Recipe for painting marble eggs with brilliant green. How to paint Easter eggs marbled

To decorate your Easter eggs in an original way, you don’t have to bother with expensive dyes and iron-on stickers. Cute marble-like eggs are easily prepared using such household staples as brilliant greens and onion skins. The result exceeds all expectations: the drawing turns out truly marble, with many shades and transitions - a real work of art! And all this can be easily done at home using improvised means.
Don’t be afraid to paint eggs with greenery - it’s quite safe, even if the shell cracks a little during cooking (and we will try our best to prevent this from happening). The brilliant green does not stain the egg white through the shell, and your fingers also remain clean after peeling the colored eggs. You just need to be careful when handling the substance; it is not so easily washed off. You can also find improvised materials in every home, and the process of cutting and wrapping Easter eggs can captivate restless children. The only difficulty is keeping all the eggs intact, but this will be discussed in the recipe itself. Let “Marble” eggs for Easter become a traditional decoration for the holiday table, along with elegant Easter cakes. Here is such an original, beautiful, artistic step-by-step recipe with photos.

In order to beautifully and unusually paint eggs you will need:

  • 1 jar of greenery;
  • onion peel (1 packet);
  • 1 tbsp. salt;
  • threads;
  • toothpick;
  • wide bandage;
  • gloves;
  • scissors;
  • a pair of notebook sheets;
  • large wide saucepan;
  • water;
  • vegetable oil for rubbing.

How to paint eggs in greenery and onion skins

1. For coloring at home, we use only white eggs; the pattern and color appear much better on them. As a last resort, you can take brown ones, but then the pattern will be darker and without pronounced white veins, which create the marbling effect. Before cooking, carefully wash all the eggs and check for small cracks in the shell.

2. Cut the paper into small pieces. I used notebook sheets, you can take white A4 - there is no difference. The only thing is do not use colored printed materials.

3. We also chop the onion peel and mix everything. Cutting paper and husks is not a quick task; the pieces must be small in order for the design to come out more beautiful. But the more carelessly they are cut, the more interesting the pattern will be. You can involve children in the process, cut out triangles, squares, circles or even snowflakes with them. Here you can give free rein to your imagination to make the drawing look unusual. If you cut out snowflakes, for example, you can make them large, the size of an egg. By the way, you can roll eggs not only in onion peels and pieces of paper. An interesting option is grains of rice, sprigs of fresh herbs.

4. Prepare the gauze: fold a small piece into 3-4 layers. The egg should fit freely in the gauze so that it can be tied into a knot.

5. Wet the eggs in water and roll them in a mixture of paper and husks. Immediately move to the center of the bandage.

6. Roll up the bandage: lift all four corners and connect them in the center so that the mosaic on the egg does not move. Tie tightly with thread.

7. Place in a pan in one dense layer. It is better to take a container made of stainless steel, since an enameled one may not be washed off after such chemical experiments. Stainless steel can be washed in two minutes.

8. Fill the gauze bags with water so that it covers the eggs. But they should not float freely, since during cooking these movements are fraught with the appearance of cracks. By the way, water is poured into the pan at the same temperature as the eggs. If they were recently taken from the refrigerator, then the water should be cold. Conversely, if the eggs were at room temperature, take warm water. Temperature changes are one of the reasons for the formation of cracks in the shell.

9. Now add brilliant green to the water. A 10 ml bottle is enough for a dozen eggs. Be careful when opening the cap of the green stuff, as the substance may spill. Zelenka is not so easy to wash off; it is a strong dye. Therefore, either use protective gloves or purchase bottles with a convenient cap. There is no need to stir the brilliant green, it quickly dissolves in water. Add additional salt to the water, this will also reduce the risk of cracks.

10. And the last secret: add a toothpick to the pan. Fun fact: If you boil eggs with a toothpick, they won't crack. Cook the eggs and greens for 15-20 minutes after boiling. During this time, they will definitely be completely cooked, and the pattern will be well fixed on the shell. Important: after the water boils, it is better to reduce the heat to medium.
To easily remove the shell from an egg, there is one trick: after cooking, place the pan under running water. Pour it hot first to avoid sudden temperature changes. Gradually reduce the water temperature. When the pan is filled with cold water, let the eggs sit for 3-5 minutes. This simple procedure makes cleaning much easier. By the way, ordinary eggs can be immediately placed in cold water. But since we are preparing a holiday version, do not be lazy and preserve the integrity of the shell.

11. We remove the finished eggs from the pan wearing protective gloves so that the skin of the hands does not stain. Now you need to carefully cut off the gauze bag, remove the wrapper and thoroughly rinse the egg in water. All that remains is to rub the shell with vegetable oil: moisten a cotton pad with a drop and process the Easter eggs with polishing movements. Now they shine beautifully and can be moved to the holiday table. Under the marble shell there is pure boiled protein; the dye does not penetrate the shell. It also doesn’t stain your hands when cleaning. Here’s an interesting and safe way to color eggs: everything is natural and at no extra cost.

12. Beautiful eggs in onion skins are ready. Bon appetit and Happy Easter!

Beautifully painted eggs will decorate an Easter still life and support the Orthodox tradition. Try making marble eggs for Easter - you will find a step-by-step recipe in this article.

Ingredients needed:

  • 10 chicken eggs,
  • 1 liter of onion peels,
  • water,
  • table vinegar,
  • gauze,
  • A5 sheet of paper,
  • scissors

How to paint:

  1. Grind the peels of onions and red onions. The smaller and more varied in shape the fragments are, the more interesting the pattern on the shell will be. In total you should get about a liter of crushed husks.
  2. Take a sheet of white A5 paper and cut it into random pieces. Mix paper with onion peels.
  3. Wash a dozen raw chicken eggs with a soft sponge so that the color goes on evenly.
  4. Wipe the eggs with vinegar - this will make the color more durable and rich.
  5. Pour the onion skins and paper onto a plate and roll the eggs in it so that the fragments stick to the shell in a random order. The husks will not stick to dry shells, so you should lightly moisten the eggs with water.
  6. Cut a square out of gauze. Place an egg in the center of the square, wrap it in gauze, securing the husk with paper on the shell, and secure with thread or an elastic band. Repeat the operation for each testicle.
  7. Place the gauze bags with the eggs in a saucepan and fill with cold water until the water completely covers the eggs.
  8. Add salt to the water - this will prevent an accidentally cracked egg from leaking out.

Marble eggs with onion skins and brilliant greens

  1. Pour the brilliant green solution into the pan. You can limit yourself to a few drops of brilliant green or pour out the entire bottle - this way you can regulate the brightness of the color yourself.
  2. Place the pan on the fire and bring the water to a boil.
  3. Cook the eggs over medium heat for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Drain the boiling water and pour cold water over the eggs - this will cool them faster and make them easier to clean.
  5. Cut the cheesecloth and rinse the eggs under running water to remove the skins.
  6. Dry the eggs with a paper towel.
  7. Wipe the shell with a napkin slightly moistened with vegetable oil - this will make the eggs shine like real marble (as in the photo).

Making these unusual eggs is incredibly easy if you follow the instructions. Marble eggs look original on the holiday table, and natural dyes are safe for the health of your family.

The easiest way to paint eggs marbled is to wrap the eggs in onion skins and tie them on top with some cotton material.

Detailed instructions on how to paint eggs marbled

1. We will need a bowl of water, crushed husks, brilliant green, gauze squares measuring 15 x 15 cm, and thread.
2. Grind the husk into small pieces the size of a fingernail.
3. Dip the egg in a bowl of water.
4. Roll the egg in the peel.
5. Place the egg on cheesecloth and add a little more husk.
6. We tie the gauze tightly. We distribute the husk carefully; if it has shifted in any place, we correct it.
7. Cut off the excess gauze tail.
8. Place the eggs in a saucepan with cold water, the water should only slightly cover the eggs, add 1 tbsp. spoon of salt.
9. Add greenery to the water. We take brilliant green at the rate of 1 small bottle of 10 eggs. (From the commentary. A gentle option is possible: dip an egg already boiled in the shell into a solution of brilliant green for 3-4 seconds, the color will set perfectly, but will not pass through the shell).
10. After boiling, cook for 7 minutes.
11. Remove the boiled eggs from the pan and rinse under running water.
12. Remove the gauze and remove the husks.
13. Rinse again with water.
14. Dry the eggs and rub with vegetable oil to give them a festive shine.
15. Painted marble eggs for Easter are ready.

Below is a detailed video from Irina Moiseeva how to paint eggs marbled

There is also an artistic way to paint marbled eggs from Martha Stewart, and you can experiment with colors. Try it! The effect is amazing. You can use a box for decoration. Create several small compartments using cardboard dividers. Make a small nest inside each square using dry grass.

So, to begin with, we simply paint the eggs in the first color.

We are waiting for it to dry.

Add a tablespoon of vegetable oil to the bowl with the second, darker paint and mix well.

Important! It is advisable that the bowl with the second paint be quite flat, half the size of an egg.

You need to stir the oil every time you are going to put an egg into it (otherwise it will spread out in one large puddle on the surface, and the effect will not be the same).

Place the egg in the container with the mixture and roll it along the bottom. The sides of the egg in contact with oil stains are not painted with a new color in these places. This will create this marbled pattern.

Excess color can be carefully blotted with a napkin.

The result should be artistic stains.

- chicken eggs (fresh, preferably brown),
- rock or sea salt - 1-2 tsp,
- onion peel
- white paper,
- gauze,
- scissors,
- threads.

How to cook with photos step by step

First, let's do the preparatory work: we will need onion peels (thrifty housewives collect them ahead of time), as well as paper and scissors. Using scissors, cut the paper and husks into small pieces of different sizes.

Next, wash the chicken eggs with warm soapy water and with wet hands dip the wet egg in paper-husk crumbs.

Wrap it in a piece of gauze (preferably in two layers) and tie it into a knot. This is how we cook all the eggs.

Next, put them in salty cold water and cook for 10 minutes, noting the time from the moment the water boils.

Remove the eggs from the pan, open the gauze and rinse them in cold water.

Next, prepare a solution of brilliant green in a separate bowl (it’s better to take a half-liter jar) - pour water and pour in half a bottle of green.
Now comes the fun part: use a spoon to dip the eggs into this solution for a couple of seconds.

And then immediately rinse them in running water and grease them with oil to give them shine. It will also look just as bright on the holiday table, which you can also prepare yourself.


Pysanka or krashenka is the best Easter gift for friends and family. And it’s time to pay maximum attention to the question of how to paint eggs. And to make the symbol of the upcoming holiday look truly worthy, PrimaMedia has collected on the Internet some of the most interesting ways of coloring eggs, which were shared by experienced housewives.

Eggs with imprints of living plants

This method is almost no different from the traditional “grandmother’s” method, which requires onion broth. It's very easy to prepare. Usually, the peels from eight onions are enough for two glasses of water, although you can “play” with the degree of concentration. The whole secret of this method is to leave some kind of pattern on the egg unpainted. For this you only need stencils and old nylon stockings. Various flowers and leaves can serve as stencils. You can use fragments of living plants (indoor or wild) or cut out of paper. The stencil should be placed on the egg, and a nylon stocking or gauze should be put on top. Secure the ends of the resulting bag with an elastic band or thread. Now just leave the boiled eggs in a saucepan with the broth for several hours, then remove the nylon and stencils from them.

This method of coloring cannot be called complicated, but it also requires some skill. For it we need the same onion peels, gauze and dye (preferably red). Take onion skins and cut them into small slices with scissors. Next, dip the egg in water, then roll it in the husk. It should stick to the egg. If it doesn’t stick very well, help with your hands. After this, we place the egg in cheesecloth and securely fix it together with the husk, lower it into a pan with colored water. Boil the eggs for 5-7 minutes until cooked, then take them out and remove all excess.

Marble eggs. Photo:

To achieve a marble effect, you can use the dye together with sunflower oil. To do this, first paint the boiled egg in a light tone and let it dry completely. Add a spoonful of vegetable oil to the container with darker paint and carefully, without shaking, mix the solution. After this, the large oil stain should break into small ones - the size of a pea. Dip the dried egg into the dye and oil solution and remove immediately.

To get eggs with a beautiful lace effect, you just need to wrap a boiled egg in lace or tulle, then dip it in a solution with paint for 10 minutes. Then we remove the fabric and get a sophisticated pattern on the surface of the egg. To make the ornament more detailed, the lace or tulle should fit as tightly as possible to the shell. Therefore, we use the same nylon, elastic bands or threads. Another important point is that with this method of coloring you need to take only white eggs.

Lacy eggs. Photo:

Sea pebbles or speckled eggs

You can use rice or other grains to add specks to the eggs. Wet eggs are rolled in cereal, carefully wrapped in gauze or nylon, the ends of which are tied with thread. The rice should fit very tightly to the egg. The eggs are then colored with onion skins. The bag is removed, and the places where the rice was adjacent to the surface remain unpainted, creating an interesting “mottling”. In addition to onion skins, you can also use regular food coloring. In this case, fill the glass halfway with rice, drop liquid paint directly onto the rice (15-20 drops), close the lid and shake. Place the hot boiled egg on the rice. Close the lid and shake vigorously. Ready!

Sea pebbles. Photo:

Decoupage egg

To decorate an Easter egg with a picture, you can decorate it using the decoupage technique. Decoupage does not take much time, does not require large investments, and the result exceeds all expectations. To do this, first boil the eggs hard. Choose a beautiful paper napkin, separate the top layer and cut out the piece you like. We apply the picture tightly to the shell, and apply gelatin glue or starch paste made from corn or potato starch on top of the picture with a brush. The main thing is to smooth out all the wrinkles and securely fix the thinnest paper sheet on the shell. Leave to dry and your sophisticated vintage gift is ready.

Decoupa egg. Photo:

You can color Easter eggs with all the colors of the rainbow using regular wax crayons. First, boil the eggs in salted water. The color of the shell can be any color, since it will be hidden under a layer of opaque wax. Dry the shells and place the eggs on plastic bottle caps. While the eggs are still hot, color them with crayons. When it comes into contact with a hot surface, the wax melts and forms bizarre, bright patterns with color transitions on the shell. You can also grate pencils on a fine grater and sprinkle them on freshly boiled eggs. The grains of wax will create an unusual cosmic pattern on them. You can also melt the wax crumbs in a water bath and dip the eggs in liquid dye, or apply colored crumbs to the egg using a brush.

Rainbow eggs. Photo:

In order to get elegant polka dot eggs, you need to use only white eggs. We will also need regular food coloring, electrical tape and a hole punch. Some people use double-sided tape, but it can leak dye. So, boil the eggs “hard-boiled” - about 15 minutes after boiling. While the eggs are cooling, use a hole punch to make circles from regular blue electrical tape, then stick them tightly onto the egg. Smooth all the peas well onto the egg with your finger. The more carefully you glue, the smoother and neater the peas will be. Next, we paint it in the usual way and after the shell has dried, remove the circles. Afterwards, the egg can be rubbed with sunflower oil until shiny.

Polka dot eggs. Photo:

Note to housewives

1. For coloring, it is better to take eggs that are about four or five days old, since fresh eggs are less easy to clean.

2. Before cooking, eggs should sit at room temperature for three to four hours (overnight is possible).

3. Before coloring, it is best to wash eggs with baby soap and wipe with alcohol.

4. If you paint eggs in boiling broth, be sure to salt it.

5. After coloring with natural dyes, the eggs should be dipped in ice water to make them easier to clean.

6. To add shine, finished eggs can be greased with oil or confectionery mother-of-pearl.

7. For coloring, it is better to use white eggs of approximately the same size.

Thank you to the portal for your help in preparing the material.

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