How to cook cookies in a minute in detail. Minutka cookies with jam

Step 1: prepare the dough.

1 - 2 hours before the start of cooking, remove the butter from the refrigerator and let it soften; for high-quality kneading, its temperature should be at room temperature, approximately 21 – 22 degrees. Place the required amount of soft butter and sour cream in a deep bowl.
Beat them with a mixer at medium speed until smooth.
Add 1 cup flour, salt and continue kneading the dough until it begins to thicken. When this happens, turn off the mixer, clear the paddles of any dough pieces and transfer the flour mixture to a kitchen counter sprinkled with sifted wheat flour.

Step 2: Roll out and cut the dough.

Knead the dough into a ball. Do not add all the flour into it at once, add it gradually in parts until the dough stops sticking to your hands, becomes elastic, but at the same time remains soft and tender. Wrap the dough ball in plastic wrap and place it in the freezer for 30 minutes.
In 30 minutes Remove the dough from the freezer, place it on a table sprinkled with sifted wheat flour and roll it out into a thick layer. up to 5 – 6 millimeters using a rolling pin.
Be patient, at first the dough will roll out very hard and tightly, but literally after 5 - 7 minutes it will become more pliable.
Now take a round or regular knife and cut the rolled out dough into squares, lengthwise and then crosswise.
You should get small squares with an approximate diameter 5 by 5 centimeters. It's time to choose the filling for your cookies; this recipe shows 2 filling options, but you can diversify the assortment and make cookies with 3 - 4 or more fillings. Preheat the oven up to 175 - 180 degrees Celsius.

Step 3: form the cookies.

Place half a teaspoon of thick jam of any kind in the middle of each square. Do not double the amount of jam as it may leak out of the cookies during baking.
First fold one corner of the square so that it covers the jam.
Then cover the first corner with the second corner of the square. Lightly pinch the edge of the square, grabbing a small piece of dough from the side so that it is not noticeable. You will get cookies in the form of an unsealed envelope. Use the same method to form the rest of the cookies and place them on an aluminum, non-stick baking sheet, previously greased with a small amount of vegetable oil.

Step 4: bake cookies.

Place the baking tray with cookies in a preheated oven and bake them for 15 – 20 minutes until lightly browned and light beige crust. Then, using a kitchen towel, remove the baking sheet from the oven, let the cookies cool and, using a kitchen spatula, transfer the sweet dessert to a large flat dish. It's time to brew some fresh tea!

Step 5: Serve the cookies.

Minutka cookies are served cooled to room temperature, placed on a large flat dish and, if desired, sprinkled with powdered sugar or sprinkled with sugar syrup. You will be very pleased to savor this yummy with a cup of freshly brewed tea, coffee, cocoa or milk. Delicate, fragrant and inexpensive cookies will give you sweet moments and joy! Bon appetit!

- – If you are not sure about your baking sheet, it is better to cover its bottom with baking paper, and then place and bake the cookies.

- – Sometimes vanillin, cinnamon or fruit essence are added to this type of dough in order to give it a more refined aroma.

- – This type of dough is prepared without sugar and slaked soda with vinegar! These ingredients will cause the dough to rise, change shape and bubble during baking. As a result, instead of beautifully formed cookies, you may not get what you want.

- – Instead of butter, you can use high-fat margarine of the highest quality.

- – Do not preheat the oven to a higher temperature than that specified in this recipe, otherwise the dough may only bake on the outside, but not on the inside.

Delicious cookies - simple recipes with photos

Step-by-step recipe for quick preparation of Minutka cookies (How to prepare Minutka cookies according to a step-by-step recipe with photos and videos). Recommendations and advice.

20 minutes

277 kcal

5/5 (1)

Properly prepared shortbread cookies have always been considered something incredibly tasty and quickly melting in the mouth. And if it also cooks quickly, then it’s absolutely beautiful, especially for novice cooks! Therefore, I will not torment you for a long time, but suggest that you quickly proceed directly to the cooking process itself. Today it's homemade Minutka cookies.

Did you know? Shortbread dough was first prepared in the 12th century in Scotland and then in Britain. After baking the bread, there was leftover dough. To prevent it from being wasted, the dough was rolled out, simple cookie shapes were formed (often it was the form of a cracker) and baked in a well-heated oven or oven.

Kitchen appliances: oven.


Let's talk about the ingredients now. They must be fresh (the poppy seeds should not be bitter, taste them in advance). We take the highest grade flour.

The fattier the kefir, the better for us.

Cooking sequence

  1. Take a convenient deep container for preparing the dough. Sift the flour, then add a pinch of salt. Be careful, you only need a little salt. Mix. Leave the flour on the table, as we may still need it. Since the process of kneading the dough is very fast, we will preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  2. Add vegetable oil to the prepared mixture. Mix flour and butter until loose lumps of dough form.

    Important! When you buy butter, make sure that it does not have a strong, pronounced smell, otherwise the taste of the cookies will, to put it mildly, not be what we need.

  3. Break a large chicken egg into the center of the dough.

  4. At this stage, add half a glass of granulated sugar, half a glass of kefir and half a teaspoon of soda. Then mix well. Make sure that the dough does not stick to your hands. In this case, add a little more flour.

  5. The dough should be soft and airy, but in no case too tight (otherwise our cookies will turn out hard). Be careful!
  6. Roll out the dough into a round layer 3-4 mm thick. If you like more crumbly cookies, then you can roll them 2 mm thick. We form small cakes. Transfer to a baking sheet pre-lined with parchment paper. Sprinkle sugar and poppy seeds on top. That's it, now we can safely put it in the oven for 15 minutes.
  7. After the time has passed, remove the cookies from the oven. All is ready! I want to try it right now, don’t I? After all, hot dough always tastes better. But it’s better to wait. And do not rush to transfer it into your crystal pastry vases, as the cookies can easily crumble.

Video recipe for making Minutka cookies

For those who are interested, and even for those who are accustomed to visually perceiving any information, I advise you to watch the video recipe for Minutka cookies.

How to decorate and serve

How nice it is when baked goods turn out not only tasty and healthy, but also beautiful! Therefore, a little love, patience and a bit of imagination - and you are certainly guaranteed compliments from guests and your loved ones. I offer my simple version. My motto is: “Simplicity adorns everything, everyone, everywhere.”

So sprinkle some powdered sugar on top of the cookies and you'll be in for a treat! As for serving the delicacy itself, there are more options here. You can wrap the cookies, for example, in a lace paper napkin and serve on a board, also sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Alternatively, use a porcelain cookie stand. This time we will make do with the first option. Serve the freshly baked cookies with warm milk in a jug. It can also be tea, cocoa, coffee - according to your taste preferences.

Be careful when removing cookies from the oven - wear an oven mitt, otherwise you may get burned. If you have a slow cooker, this is also a good, and I would even say, faster way to prepare cookies. But keep in mind that in the oven it will turn out more crumbly.

If you have an old oven, like mine, then place a couple of bowls of water under the baking sheet. Then you can be sure that the cookies will not burn and will bake evenly on all sides. The cookies will bake faster if you place them on a wire rack (just remember that you must first put two layers of parchment paper, otherwise the dough may simply leak through the wire rack, and we definitely don’t want that).

If you have prepared cookies according to this recipe more than once, then I strongly recommend that you prepare, or, which is also perfect for those with a sweet tooth. If you like to cook with children, then this is a great option.
The cottage cheese cookie recipe is suitable for everyone who follows a healthy lifestyle, as well as those who love light and healthy breakfasts.

Well, that's all I have for now. Thanks for your interest in the recipe! Let me know in the comments below if you liked this homemade cookie recipe? Perhaps you have some special tips and recommendations - I will be glad if you share your experience. I wish you all good luck!

The best Cookie recipes with step-by-step instructions with photos

45 minutes

270 kcal

5/5 (1)

I suggest you enjoy making two types of Minutka cookies together - the first recipe includes jam, and the second - sugar and sesame seeds. I recommend baking both options to satisfy the tastes of all family members, including the most picky ones.

Recipe for Minutka cookies with jam


  • large grater for chopping food;
  • deep container for preparing dough;
  • a mixer is necessary for high-quality mixing of ingredients;
  • rolling pin for rolling out dough;
  • a sharp knife or a special kitchen appliance - a wheel for cutting triangles;
  • flat dish for serving baked goods on the table.

We will need

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Grate the frozen margarine on a coarse grater, then put it in a deep bowl.

  2. Next, fill it with sour cream, chilled in the refrigerator.

  3. Mix everything thoroughly using a mixer.

  4. Without turning off the mixer, we begin to pour flour into the dough, trying to do this in small portions.

  5. Afterwards we put the mixture on the table, previously sprinkled with flour, and continue kneading by hand.

  6. Knead the dough until it stops sticking to your hands and acquires a homogeneous consistency.

  7. Divide the finished dough into four equal parts.

  8. Before you start shaping the cookies, preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  9. Now roll out the first part of the dough using a rolling pin, the thickness of the layer should be no more than 2-4 mm.

  10. Next, we divide the resulting pancake with a knife into eight sectors.

  11. Place apple jam at the base of each triangle.

  12. Then carefully wrap the triangle from the base to the center.

  13. We proceed in the same way with the remaining parts of the dough.
  14. Then place the folded triangles on a baking sheet and place it in the preheated oven.

  15. Bake the cookies for 20-25 minutes until golden brown.

  16. Then we take out the finished cookies and let the products cool.
  17. After this, place the delicacy on a plate and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Video recipe for Minutka cookies with jam

Fans of quick and simple recipes with a minimum set of ingredients will really like the delicious “Minutka” sweet cookies offered. Please also watch the video, which describes in detail the preparation of this dessert. I am sure that the cookies will definitely end up in your cookbook of favorite recipes. Enjoy watching!

  • Besides the jam, you you can choose any filling for cookies, which happened to be at your home: jam, thick jam, and so on.
  • Before placing items in the oven, they can be greased with beaten yolk and sprinkled with poppy seeds, then the cookies will turn out more browned and appetizing in appearance.
  • Before placing the cookies on a baking sheet, you can grease them with a small amount of vegetable oil or cover them with baking paper. This will prevent the treat from burning, especially if your baking sheet does not have a non-stick coating.
  • To decorate baked goods, you can use not only pure powdered sugar, the finished cookies look great if you mix the powder with cinnamon or grated chocolate.

Recipe for Minutka cookies with sugar and sesame seeds

  • Cooking time: preparation – 10-15 minutes, baking – 10 minutes.
  • Number of servings: for 5-7 persons.


  • sieve for sifting flour;
  • deep container for kneading dough;
  • two small flat plates for preparing the filling;
  • grater for grating food;
  • rolling pin for rolling out dough;
  • a special wheel for cutting dough, or a regular knife;
  • baking paper for baking cookies;
  • brush for lubricating the product;
  • a large flat dish for serving baked goods on the table.

We will need

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Sift the flour through a fine sieve.

  2. Grate the processed cheese on a medium grater, and margarine on a coarse grater.

  3. After this, put the cheese and margarine in a bowl with flour, mix everything well.

  4. Let's take a break from preparing the dough for a second and turn on the oven so that it warms up to a temperature of 180-190 degrees.
  5. Cover the baking sheet with baking paper.
  6. Let's return to the dough: sprinkle the surface of the table with a small amount of flour and place our workpiece on it.

  7. Next, mix the mixture by hand until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

  8. Roll out the finished dough to a thickness of approximately 5 mm.

  9. Then we divide the resulting layer into equal squares using a knife or dough cutter.

  10. Now we take two flat plates, pour granulated sugar into one, and sesame seeds into the other.
  11. Then dip one of the cut out squares in granulated sugar on one side.
  12. Next, place the product on a baking sheet, with the sugar powder on top.

  13. We do the same with half of the remaining squares.
  14. Then place the pieces in a preheated oven for 10 minutes.
  15. Place the finished cookies on a serving dish in random order.

  16. After this, let's take care of the second batch of squares: grease them a little with chilled boiled water on top, sprinkle with sesame seeds.

  17. Then we place the products on a baking sheet with the spices facing up and put them in the oven, bake them for 10 minutes.
  18. We transfer the finished delicacy to a dish where we already have the first batch of cookies, and serve.

  19. Video recipe for Minutka cookies with sugar and sesame seeds

    Incredibly easy and quick to prepare, the dessert requires a minimum of ingredients, resulting in an incomparable taste. I bring to your attention a video with detailed step-by-step instructions for the fastest kneading of dough and baking “Minutka” cookies. Enjoy watching!

  • To make it easier and more convenient for you to grate processed cheese and margarine, sprinkle them with flour from time to time or freeze them a little in the refrigerator first.
  • You can choose any cookie shape: squares, triangles, rectangles, circles. I advise you to make cookies in different shapes - the younger members of the family will definitely like it.
  • For that, so that the sugar and sesame seeds adhere well to the dough, you can grease the surface of the dough with beaten yolk. In addition to good adhesion, the baked goods will have a more presentable appearance.

Other possible preparation and filling options

If you do not eat animal products, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the recipe for a crispy and melt-in-your-mouth delicacy that will definitely delight your loved ones. The most beautiful presents a wonderful opportunity to show your imagination and decorate cookies for Easter together with the smallest family members.

Damn tasty, budget-friendly and, moreover, very easy to prepare, this snack will allow you to surprise your guests and family with a crumbly, moderately sweet delicacy. Remember that beer cookies do not have a beer aroma, and there is no bad taste (or strength), so they can be consumed by both adults and children.

I am sure that I managed to intrigue you and you will definitely decide to make delicious homemade Minutka cookies. If you have any additional questions related to its preparation, be sure to ask them in the comments, and I will immediately give a comprehensive answer and help you avoid mistakes. I would also really like to know what quick cookies you make for your own family? What ingredients do you use to prepare it? Write about it, I will definitely try your recipes and share them with my friends! I wish you bon appetit and enthusiastic reactions to your culinary masterpieces!

If you need to quickly prepare a delicious sweet for a family tea party at home, then the Minutka cookie recipe will come to your aid. The name of the cookie justifies itself, as preparing these cookies is simple and quick.

Preparing the dough takes very little time and the cookies brown in the oven for no more than 15 minutes. I offer two cookie options - Minutka cookies with poppy and cinnamon sprinkles and Minutka cookies with jam.

The first version of cookies can be prepared with children, cutting out all sorts of shapes from the dough. For the second option, use thick jam or jam so that the sweet filling does not leak out of the cookies during baking.

Prepare the necessary products.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve.

Combine cottage cheese, softened butter and two types of sugar. Grind into a homogeneous mass.

Sift the flour with baking powder, add it to the butter-curd mixture and knead into a soft and elastic dough that does not stick to your hands. Wrap the dough in cling film and place in the freezer for 10 minutes.

Sprinkle the table with flour, divide the chilled dough into two halves and roll out two thin layers, about 4-5 mm thick. Cut one layer into small squares with a sharp knife. I used a pizza cutter. Roll out the remaining dough and cut into squares.

Place 0.5 tsp in the middle of each square. jam or marmalade.

Connect the opposite edges of the squares, tucking one under the other.

Line a baking sheet with parchment, transfer the cookies, sprinkle sugar and poppy seeds on top and bake at 200 degrees until golden brown, about 15 minutes.

Make figures from the second layer of dough using molds.

In one bowl, combine 1 tsp. poppy seeds and sugar, in another bowl 1 tsp. cinnamon and sugar. Place cookies on a parchment-lined baking sheet and sprinkle with poppy seeds and cinnamon sugar.

Bake cookies for 15 minutes.

Quick and delicious Minutka cookies are ready!

Have a delicious tea party!

It must be said that in order to prepare tender, crumbly shortbread dough you do not need to have any special talent, you only need a little desire, effort and a recipe. You don’t even need any frills or special decorations here. The finished cookies are a delight in themselves. Incredibly tasty and appetizing, and also crumbly, in a word, shortbread!

In order to bake “Minutka” for 3 servings you will have to spend no more than 45 minutes. In addition to time, practice is necessary; the more you practice making “Minutka”, the better and better the recipe will begin to turn out.

  • you will need 300–400 grams of wheat flour;
  • 150 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 60 grams of milk;
  • 200–250 grams of butter (margarine);
  • a little vanillin;
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar.

Step by step recipe

Shortbread cookies are an easy and tasty recipe with which novice housewives take their first steps into the world of cooking and sweet pastries. A clear advantage of such cookies made from simple shortcrust pastry is the possibility of long-term storage. After all, as it dries, it only becomes better, tastier and more tender.

“Minutka” can be elegantly decorated with a little sugar, nut crumbs or cinnamon. Different shapes and types of handmade cookies are perfect as an original gift if you put them in a box and pack them. Enjoy your meal!

The most popular, as well as convenient and affordable at home, is Minutka shortbread cookies. His recipe is incredibly easy and quick to make, this is even reflected in the name. Naturally, you will have to spend a little more than 1 minute, however, this dough does not require many hours. It is important to follow the instructions and then everything will work out as well as possible.

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