How to make prune jam. Plum jam for the winter

Chocolate covered prunes are one of my favorite candies. Therefore, when several years ago I came across a recipe for this plum jam, I immediately prepared it. Of course - my favorite plums, chocolate and spices to boot. All this combines into a surprisingly delicate, velvety taste of jam, which you can eat straight from the jar with spoons, and no Nutella is needed.

  • Total cooking time – 2 hours 0 minutes
  • Active cooking time – 0 hours 20 minutes
  • Cost - very economical
  • Calorie content per 100 g – 131 kcal
  • Number of servings – 12 servings

How to make plum jam


  • Plum – 1 kg weight with pit
  • Sugar – 180 g
  • Chocolate – 100 g
  • Spices - to taste


The most important ingredient for this jam is, of course, plums, so they should be ripe, but preferably not wrinkled or crushed. Therefore, before you start cooking plum jam, carefully inspect your plums for bruises and the presence of worms and other living creatures. Just a couple of spoiled plums can ruin all the work involved in making this jam. We want to get a fragrant delicacy that will remind us of summer, and not throw everything in the trash. As a rule, I use Hungarian plum varieties for jam, but you can use any variety that you like.

You can also take any chocolate - milk or bitter - there is no fundamental difference. I took both. I haven't tried it with white. But I still like it better with dark chocolate with a cocoa content of 72%.

I thoroughly wash the plums for jam, remove the seeds and cut them into pieces of any size.
I don’t remove the skin, it boils down and completely dissolves in the plum mass.

Place the plums in a saucepan (preferably with a thick bottom), cover them with sugar and add spices.
Any spices are suitable: cinnamon, nutmeg, ground cloves, ginger or cardamom. You can use a stick rather than ground cinnamon - then simply remove it from the saucepan.

This amount of sugar is more than enough for me, but if you have a sweet tooth, you can safely double the amount of sugar. You can use brown sugar instead of white, it will turn out even tastier and more aromatic.

If the plums are not very juicy, then you can add water - about 0.5-1 cup (200 ml).

I put the saucepan on the fire and wait for my mixture to boil. Reduce the heat and leave to simmer for 20 minutes. Then I turn off the heat and leave for about an hour and a half so that the mass becomes thicker. You can, of course, boil it longer (about an hour, stirring constantly), but I prefer to turn it off and wait.
Now I turn the plums into puree using a blender.

First of all, you should start preparing the plums. They are sorted to see if they are no longer suitable for cooking and washed thoroughly under running water. It is imperative to get rid of spoiled fruits. If several missing fruits end up in the saucepan, the jam will most likely turn out completely tasteless. This means that the hostess wasted so much time trying to prepare something special for her loved ones.

In addition, you will need to pit the plums. Then the fruits are transferred to a saucepan in which the jam will be cooked.

1. Place the saucepan with plums on the fire, adding water.
2. Cook the plums over low heat for an hour.
3. Then add sugar and leave it on the fire again.

Determining the degree of preparation of jam is quite simple. If it has acquired a thick consistency and has visually boiled down, it can be removed from the stove. If the jam is one third less than it was originally, it’s time to seal it in jars. Alternatively, you can simply transfer the jam into a suitable container and cover with regular lids.

Jam without skin

This recipe for making jam is more painstaking than the previous one. During the cooking process, you will have to get rid of not only the seeds, but also the skin. Removing it from the drain is not so easy. But knowing one little trick, it will be very easy to cope with such work and quickly prepare one.

To prepare, you will need a kilogram of plums and a kilogram of granulated sugar. To remove the skins from the fruits, you need to pour boiling water over them and do it yourself. Then the plums are cut in half and the pits are removed.

According to the recipe, namely a simple recipe for plum jam without skins for the winter, you must then follow the following cooking steps:

1. Pass the plums through a meat grinder.
2. Mix the resulting mass with granulated sugar.
3. Place the fruit-sugar mixture on the fire.
4. After the mass boils, cook it over the fire for at least another hour.
5. Periodically you will need to remove the foam.

The readiness of jam is quite easy to determine. To do this, you need to drop a small drop onto a plate. If the mass has not spread, then you can safely remove it from the heat and pour it into jars. Fragrant and bright plum jam is ready for the winter. All that remains is to bake the pancakes and you can safely serve them.

Plum “five-minute”

To please your household with such a tasty and satisfying jam, you will need to take a kilogram of plums and eight hundred grams of sugar. The plums are thoroughly washed under running water, cut in half and the pit removed. Then pass the fruit through a meat grinder or food processor.

Adhering to the recipe, namely a simple five-minute recipe for thick plum jam for the winter, you need to:

1. Transfer the plum mixture into a container suitable for cooking.
2. Then add the required amount of sugar and leave in this position for about an hour.
During this time, the sugar should be completely absorbed.
3. After an hour, the plum mass is put on fire and boiled for fifteen minutes.
4. Remove the jam from the stove and allow to cool.
5. After a while, put it on the stove again and bring to a boil.
6. Cooking time – twenty minutes.
7. Then the action is repeated completely, only for the third time you will need to simmer the jam on the stove for thirty minutes.

During this time, the mass should decrease in size by half or at least by a third. The finished jam is poured into a previously prepared container (not forgetting to sterilize it) and sealed. Store jars in the pantry or refrigerator. It is advisable to attach a sticker to each jar with the date the jam was made. Thanks to this, the hostess will always be one hundred percent sure that the canned food served to the guests has not expired. Can be prepared for the winter.

Homemade secrets for making apple and plum jam

On a cold winter evening, pancakes with jam and hot tea will be devoured by the household with a bang. In order to have everything you need for home gatherings on hand, you should now take care of some of its components, for example, jam.

There are only two ingredients needed to make jam. This is a kilogram of fruit puree and a kilogram of granulated sugar.

1. It is necessary to peel the apples, cut out the middle and cut them into arbitrary sizes, for example, into cubes, so that the apples boil better.

2. Then the fruit is transferred to a large saucepan, filled with water and simmered over the fire after boiling for about half an hour. During this time, the apples should be well boiled.

3. Add plums to the apples (they must also be thoroughly washed and pitted first, if desired).

4. Boil the fruit mixture until fully cooked.

5. At the end of cooking, you should get a dense mass that at first glance resembles jelly.

6. The boiled fruits are rubbed through a sieve. As a result, the mass will decrease by approximately 30% of the previous volume, in some cases by 50%.

7. Place the finished puree back in the saucepan on the stove and cook after boiling for another sixty to one hundred and twenty minutes. It is very important to stir the mixture thoroughly so that it does not burn. Otherwise, the jam will have a rancid, unpleasant taste. It's unlikely that anyone will want to eat it.

Jam is one of the ways to prepare fruits or berries. In this article we will share with you how to properly cook homemade plum jam for the winter so that it turns out tasty, rich and thick.

Apple-plum jam recipe


  • white sugar – 995 g;
  • blue plum – 620 g;
  • apples – 610 g.


Wash the plums thoroughly, dry them on a towel, remove seeds and puree them in a blender into a homogeneous mass. We process the apples, rinse them and cut them into thin small slices. Combine the berry mass with the fruits, stir and heat until boiling over low heat. Next, add the required amount of sugar, stir and leave on the stove for 10 minutes. Then carefully remove the dishes, cool and boil the delicacy again. We repeat this procedure several times, and then pack the finished hot jam into pre-prepared heated dry jars, seal them hermetically, turn them upside down, wrap them and leave them in this state until completely cooled. We store the plum jam in a dry place and serve it with pancakes or use it as a filling when baking pies.

A simple recipe for plum jam at home


  • blue plum – 990 g;
  • water – 105 ml;
  • sugar – 830 g.


We wash the plums, remove the seeds and boil the fruits until soft, adding a little filtered water. Next, grind the plum mass through a strainer or beat with a blender, after removing the skin. Next, add sugar, mix and cook the jam until tender, stirring occasionally. Place the hot delicacy in warm jars, cover the top with gauze and leave at room temperature for 2 days. Afterwards, we roll up the lids and put the jam in the cellar for storage.

Recipe for plum jam with apricots at home


  • ripe apricots – 540 g;
  • garden plum – 520 g;
  • sugar – 615 g.


To prepare jam according to this recipe, carefully remove the pits from the plums and apricots and place the fruits in a saucepan. Steam the contents in a water bath until soft, and then puree with a blender, after removing the skin. Boil the mixture by half, add sugar, stir and simmer the jam over low heat until cooked. Pack the finished delicacy into dry small jars, close the lids and cool, turning it upside down. This jam has a pleasant taste and rich aroma.

Plum jam in a slow cooker


  • garden plum – 995 g;
  • – 1 sachet;
  • sugar – 980 g.


We sort the plums, discarding the spoiled fruits, rinse them, carefully break them in half and remove the pits. Then place the slices in a colander, rinse with cold water and leave to drain for half an hour. After this, place the prepared fruits in the multicooker bowl and add dry pectin. Stir, close the device with a lid, select the “Soup” program and time for exactly 5 minutes, stirring. As soon as the plums release a little juice, add the required amount of sugar, stir with a wooden spoon and continue to cook the delicacy in the same mode for another 5-7 minutes.

Without wasting time, sterilize glass jars and lids. Cool the finished jam completely, beat with a blender until smooth and spread the thick plum jam into jars. We roll up the workpiece with lids and store it in the cellar for the winter. Before serving, put it in a bowl or use it when baking pies.


Jam made from seedless plums will be a thick and transparent fruit mass, which will not only provide you with all the vitamins you need during the winter, but will also allow you to enjoy the delicate summer taste of plums even in winter. This preparation is perfect for preparing various homemade pastries with it or simply spreading the sweetness on a piece of bread for tea. If you follow all the instructions from the step-by-step photo recipe presented below, then you will definitely be able to prepare such winter preserves even the first time.
Plums are rich in pectin substances, which in turn are not only responsible for the thickness of the jam, but also for removing heavy metals from the body. Needless to say, any fruits and berries contain a large amount of vitamins, and they, in turn, keep the immune system in good shape. If you always have a supply of such plum jam in your pantry, then you definitely won’t be afraid of colds in winter. For some, children will definitely be delighted with the prospects of such treatment. Plums are those fruits that tolerate heat treatment very well, which has a very good effect on the taste and smell of the finished jam. At the same time, you have two options for making homemade plum jam using this simple recipe: make it look like jam or interspersed with pieces of fruit. Don’t worry, the taste of the product does not depend in any way on this choice.
Let’s quickly start preparing delicious and tender seedless plum jam at home for the winter!


Pitted plum jam - recipe

Let's prepare on the work surface of the table all the ingredients we need to make this jam. Be very careful when choosing plums: we need only the ripest fruits of the blue variety, in which the stone easily separates from the pulp. Only such plums produce amber transparent jam.

We thoroughly wash the collected or purchased fruits in cold water, remove the stalks, if any, divide them in half and remove the seeds. Place the plum halves in a separate bowl, where they will dry slightly from moisture.

To create this classic plum jam, the first step is to prepare the sugar syrup separately. It is really simple to prepare: pour cold water into an enamel pan or saucepan, the amount of which is indicated in the ingredients, add all the prepared sugar, mix the ingredients in the pan until smooth and bring to a boil. The syrup is cooked until all the sugar is completely dissolved as shown in the photo, this may take 5 to 10 minutes after boiling.

Place the prepared plum halves into the pan when all the sugar crystals have completely dissolved. Cook the plum halves until softened and saturated with sweetness for 15-20 minutes. Please note that the cooking time directly depends on how ripe the plums you purchased. When the plums have softened enough, carefully pour the contents of the pan into a food processor and grind to a puree. You can also turn the mixture into puree using a regular hand masher, although it will take longer. Return the already crushed mass to the pan and cook the jam for 60 minutes over low heat after boiling again.

It is better to choose small jars for storing such preparations and sterilize them in advance along with the lids in the oven or microwave. Pour still hot plum jam into warm jars, then immediately roll up the lids. Preservation should be left in the kitchen under a blanket until it cools completely and only then put into the pantry or cellar.

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