Whole grain wheat porridge. Whole grains: which grains need to be soaked

For one measure of washed grain, take two measures of water. Pour the grain into a glass or enamel bowl, add water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat for exactly one minute, just to disinfect. Remove from heat, wrap and simmer for four hours.
After four hours, reheat, bring to a boil and simmer for another 1 minute over very low heat and wrap again for 4 hours. You can repeat this procedure a third time if there is still water left in the pan. Let it cool and put it in the refrigerator, where it can be stored for three days without losing its value.

Before eating, put the required amount of porridge in a clean frying pan, add herbs, spices, salt if necessary, add fresh onions, season with vegetable oil and heat thoroughly. Do not over-steam, but reheat. Eat healthy! This porridge tastes like caviar, and is energetically superior to any meat dish.

Before we get into our extensive listing with descriptions and photos, let's clear up some general points. Groats- a food product consisting of whole or crushed grains of various crops. Cereals are produced primarily from cereals ( millet, buckwheat, rice, corn), other grains ( barley, oats, wheat, dagussa, less often rye) and legumes ( peas, lentils) crops. Cereals also include flakes ( oatmeal, corn), expanded grains ( rice, wheat), artificial sago and others.

Cereals are rich in fiber, proteins, vitamins B1, B2, PP, while at the same time they contain very little fat. The fewer stages of processing the grain has gone through, the healthier it is, since its shells contain most of the minerals and vitamins. Ground and polished grains are less healthy, but they cook faster.

Types of cereals

There are cereals whole, crushed and compressed (in the form of flakes). Cereals made from whole grains are called kernels. Such grain undergoes careful selection; only large and whole grains can be the kernel. If a packet of cereal, called a kernel, contains cereal “flour”, crushed grains, shells and impurities, then this cereal is of low quality. Crumbly porridges and side dishes are prepared from the core.

Crushed cereals are called chaff. It is obtained simply - the cereal is completely or partially freed from the shells and crushed. Crushed cereals can be smaller or coarser; they cook quickly and are better absorbed than whole grains. Crushed cereals are most suitable for making milk porridges.

As a result of special steam treatment and pressing, cereals are obtained in the form of flakes. The most popular cereals are oatmeal, but recently millet, rice, buckwheat and many other flakes have appeared. They are quick to prepare and easy to digest. Suitable for preparing milk porridges and desserts.

In any case, the nutritional value of cereals is higher than that of the grain from which they are produced, because the conventional weight of simple grain ( let it be 100 grams) accounts for part in the form of “husk” ( more correctly, the fruit and seed shells, as well as the flower film), and the finished product in the form of cereal is cleared of these inedible components, so the same conventional 100 grams will contain more nutrients.

(As an “inappropriate” use of various cereals, we can mention the use of many of them to make coffee substitutes, although, of course, they cannot replace a real drink, with all its beneficial properties!)

Perhaps, from personal observations, I can say that the most common in Russia are various wheat cereals ( couscous, semolina, arnivka and many others), but, despite their dominant position, the range of stores is not limited to this. Now let’s take a closer look at which cereals from which cereals and other plants can be found on sale.

Almost everything about cereals

Amaranth(kiwicha) is a cereal originally from South America, which has recently become extremely popular due to its beneficial properties. It has a higher content of protein, iron, magnesium and phosphorus than other cereals, and the balance of amino acids is better, since amaranth contains lysine and methionine, which other cereals lack, especially corn grits. In addition, amaranth contains the anti-inflammatory substance squalene. Amaranth does not contain gluten, so it can be recommended for consumption by people on a gluten-free diet. Amaranth grains are very aromatic, their taste is similar to the taste of sesame seeds with a little pepper. Cooked amaranth grains are very shiny and resemble granular brown caviar. Amaranth grains are very small, they stick to each other and stick to the bottom of the pan. Therefore, it is better to cook amaranth in a non-stick pan, in a steam bath or in a microwave oven. Or mix amaranth with other cereals: cook 55 g of amaranth and 110 g of toasted quinoa in 500 ml of water for 15-20 minutes, the porridge will turn out very tempting.

Buckwheat does not apply to cereals. The plant from which it is collected, with reddish stems and wide, heart-shaped leaves, is a close relative of rhubarb. It arrived in Europe in the 15th century from Manchuria. Traditionally, buckwheat is consumed throughout Central Europe in the form of porridge, cooked from more or less finely crushed grains. There are 3 types of buckwheat: kernel, prodelnaya and Smolensk. Yadritsa - whole grains from which the fruit membrane has been removed - is good for crumbly porridges, as well as cereals and minced meat, perfect for soups. Prodel is the same kernel, which has additionally split the grains; it can be large ( about half a buckwheat kernel) and small ( less than half the core). Viscous porridges, meatballs and casseroles are prepared from prodel.

Smolensk groats
obtained by completely peeling the buckwheat shells and completely removing flour dust. Smolensk groats are perfectly digestible and good for liquid and viscous porridges, meatballs and casseroles. Green buckwheat is distinguished from brown buckwheat by its production technology. Green buckwheat does not undergo heat treatment ( steaming), thanks to which the natural light green color of the grains, mild buckwheat taste and aroma and ability to germinate are preserved. During storage, especially in the light, green buckwheat can acquire a beige color, which is a natural process, just like green lentils, which turn brown over time. Buckwheat is a record holder for the content of vitamins, microelements, and complete proteins necessary for human health. By the way, buckwheat contains a lot of magnesium and also contains tryptophan ( both components are approximately 65-70% of a person’s daily requirement), so this product is perfect for normalizing sleep. In addition, the absence of gluten makes buckwheat an ideal option for people with allergies to this protein.

Dagussa(korakkan, korakan, finger millet, ragi) - a cereal crop originally from North Africa from the Ethiopian Highlands, over time it became very popular in India and Nepal. Round grains can have different colors - from dark red to light.

There are options for using dagussa cereal, but its main consumption is still in the form of flour. Flour is used for baking bread ( classic Indian flatbreads roti, steamed flatbreads idli), flour and cereals are also used to prepare a low-alcohol drink, a kind of local “beer”.

Dagussa is rich in the essential amino acid methionine, and it also contains a lot of calcium, so in some regions ( northwest Vietnam, southern India) Dagussa dishes are recommended as health-improving and even medicinal food for women in the prenatal period and for children over 6 months.

In our country, it is problematic to buy dagussa; you can ask around in specialized Indian stores (and there are already many of them in large cities) or order it on the Internet.

Dolichos– unusual cream-colored beans with a white ridge, a separate genus of legumes. This ancient legume is quite common around the world, but is especially popular in Indian cuisine. Dolichos boasts not only a rich herbal aroma, but also a balanced protein. Both ripe dry fruits and fresh green pods are used for food. Dolichos is versatile, it can be a side dish or a main dish, and is equally good in salads and soups, especially in combination with ginger and coconut. Dolichos beans have a rich herbal aroma and taste a little like green beans. It is recommended to pre-soak the beans before cooking. They are cooked for more than an hour; during the cooking process, the characteristic scallop disappears.

Quinoa(quinoa, quinoa) is a rice quinoa, which is an annual herbaceous plant that belongs to the genus “pigweed”. Quinoa has a fairly ancient origin; in addition, quinoa has long been considered one of the most important food products among the Indians. In the Inca civilization, quinoa was one of the three most important foods, such as potatoes and corn. Quinoa contains much more protein than any other grain - approximately 16.2%. The composition of quinoa is close to the composition of milk proteins, while the amino acids are well balanced. The main distinguishing feature of quinoa is that it takes on the flavor of the food with which it is cooked. This is precisely what determines the entire range of its wide application - it is used for preparing salads and all kinds of main courses, for preparing desserts and cereals, etc. For those who are still afraid to try this amazing grain, I want to mention that quinoa has a very light , delicate texture and faint herbaceous flavor. And if you suddenly decide to cook quinoa, then first fry it in vegetable oil - the taste will become more refined.

Corn- American by origin, arrived in Europe at the end of the 15th century and quickly spread throughout the southern regions. Corn comes in yellow, white, purple and black. On sale you can find large ones - large grains for soup, small ones - for porridge, casseroles and fillings. Hominy and polenta are cooked from corn, tortillas and muffins are baked, and corn flour is added to sauces and creams. Polenta ( crushed corn kernels) is used as a side dish or as an independent dish with various additives ( vegetables, mushrooms, meat, anchovies, etc..). And it turns out that some manufacturers prepare a coffee substitute from corn.

You can make sweet pudding or just porridge from polenta, bake buns or delicious unusual pancakes ( step by step recipe with photos) . Porridge from
Corn grits are hard and have a specific taste. The cereal is cooked for about an hour, increasing in volume by 3-4 times. Corn porridge with pumpkin is very tasty. This cereal is rich in starch and iron, vitamins B, E, A, PP, but the calcium and phosphorus content in it is not too high. Its nutritional value and culinary properties are lower than other types of cereals. The proteins in corn grits are incomplete and poorly digestible. This cereal does not cause excess weight and is recommended for older people and people leading a sedentary lifestyle. A distinctive feature of corn porridge is its ability to inhibit fermentation processes in the intestines, reducing flatulence ( bloating) and colic, as well as the absence of gluten, which allows you to eat porridge without the risk of getting celiac enteropathy.

Couscous(couscous) - coarsely ground cereal processed with flour from durum wheat, sometimes from barley or waxy wheat, completely cleared of shells and germs. It is used to prepare the base of a classic dish of Maghreb cuisine - couscous, the Arabic analogue of Central Asian pilaf. Sometimes couscous is also called cereals made from other grains, as well as dishes made from them. The diameter of the grains is about 1 mm. Traditionally, couscous was prepared by women, but since preparing couscous is a very labor-intensive process, couscous production has now been mechanized. Couscous has a delicate taste, can perfectly replace pasta and rice, and can be used as a side dish. It can be served both hot and cold. It is often used to prepare various salads, or it can be boiled. And the unusual texture of couscous perfectly replaces bread crumbs to create a crispy crust.

Linen. Strictly speaking, you will not find the phrase “flaxseed” anywhere; flax seeds are used for cooking, which can be easily found in health stores or pharmacies, but in grocery stores you will most often see packages with the name “flaxseed.” ", or "linseed flour". For a very long time in our country, this original Russian product was forgotten, but now in almost any supermarket there are several options to choose from for preparing flax porridge, often these will be mixes with wheat or pumpkin, or sesame, etc. For preparation, they use pressed from the oil the seeds, and also ground into flour. But no one is stopping you from buying whole grains at the nearest pharmacy and preparing “live” porridge from them yourself.

Flax seeds are an incredibly healthy product! Considering that you will probably use a ready-to-cook mixture, a big plus for those watching their weight is that after pressing the oil there is very little fat left behind. But there is a lot of easily digestible protein, which is almost twice as much as carbohydrates! The high fiber content normalizes the functioning of the digestive system and cleanses the intestines of toxins. Flax seeds are an excellent source of essential fatty acids ( Omega 3 and 6), which are vital for humans! Flaxseed porridge will contain quite a lot of vitamins B, A and E. There are also important micro- and macroelements ( zinc, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, selenium). Flaxseeds contain such interesting compounds as “lingans”, which are known for their antitumor properties, significantly strengthen the immune system, and are antioxidants.

There are a lot of recipes for making flaxseed porridge, so feel free to experiment with this ancient and very healthy product.

Mung beans - golden beans. Mung beans, mung beans, golden beans - legumes originating from India, green small oval-shaped beans. In Indian cuisine, mung bean peas are better known as dal or dhal. In some Eastern countries, mung bean is also called urid or urad. Mung bean has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system of the body. Regular consumption of this cereal strengthens the heart, makes blood vessels more elastic, lowers blood pressure, and cleanses blood vessels of cholesterol plaques. Phosphorus, which is found in abundance in mung bean cereals, is very valuable for the human body. It improves memory, enhances mental abilities and helps resist stress. Phosphorus also benefits our vision, helps the kidneys and strengthens bone tissue. Many varied, and most importantly delicious, dishes are prepared from mung bean grains. Mung bean is perfect for making soups, side dishes, sauces, pasta and even desserts. Cooking from this grain is very simple, which will especially please novice cooks. As a “bonus”, here’s a fact: beans are one of the foods that help fight insomnia.

Chickpeas(chick peas, hummus) - a plant of the legume family. The bean shape is usually short and swollen with a rough surface. The color of the beans varies from light yellow to dark. Chickpeas are an excellent source of protein and carbohydrates, as well as a storehouse of micro- and macroelements. Mostly light varieties of chickpeas are used in cooking. (and roasted coffee is used as a coffee substitute). It is added to first courses (for example, dietary chickpea and cauliflower soup), and green bean leaves are eaten fresh, added to vegetable salads. Chickpeas are also served as a side dish or as a second course. National Italian and Indian dishes such as falafel and hummus, as well as Filipino sweet desserts, are prepared from chickpeas. In vegetarian cuisine, sprouted chickpeas are a valuable source of vegetable protein, as well as minerals, as it retains all its nutritional and beneficial properties.

The peculiarity of chickpeas is that for complete cooking they require a longer heat treatment of 60–120 minutes, but at the same time they are easily boiled if this time limit is exceeded. Before cooking, it should be soaked for 12-24 hours, in which case the cooking time can be reduced by about 20 - 30 minutes. Perhaps this fact is the reason for its less popularity in cooking than lentils or peas. But if you still decide to cook a dish with chickpeas, it will definitely be tasty and unusual, for example beef with chickpeas.

Oat groats. Contains a relatively large amount of vegetable protein. Rich in vitamins B1, B2, necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system. Oatmeal is a “champion” in terms of calcium and phosphorus content, which are necessary for a growing body to form bone tissue and teeth. It contains a lot of magnesium and iron. Oatmeal contains the largest amount of vegetable (healthy) fats and is rich in fiber. Experts consider oatmeal to be a typical northern food - it is very high in calories and warms up the body well. The following cereals are produced from oats: steamed uncrushed oatmeal, rolled rolled oatmeal, rolled oats, extra flakes, petal flakes and oatmeal. In Russia, not only porridge, but also jelly was previously made from oatmeal - unleavened, sweet, with berries. After the invention of all kinds of muesli, oats are experiencing another peak in popularity. And oatmeal in the morning is the best start to the day ( and you can even wash down delicious porridge with a coffee substitute made from oats).

Pearl barley. Barley, from which pearl barley is made, that is, “pearl” (from the Latin perla - “pearl”), comes from Asia. This is one of the oldest domesticated cereals. Nutritionists recommend using pearl barley for making porridges, meatballs, side dishes - it perfectly replaces rice - as well as in soups and baked goods. Pearl barley is industrially processed coarsely ground barley. The first mention of the use of barley for food dates back to the times of Ancient Egypt ( 4500 years). Pearl barley can be crushed or whole. It is pre-soaked and used for seasoning soups and crumbly porridges. Porridges are cooked from fine crushed pearl barley, cutlets and casseroles are made.

Spelled(and many of its variations - kamut, eminkorn, spelled, farro, achar, emmer, zanduri) is a semi-wild variety of wheat, more precisely a group of types of wheat with a brittle ear and filmy grain. It has many beneficial and even medicinal properties. Many nutritionists agree that the current increase in morbidity is largely due to the refusal to eat plants such as spelled, with a set of chromosomes that has not been changed by humans. Until the 18th–19th centuries, spelled porridge was a very common dish in the central and northern provinces of Russia, the Volga region and Siberia. Spelled ( spelled), grown in the USA, is sold today in Russia under the trade name “kamut”, which causes some confusion. Spelled, spelled and kamut are different names for the same plant, which has not been crossed with other varieties and has retained its unique properties. And if we consider all wheat cereals ( and not only), then spelled is probably the healthiest of all! .

Millet. This cereal is obtained from millet grains, freed from spikelet scales by peeling. Millet is rich in protein and fiber, as well as B vitamins. To prepare for cooking, they are sorted and washed especially thoroughly at a water temperature of 40 C to 60 C, gradually increasing the water temperature to remove flour, which imparts bitterness to finished products.

Millet has a lipotropic effect ( prevents fat deposition) and has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, liver and hematopoiesis, safe for gluten allergies. In folk medicine, millet is valued as a product that gives strength and “strengthens the body.” Millet dishes prepared with milk, cottage cheese, liver, pumpkin and other products are very tasty and nutritious.

Wheat cereal "Poltavskaya"– wheat grain, freed from the germ and partially from the seed and fruit coats, polished, elongated, oval or round. In appearance, Poltava grain resembles pearl barley. Poltava cereal contains sufficient amounts of vegetable protein, starch, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, boron, vanadium, iodine, cobalt, manganese, and copper.

In cooking, Poltava grain No. 1 is used for filling soups, and grains No. 2, 3 and 4 are used for preparing porridges, casseroles, meatballs, etc.

Rice. Ranks first in carbohydrate content ( mainly starch, which is very well absorbed by the child’s body). However, the content of healthy dietary fiber in rice cereal is lower than, for example, in buckwheat, oatmeal or millet. According to the processing method, rice can be: polished, completely freed from flower films; polished; crushed polished, a by-product from the production of polished and milled rice, less than one-third the size of a regular kernel; steamed, steamed rice, and the grains retain a large amount of useful substances, and they themselves turn out crumbly. Milled rice has a rough surface, polished ( produced from glassy polished) - smooth shiny surface. Oval and elongated rice grains are mealy, semi-vitreous and glassy. The use of rice in cooking is limited only by the imagination of the cook.

From a culinary point of view, there are three types of rice: short-grain rice, 4–5 mm long, used in desserts, almost opaque, containing a lot of starch; medium grain rice, wider and shorter than long grain rice, 5–6 mm long; long grain rice, 6–8 mm long, used more often in savory dishes. According to the color of rice, there are: white rice - polished rice, which has lost a significant part of its beneficial properties; with a yellowish tint - steamed rice, which retains its beneficial qualities; brown rice is the healthiest rice, people are accustomed to it from childhood, it contains the most useful vitamins and amino acids; black rice ( wild rice) and long grain, contains large amounts of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Perhaps the most valuable and sought after cereal among those suffering from gluten allergies, especially varieties that have undergone minimal processing.

Wheat grains have a lot of vitamins and nutrients. This porridge goes well with heavy homemade cream, pieces of dried apricots, dried plums, dried cranberries, a spoonful of natural honey, fried honey mushrooms and even pieces of fish fillet. It can be used to make either a hearty and savory side dish or a sweet and aromatic dessert. She will make any feast original and unique. Wheat grains will enrich your daily menu, saturate your body with useful elements and make your diet varied and of high quality.

To quickly cook wheat grains, it is recommended to prepare them in advance: rinse thoroughly, place in a deep bowl and fill with clean water. After 7-10 hours, the cereal will increase in size and become softer. After just 30-33 minutes of heat treatment, the prepared cereal will acquire the texture and taste we need.


  • - salt (pinch);
  • - butter (20 grams);
  • - wheat (1 tbsp.);
  • - water (2-2.5 tbsp.).


1. Pour wheat grains into a deep bowl and fill it with cold water. Leave the mixture for 7-10 hours.

2. Strain the cereal and place it in a deep saucepan.

3. Pour 2 tbsp. water.

4. Cook wheat porridge for 29-35 minutes (at low temperature). If the water has evaporated and the cereal is not ready yet, add another 0.5 tbsp into the container. liquids.

5. At the last moment, pour table salt into the container.

6. Add oil. We can also use a neutral herbal product.

7. Combine all ingredients. We serve healthy wheat porridge with any additives or use it “solo” as an independent product.

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Despite the fact that the benefits of wheat for human health have long been proven, dishes based on it are still a rare guest on the tables of Russian families. In addition, not all housewives know how to cook this cereal correctly and tasty; in particular, many have questions about the cooking time. Therefore, it is worth considering recipes for different porridges containing wheat.


Due to its composition, wheat can bring many benefits to the human body.

It contains vitamins in large quantities:

  • A and beta-carotene;
  • B1, B2, B5, B6 and B9;

This cereal is also rich in important microelements, among which it contains the most:

  • magnesium;
  • copper;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • aluminum;
  • titanium;
  • sulfur;
  • silicon;
  • zinc;
  • gland.

The BJU formula for wheat usually looks like this:

  • 13% protein;
  • up to 3% fat;
  • up to 58% carbohydrates.

The nutritional value of 100 grams of this product is about 300 kilocalories.

Thanks to this unique composition, wheat-based dishes:

  • improve metabolism;
  • promote detoxification of the body (cholesterol is removed especially well);
  • have a beneficial effect on the immune system;
  • improve the functions of the digestive system (due to the fiber content);
  • strengthens nails and hair.

Wheat decoction has been used in folk medicine for a long time.

The main contraindication to eating this cereal is individual intolerance to its individual components, among which gluten allergy is very common. Wheat porridge is strictly contraindicated for people with this disease.


Wheat differs significantly from most more common grains in terms of cooking time. So, whole grains must first be soaked in boiling water for three hours, but even after this procedure, they will have to be cooked until fully cooked for at least three, or even four, hours.

The purified version of the cereal requires a different procedure for proper preparation - it needs to be soaked in boiling water for a solid ten hours, but after that it is cooked for two to three hours.

Crushed cereals take significantly less time to prepare – up to twenty minutes.


You can prepare delicious and healthy dishes from wheat cereal.

- Porridge on the water

The easiest way to prepare this cereal is to boil it in water. The basic proportion of proper wheat porridge is 4 glasses of water per 1 glass of cereal. In this case, water should be added as it boils. Salt is added 20 minutes before the end of cooking. Butter is added to the finished porridge and served, although it will be even tastier if you let it brew for half an hour.

You can diversify the taste of this dish with the help of additional ingredients, for example, adding half an onion bulb will be tasty and healthy. It is recommended to grind the boiled wheat twice in a meat grinder, fry the onion in butter, add ground boiled cereal to it, cover the frying pan with a lid and leave to simmer for five minutes.

-With milk

A version of a wheat dish with milk is usually prepared as follows. Add 1 glass of water to 1 glass of cereal, and cook the resulting mixture over a moderate burner flame until the liquid has completely evaporated. After this, add about 2 glasses of milk, in which the porridge will continue to cook until cooked. 20 minutes before the end of cooking, add salt and sugar to taste. The finished dish is allowed to brew for 20 minutes or finished in a warm oven. The taste of the dish can be improved by adding butter.

The calorie content of such a dish will be significantly higher than that of the water version, but the high fat content will help the body more fully absorb the vitamins and microelements contained in wheat.

- With honey

The most common version of wheat porridge with the addition of honey is called kutya and is usually served only at Christmas dinner. However, nothing prevents modern housewives from preparing this tasty and healthy dish more than once a year.

The procedure for preparing kutya in terms of cooking wheat differs little from classic porridge in water, but the ingredients used are different. The proportion of water and grains for kutya is usually 1 liter of water per three glasses of cereal.

Add to boiled porridge:

  • 2 cups poppy seeds, crushed in a blender;
  • 2 cups chopped nuts;
  • 2 cups raisins;
  • 6–10 tablespoons of honey.

Since even the most thoroughly cleaned cereal by the manufacturer may still contain unwanted impurities, it must be rinsed in cold water before preparing any dish. There is no need to rinse crushed wheat before cooking.

In addition to following the recipe, it is important to choose the right cooking utensils for the taste and health of the food. Wide pans with a relatively thick bottom are best suited for cereal porridges, and it is best to find a cast iron cauldron. The size of the pan should be chosen based on the fact that the volume of the finished dish will exceed the volume of the original cereal by approximately 2.5 times.

Having mastered cooking dishes from wheat, you can try combining it with other grains or using it in various salads. At the same time, for salads it will be enough to cook the cereal not until fully cooked, but for about an hour.

How to cook delicious wheat porridge, see the video below.

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