending on the fermentation of oolong tea. More fermented teas require hotter water.
4. The tea is kept for 3-4 minutes, then it can be poured and served.
Thus, one serving of oolong tea can be brewed up to 7 times, but each subsequent infusion of tea should last longer than the previous one.
If it is difficult to brew oolong tea in this way, you can simply brew it in a regular teapot or cup, giving the tea time to brew well.

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