Blackberry tincture recipes. Homemade blackberry liqueur recipe - healthy! How to make blackberry tincture with vodka

Pouring? a traditional alcoholic drink made from berries or fruits. This drink has a strength of 18 to 20 grams. and sugar content from 28 to 40% can be made at home using either vodka, moonshine or diluted drinking alcohol (infusion), or by natural fermentation of the product? without adding yeast, but adding sugar to the fruit mass.

Liqueurs prepared without the use of alcohol? are considered low-alcohol drinks that were made on the basis of alcohol or vodka? are strong. In order to prepare the liqueur, only ripe fruits are used, without signs of external damage or rot. In addition to fresh fruits, canned and dried berries, fruits and jams can serve as raw materials for making liqueur.

Is the production of alcoholic drinks based on alcohol (vodka or moonshine) a technologically simple process? washed berries, fruits or jams prepared according to the recipe are completely filled with alcohol and infused for a certain amount of time with periodic shaking of the product two? three times a week. The time it takes for the drink to mature until it is ready depends on what fruit or berries were used as the material for the production of the liqueur. When producing jam-based liqueurs, will the infusion period for the product be short? about one week.

Do recipes for early ripening drinks use berries with a short shelf life (raspberries, strawberries, blackberries)? such a product will be ready in 4 weeks. Drinks characterized as mid-season are prepared from fruits and berries with a longer shelf life (plums, currants)? will they be ready in 6? 12 weeks. Liqueurs based on apples or pears that have a long shelf life are considered mid-season. It can take from 3 to 6 months to prepare a drink using such material.

The final stage in preparing the product is draining it from the fruit mass, filtering and bottling. Depending on the recipe according to which the alcoholic drink is made, sugar is added either before pouring the fruit mass with alcohol, or after the liquid is drained and filtered. The liqueurs can be stored for quite a long time: from 3 to 5 years? it depends on the raw material chosen to produce the product.

Blackberry liqueur

Thanks to the efforts of breeders, blackberries have turned into a cultivated plant that grows in dachas and allows for fairly good harvests of berries. In addition to traditional blackberry juices or jams, you can make a liqueur from the berries based on this plant. This type of alcoholic drink
Blackberries have a mild sweet-sour taste and a characteristic aroma for this berry. Blackberry liqueur has a burgundy color and retains a special taste.

To make a drink based on blackberries you will need:

  • ripe blackberries;
  • sugar;
  • vodka (high-quality moonshine).

Cooking process

  1. Pour blackberries into a jar, filling the entire main volume of the vessel, and press lightly. Add granulated sugar to the resulting berry mass at the rate of: 120? 150 g of sugar per 1 liter of berries.
  2. Fill the contents of the vessel with alcohol to the very top.
  3. Close the jar and set it aside to undergo the ripening process, periodically (two or three times a week) shaking the contents of the vessel.
  4. After 6 weeks, the liquid is drained, filtered and bottled. The blackberry drink is ready.

Jam-based liqueurs

The recipe for an alcoholic drink made with jam is quite simple. Is any jam suitable as a starting material for making the final product? fresh or candied. To make the liqueur you will need:

  • jam? 0.5 l;
  • vodka (purified moonshine) ? 1 l.


Does the jam drink have one special feature? in most cases it turns out cloudy. In order to refine the product, it can be clarified using egg white. The clarification process is similar to the recipe used to clean mash.

Barberry liqueur

An alcoholic product made from barberry berries has a refreshing taste with a characteristic aroma. If desired, can the taste of the final barberry-based product be softened? adding honey to the liqueur. The color of drinks made with barberry has a fairly wide range: from yellow to light blue. This spectrum depends on the variety of berries that were used as the starting material. To make barberry liqueur you will need:

  • fresh barberry berries? 3 tbsp. spoons (dried berries? 2 tbsp);
  • vodka (moonshine)? 1 l;
  • honey? from 2 to 4 tbsp. spoons (depending on taste).

Recipe for making a drink with barberry

Is this barberry drink strong enough? from 32 to 35 gr. In order to bring it to liqueur standards, it can be diluted with boiled warm water at the stage of adding honey.

Watermelon liqueur

Alcoholic products made from watermelon are a refreshing summer drink. To prepare an alcoholic product according to this recipe, only high-quality, ripe and large watermelon is suitable. The alcohol needed to prepare the drink should not have a strong fusel smell.

To prepare a watermelon-based drink you will need:

  • watermelon juice? 500 ml;
  • vodka? 500 ml;
  • sugar? 150 g;
  • vanilla sugar? 20

Making a watermelon drink

Coffee-based liqueur

Coffee-based liqueurs, liqueurs and tinctures have a special aroma and taste characteristics. Alcoholic drinks made according to a recipe using coffee (with moderate consumption) improve mood, relieve fatigue, and drive away sleep. To make coffee-based drinks, you can use vodka or high-quality purified moonshine.

To prepare a classic coffee-based alcoholic product you will need:

  • ground coffee? 60 g;
  • vodka (moonshine)? 0.5 l;
  • water? 200 ml;
  • sugar (to taste).


Liqueur made with mint

Mint is actively used in the production of alcoholic products. Mint leaves are not only added to cocktails; various liqueurs and tinctures are made from them. The taste of mint in an alcoholic drink is pleasantly refreshing during the hot season, giving the drink a characteristic freshness.

To prepare an alcoholic drink based on mint leaves, you will need:

  • mint leaves? 50 g;
  • sugar? 400 g;
  • water? 400 ml.

Preparation of the product

  1. Pour mint leaves with alcohol, cover and let sit for two weeks, shaking occasionally (several times a week). After the infusion process, drain the alcohol solution from the mint leaves and filter.
  2. Boil sugar syrup and cool. Mix the alcoholic liquid with the syrup and pour into a container for further settling for 4 weeks.
  3. Drain off the sediment and bottle. The mint-based drink is ready.

Cherry plum liqueur recipe

Cherry plum liqueurs are made with the sour taste of these fruits. Any type of cherry plum is suitable for making drinks. Taking into account the fact that cherry plum seeds are considered poisonous, they are put into
production? recommended to remove.

To prepare a strong cherry plum liqueur you will need:

  • cherry plum? 1 kg;
  • vodka (purified moonshine) ? 1 l;
  • sugar? 200 g.

Preparing the liqueur

  1. Place the cherry plum in a jar, add alcohol and close the lid.
  2. Leave for 1 month, shaking the contents of the vessel periodically (two or three times a week).
  3. At the end of the infusion, drain the liquid, filter, pour into another container and store.
  4. Pour sugar into the remaining cherry plum after infusion, close the mixture and let stand for another 1 month. Strain the resulting syrup.
  5. Mix the syrup and the resulting tincture, let the mixture sit for a week and strain. The ready-to-eat cherry plum product is ready to eat.

A liqueur made from gooseberries

Gooseberry? The berry is known not only for its taste characteristics, but also for its beneficial properties. Gooseberries, which make very tasty and healthy jam, have been used since ancient times to make equally tasty liqueurs according to various recipes.

To prepare gooseberry liqueur you will need:

  • gooseberries? 1 kg;
  • vodka (purified moonshine) ? 0.5 l;
  • sugar? 0.5 kg;
  • boiled water necessary to reduce the strength to standard values ​​for liqueur.

The process of making gooseberry liqueur

  1. Place the gooseberries in a three-liter jar and mash.
  2. Pour alcohol over the gooseberries and add sugar.
  3. Add water to the top of the vessel and close the container. Place the dishes with gooseberries and alcohol for further infusion, which will last 4 months.
  4. At the end of the process, which will be visible by the way the gooseberry cake has sunk to the bottom, the liquid is removed from the sediment, filtered and bottled. The gooseberry liqueur is ready.

Peach based liqueur

To prepare a product based on peach fruits, which has an exquisite aroma and sweet taste, you can use crushed, but not rotten fruits with the seeds removed from them. The alcohol that will serve as the basis for preparing a drink based on peaches should not have the fusel smell of low-quality moonshine. To make peach fruit liqueur, you will need:

  • peaches? 1 kg;
  • vodka (moonshine)? 1 l;
  • sugar? 250 g;
  • water? 250 ml.


  1. Finely chopped peaches are placed in a prepared container, filled with alcohol, closed with a lid and left to infuse for three weeks.
  2. At the end of the process of infusing alcohol on peaches, the liquid is drained, filtered, mixed with boiled and cooled syrup and placed in a closed vessel to continue the ripening process for 6 months. After this period, is the peach liqueur bottled? it is ready to eat.

How to make blackberry moonshine at home? This can be done in two ways. Firstly, you can make mash from blackberries.

Secondly, ready-made moonshine can be infused with this berry. There are different recipes, including moonshine tinctures and even blackberry liqueur, but they have a general rule - you need to pay maximum attention to the choice of berries.

How is the tincture useful?

Of course, for those who live in rural areas, the easiest option is to pick blackberries in your garden or pick berries from the nearest forest.

True, berries growing in the wild (for example, in a forest or water meadows) have a more subtle aroma, but the taste is also more tart.

Garden varieties of blackberries are distinguished by good yield, stable taste, and the ability to be transported and stored for a long time. Wild berries are much more tender, they are difficult to pick, and they do not last long. The garden hybrid gives a sweeter taste, but the subtle blackberry aroma disappears. So when choosing berries for moonshine or liqueur, you need to decide for yourself what is more important for the drink - taste or aroma.

You can cheat by mixing wild and garden berries, then the drink will have a rich aroma and delicate taste

Whatever recipe for blackberry tincture with moonshine the owner chooses, he will get a drink that is not only tasty, but also healthy. With these processing methods, blackberries retain all their beneficial properties and remain an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent.

So you can drink blackberry moonshine at home in the winter for preventive purposes - in small quantities and solely to maintain good shape.

But blackberries also contain many useful organic acids - ascorbic, malic, nicotinic, citric. And to this you need to add vitamins P and K in combination with retinol. In addition, it contains useful macro- and microelements, including iron, potassium, manganese, etc.

Blackberry liqueur goes well with desserts

This is why blackberry tincture is such a popular remedy in traditional medicine.

It is believed that it normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, acts as an antipyretic, helps cope with pneumonia, effectively treats inflammation of the joints and helps in the treatment of various diseases of the genitourinary system.

Blackberry tincture is not the only alcoholic drink that is made from this berry. There is also liqueur, there is liqueur, there is blackberry wine. But it is the moonshine tincture that allows this berry to open up to its fullest potential.

How to choose blackberries for moonshine?

The quality of the product, regardless of the recipe, depends on the quality of the raw materials. You need to choose ripe berries - dark purple, fairly hard and dry. Blackberries should have a fairly strong aroma. The berries should not have tails. If they are preserved, this only means that the berries were picked unripe.

Although theoretically any berries can be used for moonshine, it is better to avoid blackberries of non-standard color and size.

All berries must be checked to ensure they are free of mold. Otherwise, they simply won’t have time to brew and will spoil sooner. 2 - 3 moldy berries can affect the quality of the entire mass of raw materials.

Only fresh berries are suitable for preparing the drink.

Blackberries do not store for a long time, so you need to start preparing the drink literally immediately after picking or purchasing. They can only be washed before processing. Moreover, the washed berries must be dried very carefully on paper towels to prevent the appearance of mold.

Basics of making tinctures and moonshine with blackberries

From a technological point of view, making any alcoholic drink using blackberries, be it a tincture of moonshine or other alcohol, is not very difficult. The main thing is a proven recipe and high-quality raw materials, that is, properly prepared berries. In this case, both frozen blackberries and fresh ones can be used. But the second option is considered preferable because it retains more taste.

Fresh blackberries are berries with a short shelf life. Therefore, the infusion period for drinks will be short.

If this is a liqueur recipe, then it can be ready in a week. If this is a moonshine tincture, then the infusion period can be up to 4 weeks (for comparison, currant tincture is prepared for 6 - 12 weeks, so the blackberry drink can be considered early ripening).

During this time, the tincture needs to be shaken 2-3 times a week. And at the final stage, the drink is drained, filtered and bottled. For more information about preparing the tincture, watch this video:

How to make blackberry mash? This is done in exactly the same way as grape-based mash. You need to take into account the sugar content in the berries - any mash recipe is based on this. Blackberries contain 4 - 7% sugar, and the yield from 100 kg of blackberries is 3 liters, which is significantly less than that of grapes. In practice, the yield may be even less. In addition, in some cases you should even add sugar to get the quality mash you need. Considering these data, we can come to the conclusion that using blackberries to make mash is not very profitable. It is much more convenient to use it as an additive, then its taste will be revealed more fully.

Both when using blackberries for mash, and when using them as an additive to fruit juice, you need to mix not only sugar, but also water.

This raw material will still contain quite a lot of fructose, which can improve the organoleptic properties of the final product, in particular its smell and taste, and it will also provide a more pleasant aftertaste.

When making moonshine, you need to make a wort. You will need a fairly large container in which to place the blackberries, ground to a pulp. Sugar is added to it. Its content should not exceed 20%. In addition, you need to take yeast. It is best to use dry yeast; you will need 12 g per 1 kg of blackberries.

The temperature during fermentation should not be lower than 18 °C, or even better +20...+25 °C. All this is done under a water seal.

When the wort has finished fermenting, it is distilled (without removing the pulp) using a steam generator.

If you drain the liquid fraction so that there is no pulp, you can distill the drink in the usual way using a moonshine still.

How to make blackberry liqueur?

There are many recipes for making blackberry liqueur. In the classic version, 3.5 kg of blackberries take 1.2 kg of sugar. In this case, the berries, selected most carefully, as mentioned above, are sorted, washed and dried. Only after this can they be placed in a large jar or bottle.

First add a layer of berries, then sprinkle with sugar, then another layer of berries, etc.

After the jar is completely filled, it is taken out for about a week to a bright place where the sun's rays will fall during the day and where it will be warm. The neck of the jar must be covered with a piece of gauze.

Berries mixed with sugar are left to infuse in a bright place

The container needs to be shaken periodically to mix the berries. When the first signs of the fermentation process appear, the gauze can be removed and a water seal can be put in its place, which can be replaced with a medical glove.

The fermentation process continues for quite a long time, it can last about a month.

During this time, place the container in a cool place. After about a month, the blackberry tincture needs to be strained, bottled and sealed.

How to prepare blackberry tincture with moonshine?

You can prepare the tincture with alcohol, but it is better to use well-purified double-distilled moonshine for this. There are many recipes.

You can prepare a tincture based only on blackberries without additives, taking 200 g of sugar, 1 kg of blackberries and 0.5 l of purified water per 1 liter of moonshine.

Moreover, the infusion process is not much different from the process of making liqueur described above: the layers of berries are sprinkled with sugar, only in this case they are also filled with moonshine. In the same way, the container with berries needs to be shaken periodically. In this case, the preparation process will take less time - only 4 days, after which the pulp is separated from the alcoholic infusion by straining. For information on how to prepare blackberry liqueur, watch this video:

Moreover, the pulp is then filled with water, left for several hours, and the infusion is filtered again. Then both parts of the drink are combined and passed through the filter again.

You can also prepare a tincture from frozen blackberries. However, the berries should not be thawed before alcohol is added to them, since some of the aroma will inevitably be lost during thawing. This drink is infused for several months.

You can prepare the tincture with the addition of additional components. For example, it can be fresh mint, thyme, basil, dried herbs, lemon zest and other components suitable for taste and aroma.

Spirits with blackberries as a base for moonshine

If you have alcoholized blackberry juice, you can make a tincture with it. It will have a milder taste compared to regular moonshine. The strength of the tincture will be only 20°, but it will have a beautiful rich color and aroma.

Alcoholic fruit juice can be prepared at home. The recipe will be the same as in industrial production.

To do this you will need 1 liter of alcohol with a strength of 45°. Blackberries (1 kg or even a little less) are infused on it for about a week. There is no need to squeeze the pulp; you can simply strain the infusion through natural cotton cloth. In production this liquid is called first flush fruit drink. Its volume is unlikely to exceed 1.1 liters. Then take alcohol of a lower strength (30°); it needs about 0.7 liters.

This alcohol is mixed with pulp, kept for another week, then filtered. The fractions are then combined and stored in tightly closed bottles. This alcoholized fruit drink can be used as an additive to moonshine to achieve the desired taste and color, and can be used for various infusions.

Finally, you can make wine from blackberries, not moonshine. In terms of its taste, it will resemble ordinary grape wine from the Cabernet variety.

This drink is served with meat, cheese, and any dessert. But you can make moonshine based on wine if you distill this drink.

The recipe is simple. For 6 kg of crushed fresh berries, take 1 liter of purified water and 600 g of sugar. You will also need dry yeast - 2 g. The active fermentation process takes about a week. After this, you need to remove the pulp from the liquid (these are crushed berries). Then you will need a vessel with a water seal, into which you pour the wine, add about the same amount of sugar as before, and the process of quiet fermentation begins, which will take about 1.5 months. For more information about yeast fermentation on blackberries, see this video:

Every two weeks it is necessary to decant the liquid to separate the sediment. If you send young wine to the cellar for aging, the process will last 1.5 years. This will be a very good wine with a noble aftertaste. If you distill it again, you will get moonshine in which fusel oils will not be felt.

Blackberry liqueur has a pleasant rich taste and aroma. Unlike wine from this berry, it is easier and faster to prepare. This healthy drink has tonic properties. There are many recipes for its preparation - with and without alcohol.

Useful properties of blackberries

Blackberries are a storehouse of vitamins. It helps rejuvenate the body, speeds up metabolism, and strengthens the immune system. The berry is recommended for people with cardiovascular diseases. Blackberries contain:

  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • tannins;
  • magnesium;
  • pectins;
  • vitamins A, E, C, B, R.

Cooking recipes

To prepare the liqueur, just stock up on berries and sugar. Classic recipes for blackberry liqueur involve natural fermentation. The strength of this drink is 9-13 degrees. Lovers of strong alcohol can increase the degree by adding vodka, alcohol or moonshine at the end.

First you need to select ripe and overripe berries, remove spoiled and rotten ones, trim the stalks, rinse and dry. 1 kg of berries is poured into a glass container - a bottle or jar, and 300 grams of sugar is poured. They are left in a warm place with a temperature of 19-26 degrees or in the sun for 7 days. The neck of the bottle is covered with a gauze cap to prevent insects from getting into it. Every day, the blackberry liqueur at home must be shaken.

When carbon dioxide bubbles appear and the drink begins to “fizz,” this means it has fermented. At this stage, the gauze cover is replaced with a rubber glove with a small hole at the top. Instead, you can use a water solution. After this, the liqueur should be left alone for a month, placing it in a cool, dark place. At the end of the period, or as soon as the glove falls, the drink is filtered through cheesecloth, bottled and sealed.

Important! Before drinking, it is advised to keep the drink for a month in the refrigerator for a brighter taste. At low temperatures, the shelf life of the liqueur is 5 years.

On alcohol

The recipe for blackberry liqueur with alcohol has a larger number of ingredients. A kilogram of berries is sorted, washed and dried. Transferring them to a jar, add a few buds of cloves, a pinch of cinnamon, and three tablespoons of liquid aromatic honey. Three days later, when the infusion has fermented, add 160 ml of water and 740 ml of alcohol. The drink is infused for a month, after which it is filtered and poured into containers. It should be taken into account that during aging a sediment appears, which must be carefully removed. Fans of tart and aromatic alcohol will enjoy pouring blackberries with alcohol.

To prepare blackberry liqueur with vodka, you need to prepare a kilogram of berries and put them in a bottle. After pouring sugar into it and stirring, cover the bottle with a gauze bandage and place it on the windowsill for a couple of days. Shake it periodically. Two days later, when the sugar has dissolved, the syrup is poured into a separate jar. Add 500 ml of vodka, juice of one lemon, and vanilla sugar on the tip of a knife. The jar is hidden in a dark, cool place.

To the remaining liqueur you need to add high-quality vodka - 500 ml. The drink is infused for 7 days. The liquid should reach 1-2 cm to the neck of the container. The infusion is filtered through a sieve, then combined with vodka syrup. Once bottled, it is left to age for six months.

On cognac

A kilogram of ripe berries is sorted, washed and dried, lightly pressed in an enamel container until the juice appears. After this, the blackberries are poured into a jar and 0.5 liters of cognac are added. Having tightly sealed the container, it is left alone for a month. After the expiration date, the infusion is filtered through a sieve. After that, you need to pour 500 grams of sugar into 0.5 liters of water and cook the syrup. When it cools, it is poured into the infusion. If necessary, the drink is passed through a sieve again and bottled. The tincture is stored in the basement or refrigerator at a temperature of 3-4 degrees.

With mint and lemon zest

All branches are removed from 800 grams of ripe berries and poured into a deep bowl. Cover the blackberries with 400 g of sugar and add:

  • 10 mint leaves;
  • 1 lemon, sliced;
  • several branches of anise;
  • 5 g cardamom.

Mix everything until the mixture produces juice. Then it is transferred to a bottle and filled with a liter of vodka. The bottle is closed with a plastic cap and left in a cool place for 30 days. After this, the liqueur is filtered through three times folded gauze and poured into containers.

Blackberries have everything to strengthen the body and cure many diseases. Blackberry liqueurs have everything to soften a girl’s heart and make it more pliable. This article contains the best recipes for blackberry liqueurs for true fans of supple girlish hearts.

Blackberries are a natural multivitamin. They contain sufficient amounts of vitamins C, E, P, PP, K, provitamin A, and B vitamins. Blackberries are also rich in natural antioxidants, bioflavonoids, which simultaneously relieve inflammation, swelling and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. This berry is the best helper for the cardiovascular system.

Blackberry liqueurs are believed to have the same healing properties. But they have another significant advantage - they are incredibly beautiful, very fragrant and have a unique berry taste. This drink is a real delight for women’s taste buds and a faithful assistant for a heartthrob. For the lazy but patient heartthrob, making blackberry liqueurs at home is quite simple, but time-consuming. Much longer.

The berries should not be overripe. Fresh blackberries, picked on a sunny day, are best suited for liqueurs - wild yeast necessary for fermentation lives on such berries in abundance. The best alcoholic base for liqueur is cognac or well-purified double moonshine.

Wash the blackberries, drain in a colander and dry with paper towels. Transfer them to a jar of suitable size and sprinkle with sugar, shake well. Cover the jar with gauze and leave in a warm place for 7-10 days so that the berries release their juice and ferment slightly. The berries need to be stirred a couple of times a day. Then pour in alcohol, close the jar tightly and leave for 10 days in a dark, cool place, remembering to stir the contents every day. Drain the resulting infusion and pour vodka over the berries for 7 days. Drain the vodka infusion and mix it with the alcohol infusion. Pour the finished liqueur into bottles and leave for long-term aging, at least six months.

Blackberry liqueur with honey

Rinse the berries, drain in a colander, dry and transfer to a large jar, sprinkling with sugar. Wait a couple of days until the sugar is completely dissolved, add honey, vodka and alcohol. Shake the jar well, close it tightly and place it on a sunny windowsill for a month. After this time, drain the liqueur through a sieve and filter through several layers of gauze. Wait 1-2 weeks until sediment settles at the bottom of the jar. Drain the drink from the sediment, filter if desired and bottle. Recommends six months aging. If sediment forms, the liqueur can be decanted.

By the way, beekeepers also know blackberry honey. It is clear like water and very tasty. It is used in the treatment of colds and kidney diseases.

Blackberry liqueur in alcohol with leaves

This recipe uses young blackberry leaves, which contain high amounts of vitamin C, tannins, minerals and antioxidants. In medicine, the leaves are used as a wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, and astringent. Like blackcurrant leaves, they greatly affect the taste of the drink and, as a rule, for the better.

Wash the blackberries, drain in a colander, dry and pour into a jar of suitable size. Add blackberry leaves, spices and pour honey over everything. Wait 3 days until the first signs of fermentation, then add water and alcohol. Infuse for exactly a month in a dark, cool place, then pour the liqueur through a sieve, filter and into a bottle. During aging, a sediment will form, from which the drink must be carefully drained.

Blackberry liqueur with cognac (with wine)

Wash the berries, dry them, put them in a jar and mash them slightly to release the juice. Add wine and cognac, close the jar tightly and place in a cool, dark place. Maceration should take about a month. After this, the blackberry infusion must be drained through a sieve and filtered. Make simple syrup from sugar and water, wait until it cools and add to the infusion. The liqueur can be filtered again and bottled. It is better to store the finished drink in a cool place, for example, in the basement. Use exclusively for treating the weaker sex. The liqueur should be cooled before serving.

Blackberries also go well with rum...

Blackberry liqueur with rum and vodka No. 1

Wash the blackberries, dry them and put them in a jar. Add sugar and stir, cover the jar with gauze and leave on a sunny windowsill for 48 hours. The jar needs to be shaken from time to time. After two days, the sugar should dissolve - the resulting syrup must be drained. Pour the syrup into a small jar, add half the vodka, lemon juice and vanilla sugar. Close the jar and hide it out of sight. Pour the remaining berries with the second half of vodka and wait a week. Drain the infusion through a sieve, filter and combine with the alcoholized syrup. Add 200 ml of light rum, mix well, bottle and age for 6 months.

Blackberry liqueur with rum and alcohol No. 2

* here we mean any aniseed alcoholic drink with a strength of about 40%: anise liqueur, oriental arak, Turkish raki, Greek ouzo, etc.

Boil simple sugar syrup from water and sugar, cool and pour into a two-liter jar. Add blackberry juice and other berries. While stirring the contents of the jar, pour in alcohol. Add light rum or anise drink (the original recipe uses arrack). Close the jar tightly and store in a cool place for as long as possible.

The liqueur should be served no earlier than after 3 months of aging. There is no need to filter; you can drink directly from the pulp of the berries.

Two best recipes for delicious raspberry liqueur

Among traditional Russian alcoholic drinks, homemade raspberry liqueur is very popular, which is not difficult to prepare. The drink is not only tasty, but also very healthy. The recipe is simple, anyone can repeat it.

Almost all liqueurs are prepared using the same technology; if you have already familiarized yourself with the recipe for currant liqueur, then making a raspberry analogue will be much easier.

During cooking, the most important thing is to sort the raspberries well, leaving only unspoiled juicy berries for pouring. Just a few rotten fruits can irreparably spoil the taste.

Raspberry liqueur recipe

The alcohol base can be anything: vodka, moonshine, alcohol diluted to 40-45 degrees and cognac.


  • raspberries – 4-5 kg;
  • vodka (moonshine, diluted alcohol) – 1.5 liters;
  • water – 1 liter;
  • sugar – 1 kg.

1. Peel the raspberries well, mash them a little with a wooden rolling pin and pour them into the bottle.

2. Pour vodka over the raspberries; the level of the berries should overlap by 2-3 cm.

3. Cover the neck of the container with a thick cloth and leave to infuse for a week in a warm place.

4. After this period, drain the liquid from the sediment.

5. Squeeze out the pulp at the bottom and prepare a syrup based on it (raspberry sediment, water and sugar). The technology is as follows: mix all the ingredients in a saucepan, bring to a boil, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes, skimming off the foam.

6. Add the previously drained raspberry vodka to the warm (room temperature) syrup and mix well.

7. Strain the resulting drink through cheesecloth and pour into a clean container for further infusion.

8. Transfer the raspberry liqueur to a cool, dark place and leave for one month.

9. Filter through cotton wool, pour into bottles for storage, and close tightly with lids. In the refrigerator or basement the shelf life is 12-14 months.

Raspberry liqueur without vodka

A classic recipe for an absolutely natural drink.


  • water – 200 ml;
  • sugar – 800 grams;
  • raspberries – 2 kg.


1. Add washed raspberries and sugar to a three-liter jar, pouring them in layers.

2. Pour in water. There should be 2-3 cm of free space left in the jar, which is needed for fermentation.

3. Gently mash the berries using a wooden rolling pin.

4. Place a water seal (medical glove with a hole in the finger) on the neck of the jar. Place the jar itself in a warm sunny place, for example, on a windowsill.

5. First, the glove will inflate, then, when the raspberry liqueur is ready, it will fall off (the water seal will stop blowing bubbles).

6. Filter the drink through cheesecloth, close the container with a lid and leave for 1-2 days in a cool, dark place.

7. Pour into bottles for storage, tightly capping them. Natural homemade raspberry liqueur can be stored in the refrigerator or basement for more than a year.

Homemade blackberry liqueur

Homemade blackberry liqueur recipe - healthy! Currently, alcoholic drinks prepared at home are becoming increasingly popular. These include a variety of liqueurs, tinctures and liqueurs. Today we will focus on blackberry tincture, since now is the season for this berry and there will be no shortage of the main ingredient. This drink also contains certain beneficial qualities for the human body that help cope with seasonal diseases, as well as many other ailments. Homemade blackberry liqueur recipe - healthy! The berries of this forest crop contain useful microelements in the form of dissolved manganese, fructose and sucrose - these are very useful minerals, but the most important is vitamin of life (E), it helps rejuvenate the body, restores and strengthens the immune system and promotes effective metabolism. A person endures various diseases faster and easier. Blackberries promote intense sweating, pain relief and antipyretic properties. They have a beneficial effect on the human nervous system. Here are two of the most popular and simple recipes for blackberry infusions. Blackberry liqueur at home, the recipe brought to your attention is easy to prepare. First recipe. Blackberry tincture with alcohol. Ingredients needed: Take one quart jar of blackberries. Half a liter of medical alcohol. Adjust the amount of sugar according to your taste. Now let's move on to the cooking process itself. Sort the berries, place them in a clean liter container and fill with alcohol. Close the jar and place in a cool place for 30 days, or more. After the tincture has expired, filter and add sugar to your taste. Mix thoroughly and pour into a bottle of suitable volume. It should be stored in a cool and dark place. There is also a recipe for blackberry tincture with vodka, which is less strong in terms of alcohol content. Blackberry tincture with vodka recipe No. 2. Ingredients needed for preparation: You only need one glass of berries (250 grams). Half a liter of vodka or high-quality moonshine. Four mint leaves. Zest from half a lemon. Two tablespoons of sugar. Blackberry liqueur with vodka, production method. We rinse our berries with running tap water and place them in a glass container. We add sugar; it helps to release the juice we need. Grind the mint leaves with a small amount of sugar and place them in a jar with our syrup and add the zest of half a lemon. Fill it with vodka and close the lid, place it in a warm and dark place; a nightstand in your kitchen will do. We insist for two months, after the end of the infusion period, strain and pour into a bottle. This blackberry liqueur with vodka can be used both for medicinal purposes and as a treat for your close friends.

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