How to marinate duck fillet. Duck breast fillet without skin

Some novice cooks are afraid to cook delicious duck fillet: they think that this dish is full of secrets. But in fact, using very simple techniques, you can cook perfect duck breasts in a relatively short time. And having mastered the basic technique, you can safely take on various variations.

List of recipes in the article:

By duck fillet, cooks usually mean bird breasts. Before you start cooking, rinse the breasts under running water and pat dry with a paper towel. Use a sharp knife to cut the skin diagonally, being careful not to touch the meat. Season with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper.

Heat a large, heavy, preferably cast iron skillet. Place the breasts skin side down and roast for 10–20 minutes, depending on the thickness of the subcutaneous fat on the bird, which in turn depends on its breed and growing conditions. If you want the crust on the fillet to be crispy, fry the fillet in a cold frying pan.

When the skin turns the color of mahogany, place the breasts, skin side up, in a baking dish and place in a preheated oven at 200°C for 10-15 minutes. The baking time for duck fillet depends on the degree of doneness you want to achieve.

Remove the duck fillet from the roasting pan, cover with foil and let the meat rest before slicing. At this time you can prepare the sauce. Gourmets consider various fruit and berry sauces to be the ideal complement to tender duck fillet.

For a shiny, varnished duck fillet, cook it with a honey glaze.

For 2 breasts you will need:

  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 4 tablespoons liquid honey
  • 3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
  • a handful of chopped walnuts for sprinkling

Rinse and dry the duck breasts, cut the skin, and season the fillets on both sides with salt and pepper. Place skin side down in hot pan and cook for 7 minutes, reducing heat to medium after 3 minutes. Turn the duck breasts over and cook for another 4 to 5 minutes. Transfer breasts to a plate and cover with foil to keep warm.

Pour balsamic vinegar and honey into the pan where the duck was fried, whisk and cook the glaze for 2 minutes over low heat. Place the breasts in a baking dish, brush with the hot glaze and bake for 5-7 minutes in a preheated oven at 200°C. Serve sprinkled with chopped nuts. Best served with a juicy salad.

Duck breast fillet without skin

Incredibly tender duck meat marinated in orange juice and baked in the oven will decorate any holiday table so that guests will be jealous! See the recipe for skinless duck breast fillet!


  • Duck breast fillet 1-1.5 Kilograms
  • Orange 1 piece
  • Lemon juice 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Olive oil 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Dried rosemary 0.5 teaspoons
  • Black pepper 0.5 teaspoons
  • Salt 1 teaspoon

Prepare all the necessary ingredients.

Remove the zest from the orange and squeeze out the juice. Mix the juice with zest, add all the specified spices and other ingredients to it - this will be our marinade.

Dip the washed and cut into pieces breasts thoroughly into the marinade and leave to marinate for an hour. No need to refrigerate.

Then the breasts should be lightly fried, only on one side. Dab the breasts with a paper towel to prevent them from spitting too much while frying. You can fry in a thick cast-iron frying pan, and then you can bake in it. Or fry on a regular one, whatever you have. Fry for 4 minutes in a small amount of oil.

Then place the breasts, fried side up, in a baking dish; you can add the remaining orange marinade. Bake the breasts in an oven preheated to 200-210 C for 10 minutes.

The meat turns out soft and tender inside; if you want more browned meat, bake for another 2-3 minutes.

I recommend serving the finished skinless duck breast fillet with a light vegetable salad, herbs and tomatoes, for example. Goes great with red wine! Bon appetit!

How to cook duck fillet?

I decided to be original and bought frozen duck breast fillet. Please give advice on how to prepare it.


Rub prepared duck fillet (500 g) with salt and pepper (to taste), place in heated butter (2 tablespoons), skin side down, and lightly fry, turning and draining excess fat. Peel the orange (1 piece), cut the pulp into pieces and also fry in 1 tbsp. spoon of butter. Cut the duck fillet into portions and place in a saucepan, add white table wine (5 tablespoons) and chicken broth (200 ml) and simmer in the oven for 30-40 minutes. Fry flour (2 tablespoons) in butter (1 tablespoon) until golden brown. Place the finished duck pieces on a plate and top with oranges. Gently add flour to the broth, stirring so that no lumps form, add bay leaf and spices (to taste) and bring to a boil. The duck is ready, it is best served with a vegetable side dish and sauce.

For a shiny duck fillet, cook it with a honey glaze. For 2 breasts you need: 1/2 teaspoon salt; 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper; 4 tablespoons of liquid honey; 3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar; a handful of chopped walnuts for sprinkling.

Duck breasts must be washed and dried, cut the skin, season the fillet on both sides with salt and pepper. Place skin side down in the hot pan and cook for 7 minutes, reducing heat to medium after 3 minutes. Turn the duck breasts over and cook them for another 4-5 minutes. Transfer breasts to a plate and cover with foil to keep warm.

Pour balsamic vinegar and honey into the pan where the duck was fried, whisk and cook the glaze for 2 minutes over low heat. Place the breasts in a baking dish, brush with the hot glaze and bake for 5-7 minutes in an oven preheated to 200°C. Serve sprinkled with chopped nuts. Best served with a juicy salad.

Two delicious duck dishes, recipes with photos

We bring to your attention two delicious recipes for cooking duck for the New Year or other holiday.

Duck fillet in spicy marinade, baked with onions and carrots

Duck meat has a rather specific smell, so it is not very suitable for cooking. It is better to stew or fry it, and with the addition of aromatic herbs and spicy spices.

Duck fillet prepared according to this recipe is more like beef and has the taste of kebab.

The best garnish for this meat is baked vegetables (onions, carrots), fresh vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes) or spicy herbs.

To cook duck meat in a spicy marinade, you will need:

  • 4 portions of duck fillet;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 6 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 large onions;
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt (less possible);
  • 0.5 teaspoon sugar;
  • a full teaspoon of coriander;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of vinegar essence diluted in a tablespoon of water;
  • a teaspoon of paprika;
  • a tablespoon of soy sauce;
  • a teaspoon of vegetable oil;
  • greenery.

How to cook duck fillet in spicy marinade

First you need to prepare the marinade itself. To do this, put paprika, salt, sugar, coriander, and garlic crushed through a garlic press into a plate.

Pour diluted vinegar essence, oil and soy sauce. Mix well.

Rinse the duck fillet with cold water and pat dry with paper towels. Coat the fillets on all sides with the resulting spicy mixture. Place in the refrigerator for a day.

The next day, remove the marinated duck fillet from the refrigerator and prepare the vegetables for baking. To do this, cut the peeled and washed carrots into thin slices. And cut the onion into thick slices about 1 cm wide. There is no need to disassemble them into rings.

Prepare a baking sheet. You don't need oil, since the duck fillet is quite fatty, and the fat rendered during the cooking process is quite enough to soak the vegetables. Place carrot slices on a baking sheet in a single layer.

Place onion slices on top of the carrots.

Place the duck fillet on the onion. Brush the remaining marinade in the bowl onto the onions and carrots around the meat.

Place the baking sheet with meat and vegetables in the oven, heated to 200° and bake for one hour. Periodically open the oven door and baste the meat and vegetables with rendered duck fat.

Place the finished duck fillet on a plate, and distribute the onions and carrots around it. Sprinkle with parsley or cilantro.

For barbecue lovers, the finished meat can be additionally sprinkled with vinegar.

Chinese duck (for garnish)

Duck meat prepared in this way is not very suitable as an independent dish due to the large amount of fat, but it goes perfectly with fluffy rice or boiled potatoes!

Duck meat has a specific smell, but thanks to the selection of spices that are added during the cooking process, it not only changes its color and smell, but also its taste. When cooked, it tastes like beef.

To cook Chinese duck you will need:

  • 500 grams of duck fillet;
  • 3 bell peppers (you can take fresh frozen);
  • 2 onions;
  • 50 grams of apple cider vinegar;
  • 2 teaspoons honey;
  • 5 tablespoons of soy sauce;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • a teaspoon of ground coriander.

How to cook duck in Chinese

Duck fillet for this dish must be taken with the skin. Since it is very fatty, no oil is used during the cooking process. Wash and dry the meat.

Cut the fillet into long pieces.

Cut the onion into half rings and the pepper into wide rings or strips.

Prepare the sauce. Pour apple cider vinegar, soy sauce and honey into a plate. Mix everything.

Heat a dry cauldron. Fry the meat in 2-3 batches, placing several pieces of meat skin side down.

When one side is slightly fried and some of the fat is rendered, turn the pieces over to the other side and fry until half cooked (blood juice will still be released).

Place all the meat on a plate, and put onion and chopped garlic in a cauldron with hot duck fat.

Stirring, fry the onion and garlic over high heat until yellow.

Add bell pepper and cook for two minutes.

Return the meat to the cauldron.

Pour the prepared sauce over the meat, add coriander, stir and bring to a boil.

Close the cauldron with a lid and cook the meat over low heat until cooked. Taste the dish and if it is not salty enough, add a little more soy sauce.

The Chinese duck is ready. Garnish the dish with fresh vegetables and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

All that remains is to prepare a suitable side dish and serve the dish to the table.

If you are tired of ordinary dishes, then you should try a duck fillet dish. Depending on the desired result and culinary preferences, you can experiment with food sets and methods for creating interesting dishes, since recipes for preparing duck fillet are quite varied.

Duck fillet in the oven turns out very tasty, but preparation will take some time.

Need to purchase:

  • 600 – 800 g duck fillet;
  • 50 g honey;
  • a glass of orange juice;
  • a bunch of thyme;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. The meat is washed, and the fat layer is cut diagonally, which will allow the fat to drain faster.
  2. The fillet is rubbed with salt and honey, after which greens are placed in the cuts.
  3. The duck is placed in a food bag, where it is filled with juice.
  4. The meat is marinated in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.
  5. After the designated time has passed, the duck, cleaned of any remaining greenery, is placed in a frying pan with a thick bottom, fat side down.
  6. After heating for about 5 minutes on low heat, increase the heat to medium.
  7. As soon as the fat is rendered, the duck is placed in the oven for 10 minutes, preheated to 200 °C.

Cooking with apples

Duck with apples is an excellent choice for a romantic dinner.

You will need:

  • 2 fillets;
  • 5 apples;
  • ½ lemon;
  • 10 g honey;
  • salt and spices.

Preparation stages:

  1. Diamond-shaped cuts are made on the prepared meat, after which the fillet is salted, peppered and laid out in a frying pan.
  2. The workpiece is fried on both sides for 6–7 minutes, and then, after cooling, cut into pieces.
  3. The fat is drained into a separate container.
  4. The fruits are peeled and divided into 4 parts, which are soaked for 15 minutes in water with lemon juice.
  5. Apples are fried in a small amount of rendered fat with the addition of honey.
  6. When serving, apple slices alternate with slices of meat.

In soy-honey marinade

Many people think that duck dishes are dry and tasteless. However, with the right approach, duck breast comes out very tasty and appetizing.

You should prepare:

  • 2 fillets;
  • 15 g honey;
  • ½ lemon;
  • a shot of soy sauce;
  • the same amount of vegetable oil;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • salt, spices.

In preparation:

  1. In a deep bowl, prepare a marinade from sauce, honey, squeezed lemon juice, vegetable oil, salt, spices and garlic pressed through a press.
  2. The fillet is washed, dried and cut so that it marinates better.
  3. The meat pieces are sent to a bowl with the marinade, where they are pressed down so that the brine completely covers the duck.
  4. The meat is marinated overnight in the cold.
  5. The prepared product is fried in hot oil for 7 minutes on each side.

Duck fillet with oranges

Representatives of the stronger sex will appreciate the recipe for such a tasty, juicy and nutritious duck fillet.

To bring the recipe to life you need:

  • 600 g breast;
  • 2 oranges;
  • 250 ml dry red wine;
  • 120 ml orange juice;
  • ½ head of garlic;
  • a piece of butter;
  • rosemary and a little honey.


  1. The brisket is washed and pierced in many places.
  2. Spices, salt, pressed garlic, orange zest and juice are mixed in a bowl.
  3. The meat is poured with marinade and sent to the refrigerator, from where it is removed after 2 hours.
  4. The breast is fried for 5 minutes on each side, after which it is laid out on foil along with orange slices.
  5. The dish is baked for half an hour at 200 °C.
  6. After frying the fillets, orange pulp, wine, juice and honey are added to the oil.
  7. When the liquid has evaporated a little, butter is added to the sauce.
  8. Pieces of meat are poured with a sweetish sauce.

Multicooker recipe

Fragrant and satisfying meat can also be prepared in a slow cooker.

You will need a grocery set consisting of:

  • 800 g fillet;
  • 60 ml soy sauce;
  • mixtures of dry herbs;
  • 7 g mustard;
  • 30 ml vegetable oil;
  • 2 onions;
  • salt and spices.

Cooking method:

  1. The fillet is cut into pieces.
  2. A dressing is prepared from sauce, mustard, spices and salt, which is poured over the meat.
  3. After 2 hours, the onions are cut into half rings, which are fried for 10 minutes in the appropriate mode.
  4. The marinated meat is placed on an onion bed.
  5. The dish is prepared for 2 hours in the “Baking” mode.

How to cook duck fillet with curry sauce

Thai dishes are distinguished by their special aroma and richness of taste.

To cook your own duck with spicy sauce, you will need:

  • 150 g rice;
  • 1 breast;
  • head of garlic;
  • tomato;
  • bulb;
  • 1 PC. red pepper;
  • 4 pineapple rings (canned);
  • 3 stalks of celery;
  • 100 ml coconut milk;
  • curry mixture (15 g ginger, 50 ml fish sauce, 15 g curry, coriander, ½ chilli, 20 ml ketchup, 50 ml coconut milk, half the lime juice).

In progress:

  1. The rice is boiled.
  2. Duck fillet is cut into pieces, which are fried until golden brown.
  3. The pepper is cut into strips, the garlic into slices, the onion into rings.
  4. Curry sauce from the above ingredients is prepared in a blender.
  5. The chopped vegetables are added to the meat in a frying pan, where after 2 minutes the peeled chopped tomato and curry sauce are added.
  6. Next, chopped celery and pineapples are sent into the bowl, followed by coconut milk, salt and a little water.
  7. The duck is stewed in sauce for 10 minutes, after which it is served on a side dish of rice.

Chakhokhbili from duck fillet

Despite the fact that the Georgian dish is prepared, following tradition, from chicken, the use of duck meat makes the dish more satisfying and filling.

To bring the recipe to life you should take:

  • 800 g fillet;
  • 2 onions;
  • 4 tomatoes;
  • carrots;
  • 200 ml water;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • salt and herbs.

Sequence of actions:

  1. The meat is cut into portions, which are fried until golden brown in a non-stick frying pan.
  2. The onion is cut into half rings, the carrots into cubes, and the garlic into cubes.
  3. Chopped vegetables are fried in a frying pan where the meat was cooked, and then everything is transferred to a saucepan.
  4. The fried ingredients are filled with water, salted, seasoned and simmered for 20 minutes.
  5. Then peeled and diced tomatoes are sent into the pan.
  6. After half an hour, the Georgian dish with a special Thai touch is ready to eat.

As a rule, it is believed that the tenderness of meat greatly depends on the marinade. To some extent, yes. But for duck breast in particular, the cooking process is more important. It needs to be fried properly. It doesn’t matter whether you were going to bake it in the oven or not. It is impossible to get a tasty dish without pre-frying. Therefore, today I decided to divide the post into two parts: 1) tips on how to cook duck breast so that it is soft and juicy; 2) step-by-step recipe with photos.

How to properly cook duck breast

First you need to see if there are any feathers left somewhere. If you find it, scorch it over the fire. Then wash the breast and dry it well with a towel.

Attention! Even if you are going to bake the breast in the oven, you still need to fry it on both sides first. They also say “fry”. This creates a crust on the outside that will not release the juice from the meat.

You need to make cuts on the skin, but so as not to cut through it. Duck skin is thick, thicker than chicken, but nevertheless you must act carefully. The breast is cut either with parallel cuts obliquely, or obliquely, but perpendicular to each other (diamonds). Why is this necessary? Firstly, during frying, excess fat will be rendered, which is located just under the skin. Secondly, if this is not done, then during frying the skin will tighten and look unsightly.

Then you can marinate the breast as indicated in the recipe. Or in the simplest case, grate well with coarse salt and pepper. Leave to sit for at least 20 minutes.

We will fry in a dry, well-heated frying pan with a non-stick coating or cast iron. There will be a lot of splashing, so be prepared for it. The breast is placed skin side down in the pan. It is very convenient to do this with special silicone gloves - a potholder, since it will need to be pressed onto the surface of the frying pan. If you don't have gloves, use a spatula.

Fry on the skin side for 5-7 minutes. Then turn it over and cook on the second side for another 3 minutes. If the piece is thick, then you can also put it on one side for 2 minutes and on the other for 2 minutes.

Then remove from heat. For those who like medium rare (with blood), the meat is ready. For everyone else, there are two options for the development of events - continue cooking in a frying pan, adding 2-3 tablespoons of water, covered, over moderate heat for another 10 minutes; put in a baking dish (or directly in this frying pan, if it allows), put in the oven and hold there at a temperature of 170-180°C for the same 10 minutes.

After cooking, you should never cut the meat immediately. Remove, cover with a lid or foil and let the roast rest for a few minutes. During this time, you can prepare some sauce or side dish. By the way, the fat that melted from the breast in the frying pan is just enough to fry the potatoes.

Duck meat loves sweet and sour and even sweet sauces, fruit and berry. Here again there will be a recipe from Olga Bondas, which will contain fruits and a lot of spices.

Duck breast with apples, pears, honey and spices - step-by-step recipe with photos


  • duck breast fillet – 2 pieces;
  • honey - 2 tbsp;
  • dry red wine 1 tbsp. (20 ml);
  • soy sauce – 1.5 tbsp. (25ml);
  • ginger – 5g;
  • orange – 1 piece;
  • rosemary – 1 pinch;
  • paprika - 0.5 tsp;
  • ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp;
  • cinnamon, turmeric - 1 pinch each;
  • star anise – 1 star;
  • salt – 1 pinch;
  • apples - 2 pcs;
  • pears - 2 pcs;
  • greens for serving.

How to cook delicious duck breast

  1. If your meat has fat on the sides, it is best to remove it.

  2. Then turn it over skin side up and make shallow cuts without cutting all the way through to the meat.
  3. Prepare the marinade. We remove the zest from the orange (only the orange layer, without the white - it is bitter), then squeeze out the juice, pour half the juice into a bowl, put all the zest, add honey, soy sauce, red wine, all the spices, including star anise and ginger. The ginger will need to be peeled and grated on a fine grater.
  4. Place the breasts in the marinade and leave there for 15 minutes.
  5. Heat the pan without adding oil. Remove the breasts from the marinade and place skin side down. We don’t pour out the marinade; we’ll need it later. Fry for five minutes.
  6. Turn over and another five minutes.
  7. If you need rare meat, you can immediately proceed to preparing the sauce. If not, put it in an oven preheated to 170°C for 10 minutes. Do not pour out the fat from the pan.
  8. Meanwhile, peel the apples and pears, cut them and cut out the cores. Cut the fruit into quarters lengthwise.
  9. Fry the fruit in a frying pan in the fat rendered from the breasts. Pour in the marinade and the remaining orange juice. Cook over high heat, stirring frequently, until thickened. Mix carefully to keep the fruit pieces intact.
  10. Remove the meat from the oven and leave to rest for 10 minutes.
  11. Cut into slices diagonally. Place on a platter.

  12. Pour over the fruit sauce, place pieces of apples and pears nearby and serve as a side dish.

Both tasty and beautiful!

Duck fillet is not as popular as chicken fillet.

The product has a special taste, dark color and its own subtleties in preparation.

But if everything is done correctly, the dish will definitely please you.

Here you will find the best duck fillet recipes and the secrets of amazing dishes.

Let's cook an amazing bird?

Duck fillet - general cooking principles

For dishes, you can use clean duck fillet or with skin. If this point is not indicated in the recipe, then we do it at our own discretion. The fillet is prepared whole or in pieces. In the second option, the product is cut into medallions, strips, bars or cubes.

Honey and various sauces.

But cooking duck fillet with fruits and juices is especially popular. The most commonly used are apples, oranges, and pomegranates. They can be placed directly into a dish or used for savory sauces. Season poultry dishes with salt, pepper, and rosemary. Soy sauce and herbs are often used. Duck fillet is served with fresh vegetables, side dishes of rice and potatoes.

Duck fillet: recipe for stew with apples

Duck with apples is a classic combination. But for some reason it is customary to bake the whole bird, and this is so inconvenient! Some areas become dry, others don’t cook well, and not everyone likes to deal with a whole carcass on the table. Another thing is duck fillet, the recipe for which is given below.

Greenery for decoration.

1. Cut the washed fillet into long strips. We do not make the thickness more than 1.5 centimeters. You can cut the duck into cubes, but long bars look more impressive.

2. Heat the oil in a saucepan. But if there are a lot of layers of fat on the fillet, then you don’t have to add it. Heat it up very high, almost until smoking.

3. Lower the duck and fry the pieces. Stir until they are golden brown on all sides.

4. Peel the apples. It is advisable to take sour fruits. Cut into large pieces and send to the fried duck. Stir, cover and simmer for about half an hour.

5. Open, add salt and pepper, and cook the fillet until completely soft. It's about another fifteen minutes.

6. Place the finished dish on flat plates and decorate with herbs. It can be served on its own or with a side dish of vegetables, rice, or buckwheat.

Duck fillet: recipe with potatoes for the oven

Baked potatoes, and with delicious duck - this is a dish that is worthy of a master's table. But at the same time it can be prepared very quickly and easily. It is advisable to marinate the fillet in spices in advance to make it more tender.

40 ml soy sauce;

3 cloves of garlic;

1. Cut the duck fillet into medium pieces, add soy sauce and two tablespoons of mayonnaise. Season with pepper and any other seasonings, squeeze out the garlic and stir. Leave to marinate for at least two hours. You can leave the duck overnight, but in this case it is better to place it in the refrigerator.

2. Peel the potatoes. Wash and cut into medium pieces. Add salt and pepper, spread the remaining mayonnaise and also leave to marinate for an hour.

3. Place the duck and potatoes in a greased baking sheet. You can mix everything together.

4. Place foil on top and bake for about 40 minutes. Then the covering must be removed and the dish must be thoroughly fried until golden brown.

Duck fillet: recipe with orange sauce

A variant of an amazing duck fillet dish, the recipe of which is carefully preserved by the chefs of some restaurants. The sauce will require white wine, preferably dry.

Breast of one duck;

100 ml white wine;

100 ml orange juice;

1 tsp. brown sugar;

20 grams of butter;

1 tsp. corn starch;

Salt, ground black pepper.

1. Remove skin, bones, excess fat and anything unnecessary from the duck breast, wash it and divide the fillet into two parts. We pierce each piece with a knife in several places, then rub it with ground pepper and salt.

2. Heat the frying pan, grease with a drop of oil and add the seasoned fillet. Fry on both sides for ten minutes. Then cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for about half an hour.

3. The sauce is prepared in a frying pan after the duck. Add wine and orange juice to the fat and heat.

4. Combine starch with a spoon of cold water and pour into the future sauce.

5. Next add brown sugar, salt and pepper, add butter, turn off after a minute.

6. Cut the duck fillet into transverse slices. The thickness of each is no more than 0.5 centimeters. Place on a plate, pour over orange sauce and serve.

Duck fillet: recipe with oranges for a slow cooker

A recipe for amazing duck fillet, which is cooked with oranges in a slow cooker. The dish goes perfectly with a side dish of boiled rice.

5 duck fillets with skin;

1 large orange;

1. Pierce the duck fillet with a knife and rub with salt and pepper. Transfer to a container and marinate for an hour.

2. While the bird is marinating, remove the zest from the citrus. You can simply rub it off with a grater, eliminating the need for chopping. Cut the citrus itself into circles. The thickness is no more than one centimeter.

3. Pour a spoonful of oil into the multicooker, turn on the frying mode, and set it for 20 minutes. Fry the marinated duck pieces.

4. Remove the fillet to a plate and place the orange mugs in the hot fat, add rosemary, zest and honey. Fry for two minutes. Take out the rosemary.

5. Return the duck to the slow cooker and place it on top of the oranges.

6. Turn on the stewing program and cook for 40 minutes. Open and enjoy the amazing bird with aromatic gravy.

Duck fillet: poultry recipe in pomegranate sauce

A recipe for amazing duck fillet with an equally delicious pomegranate sauce. It is advisable to use natural juice for preparation. Fillet is used with skin.

2 cloves of garlic;

250 ml pomegranate juice;

A little butter and spices;

1 spoon of pomegranate seeds.

1. We wash the fillet, dry it and make several intersecting cuts on the skin side. Rub the pieces with spices.

2. Turn on the frying pan and place the fillet pieces skin side down on it. Fry on both sides over high heat.

3. Wrap the pieces in foil and bake in the oven for about forty minutes.

4. For the sauce, heat a little oil in a frying pan and fry the shallots cut into half rings.

5. After a couple of minutes, add chopped garlic to it, then add honey and pour in brandy.

6. Mix starch with cold pomegranate juice and pour into a frying pan with the fried onions. Warm up for about five minutes, season with salt and pepper to taste, add a little rosemary and turn off.

7. Take out the baked duck fillet, cut it into transverse slices and place it in a fan on a plate. Drizzle with pomegranate sauce and garnish with grains.

Duck fillet: recipe with ginger and honey

Don't know what to pamper your guests with? Prepare a spicy and very aromatic duck fillet, the recipe for which is given below.

150 ml orange juice;

2 cloves of garlic;

20 grams of ginger;

4 spoons of soy sauce.

1. Cut the duck fillet into 0.5 centimeter medallions and lightly beat with a kitchen hammer.

2. Rub with salt and pepper, place in a frying pan and fry on both sides for a minute. Transfer to a bowl.

3. Place chopped garlic in the same frying pan, after 30 seconds add ginger and heat for a minute.

4. Add honey and pour in orange juice mixed with soy sauce.

5. After boiling, add the previously fried fillet medallions.

6. Cover and simmer over low heat until soft. It will take about half an hour.

7. Ginger fillet is served with rice side dishes or fresh vegetables.

Braised duck fillet: recipe with eggplant and potatoes

A variation of a simple stewed duck fillet, the recipe of which is familiar to many. For cooking, use a cauldron or a large saucepan.

1. Immediately chop the eggplants and soak in salted water. Let them get rid of bitterness.

2. Cut the fillet into cubes and throw it into the cauldron, fry for about ten minutes without a lid. If there is little fat on the duck, you can add a little oil.

3. Add carrots to the fillet, followed by onions. Chop the vegetables into strips. Fry until half cooked.

4. Add the diced tomatoes and fry for a couple of minutes.

5. Add potatoes, pour in about a liter of water. Simmer until almost done.

6. Squeeze the eggplants out of the brine and fry in a frying pan with added oil.

7. Transfer the eggplants to the potatoes and fillets. Season the dish with salt, pepper, stir and simmer for about ten minutes until fully cooked.

Duck fillet: recipe for a baked dish with cheese

Amazing recipe for duck fillet with a fragrant cheese crust and juicy tomatoes. It is prepared in two stages.

30 ml soy sauce;

1. Cut the duck fillet into small slices. Take a kitchen hammer and beat it a little. Sprinkle with soy sauce and leave for half an hour.

2. Heat the oil and fry the pieces on both sides over high heat. Transfer to a small mold.

3. Cut the tomatoes into slices and place them in one layer on top of the duck.

4. Salt and pepper the sour cream and pour the tomatoes on top.

5. Cover the dish with grated cheese and put it in the oven. This duck takes about half an hour to prepare. Make sure that the cheese crust does not burn. Temperature 190.

Duck differs from other poultry by its specific smell. If you need to get rid of it, it is advisable to soak the fillet in cold water with lemon or marinate. For the marinade, you can use any fruit juice, soy sauce, or aromatic spices.

Baked duck fillet will be more tender if you periodically baste the pieces with rendered fat.

Duck is quite high in calories and is difficult to digest. Therefore, it is not suitable for dietary nutrition. To reduce calorie content, you can remove the skin and clean the fillet from fat. Also avoid frying, stewing, baking. It is better to give preference to grilling, regular or steam cooking, which removes some of the fat from the product.

The duck will turn out very juicy and tender if, when baking in the oven, cover the bird with foil or place it in a sleeve. Then the protection is removed, the product is poured with the released fat and fried until golden brown, increasing the temperature.

Why carpaccio? But because it’s thinly sliced ​​and essentially raw. Carpaccio was originally cut from raw beef and served with a sauce made from olive oil and vinegar or lemon juice. It was invented by Giuseppe Cipriani (owner of Harry's Bar in Venice. Hemingway, Maugham, the Rothschilds, Onassis and Maria Callas, Charlie Chaplin, Prince Charles and Princess Diana frequented it. In the 50s of the last century, Countess Amalia was one of the bar's honorary guests Nani Mocenigo. The doctor advised the countess, who had anemia, to eat a lot of raw meat. And Giuseppe Cipriani came up with the idea for her to eat meat this way. At that time, an exhibition was held in Venice of the Venetian Renaissance artist Vittore Carpaccio. The paintings of this artist were distinguished by the abundance of red color, and This food was named after him. Moreover, this term, or name - whatever you want, is now applied to thinly sliced ​​fish and even vegetables with mushrooms. But still, strictly speaking, this is not exactly it ... or “he” Anyone who knows Italian, please correct me. After all, our birds are not completely raw, but a little bit... marinated, as it were.

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