How to make sponge cake with apples according to a step-by-step recipe with photos. Sponge cake with apples Possible other preparation and filling options

A fluffy soft sponge cake with apples is the perfect complement to tea. Its aroma will bring the whole family together at the kitchen table in a matter of minutes. You can prepare such a delicious delicacy using various recipes. All that remains is to choose the most suitable option based on the components.

It was this recipe that many housewives wrote down in their recipe after one of the episodes of the “Smak” program with Vlad Stashevsky. It is simple and inexpensive. Ingredients: 4 pcs. chicken eggs, a cut glass of granulated sugar, the same amount of flour, 2 sweet and sour fruits.

  1. Peeled apples are cut into very thin slices.
  2. To prepare the base for baking, the eggs are turned into foam in the bowl of a food processor. In the process they will increase significantly in volume.
  3. When adding sand, beating continues at the same speed.
  4. Wheat flour is sifted into the egg mass. Products are mixed using the “folding” method.
  5. First, half of the fruit slices are sent to the bottom of the mold, then the dough. Layers are repeated.

The biscuit with apples is baked in the oven for half an hour at 180 degrees.

Multicooker recipe

If you have a “smart pan” in the house, you can also use it in making biscuits. Ingredients: 800 g unsweetened apples, 4 pcs. chicken eggs, 245 g granulated sugar, 60 g butter.

  1. Thin slices of peeled apples are placed first in the oiled bowl of the device. They are immediately sprinkled with sugar and slightly warmed up.
  2. The dough from the remaining ingredients (well beaten with a mixer) is poured on top. First, eggs and sand are processed with it, then flour is added to the mixture.
  3. In the baking mode, the biscuit with apples in the multicooker takes 45 minutes.

If you add a little cinnamon to the dough, the smell of the delicacy will be even more appetizing.

With nuts and mayonnaise

It is worth noting right away that there will be no taste of mayonnaise in the treat. This product is taken in quantities of 200 grams. Other ingredients: 5 tbsp. granulated sugar and the same amount of high-grade flour, a standard bag of baking powder, 80 g of peeled walnut kernels, a large apple.

  1. The nuts are fried in a dry frying pan for 5-7 minutes and peeled from the dark skin.
  2. Sugar is poured into the mayonnaise and stirred until all grains are completely dissolved.
  3. The flour is sifted with baking powder.
  4. The peeled fruit is cut into thin slices.
  5. All prepared components are combined.
  6. In a pan lined with parchment, the treat is baked for about half an hour.

If desired, the finished pastries can be cut in half and added with filling.

Sponge cake with apples and lemon

Citrus fruits always improve the aroma of baked goods and add the necessary slight sourness. In addition to half a lemon, take: 170 g of margarine, 10 ml of vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. granulated sugar, 3 pcs. chicken eggs, 1 tbsp. full-fat kefir, apple, handful of breadcrumbs, 2 tbsp. high-grade flour, a bag of baking powder, a handful of raisins.

  1. Small cubes of peeled apples are poured with lemon juice.
  2. Grated zest is added to the softened margarine.
  3. The flour is enriched with oxygen. To do this, you need to sift it a couple of times along with baking powder.
  4. Raisins are scalded with boiling water.
  5. The eggs are beaten with sand.
  6. All components are combined, kefir is poured into them.
  7. The dough is laid out in a pan that has been greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs.

Sponge cake with apples is prepared for 45 minutes at high temperature.

With cinnamon and cream

The cream in this recipe is used to decorate the pie. They will not be included in the dough or filling itself. Therefore, their quantity can be adjusted to your liking. Other ingredients: 3 large apples, 1 tbsp. flour and granulated sugar, 4 selected chicken eggs, a bag of vanilla sugar, a large pinch of ground cinnamon.

  1. It is best to grind the cinnamon stick yourself in a coffee grinder. This will produce a more flavorful spice.
  2. The apples are placed first in the oiled pan. To do this, the fruits are peeled and cut very thin. The more you use, the tastier it will be. You can lay them in two or three layers.
  3. Eggs are divided into components. The whites are whipped very well with 2/3 of the total specified amount of sugar. A strong foam should form. The yolks with the remaining sand are processed in a similar way. They should turn snow-white.
  4. Both masses are connected with careful movements. Add sifted flour, cinnamon, and vanilla sugar to them.
  5. The finished dough is poured over the apples.
  6. The delicacy is baked for at least 40 minutes in a conventional oven. In the electric version, the cooking time will need to be increased to approximately an hour.

The treat will be tender, soft inside and crispy on the outside.

With added chocolate

The biscuit in question, which contains miniature chocolate inclusions, turns out to be very tasty. This recipe is a real find for those with a sweet tooth. Ingredients: 4 pcs. chicken eggs, half a glass of granulated sugar, 1 tbsp. flour, a large spoon of high-quality cocoa powder, 40 g of dark chocolate, 3 apples, a pinch of ground ginger and cinnamon.

  1. Immediately all the chicken eggs are whipped until foamy. After adding sugar to them, the process is repeated. For those with a sweet tooth, the amount of sand can be increased to 1 cup.
  2. Pour in oxygenated light flour.
  3. The chocolate is crushed into miniature cubes with a sharp knife.
  4. The dough is divided into 3 parts. Cocoa is added to one of them. You can combine it with flour or sugar to make it easier to mix the chocolate powder into the mixture. Both ginger and cinnamon are added to this part.
  5. Pieces of chocolate are poured into the remaining parts of the dough.
  6. Place apple cubes in an oiled pan. They also need to be sprinkled with cinnamon. You can also add a little powdered sugar.
  7. Either white or dark dough is poured from above in a chaotic manner.
  8. The unusual charlotte will be baked for 25 minutes until lightly crusted.

Decorate the slightly cooled sponge cake with powdered sugar. You can use any chocolate figures for this.

Sponge roll with apples

Modern store-bought rolls are usually cloyingly sweet and have questionable ingredients. Another thing is a homemade biscuit treat with fruit cubes. Ingredients: 4 large spoons of high-grade flour, 6 spoons of granulated sugar, 4 pcs. chicken eggs, a pinch of table salt, 3 large apples, ½ small. spoons of baking powder, cinnamon to taste.

  1. The eggs are divided into components, which are placed in different cups. Beat the yolks with granulated sugar (4 tablespoons) until the color clearly changes. They will turn white.
  2. Flour mixed with baking powder is sifted into the resulting sweet mixture. It is enough to work with the mixer for 1-1.5 minutes.
  3. The whites should also be beaten, but with salt. You will need to work with the mixer until soft peaks appear.
  4. The two whipped masses are very carefully combined. This should be done with a wide wooden spoon, moving from bottom to top.
  5. Peeled fruits are grated on a coarse grater and squeezed out of the juice. The apples are combined with the remaining flour. You can also add cinnamon to the filling.
  6. First, grated fruits are laid out on a parchment-lined baking sheet, then the dough is poured.
  7. The product is baked until browned.

It is enough to leave the baked goods in the oven for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

17 recipes for apple pies for every taste


50 minutes

150 kcal

5/5 (2)


  • Deep baking dish pirogue.
  • Some containers for ingredients and kneading dough.
  • Knife with a long blade for easy removal of the finished product from the mold.
  • Mixer for whipping products.
  • Flat large plate to serve the pie on the table.

We will need

To prepare the dough
egg 3 pcs.
granulated sugar 100 g
Wheat flour 100 g
vanilla sugar 5 g
salt 5 g
baking powder 5 g
To prepare the filling
medium sized apples 3 pcs.
granulated sugar 40-50 g
cinnamon 5-10 g
Additional Ingredients
butter 15-20 g

How to choose the right ingredients

  • When choosing apples, pay attention to their variety - if you appreciate only a slight apple flavor in such pies, then use white varieties. If you are a lover of moist and juicy pie, rich in flavor, buy red varieties.
  • In order for the cake to be airy and tender, it is necessary to use only the highest grade of wheat flour. Otherwise, the dough may turn out to be harsh and the product may be flattened.
  • I also do not recommend choosing butter spread or other butter substitutes. Butter for greasing the mold can only be replaced with margarine.

Step-by-step instruction

Preparing the dough

Preparing the filling

Putting the pie together

The final stage

Sponge cake recipe video

For anyone who likes to receive information visually, I suggest watching a video dedicated to the recipe described above, which includes detailed step-by-step instructions. In addition, you have a great opportunity to evaluate the appearance of the finished pie and decide for yourself whether you want to please your loved ones with such a masterpiece or not. Enjoy watching!

How to decorate a pie

  • The easiest way is to generously sprinkle the pie with powdered sugar, and before serving, repeat the sprinkling again, then the pie will have a more snow-white appearance.
  • The cake also looks beautiful if you sprinkle half of its surface with powdered sugar and half with cocoa powder.
  • A good option for decorating an apple pie is to grease its top and side walls with thick sour cream or sour cream, and use poppy seeds or ground walnuts for sprinkling.
  • Butter can be replaced with margarine - this way the cake will not burn and will easily move away from the wall when removed from the mold.
  • If you use a silicone mold to bake the product, there is no need to grease it with anything, just rinse it with running cold water before shaping the cake.
  • It is better to remove the baked goods after they have cooled completely - this way you will not harm its structure and shape, the cake will be quite easily removed from the mold.
  • To sprinkle apples, you can replace regular granulated sugar with brown or cane sugar - the taste will be more specific and pronounced.
  • The amount of cinnamon used in the above recipe depends solely on your taste - the more you like the combination of apples and this seasoning, the more you can use.
  • Apples can be cut into any shape: thin whole rings, small cubes, or grated on a coarse grater (if you are cooking for the smallest family members). The main thing is to lay out the top layer in beautiful rows, since it will be the “head” of your product.
  • Before removing the cake from the pan, generously sprinkle the flat dish on which you will place it with powdered sugar or breadcrumbs. Then the pieces of the pie, when cutting it, will not stick to the bottom of the plate and will easily separate from the bottom.

Possible other preparation and filling options

  • For those who don’t like to spend more than five minutes in the kitchen, but have a desire to cook something tasty, I suggest you try it. Eternally busy housewives will also love the recipe, which is prepared with almost no intervention from you in the process.
  • For those who love experiments and want to constantly surprise loved ones with their dishes, I highly recommend this unusual, but indescribably delicious recipe.
  • Finally, I would recommend an exquisite product of Russian cuisine, which, according to legend, was a signature treat for the guests of the Tsvetaev sisters. In this regard, baking received a special name -.

In the summer, generous with fruits, a wild culinary imagination haunts you, prompting you to bold experiments and search for the ideal taste of baked goods. However, your favorite sponge cake with apples combines languid sweetness and playful sourness so harmoniously that every bite of the delicacy looks like perfection. Even if you bake it at home every day, you will never get tired of it, its delicate taste reminding you of the warmth of your mother’s hands and childhood that has long disappeared over the horizon.

Today we offer a step-by-step recipe for baking the world-famous sponge cake with apples. Many novice housewives are wary of biscuits, considering them almost a state test for culinary aptitude. In fact, it will definitely turn out fluffy and tasty if you temporarily moderate your passion for experimenting with products and proportions and strictly follow proven recommendations.

Classic sponge cake with apples: recipe in the oven


  • - 3 pcs. + -
  • - 1 glass + -
  • - 1 glass + -
  • - 2 tbsp. + -
  • Apples - 3-4 medium fruits + -
  • Rusks- 1-2 tbsp. + -
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet + -
  • Cinnamon - 1/2 tsp. + -

Step-by-step baking of homemade apple sponge pie

A sponge cake baked according to this recipe turns out airy and at the same time stable - it does not settle or wrinkle. The main thing is not to rush to pour the batter into the mold. The longer we beat it, the more it will be saturated with air bubbles and become airy.

  1. Let's deal with the apples first. You need to use fruits of medium hardness. We wash and dry them to remove excess moisture. Having removed the middle with seeds and hard partitions, cut them thinly into slices or large cubes. If the fruit has a hard skin, it can be removed.
  2. Sprinkle 2 tbsp into the apple slices. granulated sugar and cinnamon, mix everything well and leave to soak.
  3. We take the eggs out of the refrigerator and break them into a mixer bowl or other convenient container with high sides.
  4. Having added all the remaining sugar, including vanilla flavored sugar, we first mix the components with a mixer at low speed, and then switch to maximum mode. An indicator that you can move on to the next stage of cooking is doubling the volume of the egg mass and completely dissolving the sweet grains in it.
  5. Now you need to add flour. We do this in three stages: we poured part of it into a container and immediately mixed it thoroughly, another part - stirred again, and, finally, the last portion.
  6. A baking dish with a diameter of 20-22 cm should be lightly moistened with oil using a silicone brush and coated with breadcrumbs.
  7. We put half of the dough, put the apple slices on top, drain the separated liquid from it, and then the second part.

We send the form to the oven, which should already be well heated by this time. The biscuit rises well and bakes over medium heat. It is best to place a baking sheet with a mold in the middle of the oven so that the top and bottom of the semi-finished treat receive the same amount of heat.

Secrets to a Successful Apple Pie

  • If the eggs are small (for example, category C1), you can safely increase their number to four.
  • It is best to take apples with sourness - then the treat will not be cloying. Using sweet fruits, the amount of granulated sugar can be safely reduced.

  • Fresh apricots, plums, and cherries (pitted) can also be an excellent filling for this dessert. If you want to make a light cake with a biscuit base, you can make it using this recipe without fruit.
  • Apples are “friends” with cinnamon, but it is not to the taste of all lovers of home-baked goods. If one of your family or guests does not like it, you can not add this spice, limiting yourself to vanilla sugar.
  • The ideal mold for a sponge cake is a sliding one: it is very convenient to take the cake out of it without harming its integrity and shape.
  • Instead of crackers, the bottom can be sprinkled with the same amount of dry semolina.
  • Under no circumstances should the door be opened for the first 20 minutes that the baked goods are in the oven. And it’s also better to refrain from ventilating the kitchen at this time - the biscuit really doesn’t like drafts.

Baking time is about half an hour. 20-25 minutes after sending the pan to the oven, you can, armed with a match, check the readiness of the biscuit. To do this, carefully insert it into the dough with the side opposite the sulfur head and immediately remove it. If there is no dough left on the match, then the pie is ready. Carefully remove it from the depths of the oven and leave to cool. You can only handle the knife when it has cooled down.

Guests do not always notify us that they are going to come to us for tea. Having a proven recipe for home-baked sponge cake with apples, we will never be taken by surprise and will be able to greet them with dignity, treating them with their favorite delicacy.

Apple biscuit It has such a pleasant taste that it is simply impossible to resist. It's easy to make and perfect for breakfast as it contains healthy and easily digestible ingredients. Experts recommend using one apple every day. Why not use our recipe and surprise your family with something delicious?

How to make apple sponge cake?

Biscuit According to our recipe, it turns out very airy. You can also add nuts to it. This dessert is low in calories, but at the same time gives you a feeling of satiety and energizes you. It is prepared from natural products, without preservatives or other additives. So you can be absolutely sure that such a biscuit is healthy (unlike store-bought pies). So, write down the recipe:

What do we need to make a biscuit?

Our sponge cake recipe serves 6 people. Based on this calculation, we will need:

  • 1 package of natural yogurt without additives
  • 350 g flour
  • 4 eggs
  • 125 g (this small amount will not affect calories or figure)
  • 250 g sugar
  • One package of yeast (12 g)
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar (or natural vanilla on the tip of a knife)
  • 3 large apples (Golden or other variety)
  • 1 pinch of salt

How to cook?

To start

Beat the eggs with sugar until the volume of the mixture doubles. To make the sponge cake airy, we recommend separating the whites and first whipping them into a stable foam, then whisking the yolks with sugar. Then mix the whites and yolks, adding yogurt. Keep whisking the mixture so that it remains airy. You'll see, there's nothing complicated about it!

Second step

Mix the required amount of flour and yeast and gradually add to the egg mixture. Mix the dough with a mixer to avoid the formation of lumps. When the dough is ready, leave it for 10 minutes.

Now lightly melt the butter in a water bath and add a pinch of salt. Mix the butter well and slowly add it to the dough, stirring constantly.

What to do next?

Let's get busy! Wash and peel them. Remove the core and cut into small thin slices. As you know, when exposed to air, peeled apples oxidize and darken. To prevent this from happening, immediately add them to the dough and mix.

So, we have almost reached the final: Grease a round baking dish with butter and pour half of the dough into it. Distribute the mixture evenly over the mold, then mix the other half with cinnamon and vanilla sugar and pour into the mold.

Baking a biscuit in preheated to 180º oven for 45 minutes. It is advisable not to open the door so that the biscuit remains fluffy. After the specified time has passed, pierce it with a fork or toothpick to check readiness. If the fork fits easily into the biscuit and remains dry, then the dessert is ready.

Let's start finishing

We take the biscuit out of the oven and let it cool slightly (you can place the mold on a damp towel so that the biscuit can easily separate from its walls). Carefully remove the biscuit from the mold and place it on a plate, after 20 minutes you can start drinking tea! You can decorate the sponge cake to your liking: nuts, fresh fruit, grated dark chocolate or citrus zest. Bon appetit!

A dessert like sponge cake with apples can be a real lifesaver. Baking it is not difficult, and the ingredients needed for cooking are usually found in every kitchen. Therefore, such a pie can be prepared very quickly if unexpected guests “show up”, or you just want to pamper your family with something delicious.

Classic biscuit dough is made from three ingredients - sugar, flour and eggs. Neither soda nor baking powder should be added to the biscuit mass. The splendor of baked goods is achieved through high-quality beating of eggs.

In addition to the classic version, there are recipes in which fermented milk products and butter are added to the main ingredients. In this case, the use of baking powder is mandatory.

The flour must be sifted; this will not only prevent flour lumps from getting into the baked goods, but will also enrich the product with oxygen, which will make the baked goods more tender.

The filling uses fresh apples, which can be chopped or grated. You can use caramelized or baked fruits, as well as apple jam.

In addition, you can use a variety of additives when baking. The taste of baked goods is varied by cocoa, nuts, and poppy seeds. Citrus zest, vanillin or cinnamon are used to add flavor.

Classic sponge cake with apple cream

Let's bake a sponge cake using the classic recipe and layer it with apple cream.

For the pie base you need:

  • 6 eggs;
  • 200 gr. granulated sugar;
  • 160 gr. flour;
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • 5-10 gr. butter for greasing the mold.

For cream:

  • 6 apples;
  • 200 gr. fat sour cream (at least 20%);
  • 180 gr. Sahara;
  • 1 full tablespoon of powdered sugar;
  • 0.5 spoon of ground cinnamon.

Separate the whites by pouring them into a bowl that does not have a drop of fat on it. Otherwise, you won’t be able to beat them into a fluffy mass.

We begin to work with the mixer, first setting the minimum speed of rotation of the whisks. When light foam appears on the surface, gradually add 100 grams. sugar, while increasing the beating speed first to medium, and then to maximum. The process can be completed when a stable foam is formed that does not move, even if the bowl is tilted strongly.

Grind the yolks in another bowl with the addition of vanillin and the remaining 100 g. Sahara. You can beat this mass with a mixer, or you can simply grind it with a fork. Place about a third of the white foam into the yolk mixture and gently mix with a spatula, moving from bottom to top.

Advice! Before stirring the whites into the bowl for whipping, it is recommended to wipe its inner surface with a napkin soaked in lemon juice.

Add flour and continue kneading in the same way until a light mass without lumps is formed. Add the remaining whites and mix again. The mixture should not be stirred in a circle, as this may negatively affect the fluffiness of the baked goods.

Cover the bottom of a mold with a diameter of 20-22 cm (in a mold with a larger diameter the baking will be low) with a circle of oiled baking paper. Simply grease the sides with oil. Pour in the biscuit mixture; it should fill the bowl no more than two-thirds of the volume.

Cook in the oven at 180°C. During the baking process, do not open the oven for the first half hour, otherwise the cake will fall off. After half an hour, reduce the heat to 150 degrees and continue cooking for another 15-20 minutes. Then turn off the heat, open the oven door slightly, but do not remove the pan. A sharp temperature change can cause baked goods to lose their fluffiness. Divide the cooled sponge cake into two or three layers and coat with apple cream.

Advice! To prevent the baked goods from crumbling before cutting, it is recommended to keep the sponge cake at room temperature for at least 8 hours.

To prepare the cream, cut the apples into small pieces, put them in a saucepan, add a little water and add sugar. Cook until soft for about 5 minutes, cool and drain the syrup. Punch the mixture with a blender or simply mash it with a masher to make a puree (in the latter case, the cream will be heterogeneous with pieces of fruit included). Beat sour cream with added powdered sugar and combine with applesauce. Mix and use as a biscuit layer.

  • 1 glass of sour cream;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder;
  • 1.5 cups flour;
  • ground crackers and a little butter for the mold;
  • 2 apples.

Beat the sour cream with the addition of sugar and baking powder. Then gradually add flour, stir thoroughly.

Cut the fruit into cubes or strips. Place in a heat-resistant bowl, coated with oil and sprinkled with ground crackers. Beat out a light biscuit mixture on top of the fruit. Cook at 180 degrees for at least half an hour.

Apple sponge cake with kefir

To bake a sponge cake, you need:

  • 200 ml kefir;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 100 ml refined vegetable oil;
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 apples;
  • 0.5 teaspoon ground cinnamon.

The dough is very easy to prepare. Place all the listed ingredients, with the exception of flour and apples, in a bowl. Mix everything thoroughly and beat until smooth. Then pour flour through a sieve and knead again.

We divide the apples into 4 parts, and then cut each slice crosswise into thin pieces. Pour approximately half of the prepared biscuit mixture into a greased heat-resistant bowl. Then lay out pieces of fruit and sprinkle with cinnamon. Cover the fruit layer completely with the remaining dough.

Cook in the oven for a little less than one hour at 160 degrees.

Apple sponge cake with cottage cheese

Another version of apple sponge cake is prepared with. Such pastries have a harmonious taste, in addition, they enrich the body with calcium, so the pie is especially useful for children

Read also: Pie with apples and semolina - 15 recipes for a sweet treat

For the base you need:

  • 5 eggs;
  • 1 faceted glass each of flour and granulated sugar.

For filling:

  • 300 gr. cottage cheese, choose a product with a fat content of at least 5%;
  • 75 gr. Sahara;
  • 50 gr. butter;
  • 5 medium sized apples.

The biscuit base is prepared using a mixer. Beat eggs with added granulated sugar, then add flour. It is very important to beat the mixture well at the first stage, since the fluffiness of the pie depends on this. Therefore, you need to beat the mixture for at least five minutes.

The cottage cheese needs to be blended with a blender with the addition of butter (very soft) and granulated sugar. If you don’t have a blender, then you just need to grind this mass, trying to ensure that there are no large lumps of cottage cheese left. Apples are cut into thin pieces of arbitrary shape.

Grease the heat-resistant dish in which we will bake the biscuit with oil and lightly dust the bottom and sides with flour. Pour about a third of the dough onto the bottom, then lay out the apple slices. Next, pour in the second third of the biscuit mass, and spread the curd mass on top of it. Cover the curd layer with dough. Cook at 160 degrees for 50-60 minutes.

Banana biscuit

Apple sponge cake can be prepared with the addition of other fruits. Baking with banana turns out very fragrant.

A minimum of ingredients is required for its preparation.

  • 4 eggs;
  • a glass of granulated sugar and flour;
  • 1 banana and 1 apple each.

Preparing the pie does not take much time. You can immediately turn on the oven, since it will take at least 10 minutes to heat it to 160 degrees, and during this time you can have time to prepare the dough.

The mold should be greased and dusted with flour. Instead, you can line the bottom of the dish with oiled baking paper.

The biscuit dough will be prepared using simplified technology. That is, we will not separate the whites, but break the eggs into a mixing bowl, add sugar and turn on the mixer. Beat until a fluffy and light mass forms. Pour flour into it through a sieve, mix carefully.

Add pieces of fruit to the finished biscuit mass. Cut the apples into fairly large cubes and the bananas into circles. Mix the fruit with the dough and pour this mixture into the prepared bowl. It takes 35-40 minutes to cook the pie.

A similar pie can be baked using pears, pieces of peeled tangerines, chopped canned peaches or other fruits instead of bananas.

Sponge cake with caramelized apples

A variation on the classic French dessert Tarte Tatin is a sponge cake with caramelized apples.

To bake dessert in a mold with a diameter of 20-22 cm you need:

  • 2 large apples;
  • 6 full tablespoons of sugar;
  • 0.25 spoons of cinnamon;
  • 3 eggs;
  • but a glass of granulated sugar and flour for the dough;
  • to prepare the dishes for baking - a spoonful of butter and a little flour.

Turn on the oven, setting the heating temperature to 180 degrees. Grease the bottom and walls of the mold with oil and dust with a small amount of flour.

Pour six tablespoons of sugar into a thick-walled saucepan and add two tablespoons of water. Mix and put on low heat, cook until the caramelization process begins. You can determine the beginning of this process by a change in color; the mass will begin to turn brown. This will happen quickly; on average, you need to cook the caramel for about two minutes.

Advice! It is very important not to overcook the caramel, otherwise, instead of a soft mass, you may end up with something like hard candy.

Pour the prepared caramel into the prepared bowl in which the cake will be baked. Lay out the apple slices, trying to arrange them in even circles.

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