Scheme for preparing borscht. Cooking soups

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Subject. Technological process of preparing "Ukrainian Borscht"

1. Technological part

1.1 Product description

Soups are an important part of lunch. They consist of two parts: liquid (base) and dense (garnish). Broth, milk, decoctions of cereals, vegetables, fruits, kvass, etc. are used as a liquid base.

A variety of products are used for garnish: vegetables, mushrooms, cereals, legumes and pasta, fish, meat, poultry, etc.

The range of soups is varied.

The dish “Ukrainian Borscht” belongs to the category “hot soups with broths, dressings”.

Dressing soups represent the most common group. Sautéed vegetables are an essential part of these soups. A characteristic feature of seasoning soups is that the prepared products are added in a certain sequence and boiled until tender in a liquid base (broth, mushroom broth or water). Therefore, they acquire the taste and aroma of those products that are used for soup and have a good appearance.

Borscht is the name given to soups that necessarily include beets.

It has long been believed that Ukrainians borrowed the word “borscht” (as a dish) from Poland, where they prepared “borscht”. However, this dish appeared in Poland in the 18th century, and in Ukraine much earlier - around the 14th-15th centuries. And it was the Ukrainian “borscht” that was most popular at all times.

Catherine the Great and Alexander II called “borscht” their favorite dish. The great writer Gogol and ballerina Anna Pavlova preferred “Ukrainian borscht” to all soups.

In Ukraine, this dish is given the main place in the home menu. Even if there are many other treats awaiting guests besides borscht, the hostess, inviting them to the table, says: “Sit down and have some borscht!”

Borscht is cooked in meat, bone broth, or a combination of meat and bone broth, mushroom broth, sometimes in poultry broth (goose, duck) and vegetarian.

Broth is a decoction obtained by boiling meat, bones, poultry, and fish in water. Extractive substances, proteins, fats, minerals and aromatic substances pass from the products into the broth. The taste of the broth depends on the ratio of water and product in it, the degree of its grinding, and the duration of cooking.

The assortment of borscht is varied in terms of product composition, cooking method and taste.

In addition to beets, borscht includes: carrots, parsley or celery, onions, tomato puree or tomatoes, vinegar, sugar, and in most cases white cabbage. Depending on the type of borscht, potatoes, beans, capsicums and other products are added to it.

Beets for borscht, except naval and Siberian, are cut into strips, and for naval and Siberian - into slices. Several methods are used to prepare beets for borscht: stewing, sautéing, boiling and baking.

1.2 Technology for preparing the dish “Ukrainian borscht”

When preparing borscht, meat and bone broth is used. To prepare this broth, take the bones and meat of the brisket, shoulder and subscapular parts and trim, weighing 1.5-2 kg.

The prepared bones are poured with cold water, brought to a boil and cooked over low heat for 2-3 hours, then add the meat and quickly bring to a boil, skimming off excess fat. The duration of cooking the meat is 1.5-2 hours. 30-40 minutes before the end of cooking, add lightly baked roots and onions, and a bunch of spicy vegetables. At the end of cooking, the finished meat is removed, the broth is drained and filtered.

Meat and bone broth can be prepared in another way. The prepared bones are placed in a cauldron, meat is placed on them, poured with cold water, brought to a boil over high heat, the foam is skimmed off and cooked over low heat, periodically skimming off the fat. After 1.5-2 hours, the meat is removed and the bones continue to be cooked. 30-40 minutes before the end of cooking, add baked roots and onions, a bunch of spicy vegetables.

The finished broth is drained and filtered.

Place fresh cabbage, cut into strips, into the boiling broth, bring to a boil, add potatoes, cut into cubes or slices, cook for 10-15 minutes, add sautéed vegetables and stewed beets.

Bring to a boil, add sweet peppers, cut into strips, add sautéed flour diluted with broth or water, add spices, salt, sugar and cook until tender.

Before serving, season with garlic, ground with bacon. If borscht is prepared with sauerkraut, then it is stewed after the potatoes.

When leaving, put meat on a plate, pour borscht, add sour cream and herbs.

Separately, you can serve pampushki with garlic. To prepare them, you need to knead the yeast dough and let it rise twice. Divide the dough into small buns, dip them in oil, let them rise again, steam them and finish baking in the oven. Squeeze a little garlic onto each prepared donut.

1.3 Scheme for preparing the “Ukrainian Borscht” dish

1.4 Instructions for preparing the dish

Name of dish: Ukrainian borscht.

Technological map (culinary recipe) No. 144

Type of processing: Cooking

Product recipe (g):

Beets 150, fresh cabbage 100, carrots 50, parsley (root) 21, onions 36, tomato puree 30, sweet pepper 27, flour 6, lard 10.4, cooking fat 20, sugar 10, 3% vinegar 10, broth or water 700.

Yield: 1000.

Material and technical equipment:

Vegetable shop:

Equipment: bath for washing vegetables, work table, table for post-cleaning, potato peeler.

Inventory: radical knives, carving knives, for post-cleaning, for removing eyes, containers for storing peeled vegetables, waste collection tanks.

Meat shop:

Equipment: cutting table, washing bath, work table.

Inventory: a knife for cutting meat, a heavy knife and an ordinary one from the “chef’s troika”.

Hot shop:

Equipment: electric stove.

Inventory: a saucepan, a tabletop, an ordinary knife from the “chef’s troika”.

Table 1 Raw materials: Components of the dish:

Borscht is prepared on a liquid basis, which is bone and meat broth.

The broth contains :

Beef brisket; - carrots, parsley root; - onions; - water; - salt.

Borscht contains::

Beet; - fresh cabbage; - potato; - carrot; - parsley root; - bulb onions; - garlic; - tomato puree; - wheat flour; - lard; - cooking fat; - vinegar 3%; - Sweet pepper;

Dumplings with garlic are served separately with the dish. Dumplings are products made from yeast dough.

The donuts include:

Wheat flour; - vegetable oil; - eggs. - water; - sugar; - yeast;

When serving, donuts are poured with sauce.

The sauce contains:

Garlic, - vegetable oil; - salt, - water.

Applied methods of heat treatment of products.

In the process of preparing borscht, various methods of heat treatment of products are used. And its use plays a big role on the quality of the finished product:

When preparing broth, bones are boiled completely immersed in liquid (basic method).

This is a combined method of heat treatment: first the products are fried and then simmered with broth.

Cabbage and potatoes are cooked in the main way in broth.

Passaging is also used. Shredded carrots and onions, cut into half rings, are sautéed with fat.

The flour is dry heated.

When preparing donuts, one method of heat treatment is used - baking.

Sequence of technological operations:

Operation No. 1. Organization of the workplace.

Before starting work, you should prepare the workplace: equipment, inventory, dishes, food.

Operation No. 2. Preparation of meat and bone broth.

Boil the broth for borscht, constantly skimming off the foam.

The finished broth is drained, filtered and boiled. The broth should be transparent.

Operation No. 3. Preparing vegetables.

Vegetables are peeled and washed.

Cabbage for borscht is cut into strips.

Grate beets and carrots for borscht dressing on a coarse grater.

The onion is cut into half rings.

Potatoes are cut into cubes or slices.

Operation No. 4. Preparing the borscht dressing.

Shredded carrots and onions, cut into half rings, are sautéed with fat.

The beets are chopped, vinegar, fat, sugar, tomato puree are added and simmered until tender with the addition of a small amount of broth.

Operation No. 5. Cooking vegetables in broth.

Place fresh cabbage, cut into strips, into the boiling broth, bring to a boil, add potatoes, cut into cubes or slices, cook for 10-15 minutes,

Place sautéed vegetables and stewed beets into the broth. Bring to a boil.

Operation No. 7. 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking, introduce sautéed flour diluted with broth or water; sweet pepper, cut into strips; add spices, salt, sugar and cook until tender.

Operation No. 8.

Before serving, borscht is seasoned with garlic, ground with bacon.

Lard is grated, mixed with crushed garlic, placed in borscht and immediately turned off.

Operation No. 9. Cutting meat.

Cut the meat for borscht into portions on a board.

Operation No. 10. Submission.

When leaving, put meat in a deep dinner plate, pour borscht, add sour cream, sprinkle with herbs. Dumplings with sauce can be served separately.

1.5 Quality requirements

In all types of borscht, beets, cabbage and roots must retain their cut shape. The form of cutting cabbage is into strips or checkers; the cutting of other vegetables corresponds to the cutting of cabbage.

Appearance: Oil glitter on the surface of the liquid part. Vegetables are well peeled and evenly cut. The ratio of the components of the dish is observed. The liquid part of the borscht, seasoned with flour, is homogeneous;

Color: liquid part - from bright red to dark red, with a faint brownish tint; the sparkle of oil is orange, of vegetables - characteristic of their species;

Taste: sweet and sour, without the taste of raw beets, pronounced; with the taste and aroma of meat products;

The smell of sautéed vegetables, tomatoes, garlic;

Consistency: vegetables - soft, dense (vegetables are not overcooked). The ratio of the dense and liquid parts corresponds to the recipe.

Store on a food warmer marked 1bl. at a temperature of +80°C no more than 2 hours. Serve in a warmed dinner plate or broth bowl. Supply temperature +65…+75°С. When on vacation, you can serve cheesecakes, pies, pampushki, and krupenik with borscht.

borscht calorie cost

2. Commodity research part

2.1 Characteristics of products used in preparation

Beetroot - has a high sugar content (9%) in the form of sucrose and cobalt, apple, lemon and other mineral salts (potassium and magnesium), vitamins C, B1, B2, PP and folic acid. The less color and fewer light rings on the cut, the higher the value of beets in cooking.

Beets must be whole, fresh, clean, unwilted, not contaminated, not cracked, and free from diseases and damage from agricultural pests. The beets must be of a botanical variety, not ugly in shape, with remaining petioles no more than 2 cm long, juicy and dense pulp, with a taste and smell characteristic of the variety. Table beets are divided into two commercial grades based on quality: selected and ordinary. The size of beets according to the largest diameter for selected varieties: 5-10 cm; in ordinary varieties 5-14 cm, with size deviation up to 10%.

Store beets at POP in the same container or bins at a temperature of +30°C for 3-5 days at a relative humidity of 85-90%.

Carrots - in terms of sugar content, proteins, vitamins and coloring matter, are one of the most valuable root vegetables.

By length, carrots are divided into short 3-5cm, semi-long 8-10cm, long 20-45cm.

The coloring matter in carrots, carotene, turns into vitamin A in the human body. The largest amount of carotene is found in the upper layers of the root vegetable. Carotene and essential oils of carrots dissolve in fats; during passaging, carotene is little destroyed.

Carrots contain a lot of vitamins B1, B2 and C. Potassium salts predominate among mineral salts, and glucose predominates among carbohydrates.

Culinary qualities depend on how tender the pulp is and on the content of the core.

Cabbage - white cabbage is characterized by a high content of water (up to 90%), sugars (in several varieties up to 3.3%), as well as mineral salts (calcium, potassium, phosphate, iron, magnesium), especially vitamin C. Cabbage contains sulfur enters, and SO 2 is released during heat treatment. Cabbage consists of leaves and stumps, which makes up 4-9% of its mass. Cabbage is divided into varieties: early-ripening, mid-ripening and late-ripening. Cabbage forks should be fresh, clean, healthy, white, and firm.

Eggs - a chicken egg consists of three main parts: shell 12%, white 56% and yolk 32%. In a raw egg, the contents occupy the entire volume. As the egg dries out, the volume of the egg’s contents decreases, and a chamber forms between the albumen and shell shells.

The yolk is surrounded by a yolk membrane.

But in terms of their chemical composition and nutritional value, eggs are a valuable product. They contain complete proteins, fats, vitamins A, D, B1, and all necessary mineral salts.

The yolk contains 32% fat, up to 17% protein, and up to 12% lecithin. Of the carbohydrates, the yolk contains glucose and glycogen. The white coagulates at +68°C, and the yolk at 65°C. The white is dense and translucent, the yolk is dense and less noticeable. The shell is clean without damage.

Onion is the most common spicy plant. The most common is onions. The bulb consists of a bottom, from which roots extend downward, and leaves in the form of fleshy scales extend upward. The outside of the bulb is covered with several dry, colored scales.

Depending on the pungency of taste, there are sharp, semi-sharp and sweet varieties of onions. Onions contain: sugar (up to 9%), essential oils (up to 6%), vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, PP, folic acid, minerals and nitrogenous substances.

Onion pulp is white with a greenish tint and purple.

In cooking, it is applicable for all types of dishes, except sweet ones.

Garlic - a complex garlic bulb consists of individual buds - cloves, covered with a thin shell, and the entire bulb is covered with a jacket of dry leaves. The color is white, pink, purple and with shades.

Unlike onions, garlic contains more dry matter (30%) and has a sharper taste and smell.

Used in meat, vegetable, mushroom, egg and poultry dishes - in soups, salads and main dishes, as well as when pickling vegetables.

Garlic is not applicable to fish dishes, the taste of which is distorted. Garlic is added to a hot dish in a modified form immediately after cooking. To prevent the smell of garlic from being pungent, garlic is combined with herbs, dill, savory, and lard.

Potatoes - rich in carbohydrates, min. substances, dyes, aromatic substances. Potatoes are rightly called the second bread; their calorie content is 2-3 times higher than the calorie content of other vegetables. It is high in carbohydrate content (mainly starch and fiber).

Potatoes are distinguished not only by their taste, but also by their high nutritional value. Its proteins contain essential amino acids and are well absorbed by the body.

The top of the potato tuber is covered with a skin consisting of a cork substance. There are eyes on its surface. Tubers must be whole, mature, healthy, dry, clean. They can be homogeneous or heterogeneous in shape and color. In early potatoes, tubers with slightly loose skin are allowed.

Store potatoes at t = 3-4°C; do not store potatoes in the light to avoid greening.

Parsley root - has a yellowish-white color, which is why it is sometimes called "white root". It has a sweetish taste and pleasant aroma, which is explained by the presence of essential oils in it.

The shelf life of parsley varies and depends on its variety.

In catering establishments, parsley should be stored on shelves in a special chamber for vegetables.

When preparing dishes, raw parsley root, baked on the stove or sauteed in fat, is introduced.

When making broths for sauces and clear soups, the root is cut lengthwise into two halves and baked on the surface of the stove until a brown crust forms. Roasted parsley root is added to boiling broth to give it color and aroma.

The norm is 2-3g per serving.

Passed parsley root is added to meat soups. Parsley root gives dishes a unique taste and aroma.

Tomato puree - contains carotene, vitamins B1, B2, PP, C, minerals: sodium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc. Tomato paste differs from tomato puree in a high concentration of minerals (potassium, sodium, iron, phosphorus ), contains carotene, vitamins B1, B2, PP, C. The paste contains from 27 to 40% dry matter, and tomato puree contains only up to 20%.

Flour is a food product obtained by grinding grains of various crops. Flour can be made from such varieties of grain crops as wheat, spelt, rye, buckwheat, oats, barley, millet, corn and rice. The bulk of flour is produced from wheat. It is a necessary component in making bread.

Wheat baking flour is divided into grades: semolina, higher, first, second, wallpaper. The main differences between flour varieties are the size of grain grinding and the degree of purification from the shells. There is peeled flour, consisting mainly of the outer parts of the grain, and, in fact, flour, consisting of the ground core of the grains. In the second case, the flour contains more gluten.

Flour is divided into grades: premium, first grade, second grade. The lower grades contain vitamins B 1, B 2, PP and E; the highest and 1st grade flour contains almost none of them. Flour has a specific floury smell.

Lard is eaten fresh, salted, smoked, boiled, stewed or fried. Cooked (salted or salted-smoked) subcutaneous lard is called lard (in everyday life, lard is most often called lard).

Lard with large and numerous veins of meat is called podcherevina; when salted, it is called brisket in Russian or bacon in English. Small fried pieces of lard are called cracklings. Rendered lard is lard and is used as cooking fat.

The composition of rendered animal fats includes stearic, palmitic, oleic, linoleic and other fatty acids. The melting point of beef fat is 40-51°C, and the pour point, respectively, is 34-38°C. Pork fat has a low melting point of 28-48°C, and a pour point of 22-32°C.

Vinegar (from other Greek wholesale) is a product with a significant content of acetic acid. Colorless or slightly colored transparent liquid with a sharply sour taste and specific aroma. Vinegar is divided into natural and synthetic. Natural vinegar contains acetic and other food acids (citric, tartaric, malic, etc.), aldehydes, esters, complex alcohols, the combination of which creates the aroma and bouquet of vinegar.

Vinegar obtained by diluting concentrated synthetic acetic acid has no aromatic properties, but has a specific odor of acetic acid itself. The raw materials for the production of natural vinegar can be: rectified ethyl alcohol and secondary products of its production, apple and other fruit juices, grape juices.

Sweet pepper - another name: bell pepper. Solanaceae family. According to their taste, pepper can be divided into sweet and bitter (hot). Sweet pepper is one of the most valuable vegetable crops. This is the only multivitamin concentrate. It surpasses all vegetable plants in vitamin C content (green pepper fruits contain more ascorbic acid than lemon, red fruits contain up to 480 mg%).

The fruits of sweet peppers are eaten raw, pickled, baked, boiled and fried, used for pickling cucumbers and tomatoes, used for salads, first and second courses, and various pepper pastes, sauces, seasonings, and ketchup are prepared.

Sugar is the common name for sucrose. Cane and beet sugar (granulated sugar, refined sugar) is an important food product. It has a sweet taste and high calorie content.

Sugar contains on average 99.8% sucrose and 0.14% moisture. Sugar is easily absorbed by the body, serves as a source of energy, restores strength, increases efficiency, and strengthens the human nervous system.

Vegetable oils (vegetable fats) are fatty products extracted from plant materials and consisting mainly of triglycerides of higher fatty acids. The main sources of vegetable oils are the seeds (fruits) of oilseed plants (oil crops).

The shell of wheat and rye grain contains 5-6% oil, the germ contains 11-13% and 10-17%, respectively; in the germ of corn - 30-48% oil, millet - about 27%, rice - 24-25%.

Unlike animal fats, vegetable oil contains unsaturated fatty acids, which are easily absorbed by the body and do not cause deposits on the walls of blood vessels.

During refining, the oil is purified from various contaminants and impurities undesirable for the manufacturer, but at the same time almost loses its taste and smell, as well as all its beneficial properties. They can be stored in light bottles for a long time; they are not afraid of sunlight.

2.2 Nutritional value, calorie content and chemical composition of products

The liquid part of borscht contains extractive and mineral substances, organic compounds that give broths taste, aroma and are irritants of the digestive glands. Therefore, soups stimulate appetite and promote better absorption of food.

The dense part of the soup contains nutrients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins. The calorie content of the liquid base is not significant - 15-20 cal per 1 liter of broth, but due to the presence of a dense part (side dish) in borscht, many soups have a high calorie content.

table 2

3. Equipment and inventory

The electric sectional modulated stove PESM-4ShB consists of four rectangular burners and an oven with sides for moving cookware.

It is intended for preparing hot dishes in stovetop dishes, as well as for frying, baking and baking products in an oven. The plate can work as an independent device or be used as part of a technological production line.

The stove body is a frame to which the work surface and oven are attached. The work surface has four rectangular burners, formed into two unified blocks.

The blocks are very convenient for sanitizing, inspecting and repairing the slab. Each burner has its own four-way switch, with which the heating power is adjusted in a ratio of 4:3:2:1.

The oven is a chamber consisting of two steel boxes - internal and external, and the space between them is filled with heat-insulating material. The oven is heated by heating elements located in threes at the top and bottom and having separate switching.

The temperature in the cabinet is maintained automatically by a TR-4K thermostat. The control and alarm switches for the stove operation are installed on the front panel on the right side.

Requirements for inventory and tools

Inventory includes devices that make the cook’s work easier: cutting boards, paddles, skimmers, sieve, pastry bags, tips, rolling pins, molds, etc.

Cutting boards are mainly used for cutting food during preparation, or just before serving. Sometimes cutting boards are used as stands for hot pans in which the dish is served. Fish requires a durable and safe cutting board.

The material for the boards must be hard enough so that there are no cut marks or scratches in which food particles may remain, but also soft enough so that the cutting edge of the knife does not become dull or chipped. Also, the cutting board should not absorb moisture or odors. Therefore, the most acceptable is hardwood (birch, oak, beech).

The sizes of cutting boards vary greatly, from 10x15 cm to 30x40 cm and more. The thickness of a cutting board rarely exceeds 2-3 cm. Plastic cutting boards are usually much thinner, 5-10 mm.

In order to prevent infectious diseases, cutting equipment is assigned to each workshop and has special markings. Cutting boards and knives are marked in accordance with the product processed on them: “SM” - raw meat, “CP” - raw fish, “CO” - raw vegetables, “VM” - boiled meat, “BP” - boiled fish, "VO" - boiled vegetables, "MG" - meat gastronomy, "Greens", "KO" - pickled vegetables, "Herring", "X" - bread, "RG" - fish gastronomy.

After use, wooden boards must be thoroughly scraped, washed, and doused with boiling water. It is advisable to soak a dry board with linseed (namely linseed!) oil - it will stop absorbing water and will not be deformed. The boards are stored on edge on racks in special cassettes.

Cutting knives are a necessary tool in the kitchen. For the manufacture of cutting knives, high-quality materials are usually used - stainless steel, cupronickel, nickel silver, and for finishing - plastic and wood. Knife handles can be shiny, matte, or combined. Knife blades can be wide or narrow; with a straight back or with a notch on it. The nose of the blade is rounded.

They produce table knives with a triangular blade section.

Stainless steel table knives are available with blades of various lengths:

With a long blade (blade length more than 50% of the total length of the knife);

With a short blade (length less than 50% of the length of the knife).

Table knives made of carbon steel and aluminum alloys are made of two types - table knives (215-235mm long) and dessert knives (190-210mm). The blade thickness of these knives is 0.7 - 2.0 mm.

The frying pans are designed for sautéing vegetables, as well as basic frying, stewing and poaching meat, fish and vegetable culinary products, and other operations.

Frying pans are produced with a diameter of 140, 160-320 mm of various designs: with one long or two short, rigidly fixed or removable handles or without handles; with or without a convex spherical cover; with or without steam outlet. Removable handles must fit freely into the fitting socket and securely hold the product when tilted up to 60° to the horizontal.

To heat the product more evenly and reduce its burning, the bottom of the pans is made thicker (2.5-5mm). The bottom may have a ribbed waffle surface, the cells of which protect the product from burning, but such a frying pan is less convenient for washing.

Two-layer frying pans are rational: their outer side is aluminum, and their inner side is made of stainless steel.

The best models are made with an internal, harmless, non-stick, heat-resistant Teflon coating. This coating allows the product to be fried without fat or with minimal use.

It is prohibited to use enamel cookware in catering establishments, as they are fragile. Aluminum and duralumin kitchen utensils can only be used for cooking and short-term storage of food.

4. Organization of the workplace

Before starting work in the workshops, the cook gets acquainted with the menu for the day, the menu plan, applications, calculates raw materials, and uses a technological map; for each number of dishes, selects equipment, dishes, assembles equipment for the technological process, obtains the necessary raw materials from the warehouse or from the production manager, uses accompanying documentation in the form of a demand invoice, a daily pick-up sheet, after which the process of preparing dishes is carried out, sanitary requirements are observed , norms and rules. At the end of the process, the workplace is sanitized.

Procurement shops.

In the procurement shops - vegetable, meat, fish - the primary processing of potatoes, vegetables, meat and the preparation of semi-finished products from them is carried out.

Vegetable shop.

For mechanical processing of onions, carrots, beets, and potatoes, I sort the vegetables in the vegetable shop, manually calibrate them on the production table SP-1470, then wash them on tables with built-in baths and place them in trays. Potatoes, carrots, beets and onions for soups are washed and peeled in the vegetable shop. Potatoes are washed and peeled in a machine type MOK-250, and post-cleaning is done on a special table. It is cut by machine, type MPO-50-200, or manually, on a cutting board marked O.S., with three chef’s knives of the same marking, placed in hot shop trays and sent for heat treatment. After sorting, sizing and washing, onions, beets, and carrots are cleaned on a special table with fume hoods and washed in the bathroom. They are cut using a machine like MPO-50-200 or manually on a production table SP-1470, using various boards marked “O.S. p/f", with a root or medium chef's knife.

Cabbage after sorting. calibration, manual washing in the bathroom, cleaned and kept in a saline solution to remove slugs, washed with water, thrown on a drain to drain and cut by machine or manually using a machine like MPO-50-200, manually - on a table, cutting board using three chef's knives and a tray with the brand “O.S. p/f".

When processing vegetables, a significant amount of water is consumed, which evaporates, increases humidity and lowers the air temperature in the room. Therefore, in a vegetable shop it is necessary to have heating devices to maintain the temperature at least 15°C. The workshop must have cold and hot water taps, as well as drains for waste water disposal.

Hot shop.

In the hot shop, hot first courses, main courses, side dishes, sauces are prepared and all technological operations for the heat treatment of semi-finished products for the cold shop are performed.

To prepare borscht, the broth can be boiled in electric digester kettles of the KPE-100 type or in a stovetop container marked “broth”. To remove the foam, use a slotted spoon, and for straining, use a sieve and a ladle. Cooking borscht is done in the same container as the broth or a similar container marked “1 bl.”

Vegetables are sautéed in a flatware or baking tray by stirring with a metal spatula. Beets are stewed in a saucepan. The borscht is brought to taste on an electric stove. The components are mixed and portioned with a pouring measuring spoon (250 or 500), then the borscht is sent for distribution for sale.

Post-cleaning of potato tubers is done manually on special tables. The table can be designed for one, two or more jobs. In the center of the table there is a trench in which potatoes are placed for further cleaning.

Additional cleaning of root crops and potatoes is carried out with special knives. Peeled potatoes are placed in a bath of water (preferably mobile). Depending on the purpose, peeled potatoes and root vegetables are sent for heat treatment whole or sliced. Cutting is carried out on special tables manually or using machines. Vegetable cutting machines can be installed in a hot shop.

Production tables and baths are installed on the cabbage and herbs slicing line. Slicing is done in a vegetable or hot shop.

The hot shop is the main one. It is located next to the hall. Adjacent to the hot shop are procurement shops, a cold shop, a kitchen utensil washing room, and when dishes are released from the stove, a tableware washing room.

Thermal equipment includes stoves, cooking boilers, electric frying cabinets, electric frying pans, electric fryers, and boilers.

The order of arrangement of equipment depends on the types of machines and apparatus used, the fuel used, the area and shape of the kitchen room and the location of the dispensing room.

The stove is located in the center of the hot shop to ensure easy access to it from all sides. It is advisable to place the slab perpendicular to the wall with windows, with the end facing the outer wall.

Preparing a wide range of soups, main courses, side dishes, sauces requires providing the hot shop with a variety of utensils and equipment.

To prepare first courses, pre-measured types of containers are used, intended for various products and semi-finished products (potatoes, cabbage, carrots, etc.).

On the desktop there should be: a table board, a knife and a slide, i.e. a metal rack with several sticks on which dishes with spices and seasonings are placed. The range of slides depends mainly on the type of enterprise. Prepared pickled cucumbers, onions sautéed with tomatoes, root vegetables, chopped herbs, tomato, bay leaves, peppercorns, salt, etc. are usually stored on the mound.

5. Economic part

Table 3 Calculation and calculation of the cost of the product

Product name


Price per 1 kg (rub.)

Amount (rub.)

Fresh cabbage


Parsley (root)

Bulb onions

Wheat flour

Sweet pepper

Tomato puree

Direct costs

Indirect costs

Total cost of the dish

6. Safe working practices

6.1 Occupational safety

To avoid an accident at work, the cook must follow labor safety instructions.

Men and women who are at least 18 years old and have completed training in their specialty are allowed to work as a cook.

At the workplace, the cook receives initial instruction on labor safety and undergoes training on the rules of operation of the technical equipment assigned to him.

While working, the cook must pass:

Inspection of open surfaces of the body for the presence of diseases - daily;

Occupational safety training on existing equipment - every 2 years;

Repeated testing of knowledge of safe labor methods and techniques for performing work in the gas industry - annually;

Electrical safety knowledge testing - annually;

Checking sanitary and hygienic knowledge - annually;

Periodic medical examination;

Repeated training on occupational safety in the workplace once every 3 months;

The cook must be provided with sanitary clothing, shoes, sanitary supplies and personal protective equipment.

Safety requirements before starting work

During work, the cook is obliged to wear the sanitary clothing required for him: his hair is tucked under his headdress, the sleeves of his clothes are rolled up to the elbows or fastened at the hands. It is not recommended to pin sanitary clothing with needles and keep pins, glass and other breakable and sharp objects in your pockets.

Before starting work, the cook must put his workplace in order for safe work and check:

Serviceability and idling of equipment;

Availability and serviceability of fences;

Availability and serviceability of grounding;

Serviceability of other equipment used;

Make sure that the electric stove and oven switches are in the zero position;

Serviceability and operation of local exhaust ventilation.

If any malfunctions or malfunctions are detected in the equipment, the chef must immediately notify the production manager or the administration of the enterprise and not begin work until they are eliminated.

Safety requirements during operation:

To prevent the adverse effects of infrared radiation on the body, the cook must:

Fill the working surface of electric stoves as much as possible with dishes, turn on sections of electric stoves in a timely manner or switch them to a lower power:

Fill the working surface of electric stoves with dishes as much as possible, turn off sections of electric stoves in a timely manner or switch them to a lower power;

Do not allow burners to be turned on at maximum and medium power without loading;

Do not allow liquid to come into contact with the heated burners of the stove; fill the cookware to no more than 80% of its volume;

Do not use stovetop boilers, pots and other kitchen utensils that have deformed bottoms or edges, loose handles or without them;

Remove the cauldron with hot food from the stove without jerking, being careful, together, using dry towels or gloves, the cauldron lid must be removed;

Control the pressure and temperature in heating devices within the limits specified in the operating instructions;

Monitor the presence of draft in the combustion chamber of gas-using equipment and the readings of pressure gauges when operating equipment operating under pressure.

Safety requirements in emergency situations

If a malfunction is detected when working with mechanical, steam, electrical and gas equipment, as well as when a safety valve is activated, steaming, or water leaks, you must immediately turn off the equipment and notify the production manager or enterprise administration.

It is not recommended to start work until the problems noticed are corrected.

Without a decision from the administration, you are not allowed to carry out any repairs to the equipment or eliminate the malfunction yourself.

Safety requirements after completion of work

Before disconnecting from the electrical network, you must first turn off all electrical equipment, with the exception of emergency lighting and equipment operating in automatic mode.

After turning off gas-using installations, remove the spanners from the plug valves.

When carrying out sanitary treatment, do not cool the heated surface of stoves, frying pans and other heating equipment with water.

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Puree soups

Puree soup can be prepared from vegetables, cereals, legumes, meat or fish products. Vegetable soup is a puree made from one or more types of vegetables.

After cooking, products intended for making puree soup are rubbed through a sieve. To prevent the pureed products from settling in the broth, add flour lightly fried in oil and boil for 20-30 minutes.

The group of puree soups includes:

· Puree soups seasoned with white sauce;

· Cream soups seasoned with milk sauce;

· Bisque soups made from crustaceans.

Technological diagram for preparing carrot puree soup:

Clear soups

The basis of all clear soups is a strong broth made from beef, chicken or game. The well-known fish soup also refers to soups cooked in a clear broth (with the exception of fisherman's fish soup, to which potatoes are added). Rice, eggs, dumplings, vermicelli and various vegetables are usually prepared separately, placed on a plate and topped with hot broth before serving. This keeps the broth clear and gives the soup an attractive, appetizing appearance. Vegetables are cut into strips or cubes. The calorie content of clear soups depends mainly on the additional products included in them. But a significant amount of extractive substances contained in the broth eliminates the increased secretion of gastric juice and, therefore, helps stimulate appetite and improve the absorption of food eaten after the soup.

Cold soups

These are seasonal soups as they are prepared in the summer. Cold soups are especially common in hot climates.

Assortment of cold soups okroshki: meat, vegetables, cold borscht, green cabbage soup.

Sweet soups

Soups are prepared from fresh, canned dried fruits and berries. An assortment of sweet soups, cranberry and citrus apple soup, puree soup made from dried fruits.

Storage and release of soups

During long-term storage, the taste, appearance and vitamin activity of soups deteriorate. Therefore, ready-made soups should be stored for no more than 1-2 hours. To avoid burning, soups are stored in a water bath (bain-marie). Soups seasoned with lezon are stored at a temperature of 60-65 0 C. Greens are often served in a rosette. Also a slice of lemon for the solyankas. Sour cream is added to soup during holidays or served in a gravy boat. Dishes and broth cups for soups should be heated and cooled for cold ones. First courses must be served to the consumer at a temperature not lower than 75 0 C.

Thus, I mastered the skills of making soups and the skills of assessing the quality of soups.


Name of the organization GOU SPO TO TKPTS

Enterprise UPM No. 4

Name of dish No. 174 “Meat Solyanka”

Veal - - - -
Beef (shoulder, subscapular, brisket, rib)
Smoked-cooked or boiled ham (with skin and bones) - -
Sausages or sausages
Beef kidneys - -
Weight of finished veal - - - - -
Weight of finished beef - - -
Weight of finished ham - - - -
Weight of prepared sausages or small sausages - - -
Weight of finished buds - - - -
Bulb onions
Olives - -
Tomato puree
Exit - - -
Sour cream

Cooking technology:

Add sauteed onions and tomato puree, poached cucumbers, capers (along with brine), prepared meat or fish products, spices into the boiling broth and cook for 5-10 minutes.

Quality requirements:

Meat products, onions, cucumbers retained their cut shape, on the surface there are sparkles of fat, herbs, sour cream, a circle of lemon without peel. The taste of the solyanka is sharp, moderately salty, the aroma of the broth and the products that make up the solyanka.

Borscht is a seasoning multi-component soup and is a technologically difficult dish to prepare. The main component of any borscht is beets; first of all, it creates the taste, aroma and color of borscht, and because of this, borscht belongs to vegetable soups.

A special feature of preparing borscht is the pre-processing of vegetables, and again, this primarily applies to beets (preliminary heat treatment of them allows you to reduce the duration of cooking borscht and preserve color and taste). Before adding it to the soup, beets can be prepared in several ways: stewing in crushed form (with the addition of vinegar, tomato puree and fat (1.5 hours); vinegar and tomato puree are added 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking the beets or cooking ( with or without peel: the beets will then be cut into slices or strips and added to the borscht simultaneously with sautéed tomato puree and vegetables.) As a rule, when pre-cooking beets, some kind of acid is added to the medium where the cooking takes place in order to preserve the color. Beets are always cooked separately from other vegetables.Also, as a rule, onions, carrots, and parsley are sautéed separately, followed by the addition of tomatoes or tomato paste.

As a rule, borscht is prepared with meat, bone or meat and bone broth, or poultry broth. The broth, in turn, for the best borscht is prepared not with water, but with specially prepared sirovets kvass. Borscht is a thick soup, and one serving should contain no more than one and a half glasses of broth.

Borsch has many varieties and is prepared differently in each individual region.

The difference in local varieties of borscht lies, firstly, in the type of broth and the combination of different types of meat, poultry, and possibly sausages in it, and secondly, in the set of vegetables. Along with the obligatory ingredients of borscht in the form of beets, cabbage, carrots, potatoes, onions and tomatoes, in different regions the soup may include beans, apples, zucchini, turnips, and sometimes bell peppers. Thirdly, borscht can differ in the range of spices used - up to twenty or more of them can be used. Along with the commonly used spices in the form of black, red and allspice, dill, parsley and celery, often garlic, bay leaf, lovage, thyme, tarragon, angelica, basil, and marjoram can be used.

The preparation of Starolitovsky borscht is technologically no different from the preparation of Little Russian borscht, however, it uses porcini mushrooms that are not typical for Little Russia, boiled separately and cumin as a spice, as well as apples, turnips, and kohlrabi. In addition, the so-called koldunay is added to Starolitovsky borscht - meat and dough products, like small dumplings stuffed with finely chopped lard with the addition of minced meat or mushrooms.

When preparing Moscow borscht, the broth is boiled with smoked meats, and when serving, a set of meats (sausages, ham, boiled meat) is added.

When serving, borscht is almost always seasoned with sour cream, with the exception of some varieties, for example, Odessa.

State budgetary educational institution

primary vocational education

Vocational school No. 118





(for studentsI– 1st year course in the profession “Cook, confectioner”)

Developed a production master

training Yakushina A.A

Heard at the meeting

methodological unification

masters p/o

Protocol No._______________



Borisova O.V.

Explanatory note.

Methodological development of a lesson on the topic: “Cooking and serving borscht” is designed for 1st year students (1 day - 6 hours) in profession 260807.01

"Cook, pastry chef." The master of education must create conditions for the formation of professional and general competencies in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

PC 1.1 perform primary processing, cutting and shaping of traditional types of vegetables and fruits, preparation of spices and seasonings

PC 3.1 prepare broths and decoctions

PC 3.2 prepare simple soups

OK organize its own activities based on the goal and methods of achieving it, determined by the manager.

OK to analyze the work situation, carry out current and final monitoring, assessment and correction of one’s own activities, and be responsible for the results of one’s work.

OK to search for information necessary to effectively perform professional tasks

It is OK to use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

In my work, I selected the material guided primarily by interdisciplinary connections.

MDK 03 “Preparation of soups, sauces”, “Basics of accounting calculation”,

“fundamentals of microbiology, sanitation and hygiene”, “technological equipment and organization of the workplace”, “nutritional physiology”.

To enhance the work of students, I use various technologies at the following stages of the lesson:

Induction training:

    gaming technologies

    information and communication technologies


Current instruction:


    practical training

Final instructions:


To conduct the lesson you need

Make a technological map for preparing a dish

Prepare a presentation (cooking borscht)

Create problem situations

Make up questions for review

"rules for preparing seasoning soups"

Prepare score sheets

During the work of students, the training master must:

Instruct students on safety precautions

Observe students in the process of independent work, provide assistance

Be strict in the requirement to organize workplaces and comply with labor safety and sanitary standards

To teach students to self-monitor their work and knowledge


The purpose of the open lesson:

Create conditions under which students will learn to prepare, prepare and serve the dish “Borscht with cabbage and potatoes.”

Topic of the lesson: “Preparing and serving the “Borsch” dish.”

The purpose of the lesson:

    educational - introduce students to technology
    preparation of borscht, show the relationship between production and
    theoretical training;

    educational - education of the psychology of communication, aesthetic
    concepts, respect for the consumer, curiosity, vigilance in
    compliance with labor safety requirements;

    developing - development of creative abilities and thinking,
    the ability to see problems in public catering and find solutions to them
    decisions, development of memory, cognitive activity.

    educational – teach how to cook and serve the dish “Borsch”

Lesson type: combined

Method: verbal, practical, informative, playful, visual.

Technologies: personality-oriented, game-based, ICT, practical training, case method, group.

Didactic material: Schemes for preparing borscht, instructional and technological cards, presentation, appendices No. 1, 2, 3.

Equipment: equipment, kitchen utensils, serving utensils, food.

Technical means: laptop, multimedia projector.

Interdisciplinary connections:

    Cooking: t. “Borscht”

    Equipment: t. “Food boilers”, “Electric stoves”

    Sanitation and hygiene: t. “Sanitary requirements for food processing”, t. “Personal hygiene of workers.”

During the classes:

Induction training:

1. Organizational moment:


    Checking student attendance

    checking the availability of special clothing, replacement shoes, and on-the-job training diaries

Hello guys, today, in accordance with the program, the topic of our lesson is PM No. 3 lesson No. 2

“Preparing and serving the dish “Borscht with cabbage and potatoes” the lesson consists of

Stage 1 Introductory briefing in the classroom

Stage 2 Current instruction in the laboratory

Stage 3 Final briefing in the laboratory

Let's start our classes, as always, with instructions on safety and personal hygiene for the cook (presentation slide No. 5)

2.Instruction on students’ compliance with sanitation rules andhygiene


    Before turning on electrical appliances, you must ensure that the equipment or appliances are grounded.

    The equipment must have residual current devices.

    When doing wet processing, we must not forget that a stream of water and wet rags are a good conductor of electric current, so you should not place wet sanitary clothing on electrical appliances or dry rags.

    In case of electric shock, immediately turn off the equipment using a switch, and call a doctor for the victim.

    Safety precautions must be observed when moving stovetop boilers along the surface of the stove; they are moved in a circular motion with the lid open.

    When working with deep fat, be careful not to get burned by hot fat. Products are placed in a heated fryer or on a heated frying pan in a “pull away” motion.

    When working with a knife, make sure that there are no cuts, and when wounded, it is necessary not only to stop the bleeding, but also to protect the wound from contamination by applying a bandage to it.

    It is prohibited to allow persons who do not know the rules for operating the equipment to operate.

    Operating rules and safety manuals must be posted at the machines.

    The floor must be level, not slippery, with a slope towards the drains for water drainage.

    Production tables and baths must have no sharp corners.

    Switches and fuses must be closed type.

    Machines can only be turned on and off using the “Start” and “Stop” buttons.

    Replace parts, lubricate the machine, etc. only a special worker should.

    Push products into the loading hatch only with a special pestle.

    If the power supply is interrupted, immediately turn off all machines.


    Persons who have passed a medical examination and have special clothing are allowed to work: a robe, an apron, a cap, a towel, and replaceable shoes with backs.

    Before starting work, wash your hands thoroughly with a brush and soap and rinse them with a clarified 0.2% bleach solution.

    It is prohibited to have long nails, wear clip-on earrings, rings, brooches, watches, etc. Only a handkerchief should be in your pocket.

    Do not wipe your hands on special clothing.

So guys, we have repeated with you the safety and personal hygiene rules. Now we move on to the topic of our lesson

“Cooking and serving borscht”, let’s start by repeating the “Rules for preparing seasoning soups” (Presentation slide No. 6-12) for every 2 correct answers, put it on your score sheet

(each student has application No. 1 on their desk) 5 points, for 1 answer 4. You can answer from your seat by raising your hand. (The master asks a question, the student answers, then a slide with the correct answer is displayed on the screen)

3. Updating basic knowledge:

"Cooking rulesdressing soups"

    What are called seasoning soups?

Dressing soups are soups in which vegetables, potatoes, cereals, legumes, and pasta are boiled in broth, mushroom broth or water until tender. These soups are seasoned with sautéed vegetables.

    What is the characteristic feature of seasoning soups?

A characteristic feature of seasoning soups is that the prepared products are added in a certain sequence and boiled in a liquid base. Therefore, they acquire the taste and aroma of the products that are used for soup.

    How to prepare vegetables for soups?

Processed vegetables are cut using the appropriate cutting form (slices, slices, strips, cubes) depending on the type of soup. Vegetables for soups are used raw or pre-heated. Sauerkraut and beets are stewed. Carrots, turnips, onions, tomatoes, and tomatoes are sautéed.

    What are the rules for sautéing vegetables?

Sauté vegetables in a saucepan, pan or frying pan. First, fat (butter, margarine or cooking fat) is melted in a bowl - 10-15% of the mass of the products, then chopped vegetables are placed in a layer of 3-4 cm and sautéed at a temperature of 110-120 ° C, stirring occasionally. Soups seasoned with sauteed vegetables have a pleasant taste, aroma and good appearance.

    How to prepare tomato puree?

Before use, tomato puree is diluted with a small amount of broth or water and sautéed with fat for 15-20 minutes. If it is necessary to sauté tomato puree together with vegetables, then first sauté the vegetables until softened, and then add the diluted tomato puree and sauté together.

    How to prepare flour?

Flour of the highest and 1st grades is sautéed without fat or with fat. When sautéing without fat (dry sautéing), the sifted flour is poured onto a baking sheet or frying pan in a layer of 2-2.5 cm and sautéed in an oven or on the stove at a temperature of 120-130 °C, stirring occasionally, until a light yellow color is formed. The sautéed flour is cooled, combined with a small amount of chilled broth or vegetable broth, stirred until smooth and filtered.

    How to prepare cereals?

The grains are sorted and washed several times, changing the water. After washing, pearl barley is placed in boiling water, boiled until half cooked, the broth is drained, and the barley is washed, since broths from it have a dark color and a slimy consistency, which gives soups an unpleasant appearance. The pasta is sorted and broken.

Okay, thank you guys, we repeated the material, earned the first points, now we will conduct a small test “test yourself”, write the answers on pieces of paper only by letter, after completion we will check together, put the number of points on your assessment sheet

(Presentation slide No. 13-17)

4. “Test yourself” - questions with multiple answer options are offered,
you need to choose the right one.

1. What national dish is cabbage soup?

A) Russians b) German

2. Do they release green cabbage soup?

A) with boiled egg b) with crushed garlic

3. For cabbage soup made from fresh cabbage, do you cut the cabbage?

a) fine chopping b ) checkers

4. Cabbage soup is prepared in the Ural style with.

A) cereal b) with smoked meats

5. For cabbage soup, daily allowances are used

a) sorrel and spinach b ) sauerkraut

6. Shape of cutting roots and onions for cabbage soup in Ural style

A) small cubes b) straws

Great, they answered questions, learned a lot of new things, trained their memory, and now I invite you to solve problem situations, I will ask you to divide into 2 groups of 5 people, to each group I will distribute cards where 2 problem situations are described, you need to solve them after consultation, For each correct answer, the whole group gives themselves marks on the score sheet.

(cards with problem situations appendix No. 2)

correct solution

(Presentation slide No. 18-22)

5. “Solve a problem situation” (students are given cardsproblematic situation, you need to find a way out of it).

Situation #1

A catering company received a variety of cabbage; when preparing the first dish, the chef discovered that cabbage of this variety gives the cabbage soup a bitter taste. What can you do to the cook to make him disappear?

(answer: This type of cabbage is scalded before use)

Situation No. 2

you need 20g of tomato puree, and your enterprise only has tomato paste.

Your actions?

(answer: according to the interchangeability table in the Collection of Recipes for

p. 684 we determine that 1 kg of tomato puree can be replaced with 400 grams. tomato paste, therefore, to replace 20 gr. tomato puree, you will need 8 grams. tomato paste)

Situation No. 3

(answer: It is allowed to store ready-made soups on the steam table for no more than 2 hours. In this case, ready-made cabbage soup can be served in a pot, in which the meat is placed, cabbage soup is poured, and crushed garlic is added. The pot is covered with a thin layer of dough, greased with egg and placed in the oven until a golden crust forms).

Situation No. 4

When preparing Ukrainian borscht, you oversalted it. How to get out of this situation?

(answer: add unsalted broth and bring borscht to a boil)

Thank you guys, you did a great job, give yourself 5 points for 2 correct answers, and 4 for 1 correct answer.

Now let's play a little, I ask 2 students to go to the table and choose the utensils necessary for preparing and serving borscht.

6. Game “Who is faster and better.”

At the workplace, it is proposed to select dishes and equipment for preparing and serving borscht. One person from each group comes out and names what utensils and equipment are needed to prepare and serve borscht.

You have completed this task, you can put your points on the score sheet, and now let's listen to the messages that you prepared at home
advanced task.

7. “Do you know?”

The students were given an advanced task: to prepare a short report on the history of borscht.

Message #1

If cabbage can be replaced in cabbage soup, then borscht without beets is not borscht, but some kind of mockery. Here, however, our Ukrainian comrades can make a claim to us, that they will say that you are writing down our borscht for yourself? They didn’t even bother to change the name: Chernigov to Novgorod, for example. We, of course, will not climb into a bottle, claiming that both Poland and Bulgaria are laying claim to the homeland of borscht, and even Romania is making some claims. We won't climb. Let us only note that cuisine is a truly democratic phenomenon, which does not recognize any limits. Have you eaten borscht in Rus'? They ate and praised. They said thank you to our Ukrainian brothers.

Message #2

Tsar Ivan the Terrible loved to sip borscht. Being hot in his hand, the king sometimes used cabbage soup for other purposes.

Having once toured his possessions with Prince Gvozdev, the Tsar stopped for lunch and invited his companion to the table. Yes, during lunch he got angry with him for something and in anger ordered a bowl of hot borscht to be poured on him.

Borscht seems like a simple dish, but how surprised foreigners are when they try this brew for the first time. Alexander Dumas, delighted with the wonderful taste of Russian borscht, took the original recipe from Russia and included it in his cookbook.

Message #3

The Russian people were not able to live even a day without soups. Once upon a time, while traveling by mail, travelers took frozen cabbage soup or borscht with them in order to provide themselves with home-made food for the entire journey. They froze whole tubs. Troikas of them rolled into the most remote corners of Russia and even beyond its borders. Kalinin in his “Notes” wrote: “The Russian stomach is so accustomed to cabbage soup that, due to a lack of cabbage, our soldiers during the war in 1812 fermented grape leaves for themselves and cooked cabbage soup from them.”

Thank you guys, you have prepared interesting messages, put 5 on your score sheet, let's go on and play some more? The game is the third wheel, each group looks at a presentation slide in which the names of soups are indicated, only 2 of them have a common similarity, and the third does not. One of the students in your group should name the “extra” soup and, with your help, explain why. There are 4 slides in total, 2 for each group; for 2 correct answers, the group gives itself 5 on the score sheet.

(Presentation slide No. 25-30)

8. "Third Man"

(one by one, the names are shown; only two of them have a common similarity, but the third does not. Students must quickly name it and explain why).

Rassolnik Okroshka Solyanka

(No. 1 No. 3 are hot soups, No. 2 are cold)

Fresh fruit soup Peasant soup Field soup

(No. 2 No. 3 - cooked in meat broth?, No. 1 - in fruit broth)

Kharcho soup Bean soup Meatball soup

(No. 1 No. 2 cooks without potatoes, No. 3 - with them)

Cold borscht Beetroot soup Cold green cabbage soup

cold (No. 1 No. 2 cooks with beets, No. 3 - without them)

Okroshka Solyanki Rassolniki

Okay, we’ve done it, now I ask you to open your notebooks and write down the topic of our today’s lesson PM 3 lesson No. “Cooking and serving “Moscow borscht” a little from history

(Presentation slide No. 28)

Step-by-step consolidation.

From the history of borscht.

    In the old days, borscht was a soup made from hogweed. Its taste is little known these days. Many people consider this plant to be a weed and have no idea that it is thanks to it that one of our most favorite foods appeared on our menu.

Later, borscht was prepared with beet kvass, which was poured into a clay pot, brought to a boil, then chopped beets, cabbage, carrots, and other vegetables were put in and the pot was placed in the oven. The finished borscht was seasoned with onions and garlic fried in lard. However, often, due to poverty, lard was put in only for appearances. On this occasion they said, “From lard there is no great glory, only brilliance.”

    Cooking good borscht is a difficult task. And here it is important to know some subtleties, without which you cannot get a pleasant sweet and sour taste and reddish color.

First of all, you need to properly prepare the beets. There are different ways of cooking it: stewing, sautéing, cooking and cutting.

The sour taste of borscht is obtained by adding citric acid, vinegar or sour kvass to it.

It was considered a great art to properly prepare borscht with fried crucian carp, which were dipped into the borscht 5 minutes before the end of cooking. And the liquid base was fish broth.

Let's write down a little, I'll explain, and what you need to write down, look at the presentation slides and take notes

(Presentation slide No. 31 -32)

General rules for preparing borscht.

Borscham is the name given to soups that necessarily include beets. Borsch is a Ukrainian national dish. Borscht is prepared with bone broth, mushroom broth, sometimes with poultry broth (goose, duck) and vegetarian.

The assortment of borscht is varied in terms of product composition, cooking method and taste. In addition to beets, borscht includes: carrots, parsley or celery, onions, tomato puree or tomatoes, vinegar, sugar, and in most cases white cabbage. Depending on the type of borscht, potatoes, beans, capsicums and other products are added to it.

Beets for borscht, except naval and Siberian, are cut into strips, and for naval and Siberian - into slices. Several methods are used to prepare beets for borscht: stewing, sautéing, boiling and baking.

To stew, place chopped beets in a cauldron, add broth or water (15-20% of the beet weight), add fat, tomato puree, vinegar, sugar, cover with a lid and simmer for 1-1.5 hours, stirring occasionally. Beets stewed without vinegar soften faster, but become discolored, so to reduce the time

To prepare and preserve the color of beets, vinegar and tomato puree can be added to it 10 minutes before the end of stewing. When stewing beets that have an intense color, vinegar may not be added. Sometimes beets are stewed with sautéed vegetables and cabbage.

When sauteing, chopped beets, carrots, and onions are placed in a deep bowl with heated fat and sautéed until softened over low heat, stirring occasionally. Then pour in vinegar, add tomato puree, sugar and heat for another 1Q-15 minutes. This method is the most rational, as it promotes better preservation of coloring and aromatic substances and saves time. This method increases fat consumption.

Beets are boiled whole, peeled with the addition of vinegar or unpeeled without vinegar. In the latter case, the boiled beets are peeled, cut into strips or slices and placed in borscht along with sautéed vegetables and tomato puree.

To prepare borscht, you can use borscht dressing, which contains beets, carrots, onions, parsley, fat, flour, sugar, vinegar, and spices. The dressing (75 g per serving) is added 10-12 minutes before the end of cooking the borscht.

Fresh cabbage for borscht is cut into strips, and for naval and Siberian cabbage - into checkers. Sauerkraut is pre-stewed. Potatoes are cut into cubes, for naval and Siberian - into cubes. Carrots and onions are chopped into strips, for navy and Siberian - into slices and sautéed. The sequence of cooking borscht is indicated in the diagram.

Borscht should have a sweet and sour taste and a dark red color. If the borscht is not brightly colored, then before serving it is tinted with beetroot infusion.

When on vacation, you can serve cheesecakes, pies, pampushki, and krupenik with borscht.

In order for us to start preparing borscht, we should look at the diagram and figure out how we will prepare borscht, look at the slide

(Presentation slide No. 33)

And now, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the assortment of borscht

(presentation slide No. 34-39) what kind of borscht are there and what is their difference

Assortment of borscht.

Borsch. Place shredded cabbage into the boiling broth, cook for 8-10 minutes, add sautéed vegetables, then stewed beets and continue

cook At the end of cooking, add salt, sugar, spices and bring to readiness. If sauerkraut is used for borscht, then it is stewed along with beets. Borscht can be seasoned with browned flour, diluted with broth or water.

Beets 200, fresh cabbage 150 or sauerkraut 171, carrots 50, parsley (root) 13, onions 48, tomato puree 30, t; cooking fat 20, sugar 10, vinegar 3% 16, broth or water 800. Yield 1000

BorschMoscow. The bones of smoked pork meats are boiled in meat broth, the broth is filtered, boiled and the borscht is cooked in the manner indicated above. The set of meat products includes: smoked-boiled ham, boiled meat, sausages. Use one piece of each type per serving, cut them, pour in a small amount of broth, bring to a boil and boil for 3-5 minutes.

When leaving, meat products are placed on a plate, borscht is poured, sour cream and herbs are added, and cheesecakes with cottage cheese are served separately on a pie plate.

Borschwith cabbage and potatoes. Place shredded cabbage into the boiling broth, bring to a boil, add chopped potatoes

cubes, add sautéed vegetables, cook for 10-15 minutes, add stewed or boiled beets and cook until tender. 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking, add salt, sugar, and spices. You can season it with browned flour diluted with broth or water. Beets 200, fresh cabbage 100 or sauerkraut 86, potatoes 107, carrots 50, parsley (root) 13, onions 48, tomato puree 30, cooking fat 20, sugar 10, 3% vinegar 16, broth 800.

Ukrainian borscht. Place fresh cabbage, cut into strips, into the boiling broth, bring to a boil, add potatoes, cut into cubes or slices, cook for 10-15 minutes, add sautéed vegetables and stewed beets. Bring to a boil, add sweet peppers, cut into strips, add sautéed flour diluted with broth or water, add spices, salt, sugar and cook until. readiness. Before serving, season with garlic, ground with bacon. If borscht is prepared with sauerkraut, then it is stewed after the potatoes.

When leaving, put meat on a plate, pour borscht, add sour cream and herbs. Dumplings can be served separately.

Borschnaval. Brisket or other smoked pork meats are cooked in bone broth. Cabbage is cut into pieces, potatoes - into cubes,

the rest of the vegetables are sliced. Borscht is prepared in the same way as borscht with cabbage and potatoes.

When leaving, put 1-2 pieces of boiled smoked pork on a plate, pour in borscht, add sour cream and herbs. Separately, you can serve krupenik or buckwheat porridge.

Siberian borscht. For this borscht, beans are cooked separately. Place the meatballs in a saucepan or deep baking sheet in one row, fill 1/3 with broth and simmer.

Place cabbage, cut into pieces, into the boiling broth, bring to a boil, add diced potatoes and cook for 10-15 minutes.

Then add sautéed vegetables and stewed beets, bring to a boil, add cooked beans, spices, salt, sugar and cook until tender. Garlic, ground with salt, is added to the finished borscht.

When leaving, put meatballs on a plate, pour borscht, add sour cream and herbs.

That's how many different borscht can be prepared, now you and I know how these borscht differ, but in order to prepare high-quality borscht we must know the quality requirements, look at the board and write it down

(Presentation slide No. 40)

    Requirements for the quality of borscht.

In all types of borscht, beets, cabbage and roots must retain their shape. The form of cutting cabbage is into strips or checkers; the cutting of other vegetables corresponds to the cutting of cabbage. The consistency is soft, not overcooked. The color is raspberry-red, the taste is sweet and sour, without the taste of raw beets.

And now guys, I’ll show you how to properly cut vegetables for making borscht (Presentation slide No. 41)

11.Practical demonstration

    Cutting beets into strips

    1. peeled beets are cut into thin slices

      put one on top of the other

      cut crosswise into strips 4-5 cm long, with a cross-section of 0.2 x 0.2 cm.

    Cutting cabbage into strips (Presentation slide No. 42)

    Cabbage cut in half

    Shredded into strips

    Serving borscht (Presentation slide No. 43)

    meat is placed on a plate

    borscht is poured

    add sour cream and herbs

Dumplings are served separately (on a pie plate)

Useful tips when preparing borscht

(Presentation slide No. 44)

Guys in front of you on the tables are technological maps (Appendix No. 3) for preparing borscht for 1 serving, take them and calculate the amount for 2 servings, write them down in a notebook, then let’s repeat the organization of the workplace

Explanation and demonstration of workplace organization.

Place a cutting board marked O.S. directly in front of you, food on the left, a tray for chopped vegetables on the right.

There is a knife on the cutting board on the right. There are scales in front of the board.

Okay, everything is organized correctly at the workplace, let's get to work

II. Current instruction:

    Organization of the workplace.

    Check whether the organization's rules are followed.

    Independent work of students.

    Targeted Wizard Walkthroughs

a) providing practical assistance to students in conducting
technological process, to everyone
to the student;

b) control over the quality of food preparation;

c) demonstration of individual techniques;

d) providing assistance in bringing dishes to taste;

e) prevention of possible errors.

5. Assessment of the quality of dishes using an organoleptic method.

III.Final instructions:

    Analysis of mistakes made by students during work,
    methods for eliminating them.


    Giving ratings for the day.

    Cleaning workplaces


    Complete the technological diagrams for preparing the dish.

    Prepare proven dishes at home, taking into account the mistakes made.

(Presentation slide No. 45)

Appendix No. 1

Induction assessment sheet


1. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene of the cook and t/b

“Rules for preparing seasoning soups”


" Check yourself"

4. Solving a problem situation

(work in small groups)

5. Game “Who is faster and better”

6. Anticipatory task “Do you know?”

"Third wheel"

(work in small groups)


Total - sum up the grades and divide by the quantity, we get a point for the work at the introductory briefing.

Current training evaluation sheet


1.Organization of the workplace

2. Selection of dishes and equipment

3. Cutting quality,

maintaining the cutting shape

4. Compliance with safety regulations (during heat treatment) and sanitation

(marking board, knife)

5. Compliance with cooking technology

6.Evaluation of the finished dish in accordance with quality requirements, presentation.


Total - sum up the scores and divide by the number, we get a point for the work at the current briefing.

Add up the points for introductory and ongoing briefings and divide by 2.

Lesson grade

“Preparing and serving the dish “Moscow Borscht”

Appendix No. 2

Situation #1

Some varieties of cabbage give cabbage soup a bitter taste. What will you do to make him disappear?

Situation No. 2

According to the Collection of recipes for preparing one serving of cabbage soup from fresh cabbage

you need 20g of tomato puree, and your enterprise only has tomato paste. Your actions?

Situation No. 3

You have been given a pre-order to prepare cabbage soup for the daily allowance, but at the last moment you were warned that the visitor will be delayed by an hour, and the cabbage soup is already prepared. Your actions?

Situation No. 4

When preparing Ukrainian borscht, you oversalted it. How do you get out of this situation?

Appendix No. 3



Product Name

Quality requirements

In all types of borscht, beets, cabbage and roots must retain their shape. The form of cutting cabbage is into strips or checkers; the cutting of other vegetables corresponds to the cutting of cabbage. The consistency is soft, not overcooked. The color is raspberry-red, the taste is sweet and sour, without the taste of raw beets

Fresh cabbage


Parsley (root)

Bulb onions

Tomato puree

Cooking fat

Vinegar 3%

Broth or water



Exercise No. 1 Making broth

Boil the broth.

Exercise No. 2 Stewing beets

The beets are chopped into strips and stewed with the addition of tomato puree, vinegar, fat and broth until half cooked.

Exercise No. 3 Preparing vegetables

Cabbage, onions and carrots are chopped into strips, potatoes are cut into cubes.

Exercise No. 4 Cooking borscht

Place cabbage in the boiling broth, then potatoes. Cook for 10-15 minutes. Then add stewed beets and sautéed vegetables. Cook until done, add salt, sugar and spices 5-10 minutes later.

Exercise #5

Serve in a deep plate with sour cream and herbs.

How to cook such a famous dish as borscht - lean, based on various types of meat or in a slow cooker - is said in many cookbooks and blogs on the Internet. And we have collected the best options on how to prepare Ukrainian borscht in accordance with the different tastes of readers.

The simplest recipe for Ukrainian borscht:

  • chicken/turkey fillet - 600 g;
  • potatoes - 3 medium tubers;
  • beets - 1 medium;
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • butter - a couple of spoons;
  • homemade tomato paste - 5 tablespoons;
  • salt - ½ tsp;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • white cabbage - half a small fork;
  • Bay leaf;
  • parsley - 70 gr.;
  • paprika, black pepper - a couple of pinches each.

Preparation step by step:

  1. First, we wash the breast, put it in water (approximately a 3-liter saucepan), add salt, and add bay leaf. The meat can be immediately cut into small cubes, or boiled, cooled and disassembled into fibers - whichever you prefer. Don't forget to skim off any foam flakes. After boiling, slightly reduce the heat.
  2. While the fillet is boiling, let’s take care of the vegetables: peel and wash. Cut the potatoes into small cubes, approximately 1 cm thick. Three beets and carrots into separate bowls. Finely chop the onion and crush the garlic.
  3. Heat the oil, fry the onion and garlic until golden, stirring. Add spices and beets to them, mix and simmer under the lid for about 15 minutes.
  4. Meanwhile, chop the cabbage. Add to the frying, when it has evaporated a little - add the paste, sugar and a couple of ladles of broth. Stir and leave to cook for a third of an hour.
  5. Meanwhile, add potatoes to the broth. After a third of an hour, lay out the roast, chop and add parsley. Cook over low heat, stirring, for 5-7 minutes and turn off. Let it brew for a while.

Recipe for making donuts

According to the classics of the genre, real Ukrainian borscht is usually served with donuts instead of slices of regular bread. Pampushki are fragrant, airy buns with garlic and herbs. They are perfect for all types of borscht - lean, based on chicken, pork or beef broth.

For donuts you will need:

  • water - 1 tsp;
  • salt - ½ tsp;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • yeast - 10 g;
  • milk - 1 cup;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • greens - 100 gr;
  • flour - 300 gr.

Heat the milk a little so that the sugar can be dissolved in it. Add salt, yeast, a couple of tablespoons of sifted flour, and butter. Mix everything, cover and let sit for a while so that the yeast starts to act.

As soon as the donut dough begins to swell, add the remaining flour and knead. It is important to knead the dough thoroughly, then put it in a bowl and let it rise in a warm place.

As soon as the dough has doubled in size, you can proceed directly to forming the donuts: grease the baking sheet with oil, knead the dough a little, form into balls and place in a warm place to proof. After a quarter of an hour, you can put it in the oven at 200 degrees until an appetizing brownness forms.

As soon as they are baked, take them out and cover them with a towel - let them “breathe” a little and rest.

Grind the garlic with salt in a mortar and add a little water. Dip all the donuts in the sauce and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

On a note. To make the donuts shiny, coat them with beaten egg before baking.

Ukrainian red borscht with beans

  • a glass of beans;
  • a couple of beets;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • a quarter fork of cabbage;
  • a bunch of greenery;
  • laurel;
  • peppercorns;
  • a couple of carrots;
  • vegetable oil;
  • medium bulb;
  • tomato paste;
  • a couple tsp Sahara;
  • 2.5 l. water for making broth;
  • 1 ½ tbsp. l. salt.

The first thing you need to do is prepare the beans in advance: rinse under running water and soak for four hours. Afterwards, drain the used water and let the broth simmer in fresh water for an hour.

In the meantime, you can do the vegetables: peel, rinse, chop. As a rule, carrots are cut into strips or grated; chop the onion as finely as possible; potatoes are divided into cubes; The cabbage is finely chopped.

As soon as the cooking time for the beans has passed, add potato cubes and shredded cabbage. Boil for ten minutes.

Heat the oil and fry the carrots and onions for a few minutes. Add the pasta, dilute everything with a few spoons of broth and cook for a few more minutes. Transfer to the pan with the cooking borscht.

Peel and grate the beets, simmer with butter for about five minutes and also transfer to the broth. Add bay leaf, sugar, cover with a lid and continue cooking for another quarter of an hour over medium heat.

Add fresh herbs to the plate before serving.

On a note. The same borscht can be prepared with poultry meat - it will turn out more rich, satisfying, and aromatic.

Lenten recipe

  • tomatoes - 2 fruits;
  • carrots - 1;
  • onion - 1;
  • potatoes - 2 units;
  • half a small cabbage fork;
  • garlic cloves - 2;
  • laurel;
  • salt - 1 table. l.;
  • sugar and vinegar to taste;
  • postn. oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • beets - 2 units.

Prepare vegetables: peel, rinse. Cut the carrots, onions, beets and potatoes into strips, chop the white cabbage, peel the tomatoes and divide into cubes, grate the garlic, or pass through a press.

Further preparation proceeds in this order:

  1. Boil water and add potatoes and cabbage. Add salt.
  2. Sauté onions and carrots in hot oil for about five minutes.
  3. Add the beets, vinegar and sugar to the sauteing and cook at low temperature for ten minutes.
  4. Add the tomatoes to the sauté and cook for a third of an hour.
  5. Transfer the sauté into a saucepan, boil, collect the foam, add the bay leaf, boil for five minutes, add the garlic, cover with a lid and turn off the heat.

On a note. To enhance the color, you can add a spoonful of vinegar to some of the grated beets in advance and stir, and add them to the pan a few minutes before the end of cooking.

With beef

You can prepare Ukrainian borscht with beef:

  • beef - 1 kg;
  • lard - 100 g;
  • potatoes - 200 gr;
  • cabbage - 300 gr;
  • beets - 300 gr;
  • white beans - 100 g;
  • onion - 2 units;
  • carrots - 2-3 units;
  • sweet bell pepper - 1 unit;
  • laurel;
  • tomato paste - 3 table. l.;
  • large tomato - 150 g;
  • pepper mixture - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 1 table. l.;
  • you can add a few peas of regular black and allspice;
  • garlic - 1 unit;
  • water - 5 l;
  • mix of dill and parsley - 30 gr.

First you need to boil the meat part - beef takes a long time to cook. Rinse the tenderloin, put it in water and put it on high heat to boil faster. The foam that appears needs to be collected - it spoils the taste of the broth and affects its transparency.

To ensure that the meat acquires a special taste during the cooking process, after boiling, add a small onion and carrot, cut into 2 parts, add bay leaves. Cook on medium temperature for an hour.

While the meat is cooking, rinse and soak the beans in ice water. After an hour of cooking the meat, you will need to add it to the pan and continue cooking for another hour.

Boil the beets until half cooked, checking their condition with a fork.

At this stage, you can remove the meat and leave to cool. Afterwards it will need to be disassembled into portions or cut into medium slices.

Along with the meat, you need to remove the vegetables and bay leaves - they are no longer needed, as they have given up their juice and flavor to the broth. All that remains to cook is the beans.

Meanwhile, prepare the root vegetables: wash, peel, cut into cubes. Potatoes can be immediately added to the broth.

Then prepare the rest of the vegetables: peel and remove seeds (where required), cut the onion, pepper and tomato into small cubes, and grate the carrots. Sauté in hot oil for about fifteen minutes. Add pasta and 3-4 tablespoons of boiling broth, stir well. Cook for a few more minutes. Transfer to broth and cook for five minutes.

Chop the cabbage and add it to the broth along with the remaining beets.

Cut the lard into small cubes, combine with grated garlic, grind a little and add to the borscht. Add salt and pepper to taste, add pieces of previously boiled meat. Mix well, simmer for a few minutes, cover and leave for about half an hour.

Before serving, put a spoonful of sour cream and a little chopped fresh herbs into a plate with a portion of borscht.

Ukrainian borscht with pork

  • pork - 500 gr;
  • potatoes 3 medium;
  • beets - 2 medium;
  • carrots - 1;
  • onion - 2;
  • cabbage - a quarter of a medium fork;
  • tomato paste or sauce - 4 full tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - a couple of tbsp. l.;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • salt - ½ tbsp. l.;
  • oil.

Divide the pork tenderloin into 2-3 parts - this will cook it faster. Add water and wait until it boils. Drain and refill the pan with cold water.

Prepare vegetables as usual. We start frying with onions and garlic, gradually adding beets, pasta, and sugar.

Chop the cabbage into the broth and cut the potatoes into strips. By this time the broth should be cooked for 40-45 minutes. The meat must be removed and disassembled into pieces using a knife and fork.

Place the roast into the broth, return the meat, and stir. Boil everything together for a few minutes, turn it off and let it brew.

With lard

For 8 servings:

  • beets - 400 gr;
  • smoked lard - 100 g;
  • potatoes - 200 gr;
  • cabbage - 400 gr;
  • onion - 1 ½ units;
  • carrots - 1;
  • beef - 250 gr;
  • lemon - 1;
  • parsley, sour cream for serving;
  • tomato paste - 1 ½ tbsp. l.

Divide the beef tenderloin into several small pieces. Fill with five liters of water, add one onion and bay leaf, if desired. Place on high heat for an hour.

In the meantime, prepare the frying. In this recipe it will be unusual - with lard. Cut a piece of lard into small 1 cm slices and fry until cracklings form - small pieces of lard should become translucent.

Coarsely chop three beets, carrots and onions into rings. All vegetables are added to the cracklings, continue cooking, stirring. Once the beets have colored all the ingredients, you can add the paste. Cook for a couple more minutes.

Remove the bay leaf and onion from the broth, add the roast, cut half a lemon very finely and also put it in the pan - the sourness will add piquancy and keep the bright color.

Let it cook for about 10 minutes, and in the meantime, chop the cabbage and cut the potatoes. We put in the cabbage first, and after a quarter of an hour - the potatoes. After 15 minutes you can serve.

In a slow cooker

  • chicken meat - 300 g;
  • carrots, onions and beets - 1 unit each;
  • tomato paste - a couple of table. l.;
  • cabbage - 150 gr;
  • salt pepper;
  • potatoes - 3 units;
  • Bay leaf;
  • garlic - a couple of cloves.

Prepare the frying of onions, carrots and beets in oil in the “Baking” mode for 10 minutes, stirring. Then add the pieces of meat and fry for a quarter of an hour. Dilute the paste in half a cup of warm water, pour into the vegetables, stir and cover with a lid for 15 minutes.

While the frying is being prepared, shred the cabbage and cut the potatoes. After the timer signal, add vegetables, fill with heated water to the highest mark, season and add salt. In the “Stew” mode, cook for 45 minutes with the lid closed.

Then add grated garlic and, if desired, herbs, leave to brew for ten minutes in the “Warming” program.

On a note. You can serve with mayonnaise or sour cream. If garlic was not added during cooking, you can peel the cloves for a bite when serving.

With the addition of pepper and lemon

  • 300 grams of any meat;
  • 2 small beets;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • large potatoes;
  • a third of a lemon;
  • a couple of small onions;
  • bell pepper;
  • a pinch of chili, sweet paprika, khmeli-suneli;
  • whole tea l. salt;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. Sahara.

As in previous recipes, first prepare the broth. While it is cooking, sauté the vegetables: grated carrots and beets, chopped onion into half rings. Squeeze the juice from the citrus directly into the roast, and cut the pulp very finely and add it to the vegetables.

Cut the potatoes into strips and add to the broth immediately after collecting the foam and reducing the heat.

Add salt and sugar to the frying, season with spices, stir well. When the broth boils again, add the roast.

Chop the garlic in a convenient way and fry for a couple of minutes in the remaining oil in a frying pan and then add to the borscht. After a third of an hour you can serve it.

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