How to cook cuttlefish. Cuttlefish: recipes


  • 2 bags of 700 grams of fresh frozen cuttlefish.
  • 5-6 cloves of garlic
  • 3-4 bay leaves
  • 5 tbsp. spoons of olive oil
  • 1 bottle 0.33 ml white beer
  • a bunch of fresh cilantro or parsley

Today I want to introduce you how to cook delicious cuttlefish in beer. Cuttlefish dishes are very popular in the Mediterranean diet. They are mainly prepared fried, stewed and grilled.

Various types of appetizers, salads and main courses are also prepared.

In the southern region of Portugal, the Algarve, where I currently live, there is a very popular regional cuttlefish recipe that is prepared and loved throughout the country. Before arriving in Portugal, I had not cooked cuttlefish, it turns out to be very simple, and most importantly, quick and tasty.

Cuttlefish has delicious meat, it is quite nutritious and healthy. Considered a natural antibiotic, rich in Omega 3 and Omega 6. Cuttlefish are also rich in vitamins A, E, D, B6 and B12. Contains a lot of zinc, potassium, iron, phosphorus, selenium, copper. Try it! I hope you like it too!

To prepare the recipe, you can take cuttlefish, both fresh and frozen, the main thing is small or young.

I like to buy frozen - it's very convenient and fast. And, in just a few minutes you will receive a delicious cuttlefish dish. These cuttlefish take about 20 minutes to prepare. The cuttlefish meat is tender, with a unique taste and aroma, with a sea scent.

If the cuttlefish are frozen, defrost, peel, and rinse well under running water. You need to change the water several times in order to wash off the sand.

Peel the garlic from the top husk, 2-3 cloves completely. Press down with a knife. Heat olive oil in a deep frying pan. Fry the crushed garlic cloves and bay leaf a little on it.

Place the prepared cuttlefish and fry until the juice has evaporated completely.

Then pour in the beer.

Important! Keep in mind that cuttlefish themselves are salty and there is no need to salt them, unless at the end, just a little. Cook until the beer has evaporated and is soft.

After this, sprinkle with pepper and, if necessary, add a little salt. Sprinkle with chopped cilantro or parsley, a clove of garlic through a press, stir. Cover with a lid and turn off the heat. Let stand for 5 minutes.

And there is another option, which is prepared in the Algarve, which is also very, very tasty! Prepare in the same way, but first fry the onions and chili peppers, and add a little white wine instead of beer. I advise you to cook both options!! Serve with boiled potatoes.
As you can see, the cuttlefish recipe is much simpler. I will be glad if you like both cuttlefish recipe.

Seafood, which once seemed exotic, has become accessible to many. You can even buy cuttlefish in supermarkets. These cephalopods resemble squid in appearance and taste, but gourmets claim that their meat is more tender and satisfying. Not all housewives yet know how to cook cuttlefish, although in Mediterranean countries even an inexperienced cook successfully copes with this task. The process of cooking these exotic shellfish is no more complicated than cooking squid, although it has its own characteristics.

Cooking features

Cooking cuttlefish cannot be called a complex process, but without knowledge of its specifics you should not take on the task.

  • Knowledge of some points will be required already at the stage of choosing a product. The fresher it is, the better. Experts do not recommend freezing these shellfish, but in frozen form they are more widely available on the shelves, so if you have no choice, you can purchase a frozen product. The main thing is not to try to speed up the thawing process by immersing it in warm water or heating it in the microwave. It is better to give the cuttlefish the opportunity to thaw in the refrigerator or in cold water without exposing it to sudden temperature changes. It contains a lot of protein, which due to such changes can change the structure and become rigid.
  • You can cut the cuttlefish yourself. To do this, it is necessary to remove the bone in the area of ​​the back, eyes, mouth, and entrails. You should be especially careful when disposing of a silver-colored bag filled with ink. To avoid getting your hands dirty, it is better to work with gloves, otherwise the skin will be difficult to wash. Some people use cuttlefish ink to make pasta or risotto. Only fresh ink is suitable for this. If you don't plan to use them on the same day, you can safely throw away the ink sac. For those who do not have much experience in cutting seafood, it is better to purchase already cut goods.
  • The optimal size of cuttlefish depends on what you want to cook with them. For salads and main courses, it is better to take small specimens, whose meat is more tender. Large specimens are suitable for soup. They take longer to cook, but the broth they make is tasty.
  • Cooking time for cuttlefish depends on the size of the shellfish and how they are cooked. Usually medium-sized specimens are cooked for 15–20 minutes, large ones for about half an hour.

The taste of cuttlefish greatly depends on the chosen recipe and cooking method. They can be served as a separate dish or used as ingredients in other dishes, such as seafood risotto.

How to cook cuttlefish

  • cuttlefish – 0.5 kg;
  • onions – 100 g;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • allspice peas – 5 pcs.;
  • Italian herbs, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Fill a saucepan with one and a half liters of water and put it on the fire.
  • Prepare the cuttlefish by cleaning them, rinsing them in running water and drying them with a napkin.
  • If you want the shellfish to cook faster, cut them into small pieces.
  • Peel the onion and cut it into 4 pieces.
  • When the water boils, salt it, add onions and spices.
  • Place the cuttlefish in the water.
  • Simmer over low heat for 15 minutes if cuttlefish are cut into pieces, or 25-35 minutes if you are boiling them whole.
  • Place in a colander and let the water drain.

Boiled cuttlefish can be used to make salads. If you want to serve them separately as an independent snack, they need to be seasoned. To do this, you need to mix lemon juice and olive oil in equal proportions, add garlic passed through a press to this mixture at the rate of 1 clove per 2 tablespoons of lemon-oil mixture.

How to cook cuttlefish in a frying pan

  • cuttlefish – 0.5 kg;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • olive oil – 80 ml;
  • dry white wine – 0.2 l;
  • salt, fresh parsley - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Clean the cuttlefish, rinse, dry with napkins. Cut into small pieces.
  • Cut the garlic cloves into thin slices.
  • Heat the oil in a frying pan, add the garlic and fry it for 2-3 minutes.
  • Remove the garlic from the pan, but do not discard it.
  • Place cuttlefish in garlic oil. Fry them over high heat, uncovered, until the liquid released from them has almost completely evaporated from the pan.
  • Pour white wine over the cuttlefish pieces and add salt. Simmer them in wine over medium heat until only a third of the alcohol remains in the pan.
  • Place the cuttlefish on a plate. Pour over the sauce in which the clams were stewed. Sprinkle with fried garlic and finely chopped parsley.

Cuttlefish prepared according to this recipe is a self-sufficient dish. It can be served as a hot or cold snack - it will be delicious either way.

How to fry cuttlefish

  • cuttlefish – 0.5 kg;
  • lemon juice – 10 ml;
  • soy sauce – 50 ml;
  • olive oil – as needed;
  • salt, seasonings - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the prepared cuttlefish into small pieces.
  • Mix soy sauce with lemon juice and a tablespoon of olive oil.
  • Add spices to taste and a little salt to the sauce. Suitable seasonings include ground black pepper, dried dill, basil, parsley, and a mixture of Italian or Provençal herbs.
  • Add cuttlefish pieces to the sauce. Leave for half an hour.
  • Heat a frying pan and pour oil into it.
  • Remove the cuttlefish from the sauce and place in boiling oil. Fry them, stirring occasionally, over medium heat for 15 minutes.

Fried cuttlefish are good as an appetizer with beer and wine. Many people enjoy eating them as an independent dish. It is not forbidden to serve a side dish. Rice and pasta will do.

How to stew cuttlefish with onions

  • cuttlefish – 0.5 kg;
  • onions – 0.5 kg;
  • dry red wine – 0.25 l;
  • pine nuts – 20 g;
  • olive oil – 50 ml;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Mix wine with cuttlefish ink.
  • Place the cuttlefish cut into pieces into the resulting mixture and leave for two hours.
  • Finely chop the onion, fry in a mixture of vegetable and olive oils until soft.
  • Add the cuttlefish after removing them from the marinade. Fry them with onions for 10 minutes.
  • Crush the nuts and add to the marinade, stir.
  • Pour in the marinade and simmer the shellfish in it for another 10 minutes.

Cuttlefish prepared according to this recipe should be served with the sauce in which they were stewed. The dish has a specific appearance, but its taste will not seem too exotic to you.

How to cook stuffed cuttlefish in the oven

  • cuttlefish – 1 kg;
  • fresh champignons – 0.25 kg;
  • onions – 0.3 kg;
  • hard cheese – 0.25 kg;
  • cream – 0.5 l;
  • salt, seasonings - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - as much as needed.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the mushrooms, pat dry with a napkin, and cut into small cubes.
  • Peel and finely chop the onion.
  • Grind the cheese on a coarse grater.
  • Heat the oil in a frying pan, add the onion and fry it over low heat until it becomes soft and almost transparent.
  • Add mushrooms. Fry them together with the onions until excess moisture evaporates from the pan.
  • Combine mushrooms with cheese, mix well.
  • Add salt, spices, stir again.
  • Stuff the cuttlefish carcasses with the resulting mass. Secure the edges with toothpicks to prevent the minced meat from falling out.
  • Place the cuttlefish in a baking dish.
  • Mix the cream with a little salt and seasonings. Pour them over the cuttlefish.
  • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, place the form with cuttlefish in it.
  • Bake cuttlefish in the oven for 30 minutes.

How to Grill Cuttlefish

  • cuttlefish – 0.5 kg;
  • salad – 100 g;
  • tomato – 150 g;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • fresh basil – 5 g;
  • lemon – 0.5 pcs.;
  • olive oil – 60 ml;
  • mixture of peppers, salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the tomato into large cubes.
  • Chop the salad coarsely with a knife.
  • Squeeze the juice out of the lemon and mix with two tablespoons of oil.
  • Squeeze the garlic and mix with the sauce.
  • Add salt and seasonings to the sauce and stir.
  • Finely chop the basil and mix it with half the sauce.
  • Season the tomato and lettuce salad with this part of the sauce.
  • Stuff the prepared cuttlefish into the salad. Seal the edges with skewers to keep the filling inside.
  • Brush the cuttlefish with the remaining sauce.
  • Place it on a grill grate coated with olive oil.
  • Cook for 7–10 minutes.

When serving, the dish can be decorated with lemon and tomato slices. It is better to place it on a dish covered with lettuce leaves. Soy sauce would be a good addition to this appetizer.

Knowing the basic principles of cooking cuttlefish, you can make all kinds of dishes from them according to original recipes. This is a good way to surprise guests and delight your household with new snacks.

Unlike its relatives - squid or octopus - it has an ink sac. At the moment of danger, the cuttlefish releases a thick brown liquid from it, under the veil of which it hides. This mollusk is also called the “chameleon of the ocean,” because it can not only change the color of the skin, but even its very structure. Moreover, the cuttlefish performs such metamorphoses in just a couple of seconds. In this regard, the mollusk is rarely caught by fishermen and, as a result, is not often found in the world. But if you are lucky enough to become the owner of this delicious exotic, let's think about what to cook from cuttlefish.

Useful properties and uses in cooking

Let's start in order. Shellfish, and cuttlefish in particular, are very healthy. This is not only tasty, but also a dietary product. In terms of beneficial properties, cuttlefish surpasses meat and even fish, but it contains much fewer calories. It is also rich in vitamins, especially B, which promotes hair growth and strong nails. It also contains minerals necessary for health: selenium, phosphorus, iodine, copper, zinc, potassium and iron.

Like high-class fish (sturgeon, salmon), this shellfish contains valuable amino acids omega-3 and 6. And its fat is an antibiotic created by nature, that is, it does not give side effects. cuttlefish are very common in the cuisines of the Mediterranean and Southeast Asia. Ink from this mollusk is used to color rice for Spanish paella and Italian pasta.

Product selection

In our country, cuttlefish are rarely found on supermarket shelves. And even then they are sold frozen. But let’s say you arrive at a Mediterranean market and are asking the price of cuttlefish in the fish aisles. Which one to choose?

Cuttlefish is not a strawberry; the principle “the more, the tastier” does not work here. On the contrary, it is the dwarf mollusks, weighing up to 20 g, that are most highly valued. And a very large specimen is only suitable for an exhibit in a museum, since no matter how hard you try, its meat will remain tough and tasteless.

We choose a purchase based on what kind of cuttlefish dishes we are going to cook. Dwarfs are deep-fried whole and made into kebabs, salads and snacks. Small cuttlefish are prized for their distinctive nutty aroma, which disappears in larger specimens. Medium-sized shellfish (300-600 g) are used in main dishes. They are fried, boiled, and in Japan they are even eaten raw.

What to do first

Before cooking cuttlefish, you need to rinse it under cold water and remove the only bone that runs along the entire back. There is a sac at the back of the mollusk. Squeeze the ink onto the plate. They will be needed later for the sauce, as they add piquancy to the dish. Then carefully remove the ink sac. Also discard the innards, eyes and mouth opening. If you intend to boil cuttlefish, you must first remove the skin, and when frying or stewing, it is best to leave the skin - the taste of the dish will be more intense.

How to prepare frozen food

In stores, cuttlefish are often sold already processed, and you won't have to bother with removing the bag and peeling off the skin. However, there are some little tricks here too. How to cook frozen cuttlefish? Under no circumstances should you rush things by putting the bag in hot water or putting it in the microwave. Let the clams defrost at room temperature, or even better, in cold water. Since we are not Japanese, we will not eat cuttlefish raw. Cephalopods, among other culinary methods, are also dried, dried and smoked. We will limit ourselves to three traditional techniques: boiling, frying and stewing.

Boiled shellfish

Now that we only have a body with ten tentacles left in our hands, we can think about how to cook cuttlefish. For salads and appetizers, it is boiled, and soups are prepared from the broth. Pour water into a saucepan, salt it and place on medium heat. Place the whole cuttlefish in boiling water and cook. How much time? It depends on the size of the mollusk. Large specimens require long-term heat treatment - about half an hour. Smaller ones will cook in 15-20 minutes. Dwarf cuttlefish are rarely boiled, but if you want to decorate a salad with them, they will be ready after 10 minutes in boiling water. You can put spices and herbs, an onion in its husk, into the water where the shellfish are boiled. The finished cuttlefish should be placed in a colander and dried.

But that's only half the battle. How to cook cuttlefish to make it delicious? Cut the carcass into thin strips, sprinkle with lemon juice and olive oil, and garnish with herbs. As a side dish for boiled cuttlefish, you can serve rice or pasta seasoned with ink. They are added to the dough if you knead the vermicelli yourself.

For paella, ink mixed with wine is poured into a frying pan, various vegetables to taste (tomatoes, sweet bell peppers, onions, garlic) and cuttlefish are added. Then pour in the rice and cook over low heat until the liquid has completely evaporated.

How to cook cuttlefish stew

In the Mediterranean, it is customary to stew shellfish in white wine. In a frying pan, fry the onion in olive oil until golden. Add half a kilo of cuttlefish cut into pieces (you can pre-boil them until half cooked). Pour half a glass of white wine. Cut half a kilo of tomatoes into pieces, mix with a chopped bunch of parsley and a clove of garlic, add salt to taste, cover with a lid and simmer for about an hour.

Fried cuttlefish dishes

Frying cephalopods has its own secrets. You need to arrange them correctly in the pan. First, heat up the vegetable oil, in which we first fry a little onion and garlic. Then we place the cuttlefish with the tentacles facing up. When the clam turns yellow, turn it over to the other side.

Portugal has its own favorite recipe for fried cuttlefish. At the beginning of the process, prepare the marinade. Pour 3 tablespoons of soy sauce and a spoonful of oil into a plate. Sprinkle with aromatic herbs to taste - dry or fresh, mix. In the resulting marinade, cuttlefish (about half a kilogram) should simmer for 30 minutes. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan, add the shellfish cut into thick strips and fry over medium heat for about 7 minutes.

Baby cuttlefish

They look like spiders - these delicious mollusks that are valued above the rest. How to cook baby cuttlefish? There are many recipes. For the laziest: roll the crumbs in flour and send them to a frying pan to fry in olive oil.

The work of more hard-working housewives will pay off handsomely if you prepare a batter for dwarf cuttlefish: shake a salted egg with water, add flour to make a batter. You can also prepare it with the addition of beer or sparkling water. This is a great appetizer, but can also be a main dish if served with rice.

Cuttlefish is a cephalopod marine mollusk that secretes a chestnut coloring substance. Mollusks of this species live in the Atlantic Ocean, and often live in small schools. The cuttlefish's body is flat. Its shape resembles a flatbread. The taste of boiled cuttlefish meat is very similar to squid meat. Usually its mantle and tentacles are eaten. Octopus muscles contain many extractive substances that give the dish an original flavor. Cuttlefish is the richest source of suitable protein, as well as vitamins and microelements. In our country, shellfish can be purchased frozen. This delicious seafood delicacy is recommended for preparing delicious salads, soups and pizza.

You will need

  • cuttlefish (2 kg);
  • onions (2 kg);
  • red wine (0.5 l);
  • butter (50 g);
  • olive oil (50 g);
  • pine nuts (10 pcs.) or almonds.


1. Carefully wash the cuttlefish and remove the black film covering them. Cut each cuttlefish along the back. Remove the long bone from the body of each mollusk, being careful not to damage the ink sac. Hold with your finger and remove the innards and ink sac. After this, remove the tentacles.

2. Take a container and pour two cups of dry red wine into it. Add cuttlefish ink to it. Stir.

3. After this, cut the cuttlefish into small pieces on a cutting board. Dip in wine. Leave to marinate overnight.

4. The next day, cut the onion into rings and fry it in a mixture of olive and butter.

5. After this, fry the cuttlefish separately over high heat. Turn down the fire. Add sauteed onions, blanched chopped almonds or pine nuts.

6. Pour the ink mixture and wine marinade over the cuttlefish. Simmer it all over low heat until soft. The cuttlefish dish is ready!

An authentic dish of black rice with mini cuttlefish, shrimp and mushrooms, prepared in sour cream and honey sauce, has a delicate taste. It’s cooler to use Venere black rice to prepare the dish.

You will need

  • – 50 g of black rice venere;
  • – 20 g champignons;
  • – 5 shrimp;
  • – 2 mini cuttlefish;
  • – onions, garlic to taste;
  • - parsley.
  • For the sauce:
  • – 50 g sour cream 20%;
  • – 20 ml of water;
  • – 5 ml honey;
  • – freshly ground coriander.


1. Boil the rice for 18 minutes, place it in a sieve. You can take boiled and frozen tiger shrimp, chop them, sprinkle with lime juice and fry in butter. Or take more small shrimp, boil, peel, and add whole shrimp to the rice.

2. Add chopped parsley to the rice and shrimp. Fry the champignons in vegetable oil, add garlic and onion. After 5 minutes, add cuttlefish, cut randomly.

3. Separately mix sour cream with water, coriander and honey. If you add a little soy sauce, it will be even more piquant. Don’t overdo it with honey – the sauce should be appetizing, not cloying. Honey helps remove the sourness from sour cream. No one will even guess that you prepared such a delicious sauce from ordinary sour cream.

4. Place black rice on a plate. Mix mushrooms and shrimp with sour cream sauce, pepper and salt to taste. Spread this mixture around the rice. You can sprinkle grated cheese on top of the dish.

5. By the way, you can experiment with this recipe. Instead of black rice, you can take ordinary buckwheat - a good Russian product, and instead of cuttlefish - fish or chicken. Tea in your kitchen, only you can decide what to use to prepare culinary masterpieces!

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Tip 3: The best cuttlefish dishes and recipes for their preparation

Cuttlefish are cephalopods that live in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Dishes made from this seafood are considered not only authentic and appetizing, but also suitable. This is due to the fact that cuttlefish contains up to 80% protein and every 1% fat. Shellfish are famous in Mediterranean and South Asian cuisines.

Most cuttlefish are sold frozen, so they need to be thawed before cooking. This must be done at room temperature. When the clam is soft, rinse it under cold water, remove the shell bone that runs along each back, cut off the head, remove the entrails. Remove the ink bag very carefully and squeeze its contents into a separate cup in advance. If you need cuttlefish for preparing an appetizer or salad, remove the skin from them; if for a second dish, leave the shell; during cooking it will give an intense taste. Cook the seafood in salted boiling water for about 30 minutes. After cooking, place in a colander to drain every liquid.

Stuffed cuttlefish

To prepare the dish, prepare 100 g of fresh champignons, 500 g of boiled cuttlefish, 2 onions, 250 ml of 35% cream, 100 g of hard cheese 100, salt, seasonings. Wash and chop the champignons, fry in vegetable oil with finely chopped onion. Salt and add spices to taste. Grate the cheese on a huge grater and add to the mushrooms. Stuff the prepared cuttlefish with mushroom mixture, place in a greased frying pan, pour whipped cream over everything, and place in the oven for 15-20 minutes. Serve with a side dish of boiled rice and slices of fresh tomatoes.

Risotto with cuttlefish and ink

For this exotic dish, take 200 g of steamed long grain rice, cuttlefish weighing approximately 400 g, 8 ml of clam ink, 2 onions, 100 ml of dry white wine, salt, spices, liter of fish broth, 50 ml of unrefined olive oil. In a deep frying pan. Heat the oil, add the diced onion, fry until it becomes transparent. Wash the defrosted cuttlefish, remove the entrails, cut into small pieces, add to the onion, and fry until golden brown. Sort the rice, rinse in salted water, place in a frying pan with seafood, simmer until the cereal has absorbed all the oil. Add salt, add your favorite spices, pour wine over everything, continue cooking over high heat until the liquid evaporates. Reduce the heat, add ink, broth (boiled water) so that it covers the cereal by about a centimeter. Cover with a lid and cook until the rice is done. Serve warm with a salad of fresh vegetables.

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The belemnite stone is a fossilized invertebrate cephalopod that went extinct hundreds of millions of years ago. Such stones can consist entirely of the mineral calcite, or can be replaced by transparent opal.

During the existence of life on earth, many species of living organisms ceased to exist. Such organisms include belemnites - invertebrate cephalopods. However, people have the opportunity to explore and trace the history of their formation from fossilized remains that come to the surface in different parts of the world.

Structure and composition of stones

Belemnites existed on the planet from the Carboniferous to the Paleogene period. They were close relatives of modern squids and cuttlefish and also had an ink sac. Their difference from modern descendants was their special body structure. In particular, the inner shell had three sections: rostrum, flagmocone and proostracum. The bodies of dead mollusks settled to the bottom of the sea, where their solid components, namely a strong conical formation at the rear end of the body, underwent mineralization. In the future, the place of the rostrum was entirely occupied by the mineral calcite, which managed to perfectly preserve the shape of the shell during the 100–200 million years that have passed since their life. Belemnites have the appearance of an elongated arrowhead, for which they received a number of other names, such as “ thunder arrow", "devil's finger" and "arrows of Perun". Belemnites are found in places where the surface of the earth is covered with layers of Mesozoic sedimentary-marine deposits. The largest number of stones lies in black Jurassic clays. Fossils of ancient mollusks can range from unsightly gray to dark cherry and even black. In Australia, belemnites are found replaced by charming transparent opals.

Magical properties of stones

In ancient times, belemnites were credited with a lot of different magical properties. It was believed that they were able to divert lightning from houses and neutralize snake venom. Even today there are people who offer to treat psoriasis, impotence and wounds with the help of belemnite powder. There were also attempts to wear belemnite on the body as a protective device and amulet, as well as a source of vital energy and internal strength. Astrologers also endow ancient fossils with a lot of useful properties, and esotericists believe that this stone is the best suited for people born in a thunderstorm. Whether to believe in the magical properties of belemnites or not, everyone decides for himself. But it must be said that scientific medicine knows nothing about the ability of belemnites to relieve various diseases. However, the cost of some stones is comparable to the prices for the most expensive gems, and the demand for jewelry with this stone does not fall to this day. ?

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Ink can also be purchased in packaging. They are prepared for one-time use.

Helpful advice
It is best to defrost cuttlefish in cold water, then rinse under running water. In order to cut a cuttlefish without spilling the ink, the following rules are needed: 1) Lay the cuttlefish on a work surface and use a knife to separate the head. 2) Cut off the tentacles right at the eyes, but so that they remain connected to each other with another thin ring. 3) Use your fingers to squeeze out and remove the harsh parts of the chewing unit. 4) Cut the body bursa along the upper, darker side of the back with a longitudinal cut of a knife. 5) Carefully push the edges of the cut to the sides in order to remove the shell, which is called the mantle. In the back, tight part of the cuttlefish's body there is a sparkling ink sac.6) Insert a huge finger inside the mantle and carefully separate the insides without damaging the ink sac.7) Gently squeeze out the ink, slowly pressing the bag with your huge and index fingers.8) Remove with your fingers skin from the body bag and rinse it thoroughly under running cold water.

Meet the representative of the class of cephalopods - cuttlefish. In addition to this unusual name, it is also called the “sea chameleon” due to the fact that the cuttlefish is able to quickly change its color to match the tone of its environment. The color of this sea miracle can be very diverse: its tentacles are green, its fins have a purple tint, and its dorsal part is brownish. Only the belly of the cuttlefish is light in color. But depending on the place of residence and the diet of the cuttlefish, differences between one individual and another may occur. In most cases, cuttlefish choose warm habitats: shallow water bodies, backwaters and tropical or subtropical seas.

Scientists know more than 100 species of cuttlefish. Among them, the most numerous species is considered to be the “Pharaoh’s serpia”; they can be found in the northern part of the Indian Ocean. The weight of an adult cuttlefish can reach 12 kilograms, while it can only be about 50 centimeters in length.

Choosing cuttlefish on the counter

Externally, the cuttlefish is very similar to the squid, but it will only seem that way to you when you first meet it. The cuttlefish is much fleshier and rounder than its close relative.

Fresh cuttlefish can be purchased at any fish store or fish market. If you ask the sellers, they can clean the cuttlefish for you and cut it right there. This will be more convenient, first of all, for you, because when you encounter cuttlefish for the first time, you will not know how to properly cut it for cooking.

If the cuttlefish has already been cleaned and sold as such, check to see if there are any traces of ink left on it. If you decide to clean the cuttlefish yourself at home, it is better to wear gloves in order to avoid contaminating your hands with caustic ink, which can stain you for a long time.

We store cuttlefish according to all the rules

Culinary experts advise cooking cuttlefish immediately, without delay. You should not store it for a long time either in the refrigerator or in the freezer. The taste of cuttlefish will only worsen from this. If necessary, you can wrap the cuttlefish in a plastic bag and put it in the freezer, but this is a storage option only as a last resort.

What is cuttlefish good for?

Cuttlefish is prepared by many peoples who live by the sea. That is why the most delicious dishes come from chefs who have undergone training in the kitchens of various coastal countries. Cuttlefish contain ink; among all marine inhabitants, cuttlefish have the largest amount of ink.

For many centuries, people have used cuttlefish for more than just food. The ink secreted by cuttlefish was used by people as paint, which over time was called “sepia”. “Sepia” is the scientific name for cuttlefish. Due to the pure brown color of the ink, the cuttlefish has become a favorite animal of artists and painters. Nowadays, ink is used less and less for the production of paints, because the artificial chemical base is much stronger and more reliable. But one of the components of such paints is still cuttlefish ink.

Composition and beneficial properties of cuttlefish meat

Cuttlefish meat is considered a delicacy, because its calorie content is only 79 kcal per 100 grams of weight. In nutritional value, such a product is superior to the meat we are used to: beef and pork. With regular consumption of cuttlefish meat, cholesterol and toxins are actively removed from the human body, and metabolism also improves. The fat contained in cuttlefish meat has an antibacterial effect.

100 grams of cuttlefish meat contains 16.5 grams of protein, 0.6 grams of fat, 0.8 grams of carbohydrates, 1.7 grams of ash, 80.6 grams of water. In addition, cuttlefish meat contains a huge amount of vitamins and nutrients. For example, omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, phosphorus, selenium, copper, potassium, iron, iodine, zinc, vitamins A, E, D, B6, B12 and many other vitamins and minerals necessary for the human body.

The amino acids necessary for the body, contained in cuttlefish meat, help improve metabolism in the body, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and also reduce the amount of cholesterol in human blood. Also, cuttlefish meat has a beneficial effect on tissues, as a natural antibiotic, soothes inflammatory processes in the body and helps fight various diseases.

The trace elements that make up cuttlefish meat have a very positive effect on the human body. Potassium contained in meat helps the body cleanse itself of excess substances: toxins and all others, regulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, affects the positive trend of blood pressure, and improves metabolism. Iron, which is quite abundant in cuttlefish meat, improves blood circulation in the body, and zinc normalizes fat metabolism in tissues, promotes rapid healing of wounds and improves hair growth. Phosphorus is indispensable for the body, because it is necessary for fast and high-quality functioning of the brain, as well as the human cardiovascular system. Being the basis of cells in the human body, phosphorus improves the functioning of the human immune system, making it more resistant to many diseases. Together with copper, phosphorus participates in the structure of protein in the body.

Cuttlefish is a favorite animal not only of artists and painters, but also of homeopaths. It is in this area that cuttlefish ink is often used. Sepia is a component of a medicine made from the ink of this mollusk. Sepia-based medicine is used in the treatment of female diseases, itchy skin, constipation and hemorrhoids, rectal prolapse and dyspepsia, eczema, migraines, bronchitis and other diseases associated with the human respiratory tract. A well-known medicine that is based on cuttlefish ink is called Klimakt Hel. This is a homeopathic remedy that is prescribed for disorders of the nervous system, deterioration of ovarian health, migraines and sleep disorders.

How to cook cuttlefish

The taste of cuttlefish meat largely depends on the method of its preparation. If you do not find fresh cuttlefish meat, then you need to learn how to carefully handle tender frozen or chilled cuttlefish meat.

Frozen cuttlefish should only be thawed in cold water. If the cuttlefish is not cleaned, it will have to be cleaned after it has thawed. Remember that when cleaning a cuttlefish, the bone, eyes, entrails and mouth of the mollusk are removed. In this case, you should remove the silver sac with ink most carefully so that it does not tear and flood the meat and everything around with brown liquid. The ink can be used to make spaghetti or risotto.

Once you are done with cleaning the cuttlefish, you need to rinse the pieces of meat well under cold running water. It is worth washing the cuttlefish tentacles especially carefully.

In order to prepare snacks or salads from cuttlefish meat, you should buy the meat of small individuals, their meat is more tender. But to prepare soups or spaghetti, you can use the meat of cuttlefish of different sizes.

Remember one secret: the larger the cuttlefish weighs, the tougher its meat. To make cuttlefish meat softer, you can first boil it and then use it for cooking. Meat can also be cooked by frying.

But ink, which is used in cooking, should be added only at the last moment. To do this, carefully cut the ink bag and pour the contents into a saucepan or frying pan, depending on what you are cooking in. Only fresh cuttlefish ink will add piquancy to your dish.

Those who are allergic to seafood should be careful - the desire to taste cuttlefish meat can result in an unpleasant reaction of the body to seafood.

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