What kind of grater is needed for Korean carrots? Korean carrots

I think many people fell in love with a simple and light dish - Korean-style carrots. And we all know that to cook it at home, you need a good grater. Therefore, below I have compiled a list of the best graters for cooking carrots in Korean.

"Rocko" grater.

A very convenient grater, which has the name "Roka".

Its convenience lies in the fact that it is lightweight, takes up little space, and its blades are quite sharp. The advantage of this grater is that you can grate other vegetables on this grater, that is, in fact, it is multifunctional. If you grate the cabbage, it will be cut into fine crumbs; if you grate the onion, then it will also come out into fine crumbs; this is suitable, for example, for cutlets. Chop carrots, beets, zucchini, and daikon into long, thin strips. You need to rub in the direction away from you. You also need to take into account that the longer the vegetable, the longer the straw will be. If you place the carrots in a vertical position, you will get very short straws, suitable, for example, for overcooking. In general, this grater has many functions and is suitable not only for carrots. But the price is also not small - 820 rubles. Personally, I think it's a bit pricey for a plastic grater. If it matters to anyone, it is sold in four colors, as in the picture - orange, red, green and purple.

Cheap alternative.

But after searching around the shops I found a cheap alternative, there is almost the same grater for 76 rubles, for 199 rubles. They differ in quality. A grater for 76 rubles has blades that are not as sharp and the plastic is not as durable; a grater for 199 rubles has higher quality. Personally, I bought a grater for 199 rubles and have been using it for the second month, so far everything is intact and grates well.

This is a carrot grater. A very convenient device, but there are a number of disadvantages. Firstly, it takes a long time to rub on it, but if you cook only for yourself, then this is the most ideal device. Secondly, if you are not careful, you can cut yourself. To cut a carrot you just need to swipe it and that’s it. There are also many advantages, for example, the grater-knife takes up little space and is cheap. Costs about 120-250 rubles. The price depends on the store where you buy it, prices vary. But I can say that the item is of high quality, my friend has been using it for three months and has no complaints so far. Moreover, she said that she uses a grater-knife not only for carrots, but also for apples, cucumbers, and potatoes (she prepares potato pancakes).

A “fashionable” grater for vegetables (suitable for carrots).

I call it fashionable because it caused a great stir in the market for similar products. Its price is quite high. About 800-1500 rubles. Depends on the quality, brand and size. Friends say that it is very convenient (I personally have not tried it myself), they also told me that you can chop vegetables in 5 minutes. From this we can conclude that it is very effective in use. The downside is that it’s difficult to clean and the downside is that it takes up more space than the graters above. But for those who don’t care (it doesn’t wash well in the dishwasher), they can buy it with confidence.

Personally, I think that she cuts too large and thick, well, it also depends on taste. Personally, I prefer Korean-style carrots to chalk. But because of this, I can’t call this invention bad, no matter how you look at it, it’s interesting, effective and practical.

There are different carrot graters, in different price categories and with different “abilities”. But I would call the first grater the most practical for those who don’t want to spend a lot of money (I mean alternative options). A second grater-knife is practical for those who live alone. The third grater is practical for those who cook a lot and are willing to spend money (well, wash it thoroughly for 15 minutes) on a grater.

Video review


A Korean grater is a device for chopping food. It did not receive its unusual name by chance. The fact is that initially it was with the help of such a device that it was customary to prepare the famous Korean carrots. What is this device and what types of it are there?

Special grater

The success of any salad largely depends on how well the ingredients needed for it are prepared. Take, for example, the well-known Korean carrot. The peculiarity of this dish is that its main component must be chopped into strips no more than 1.6 millimeters thick. It is almost impossible to do this with a regular knife. Therefore, experts created a special Korean grater. With its help, in a matter of minutes, fresh and juicy carrots can be turned into a handful of neat, thin straws. Depending on the processing method, a Korean grater can be:

  1. Manual.
  2. Mechanical.
  3. Electric.

Each of these options has its own characteristics. The housewife can only choose exactly the device that will be most convenient for her to work with. For example, the simplest hand grater is a rectangular base made of durable plastic, on which metal attachments are attached in the middle.

Outwardly, it is very similar to a cabbage shredder. The operating principle of such a device is extremely simple. The grater must be placed over the plate and held with one hand, and with the other move the carrot along the base, pressing it tightly to the surface. The product is cut as it passes through the nozzles.

Device for professionals

If specialists need a Korean grater, then they prefer to use a device that is as convenient as possible for work. To prevent the carrots from scattering on the table in different directions while cutting, you can use an improved manual version. Its difference lies in the fact that the device is additionally equipped with a special container for collecting the finished product. It is usually made of transparent plastic in order to be able to control the moment of filling. The principle of operation here remains the same. The crushed product is gradually collected inside the container. After finishing work, you just need to remove the grater and pour the chopped carrots into a plate. This device is very convenient for cutting small portions. Professional chefs sometimes use this device to chop not only carrots, but also other vegetables. They are used to make original salads or used as a decoration for other dishes.

Original performance

Sometimes in stores you can find a not quite ordinary grater for Korean carrots. A photo of such a device may be misleading to some. After all, in appearance it resembles an ordinary vegetable peeler. The device consists of a shaped handle and a double cutting attachment. How does this grater work for Korean carrots? The photo makes it possible to see the essence of the process.

In this case, the principle of operation of the device is completely different. The vegetable must be held firmly in one hand. Of course, it needs to be cleaned first. The grater should be taken in the other hand. Using forward movements, cut off a thin layer from the surface of the vegetable. In this case, the product must be periodically rotated around its axis. This way the grinding process will take place more evenly. Working with such a grater requires minimal labor from a person. The product is cut with light pressure. At the same time, your hands do not get tired at all. This grater can even be used for making French fries, as well as chopping other vegetables and some fruits (apples, pears).

Spiral cutting

There is another interesting hand grater for Korean carrots, the photo of which looks more like an hourglass. This is a pretty original shredder. By performing the simplest steps, you can use it to cut any vegetable with a dense structure (carrots, potatoes, eggplant, beets, radishes and others) into a thin spiral.

This is not difficult to do. You just need to insert the product into the hole and twist it a few times. Thanks to the sharp steel knives located on the side of the body, the vegetable is cut in the form of an openwork twisted spiral. The process is very similar to sharpening pencils. The advantages of such a device are obvious:

  1. It is very easy to use. Even a child can handle such a device.
  2. The device is made of durable food-grade plastic that is resistant to high temperatures. You can even put it in the dishwasher.
  3. The knives are made of stainless steel. This explains their strength and durability.

Any housewife can only dream of having such a grater for Korean carrots in her kitchen. Photos of the device clearly demonstrate all its positive characteristics.

Process mechanization

A person always strives to make his work easier. Therefore, it is not surprising that over time a mechanical Korean grater appeared on sale. Its photo shows that the device consists of three parts:

  1. Frame. It is usually equipped with feet with non-slip attachments. In its upper part there is a loading container into which the original product is placed.
  2. Cutting attachment with holes. It can be made in the form of a disk or drum.
  3. The handle that rotates the shaft. It sets the nozzle in motion.

To cut vegetables using such a device, you need to perform a few simple steps:

  • cut the purified product into large pieces and place them in a loading container;
  • make rotational movements with the handle.

As a result, the initial product enters the cutting attachment and is crushed into blanks, the appearance of which depends on the shape and size of the holes. With such a machine, cooking carrots in Korean will not be difficult.

Electric grater

To work with large volumes, you will need a device that will reduce physical effort to a minimum. For example, in the fall, when it’s time to prepare, such a device is simply necessary on the farm. But before you start working, you need to study its structure and figure out how to use a grater for Korean carrots.

According to the principle of operation, this model resembles a mechanical device. The only difference is that it is driven not by hands, but by power. The housewife just has to place the vegetables in the loading funnel and press the “Start” button. The machine will do the rest on its own. Sometimes such devices come complete with containers for collecting finished products. In addition to convenience, this addition helps to always maintain order in the kitchen. This is very important for a good housewife. Such “choppers” are also used in catering establishments where large quantities of vegetables are processed.

First, some facts from history. Korean-style carrots are not a Korean dish at all, and in Korea they have not even heard of it. The fact is that it was invented by Korean immigrants in the USSR, when they could not find the main ingredient for their favorite and traditional spicy Chinese cabbage salad. Then they decided to replace it with carrots, which were abundant everywhere in the Soviet Union. Thus, Korean carrots are an analogue of the traditional Korean dish “kimchi”.

Non-Korean residents of the post-Soviet space have been very fond of this salad ever since the first display cases with Korean snacks began to appear in markets. It became a frequent guest on holiday tables and often began to appear in our daily diet. Naturally, lovers of the dish wanted to learn how to cook it with their own hands, but this is not so easy to do without knowing the secrets and tricks of cooking carrots in Korean.

To prepare Korean-style carrots at home with “that same” taste that we all love so much, you will need the following:

  • A special grater for carrots in Korean (that’s what it’s called on sale), which allows you to cut carrots into long thin strips;
  • Juicy carrots;
  • Sugar;
  • Salt;
  • Vinegar 9%;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Red hot coarsely ground pepper.

One of the key points in properly preparing this dish is cutting the carrots into long, thin strips. If you don’t have a special grater, it’s better to cut the carrots exactly as needed by hand.
The above products are included in the basic recipe for Korean carrots; additionally, garlic, coriander, ground black pepper, sesame seeds, fresh cilantro, and onions can be added - it depends on individual taste preferences. It is not necessary to use coarsely ground red pepper, but this is the form in which the creators of the dish use it.

Korean style carrots (carrot-cha)

Korean carrot salad recipe - 1

You will need for 1 kg of carrots:

  • 1 tbsp. Sahara,
  • 2 tbsp. vinegar 9%,
  • 1 tsp salt without a slide,
  • 50 g vegetable oil.

How to cook carrots in Korean:
Cut the carrots, sprinkle them with sugar and salt, sprinkle them with vinegar, mix with your hands, allowing the carrots to be evenly soaked in the marinade, kneading them slightly, and leave for 10-15 minutes.

Add red pepper to the juiced carrots to taste, depending on the desired spiciness of the salad, mix again with your hands.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan to maximum, but do not bring it to a boil, pour hot oil over the salad, stir.

The finished Korean-style carrots should sit overnight at room temperature, then they are put in the refrigerator; carrots prepared according to this recipe can be stored for up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator in a container tightly closed with a lid.

If you want to add additional ingredients to the basic ones, for example, black pepper, then this should be done simultaneously with the addition of red pepper, only the garlic is added last - after the salad is watered with oil, because. Otherwise, the boiling oil will cause it to turn green.

Using the proposed recipe, at home you can prepare delicious crispy Korean-style carrots with that same wonderful taste, however, we note that like, for example, salted cabbage, this dish can turn out slightly differently each time depending on the quality of the same carrots . To find exactly your favorite taste of this salad, you will need to try and experiment, but we will try to reveal some tricks for preparing different ingredients so that the salad always turns out delicious.

Korean carrot salad recipe - 2

Korean carrots are very tasty, have a sharp and spicy taste.

The onion in this recipe is used only to flavor the oil; the fried onion itself is not added to the carrots. The amount of pepper, vinegar, garlic, coriander can and should be adjusted to your taste.


  • 500 g carrots
  • 100 g onion
  • 100 ml odorless vegetable oil
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic
  • 2-3 tbsp. 6% vinegar (or 1-2 tbsp 9% vinegar)
  • 1 tsp ground coriander
  • 1 tsp Sahara
  • 1 ⁄ 2 tsp. salt
  • 1 ⁄ 3 tsp. red hot pepper
  • 1 ⁄ 3 tsp. ground black pepper

Peel the carrots and grate them on a special grater for Korean carrots (if you don’t have such a grater, you can cut them into very thin long strips).
Add salt, mix and mash the carrots a little with your hands.
Leave for 30 minutes, during which time the carrots will release juice.

Peel the onion and cut into arbitrary large pieces.

Pour vegetable oil into a heated frying pan.
Add the onion and fry for 10-15 minutes, until the onion is confidently golden.

Drain the released liquid from the carrots, but do not squeeze it out (the carrots will remain quite juicy).
Add garlic squeezed through a garlic press to the carrots.
Add vinegar, coriander, sugar, two types of pepper.

Pour hot oil from the frying pan onto the carrots, holding the onions with a spatula (fried onions are not needed).

Mix everything thoroughly.
Taste the carrots and, if necessary, add any of the mentioned seasonings to taste.
Leave to steep for 2-3 hours (you can do more, it will become even tastier).

Korean carrots are an excellent addition to meat, boiled potatoes, and can also be a component of many salads.

Little tricks for preparing ingredients for carrots in Korean

Oil, along with carrots, largely determines the final taste of the dish; experienced housewives recommend not just heating it, but making it aromatic, using various techniques.

So, you can throw chopped garlic into heated oil and pepper it, warm it up, remove the garlic and pour the aromatic oil over the salad.

Another option is to put an onion cut into quarters and fry it until brightly browned, then remove it, and put spices in the oil - coriander, sesame seeds, red pepper and heat over medium heat, without bringing to a boil, then pour over the salad, but before that add a heap Sprinkle black pepper on the carrots and pour oil on this particular pile.

The following technique also helps to give the salad that same aroma: place onion cut into half rings in a heap on top of the prepared carrots, also sprinkle red and black pepper, chopped garlic, coriander on top, and pour hot oil over this heap.

One of the secrets of the bright taste of store-bought carrots in Korean is monosodium glutamate (flavor enhancer), but not every housewife will decide to improve the taste of salad using this method because of the harm of this seasoning. For sale, the salad is simply sprinkled with glutamate crystals and mixed.

You can diversify the taste of Korean carrots by adding carrots heated in a dry frying pan until light brown. sesame or season the salad with a few drops of sesame oil.

There is no need to bring vegetable oil to a boil- Previously, this was done to get rid of the specific taste of unrefined oil. In addition, when the oil reaches boiling point, it begins to release carcinogenic substances. Sunflower oil for Korean carrots can be replaced with cottonseed or corn oil, as well as ghee.

The finished salad can be seasoned with fresh finely chopped cilantro.

If carrots are sweet on their own, then you don’t need to add sugar.

If you don’t really like crunchy carrots or don’t have time to infuse the salad, then simmer the prepared salad in the oven or covered in a frying pan; the main thing is not to overcook it - the carrots should only slightly change color and become softer.

If you don’t like a spicy salad, then a walnut will help soften it - just chop it and add it to the finished salad.

If you pour hot oil over a pile of black pepper sprinkled on carrots, it loses its bitterness and pungency, becoming instead very fragrant.

For Korean carrots, you can make a preparation: pour the necessary spices into a jar, pour hot oil over them, and let it brew. If necessary, simply pour the required amount of aromatic oil into a frying pan, heat and pour over the salad.

Korean carrots recipe with chicken

Recently, Korean carrots are often used not only as an independent dish, but as an ingredient in various salads.
I will give you a recipe for one of the most popular chicken salads.

You will need:

  • 200 g Korean carrots,
  • 170 g hard cheese,
  • 2 chicken fillets,
  • 2 large tomatoes,
  • 1-2 sweet peppers,
  • 1 medium cucumber
  • 1 bunch of green onions,
  • mayonnaise.

Boil the chicken until cooked, cool, and cut into thin strips.

Combine prepared products with carrots in Korean

Cut the cucumber, tomatoes and seeded pepper into strips.

Add grated cheese and chopped onion. Season with mayonnaise and mix.

Bon appetit!

Korean carrots in 10 minutes

To help you, here are some more video recipes for cooking carrots in Korean:

Our man has long loved the cooked carrots. They learned to cook it themselves, add it to salads and eat it in its pure form. A characteristic feature of this dish is that the vegetable is grated into thin long strips. A grater for Korean carrots is no longer a novelty in the kitchens of housewives. If you are just planning to purchase it, our advice may be useful to you.

Grater for preparing Korean carrots

This kitchen assistant is not in short supply and can be purchased at any hardware store. There are many different types of Korean carrot graters, from the cheapest and simplest in design to the more expensive.

  1. The cheapest option is a hand grater. Outwardly, it resembles a cabbage grater. You simply hold it over the bowl with one hand and grate the carrots with an arc. Depending on which direction you cut the vegetables, the straw will be long or short. Among the advantages are low price and availability; you can even purchase them on the market. It is made from both plastic and wood. If you are not sure about the quality of the plastic used, it is better to give preference to a wooden grater for Korean carrots. As for the disadvantages of this model, it is worth noting the high probability of injury to the fingers, and holding the grater constantly in a canopy is not very convenient.
  2. A mechanical carrot grater with a container and holder is a better option. This design is convenient because you don’t have to hold everything in your hands. You simply place the blades on the container and then secure the vegetable with the holder. In this case, finger injuries are excluded. The only thing that may be inconvenient is the small size of the container.
  3. An electric grater for Korean carrots significantly saves time and effort. It makes sense to purchase it if you prepare large volumes. As an alternative, you can purchase a universal harvester with a special attachment. Modern household appliances are designed for cutting vegetables into cubes, strips or slices, including long thin strips. So, when purchasing, you can immediately purchase a universal device for everything. The fact is that the cost of such a kitchen appliance is quite high, so buying an expensive food processor just to prepare Korean carrots is a waste of money.
  4. There is also a knife-shaped grater for Korean carrots. Outwardly very similar to a potato peeling knife or. This is also one of the cheapest types. There is always a chance of injuring your fingers, and you can cook a relatively small amount of carrots with such a knife.
Special grater for Korean carrots - selection criteria

Modern kitchen assistants have a stylish design and are capable of not only performing their main function, but also complementing the interior of the kitchen. But it’s not worth purchasing an expensive device for one-time or occasional use.

If you want to buy a Korean carrot grater so that you can delight your loved ones with a popular snack from time to time, a mechanical type is best. Firstly, we always try to make the volume of any dish such that it will last at least for a couple of days. And secondly, household kitchen injuries are a common occurrence. So the container with a holder here it will be most convenient.

For a summer residence, a knife or a hand grater for Korean carrots is quite enough. You can always prepare a delicious dish if suddenly guests decide to come to you. But for large volumes for sale, you should think about an electric grater for Korean carrots. This device has a special receiving container in which you simply put several vegetables and then push them through with a press. This grater is capable of processing a huge amount of carrots in a short time. In other cases, manual or mechanical models are quite sufficient.

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