Homemade Dutch cheese. How to make "Dutch hard cheese at home"

Preparation of moonshine and alcohol for personal use
absolutely legal!

After the collapse of the USSR, the new government stopped the fight against moonshine. Criminal liability and fines were abolished, and the article banning the production of alcohol-containing products at home was removed from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. To this day, there is not a single law that prohibits you and me from engaging in our favorite hobby - preparing alcohol at home. This is evidenced by the Federal Law of July 8, 1999 No. 143-FZ “On the administrative liability of legal entities (organizations) and individual entrepreneurs for offenses in the field of production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, No. 28 , art. 3476).

Extract from the Federal Law of the Russian Federation:

“The effect of this Federal Law does not apply to the activities of citizens (individuals) producing products containing ethyl alcohol for purposes other than sale.”

Moonshining in other countries:

In Kazakhstan in accordance with the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Administrative Offenses dated January 30, 2001 N 155, the following liability is provided. Thus, according to Article 335 “Manufacture and sale of home-made alcoholic beverages”, illegal production of moonshine, chacha, mulberry vodka, mash and other alcoholic beverages for the purpose of sale, as well as the sale of these alcoholic beverages, entails a fine in the amount of thirty monthly calculation indices with confiscation of alcoholic beverages , apparatus, raw materials and equipment for their manufacture, as well as money and other valuables received from their sale. However, the law does not prohibit the preparation of alcohol for personal use.

In Ukraine and Belarus things are different. Articles No. 176 and No. 177 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses provide for the imposition of fines in the amount of three to ten tax-free minimum wages for the production and storage of moonshine without the purpose of sale, for the storage of devices* for its production without the purpose of sale.

Article 12.43 repeats this information almost word for word. “Production or acquisition of strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine), semi-finished products for their production (mash), storage of apparatus for their production” in the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses. Clause No. 1 states: “The production by individuals of strong alcoholic drinks (moonshine), semi-finished products for their production (mash), as well as the storage of devices* used for their production, will entail a warning or a fine of up to five basic units with confiscation of the specified drinks, semi-finished products and devices."

*You can still purchase moonshine stills for home use, since their second purpose is to distill water and obtain components for natural cosmetics and perfumes.

Making Dutch cheese at home. We bring to your attention a practical recipe.

Preparing to make Dutch cheese

Products you will need:

  1. Whole farm milk - 6 liters.
  2. Cheese from BakZdrav – 0.36g. or another enzyme - manufacturer's dosage.
  3. “Hard cheeses” from BakZdrav - 0.36 g.
  4. Starter culture Casei from BakZdrav – 0.36 g. Or another starter culture – manufacturer’s dosage.
  5. Table salt 200 g.
  6. Calcium chloride with a concentration of 100 mg/ml (or 10%) at the rate of 5-20 ml per 10 liters of milk (varies depending on the quality of the milk).
  7. Boiled water 42 ºС – 1.2-2.4 liters

Dissolve 200 g of table salt in 500-600 ml of prepared boiled chilled water (temperature 12-15ºС). Then increase the volume to 1 liter.

Immerse the cheese in it and leave to salt at the rate of 3 hours per 0.5 kg of cheese. From 6 liters I got a head of 650 g, therefore the brine took 3.5 - 4 hours. Halfway through, turn the cheese over for more even salting.

Place the cheese in a container (a plastic food container with a slightly open lid will do) to ripen and dry for 5 days at a temperature of 10-13ºC or until a dry crust forms.

If mold or slime has formed on the surface, wash the head with a weak vinegar-salt solution. Then dry and send for further aging under the same conditions.

Leave the cheese to ripen at the same temperature for 2 months (if you added Casei, then for 1.5 months).

If desired, you can latex it or place it in shrink bags after forming a crust.

Published/updated: 2011-11-30 08:30:30. Views: 89029 |
It’s common to buy such a popular product as cheese at the store. But what if you try to cook it at home and pleasantly surprise your family? And the recipe is not complicated.

What do you need to make your own Dutch cheese?

To make cheese at home, we need 3 liters of milk. 2 kg of cottage cheese, 100 g of butter, 1 egg, soda, salt.

How to make Dutch cheese at home - a simple recipe step by step

  • Z l. Bring fresh milk to almost a boil.
  • We throw in about 2 kg of cottage cheese, after kneading it to prevent lumps and stir.
  • Then turn the heat to low and simmer, stirring continuously so that it doesn’t stick.
    At this stage it is important not to overcook as this will make the cheese too hard. We look when the cheese becomes rubbery and whey forms. Place everything in a colander and press lightly to drain the whey.
  • In another saucepan, melt 100 g of butter. (You need to take a non-enamel pan so that the enamel does not come off when melting the cheese). Throw cheese into this pan, stirring over low heat.
  • Beat in 1 fresh egg, add half a level teaspoon of soda and salt to taste.
    Stir all the time and make sure that it doesn’t stick, otherwise the cheese will taste like burnt milk. The liquid mass takes on the consistency of whipped cream, and when it thickens and turns yellow, turn off the heat.
  • We wait until the cheese has cooled down slightly, thickened slightly, and put it on the table.
  • We mix it like dough and make it into a sausage, wrap it in foil or hard cellophane (not in a disposable bag) and place the cheese in the refrigerator.

    So we made Dutch cheese at home. And such a by-product as whey can be used in dough for pies or dumplings.

    It’s also delicious to add melted cheese to the dish you’re serving, be it meat languette, cabbage dishes, or soup. This cheese will not spoil the taste and will give you fullness.

    You must try to take care of your health, and here it will be useful to learn about what scams can await you in the supermarket. Tricks with fish. Watch the video from the Habitat series.


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  • A hearty sandwich with a thin, porous piece of cheese is an integral part of the diet of any gourmet, or simply a food lover. But since buying an expensive and, moreover, not very healthy product is not the best idea, it is rational to prepare Dutch cheese at home. Why this particular variety - yes, because it is the most popular and its preparation is easier than many other cheese products.

    Making hard Dutch cheese is a real pleasure, and not a difficult, exhausting process, as is the case with the preparation of other types of cheese.

    To make Dutch cheese at home, it will take no more than 30 minutes. After cooking, the cheese should lie in the refrigerator for a while to harden, and then you can safely start tasting it. The advantage of this variety is that it does not require ripening, so you won’t have to wait long for the moment of tasting.

    Homemade Dutch cheese: milk recipe


    • - 1 kg + -
    • — 100 g + -
    • — 1 l + -
    • - 1 tsp. + -
    • - 2 pcs. + -
    • Soda - 1 tsp. + -

    When your favorite Dutch milk cheese is completely ready, cut off a beautiful porous piece from the head, put it on toast and, together with hot tea, have a hearty and tasty breakfast in the morning.

    The step-by-step recipe for making delicious Dutch cheese, which is described above, can be slightly modified by adding herbs and spices to the dish.

    It could be anything:

    • parsley,
    • paprika,
    • dill (without hard branches, only greens),
    • chilli,
    • spinach,
    • basil and any other spices.

    Moreover, you can add a whole range of herbs to the product, for example Provençal, but do not overdo it, otherwise the natural delicate taste of the cheese itself will be lost.

    Use only natural products for cooking, especially milk and cottage cheese. Dairy ingredients must be free of impurities, including flavoring, ideally if they are of rural origin.

    There is nothing complicated about how to make Dutch cheese at home. Even a novice housewife can prepare it. If you are new to the business of home cheese making, then it is better to start “getting your feet wet” in this business with just this type of cheese. It is easy and relatively quick to make, and the delicious homemade product lasts for a long time.

    Good luck with your cooking!

    Dutch cheese is also prepared at home. A few secrets for making Dutch cheese at home:

    • To make the cheese tasty, you need to use only real milk or cottage cheese;
    • To make Dutch cheese delicious, you should take natural milk straight from the cow, and not pasteurized milk on store shelves;
    • take a minimum of 500 ml of dairy product, then the cottage cheese will ripen well;
    • In order for Dutch cheese to turn out exceptionally tasty at home, ideally the milk should be full-fat, then the cottage cheese from which the cheese will be made will also be high in fat;
    • your product will only be as hard as the big press you place on top of it;
    • the whey that remains after the cottage cheese is used for kneading dough or simply as a separate product;
    • Store freshly prepared cheese in the refrigerator for no longer than 7 days, wrap it in a clean napkin or paper.

    Should cheese be made at home?

    If you compare it with the prices of cheese in the store, then homemade cheese is not cheap, but it depends on what kind of cheese you usually buy - cheaper or more expensive. But the most important thing is that your product will be natural, and you know exactly what is in it, and you can give it to children without any fear.

    How to make Dutch cheese? Homemade Dutch cheese recipes.

    Recipe 1. What you will need:

    • 5 liters of milk;
    • 0.5 g mesophilic starter;
    • 0.6 ml calcium chloride (solution);
    • 1.2 ml of rennet in liquid form;
    • 1.5 liters of water.

    Pasteurized milk should cool to +33...+34 °C, add the starter, let it sit for 5 minutes until the powder dissolves. In two 50 ml jars, add rennet to one and calcium chloride to the other. Pour all this into a saucepan and mix.

    To form a curd, cover the pan with a lid and leave for half an hour. When this time has passed, you will see a piece of fresh cheese in the whey. To check its readiness for the next stage, you need to check it on the cut. To do this, cut a piece with a knife and see if the edges are smooth and whey forms in the place where the cut was, then we continue to cook the cheese further. If the picture is slightly different, then let the cheese brew for another 10 minutes.

    Cut this mass into small cubes, about 1 cm each, then mix it all for 20 minutes, the temperature should not fall below +30 ° C, the cubes will become cheese grains and become elastic.

    To make Dutch cheese non-acidic, you need to reduce the acidity. To do this, pour out a third of the whey and add the same amount of warm water. Stir again, raise the temperature to +37 °C. Leave for a few minutes to allow the grain to sink to the bottom.

    Now fill the mold with cheese and compact it tightly. The mold can be placed under the whey to prevent air from getting into the head of the cheese. When the mold is filled, leave it under the whey for 20 minutes so that the cheese presses itself, then turn it over and wait the same amount.

    Remember that when you take out the press cheese, you need to remove it from the bag so that there are no traces of the fabric. When pressing cheese, follow this rule:

    The cheese has to be turned over every time you change the load.

    After this, the cheese needs to be salted. The cheese should be in the brine every three hours per 500 g of product.

    Then place the cheese in the aging chamber, where the temperature is maintained at +12...+13 °C. To make the product tasty, it needs to mature for 2 months.

    Recipe 2. Take 6 liters of milk (preferably homemade), Meito rennet (0.2 g), 1.5 tbsp. l. salt, sour cream 100 g.

    Heat the milk to +36 °C, add sour cream and stir for a minute. Add meito to 0.5 cups of water and stir. Please note that a packet of enzyme is calculated for 100 liters of milk, so take 1/10 for 6 liters. Add this mixture to the milk and stir again. After a couple of hours, a curd forms in the milk.

    Cut 3 cm squares on one side. Leave it for 15-20 minutes until the serum begins to drain. To increase the temperature, lower the pan into hot water, then the curd will warm up to +40 °C. Stir for an hour, taking breaks, the clot should become denser and smaller in size.

    Remove the serum. Add brine to cheese. Please note that a lot of salt is lost during pressing. Or dip the cheese in the brine solution. Place the mixture in a mold or in a plastic bucket. Make small holes in it through which excess whey will come out. Pressing should last at least 3 hours.

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